The Clinton New Era, 1905-10-20, Page 81 1 Sample Mantles. At Le'-. T1Ian [aior' s Prices Siecial Sale of them_ starts Saturday, Oct. 21st., The other day we got a chance to buy nearly 300 Sample Jackets. .The price was so tempting that we cleared the lot. Coming in on top of our regular stock, which, under ordinary circumstances would be. enough for our requirements, it means Tore Mantles than will sell in the regular run of business; To clear the samples in a hurry, we are go- ing to turn them over at a small margin, and put them on sale SATURDAY, Oct. 21st, marked at prices that are Less than we or any other merchants could buy ' them .four if placing orders. The pricesare . a e low • pimply because the garments are samples. Every coat was made for this season's trade, , and is in good condition. •Beyond . question,_ the greatest chance you are likely to have this season to get a good Fall or Winter Mantle at less than regular prices. These.. four lots go on sale Saturday morning, October . t b -.o_er 21st. A , niple Mantles at $3.90 About 50 ladies and misses Fall and Winter Jackets, made from black Beavers add Tweeds, lined and unlined, nearly every size in the lot, garments that will sell in the' regular way at 7.00 to $8.00, choice of the lot Saturday $3;9Q Sample Jackets $5 00 About 30 ladies' Fall and oVinf er Jackets, made from good quality Beaver :and Tweeds, blacks andcolors, garments that were made to retail at $0.00 to $10.00, choice of thislotb day morning Sample Jackets $5 85 A ?ew sample Jackets, made from extra quality Beaver, blacks and colors,, well made and finished. made to retail at $10.00 to . $1200 choice of this lot, commencing Saturday .... Oa/($5 Sample Jacket $8.95 About 35 in this lot, extra.fine garments, macre from good quality materials, handsome and servicable Coats, that sell in the regular ea (� way from $12.00 to $15.00, choice Saturday 1(P 1.00 The prices are low, simply because we- bought them ourselves for a good deal less than. the gar - • ments are worth. good -' Underwear Values Our Underwear is • bought direct from- the mill. Every garment is carefully made from good;'. material, well finished, perfect fitting, and will. be,. ,found satisfactory in every way. At 25 Cents Ladies' ribbed Vests, good weight, proper shape, soft finish, high neck and long.. sleeves, • white or natural shades, 'will not shrink, Drawers to klatch, special value each At 50 Cents Ladies' ribbed Vests, soft finish, unshrink- able, good weight and properly shaped, high neck. ((gy�pp and long sleeves, Drawers to match,per garment per At $1.00 Ladies' fine wool Vests, soft finish, high neck and long sleeves, guaranteed by maker '! un• shrinkable," servicalile and complete, 'Drawers to. match, per garmenO�matmosamisawassammagorawawassmaganawaimisimsitimail Penman's Natural Wool Underwear Penman's famous natural wool Underwear, made from fine, soft yarns, very complete, will give excellent wear, Vests aid all sizes . SI 2 15 Gloves of Qualit Trefousse Gloves are high grade. They are made from choice selected skins, perfect fitting h,nd ° very durable. New Fall stock received. this week.. Here are our three leading lines. We guarantee every pair : The " Peerless," blacks, t sites •- ` ."- •" ' , guys, tans and browns"�1t,d6 The "Greylock' blacks, greys, greens and browns 1.2 The ".Shelhourne," pique sewn, very dressy, black,., grays and browns 1.SG Heavy Walking (cloves, made from good e nality heavy skins, pique sewn, manish effect, tan shades only ., Iie4O seassimmerravisselosaarsemmmeaveraitifiliamerlessessommeeemaimemi Iiodgens Bros. Dry . Goo++ - Clinton. The Clinton ow FS FRIDAY,., OGT, 20, 1905. , Local Notices ns. Orll:Ns, j r een Eya. Eax atad Nose, tr a diseases e een Aii B # P 18 a 1L t ease orgare atm Sts slimes Dream wilt be et a ensbets Drug store Mae. ; oat 20th Hour. lata in., to 4pan. 