The Clinton New Era, 1905-12-01, Page 7le' QLt.TEL SEl31JB1TY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pilis. Must Bear Signature of See Far-41mile Wrapper Below. Tory entail, and as easy • 1.1.C13 as engare FOR HEADACHE, FOR BILIOUSNESS‘ • FOR,SALLOW, SKIN. FOR THECOMPLEXIOR CARTEM ITTLE OURS SICK HEADACHE. - The New Era 4Ei published every Friday: at 'the NEW ERA Printing House, Terms of subscription - $1 laer year -in advance ; $1 50 may he charged if not so paid. No paper discontinued until all arrears are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. The date to which every subscription is paid is de - quoted on the label. Advertising ratee— Transient adver- tisements, 10 oents per nonparel. line for fil st, insertion awl 3 cents per line 'for each subsequent insertion. Small advertiseinents not to exceed one inch such as "Lost" "Strayed," "Stolen," .etc, inserted once for 35;centst or one month for $1. Communications intended 1 or publication must, as a guarantee of -good faith, be accompanied° by the knarne of the writer. To insure publication in current *issue copy of advertisements should be Contract rates — The followingtable -shows our rates for specified periods end space. Column 40 00 2b 00 16 00 6 00 Column 25 00 15 00 8 00 2 50 Column 13 00 10 00 5 50 2 00 Editor and Proprietor. waY THAT WEARINESS ? Yonee uneasy. restless, without ap- petite. Still worse yeti are thin and fagged out. Work nfust be done, bot 'where is the strength to come from ? Make your blood nutritious Ana you will have lots of str. ngth. Your only 'hope is Ferozone, an instant 'blood vmaker, blood purifier, blood, enrioher. It brings keeu apoetite, digests food, • and supplies nutrition for building up all the bodily tissues.. Ferrozone - .makes tummies and n erve-fibre, increas- es yote. weight. instills a reserve of en- ergy into the body that defies weari- ness or exhaustion from any cause. To have vitality and healthy vigor use Perrozone wInch all, dealers sell in 50c. ' "An intoxicated man is very rarely seen in Toronto Junction." remarked John Wickson, /1 ei/ le ei it that com- munity, whiie tt.stiryiau io the case of Alexander AMOS `4% Iv. Sheehan, two young noel), lio w,re placed on trail before Squire Ellis on a joint no joke and I don't know a, town which is able to produce a bett er record for the past three mon/ he," rejoined -squire Ellis. The prisoners were re- 4111,0 • YOUR FURNITURE. TRE' CU TOT NEW . EBA po., Not Move the ,Illegeo Too Large Furniture can bP Unhealthful in I many Ways. If 00 dark, it IS. depress- ing to the vitality; If trig large, At takes I up valuable air space. Generally it is a great refuge tor dUst Now, we get a very large proportion of our disease through (Unit, and. it is therefore eseen. tial to 40 everything that we can -to prevent he OccUraniation. The tops of bookcases: and ward- yobes are /usually bordered by comiCee and beceme what might be called lakes of dry mud. Here the deadly microbe .breeds and Multiplies, ultimately find. ing ite way into our bodies., These danger Placeg sheuld be cov- ered With streug: paper, •parited to •the edges of the cornice, and, theta it would.. be easy to remove the dust on each room cleaning day, Great core should be taken to sweep the dust from rincler valanced beds and heavy plecels of fur- I niture. Heavy, thick ciirtains sould be Of- , ten taken down. and well shaken in the open air, and if possible they should -, have no place in the sleeping rooms. / Ail cornere, especially dark ones, should be cleaned with a dapip cloth. Dust - Mg ought -always to be effected wIth a soft, damp, -cloth, which.. should be ' washed frequently. It is better to burn dust, for if thrOwn la the ash pit it is• • liable to he blown„agairiintethe honse. CULJNARY CONCEITS. • A piece of butter the'Size .of a 'pea dropped into the oatmeal pot will keep it from' boiling orer. • •A"dash of vinegar and it.elov'e of gar- lic. in the. water is. a great improve- ment to boiled meat ,or fish. • Pure Tea I-Ivgienic Packages Users of Grand. Mogul Tea pronounce it the. beverage of good health. Grown on the sun -kissed mountains of Ceylon, it has the