The Wingham Times, 1905-03-09, Page 6nth WLNGIIAM TIMES MARCII 9, 1905 Your Mer ey Zack with a cnmligiat $.0 p Sunlight Soap is guaranteed perfectly pure, gensine, and free from. adulteration -ail dealers ere authorized to retard pereliase money to anyone.. fettling Cause lir cortpl nt. Therefore you l ,e ,...thing by trying n°ht Soap and you will agree with melons of ether women that the Sunlight way is c` (tly way to wash clothes. $5,o0o.00 reg rd will be paid to ere a'rznit who can prove that Sunlight c hem `el,. G „ ' a.l^.lteracio i t .,>a•auts any i u.trt i )1. s C Soap contains an; feria n ct Just nib Snn!ir Y t 1),)p tea your clothes v tea let them sulk in tepid newt, then rias. get iu fre:-1t water. his e ; .,11; ; e,. -i it: hirci o. ,.),t vv».... ea Taal BRCTH ?.moi Ll UTA% TORONTO 17 5 ,y U • ead ears {awl i ; ,�.' Tom, nesiiiiesseees The Sunlight Maids do not rub and boil their clothes to shreds -they wash the easy Sunlight way K6111618 from the Sanctii \L'illiain Dobbs of Latimer and his �' �ld�rl�i�, team weer killed by running tufo a t5 ti sC �ailn freight train ata Kingston crosaiug. .1 quirt weddit„ rock piece Wednes- day of pest w ek at the hu►ue of XI's Ii. B:>,llagh, Wrr ggss st., Teeswater, when at four o'clock her daughter Annie was milted in marriage to Mr, Hugh Mc: - Morose, @.Dw Spirited. Brace U )--\ituli.ce Nerves I.«,►tzie of Brine tan uship. Ilev. Mr. and Blood With M11;ticulut cilieleted. N`c;r ()swr Stxty YAM'S. An Old and 'well -Tried Remedy----Mre \i'inslow's Soothiug.'yrup has been used fey over sixty years byiuillionsof mothers : Tor their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the ehiln softens the guius, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for cliarrhm . It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists iu every part of the n odd.. Twenty five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Bestir() you ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. A message was received in Goderich ; announcing that Mr. Malcolm McGilii- vray, a former Goderich boy, who will a be remembered as a brother of Rev. Don- 1 ald McGillivray, and the late Rev. John Mi Gillivrey, bad died on Wednesday at Childersbnrg, AIa, Alferd Lodge, the residence of Asher Farrow, collector of customs, and Mrs. Farrow, at Goderich, was the scene of a very pretty home wedding on Saturday, February 25th, when their eldest dauglt- -- ter, Miss Bertha S., was united iu mar- riage to Richard W. Reid, of Brooklyn, N Y. MiE1 HULL H A. ' PROVED IT. Toronto Man i•'tii,lattis flocs• Ire (]a/ned Thirty rounds in a Few Weeks. ne- ivarkable Statearent, interesting Paragraphs from otir Exchanges. j There were 237 vessels wreckerl iu Canadian tonnage last year, comprising a total tonnage of 162,397, loss of .409,-, 991 and lives 32. The essential lung.healiug principal of the pine tree has fluidly beeu suceessf ally separated and refined into a perfect cough medicine -Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by a]1 dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25 cents. The Northwest gram dealers say there is still nine milllon bushels of wheat in the hands of western farmers. TUE W L s. I s s o;v L. Lasa -Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite medicine. They core Constipation, Sick Headache, Billiousness, and Dyspepsia without griping, purging or sickening. i John Thompson, coal shoveller, was run over by a car at Stratford and killed. Mr. Wm. Clark, after 44 years in the harness as treasurer of Greenock town- ship, has resigned his position. DPIiIrV'(;; MEDICINE. As a spring medicince Burdock Blood. Bitters has no equal. It tones up the system and removes ail impurities from the blood, and takes away that tired, weary feeling so prevalent in the spring. Miss Margaret Craig ofrWalfordtown- ship, committed suicide by taking Paris green, saying she was tired of farm work. Doan's Kidney Pills act on the kid neve, bladder and urinary organs only. They cure backaches, weak back, rheum- atism, diabetes, congestion, inflamation, gravel, Bright's disease and all other diseases arising from wrong action of the kidneys and bladder. Another business in Listowel has changed hands this week, Mr. John Hays having sold out his livery stable and en- tire equipment to Mr. James Lindsey, of Ethel. It is expected that the business will be run by the Lindsey Bros., sons of Mr. Jas. Lindsey, and possession will likely be given immediately. A "SAD C usually catches you in your weakest spot. No 1l°eatter where it is, Shi- loh's Consumption Cure. the Lung Tonic, will reach the seat of the trouble and cure you. Your money back, if it doesn't. 105 25c., 50c. and $1.00 • The Provincial Division Conrt inspec- tion office has been transferred to the Attorney -General's department, from that of Public Works, It was previous- ly a department of the Treasury. Lever's Y -Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant Soap Powder dusted in the bath, softens the water and disinfect. 