The Clinton New Era, 1905-05-05, Page 4GRAND TRUNK S rs EMr e - A Tag CLINTON NEW ERA Kay 1905 rIda.y ..nd.•atutdayBarg'ain•L1st :at Will Interest You A list of exceptional values that include big reductions in.Tailor4made-Skirts; Rain coats and otherlines01 spring goods. A glance at this list will convince you that these savings are worth taking 'advantage of. ' There 'are others equally as good, in which, perhaps, you will be more interested than those we ahaye selncted at r andom for this week's ad: We say, without heitancy, that these values are unmatchable—that nowhere in Clinton can you get BARGAINS such as we will have on. Friday and' Saturday, 169c 75e and 85e Wool Voiles. and Canvas Cloths. at 4$c Kia Gloves.at 511c. worth up to $1,00' tete., in75c to of Na Sk Lham i n Grey Cr sen, These are all lzes that are worth 75c to LOQ for,„ , ..... , . . • , 55c view goods this season and are up-to-dat d in every way, regular Q /prices, 60c 75e and 75c to clear at .. „,, ..,., ,,.,, 40c 15e, 200 to 250 Cotton Hose at 2 ,tor 25c swami 63,00 Skirts at SIM• . • Ladle's skirtilmade of a goat& strong'cloth, weT wade and UiY ' iidied, seams all hound, trimmed with several rows of stitching around bottom, the regular prices are $2.50 and $3.00 each, to dear at.; r, 200 pairs of Ladies' and Children's Cotton Hose, warranted fast. black, these are linesthat are worth 15c, 20e to 250, -.2 pair for Boys' 250 Cotton Nose at 180 100 pairs of Boys' Extra heavy ribbed Cotton + Hose, all are 1a arranted Fast black, copse in sizes 6 to, 911e1 regular 25c Hose, to go at 50e Tape. Girdle Corsets a'x 85e. • . ,: .". ... 100'pairs of the new 'Tape Girdle Corsets. in all sizes, 'regular .. :5:c� q,.?rl?"a .� vas ,w:r,, f'�':�'•�,=r:.,.,. h to s t 75 ards of white d dotted M l t d $1.50 18. Spring Jacket's at $4.50 Your choice of. several Fawn Spring Jackets that' sold at $8.00 ., ...,,.. .�,. $4.50: 'So clear at . :::.._.::r.,.,s,:.,W,_tc._:.,...4.•..x^.Ze:s1,rater..-u.r ..-,..", ,rF :y7'xu...«u•+�4_.. .FFh'.b ..f,+. ." _-..x.. _ +0 �i.lhi to 6-F,l0 Skirts it X2.9.1► We Have gone through our stock of Tailor made, skirt! and 4 all the odd skirts left that sold at 64.50, $5.00 to 650, and have placed q them on a cable fur easily choosing at .. :$295 $6.50 to $9.00 Rain Coats at 83.00 Your choice of about a dozen three qua: ter length ; rain -coats. in fawns, browns, greys and tweeds, these are odd lines that sold at @ $6,50 to $9.00. All to clear at $3 00 Girls $ :.nil Rain (bats at $1.50' '• • Justt-a half-dozen-girls•ruliber-khied. rain -mats,- that 'ate reg- e • • alar $2.50 value to go at • , i u 25c • • 180 dots, -W J ii'Dotted-Mu litlr�a 9c y. o e us ins in assorted sizes in o s, regular 15c quality at.... O.. ••••••••••• •,,,.,,.,,.,..• • ,,..,: 15c, 18e, 20c Sateeps "and Art1lfuslflils at eek . 300.yards of artSateens and Muslins in assorted colors and designs,. regular 15c, 18c,' 20c qualities to sell at, I•?.'Cushion Cords at tie 400 yards of Mercerized ,Cushion Cords , In. AL the ne ;rest hades; regular 120 quality to clear at.... : , : • ... '.. , 60cand .t;5o Table Linen at: 50ti+ Two Lace Curtains Snaps • 100 yards of Unbleached Table Linen 58 inches wide.. comes ,in .three different designs 2oIk iot and floral designs,•',his is an extra heavy quality of airpure Linen that will give excellent wear, regular • We Tapir! at 48e 3 yards long and 30 rnci•es wide, Nottingham lace curtains = _prices c. ' and 65 to clear at, .• . . , . , .... . 'very neat design, regular 75c value at . 48c 12 c T01�'lilag at lOe �.' 25c Lace Curtains at 19c 82.75 Tapestry TableCoversat- $1.95 Tapestry Table Covers, 6/4 size, in shades of green, red, brown .i&e, extra heavy quality, fringed all round, regular $2.75 value to go et 25e White Lawn at 14e : 39 inch wide Indian Lawn, very fine quality. This is a lawn - 'that will give excellent wear for dresses or waists, regular 25c value at• White Lawn Waists at halt price. Just •a few dozen more of those White Lawn 'Waists left'that: we will sell at exactly half price.. - $1.25 Tab'e Linen at 79c . 