The Wingham Times, 1905-12-07, Page 5STORE OPEN EVERY EVENING TILL TEN O'CLOCK. llih-cIass 6lothina, AT POPULAR PI 1GES It's been the selling of the -highest class clothiag at popu- lar prices that's made this store what it is to -day, For the one man who must pay a long price for his clothes in order to be satisfied, there are a hundred who can appreciate style and quality when it's offered at a reasonable figure. Beyond all doubt, the best clothes that come into Wing - ham come here ; and it's just as certain that they leave this store, in most cases, for less money than ordinary clothing is sold for elsewhere. To know that for certain you have to see the clothes. If they don't convince you, we'll try no other argument. Overcoats in the popular 52•iu and 47 -in lengths, in special. line of plain and fancy tweed, newest designs and colors. single or double breasted coats as you want them; sizes 34 to 44 chest. Crowder's prices - $10.00 and 812,50 Overooats in the 47 -in and 52 -in styles, in plain blanks and newest colors and patterns in fancy coatings, including new grey mixtures ; qualities you'll pay $9 for elsewhere. Crowder's price • - - - $7.00 Special in Men's Overcoats -12 only Men's dark grey and black Raglan Over- coats, sizes 34 to 44 chest, regular $9 and $S.75 each. Crowder's price - $6.00 17 Boys' Overcoats, regular $4,75 and $5.50, colors dark grey and black, sizes 22 to 30. Crowder's price, to clear - - - - 83.90 New Xmas Suits—Splendid new Fall and Winter designs and colors, imported and domestic tweeds, the very newest single and double breasted styles. Prices - • - - - - $5 00. $7.50 and 810.00 • GREAT BARGAINS IN MEN'S UNDERWEAR Gents' Furnishings for Christmas Wear Gents' Black Persian Lamb Caps - - $5.50 to 812.00 Gents' (separate) Pur Collars- - ° • $3,00, $4,50, $7.50, $15.00 Gents' Far Caps, Wombat, Beaver, etc. - • $3 75 and $5,00 Fowues' English Dogskrn Gloves, wool lined, sizes 8 to 10 ; price - 81.25 wool fingers, fur wrist, sizes b to 10 - 81.50 ” fur lined - - $1.75 Hudson Bay dressed and undressed Kid Gloves, woof lined, sizes 7:In to 101:, $1.25 Perrin's French Kid Gloves for men, dressed and undressed kid, silk lined, colors grey, tan and brown, sizes 714 to 10 - - - - $1 50 Hudson Bay Fine Mitts, Dressed Kid and Mocha, wool liued, all sizes, 75c, $1, 1.25 Gents' Wool Knit Gloves - - - - 60o, 75c and .85 New Mufflers for Xmas—Black silk, polka dot and fancies, 50c, 75c, $1, 1.25, 1.50 New Neckwear for Xmas—Just arrived, a Large assortment of Gents' Ties, four-in-hands' bows. puffs, ascots, tecks, etc. This is a swell range and specially picked out for Xmas wear. Prices - - 25c, 50c, .75 All goods picked out now will be laid away and delivered at Xtnas. Special prices this week in Coon Coats, Fur -lined Coats, Dogskin Coats, Wombat Coats. The R. N. CROWDER Co. - Winham, hristmas e„ti ,ruir merits N THIS PROGRESSIVE AGE WE ARE doing our utmost to keep before you the very newest designs in House Furnishings. An evidence of the appreciation of our goods is the ready d demand we find for them. A few 07” prices quoted will give all idea of the goods we carry in stock. PRINCESS DRESSERS AND STANDS—Quartered oak, polished, large B. B. mirror ; Dresser 1 long and 2 small drawers ; Stand either 3 drawers and door or 2 doors and 2 drawers • - • - $18.00 25.00 34.00 35.00 40.00 Complete Suites—Bed, Dresser and Stand - - - - - $12.00 13.00 15.00 18.00 20.00 35.00 Iron Beds, Mattresses and Wire Springs—all prices. DINING -ROOM SUITES— Combination