The Clinton New Era, 1905-09-29, Page 11 • cash will pay for C' the Clinton New 'Era to 1st jan'y, to new subscribers asmaarasnee vas noneata notanntsnue (MIN TO THE FRO -NT • He oltereign Bank tOF CANADA now pays interest ;on SAVINGS ACCOUNTS from date of deposit FOUR TIMES A YEAR. T. A. Tel" 033:1 Clinton . Manager New A'dvertisements. Miss Sybil R. Courtice Baking Powderalteekie's Wall Paper, Cooper & Co, Great Display, Newcombe's • Watches and Clocks, liellynr Wingham Business College .5 -Carpenters Wanted, Piggott & Co.. .5 Rooms Wanted, New Era 5 Satchel' Lost. New Era Dissolution, Tyndall Bros Auction Sale, Govenlock Bros Simply a Game, Beaton -Gentlemen, R. Adams First Showing, Tozer & Brown A Great Overcoat, Hodgens Bros ....8 Opening Display, 4 4 5 5 5 5 5- 5 Morris. STRUCK BY LIGHTNING.--70II° Saturi day evening, the large barn of Abe Brydges, on the 3rd con., of Morris, was struck by lightning and burnt to the ground, together with all this year's crop. Fortunately. Mr. Bryd- ges was at home and succeeded in get- ting ins horses out. but there was a lot .of farming utensils stowed away, that were -burnt. The loss will exceed $2500 with an insurance of $1300. Mr. Biryg. ges has the sympathy of the peop.e in his loss. He is putting up &large brick house this summer and this.misfortune win put him back considerably. 4111.1•111111MINIMIMM. Miss Sybil R. Courtic,, A. L. C. M. " t Winner of Barron GolaMedal and Heintzman Scholarship 1905). eacher of Piano and Theo,ry. • For terms apply at residence cor. of Joseph and Fulton streets. 'MISS LIMO F. JiCkS0111 —TEACHER— • Piano and Theory is prepared to take limited number of pupils. Address Post Office Drawer . F., for terms, etc. 4ins • The Myers' Music Method- !, Teacher,,JM G. HOLMES • The Myers Music Method for child ren provides a thorough preperatory course in the rudiments of music, This course lasts about one year. The les- sons are conducted on kindergarten models, and include practical piano teaching, making the study one of pleasure to the rhildren. For terms, etc., apply at real& ence, High Street. • Private Tuition. Private T1itien in Public School woxic given either during the day, or in the even- tetight eritenettely..--Par.par- • tietilars apply to M1.138 M. O'NEILL, formerly a teacher in Clinton Model &heel Aiwags 1PCSh Our stock of drugs, etcwill always be found fresh and up- to-date in every branch, and „ we invite you to give us a call if you wish to procure anything usually found in a first --class drug store. • 14.B. comBe Chemist and Druggist. Headaches Cured. Ninety per cent. et headache -3 ere caused by imperfect e�8. We eon pekneinetillY Cure such heschiehei with glasses, If we foil we will re. fund your money. Gederich. Township Faisal RENT/ie.-Mrs. Webster, of th.e Oth eon., has related, her farm to Ur. Carter, of Stapleton. She will likely take up her residence at Luck- uow, where her late husband's people reside, Lzaartzeo.-Mrs. Easotn,who has been living on the Rudd fain', Maitland Con, which her late husband had rented, has decided on moving into Clinton, and will have a sale of her stock and, implements on Saturday, Oct. 14th. She hasthe faint rented until next March, but has decided to leave it this fall, and Mr. -Merrill, the purchaser of the farm, will thus have an opportunity of moving on it at once! WILL REMAIN Wiiana HE 14. -e -Mr, John O. Elliett, of the Baylleld road, recently concluded that he would reeve to town, as . he and Mrs. El- liott are getting old, and he came near accepting an offer for his splendid farm, but Mrs. Elliott decided that she would prefer to remain on the faansa. and the proposed deal fell through. Mr. and ales. Elliott are among the most highly esteemed, people in the township, and have done their share towards converting a wilderness into "a land of .pronnse." Forture has smiled on there and they are able to spend the remainder of their days in comfort; may theylong be spared to enjoy the frutts of industry and fru- GOLDEN WEIDDINO.