72 inah wide Table Linen, .extra fine quality that is, warranted all linen, several neat designs to choose from, regular $1 25 -quality to sell at • 41c to 6Cc Silk Collars at 190 - • Your choice of srveral dozen Sii'11; CT,llitrs.iwaesorted colors aid styles. these a -e air new goads but are just odd linos thatne hau'n't in. all shades, rt•gul'ar prices are 40e to 60c. all to clear at each 515c to 85c Silk •Refs at 50r . Ladie's Black Silk Belts in a fine range of new styles, _all are in ` the rely newest styles and are regular Ric and 85c qualities to clear -at- - ,each . lC'hillflll Ctil'ar Forms 7 for 23e - 600 Chiffon Collier Forms, in all sizes, from 124 to 14a,.both soft and hard shapes, to clear at 7 '•for $1.25 Parasols at 980 .. Your choice of"several dozen Parasols, with assorted handles;. tops of nutterraithat will give excellent wear, regular $1.25 value, for: ?j+++++++4,44.++1,44+4,4%,1, Church News V/414 -14,14,1444-1,444444X Huron Pi eshytery will meet at Brumfield on Tuesday next. There are no fewer than 25,000,0.00.. 'S,sch0lars and teachers in Vie-Saunaluy chools of the world. • The business management of Knox church, Goderich. recentlypaid off $1, 000 of the indebtedness on the church The annual London Conference of the Methodist church will convene in dowel this year, commencing on Wednesday, May 31st. Evangelist Miss Morton, of Toronto, is expected to assist Rev. Dr. Gundy with spe,;ial revival services in Wing- iham, commencing Sunday, May 7th. Church services Are being conducted every Sunday in the court ht use, God- erich. and some 'one jocu'arly suggests that there is no more appropriate place, prgvided all the genial officials attend. We understand that Rev. George 'Washington, of the Toronto Confer- ence, eon of the late Mrs. t'Vashington, -of-tows. will ask- -for-- superan-n-uation- - at the close of the present church year. 4he annual Anglican Sunday. school •ro'lvention of the deanery of .Huron Will be held this year in Exeter the second week in June. Mr. Merchant. ofthe London Normal School,will give an address. :The May district meeting of the 1ldefhodist churches in Goderich dis- ••triet. will be held in Wesley church, Clinton, on Monday and Tuesday, May • r3. On the evening of the 22nd a public meeting will be held in the in- teeest of Sabbath school work, to be. addressed by Rev, Messrs. Baker, of 'Alton, and Kennedy, of Nile. ''he Annual District Meeting of the litethedist church for the Exeter Dis- ttrict Will be held at Ailsa Craig on ;Wednesday and Thursday, May 17th and -18th, Over thirty preachers. and.. Hymen from the churches throughoge the district are expected to be in at - t ndance. On the evening of the first any a public meeting will be held un- eler the auspices of the local W. M. S. atrthe .interests of Mission work, at *filch Mi Sutcliff of Grand Bend and Rtey. Mr. Henderson of Credition will `glve addresses. n. ]3A1"1'1sT eMINCTL-On Monday night the Baptist Young People's Union *Mee Bien iutei tiYlg peee'rttiit "oeti: tree ionary character. Once a quarter these- meetings are held, an evening being given to each of the mission en - • prises in which the Bantists,are en- d. This quarter the subject was rande Ligne Mission," a work of an • ucational antl evangelistic character that is carried on chiefly in Quebee. B a reading from a history of the eibesion. and an address on the scope of the work, the origin, development tend present condition rf the work were placed before the meeting in an itlteresting and instructive way. Sev- • 1 choice selections of valeal /Edge were given, which, together with a imitation, notonlypleased the hearers bob Awakened an interest in the cause Of Initiating. The attendanee was good Aida getierout offering was reeeivecl. sermon in the Baptist church •• Stun lay morning will be the third • rtat'itt Refire on the flret chapter of Phil. c "200 yards of 17 inch wide -Pure Linen Crash Towling, extrttbeavy quality that will give good wear, regular 12ho fpr .. . ..... .... . .. . . 