The Wingham Times, 1905-04-27, Page 8VetetWetW •`wYv'"e i -'•-Remember the date of the Beaver i eRSONAL. CURIOUS FACTS allustrels— May the Bth. ,3rreingements are being made ora We shall he glad to have contributions to The Eirg ox Portugal 1s a devoted football match between Myth anti thio column front any r,f our readers. If yo+t fisherman, , ,t n 1 send t to c THE WINGRAUI TIES APRIL 27, 1905 f'• Aex2 Rtchie 1' mgha*n teams, on the Wing/mat park, clue day next week. Dr. Butler. Bye,Bar Nose and Throat Spetiialist, 370 Queeu'a Aveune, Loudon, rt door East t,inc Glaese8 eapplied. mewed wort: on the new host Mike building. Worlt should soon be started or the summer will heover and it will he S. 3 the old story—"•Nothiug done." In - 3 Spector Nicholson has bad an office er- ected on the corner of the lot, have vi.itons nr pnrpaa t jiaing swan yourself.. ra t i o t neo. �) t o and tell us, yr ct t+ t n that s l sAndrew'st Chinch. e t —Contractor Cooper has not yet cam ` THE TI1NIE IS HERE FOR warp 3 Ault all kinds Clouse rums' : in 1 Tapestry Cer' t at 45o, 50c, C0e and 75 •r yard, Brussels Carpets at 75e, 95c, X4',1 00 and $1 e5 per yard '1 All -woos 3 ply Carpet el 00 per yd All -wool 2 p]y Carpet, Oilc and 750 9 gLinoleums, 4 yards wide, at el 00, 3, S2 00 and 5'2 25. a j Oilcloths at all prices. } j Lace Curtains at from 25c to S9 00 e a pair. 3 1 lot of Lace Curtains, one pair to each pattern, worth el 50 to 2 50, for $1.25. a y !ALEXI RIT IE� o AAAAANAAAAAAAA 1AAAA.AAAAAA TO ADVERTISERS Notice of changes must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. MiNOR LOCALS. —Mr. J. E. Swans has been home for a fow clays this week from Brandon. He purchased several good livery horses at Toronto and brought them to Wiug- hate and while here purchased a number to snake a complete oar load, which he shipped to Brandon this week. • •oaghs, colds, boaraenrs.. and other throes ailments are quickly relieved by Cresolene tablets. ten cents uor box. All druggists —"While we had less than an inoh of snow on Sunday, they had nearly a foot at Wingham."—Clinton New Era Some person has loaded the New Era. We had less than an inch of snow in Wiegham ou Sunday, April 10th. Clin- ton is as lunch in the snow belt as Wing. ham. The Beaver Minstrela have the funny men of all funny men, —Mr. John Waltusley, at one time a conductor on the L., H. &I B., has taken up his residence iu Exeter, with bis —Monday next is the first day for trout fishing. —The regular meeting of the Town Council will be held on Monday evening next. —The regular meeting of Court Mait- land, C. 0 F. will be held on Friday eveuing of this week. —Farmers are now busy with the seeding. The cold weather has been a set back to this work. —Joseph Jefferson, the famous Amer - lean actor died et Palm Beach, Florida, on Sunday, aged 70 years. —Plan of hall for Beaver Minstrels opens at Walton McKibbon's drug store on Monday next at 1 p m. —Secure your seats for Beaver Min- strels. Plan opens at Walton MoKib- ben's drug store on Monday next at I p.m. —All members are requested to be present at the meeting of Camp Cale- donia, Sons of Scotland next Monday evening. —The Whitet'hurch Creamery begins operations on Wednesday, May 3rd. The Directors anticipate a very success- ful season. —Mr. G. E King is in Toronto this week attending the horse show. He took down one of hie driving horses and we hope co hear of bis securing a prize. —The Yoting Ladies' Fortnightly Club will meet for the final meeting of the season at the home of Miss Sperling, Minnie street, on Tuesday, May second. —"The beet minstrel show 1 eves at- tended." --A. E. Gibson, former mana- ger Dominion Bank, Wingham. Hear the Minstrels in opera house, Wingham, on Monday evening, May 8th. —The Good Friday holiday was a