Sideboards - - $30.00 to 45.00 Sideboards 12.00 to 35.00 Buffets - - 27.00 30.00 to 35.00 Leather Upholstered Chairs, 5 chairs and arm chair. per set - Wood Seat Chairs, arm chair to match - - . t 5 Extension 'tables (1.00 17.00 10.00 to 35.00 3.50 4.50 to 5.75 7.50 8.00 to 13.50 PARLOR AND CI3INA CABINETS - $11.00 1.3.50 25.00 13 Complete Parlor Suites to select from. Prices - - - 11.00 to 65.00 DAVENPORTS -heavy mahogany frame npholst-red in Geneva plush - - 40.00 Massive Oak Roekers—In hest leather, button Wits, good value at $18, Christmas price 13.50 Upholstered in Geneva plush, oak or mahogany frame 11.50r" Heavy oak frame, upltoietere.l in velour or tapestry, ' t10 • S--' good quarter polished - ' . - i See oar McKinley Rockers. made to fit your body - 8.50 Splendid assortment of Rockers • 1.75 2.50:to 8.00 Prior Tables - - . 85e to 10.00 Window Shades 35e up. Curtain Poles 15e up. L. A. TALL & CO. 1J;VDER1'AK1NG Brink residence, 5th house west from EAmilton s Corner Drug Store, receive prompt nteittion. pH0NE 51 CARPETS OILOLOTIIS LINOLEUMS .j y TUE WINtW1 )1 TINES DECE11111,1I 7, i',10 1 ~ •e(.a ,.) � ,LI iI p „,00444. ° . 1�. +' iL s..„,.!si aeo l.i r( U NES FRO OUR NEMIIBORS1For Thin is 's !sours 1 EVENTS OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR READERS, What Wideawake Times Correspondents Communicate —• Other Items Clipped From Our Exchanges. W H ITECIIU RCIf, The annual meeting of the White - chard' Cheese and Butter Manufactur. lag Co., will be held in the Foresters' hall, on Monday, December 18th, at 2 o'cloclr p.m. AU shareholders and patrons are respectfully requested to at- tend, Pain About The Hips It is a common oomplai..t with wo- men. The right treatment is Nerviline, which penetrates to the seat of the pain immediately. Nerviline warms and soothes the affected parts, draws out the irritation and pain, allows the patient ease after one rubbing, No liniment so economical and safe, Nearly fifty years in use, and the demand immensely great- er every day! Nerviline most be good, NEST WAWANOSII. A very pretty event took place Tues- day evening, Nov,'21st, at the home of Mr, ane Mrs. Samuel Jackson, 2nd con- cession Huron towusbip, when their daughter, Miss Lillian, was united in marriage to Richard J. Bruce, a prosper- ous young farmer at Auburn. The Rev, 0. L, Mills tied the nuptial knot. On- ly intimate friends of the bride were present. Council met according to adjourn- ment on Nov. 28; members all present; minutes of last meeting read and con- firmed. Treasurer's statement was read and confirmed. A large number of cheques were is- sued which will appear after Deo. 15 in the Financial Statemeut. Council adjourned to meet again on Dec, 15 at 10 o'clock. W. S. Mc'OnosTIe, Clerk. It Heals the Lungs When the antiseptic vapor of "Cat- arrhozone" is inhaled it spreads through the breathiug ornate, carrying healing and health to the sore spots. An irrit- able throat "Catarrhozone" cures in five minutes, brnnchits it soothes instantly, weak lungs are fed and quickly nourish- ed back to health. To be free from colds and coughs, to avoid catarrh and bron- chitis—use Catarrhozone; it is prescrib- ed by more than twenty thousand phy- sicians in America alone, and used by the people of nine nations. ETHEL, After an illness of about three weeks Robert Vodden, who has been a resi- dent of this locality for the past 25 years, was called to his long home on Nov. 27th, in his 85th year. The end came at the home of his daughter, Mrs. John