75c A'J Wool Carpet it: 60e $1,95 or two days only we will place on Sale 100 yards of 86 inch wide, pure wool carpet, the regular price of which is 750, to go tit 14c -9c 1 12`1c 02 50c 10x. 600. Short Ends of Wool and Union .,Carpets to go at Greatly re.: duced :prices: • Millinery To Suit every Taste This Millinery. department of. ours' isgaining.new friends every slay, it is brought about by giving better 'values than others. Our hats are from 25. to 30 per cent lower'in pricethan any previous season, every hat is Made of the -very best material in the very newest' style; this week : we are showingsome very pretty. hats and beautiful` flowers, brought direct•from New York. -• 19c. Ready-to-wear Outing Hats. $1.25, $1.5o to $3;50: New Dress Goods. , . Our dress good sales. so •far -this spring ere aaway, ahead of • any 19 jrevicus seasori-we have the right..goods at the right price and people , 7Nr- �Lre quick to notice this fact.; Mohalrs are in the lead, .and are,shbwn • here in an endless variety at 30c 45c 50c 60c75c•and 86c. • YOUR HONEY ri41CR 10' YOU. WANT. t'I' Toronto Met bodists will this :au nnmer .spend $1511,1100 ori the .erection , f- four new churches west of Spadina avenue:; The rapid growth of Methodism in the west end is responsible for .this' large outlay. . ONYARIo ST -Rev W. Graham; of Victoria St.Church, Goderieb, and Rev. Dr. Cook exchanged pulpits last Sun tey. _Quartei:ly--ser-vanes-will-be-held in this church next. Sunday, comment- ingat10a.ne. • 'WJLLIB Ontnte I. -At :.the sleeting of .the Christian Endeavor' on Sunday evening Mrs. R. Irwin took the topic, "Home missions "....The Young 'Wo• men's Guild will hold it's regular- ' monthly egular-'monthly meeting next Mo'lda even frig commencing at: 8• o'clock Miss;, Edna Manning will take the topp�ie for the evening....The :.solo. by W. P. Spalding was much appreciated last Sunday evening, the solo part in the anthem was taken by Mrs,. Hoover. SALVATION ARUYNOTES. TheJones sisters. Misses Minnie and Eva, have. lust finished at successful • week's meet- ings in the Salvation' Army Barracks. On Monday evening they gave a splen-` did program,' which was enjoyed very mneh_-.hy all:pxesents.._:They.willreceive:: a hearty welcome when they come :wain. They left Wednesday ;morning for Goderich, -where they Will conduct spiecial meetings for a 'week. From there they go to Thedford The steamship Vaneouver will be landing in Montreal . 'in a few days withover one thousand emigrants.. Those desir-• oils of securing help should apply to, Capt. Boyd, of the Salvation Army, who will, as far as possible, fulfil the request. • Friends wile have pieces of furniture which they have laid to oris side, such .as bedsteads, chairs, stove pipes, second-hand wood stoves bedd- ing, ete., who would not`mind helping the poor and needy 'of .the old laid as they arrive in our town,should inform the officers of the Salvation Army, who frill be pleased to call on them. A Montsreatl harmer referring to Rev. ST Patiris,-The A, Y. P. A'. met Aoinember of the ,Ilouse who dee- Tuesday evening, and listened te .an CribedTerontois"thehotlietl'of bigotry interesting address' hy the rector..The id int lerance" had the faculty of' next Monde), evening at eight &Clock, putting truth in a nutshell. don On Sunday, preaching missionary 'What the 'Goderich Star thinks . of sermons in St. George's church in the *. B. 1$1. p. an4 his voting morning and St. Matthew's an the Special One-way Excursions from CLINTON to Montana, Colorado, Utah, British Colulnbia, Washington, Oregon,. California, Proportionately low metes to other points Tickets -on. elle 1rom_Marc i tat to MAY 15th, 1905. Ver tickets and fall, information,pall of F. R. Hodgens, own Agent The Heine a Eris