'fiat Zfliiii . , PCO r R PEY RT U MANGE Mrs• Moff- att has sold her house on the corner of Mary and North Streets to Mr. Root.: i Miller. for the seen of $10;1, ,She will probably take up her residence with her son. AOOIDENT,•-.One might las hi driving 'Rene front Blyth young couple were.. thrown ou rig by the horse bolting. 7'h both. badly .shaken up. The l+ fig considerably broken, before th Ives stopped. f SONS OF.ENGLA1,D, Rely •tives of the l Sons ' i of England L this vicinity met here on Satu order to select a District .D whose nomination "roust be rati the Grand Lodge. Mr. H. Mew Colborne, was the unanimous HUNTING PAR'T'Y..--MCFsrs Rowe, ,l r w ohn , .Bi i n g s W. Cole Street, left on Tu "slily, on h trip in the Algoma district, Hoover, Dr. ,Enliues and Jack son leave some time next week similar expedition. • • : BORING FOI WATER. -M ! Sias h.td^tii go deeper fora sup water at the Coiitanerci i1, than other. vt' 1 Lie has bared in this boyhood. ' He went down 175 . of which was through, solid ro is . this week sinking a well fo _'anter, '1' a$ES.-�,Mr. Whatley has : out to collect the taxes'for the • • year. The heaviest tae payer •in the. town is Pit. Doherty, who contributes, several hundred dollars to the exchequer, The : Fair Bros, town second heaviest taxp1pa�yyers; T represents some ,$15,00J, : DEATH. -Miss McKenzie,R died.hereon Sunday. She.had i iri delicate health for some tim had Undergone an 'operation endicitis. She was. in her 25th ger mother was with her - at the of her death,' and • the remains t week Fair. a t of the The were wtis e :Horse war - of the aluators, and to abide by it for five years. So that if the Ooun- esenta- ty Council lives up to its own resolu- odges in tion, the award shind.i for that time. relay, xn eputy, MARRIED IN TORONTO.-. Mr. fled by Thomas Jackson, Jr.,' of the Jackson jr., • of 1►tanufacturing Co., and Mrs; E. Chid- choi'.e. ley, two well-known and highly it e- nd es' teemed Foldouts of ' Clinton, were 1E1 =riled o� T io ti n , onb y untie • Rev. A. Gilray. Theiminydfrfends Mayo here will join with.. us in etending• Jonas- Congratulations, • on at O` -R, Fowler of Clinton, who has held .the' aosition of Demonstrator and Lecturer in con- r. Bev . nection with the Ontario Veterinary ply of College, his been promoted to the at• any chair of Anatomy,. vacated owing to neigh- :the illness of Dr, •Duncan. Mr. Few feet, 75 lei's friends here_ will .be pleased to r C. file learn of his'advaneenient, .which he is J. well 'worthy, and thre is no doubt but he will fill the position satisfactorily.: starts He resumed. his , College duties lacer current • week, Ti E CLINTON NEW BRA,, The County Valuators, In an artiele apgearing in the New ERA last week, the following Sentence occurred: sept the report of the iv.l bound no ma,ttei' what it is, and to abide for five years. Correspondent refers to this and says; , Please see Ontario Statute, 100I, on county aalhators, and 1 think you will conclude that the council is not bound to accept the report. Notwithstanding our correspondent and notwithstanding the statute, the statement made above is correct. Or- dinarily, au equalization appeal goes before a county judge. or a committee• appointed by hint, and is binding only for one year ; but the Uouutyy" �.Ooutted at its special meeting in (),Tinton during the summer, when the Valuators were appointed, passed a resolution, specifi- callybindingthe Council to accept the IMPORTANT TO PUBLIC SCHOOL ...;,,,TEACHERS-Attlte-teacher's convex' " . ticm for the county of Huron held' at are the Clinton in May, 190,1,: it'was.decided to' be. zo11 . hold hut'one un form promotion exam. •ination iu the year -this examination to be held at a convenientdate just be ipley, fore Easter.: The usual October exam - been. 'nation will not be held this year. A e, and :circular has been sent to . each • school. f ora ' the he ub' 1 by i school ' P e, 1 inspector' which, year;: fully explains •the 1'imit of work t taken north on . Monday' mornin K++++++++++++++++44,24 Lo.caiNotes • Chas, • Wa�its has much unproved his lawn.as -• • Miss Mabel Cluff has. taken a posi- tion with Hodgens ,Bros, Mr Jacob Millerlias erected a, wind- mill for Mr. J. 