-A very pleas- ant and enjoyable event took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joha Pickard, Cut Line, Goderich township, on Monday evening, Sept. .25th. It was the anniversary of their fiftieth wedding day, and .about ' fifth invited guests sat down to a most sumptuous repast. Ten children have blessed their upionaand while it falls to the let of a:imperatively few to enjoy fifty 'years of wedded bliss, it is a much rarer occurrence for that many years to pass ,without' death breaking the ranks, and Mr. and MO. Pickard are doubly happy in the fact that every member of their household is still, liv- ing. After refreshments had been served, short addresses were given' by Mr. Jas. Connolly, John Marquis and the Rev. Mr. Yelland and Rev. Mr. Steadman their pastor, all speaking in the highest terms of Mr. and Mrs. Pickard. ' Instruinentel • manic was given by Miss la 'Tebbutt, of HOlmes- ville, and songs by WM. Pickard, Mrs. •E. G. Courticeatidthe Rev, .Steadman,. also a, chorus by the nine children pre- sent, only one, the eldest son, Wro., of Columbus, Ohio; being absent up, avoidably. The large number of yalu- able presents received by, Mr. and Mrs. Pickard, gave aniple evi- dence of the -very high • esteeto in which they are held in the coo-dam:1E3r, in which they have lived so long. Mr. Pickard is in his .81-th • year, and though somewhat feeble he hopes to enjoy this life for seine time yet under the same good Proviaerice, who has for so Many ybars showered blessings upon them A. most pleasant evening was spent and brought to a close by the singing of the Doxology. TuckersMith: ACCIDEI*T., MPS, W. Townsend had the misfortune to cut her bend by putting it threugh a windowt NewEs.-Miss.Dunlep, of Saskatch- ewan, is spending a few weeks with Mrs. W. Rogerson. The eEpwoeth League of Turners purposes holding a literary and musical' entertainment . 'some time in the near 'future. • SERIOUS itCpIDEIVT. -• Mr. :Jaime Nott, of the London road; met with a serious accident • On Saturday Jest: With his daughter he was engaged in carryinga sewing -machine down stairs, he being at the lower. •end, when he slipped and fell down stairs, . the machine following him. Lathe fall he had three ribs' broken, arid was other- wise injured. . TRE Othasa RattawaY.-Oh • Wed- nesday the 27th inst was the eightieth anniversavy of the Stockton and Darlington Railway, South Durham, • England. So ,saith Robt 'Peacock, farmer, London Road, Tuckersmith, a, man in his eighty second year, whose father' was Coal Agent at Fightingcockef Station, four mires from Darlington and eight miles - from Stiackain, from the very first Inception . of that Road in 1825, and the station agent at the same place. AS early as the year 1.833, and was killed • at that station Rh of March, 1836. HOUSE 17*URNED -Mr. German, Who resides on the Huron road, near Sea - forth, had the misfortune' to lime his house by fire, on Friday afternoon last together withmest of its content. Re was at the back of the farm ,working, when hie children discovered the fire, which is supposed to have•originatecl from sparks fallitig on thekitehen roof. Mr. German has been. particultirlo un- fortunate. having lost his wife only. a few week's since. The amazing thing about the lite was that rig after ng passed on the road to the fair at Sea- ford', the binning house in good view, and only one or two turned in to offer the slightest assistance in saving the contents of the house. ' Seaforth NOTES -Mr. F. W. Tweddle has dis- posed of his dental practise in Seaforth to Dr. Hodgins, of Sarnia; Mr. Tiveddle goes to Fergus. . DIED IN Tun Went -I -The sad news was received here on Sal urday. last of the death of Mrs. Harvey MeGowen, width ead event ()Conned at her home In Neepawa, Manitoba, the previous day. Mrs. McGowan, whose maiden name was Nellie MeGonnigle, was a daughter a Mr. Geo, McGonnigle, of Seaforth, and Was only 24 years of age. Daierit on Jona CARLIN -,The death' of John Leo, Carlin, son of Mt, Jas, Carlin, of eicleillop, occurred on Tues. day, and the eirentnstances snrround- ing his death are particularly sad. It will be remembered that a. couple of weeks ago he wes serionsly injured by havieg a fork handle driven into his body, At that time he wes taken to the home of his sister, Mrs, D. Shama hail, in Seriforth, where he died. There he was operated on a week or so later, a second onerationrwas ileented necessary and this also was performed, But Ins injuries seemed to be beyond human skill. The deceitsed wits a bright young, fellow, beingoniytwenty yeers of Age. He wits a Universal fay. iorite, and his early death will he a se - vere shock not °illy to his ithmediate. relatives, but to a large ettele of friends. ' CLINTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, J905. , Stanley Faux Soen.