A'RIDAY, MAY 5, 1905, The Foto on the Autonomy B111 A vote on the Autonomy mill"was taken, in the .house on Wednesday nic�ht, Mr. Borden's amendment be- ing` defeated by a majority of •8I, ' ThirteenC Coiiservatives voted with 'the e'?iitr ::0cnx?tl3eF#3einR Lewis,:the represeptauve_from. West Huron, The' Ottawa correspondent 'of the To, onto World announced on. Tuesday that E. N. Lewis; M. P.:. for . West. Huron, would vote for the Bill. This has beett'ruinored around heree.for the past week, nod caused a good deal of dissatisfaction among his strong Con- servative supporters. ; Speaking of the intended: vote; the Ottawa .correspondent of the Globe •says The Liberal. is Particularly un- fortunate in the number of vacancies through illness and tinconteolleble'cir- cumstances. Hon. Jamee Sutherland is still very ill (dead) at his home at Woodstock. Mr. H. J;Logign is seri- onsly ill in am Ottawa hospital with an affection of the ear. Mr. W. M. German is sick in bed at• home. Han. inee are abeent.through the illness Of' their respective daughters. Mr. Power of.Quebec is in England, Mr. Speaker Sul herland's vote will not be recorded,: and Levis is Vivant through the death on Sunday of Mr. L. J. Demers. Gaspe is also vacant • through Hon. Mr. Lemieux haying beenelected, there. as for which Mr. Seeley, Liberal, secnred a majority of votes, has been declared vacant by the courts .on technieat grounds. On -the tither hand,..the ap-. pesition niembers seem 'to he all in good health ancl 011 band, exeept 51e. Foster, who, though poprly, will he Thirteen Conservativesietedagainst the amendment effered by their lead- er, of -whom tenwere from Qoebec,viz: Messrs Bergeron, ,Beauharneis; Monk, Jaequee ,Cartier; Morin, Dorchester; Forget, Charlevoix ; Worthington, 'Sherbrooke ; A.mee.- Montreal, St. An. teuil ; Leonard,' Laval, and Brabazon, •Pontiatc. Two were from Ontarici- Messrs Pringle Cornwall, and 'E. N. Lewie, West Huron, and Dr. Thornp. son, Yukon, made hp the total. •• . The analysis of the Vote on• Mr. Bor- den's amendment, by provinces, is as British Columbia.. 0. 7 13-rar e issionaey likely prove mere interesting ociety Of the _ ebliaab of England in than what it Will say. Rev.. Dr. TurnbUll of West ' Presby- The NEW EEA" is infeerned+ on 7.114 terian Church, Torooto, (a former it considers good authority, that none Olintonlan.,) who has been seriously ill of the pkotests arising out of the On - for seme tune has Tara iallyrecovered, L gation desire him to take a bang va,ca-. never believed tlieY. Would. tion, and te visit .Eurepe, so that his complete recovery- may, if possible, ' • be assured. It is prbbable that Dr, It is said the estate of -the late Geo. , Turnbull will leave soon, should lus Gooderham, of Toronto; will net the health permit; for Europe. ,, • •• Ontario Government the sum of WESLEY -Quarterly services wilil be $750,000 in suceession dues, And thie held on Sunday next cdmmericing at is the fued which Mr; Whitney has 10. So in. TheSunday School Commit- . tee of Wesley- Methodist Churchoffic- ers of the School and the following re- presentatives appointed by the Quer- terlY.Office-Board. Messrs VD; tlanteloae Hoare met in the church leature roam VVednesday night and elected the Sun- day School Staff for the, cothing year. A. T. Cooper. Superintetidant, H. E. Rorke associate superintendent, L. E. Doher'ty. Secretary W. H. Hellyar associate Secy. R. E.' Manning, Treas- urer, Miss Manning, leader of choir, Miss Ida Holmes-, Organist. Teachers • It is -not generally knewn but it is Rorke,' G. Rogere,- F. Hill, ' A. J Tyn- all absolute fact, that 'Hon, Frank dell, Y. Brown, Miss Washington, Oliver'e full and real name le Frank Miss Ounninghimi, Miss Jenkins, Mies Oliver Bewefleld. , He was born 53 Davie, Miss Porter, Miss Cooper, Miss Miss' Ida Holmes, Miss Southcombe, .9 i i 1 . I as be ante Miss Washington, Assoelate &merle. 