'W. Elliott. The House of Refuge got six new in- mates within the last few days, Pir. Richard Ransford was able to walk up asfares his oMce, on Tuesday. Mr. Hamilton, coal dealer, has put a .telephone in his office near the station. Mr, Nediger lies moved to a iinuse on Mary St. west, owned by Mr. John Johnston. A quantity of hogs were shipped this week; the price paid. was. $0; next week it will be lower. Fred Chant has ` taken a position with a G, T. R. survey party, and left for New Liskard, on onlay. At a recent meeting of the Public School Board, Abe nietubers of the present teaohing staff were • all re- engaged, The ne of Mr. has been new for the Electric Light,. and Mr. Jacob Taylor's house wilt also,, he wired. Several business changes are an ' the tapir, but none of them are sufficiently advanced or completed to justify their publication., • a The Modelites draxre to Ooderich on Friday evening, where they were royally entertained."'"by .t e Q•oderich Model Studena,s. Mr. Thor Wheatley, •who recently: returned from Kentucky, has taken a situation with the Sherlock Manning Organ Co., London;.". Mr, D, McCorvie• was able to'•walk u town o P n Fri and Ft/ s a a w rml greeted by his many friends his long illness.has told on •hinx• . 'The heavy rain of Wednesday' Oct. 204 4905° uftaffi....rd a, CushionTop! Might ht as well complain because .._.n.e g p pse it costs an egg to get ael�ick, The Price is Twent � =$even Ce 3'' Cts The kind known as Tapestry, twenty inches square our designs,' several colors. .. Worth easily twice as much,. Dont judge that we exaggerate until you have seen the quality. A .[,UNG STORY BRIEFLY TOLD, The W. D. Fair:t.o.. OFTEN THE CHEAPEST ALWAYS . .. THE BpST, . . t Q doubt about a.it 4)10R •Vic: SON o doubt very ` acceptable in mans ' ave the best assorted •stoc .' f . ways, and.' will do lots of good,, but nit QTR' STOCK�'" o �Qo�t'l'�ax• to cl]oose from..; . • as decidedly unpleasant, for the fall is. now complete. while shoes On account of Thursday next bei have considerably. advanced in price; we are 'able to; sell hanksglying Day, the Women's'In at ofhavin : a tics •tete mee i prices, s n, ipated the'increase. We' box h.t meeting will be held on Fri very •heavily in•' a'dvanee 'and-Qtir stock' is n • o s. day evening, at the hone of'Mrs, o iV at Its b@5t. VY:a,Cts, � ' . Geo. •sa er • e . .A. call will convince , ad son, o= . �'cjrunto• ie ':'� � ; CCB: ou that - Taylor la is t • talk Yy he g'ahe•placeof Mr.. James Howe,: as ace: tt)btT Our yea a presentative of theQueen Cityt . ,. P. . YT ll ,Shoes, Sole agents for oil , Queen uallty�Shoes for ladies, also „ the Keith C0 while the :c.a.tter-. enjoys a well-. � Steed holiday. Shoes £or men,' and Crarlb tind I ant `KrWeaii'es�a y adi.orrylearn bite ,.tl e• eon- Rubbers. See our''stock�and get ?I' ' rice � b - tion: of Miss Louie. • White; Ratters- •P s e y St, west, 'became so serious this:: ♦, fore buying. . eek, that. i;; . was e •♦. t.:. necessary' tale f, : aph for her b others• ia: the * ' At twest: he annual gof the meeting Cana,- 2. n.: ,Ticket Agents' Association at rtland, this week, M• r. F. R. -Hod-' • e, of Clinton, was elected Auditor, : Mr. a 'V. Jackson, Clinton, a mens of the Executive; . fiony Gardner, one ofCllnton'sprom-: ht' young men, has decided to take partner,' and a popular. and . well- wn yolrg lady of Blyth has con - ted to act in that . capacity. • .The tnership will be announced shortly., W. Doherty is contributin se head of thorn -bred: Durham stock' sale that takes place in •London, y in'November. Capt Robson, don, and Mr, Attrill, Goderich, are other. breeders, interested in the w T Vali • each class and the times and mode of were; • making the pro:notions: ' • ing semiannual meet. I. in g of the Ontario CurlingAssociation re was held in Toronto on 'Tesday, For (J the Un.tario Tankard the Province .e was divided icto.eight groups, the one for this section beteg: as follows: - Group No. 7. -- Berlin, 'Preston, St. Marys, Clinton,* Guelph, Royal.: City, Guelph'Unlon, Bright,Seafimth,'Strat- ford Umpire,;;R, Thompson. Play , at: Seaforth, The play in this group,: which ;was..to have. taken place•at. This Stratford,' due s changed the fact t hat h Stratford;club did not feel ` that: 'they. could accomodate the clubs with suit- able ice. SILVER WEDDING..4 r: and 2itrs. 