Mr. H. Davis spent the Easter holidays - in Toronto. It1iss Tana Mt Gillivray is visiting Luckuow friends. Nr. Pets Sommers cif Blyth visited in town over Sunday. Miss Lizzie Gilchrist vieited friends in lorento over Easter. Mr. Geo. Youug was home frcm Lon- don for the holidays. Mr. Geo. Moore of Toronto visited in town daring Easter holidays. Miss Sadie Lindsay of Brussels visited 14 town during Easter )iolideya. Miss Mabel Mitchell of Seaforth spent the helidays at her home in town. We P. S. Linklater is visiting for a few days with friends iu Goderioh, Miss Olive Mauuers spent the Easter holidays with friend', in Teeswater. Mr E L. Dickirkson, of Goderioh was a visitor in Wingham for a few days. Mr. John Baxter, of Stratford spent the holidays with Wingbaw relatives. Miss Annie McLean spent the Easter holidays with friends iu Owen Sound. Mr. Sam. Hargis of Seaford} visited relatives in town during Easter holidays. Miss Luella Stocker of Luoknow visit- ed friends in town during Easter holi- friends, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bunking- days. ham, with whom he emigrated to this . Miss Mary Mitchell of Clinton, visited country many years ago and with whom ' friends is town during Easter holt- he has been on very friendly visiting (lays. terms ever siuce. Mr. Robt. Fleuty of the Ripley —Mr. Geo. Spotton, manager of the Express spout Good Friday with his Spottou Shorthand and Business Aced- parents. en1y, Listowel, was in town this week Mrs, Will. Roderns, of Toronto spent' on business. Mr. Spottou believes in .Good Friday at the home of Mr. F. H. the liberal use of printer's ink, and while Rodents. here contracted for a space in the Totes, Mr. Ernest Greer of the TIMES s staff in which the announcements of the Lis- spent the Easter holidays with friends in towel Business Academy may be found. Stratford, Mr. W. II. Pearson, of Stratford spent Easter in Wingham -visiting with his old friends. Mr. Robs. Currie, sr,, and Miss Flor- ence Currie spent a few days in Kincar- dine last week. Mr. W. C. Thompson, of Toronto The new parlia;neut building in Stools. holm, which was begun ten years ago is now completed. It lies on a small Wand. The Unitet1 States Government, through tate civil service oommissiou has - advertised for yardntagters, engine .tutu trainmen to go to Pauama. Italian small coin no longer circulate in lemma, having all been returned to Italy sortie years back, since wheu it bas been demonetized in let—mice.. The officials of the German state rail- way tyre heuceforth to wear helmets in. stead of the preseut peaked caps. They have been jealous of the military look. lug headgear of the policemen. Botauical feats are a peculiarity of the Chinese, Siamese and Japanese. The "changeable rose" is one of their wonderful achievements, the bloom be- ing white m the shade and red in the sunlight. The first person in England to have his photograph Luken was Lord Avebury- M. Degnerre, the inveuter of the art of photography, paid an early visit to the fattier of the preseut Lord Ayebury and it was then that be posed for the photo. The largest lake in the Eastern hemis- phere, excepting Victoria Nvansa, in Africa, is Lake Baikal, the "Holy Sea." It is 8,100 feet deep, its bottom being one thousand, six hundred feet below tho sea level, and in area corresponds with Lake Michigan, Remember the Minstrels—Monday, May 8rh. Plan will open at Walton McKitzbon's, at 1 o'clock on Monday, May let. THE MODERN MOTHER. Children shudder at castor oil, and with good reason. Castor oil is a relic spent a few days in town visaing with of old-time barbarism. Not only ie it his many friends. repulsive to the taste, but it gripes and Mr, and Mrs. R. Clegg spent the tortures delicate children. Modern mothers use Baby's Own