-eaMr, John :avery has sold his fine faith of 100 acres o11 the lst con. of Stanley, (Lender) road) to Kra getira LiVerMire* of Hulett, for the %On $0,700. The place has good buildings, and is in every way a first- class farm. We believe it is Mr. Avery's intention to NU his brother in the west. PERSONAL. -Mr. Peter Aikerthead, of Melfort, Saskatchewan, is spending it few weeks amonghis old associtit ies and acquaintances n Tuckersmith and Stanley, Twent3e three years ago he sold his farm in Tuckersmith on the London Road and went west, settling first in Dakota, 11; S. Not finding Dakota a desirable place to remain, he moved with his family to Saskatche- wan and settled near Melfort, where he is now eomfortably settled. He is a Kin of the late dames Aikenhead of Goderich. -Beam BURNED. -The large barns of Mrs. Ames Keys, la miles south of Varna, were totally destroyed, by fire on Tuesday afternoon, together with their contents. It is said that the children were playing with matches, and set fire to the straw Stack a they informed their mother, anctwhen she went • out intending to quench the flames, they had made ench headway that nothing could be done to save eithey the barn or its contents. 13o complete was the destruction that not a pound of grain: was left. Fortunate - 1y. his ifneleinents were in a building by themselves, and were thus saved. Noans,-Mr. Geo. Campbell and his sister May are spending this week in Chicago, visiting relations there. Messrs Phil and Wm. Spear, of Ridge - town, Kint Co., are visiting this weet in this district ; they are sons of Mr. -Wm. Spear a former resident of Stan- ley, Mr. Thos Carr. of Brucefitild, completed the cement' foundation for the barn of Mr. Thos Baird, during the first of the week. Mr. Thos. Me - Donald, of London polieeforce was visiting on the line this week.. 'Thos. Baird and A. D. Baird Werein Grey on the first of the week visiting ltfr. Buttery. Miss Maggie Sullivan and her sister, returned to their home in Toronto, after spending; the sumiter at the home of Mr. John McCowan. • Couprozra-Council incia as per ad- jourrin3ent. Mr. .Thomas' Wiley, who has been collector fora& good Many years and 'efficiently perforins his duty was again appointed.' A- discussion :then -took, place regarding the,ncetious weeds which are becoming so numer- ous and destructive in this township. The new act requires these weeds to be cut on the highway adjoining a man's ferns by the °Wrier or rentea... The council may aPpoint a man to cut them 'and levy the ainount of expenseagainst the preperty.011 the roll. Patinnasters are requested to note: this particularly and carry out the law. The council desires that scrapers be returned to • township hall or to any councilman on :their beat as they Will be needed in the near future: After paying a 'few bills council adjourned.•to meet first Monday in October at a o'clook. Harnwell, clerk. • . • aururn Necrns.--The village *painter is still nt work; the last buildingto get a new coat being lielweig's taller shop. Mrs. Jas. Medd is visitingat her old horae in Dungannon. The main street. has 'at last been thoroughly cleaned up, after the work of this summer and the grader. The job let •a. month ago to. grade and gravel the hill, wasfinished lest week; it required 150 yards. 'Mrs. Moore left on Wednesday, on a visit to .. . friends in Pi ttsburg. Hanvpsx SERVICES' -r•Last Sundii,y St, Mark's church held very successful Thanksgiving Services. The afternoon sermon was preached by Rev. Richard Hicks; B.D., and in the eyening the re- tiring rector.preached a farewell ser - non to a crowded house, ;Rev. J. L. Small officiated at the opening of. the service. 'The farewell offering amount- ed to $20. During the month, of 0,.to het the parish Work will be taken, by a London student. * Pltast,PrATiorz, -On Friday evening a Jorge crowd, fairly representing the Congregation here, assembled in the' basement 'of KUCK church, for a social evening.' The chief feature's of the program were a couple of solos accept- ably rendered by Miss MeGillvery, and a short talk by Rey. J. G. ' Faille, . At the close of the pregram, in behalf of the congregation, alio' Ruby Young was presented with a music cabinet, as an acknowledgment of her services as organist, extending overa period of seven years; also for the choir leader, Mr. Wm. Andersen, a couple of oaken chairs and a drivingrobe. .These wete tendered with the sincere well wishes. of the entire congregation, . Wingha In PRIZD 13U7 -TER,- We thill ydel5ePer V for the Lea Bot or Tub liatter•everld two toeets. .11fra, Win. Naylor, Whiteeltrrelt, al* ast conted. 610. E. KING, Wing/tam, SB•foxEsmcit I3LOWN DOWN.* Ill a, heavy wind 'prevailing here on Friday, .the large smokestack on the Union furniture factory was blown down, re- sulting in the roof catehing fire. An alitrin of fire brought the fire brigade immediately on the sceewand Prevent- ed any further damage titan it portion of the roof being burned. The fires un- der the bollertt hacl also to be extin- g,uishe4.