Mitchell, lot 21, con, 5, Grey. Olcl ago was the cause of his demise. Since the death of Mrs. `olden, four years ago, he had been. visiting with. various mem- bers of his family. He was a native of England and was married before coining to Canada to Miss Mary Dimcut. They lived in Wilmot, Elena and iJaryboro' townships before purchasing the Thos. Gateaby farm north of Ethel. now own- ed by his son Thomas. Mr. Vodden owned the Sarvis farm prior to his sell- ing to Jno. Miller, now of Drew. He is survived by a large and well known fam- ily. Deceased was a member of the Methodist church and a Couservasive iu politics. 130' Son Get Bilious No remedy could be more prompt and agreeable than Dr. Hamilton's Pine. No .natter where you go yoa'1l hear of the grand cures they make, Writing from Ottawa, Mrs. M. E. Legere says: "For people incliued to biliousness and sick headache I don't think there is a remedy to compare with Dr. Hamilton's Pills. I formerly had bilious attacks about once a month—used Dr. Hamilton's Pills and obtained grand results. My stomach has been put in good order and my heal- th grentely improved." No medicine better for men, women or children. Try Dr. Hamilton's Pills, 253 per box or five boxes for 81.00 at all druggists, Iel;Ire:'VALE The mutual fi' ancial statement of the Bluevale Cheese and Butter Oo. has been printed and mailed to the share- hoders and patrons. The company has had a very successful season. During the season 81,050 pouude of butter were made and the cost of drawing cream was $1053.61. The company has assets amounting to $3533.34 and practically no liabilities, The highest price received for butter was 22e per lb. The total amount paid to patrons for °ream for the season was 614 048,28. The annual meet - hag of the company will be held in the Foresters' hall next Thursday afternoon WINC,ljAH JUNCTION. The following is the report for No- vember of S. S. No. 8, Tnrnberry. Names are in order of merit. Sr. iv—Bert Elliott, Maggie Wheeler, Jr. iv—...lba Hogg, Hannah Walker. Sr. Itt—Charlie Fowler, Lizzie Magee, Roland Henderson. Jr. III --Willie McKenzie, Pearl Walk- er, Mac. Elliott, Robt. Hogg. Sr. u --Ariel Ferguson, Minnie Walk- er, Willie Magee, John Walker, Harvey Anderson. Pt. it—Clarice Moffat, Percy Martin. Pt. I --Denton Ferguson, Beta Walker. Altai. HOWSON, Teacher. A_ ST. HELENS, Miss Lizzie Bordon is, we are sorry to report again vary low. Mr. and Mrs. Brocknow, of Mosley were visiting for a few days at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Thos. Penne'. At the meeting of Maitland Presby- tery last week, Rev. Mr. Craw accepted the call extended to him by St. Heleees and East Ashfield congregations. The induction will take place here on Tues- day, December 12th. Tho representa- tives to the Presbytery were R Lockhart and H: Rutherford, of the sessiou, and H. McCrostio and Jno. Rutherford, of the managing board. The people will pleased to have once again a settled mini- ster in their midst, 11 - The Wonders of The body Its mechanism, like delicate machin- ery, by even a slight cause is so diser- rausled as to be practically useless. A headache is no trifling 'natter because the stomach, kidneys and liver are sure to be atYected. To cure the manse of ' headaches, and prevent new attache, use Ferrozone; it aids the stomach by supplying nourishing blood,od vitalizes the nervesial. � ins 1 brain op i instantly. I'arrc�znne t braces—gives tone—elevates your spirits. No such health bringer known. Fifty cents per