Tablets, a Easter holidays -with Mrs. Clegg's par. gentle laxative which does not gripe; a ents at Iugersoll. comforting medicine which may be Mr. and Mrs. Martin Waugh, of Lon - given to'a new-born babe without fear of berm. These Tablets care all the don were visitors with Wiugha a Tela• minor ills of little ones, and promote tives over Sunday. natural steep and repose. Mrs. R. H. Mr. and Mrs. Dead', of Burford were James, Fenaghvale, Ont., says: 1 findy great satisfaction in the use of Baby's visitors with Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Liukla- Own Tablets. and do not know how I ter for a few days. could get along without them. They Mr. 13radsbasv herr spent the Easter make children well and keep them well." P And you bave a guarantee that there is holidays visiting with his son and not one particle of opiate or harmful daughter in Detroit. drug in this medicine. Sold by medicine dealers or by mail as 25 cents a box by Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Mooney of writing the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Ripley visited at Mr. Mooney's parental Brockville, Ont. home aver Easter Sunday. Messrs. J. W. Dodd and J. F. Groves At Random. spent part of the holidays visiting with Even the hour of adversity only con- relatives and friends at Acton. tains sixty minutes. Mr. Geo. Gray, of Toronto spout the A hero's reputation is never quitesafe Easter holidays visiting with Itis par - until he is dead and buried. ents, Mr, and Mrs. Mark Gray. Many a man's character has sustained Mr. and Mrs. G. 0. Manners a severe fracture from a slip of the Easter Sunday visiting with tongue. Manners' mother at Dungannon. The road to fai lure is the one that is Mr. A, H. Musgrove was in Toronto full of ruts. attending the annual meeting of the A virtue that we don't possess isn't Ontario Educational Association. worth cultivating. Mrs. Same Youhill left this week for The milk of human kindness is often Saginaw, Mich., where she will spend a very disagreeable day in Wingham. . condensed. few weeks visiting with her daughters. People were surprised to find the ground Fortune's wheel won't turn for a man Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dixon left last nicely covered with snow. The wet day - unless he puts his shoulder to it. week for La Vallee, Rainy River Dice made it very bad for getting about andSuccess always stands for itself. trict, where they will spendd the sum - the day was spent ire keeping close to the Failure needs an explanation. mer, stove. Miss Fraukie Wilson bas returned Eionesty doesn't really amount to 1 home after spending the winter with spent Mrs. Colorado Springs, Colo., has one hun- dred and twelve miles of streets contain- ing 1,121 acres. The average width of the street is one hundred feet, while the avenues are oue hundred and forty feet. About three thousand acres are em- braced iu the fatal breathing space. There is a great demand in London for Japanese postage stamps, which are rated as the most artistic in the world. The first stamps were issued in 1871 and there are few rare ones, the highest price ever known to •have been paid for one being fifty dollars. ...4...4..44..44+444.4.4.. 4 • Ea 5 ter♦ A s Goods ♦ ♦ • 4+444444 ♦ • • •• POST GMS • MANGY GADS • •• NOVEL EILS ♦ • • • Suitable ; Sweden. • Suitable lines with which • l ranch until it has been tried out. Dr. and Mrs. Scott of Saniluc Centre, • Glittering generalities generally prove Mich. . w that silence is golden. Dr. Chisholm, M. P. for East Huron • The fool neverputs until m Easter holidays with his fauli- e off u t l to or spent the Eas o • row what he shouldn't do at all. ly, and shaking hands with his many .s friends. • • Miss Edna White left for Iter home in • Sore. Throat and Coughs Campbellford on Saturday after an ex- • A aimp!e, effective and safe remedy for all throat • • irritationsis found in tended visit with her sister, Mrs. S. A. • i Cresolono Antiseptic '1 .biota Maguire. • ' They combine the germicidal value ofCresolcnewitb• nor. and Mrs. A. K. Gifford,of LOn- • � the soothing properties of slippery elm and licorice. 