- As a southwest wind was - blowing at the time, that portion of the town would have been in great danger, had the fire not been promptly L01 undercon did , Ovenseertra. -Miss Al. heart Rintoul, ,seventeen years old, daughter of Mr. Itintoul. tiled veett suddenly here Friday afternoon trent bort failure, auperinduced by maw, study. She had only just passed her examinatione for 'second-cIess certifi, cote at the present summer terrh and bad rait been Well sinee the t time, It Was mild she was euffering leak- age of the heart, brought on by bard work preparing for the examinations. Porter's 11111 11111 lkerres.-Aliss Cora Newton, of Tor- onto, is visiting at Clem Newton's, Iltaby Potter is home s gain. after epeteling a etniple of months with friends at flitrriels Crossing. Mr. and MDR. W. Glideloh, of Colborne, visited at 0, W. Potter's last week, Miss El- liott, of the Bayfield line, spent Sun- day with her CellSitl, CreSSIS 14;1110t,t. Me. and Mitt, flodgbts, of Kintoss, vis- ited at Mr. Vanderbutg's last week, Mr. and Mre. "Russell, ofGhtinnties are visiting Mende in this rieighborhoOd, cash will' get the NeW-Rra, to Jan r C , r906, to new sub-, scribers. . per year Insd41.0 $1.51) wean est ao oat" Myth. ; PERSONAL, Xi.. and Mrs, littp,1). McQuarrie returned on Friday even- ing from their two months' trip to Manitoba points ; their absence, WAS chiefly spent with their sons at in inue- dose, and Winnipeg ; they enjoyed their trip very much and had a delight- ful time, Mr. J. A. Jackson, B A-, former Blyth lawyer, has been nomi- nated by the Conservatives to repre- sent the constituency of Ponoka in the Alberta legislature ; he will have the best wishes otl many olcl friends in this neighborhood for success ; Mrs, Jamie- son is at present in Blyth visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. G. Emigb. NOTES.-MiSS Jane Mains cut her left wrist badly on Monday with a lamp chimney; which broke while she Was cleaning it; it was found necessary to put several stitched in the waand, Miss W. E. Thompson, who has been eaching in McGowan's school in East Wawanosla for the past two years, has been secured to teach the third de- partment of Blyth public school ; she will succeed Miss Kirkby, who will shortly leave for the west. Rineestilne. A Poxemen PRIEST. -The following' appears in the Stratford Herald tine, week i' -'-"The popularity of Rev. air Laurendeau, who isleavtrig the -city, was again shown last Thursday by further presentations. At St Joseph's church that evening Fr. Laurendeau was the recipient of a well-fillecl. purse from the congregation, accompanied by an address read by Mr. J. J. Cough- lin, while Mr, D. J. O'Connor made the presentation. Fr. Laurendeau was also made the recipient of MI appro- priate gift from 'the choir 'boys Thurs- day evening.. Still another presenta- tion was made to Fr. Laurendean Thursday afternoon by the pupils of Loretto Convent, the day pupils and boarders unitingin the gift•of a hand- some silver set, including knives, forks and spoons, which was accompanied by an approptiate • address. 'Fr, Laurete dean replied in a suitable Menner. Friday morning Env. Fr, Lainendeau and his sister Miss Laurendeap, 'left for their new home in. St. Augustine, Hama County: • • - • e0108t1ISCe ' NOTES. -Quite a number' from this vicinity attended London Fair. Wm. Carter, Charles Rogerson and Robert • Rogerson hateaeaclapurchesed a new hero.. Win -Carter is again taking aa great 'many prizes with his poultry at the fairs: The farmers are busy filling the silos, George Mann is doing most of the work here with his engine and cutting box, Mrs. Andrew, of Gotrie, is visiting With her. daughter. Mts. 'B. 33.. Stephenson. While attending the London Fair E. L. Farnham, ,breeder of Hereford'. cattle. putchased11finebull, bred•from the stock of •Armour's in the .States ; this bull should be iv benefit to the stock in this • vicinity. Mr. and WS, James Fairservice are spending a week visiting friends near Listowell. Apples are a very scarce • article in this part. There are a few farmers here growing sugar beets, they are TIOW ready for harvesting.' John Jamieson went west ore the ex- cursion, he expects to remaiti if he likes the country. Roltnenville ' INSTITUTE ainanees -The Institute meeting held at the home of Mrs.' Mulholland, a goodly number present. The • papers given by Miss Annie Swann and Mrs. Wm. Jenkins were •highly appreciated, throwing out use- ful hints to those wishing to, improve their homes, • thereby. Mne War. CONNELL, Sec. - lioxEs.