'he disapproved. of his father's second denounced as "a swindle on the widow and orphan. become High Commissioner at Lori-. don, Lord Strathcona haying signified his desire to retiee. This was talked • of long befoie Mr,•Sifton resigned, and he ,certainly would make • an admir- able man for the position. Cupid' Defeated - - [Printer's Ink] A hale -repentant oachelor, With quite a pile of rocke, Dropped in one day, beside the way, . and bought a pair Cif socks, Arrived at home-- romantie joy: -.he wond'ringly drew out A. note deep hidden in the hose-froni some fair hand, no doubt. - ' -Says the • Montreal Witness: "The opening of the Edmonton constituency was the very monition to test the feel- ing of the Northwest both upon the separate schools and upon the provin- cial rights' involved, in the sehOol (pee - den. The election of Mr. Oliver .ba; acelamation has practically given the ,. I Separate school debate at Ottawa its ."rin tweetY Years bf age," lt reaue 1 coup de grace," lt is a Misnomer, of With you I'd like tocorrespond-if you --- - and called a denary tow,. [course to refer to "Northwest separate will never tell. . , schools," rhere are noseparatthichoots My object matrimony le, al'ul Yours. 1 'In the Northwest, undet ' the law now then she wrote her amine, overwhelming majority of the people; On fire with hope, the bachelor. that and which the propreed bOW law mere-, And folded his epistle with tt kiss ly• continues.. . eery evening wrote , inside the note. 40 Rev. IL W. Locke, of Leaniington, Sly cupid ' ead him in. hie niesie-no formerly of Exeter, has been sefionsly "very clOVet Cada, , ... ill, it Is not expected he will be able For, after all, (elite foolish IS A, half re- to attend to his thureh duties before But ali, how sheepish am he feel, when Local Option went into effeet 111' from the fair unknown I Themeeville, ou May Ist, and the three Tejo onawor oomo, to ononoe his mum hotels entirely closed up, having turn - "An old maid I liave groWni ed out all boarders, taken up the Alegi tWas fOrty veins Ago I planned pittepe and locked up the stables. that fond mrprise. The Allan liner Ionian arrived in Defeated by a heartless wretch who Montreal, the first ocean boat to arrive wouldn't adyertisei in the port this Season. • The only inemlier 'from QUebec wine' voted for the amendment was Dr. DEATH OP HON: JAHES SUTH- He Passed Away on Wednesday. Universal .regret will be felt at the death of Hon James Sutherlane, which , occurred at 'Woodstock on W'ednes- dar afternoon. Deceased WAS a man of seemitigly strong physique, but he . has 4uffered for sometime with kidney trouble. He:was. about :55. years -of When in his prime he was one of the moit affable and popular men in the Reuse of Commons, ' having warm He succeeded the Hon. Mr, Tarte as Minieter of Public Works, and was a Warm personal friend of Sir. Wilfred. He was Unmarried, having a bealiti- ftd residence at Woodstock, which wee maintained for him by his neice. • Starling io life a poor boy, 'he merle; .ecl.hiS Way up step by. step Until he thousand dollars, much of it made in. the manufacture of carbide, . . Sir Wilfrid Laurier's emotion, on re- -death; was most touching to witness. With downcast and tearful eyes fixed upon, the telegram on pis desk he be- an in a, tremulous voice to speak of e greet loss he had sustained. His eulogy consisted of but two brief sen- tences, and then he resumed his seat, sebbing, aS only men do when deeply stirred by. sudden grief, and shedding team which were, as the leader of the Opposition observed, a -more eloquent tribute than even his oWn eloquent words. The ,pattios of the mole will not soon be forgotten. There had been nothing so sorrowful seen in the' chaniber sine° that June 'day in 1801, ing to announce the deal' of Sir john Mecildnald, broke down and wept like Hon, Mr. Hyman: who has been act- ' log Minister of Ptablie Works, Will Ric- ceed Mr. Sutherland, 4 The London Feee Pre's, Conserva- tive, pays- this tribute to Mr. Suther- f