box of fifty chocolate coaled tablets at all dealers. r ¢I•.v. The west half of lot 11 con. 15, be- longing, to the Mingles farm has been purchased by Oliver Turnbull, ot the same line, for $1,700. There are no build• ings on it. A few weeks ago Oliver To nbull ship- ped 10 Leic'eCer rams from 73lyth and 4 from Atwood for the Western States rauches. Robt. McDonald, 9th con., beaded the list with a pair re. $43.00 and Mr. Turnbull sold three r(r 817.00 a piece. They were consigned to A. W. Smith, of Maple Lange. L'tst week F. S Seott disposed of the 100 acre farm known as the Patrick !Blake property, 13th con„ belonging to George Brown, of Brussels, to James Betz, 11th con., the price being 85,000. The farm is a good one and we wish the purchaser success in bis new property. He gets Immediate possession. It is our sad duty this week to chroni- cle the death of a fine young man in. the Iperson of John Edmond McNeil, whose s,lirit took its flight to the Better Land early Saturday morning, 25th ult., at the early ago of 19 years, (1 months and 8 days. Tilt) deceased was the third Non of Peter McNeil, 14th concession, who with two sons, Daniel, of Estevan, Assa, Hugh Arthur, at home, a daughter, Miss Annie, and niece, Mise Maggio, are left to mourn the loss of the departed. Mrs'. McNeil an.'1 second son, Willie, pre•de- eeased him in April and October, 1893. _ I Report of 5. S. No. 3, Turnberry for November; names in order or merit. Sr. 4th --Malley McGee, Mary Aitken, Annie MoGne, Jr. 4th—Ella Elliott, Jim Aitken, Andrew Wallace, Rob Aitken, Roy Elliott, Lizzie Murchison. Jr. 3rd—Ada Elliott, Ames Ruttier• ford, Tillie Baird, Lyla Pearen, Toni Wallace. Jr. 3rd—Robbie Muir, Elmer Aitken, Maggie Aitken, Annie Mutton, Bella Murchison, George Rutherford, Walter Hawke. Sr, 2nd -Clara Reid, Bella Emile, George Bok, Victor Smith, Willie Hark- Hiss, Willie Elliott, Alice Dunkin, Helen Rutherford. Jr. 2nd. --Ida McGlynn, Mabel Reid, Marietta McGlynn, Alex. Baird. Sr. pt. 2nd-•-Allie Lincoln, Frank Bolt, Lane() Lincoln, Tom Eadie, Reuben Appleby, Jr. pt. 2nd --Wilfrid Murchison, Willie Eadie. Pt, 1—Norman Moir, Della Rid, Mabel Stolres,Gus. McGlynu,James M c- Glynn,IziBaker. Isitunnf4 D. UoDotttY%, Teacher, Established ism. Whooping Gough, Croup, GGronehitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria Croeoiouo 10 a holm to Asith,waticu fe•r .ttti 11 a 1 m rayl'' 1,>d and a• meiir,i r"tna(y for ti.r ia•, • at1 td it 44,•14 borazi tba air r.n. d•r, .i str,:., ,,-ria rr doe et,4aur. f,. -•t ..t tn. ,i tub., a..11 ca t1 br ith, titin^, t,r.d 414...1.1' ut: t tr. •,na. nt. 1111950(1. mann,(.. tiw t fr •0 i .:r,. fr .n1 e•hrut:e br n inti,, find lu t o L .ta r..r..P aont lui4511a ur in:! mled couelit10119 OP th ilr 4it. to `'ain,lasnia 1.v 514:,-'14 or sent (r,•• v314 n b.. t t' (ere. r. A v t . e r drnn out. fit ,n i n_ t tn.ttte or _ry (11n,t^1 1 bouiaet. I 't.emu M111. ( , Ltd., 11 ht, _'i:i d 1trnea Bt., Montreal, enti,t,1.1.e ne Babies Fat is of great account to a baby ; that is why :1 babies are fat. If your baby is scrawny, Scott's Emulsion is what he wants. The healthy baby stores as fat what it does not need immediately for bone and muscle . Fat babies are happy ; they do not cry ; they are rich ; their fat is laid up for time of need. They are happy because they are comfortable. The fat sur- rounds their little nerves and cushionsthem. When they are scrawny t h os e nerves are hurt at every ungentle touch. They delight in Scott's Emul- sion. It is as sweet as wholesome to them. Send for free sample. Be sure that this picture In the form of a label ;s on the wrapper cf every bottle of Emulsion you buy. Scott 4. Bovine Chemists Toronto, Ont. 50c. ar.d $1.00 All Druggist* CULROSS. Council met at Teeswater, on Nov- ember 27th, 1905. 