- -Mrs; W. Marquis and Mrs. Wm, Mulholland are • visiting friends in Chicago. Meta Tebbutt started draTuesday morning for California, to join her husband, who 'Went 'there some time - A. J. Courtice and wife returned home on Monday eeen- ing, after spending four weeks in 'Tor- onto, Ottawa, Orillia and other places. Premien "UP. -We were unfortunate • to lose two of the residents of our vil- lage last spring, and two houses have been empty all summer, but we are glad to notice that Mr. Brown, from. Clinton, is moving into one of them ; he is putting in a chopper, for the•ben- efit of the farmers in this vicinity, and, we welcome - him to our -village, and bespeak for.hini a liberal patronage. DEATH Op MR. Fonn.--aA fter an ill - nese of one week George Ford, the last surviving one of the tour Ford broth- ers who so long resided in this vicinity, passed away on -Wednesday, at the patriatehel age of ninety years and five months. Deceased came • Mit to this country in 1832, with the other members of the family, but being a ship -builder by trade, he followed it for a numhey of :years; taking up his residence here sPinie 20 or 25 years.ago. He was of a very quiet, retiring dieter.' ,sition, and outride of if few in this im- mediate vicinity, was scarcely known to ,the community, though very highly, esteemed by those who did have his acquaintance, wa,s the third eldest member of the family, otzt of nine children., Mrs. John Rudd,of Clinton. and Miss Bessie Ford being the only remaining members. He was a staunch Conservative, a, member of the Church of England, also of the Goderich Masonic order, The funeral takes plaee to Maitland ornetety, God- erich, at 2 tarn. to-day-Friclay, I Brugefjeld NoTels.-Oharles Mustard, who has retureed from his mission field, preach- ed in the Presbyterien church on Sale bath evening ; he leaves this week for Toronto University; to resume his studies, ehildrerfs Day was observed in the Presbyterian chetah on Sunday rriorniog ; ReV. E. H. Sewers preaehed O splendid sermon to the ohildreh from the text : "Emnember now thy Crea- tor in the days of thy youth ;" it was appreciated by all who Were present, young and old alike. Miss Mary Mur- dock returned from Wirightim last week e where she attended the- wedding of her cousin, Miss Ross. Mrs, Itattene.„, bury and daughter, Miss Alice, and sister, Miss Marks, left on Saturday to visit relatives in Detroit Miss Lottie Gra:-sick is still very 111, Miss Mite Welker. of Buffalo, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Alma'. Miss FlIdetington, of Themes Road, is the guest of Mts.. Ketelien; Two of Mise Mustard's pup* ifs, Misses Pearl Waking and Greta, Mustard, took prizes in dravving at the Seaforth fair. Mrs. J. Droadfoot, who lately returned haul Winnipeg, 18 WS. iting her sister, Mrs. Wm. Blow. The eoncrete walls of Mr, Snider's 81101) me nearly completed ; this will make a good building, Renmifiler -• PaasoNara -john Newell, wife and family, Goclerieh, spent Sunday in our tuition. Ed Fisher and wife, of Carlow, visited friends here on Sunday last. 'Herman Maedel returned to Detroit last Thursday after spending_la couple of weeks at his haute here, H. Fisher is at present engaged in the evaporator in 0oderjh.. Xissee Jennie and Carrie Be e visited friends here on Sunday last. • *- NOTES, -Silo filling is now the order of the day. A number of Silos in this locality are not being filledthis season. The expense in filling is probably the cause in some cases. Aeolis -Risley had the misfortune to hise a valuable bull last week, atalagestion was the cause of death. Londesboro PosseNA.L...-The 0E1,11111ton Times, speaking of the marriage of Rev. air. Leckie, says ;--"The bride, who is very popular among a large circle of friends in Hamilton, received a large number. of valuable and beautiful presents.' Ssraana OUT. - Mr, R. D. Blame will .:. offer his hotel property here ami also his farm of 150 acres for sate by alio- tion on Saturday, October 7th, He ig interested in the erection of a new ho- tel et Lloydminsteron what is known as the 13arra-coionv, situated on the beninday of Saskatehewan. • • NO1'ES.-1VIessre. Brunsdon got a car of soft coal for winter use. Mr. Miller also got a car of hard coal this week. Richard Carter shippea biesugar beets this week ; he is the first. E. Watson shipped hogs from here ' Oil Monday, • There are quite a let of apples at the station, to be shipped soon. MSS E. McGill, of Chicago, visited Mrs, R. Adams one clay this week ; she was on her way: home from. Lueknow. The Creamery is now turning out saltless butt% and shipping every week; the' price is 211 0)110. Beigrave ACCiDENT-An unfortunate accident: nofirred"ntafte-igrave station on Wed- nesday meaning of Mat week. As the freight train from Winghain to Len - don was passing through, Mr. Bryaris of Morns was approaching the creas- ing,- with a flee texini, and a lead • of chop on his wagon. ,:- The train, having no freight to take