The Clinton News-Record, 1905-07-06, Page 9July,oth 1905
30c White Dimity
19c per :Tard....
Bete isa real $argain ina fine
mer Dress' xn te a Nothing made
.white good's that will make up nicer or give
more satisfactory wear. 200 yards or more
to sell at a char, saving .of 11c per yard.
All perfect-gooIst
200 yardsfine white Dimity Muslin, neat, small
cord effects, suitable for Dresses, Waists, or .Children's
wear, will wash -and do up ' well, regular 30cr • on sale •
Saturday morning
At 19c 'per yard.
rhe Cotton
Goods Sale.
Do not overlook our Midsurnmer clearance of
• Cotton Dress Goods.that started last Friday: A
big purchase of new materials and the balance e of�.
our stock of 'high-class Wash Wash Stufs are
. cleared at near the half-price mark. • There is many
a Bargain here on the Cotton Dress Goods count-
- , . / -'.. • . .' ' o. r -. '
andou ,•..
y :..will miss soliie good things if you do
not see them;
15c and 1,8c Cotton Dress Goods at .roc
25C and 3oc Cotton Dress Goods at;17c
35c and 4.5G Cotton Dress. Goods at '2 • c
Glove Bargains.
Two• Bargains ]r}- Silk Gloves for .l or Saturday.`.
They areboth good.
At 5c er.pair
p �
Small sizes in Ladies' ane all sizes in Children's
Silk Gloves, black or colored, regular 20c and .25e,.
clearing now at per pair:.. . e . , . ; , ,,,.,a•
At . i c per..:, pair
Ladies' fine Silk Gloves, many styles and colors;
a clearing up of 35e to 50c lines,. clearing • ;Saturday
at per ,•.. ••-... , 15C
pair of Stockings
3 g.
for- •,. f
the price o. •
r. i.;: two
A big Hosiery Bargain for Saturday.. Ladies'
High- .'e Lisle •thread' ,
Hos .
a ` • , e, selling for the .price
of ordinary kinds.
, 60 pairs Ladies' Lisle .Thread Hose, sizes 8 1-2, 9,
9 1-2; black only; plain and lace effects, regular 50c, on
sale Saturday at 35e per pair, or
Threep air for one • dollar.
The Ialf= . •
• Trimmed Millinery is being cleared Out at
exactly half-price. We want a clean sweep made
of the Showroom,'' Don't .want' a single Summer
Hat to be- carried" over, so give- you. the choice' of
all we have for
Exactly Half Price.
children's Sailors 15'c
'three dozen Children's:
Straw Sailor Hat's, white or
mixed straws, ribbon trim- t, •
coed, regales. price was 250,
clearing at each.... • •' 15C
Outing .Hata $1.00
Not many Outing Hats left.
Jut aboutor 20
Just 15 Al1 this.
season's styles. None' were
less than $1.59, some were as
bigh as $3.00. You cane
take your choice for.. . , $'1
Lawn. Waists'5Oc
'About two dozen Lawn
Waists, all nicely trimmed.
These area few we carried
over frnrri last season. They
were $2.00 to $2.50. You
can take your choice Satire
day for
5O eeints
The 50c wash Skirts
Still good assortment of
those Wash ;Skirts, at 50e,
Just the thing for the hot
weather, Will wash and weak
well. Regular $1.00 to *$150.
Crashes, Muslims,iDucks, etc;.
all at one pride,eth •
50 cents
1164gens Bros.
.Dry Goods
Celebration Canon
Agents Parker's iDye Works,
B, ar Co,
Often the Cheapest, Always the Bost
Mr. W; J. 'Tozerwas in Blyth an
Tuesday,'' •
Mr. Israel Taylor, London, was '. in
town on Monday,
Mr.; J. Sharp visited the old home
• at Watford' this: week.
Miss • .Bertha McRae was in' Goderich
Saturday and Sunday. ' •
Mr. Jack Mennell of •Collingwood was
home from Friday till Monday.,
Miss. Etta: Cook from :Toronto visit-
ed her home in town this. week,,
Miss Kathleen McCart •of Sarnia is
the guest of the Misses Stanley.
"1Vliss Susie Coo) of Eaton's stats,
Toronto; was home fo:r Dominion
Miss Fremlin of Toronto• has been.
• 'the guest of. her sister; . Miss Q.