3leinhers all present. The minutes of last meeting were read aucl on motion of Kuntz and Baptist were sustained. The following a^counts were passed: Swartz and F eily, lbs:noxa, spikes, 00; Jos. Grohb contract gravelliug, 831 02 Rob. Smith, cutting tree on road con. 12, 50; Win. Mitchell c:ming brush boun- dary C. fin T. $1.03: Wm McKee repair bridge and acct for gravel, 85.58; Wm. Backing, contract culvert con 4 812 25; Wm. Bec Sieg repair sinkhole cos, 10, 1$227 50; Jelin Falconer and others plough• tug roadfor grader, $ 30; Alex McDon- ald rllon- »ld 31 yds gravel and road 83.20; Thooip• Sou estate 80 fr plum,, 1.20; M. Wilil', 4.3' yds gravel, 3 00; Jes Thompson, remov- ing driftwood. 1 00; A D. MrKen;:ie, I pl a WINRNAM6'S BRIGHTEST AHD BEST 111., .4 Iiy a 0.10 . 1......1 i.91.4410 ti1e� e � ollw4 rf,a oil r.•..=-'-.--,-. .,....,.. _.•n w V � dal V:IiM:4B� hard to Beat Dur Values Men's and Boys' Ready -to -Wear Overcoats and Sails. This department is now on the second floor, where we have increased space and bet- ter light, also a larger stork to show you. We control some of the best manu'acturers' styles and patterns, and you can de- pend on getting up - to - date clothing here at less than city prices. 3 dozen Mien's strong Tweed Pants, regular 81.'.5. for - 2 dozen Men's extra heavy Etofl'e Pants, regolar 81 75 for Boys' flake pattern Overcoats, velvet collar, regular $5 30 for 4,50 Men's heavy Gray Frieze Reefers, worth 84 00, sale prise 3.50 Men's fancy striped Tweed Overcoats, new style, reg 12 50, 10,00 Boys' Single-breasted Fancy Tweed 3 Piece Snit. rag 5 00 for 4.00 Men's fine Tweed Snits, pretty patterns, new style, reg 1? CO, 10.00 31'eu's heavy Overcoat, fl,ke pattern, velvet collar, worth 810, 8.00 Boys' heavy Navy Blue Reefers, high eerier, regular $2 50, for 2.00 1.00 1.35 Big Bargains in all kinds of Ma's Fur Brats. Sea our special bus, guaranteed to wear line the old Buffalo Coat. for only $15 00. Orher mikes of Fur and F'.ir-linen coats et 518 00, $'20.00, 823.00, 828.00, $30 00, 835 00, 815 00, $.30 00, See 00 acrd $05 00. • When needing anything in Mm's or Boys' Wear, be sure and see our y .,_ money. stock ; we can save . ft. ,• - ..- �.. �? stain r3�att2se=r fiatent iaas1ignat,tS.rfr7d gra.,>: 31 11 'finest Prices for Produce. rbliabiog B�•L 1w. 90 00. 2 .)'clot'.; p. tn. The Council met as a Court of Revision to hear the appeals, if ! any, against the assessment for drainage work as per Ey Lew pnblishod in the Toeswater News. The Reeve was ap• 1 .stinted cb'lirrn'tu of the Ceert. ! t - As thane were no :nemesis merle, it ;vas' moved by Kuntz seconded by Baptist I that as there are no appeals against the I Assessment for drainage work as per 13y - Law published and notice given that the ! Court of Revision be now closed. Carri ell. The Council then resumed. Pnrvis--Falconer—ThatJohu D. Eon 'tz act as commissioner to get the brush ! I cat on road allowance at lots 2 and 3 on' Culross and Carrick boundary on condi- II lion that Carri;;lr Council ply half the , cost. Kuntz-13aptist —TM t Mr. Frank Ile.t- tinger be appointed Psthmnster to ant if necessary in place of Mr. quo Steil!lr, deceased. Carried. Baptist — Knutz -- That councillors i Falconer and Purvis bo instructed to; build as lunch Stow fence opposite lot 32, con 0, as they deme necessary. Carried. I Finance report was read and chognes issued in payment of accounts. The Connell tilt n adjourned to meet again on Friday, Dc. 15th, as per Stat • ate. CHAS. Bv'rTux, Clerk. J.1.MIt;'-'rtt1VN. On :Monday Mr John Cute delivered at Brnssele a fine mare that he sold to Mr I WUNTIFiA , ONTARIO. l isai6xi3w•Ywyu 0+6bb,l4a'1A0468.44Oa444i st•• 40449+4 *44 4....4.4.