10d. Alt Druggists 400 don were visitors with Mrs. Gifford's • •. parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Homuth for • - the holidays. • Physicians are beginning to recognize• y • , worry as a disease, to be prescribed for Mr, A. M. Robinson, Manager of the the same as any other malady. Bank of Hamilton at Port Rowan spent + i Two antique gold chains, weighing the holidays visiting with his mother, • 1 together fourteen pounds and worth Mrs. R. M. Robinson. • !about four thousand dollars, were ex, Mr. J. C. Reading, District Agent of .•, Plumed the other day in Westgotlane, in the 'Union Life Assurance Co. at Oshawa spent the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Reading. •• - •j 1 Mr. Chester Hogg, who has for some • • , rag Ikmor ill his cellar. This is a naafi• s your friends. ,•� !dolts and nnspeakabI,. falsehood. The staff ler;ves this week for the 'Neat,• 4 +4+44444 I The educt has been accused of keep• • you may surprise • , . �, . years bean a member of the Advance «, +4+4+444 o , liquor is kept in the pantry, between the Chester is a young man who should d0 • i dining -room. and the kitchen. Why not well in the West and the TIMES wishes tell the truth? Itis also alleged thatat him success. • the editor of the Gazette has the gout, Rev. 1st. ljurwnsh, tit 'i 'ingbsm, On. caused by high living Yesterday for bin of Chancellor Burwash, was in town Pointed Paragraphs. (From the Chicago News A cheeky girl esith painted cheeks the limit. No one ever saw a hen.pecked man with a double chin.. . I'ts easier to acquire a poor wife than a good servant girl.. , If a man's money worries him a doc- tor can quickly relieve him. A pun is a sharp thorn in the side of the man who can't make one. A fool begins to acquire sense after he is divorced from his money. Truth is stranger than fiction—to the chronic liar. Money is always a satisfactory travel- ling companion. A blooming idiot isn't necessarily the flower of the family. The man who thinks twice before speaking seldom says anything.. There are more cases of indifference at first sight than there are of love. A hobo dentist is touring Ohio. His specialty is inserting teeth in pies. If there is one thing " thinner than water it is the blood of your rich rela- tions. It's a mean automobilist who will run over an innocent child—unless he is in a burry. A mate never realizes the true worth of his wife until she gets sick and he has to cook his own meals. , GOO or' .T litems. Mv. lsttrvrMh spent 40 years mustard, dandelion, horseradish and p y •' n ♦ dinner lie had bolos picked aourdock, yesterday, calling, oil his old friend Rev • • call that higll living: • 111nporia, Kansas, ordained at the same time.—Clinton beet to greens, boiled bacon add pots. in the ministry, but superannuated five Book Store,i>rlhrm toes, corn bread and onions. Could you ,years ago; he and Mr. Greene were both WI .444114044444114. Gazette. I ewEra. ANNIVERSARY SALE AT THE BEE HIVE For ' One Week.