delicious and mellow flavor of purity. (1( Prepared by machinery packages, lined with air- . tight (paper, protect it from store dust and microbes. Neves sold in bulk nor in poisonous lead. The effort substitute mine other tea' to be ." just as good Di is the desire . of some - dealers for • an excessive profit on an • infexior rand Mogul . • Cd (1Sold a 25c. 30e. 40. and 50c per pound. Look for dos premium etit• ' pork and lisi of' premiums. in each • package. Dee. 1st,, •!1115 n A QUAINT WARDROBE, :The putflt of Seventeenth centu• ry Gentleman of I ash1ost. In the yeor 1561 Sir •Ttalph• Verney, aged`thirtyseven and recently widow ed, decided to 'make the "'grand tour" of the continent with his son Edmund, aged fourteen. Ile gave a list of the Clothes that, Were to be sent 'after them to Lyons. It included "6 Tie night coups Laced marked. V in black silke, and 2 'Fine night Capps • plain," for his: own use, and "4 . new plaine. Capps znrked . Y in. Blew 'silken" for the boy," There were nlso- numerous elaborate Shirts with dace and "New Cambrick double Ruffle Cuffes. marked V in blew thread, 5 paired' of little Holland Cuffes for 1 Lun, 3 paires of Carpbrick double Boot -hose," and a large number of ▪ "fine . Holland Handkercbees Buttoned." Also.• "2 Tufted Holland Wastcoates ,.Lined,: 2 Dimothy Wasteoates, 4' Face Napkins and 2 old Handkerchers and'2 paired of old Linneil Stoekinga."'. At Lyons a. "Blaeke trtznke with 3 loekes and Wooden Barres" was packed to:go to Florence and the widowed baronet's careful inventory of its eontents shows that there VI a great • deal of the heavy mourning which the "etiquette of, grief" required.. "Black, •Oloath Donblets, Black: Breeches 'and Cloake,, Blaeke cloth Cape for a Oloake and 2• other 'peeves of, Black Cloatlz; Blaeic Hata and Hatbands, Old ;,Blaeke Tafaty garters and new BTack ribbenrt roses,. :" and "'s'everalT.peeees'oi'. ectr'a crape" ' Sir Ralph-'Verney's baggage contain ed no fewer ..than "6 serge: under -, and 0 Browne: `eailieo udder.. Capps.". These were for wearing by day when .the wig was taken off... And "3 plaine new night capes coarse and 30. .Eine • Peaked night eapps and 2' Night Periwlggs,": ;His.,tollet .equip•: ment included. "12 Tortus . shell Aga - dos; '2' gold. Plcktooths, Hair Powder, 2 Paires new Barbing. • Lames,' Sizers, and'3. Head -rubbers." • And there were "Musks for 'Powder, .Ciprus� Powder; and,:a 1'uffe:"• it'or emergencies there were a "Black' Leather needle ease with • a great, gold Bodkin, Papers` of. Pinna; Blew Thread, Shirt'Buttons,-and • old White Bound,Buttons, Cap -strings an'd. Tape." In the interests of health '3 papers :about Phisick" and "sire R. Hastings' paster for a strain" were taken, . but "rose water, rose ..viniger and' elder oinigee" .were perforce Left viost people Win be somewhat .isur- • ' prised to hear that .the.idea of women • • Urn, your Mends or relatives s.ufferwith; Pits, Epilepsy, St. yitus' Daoce, or Falling Sickness, write for a trial bottle and valuable . treatiie on such diseases to Tun LEIBIG CO.. r79 Kipg Street, 'W., Toronto, „Canada. „All druggists sell or can obtain for you 1 THE DAWN (SF PEACE:. Put off, put off your mail,. oh, kings, And beat your brands ,to dust! Your hands must learn a surer grasps Your hearts a better trust. Oh, bend aback the lance's point And break the helmet bar;. A noise is in the morning wind, But not the note of war. tfpon the grassy mountain paths The glittering hosts inerease. They come! They cornet How fair their feet! They come to publish peace. . And every tender living think . Shall feed bY streams of rest; Nor Iamb shall from the flock be lost Nor nursling , from the . nest. ' —John Ruskih: FINANCES OF .GIBRALTAR. requiring escort, especially of a really protective nature, is of comparatively modern origin, says , a contributor to the Grand Magazine. But such appears to be the ease. • Nothing strikes 'one literature. than the a.bsolute freedom women. .enjoyed te travel and wander alone witheut fear of inoleStation. The. tithes were unsettled, undoubtedly, and Men liVed for fighting only; but, nev- ertheless, the helpless and defenaeleSS were safe enough . so ,far as one ean lodge from -conternporary literature, 1 .40 net •tieny that,. they came Jo., grief Occasionally, but ea a general ,rule men. respected, the other sex In the days of chivalry, and„ even the Worst of scoori- drels allowed ari unprotected woman to ride .by unharmed.. • Overstrained, Despond:mt. Weak ,eople as " • DR. HAMILTON'S PILLS The One'Triie Ittzdicine for Health and Strength.. You will realize, as you reed the ' folloWingletters the grand . work ;be- ing done h3r Dr. EfittniltonN Pills. They_haie a direct action on the blood, nerves, heart, kidn9Ws a,nd liver. All weakness is turned into etrengtb, new energy and nOurishing blood are creat- ed, buoyant good health is established. DISCOURAGED .WOMEN FOUND be& predy nearly given myself, up ad incurable. - I was Weak. • and sieklyall the time, had headimlie, poor Some 'Interesting Figures Contained In digestion ancl sinking feeling. On rts-' Recent British 13lue Book. .ingin the morning there was a feeling The Official report ' on the 1 Blue book for 1904 for Gibralta.r; just the first. TIney mast haVe strength - issued, shows that the financial trans- enettray bloodi for gaina in strenFtlx actions for the year 1904 ended. with, a as soar( as tOCOr• them. Steady lin. surplus of 2 22,621, the reyenue havine been 287,545, and the expenditure pro•vemerit followed, and I am now completely cured." 64,924. Exclusive of the receints un- (Mrs.) M. E. Benson, v47-eoodstock. der land sales the revenue for the year STRENGTH ANI) SPIRl'I'S (2 86,787) was 2 9,722 in excess of that of 1903 (477,065). The inereaseci re- I M PRO VHD. ce pts from the dirty on tobacco fur- . enedicine Could'posSibly, be be - dues returned 301 more than M 1903, Mr .3(ts Devine fi'0131 OttaWa J, a greater hirinber of vessela having en-, hid tains in the back and Side, caused. tered the port. The investment of sur -.1 byr kidney trouble, was bothered •con- niehed, 7,751 of this excess. The port ' ter than Br. Hamilton's Pills, .vrit? like •bOrts," tWo silver rings' • of the He took tO Plerenee as a gift to a friend there the teiv Paris luxury "the .Teeth. Brushes and Boxes," and in reply tb • the thanks he recelied /or ihera Said, "These are inconsidetable•. Toyed that I Must intreate You to speoke no Better Than. tke Toothpick. We ire teld that the health and pros- perity ef. the teeth are :greatly promot,i-• • ed by .the PromPt use of .the toothplcic iminediately leiter eating and that this being so only- .a "MISS Prim" or an "Aunt Betty" would presume to object to it. We replY that if this is iss the person afflieted. Should' et, once repair to the. dressing room and,. away from the observation og.ethers, should -relieve hie 'teeth of their, fatal burden.: It is ploy for the purpose The highly layglen. IC dental 'Boss. This pronounced hy all good dentists 'far lees harinful JO the teeth -than the • ubiquitouS-tooth- pick -which heS, as We firmly ;believe, blackmait.LLeslie's Weekly. plus revenue produced an increase oil eillerebly with headaChe, -hut Dr. The receipts froM crown rri.ts Were. A FELINE DITTY less than in 1903, a$ arrears Of reV- I can recommend thein to every 'man." ON ed in that year. The eXpenditure Of be dreattlesi3 and satin atter requlq- that of the pvvious year (265,460), Price 250 per box, or five boxes of 97,357, the liabilities amounting tit I N. 0. PolSon & Oo., Hartford, Conn , £4,011. The amount of the invested ; IL S. A., and Kingston, Ont. funds 'increased from Z67,650 as, the DIAMOND DYES ttly kittens three, were white and gray, • '1Was hard to keep them clean ; 'No matter how i worked each day, line kits rooked very mean. herd go out in the morning clad So tidy and so trim ; At night, they'd elamehome lookingsad With clothes so soiled and grim, 1 could not keep them tidy, neat, One hour of the day When they were in the field or street, With other eats at play. ,,, 'I theta procured the DIAMOND DYES, And made n (lye bath hot, I dipped them in the INA. To,day, my kit tens all are &caged In filack so Hell and deep ; ,fie mote ot lily son; is plain, Wawa/len bright -and wise would fi boo SW 1904 ( £64,924) was less by '4540 than 'ti tir