35 A Winnipeg despatch says farmers at several centres of wheat -raising have started harrowing, wild geese are flying north and bears are coming out of winter sleep -sure signs of spring. Nervous, licit txeadache. Mr, 0. Barber, Simcoe, Ont., writes: - "I was troubled for a long time with headaches, which would come on about once a week with suck violence that I could not eat or do any work. I tried headache powders and quick cures, which did no good. About eight months ego I took six boxes of Dr, Chase's Nerve Food, and I have not been trou- bled with headache since." A quiet wedding took place at Buffalo, ire. Y ., on the 22nd of February, when ; Miss Ellen Frances O'Riley, formerly of ° Goderich, and Conrad G. Goetz, of Buf- falo, were united in matrimony by the Rev. Father Fueger. , Many people say they are "all nerves," easily startled or upset, easily worried and irritated. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are just the remedy such people require. They restore perfect harmony of the nerve centres and give new nerve force to shattered nervous systems. Annie McLean, beloved wife of the late Malcolm Campbell, died in Ripley on Thursday, February `23rd, at the age of 7" years. The deceased lived for many years at Purple Grove, but of late years has resided in Ripley. A Surest Cure for Colds. "It is with pleasure that I certify to the wonderfni success of Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine as a cure for colds. It is the best and surest treatment for conghs and colds that we have ever been able to find." -Mrs. Geo. Good, Tichborne, Addington Co.. Ont, Halton Ccunty has adopted a system of county roads. A newspaper is a window through which hien look out on all that is going on in the world. Without a newspaper a man is shut in a small room and knows little or nothing of what is out side him- self. In our day the newspapers keep pace with history and record it. A news- paper will keep a man in sympathy with the world's current history. It is an unfolding encyclopedia and an unbound book. forever issuing and never finishing. Always bear this in mind and never fail to take and pay for your home paper. .At 89 Fader street, Toronto, lives a ratan who claims to have proven beyond w thatr Lha shadow of e doubt o l t D . Leon- hardt's Anti -Pill is the most wonderful remedy ever introduced. His name is W. A. Hill, and he makes the following statement : "I was very much run down, and had a constant pain in my side, which made life a drag to me. I fully believed my days were numbered, but I was induced to try a treatment of Dr. Leonhardt's Anti -Pill, and the results were marvel- lous. i "After a short time I found myself restored to perfect health and strength, which I am thankful to say I have enjoy- ed ever since. "I have gained thirty pounds in weight since 1 commenced to use .Anti Pill. Mr. Hill's statement is only one of many. No one has ever used Dr. Leon- hardt's - til � h ut iia dt s Auti P it o benefit. Price 50c. All druggists, or The Wil- son -Pyle Co., Limited, Niagara Falls, Out. Sole agents for Canada. verypretty A wedding took place on ,. , Feb. at the home of 14ir: and Mrs. George Bell, Teeswater, when their youngest daughter, Esther was united for life to Mr. John T. Newman of Aber - i nethy, Mea. The nuptial knot was tied by Rev. Jas. Walker in the presence of about sixty guests. The East Kent Liceuse Commissioners after certain names had been ruled off a petition to grant licenses to the hotels there on the score that the signers were not property -holders, decided not to grant the licenses in question. Blenheim has passed local option for three years. $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a consti- tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the founda- tion of the disease, and giving the pa- tient strength by building up the consti- tution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they of- fer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of tes- timonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Tole- do, Ohio. Sold by all druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- tion. The question of securing feed for stock is becoming a serious problem with the farmers of Kent county. There are very few farmers in the whole county who have feed for sale, and these can find enough purchasers among their own neighbors. Matters are rapidly assume ing a serious aspect and in some cases are reported as starving to death. The Kind that has Cared Your Friends and Neighbors in Spring Time.., BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES AND fl1ITATIORS, nPAsk for "PAINE'S." _ flakes Sick People Well Mary MoKee, relict of the late George Johuston, died at her hotne on the Bay- field Road on Tuesday, Pithy. 