on, was prisingaigb t 'through Ifelgrave, without.' stopping. • Whether Mr. Bryanfailed.to heat the:, Whfitle, or expectedthe taiiin -to' atop, • or vvhethei the horses became unman- ageables-is not known, but theengine struck his wager', knockina it to epiire. Wee end throwing Mr. Bryane a dis- tance of nearly fifty feet. He was. pick- ed up unconseious and it is not known whether the injuries aill prove fatal or not. The hind wheels of the Waggon were found a hundred feet away, 'and • the horseshit -I sway a ith therenanants • of the waggon attached. It Was a most unfortunate accident, but it is still hoped that Mr, Bryan's injuries may not prove fatal. . Later reports indicate his recovery. • Mullett Dissorarrwaa-Tyridall Brae., of the ard of faullett, Who have an long teen in pe rtnerehip„ have mutually dissolv- ed, Mr. Lorne T. Tyndall will • con- tinee.the farm, and his !neither Arthur has' not decided what he will do, *Notes. -The sate of A. Vodden• on Wednesday last was very fainly attended considering the busy time, and all the stock offered. was sold at _good prices. Mr. J.. Eddy returned. lest week after a, visit to his son near . Smoot. Nia;rae. -Mr. J. E. Robert- son, . who haeheee Principal of S. S. Noi8, the past twe.yeare, has resigned and -contemplates returning 'to Goder- •ich Collegiate after New .Years, Miss 0. Iltilston assistant in tee same school' has been re-engaged for next year with an increase in salary: Miss ,1 Lowery of No. 4, expects to attend the Normal School next year. ' CI:rano-Es.- Mr. Harry Livermore has sold his property on con, 8-0, and bought a splendid farm on the London read berow-Olinton, The' house occu- pied 'bv Mr. Livearaore, tdaether i ith the cider mill, time kiln; and two acres of land, has been -sold te Amos Dirt, wright, for . his father, James Oart- ?-fs-ifightriiilfa-Will-rratirtr-frariratietivea work; the price paid is $800. The fifty acro of swanivlaral owned by, Mr. Livermore has been sold to Henry Adanas for $1450. Amos Cartwright will occupy the property -noted by his father. Mr. Li.veribove Moves about the middle of December. ' " Bayfield • • TER HRIDGE.-The bridge builders haye completed • the centre abetment fox. the new la:ridge, and are now busy working at the one on the north side, Finn -A Very peculiar. incident hi the way.of fire occurred here on Thee - day morning last about 4 tato., when a quantity. of Mr. 'Mustard's lumber, which is piled On the dock, was ob- served to be raging with fire. The or- igin of the fire is • a complete mystery, as there is no dwelling neat. the place, although several men were working on the dock on the day Previous. Mr. Mustard estimates his loss at about $1,000, although he expects,to recovee some of it, as there was eonsiderable insurance On the lumber. • te .ZUR/CHFAIR4-1‘uhrefhory*first annual exhibition given by the Hay Agricul- tural Society was held at Zurich. Wed- nesday and Thursday of last week. The event of the fair this year was the opening of the new grounds and build- ings situated at the eastern end of the village., The fair was one of the most successful ever held by the society, the display of exhibits beiriglargerand well seitieted. Goderich George Lethbridge, of .Knolt church, Goderieh, hits ac- cepted the appointment of vrganist of ICriox churcie St. Thotnas and enters on his ditties in a couple of weeks, et Atearrture 1iANDSLI614.--;Anot1ter big landslide °courted. on Thursday morn- ing on the north bank ot the Maitla.ncl Itivert where the O. 13, R. construction work is in progress, • and, counting in the slides of Sunday and Monday, it is estimated that between 00,000' and 11 1),. yards of earth bore moved. In the slide the Milton steam shovel, which was at work part of the way down the bank, was earled down to the riVer drop Ok about 100 feet, The Collegiqte' institute, The Institute has cornmencea work this year under more than usually aus picious circarnstanees, The opening was ludeed delayed toe a, few days the uncompleted state.