system with Dr. Ilarni ten s The year ende yvith an asset balance . fne $1, at dealers, or ,by mail froth last. While the ordinary revenue had I She of tlie San. ' '''' ' increased from 4 01.418 in 1000 t° 2 86/-. I Via*-minetimes see. • a huge ring or increase in the Wel annual exPendi- , halo round the moon, occupying ii ture, the ordinary current expend'. space in the'heavens so large that nine. thee, ift fact, having deereased, The ty moons' breadths would but just suf- extra duty imposed On...tobaceo in 1001 flee to span it. Yet the body of the sun largely contributed""to the assets,' and WOtild fijj all that space ere we had rip. in 190A special receipts amounting to I plaitdied within 2,000,00 nines nt him. a 15,275 were obtained from land sal% 1 . Once on kis apparent surfaCe were vm shOcking suicide thari that of the scope. Agnire five whole years of continuous grace eldest son. of Sir Henry Blake, - jottrneying before we coUld, make the Governor of Deylon, says the Marquise clrettit of this orb. de Fontenoy, The unfOrtunate man, obyiously crated, filled hlo belt with kind of explosive, and then wont out dinamite ot, gun cotton. or 'Berne other wh riding On horseback along the favorite I en MakingBeef Tea ride in the suburb)) of Perth, western , Australia, where he made his hoMe. , to the saddle, to haVe lighted that while riding, ahd then to have allowed of himself to be literally bloWn to Pleeell from the hips upwards, the horse sus- .ArMOUr.IS mining sixth, injuries that it had to WI of commanding annearatace, who had ruined his own career • and serious', embarrassed his father by` contracting an unfortunate marrlageaa naarringef Indeed, Which led tO 1119 being shipped ' off to. Australia., where his wife added to hbVilotorlety 111 such manner that When 1118 father, Sir Henry Blake, wail lucrative governorship of Victoria. with itg Wail of 450,000 a year, beside* I*. alloWanees, he Was etiMpelled f0 cline Whitt WOA theft the blue ribbon St tblottial govsmorshifts Ott 110000111 Of th• Presence of his 11011 and the 216* WAS*. Of big dituthIeNin-is.W arperidenar in question. dre sou of easpoon to a cup it all that is require& The best Beef Tea. Ajar lastt longer than other brands --because you don't have ta tied 10 much tolget the proper strength. 7 AIM* Writ TOM& t. . ioliteness of Children. The petiteness of ' children is mils', skin' deep. One cannot help .sympathis- Ing with the little Vanden %girl "who said sleepily to her* hostess at a Party she had not been old enoogh. to enjoy, "Please; will yon tell the width. Is the lady what's giving this party,' 'cause 1 thank: you very much for the nice par- ty,' tow, / can't go home till I've seld from this horrible placer But one's whole heart goes mit to .the little 'boy „ who; haying greatly enjoyed One Sta Insufficient chocolate, was asked sharp- ly, "Web, tohnny, what do you sityl" weir rateues vowel.; The housekeeper who cannot hive a zinc' covered: kitehen table will 8n4 several squares of hard wood an Inc in thicknelis end -Mau nc es 'across a great convenience for. setting het, dishes on. The wood should be . sandpapered and each block have a Screw eye, with •which it is hung uzi. der the ledge of the table. • Kitchen litensils• • The -American fashion of keeping pots and kettleS and other kitchen Utensils In 4 closet by themselveS In- stead of hanging them on hooks about the kitchen is sensible. The European Way Of hanging the articles in broad light may add to the picturesque ef- fect of the kitchen, but the utensils collect dust. 1f you are fond Of borne carpentering you elm Make all. sorts of thinga at trifling experise, Miners, for instance, milCh cheaper If the plate glass is purchaied by the fititiare foot and set into a framework fashioned by thi Vithen `papering a room remember the large witterns and dark colors will make it appear smaller, while a plain It, kg los. to purenato towels rather Mtge, Laundries charge no Isere tot washing largo artielleil then Saudi Oa* tad logo towels de net wear Met lir 004 II 11 per cent gamma, 111- OVVeN.M,..'