Fremlin, •
Mrs. W. .Grigg, Mrs. A. J.. Grigg and
Master ' R'oy, were guests of Walton ,
.friends the .Past week; •
Miss Leo• Kerr of Wirigham was. Abe
;guest of Miss Eettie Beacom for a
'few days..the past week
141x,. Thos.: Morph and hls son„ 11It
E dward.' Murch; spent meat
with• friends in. Stratford,
141r....and Mrs. 5...S,• Cooper and their
little. daughter' spent Dominion Uay
with.rola'tives •at .Milverton
Will; ;'Rattenbury of .the \li,l::ons
Batik; Wood's tock, spent' • 5'i 1 iu slay
• and Sunday et his home • here: •
Mrs. . Fred. Livermore and her : iwo
children visited friends in •Blyth_
for a • cou;ple of ' da„ys last • week.
Mr. Robert Sellery of Kincardine
.silent a few days of ,the past week
With his ;daughter, Mrs.*:A; as, Coo-
s per..
Mt et -Methuen of. Niagara Falls; is •
spendins a few' weeks at his home
en the Base Lineand with Clinton •
Wil'tse and Miss 'Flys 'are
spending' aa weak with' her brother,
14Rr: Peaeoek,•• on;t d old homestead
in :Iiuiiett.
•Mrs. James...Sheppard ` of ' Townsend
street returned •home on 'Thursday
front a three weeks' visit with her'..
• daughter , in Toronto..
Mr, O. Olson ea:me up from'•, 'Wood -
'stock' 0n Friday: The. family will.
• leave forthat place .this• week to
take up their. abode .there.
Nr: and ''Mrs. Will. ; Townsend of
•Strathroy` were the ,guests'. 0f.
Clinton • and Goderich'township• fri .
ends from Friday' till Monday.
Miss' :A. Wiart of Winghani,.' who
• had been visiting in 'Toronto, -was
the guest, of Mrs H. Routledge on
Monday while onher way hone,
Mrs. McLellan of . Alton,. Mrs, W. G.
Wills . of Mitchell and Mrs. Correll
of Harriston were guests of . Mr. •
Thos ' Mulch recently. The third
men',roned is an• aunt and thefirst
tw» sisters of Mi. • Muroh's
Mr. and Mrs• R. A. Bell,. Miss . Jean.
and Master Willie from Friday till
Satuiday:_'. evening were guests ; of
Goderich relatives.' Mr. Charley
Catling of Cockburn` Island, brothee
of Mrs. Bell, is also visiting, rn
Mts. 1-Itimphries and her son, 'Master
Kelso, return to 'Buffalo today aft-
er spending a week with her par-
ents, .Mr. sand Mrs: James Hearn.
While here she' gave a few friends a
nrtinleal treat; which, It is needless
to, say, , was very much enjoyed by
then. •
Mrs.'• Harry. Young, arrived. on Friday
. from Aberdeen, South ,Dakota, and
*01 visit for a •couple .of months
friends in Clinton, Bayfield andel-
srivliere. She, is now the guest of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Eag-
leson of Bayfield. Mrs. Young was
formerly a resident of the town •anti
the many .old friends. are ple-
ased' to'see her looking so well, and
to learn that Mr. Young : is also
hearty and prosperous.
far. Smith r and Principal Brownlee of
Bayfield were intown on Monday.
They ''Were'tt e' two principal pro-
moters al.the celebration held in
'the balmy lakeside village on Sat-
urday and which was very much•
frlerfered with by•unfav'orahle wea-
ther. Their .program wes o. k, anl.
had been well advertised and the tn-
dications..all. pointed to an immen-
se st.eeess, hut weeping skits put. •a
• damper upon everything. Still, net -
withstanding • all these adverse cir-
eumstances, the program was ear -
tied nut as advertised with 'the
excepiion of a few numbers which
did net fill r There was a fine dis-
play of . fireworks in the everting
.which thoroughly pleased the crowd
which had assembled. "We ,do what
we advertise," is the motto of Bay-
field celebration committees and as
the result their demonstrations aro
This Store attends a Weiconie to a; l Visitors to
Our ToWn ons WecInesda. , July ,12th -
'his stoic extendsa; Hearty'crelcome to all visitors to our town on \Wednesday,,,July, 121Ti , When you get
tired . "takingin," the many, attractions prepared by the celebration committee for your entertainment, just drop,
in' here and rest awhile, and right here we want to tell you that we've prepared a
,Splendid Lot of'Bargains
Specially for ',the 12th
of July customers. There will be bargains offered in every department of the store and. it
will be: toyour advantage cage to combine business. with Measure on July -12th, and come to ihis'stpre ;and get a share of
the manythings that will be offered awa , bel actu&l:v. lu •
Y, ow a e, :The following istwlll:give you sorr'e idea sof the
BARGAINS that will go on sale ;
15e Cotton Voiles at 6 e
IRO yards of fine Cotton Voiles, in shades of blue, pink, etc., with
white.flakes, these are all new English Iaslins that were bought to sell al
at less than half price. Regular 15e, on J sly 12th to go at ... , ..... , .. • , , . 2C
20c and 25e Ginglitms at 10e•
300 yards of elegant new Oinghams, suitable for dresses and waists,
these are einghams just purchased at a very low price, regular prices
20c and 2550, sale July,l2th, at .1 • ,
20c India Lavin at 10e.