- of tbe aitera, tielle and, repairs, but work has been Phe. agtotennftavnocreethlys faortiotytie:hteTitewc ethekasx; for the last few years, althotigh soave- ly mane' to what it was in the daya uf the Primary Examination. Here, as elsewhete, the abolition of the Pettit- ary, and tbe establishment of (=Linn' Own ()lasses have tended to diminish the attendanee at high schools. The effect of the latter cause is seen ha the „relatively smaller number of county pupils now •in attendance. At one dine the county ,pupils formed' one- half of the school ; now the town pup- ils outnumber those from the county by nearly fifty per cent. As the con- tinuation Masses ate more within reach of many, the above, result is ua,t., urea enough. There is panuiee, hew - ever, of good attendance in the upper forms, especially in the fifth, vehere the work Is beyond that of continua- tion classes. The building has been greatly im- prayed ; it is, in fact, better than when newly erected, as it'vfies not.then prop - le ;loin% °aorta. loTtee Pur WI:311r eiri.lthhea ant fuocrii- °wetly; RS the wainseotifig atidavvitidole; casing were removed, a coat of plaster put on the brickwotk, and the walls strapped and lathed and plastered anew. The wide front staicway has been removed, and the space it re- quired in the upper floor has been floored in. . This gives space for hat and cloak rooms in the cripacious cor- ridors, and also space for a large and comfortable private room for the *staff, entered from the front door. There ariativo side entrances for the pupils, to which, in a few days more, granolithic walks will be laid. Hyle.plate b ack beards have i been placed n the front ends of the class -rooms, and similar ones will :probably be 'placed an the side walls. Tae ' interior of the 'build - ins; has been re -calcimined and painted. The floors have been levelled and painted, and altagtther the inside ap- pearance is greatly improved. When the libraries and apparatus are prop- erly arranged and a little, cleaning dobe in some parts of the building, the students need not beashartien to invite their friends to visit - their diurnal' habitat. • • . We Mang•ratelate the -boys aud girls On the improved • condition ot things, and hope that the moo pleasant sur- roundings Will incite them, to still bet- ter Work than they have done in the past, and that there will be no marrin4 y pencils or knives to make the aloe regret that they have .spent so much triOneY in making the improvements. . eau u S B • • eptember: Thus far the month Of Septeniber has beera.warrn, dry and cloudy, and notwithstanding this is the month for the vernal equinoctial gales the re- cord shows that few gales hive been •recorded in September and that this month in particular will fall far short ef theaverage xis a Windy ncionta. . • The weather men say there .is no -unpleasant weather -anyWhete•in the Dominion at present and the indica- tiona are that the beight weather of the past few daye'' will continue for a few days longer. The temperatute during the past Week has beeh very muCh.ebovis theavereke, and the mean temperature for the Month is 31 de-. ,gtees above theaverage for • the past' 64 years. The highest this Month was 78.degrees,' on the 10th, and the lowest 48; on the 21st. ' 1 a Exeter MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP LOSES. -A by-law to authorize the Council to buy .out the electric light plant at a cot not to exceed .$18,000; u -as voted on at Exeter on Banality, and defeated by 8 majority. The votingwas verylight, showing that the people do not take very mach 'interest ininurdcipal ow- nersaar haiP'i Lnce: Exeter' is rahcsit to lose Mrs. Geo •Taemp and daughters • Mabel? and Gertrude, who leave for Toronto, whet* they will reside in the future. Mrs. Kemp' catne to Exeter. sortie 30' -yeats-agmawi-th her hoshatich.-the late - Capt. George .Kernp, and has been Valued and highly* respected :resident of our town ever since.., ..Mr. R, S. Lang, who has been considering Iowa. ing Exeter for some tithe has purclutee ea a house in Toronto. The building ie ii,„doubIecnie Mr. J. P. Rosa,' of To- ronto,' formerly of Exeter; purchasing the other side, • • s • NEW CITIZENS. -11Irs. Cook, and tvvo soils, also Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Cook, and Miss Minnie Watts, all from Ilfracombe, Devon, arrived here this week, and have hoe guests of Mr. V. H. 'Watts ; .Mrs. IL Cook is his eldest daughter, while Miss Minnie Watts is his. twice,. and the whole party cattle to this country on the recommendation of Mr Watts; to better their condition Mr. Watts.yvill move to -day ihto his aecentia purchased home on William Street, and the newcomers have rent- ed the house of Miss Hine, on , Rotten- buty Street, that he is vacating, Mr. Watts is a good iinfiagration agent for this couotry, beinirenthusiastic in its praises, but he laughingaa says, he cannot bring out many more batches like this one, unless house accommo- dation in town becomes inore plentiful,. CONEOLENCE-The following race lutien from the inembere of Clinton Lodge. o, W. speaks for itself:- . Clinton, Sept. 8th, 1005 To Tkronus TIPLINO Esq, No 108 Woodbridge St. Deteoit, Mich.,. DEAR SIR A'Nts Eno. At a tag:ilex meeting of Clinton Lodge No, 144 A. ta W„ i t was resolved that wo erxtend to you and family our einceresympathy on the death of youlatylfe In your sad bereavement our Words extn not console yoti rind restore to yon 6.