'Geo Levis celebrated their Silver. wed- ding on'the evening• of; Friday� last. About _05 guests .Fere present --to join- with them in a proper and .fitting oh; servanee of so nappy 'an. event. Al-; though they were, not residents of Olin= ton at the time of their marriage, it took place in the Ontario Street : far- sonage, of which church the have been zealous members during. their 12 oiild years residence in town. The late Rev, R.> Thomas solemnized the ceremony, and. their groomsman was . Mr.: Jas; Next \'CrinintLham, the. bridesmaid being y, J(i, Joh` W Hfhoth now 'residents oral of the west, The friends of Mr, and Mrs, Levis 'showed their' appreciation nks i of them by giving , them. 'lumberaof handsome `presents. .Their marriage has Leen blessed with :seven children,. and duriugthe 25 year's' death. has not entered their ranks: That they RUGBY FOOTBALL: -Tire recently. formed RugbyFootball 'team. will i have its first .Association game on the Recreation 'Park: this (Friday). after- noon at 2. p m, with 'a team from Stratford. This is the first time Rugby has been played in Clinton. , and :the; game is likely to. prove an interesting` one., _ ..A STROK E Mrs::. . W..G'. Searle was I• called to London last week, owing to • the illness of her father,. Mr. .Roer Lee, who' had sustained no less than three strokes of paralysis. Mr. Lee had intended returning to his home at Indian Read. but his illness will . now delay hinn:. some time. At. last-. ac- counts he was improving ITHE-: MAYOR A:LTY. =. 't is ' said. that Mayor, Heover' ;has no'intention..� of again presentinghimsaeif'asa cancii-'e date, andthe iriend, of. Mr. Harrison.' i'Viltse think he would (Cake a suitable person for the' Mayoralty, He '• has had experience : at the Connell .Board, ll is a man of good f'udement,. and if he is willing to accept the • position, w fill it, very. acceptably; THAN Thursdaywt/ beThanks vin and • it will be''observedg g Da holida i .a gen y The usual' union the iving service will• be held an .the Presbyterian church' at 11 a. nn. Rev, Mr.Magee will be.: the speaker.. .Being ' a • holiday, the Nnw . ERA will be • issued one '.'day ' 'earlier 'than. usual,: a tind we ask corresponds to.•bear this in mind, and•send in th copy one day: earlier. SABBATH SCHOOL ASSN. --J Mitchell of Goiderich, J. O. Stone and Miss1Elderof�Bl Perkins epr esti the Executive of the ,County. S. S. `sociation, met •in Clinton on Mon to arrange for a week's' meetings Mr. Sun men need ;'Bay and ren e Ves met l Mat s affecting. in,r the profes I spector Robb, Tom and Messrs jut. grove,. `Win 'ham ; Cameron, Brussel I Hartleyy, roxeter Rogers, Seafor i Johnston, .'gi�n��� pen ; McKay, Hensah II Tiger(, Miss Wiggens, Goderich, an Miss Wilson,Olinton. The only publ i matter decided upon was a joint e n of both association to Guelph here about the first of. June, Cts .both live to celebrate their iiainlond eir l wedding is the hope and wish, of their many friends. • aures Local..Nbteli� an ten Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tyndall have ng returned from their weddipr- trip. A i VVe would like to receive th the 1 Mond ly school reports di bur w gr dia Po gen and her ire in a kno sen par Mr eral to a earl Lon the La ed fo 11„ a he re ing pass his w is` ass servi a tie forth. Th Grim day's Mr. st week:Mr. W. G. Doherty start- or Amherst',, N. S,, on business ected with 'the Organ Factory. en lie got as far as Moncton; N. telegranl..intercepted him, and turned to town without'complet. his journey. vangelist Sam Grigg, of London, ed through Clinton last week, •on. ay to Fordwich' circuit, where he 'sting the pastor in evangelistic ses,. Mr.'