The Clinton News-Record, 1905-07-06, Page 7The Nows-Reoord Supplomollt
Clinton, July 6th, 1905.
Rev, T. B. Coupland, Mrs. Coup -
land and daughter Mable have gone
to Watford to their new field of lab-
or. Jessie and Annie are in Clinton
and will follow later.
Rev. John Fallis and Mrs. Fallis,
one son and two daughters have ar-
rived from Rut•hfort. Mr. Fallis in-
tends taking a trip out to Winnipeg
on the 13th July.
Dr. Standish left last week for
Georgetown. I)r. Wier of Wyoming is
now in full possession. We wish him
much success in his new practice.
Rev. J. L. Small has gone to
Winnipeg and other places. Dr. Mc-
Lean's son preached in Knox church
last Sabbath, morning and ,evening.
Mr. John Ferguson left last weir::
for the West to assist his son Win.
who went out a few years a, o. He
has started up a blacksmith shop.
Business is good and his father is
going to help him.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Career Sunday -
ed at his brother's, Mr. Jas. Car-
ter's, as also did Mr. and Mrs.Fred.
Mutch of Clinton.
Auburn. „ London Rood.
Mrs. R. Jennison has been ' on
the sick list the past couple of weeks
which is something unusual for her
as she •generally enjoys good health.
Site is improving and will soon • he
her own self agati .
Miss "Phoebe Jennison of London
spent a short time under the paren-
tal roof during the 'past week.
School closed for summervacation;
an Friday.
Mrs. J. G. Crich spent several days
with her brother in St. Thomas .t.h.
week past.
Mr. John Johnson has bought the
house and office lately occupied by
Dr. Standish and has moved into it.
There was a wedding up at Donny-
brook on Wednesday when Mr. Dave
Loci -hart and Miss Euphemia Thomp-
son were united in the holy bonds of
matrimony, Rev Mr. Coupland per-
forming the ceremony. Miss Mabel
Coupland played the weddin; march.
They lintend taking up housd'aeeping
on the Marshall farm.
Misses Jear. Radcliffe, Ella Ander-
son and Jennie Cullis and Jahn Cull -
is of the Soo came down on the boat
last week for a few holidays.
Mr. Wm. Dobie, who has been at
Rainy River, returned last wee::
bringing with trim his bride. He in-
tends farming on the old homestead
in the near future.
Mr. and Mrs. Sprung of Manitoba
are the guests of the former's broth-
er, •John of the Base Line.
Miss Ebbe Knox spent a few days
at Brucefield.
Mr. Wes. (Armstrong and sister
Bertha of Brussels spent a few days
in this neighborhood.
Miss Sheridan of Niagara Falls is
the guest of Mrs. H. McBrien.
Mr. O. E. Erratt and sisters at-
tended the wedding of Rev. Hurter
over at Dungannon. He was married
to Miss Robinson, daughter of Rev.
Mr. Robinson.
The Warren family of Goderich
called on Mrs. Moor last Monday.
Mr. C. Asgt nth of Churchill is
home for his holidays.
Miss C. Slater has returned to bei
home in Seaforth.
Miss Zella Macdonald is visiting
friends at London.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Carter of Tor-
onto spent the '1st at his father's,
Mr. Sampson Carter's.
Northeast. Stanley.
The trustees of S. S. No. 6 have
engaged Miss Dawson of Varna fol;
The workmen have started to build loth
balance of the year. They were
loth to part 'with Miss'McEwei who
the foundation for Mr. William Tay- goes. to Normal after holidays.
lor's barb. Mr. 'John Layton of London' took •
Miss E. A. Macfarlane attended the advantage of Dominion Day'hOlidtiy.
recant monster C. E. convention held to visit at the old home.
in Toronto. Mrs. Macdonald returned to Detroit
The Stanley township grader re- on Friday after a lengthy sojourn.
cr ntly spent l k days om the Goderich here.
township side of what has been Ino- Mr. Henry O'Brien and his sister
wn as Rathwell's sideroad. The (rod- were the guests of their uncle, Mr.
erich council has clone considerable Thomas O'Brien.
work on this line aid intends doing The E. L. and S. S. of Turner's'
church picnicked at Bayfield on. Do-
minion Day.
Mr. and Mrs. Noble of Uxbridge
are visiting the farmer's sister,' Mrs.
Donald Junor of the London Road.
The lawn social held on Mr.. John
Avery's lawn on Wednesday evening
of last week under the 'auspices of '
the L. R P. exceeded all expectations
and the ladies are to be congratulat-
ed. The receipts were nearly $45.
Mr. Addison and Miss 'Ella • Johns
are home for their summer holidays.
A few of our farmers have made a
start at haying.
Mrs. Edwards (nee Miss E. McVitt
ie) visited old friends through' these
parts during the past week: .
Mr. George Stanbury sold' 'a car-
load of heifers to E. 'Watson of
Blyth and shipped them on: Saturday
Mr. Carnet McBrien is holidaying
under the parental roof.
We are sorry to say that Mr. Jas.
Mellveen is very low at presenit.
A nurckoer from around h•: re attend-
ed the picnic at No. 5 last week.
The many friends of Mr. Challeng-
er are pleased to hear that he is im-
Mr. and Mrs. Ball and Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Farqnhar picnicked at Point
Farm on the 1st of July.
Miss Cunningham of Belgrave visit-
ed at Mr. G. A. Tyner's one day last
Mrs. T. J. Lindsay has returned af-
ter a pleasant visit with friends in
Quite a
number of• farmers have
Goderich Township.
The township council meets on
Monday, July 10th.
Reeve Middleton returned on Wed-
nesday evening of last week from
Alexander, Man., to which he paid
a brief business visit.
Goderich Township.
Mr. F. Tebbutt of Wingham spent,
Dominion Day at his home • in this
A number. of Orangemen from this
township will attend theservioe in
St. Paul's church, Clinton", `;nest Sun-
day afternoon. •
Miss McCosh of Kincardine visited
at the home of Mr. Fred.. .Tebbutt
last week.