300 yards of 39 inch wide fine India Lawn;' made of round, • even
thread and guaranteed to give excellent wear, this is a regular 20e
Lawn, to go on sale July 12th, at per yard .,
30c, 85e, to.45e Muslius atgr..:
350 yards of very fine French Muslins, Cotton Voiles and, Merceriz-
ed Ginghaius,'in nearly eveiy popular shades, these are our very hest
80c, 35e to 45e Muslim, allto clear on July 12th at, per yard....:.....
8e ,Linin Toweling at 5c.
500 yards of pure Linen Toweling, 13 inches wide, extra good dual-
ity for the price, This Toweling, if bought in the regular way,..: would
sell at 8c.' On July. 12th, the price will he
.We have prepared an attractive
Dist of ,Bargains for Satarday
Ladies 15c Vests at I0c.
200 Ladies' Fine Cotton Vests, without sleeves, trimmed with lace
100 atueek, and regular:ISe value, On sale at
15e to -20c Cotton; Hose at 2 pair for 25c.
]00:pairs:o£'fast black Cotton Stockings, in assorted sizes. regular
• 1p up to 200:. On Bahasa. . j�.
1Oc .
One- , � , • pig g Ribbon. Bargain
For •
20 -Silk Ribbon at 12 c,''
t2z c Alh Linen Toweling8 e.
This is the best Toweling Bargain we have ewer had, ' It,isan extra
heavy all Linen Crash Toweling and regular 121-2c quality.;, 800 yards USC
to go on sale Wednesday, ;Tilly 12th•, at. U
Ori Table .Linen at 23c
60 yards :of 51 -inch -wide 'Unbleached Table Linen, extra
quality,regular 300, onsale July12th,at er' yard.. . 23C
hnil r•- .Ho r� 3 for Cas e e se north
cat 2: palrlo>t 45c'.
156 pairs of an extra good..qualit of Black Cashmere Rose,• sizes
81-2, 9 and 1-2;. this is the best 85c Stocking in the market to -day, to, A
go on, sale'July 120, at .... • ... .2 pairs for 45C.
N $ •Ne`Nfi• • a44I•NON Nese N••NN••NNw
..�5ee•;Circulars. for full 4st :of t,
1.2th of Bargains
.••••••••••$••••NN•4NNN•b4•••••N••N•NNN•a i
300 yards of pure Silk Neck Ribbons, in' shades of blur, .pink; red,
white and, black,.thiss par very best.20c Ribbon; on Sale S:iuturday, au 1'
per yard 12.0
35c. to 40c .New t ollars at 19c.
Several dozen new wash 'Collars, 'regular 35cand40c, en sale Satur-
01, 6e,:'to 74e,; Laces: at •Se.
250 yai ds of fide Laces, in assorted' styles and patterns regular Sc,
6e to 7c, all to close at
Ir 'additions to the aboveBar Gins, we have many
th t wlrl
t le saace
on 0 .
� a Reduced d.1'rtces.' •. .
• YOUR mor1s:Y. r3Aeit
•IT+ V•
olt WANT \T
Personal. Personal.
Mrs kl.'• Beattie spent the liolid iys
with her parents in Seafonth
Miss :'Ida• Murphy visited. Buffalo fri=
ends from Friday. till Tuesday
Mr. and••;Mss ' p.•' Cook Sr,. have been'
visiting friend's in Owen Sound.
Miss: Mary. Stinson of .Paisley spent.
a few: days of 'the •past week in•
Clinton; -
Dr. Agnew returned Ironic .on Mon-
day from a six -weeks'' trip through;
the Northwest. '
Mit. and Mrs: D. A. Cantelon of Ilea
sell .spent , the lst; ..with•the"form
er's 'patents, .Mr, and Mrs. W. Can=
Mr. and Mss. D. L•; .Melntyre returned
on Monday from. a. three weeks'.
visit with friends . in Cresswell,
M•ieh. "
Mrs. James Donaldsoii Mrs. F,. A.
Edwards and. Messts,"H. W: Erwin
and John Fraser 'of fBayfiehl were
in town on Tuesday. •
Mr, • and Mrs. D. Cook Jr. drove to
Goderich and from- there to Nile,
, in which places they spent the heti-,
'day ,and ; followilig days.,
Mr A.. : Beaton who has been:tea,
'ohing near Brantford, is expected'.
home . this . week. He has bin str-
ongly" urged iby the chairman, of the
• district in which' he now lives to
enter the Mrthedist eniniStry • and
may yet decide• upon doing so.