-=I3egins To=day. - One year ago .this week we opened our doors to welcome the people of Wingham and surrounding country to ,t THE BEE HIVE." Sinee then we.have greeted many new faces and made many steady customers for THIS STORE, We thank one and all for the patron-' age extended to us, and in appreciation of it will hold an Anniversary Sale for one, week, with : pecial discounts in every department. is We Commence With Dress Goons. There's advantages gained at any time buying dress goods at "The Bee Hive," but this woek'a advantages are exceptionally good. In making your selections here you are sure of getting i the newest in weaves and colorings. We mention a few of the many lines shown :--Lnstres, Voiles, Eoliennes, Venetians, Panama Cloth, Crepe de Chene. Broadcloths and Oashmerea••all at a Special Diseount,dnringour Anni- versary Sete. Come this week and se- cure the Special Anniversary Sale The - count. We are Selling A saving of 10 per cent. _ We'll have a busy time This its the discnuut you will get on our hlready low prices ou Shirtings, Cot. tonades, Deuims, Tickings, Sheetings, Pillow Cottons, Sateens, Apron Ging. hams, and Dress Liuings.. Now is the time to buy Lace goods, Ribbons, Fancy Collars, Hosiery,:Glgves, Silk Stairt Waists, Undervests, Corsets, Handkerchiefs, Side Board Drapes, Pillow Shams, Fancy Table and Stand Covers. Alt at money money saving auniversary sale discounts. with men • and boys. • Onr Anniversary Sale Prices in the• ' Men and Boys' wear department wily. ' make lively bitsiness in these lines of goods. The latest styles in Hats and, , Caps, Hosiery, Hnnakerchiefs, Sus- penders, Gloves, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, . Neckwear and and ,Underwear. All on sale during tht4 anniversary week at a - special discount of Twenty Per Cent : off every dollar, We add to the Iist • all ready made clothingie stook, suits, odd pants, vests, overalls and smocks.. 10c bottle Shoe Polish for.,.. 7c. 10o Matches for.... 80. IOc Shoe Slacking for 6c. Celluloid Starch for 80. 25c sealers Baking Powder for 20o,. lr c Chocolate Icing Sugar for loco. EVERY DEPARTMENT SHARES.—Every department shares in Barg tin Values daring thin Speeial Discdunt••' Anniversary Sale at • THE BEE, HIVE THE REELER CO. Phone 96. �VINGHAI�T,:.. KOlilti. G: n?o::—In Toronto, on April 1i th, the wife of Mr. T. W. Gibson, formerly of Wroxeter; a eon. • Niviss—In Blyth, on April 17th, the wife of Mr. John i. Nivius; a son. PArtr:t:x—In Bart Wawnno.h April on A 18th, the wife of Mr, Alex. Parker; a daughter. b1r:aKLRY--In Turnherry, near Beilnore,• on April Cth, the wife et' Mr. Henry Mtr]cley; a son. Amiss—In Bowiek, ou April lith, the wife of Mr. Wm. Adams; a son. MCMATrr—In Clinton, on April 18th, the wife of Mr, Jas. MCMath: a daughter. 1{r.Itirrw—In Rowiek, on April 18th, the wife of Sir. B. Kerwin; a daughter. nt,rnnenn, Jotutaxoe--Box.' o .—At the residence of the bride's parents, rorelwich, on April. 13th, by rev. J. l3usser, M.A., B.D„ lilr. J. A. John- ston, of Victoria Mines, to S1issLizzieBallston, (Laughter of Mr. This Bt:ustou. 1on4'tt—Wrtc•A--Ott Salm day, April 22nd, by iter. W. G. Wallace, at the home of Dr. Goocic101d, 931 Blom: street West, Toronto. loreneo Welch, second daughter •of the late. John Welch of I.+stowel, to Montagne Murrey Smith of the Molsoas Banit, $imcoe. Hen. Gideon Ouimet. who was Prem- ier of Quebec from 1878 to 1850, and later Superiutendtnt of Pubiio Insttnc- tien of that Province, tied on Monday, aged 82. Mtn Ntr:nt4AmmT.—/n Wingham, on April 20111, Munford William Niergsrth, aged B years and 10 months. i'orsca.--Ie est Wawanesh, on Atlrit 13th, Mary Young, relict of the lata Samuel Young, aged fill years and 7months. C1'uvnt:tt.-in Itinehnm, on April 24th, David tlampt.elt, aged 13 yore and 0 months. Hmtlater—In Wroxeter, on Monday, April 17th, Jame a Met.t an. son of Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Stuart, aged 0 to ecks. MinoraN - t Landoi North Dakota, , on.,•April L'e'nd, Cara': Elizabeth NetterRal4, beloved wife of Mr. ,t. 1;. Mtilholhind, formerly of Wi' giiaut. t Robert Procter, a negro accused of murdering a ccmen laical by throwiug him trona a circus train last Jnly, was committed for trial on Satnrday in Lon- don. He defended himself. A lady near Hamilton has offered to. • board anti lodge ten poor children a week during the summer months. The offer. - will be accepted by the Toronto Mission,.. Union. :asr.