land i - "Sim" Sutherland is dead. I "Jim" he Was to his many friends, arid he counted. them by the hundreds re - Wiese of partylinee. "Vim" he liked 0 be called by those he'kneve best. It WAS characteristic of the num. His most outstanding trait was his human. ity. Ito 'motto WAS Si "square deal," end even his bitterest political oppon- ents bear witness that be always "fonglit fair." His death come home to his Alert& as a deep personal 1080. • ALL- PAPER SPpcILs intend -To' place-orr gale---Saturday-iVtoi�ninl; We several additional lines of • ,LL PAPER . ..,�� '~�'�1� alfl[t • r�,trtN�(�.i���"0 ��A'�'.e� which will be,.offered at LESS THAN HALF PRICE—not because. there is ailyt.hing wrong. with the papers; "but simply this :,-When we bought them,.we thought they would be very pop- ular and quick sellers, but in this we • were disap- pointed, They must now accept the' walking ticket, and cut they go on SATURDAY ,_re and 'less esofcoto r s x profit.' � 1 See display in : fl . l r Indo . R . �. e w w. F y >; ot.: AU Paper .trimmed -free ot er + Personal Notes* relatives or friends' 44-.. Joho Moon has-been 'spendinga ;few holidays in Toronto.. ' Mrs: Thos: Trick ieeisiting Mr. and • Mies Disney, Mhe has been visiting here for *sonte,, time, has' retorned to Mr. Fled JOYner end faraily left on Mciticia.y,for. Chicago; where he has' a Miss Pettigrew, . milliner • for Hod-. gen Bros , was in Detroit on business Matiitoba, is visiting the •Rey. and Mrs. J. Young, who hag been spencb, ing the winter' at Whitby, returitedte. Mrs -Tozer, who returned. haute On Weddesday, was accompanied -by Miss Rev. W. A. RaithbV, of McMaster - University, was a viaiting the home of ' Rev. Mr. Magee On Monday. Mr. and ;Mre: Ruseell Manning and. eon were 'the guesti of Mr. and has been spending a &Mole .of days with his daughter, Mrs, G. .B. Ballard. " and Mrs -George Stewaa t left on Tuesday, for Rolabd,.Manitoba. It is Mr. Stewart's intention • to go on laod.. Mies Hall, wholhae,been visiting het mother, Mary Streetefer the lagfegiril weeks, returrietr-th"-Vrtffia • Mise 'White, formerlY of' toWna but Who hes been livieg in the eastern States.for some time, is now yisiting Miss Alberta May left this morning for her honk" at Stevensville,Montana. She wise accenapanied as far ae London Mr. and Mrs. Victor French retern- ed front theie wedding totir on Thurs- day,. and left for theirhome at Wetas- Blyth, but late of Sal bury, has gone to Fort rraneisa mhere he holds at positien with the Canadian NOrthern RaMilrw.aanYci Mrs, John Irving 'returned feoin Well' Western trip on Wednes- day ; owing .to ,the labor troubles in Tethriiedmith them.. . The Misses Little left n Tuesday for London, where they have . taken situations io the dressmaking depart- ment, of Little's dry goods store. a firni • of same, name, but no talolion spending a Couple of days with his 'brother Jacob, left for home on Sat. claiins-dePartnierif of the Illinois Central Railroad, Mr, Edward Van Ego:maul, who spent the wintermith his son James. on the gravel roed, •Hullett, walked into town on Sunday, so /1/140116 was he to attend the services of the Sal, vation Army, of Which lie is an 'ardent supporter, The unusual thing about it the facttlist he is within a few days of being ira years old, and a walk of four miles -in andput-would be as muckos younget men would care to take. He is quite sprightly, 'And litah hitti yet. Mr. D. D. Wilson, the well known egg merchant of Seeforttawats in town for a short time lest Friday. Asked how the egg business was flourishing, he said "not very well it usually happens that we pay a higher price than We CM realize Oh exporting." Mr, Wilson drifts front business into politics asnaturally as a duck takes to Water, and it goes without sayingthat he has pelitleal affairs at hie finger ends, He has taken it pretty active part in South Huron, and yet lies never consented to stand. as a condi? date, With no