Mr. C,' McKinnon, classical Master
at the Oollegiate, plays •with the.
Seafoi th team on Friday'and Tues
day and on Wednesday goes , to
Toronto where he will read depart-
mental examination papers for
nearly three weeks. The work is
not Ofthe mostattractive cti
'but as the pay is• fairly good—$5.23
per day -the examiners manage to
stand it, ,
Messrs. J. P. Shepherd and John
Smith :visited Court Selwood, 1-1o1-
mesville, on Friday evening last
Wand the former, gave a report :of
the recent meeting of the High.
Court hekl at Gananoique whioh he
attendeds the representative •of
Court Maple Leaf. There is nota
more enthusiastie member of the 'C..
' 0. F. than. Mr. 'Shepherd and in ad-
dt ssing the h lrrdthern of Court Sel-
wood he enlarged upon the' many/
, strong points of the Order. He
drew +attention ie a recent state-
,nentmade by the Goderich Star
that the 'Society's surplus was
$200,000, whereas the amount is
$1,807,480.93, en addition of about
' $200,000 in the last year. Mr.
Smith also spoke and at the con-
clusion of the meeting lunch was
served. Altogether the evenings
Dr. J. Gunn was in Ailsa Craig 'en
. Mr,. T. Sharp was in Stratford on
Mr. Ed. East came home from Wood-,
stock for the lst.
Miss Norma Bentley 'came home item
London for the, lst, and '2nd.
Mr, W. J Baird X A. of Nelson,"B.
C:, is a guest ,at Mr.. W. R. Lou -
Miss .Sarah 'Jackson of -Mitchell ,,vis+,
ited the McClacherty families the
past week.
MisS Maggie Friel of'Seafoeth was:
the guest of Mrs. James :Flynn on
oriday and Tuesday,
car 'Rogers. and 'Gordon Manning,,
saehers' of near Wingham; have 're-
tuined home' for the ho'iidays.
Mr. W: Wheatley was iii Goderich on
Tuesday. as Winless in the suit of
Goderich township vs. Caleorne•
•Mr.''J. W. 'Bell of BlytIt was. in town
on Monday on his way .horn after`
spending the holiday with • his dau-
ghter in Goderioh, .'
Mr. and Mrs'. Will. Cantelon of Tor-
onto are spending a couple ofweeks
with the for per's Parentsa Mr. and
' Mrs. William Cantelon. .
Miss Mary .Brownlee returned' to Ha -
mitten Tuesday after afew • days'
visit with her sisters, Mrs; II, Hill
and Mrs. W, J. Paisley. ,
Miss Susy "Smith,' Who came down.
from Teeswater to •attend the fun,
oral of her' uncle, the late William
Steep, returned home on, Saturday,.
Mr. and Mrs. R. J, 'Macdionaid` of
Toronto were altuests Satn;dty acid
Sunday of the • fotmer's , neither,
rs.. Fafr' Sr, Mrs. Maodonald re-
ins for some tithe,
Y '
Misil Sada a Flanagan et St. Pauls ca-
me up 'lb .attend the 'Union picnic
and remained for a few days the.
geese .of Miss M, Brown and
other friends in Clinton;
1VIr`s. Frank Arscettand family of
London called on her mother, Mrs,
G, Mc1wen, on Thursday en their;
way to Teeswater. On their return
they will spend a couple of weeks
in town 'before going to London.
Mr. M. Stanley returned on Friday
last from a ten days' visit to the
oil district in Essen county, Large
sums are being spent in develop-
ment and though many, "dusters"
or dry holes are being &truck there
q to a proportion al' wells whi-
ch pay well, some, the !gushers,,
very well. The gushers are rather
short-lived,.a 200-liarreler today ve-
ry likely 'diminishing 75 per , cont.
in a month, but even if 1t keeps top
to that it pays. lWr, Stanley says
that the work is being dolts prinet-
, each year beeoming more popular4 1 was very piea$antly 'spent. ' pally with Americat4 capital,
fiver 200 Felt . Straw
Flats to be thrown
from the to.:.of `:-your
Sharp at .a x oo on the morning
of. July : i 2th, we will throw 200 1VIen';s '
'and Boy's Hats frons the roof of our
Clothing Store, There will be Hats
of all kinds thrown away,:and who-
ever is lucky enough ' to catch one
may keep it,
Be on hand. There will be lots
of fun, even if you dd not get a Hat.
Renieliaber the time— . i
tx o
on the morning -1)f h
lJuly 1.2 t.
no to
Clothing and Gent's :Furnishings,