(1);tretrio°f aell good turd perfect gifts; to v one but pray tithe we t.. be yotu. Guide through Life and when you have accomplished yont allotted days on earth, may you wil 1.,. all the otel and true of heart be admitted by Our Ileavenly Grand, Ma -tar into that eelestiel Lodge above where the wick- ed cease from troubling and the weary find tlest, Sweet &.t, This is the sineete wish of yours le Charity, Hone and Protection. Signed on behalf of tilt:, Lodge, ,11. J. alone Secorder, ° Baking Powder • Alway" Fresh Always -Reliable ONE 6f0 25ets pet' ib. • REKIE'S . Drug Store.. N.; 13...--77-:„Ely.Paper,..Polson-- Pads; Tangle -foot, 7114 Vorpiten The Cha. g) Rather a good joke is told at the ex- pense of our genial G. •11', R., Agent, A. O. Pattison. Some goods weresent to the freight shed far shipment, ad- dressed* to a party at Keenora, Ont. When they started to make out the Way -hill, they could not .find Keenan,. Nobody around theshed knew where it.yeas.; 'the cla.ssified Rsilivay • Guide dicln t'have such -a. cterne as Knora in it, and in despet.ation Mr. Pattison C1110(1 up. the' shipper over the phone, and said :-- . oti've made a mistake in adelrese- itUbgere,stlanUgesu.,:hheXpeitsteelabnelcleadmithera ; aCir, yes there is,'" enolly replied the shipper ; aoou're not onto yentr job er .Y°41tdVelcirriwyhethr:reinrttlis.e"'reitqchijef is an yhow,a restionded•-Pettierm aDotat• you know that Ret Portege and Keener& are one and the same." came the •cool reply ; "they changed the name to Keenova six• months ago.' they did, so they did." said A. O. "but hang it, rd. forgoften all about W. C. T. The W. C. T. tP., entertained the rip- ; worth Leagues of Wesley and Ontario. Si. cherches, and the Young People's • Society of the Baptist Church, at the honae of the Rev. J. Greene on Tues- day evening. • Abou I; 80 w, ie • present. and .a profitable and enjoyable :even- ing was 'passed: --A cateefully prepared Progazon was renderel, conducted by ' • the preselent, Mrs. D. Eckmier, in the follewing order ; •Opening exercises ; address. Rev. H. M. Manning ; duett« • "The Glory,Song," Misses L. Potts.axua K. March ;•address, Rev. J. Greene; solo, MISS Pennebaker ; banjo Sob.. Mr. Fred ; 'reading, Miss S. Had- : ddu°cE.;115,t,Marg.drDeras..' Tith:vitiesWeri. E. (1KMerre.s.; Greene ; teeitation, .Miss CarrieShip- ley ; solo, Miss Lizzie _Heed. .. -The address by Mr. Manning urged. the importance of personal work in. securing signatures to the pledge and: interesting ourselves in trying_ to ilea - cue those wbo are fallen. Ile also' gave Some facts from' very high auth- ority as to the injurious effects •of al- cohol upon the human system Mr, Greene. dealt prmeipally • with. ' the netitre arid work ot the W. C., T. U. Mr. Kerr gave several. reasons wipr young people should be interested la the: teinperarice ceuse.' -He -spoke Strongly • of the alarming- fact that many women,' and.young women too, ere 'becoming addicted to strong. rink., Tie stated that he had been- „ tdd lately by- proininent Professional • nian of this county that he could namet • - reridilya-100; young'. women-Tzr-ther-. • eino;n1;13-11, owrho ivere in. the ha,bit of•drink-,- I•veA.rieteste. rvtehde, apiriodgr2oam. raermafbreersslini;greete • added to thennicin. Mrs. Eciernier in closing urged that a strong represent- ation should attend the County Om- Ventiori to be held at , Exeter on Oct, 5th and 6th. , • Watch for fall business announces . merits in the NEW ERA. It pays to, . read ' the advertisements,. as rciantr 8. dollar may be saved in A year by catch- ing the special bargains. The marriage takes place in the' . Catholic °hutch next • VVednesday • morning of Miss...Laura, Mcafourt,.a, .poptilar young lady of town, arid Wan. Bedour, prosperous. youngfartner of Goderieh township. 'Good .itidrwear Poi*. Men and Boys, The Vint of underwear sold in ilia store is the best we can buy, Our Ne* Fall and Winter Underwear is here at all prices from 50e, to $2,50 ea,ch, we sell. • • Here are a few ot the many linea Men's stripe mai sa underwear, double, Men's lideene lined underwear gilt% i breast, ribbed CU1' and skirte, •gOe gotld full size, at ech.• .....„, . kJ in all 81508 82 to 44, special at.,, i/Uht Metes heavy all wool, and /Ka fleece wool underwear, all eizes 1 ilk • Finer Imes in wooi netzerivear • ,, . , .. in pla i n an d ribbed, sixes:ea Itat .- *1O(. $14215t and $1,50 1 Peninan's fine :natural ivools1 • 25 ttnshrinkable underwear, the best.kied to buy for fall wearat . , 1, .. , t • T be Wa, NEWC0111.q C. CIA •(nothing and (4ente VorniomPlo