+,4.,,. 4** b t+ b b a • • a • • 0 • • • 0 • A 0 e a COAL COAL OA . We of areatits ,. SCM ,. are ea tt s fur the cal.>br er a 1 , { ODA il. which leas' no et seal. ;Melo the best g;ad_s ot Sunning, (. auael and Domestic Coal, ani Wird of all kinds, al ways nu haat/. We carry a fnil stock of i U BERT, SHINGLES, .ATH a`D',•t•.era or Lineires.ed, Cedar Posts, Barrels., Etc. Highest Price maid for all kinds of Lags. 4r 4r 4' 4r 4 a fi 4 • 4 -ezt 'sa 11 coLtlan Residence Phone No. 55, Office, No. 04. Mill, No 44, 4�F t$') 444$444$4'441}cF$4"1" »4t'v0+'4 + sec as�oo,D�oa•ee•�+be ak•s� �s kkagYuaaas3 n11gaYaYaaaa asaaaaaau.414aagY a.atYf.YaY taasYk agY(YagqYYY.auYY sb*+t Ytaaaa Ylas axnd> 11± YI YaY aaa Y ask Yk #TI.Y,.s ROYAL GROCER Raisins The new Seleete:i "a'alenein, Raisi>1a ar.> alt here : and at a very low prt,e. 23.10 i,,,x 1,,r ..=,-,.,—.—.,..towum..sert VIP benit:i"nI ger.;;¢, $1.73 Seeded Raisins California Seeded Mose-atal Raisins, in 1.1b pee-km:es, are a littio C higher than last season, but the (reality le far better. 2 p'ti:.kages w:a yfyf Archibald on Friday last, Mr S Wilson and Miss Wilson of Bras- ; sols, visited at the home of the former's sister, Mrs J D Miller, on Sunday last. Wood cutting is now beginning to be the order of the day. Mrs A Robertson, of CVinsehaln is now visiting at the home of her sone, Mac- Donald Tiros. Miss Rattan of Lakelet is visiting at I the home of her uncle, Mr L Rattan Mr and Mrs licks of Howiek, are vis i icing at the home of J. 1) 57i11t r, .\frs jos. stranl)ar, visited frielldi: in Lucknnw last week. Mr Owen 1311, u'i.'o and family are '.ere from tee /'Vest, vi4t'i,)0 re the home of the tortne: s father, not t. 11.1). 1)anrnn AS1x.•11: n:i:eld \11.4 n W:r1y:1::,''3 on Monday. Peter Bi 'u 1t ctrl+ xi '011, 4t,1 0 CI 4.y • W11,1 in (Mr 011 f it tionAtie• Mr. Porr r t f t'rs .1 1.1 1, trio..' f::rid'. 111,09 on t'un(111r. \Vit nr,• pltte•eol t 4• tit• 4t s .Tit . 4titnp-,ct, Jr. and Cita.. I'm r, -e baelr from the \V. 4t. Rev. L. Perrin, of vvru'.•t'.r nrev1•1u•3 an 1 exeell,>ut sermon at vie•toria Ban on t+ri,11•at,t evening. We 1)11' ,11014058 10' t;ed to hum, lir. Perrin. Nen err ^ "?,1011. in rutting the iron work k on Mne•i)r'nnld'o 1 ret1 i• in (rrefr. Air, Eduard. Bryau4 14 ate ending the Dement- her,,'sviou Of the. Ccnnty Conned in 13ru•.•>14 this 'week. G. 7'. (iillt gdie attended the i onx ort at Borrie last Priday evening. lfiss Goedetha Coombeu of Liotowel v'i•et4 (1 at the home of her parents reco•ntly, Mr. O'Connell of Dublin, with itis hay pres4- isg outfit, was operating Mout' midit ree Currants The Carrant market is snn.ewhat high• -r than a secured our celebrated .£track Beauty brand and are going ro sell then. at 3 Ibe for - year ago, 'hit we at tl.e old prise, . - .'2Z Plum Pudding Plum Pnd3ing, in :ane reach for rise; no trouble to Ra t up a cove -11 chimer; ta61es a load orf the busy housekeeper. Per can ,80 and CASH P011 EG(tS AHD CHOICE ROLL BUTTER, G } IFF1 aY OA aYli 111 .00 Y,K aaroaY a MaaaYr.... Faar a a ams r1 11» To jar", lst, 1907, for $L00.