. Grigg is well known as phew of •' Mr, Wn. Grigg, _and erly resided here. e . wife of Mr. James Grigg; of. shy, died on Sunday, after a few illness. She was a daughter . of #j. Stuempile, Preston ,•' and had been married for about a year. orad is a son of the 'late ` phfl igg, of Cltuton; brother. of ' Hardy, the special instructor +say school. work. He will co ce in Exeter on . Nov, a l, and in . order' to Dashwood, Rensa field, Clinton, Dungannon,1311- 'Wingham, EACHERS -The following perso senting the executive of East a t Huron Teacher's Association here on Saturday last to consid ter ff . t. cions a e mon on y b from th teachers 1 Her . hnsb by around here publication, Jose in Mrs. h rigg, Tompson Albert St., return- Mr.W m- cd home from the west Monda r'a Fro hady nd a veryenjoyableThe Il, Mr. Israel Taylor, trip.. i •in .. th.' I ton, has justomfortably settled three iin his new house in London.. r Mr. Jacob-Slowman has returned ns l from the west. He does not think- it ;ad ii! begins to compare with Ontario, s, • Mr. W. Curtis, one of the pioneers er of -Mariposa, ,who died on. Wednesda , n -was an uncle of Mr.' John Govet: y s- j Concerning the report that Mr. floors Yet to jthe c ilaaehi facto Mr. contra 'stable, ceme'iit work of the new Knitt Factory has been cordpleted, the stories. being • all ready fat. the and roof. There is some fa ing be done. It is expected the in ourse of. a few, weeks all he'. `nery will be installed and he ry.be in.full running 'order. Riley, of Londesboro,,, took the et of moving the Queen's Hotel over to : Dr. Shaw's . lot on bury•St,, but afterwards found e building was in such shape e could not move it, and he up tile. job. Tom Britton then contract of removing the `:build emeal, nderstand that Mr. I3', Bartl ff ted the new store to be erected J. Johnston oh the,corner of bury and Albert Sts., but as 1 not be ready uhtil tearing, and shortly to yacate his present he will probably move to the store at the north end of the look -unless some other• store s empty in the.leat,ntime. verfng his connection' with .the Mfg..(Jo., Mr, D. L. McIntyre recipient of a handsome.tive tea set from his fellow workers, Intyre left for Toronto, on , but has not yet decided e will locate, though it may y be Orillia ; wherever it is: he the management of a reams- g; industry similar to^ that is , Reekte had sold out his drug business, Ratters r ess;-, that th h; , we are authorized to say that it is not . 1; correct • y, thah d It is intended to run Sin excnraiion threw a is from all points in this section to the•ing pies x'. Bee& Root Sugar' Factory, some time in Noyember, . , er u Miss: Minnie Thompson,'tvho was int bawse London `Victoria hospital, for several by Mr: weeks with fever, has fully recovered Rattan and returned home. this wit The many . friends of 1 PLern s Jackson will be glad to learn thatitemp y es has gained' ten pounds since she went to Gravenhurst for •treatment. Mr. Tan wasulh re on cal short viissi ttk is week. Ile has been farming in Manit- oba for some time, but has rented his property, and is working in Winnipeg cursio . some next, , PROSPERED IN , THE W, + ST - `' Our readers will be pleased to heat o l the success of another Cllutonian, Ed win Dickinson, son of Mr, D Diekinso` 1 who 18 one of the firm of the Albion i Iron ,Works Co ; Ltd., Victoria B: 0. ,' Engineers, Iron Founders and Boiler ma,cers, one of the largest of its. kind on 1 the Pacific Coast, doing' all the work R. steamers that run to China and Japan. He' also has a. very • pretty summer home near the moon - Mine and comes down to'his-business in Victoria' with his large yacht, Don, 1 No, 2 He is also going on a• trip around the world. and while away will IVisit some of the large iron"works ; be will also visit his mother and sistersin Toronto and his birth -plaice, Clinton, He, for one, has prospered in the West, f WEDDED AT BLYT 3,.