. • • 'RA*441- for -their excellG4 cooking (Lid ties cork4rueion and handsome apFarana know it coad-Aver amd -that you CANNOT DO BETTER TI1AN BUY A 4501NeNIR4 Manuf4cturers Limited, Our'eersonal guarautee_ms,Well us that of 'the Making, ayes .v4th aVeri atave.. tla.4 and- Bea the..00evenir Ranges DAVIS St .IOWL,AND, CLINTON. We are often reminded of whot Mrs. Chillingly said When. asked who maw. aged her househotd. Eter reply was, decide -upon all the small questions if ' I' will let him. decide the large Ones." As small on6) arose many ,times each day and large ones only at Intervals of. monthS, ib ended 'in her "ruling the Mrs. litcetiliLI do wish could get it.gOod maid. Mrs, Vaudine—You Might intervieW mine, I think • She'd be lighted ,to go to you. Mrs: McCall—But 'why don't yori keep her?: Mrs. Van. dine -4)h, she won't stay! She says She wanti A 'place *here she Won't: hare •so • Mony dresses arid hats to take. care of. —Answers. 1 Don't Neglect A Cough Man, a case of chronic Bien - I chitis, Pneumonia and even dreaded Consumption itself,may be traced directly to " only a dough." , When the first cold comes, start in on oga.yl.tsYRUP OF -11ED:S.PRUCE Cita 1 IT CURES COUGHS --pheals the inglisantamedtheausrftraocesngeol . 'strengthens weak -throats -- uts the lun 1 possible condition to resist' the trying effects of a 25b. Mille INUIRPOIL Colds are .the most danger °us. of ill forme of disease. A neglected cold leads to Bronchitis, "Coughs" are the result of irritat. ed bronchial tubes. "PsYerlisis" cures -Coughs. by mmoving the irri- toting partieles end healing the inflamed membrane. It is a genial- oide and destroys the tubercle germ. It is a tonic that strength- ens the lungs, the liver, a'rid tones up the system. It makes for hetter health in all conditions of hurnanitY. Get stron,k and the cough will dis- , appear. 'Pairciusik" makes week •• people strong. It mires coughs of the most obdurate kind and.breaks GREATEST OF ALL TONIC'S, 179 itrog,at, TOrorito, caviar* LIVER COMPLAINT. The liver le the largest gland in the be ; office is to take from the blood. the propert461 which form bile. When tbe liver is torpid sad inflamed it cannot furmah bile te the bowels, causing them to become bound and costive.. The ayraptone are a feeling rl fulness or weight In the right side, and shooting pains in the saute region, pains between the shoulders, yellowness of the skin szat eyes, bowels irregular, coated tongue bad taste lc the morning ate. MILBURN'S PILLS -are pleasant and easy to tithe, do not griftei weaken or sicken never tail in their effects, and. are by far the safest and qufolceet. remedy for all dieeaces or disordere of the liver. Price 25 cents, or 5 bottles for $1.00, all dealeri or mailed clirect on receipt of price by The T. Milburn I..bnited, Toronto, Ont. • ()iii PI I Wrought ;Iron.' Range .Comparty, , The above is a cut of our improved nickle plated Range, ' with handsome enamelled reservoir attached to water front in 4., 1 The Wrought Won Range Co. have located one of their ' divisions in Clinton and will canvas the surrounding country 1 from this place, Testimonials of some of our • customers in this locality will appear later. • 3. W. K: VanNorman. Divisiohal Supt. "HECLA" FURNACES TREY own otrr, than any other fins. nem le cased*. two Or Wee loos LESS ditty winters Is the usual stilleg. smoke etoteity. the Joliet* litt* oak pita, oet UAW*. *A omit • COLLEGE, Three courses Commereial . Stenography .. Telegraphy, Odes Cotton Root Compel' Ladle. Favor - Ts the only on eon depend fAin atkuetmgoot need is by far the best No. 1.—fl'or ordinary Strength. No. ae known. 13.-1;10e specitfi casee--10 ammo HEADACHE MA_ PretteltAttfAINAVA No how &prison drotititeasesterdiseeveusil. Ismommrommimompp R. ritzsitions & Son We 4re still in the But- chering business, and, are in a positiop. to fill all or- ders for seasonable 'meats; intrusted to our care. Our new business stand i in the Combe Block. 1 Aldrildairug°1411172 11:areentlir ttr, IVantlittir, calk No. 1 and No. t: are sold it Clinton by Watts, Druggists. . Defor,c placing your orders for your season's supply of Coal, get our prices, The very best goods carried in stock and sold at the owes possible price. Mors may 1* loNei, Davis