reflection whatever nit any of those who haVe been date% it strikes us that Mr. Wilson Huren, should lie ever 'decide to con- test this constitueneY, • Tra orhene tf ciDe,tecw'whisintohgnsao'normeapyrnoerroatngt ehh aoa tfr disc oc is n:SI Ti 4:7 'the hogs haVe increased iriprice, cattle- - rs being quoted in Toronto to -day at •!1C.2.5certm°r$1,1 Ramifies; STEAM' While have at least notdeclined, bgaleexPott: port bulls and cows, $4.25 to $4 50. SHEEP MAIIRET-High prices con - tinkle to rule in the mutton field, al- though the bigh level here not so noticeable, now that quotations. in other lines have .gone up. 'Yearling Jambs are quoted in Toronto at $6.50• bucks at $4 to $4.50, and sprint!. lambs, ROOS -The Sun's statement -of last' ' 'week that there :were no inultediate prospects •of decline in hog prices has been more than justified by the event. Select hogs Which were quoted in To- ronto last week by Park, Blabkwell Company at $6.50 to $6:75, are. this week quoted at 67, with the osuM 25c off fer fats and lights. ' HORSE MARKET aoTivE --The horse - market is quite as active as that in other lines of lite stock. Burns• and Sheppardreport that 115 sold at. the fine heavy drafts one of which went up to 6315, while 'the Hendrie Co took a number around $220. A lot of other good workers, from five up sold from the prices quoted down to$160. • Gnane-Wheat Easing Off. There is one 'line in which there is a steady easingoff in prices, and thatis in wheat 'tario points by• S. McNairn, at 96 to 97c today, with the prospect of a gradual . drop to 00c shortly. Spying wheat, he qiiotes, 87a and goose, 82c. On the street in Toronto fall *heat is $1.02, and spring 92c. The excellent prospect in the:American wheat fields is making its influence felt on prices. If market conditions continue atfy- where near as they are new, 1905'. should prove pretty nears, banner year foe Ontario farmers, Best export cat- • tle are selling in Toronto to -day at 1,15- - higher then they were ne year ago- ' 'lines are $1.87 1-2 .higheta cheese its 2 3-8a higher at local hoards than it wasat the smile time last year, and butter is about 8c above last year's level. While, on the other hand. bar-- • ley is about 6c• higher than this" time last year and oats 1.0c, corn and bran, ate both actually cheaper now than then. With such market. prices mill , nig and, outside of fall wheat and clover, wtih crop. prospeets so good, the situation is decededly encouraging. The 'Rog Situation. The month just, closed haa-beert aura' eveetfuLerie.to-thostrefigaged in the is noteworthy for the lfsigher pricee paid in Ontario to the farmere for their live hogs than the feeders of live hogs reeeived in the United States. The Ontario farmers are now raising and feeding thebest type of bacOn hog, and , are justly entitled -to receive the high- est price for the hog that is the most profitable 'for the° porlt-paeking estab- lishments for the British markete. The 13ritish market for bacon, thtoughout March, 'was quiet and irregular. Dan- ish seeond. quality was 1s to 3s Tower. Thitidemond tweed Canadian brand, , at Xs higher, for most selectiene. Shim the beginning of April the, Canadian. brands -have further advanced in price The most gratifying in the Dominion, ,government statistics of last year's ex.. • ports was the inerease in provisions of $5,500,000, the to tal reaching $46, 412,182. This was the more weIbornewhen ether items of Canadian export made &deficit. Canadian hog prices maintain last week's firmness, and are still quoted at $7 per cwt. fed and wateeed, and $7.25 off care, Chicago and Buffalo prices ftre Dieter thatil a- week ago, and have enabled supplies from these eentres to be brought into Canada; Already this week eleven care have been received by one packing house stone. tinder these conditions it does not seem 'pos. Bible to advonee Canadian prices high- er, bet yesterday's market- showed Weakness, even with the foreign cont.