-A pretty ' event took place at the residence of Mr , James Nesbitt,. ,Blyth, at high noon,' on Wednesday,. ,�a'iiihen his youngest ' clauarhter, Miss Mary becaane the wife Mr.•Thonras E. McRenzie,of Clinton. 1„.of Th' brlcte•is•a-well- known: nihil•-itidhly_ popular young lady, while the groom is the eldest son of Mr, Thos. Mateo - 1 zin, of Clinton, and well known as cine r of the best citizens, Rev. Mr. McLean in therpres the ceremony f n nunmhe high friends. The bride was supported by Miss ' .Slinrp,-of London, and Miss .5`umltzer, of Zinr'know, while the groomsmen train mind the were E. Wilford, Toronto, and Solan A McK nzi(., brother of the groan(, At - ter the usual 'lvedding dinner,: tlic+ Young coupe left on Ilya afternoon congratulations (k their friends for London, Buffalo and other Twill take tip ththeir return siidence t on they corner of ()range and rrirlcess streets, f n . Vote fo; rick b become On se Jackson was the o'clock Mr. Mc r, Fred Joyner, *ha recently re= Monday turned from Chicago, has opened at whore h barber shop in the rooms over TRek- Probabl son's store, Geo Cooper's old stand. • will have His working hours, are every week factarin evening. Mrs. J, P. Tisdall, who has been away from town for several weeks; most of the time undergoing treat- ment at Mt. Clemens,. 3VIieh,,• for irheu- matism, returned home on Friday, considerably improved in health, Mrlr. _,.. B. Calhick,' (son-in-law of k all t1 ship;)`who 1'ials,"lioriii v sniiighin th su hfm to, t section since his return from 'Calgary, attti;'a fy bred. Lei has taken an interest in a Patent win- tirobably g (low• screen ananufacturing business fit i'oatds mor Iroquois, Dundas Co, secured. We are sorry to hear: of the serious In a'hou illness of Mrs, Alf. Goodwin, who has b(S' will been iix'a critical condiNion for sotnc and it is time. The wife of ,Mr. Geo. Sago has word of also been very lrrw for. at leaf ..days' ; of over'tur that both these ladies may be restored gat('s, etc. to their wonted health abet strength its the am.,.'-‘1;' the a;reient wish of their twiny friends. • sotriite' to this respe citizen slto i any nappy Returns tjxtpeitse et/ •--.�- RA leo p to with which he .has : been einployed here, Humphrey Snell, son of Mr, jetties Snell, who went to Wyoming Territory with a car of sheep, returned last Week, having made a saccessful and roti p table sae of th lot, •• Mr. Snell too ie prizes it w • • possible for eke atr_aslas (Wyoming) d !oirdilrnaiin• for""tliorro-cester d that he 11' o baca cot le v r e, as soon as they e n he t anokhee week the big small be celebrating 1�lallow'i']en, opportune to. throw out a nveTnIng. The astral custom nilly ottt-bitiidings,i'einoving , should be discoiitfwied,anu s of the town should be in. prosecute till who offend in The is no reason why et, tuld be put to trouble and inks of I aathey generally olc( know better. ` 0.1116rrow�, Oct, 21st, Mr. J. 1' ' Tis- ()bough (1411, banker, will pass his hist miles atone. His many friends will join ua in wishing him many happy returns of the day, ...., the 1y-lary 'onl y,Vote for the Bylaw Monday( . • LOQ--• &_-SON. :_ H•. We can 'save you moil e Old Reliable • erwear th. -.Shrink wool , Every fibre. Is agravitened— garments. ore code they, fit perfectly., condition.* guaranteed to 'able. Right sites to fit ;we, E SELL other good makes of underwear' as well as Sta.nfield's. .There . an extra -good stock on our shelves to -day, .and all sizes—for little, riled- •ium-sized or big men. At, soc Men's -fleece - lined Underwear, Pernrian?s' make, extra value, all he • At ,75c derwear, just a little . cotton woven in to kee,p it from. skrinking, well . shaped and good quality another special at per 7 C U0shrin4able . -Elastic lrib, heavy Weight, Shirts orDraw- per garment 4P110iwt,1 'Bull. D.og" Pants ..The greatest Iine of working pants made Canada to -day, Made from heavy striped tweec4.,...dark colorings, double Inees, 'double seats, two hip pockets ; well made. Special at per. pair • Two Dollars. odgens Bros. Clothing and Men's Furnishings, C4INTON,