+w•�=o,3aP,=goams3 sat; $l ;iq^3 ?id:)93i 99999 999S499l?;r)39,aaaeaa9933r9fbg tui tui 0 m Ni a 4. WELLS, RICHARDSON & I CO.'S WC) Islitt.1 =MT CIALT3ELS PRVE:L BUTTER C LOR W or W Gives the True Golden June Tint that Guarantees Prize Butter. SSU The Largest and Best Creameries and Dairies in the) World Use It.' LOOK FOR THE DANDELION TRADE MARK. BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES AND IMITATIONS. A T -3t.• 31:2 1D`G-Sa'r3tIMWIi_3 r3.1173C) . tit')Q w�'feee,seA.•-:eeC:.seeec.:eeeeeE'Ieeeeeeeeeeeegie Veeeeeeeeee.euee ZtF,.E. ,R..ftri,'rGe.GLe *1YE: GC":G. . WALKER BROS. & BUTTON UNDERTAKERS.WINGHAM. Night oldie at Button Block, or reel• dente at Ritohie's property on Scott St. or third house west of school on John street. Shop oppostt.e Macdonald block C. J. MAGIUIi3E ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOAN .AGENT. Acconnts. Rents and Notes Collected. Cor veyanrinrr done OFFICE—Iu •Van:+tone Itiock. Open Saturday nights from 7 to 9 o'clock. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT. 103 acres, adjoining Wingham : seventyHre acres under cultivation. Om d. house; new barn. Splendid opportunity Exceptional bargain. Address ALFRED E. ELLIOTT, Thedford, Ont. Sheriff's Sale of Lands. COt1TY OIC iIritON, TO WIT; Bp virtt e of a writ of Fiert Facias issued out of His Majesty's Eighth Division Court of the County of Huron and to me directed and de- livered against tine Lands and Tenements of MIN. A. 32 Johns, Defendant, at the suit of S. Davis Zvi Dons, Plaintiffs, I have, seized a,,d taken h E±ecution all tho right, title, inttrsst11 and equity of redemption. of the above named Mrs... E. Johns in, to. and oat of the follow, in lands and premises, viz: the .east hall ot'lot 408. Government Surver, in the '.Lown of Wingltnm in the County of Huron and Pro- vihco of Ontario, which lands and Tenements House in tl a Town of (Mil (Milne. ie.ou tT`t Ctiav twentvthirtl day of May, 1205, at the hour of 19 of the cloelt, noon. R G REYNOLDS . Sheriff, Huron. Sheriff's Office, Goderioh, lieby. 7th, 1005. '17.SattetS roll nue:3)(31fi0' r 'E1 DELL addressed to the undersigned:1rd endorsed ,"Tender for dredging" will be received up to end including ltli.y lath, 1105, for the drtdsing regnircd at the following Places, rduring tonigontfiihii,yiv, Beaver, (o'lii. Kird( Matcltedarh Bat,, Mtafurd, ()wed Sound, Treu- ton, Penetnngtushene, Point Edward. t -at ell, Port Stanley, Rondeau, Volt Burwell, Saugeen Elver, Thornbury, Wiari on. Specifications eau be teem soil form of tender obtained at the Department of Public Works, Ottawa: 'renders to include towing of plait to and front the works. hilly dredges cors he employed dl whieh are registered in (nfl51fial: the time of filing Conntractors rk after the data to begin b)eent)tpti..t O1' lilt f aereptencet,f theirtende . The Departrient 3v noth tiUtiftd : t t., : lowest or any of the tenders. 1'3y aisles. FRED. t311I,1NAa, t•leeretary. Department of Pthr,4brrhV Ottawa. April ;ll), 1903. Newcattners itlionnrthig this a,lvert„entol+. without avithoritxt Trout ill Department wii1 not be paid for it: le.rot etee ,/see: est a a, Inuit Yournorb eltradtaSsN:aG�SS xeensi ^ieare W:udrinsw• `+•��—.•as: .'+y,.''"' +a Sear a.leeattie• • WE SOLICIT ENOU.IRIES FROM CONTRACTORS AND ALI; 'PARTIES WHO CONTEMPLATE BUILDING FOR 1905, WHOSE AMBITION IT IS TO PROCURE HIGHEST GRADE Hardt5: � r 3 'M , R ss, 'if Paintsand thIS AT A VERY LOW PRICE CALL IN FOR QUOTATIONS BEFORE BU'VING ELSEWH ERE. i, tr,G,l kLIJU•.. '0122001141311111 B. GERRY WING -RANI, I, O1N r.