28th, aged 110 years. 'Dui deceased in her tender years emigrated from near Belfast, Ire- land, with her pareuts, to near the press rtnt city of Kingston, where she married In 1840 the family moved to Godcrioh township and settled on lot 14, Bayfield _j Road, where a comfortable home was E9'' RO �.3' it ;J hewn out. A girl who had been veryclever i at college cause home the other day and stud to her mother: "Mother, I've grad - The Effect is Instant -Makes gated, bar, now I wish to take up psyehol- You Snap and Dance ogy, philology, bibli-" "Just wait a minute, said the mother, "I have ar- ranged fora thorough coarse iu roasted - yen r appetite is gone. What little you eat brings no satisfac- tion, Yon're getting blue and melancholy -1 on can't rest or sleep. Ni•rvons prostration is staring you in the face. Your unstrung nerves can only be nourished back to health by a nerve tonic like, Ferrozone It cures weak- ness of the inner nerves, gives vitality and strength to the blood and nervous system, makes all the organs work in harmony. The following experience of Mrs. D. P. Courtland, of Myrtle, proves the prompt acrtan of Ferrozone. "I had no nerve strength. "My strength was poor and my sys- tem was out of order. "I felt weatt and dispirited, was tired out the whole day long. "Ferrozone accomplished wonders. "It gave me a strong nervous system, a goon appetite, and abundance of health," Ferrozone contains concentrated nour- ishment you can't get in any other way. No other medicine benefits so quickly. 50c a box or six boxes for $2 60, at all dealers in medicine, or Polson & Co., Hertford, Conn., U.S A., and Kingston, Ont. At Lawn Villa, the residence of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Ferguson, Teeswater, at no high noon on Tuesday, day, Feb, 28th, iu the presence of sixty guests, there was solemnized the marriage of their eldest daughter, Cora E., to Mr. Norman L McDonald, of Sydney, C. B. The cere- mony was performed her Rev. Jas. Malcolm. The old yellow pumpkin is about to enter a new role. For generations its nee has been in the good old pumpltiu pie, but now an enterprising company at Clearwater, Minnesota, are going to manufacture syrup out of them that well equal in flavor and color the famed Vermont made syrup, The skinniugs will be made into vingar, while the seeds will be made into the best salad oils, even the pulp can bo turned into paper. One of the oldest and most highly re- spected residents of McKillop passed away on Wednesday, March 1st, in the person of Mr. Thomas Dodds, sr., after a short illness. Deceased was in his 78th year, and settled on his land where his residence now stands, lot St, con. 7, Mc- Killop, many years ago. Tho by-law to exempt Chesley rake and novelty factory from municipal taxation for 10 years was voted on by the ratepayers of the village on Febru- ary 10th, and carried by a majority of 23. It is expected that substantial ad- ditions will be made to the factory next summer, and such a number of addi- tional hands employed as will increase the population of that place by at least 200 within a year. John Edgar, of Listowel, was Thurs- day morning sentenced to two years in Centrcl Prison for bigamy. He changed his plea from not guilty to guilty. His first wife was a Listowel girl, Sarah Jane Montgomery, and the second, whom he married last week, was a Toronto girl named Henderson. Edgar and his latest wife had intended prooeeding to the Pacific coast this week, but the arrest intervened. Mr. George CIark, assessor of Kin- cardine township, expects that under the new law the assessment of that township will be about 20 per cent higher than it is now. It will snake a big difference in many instances..Build- ings have to be assessed separate from the farms so that farms with good buildings will be more heavily assessed • than hitherto. The rate of taxation will be lower of course, because of the increased assessment. ogy, botlolo„ y, stileho'eigv, darnolog y, Bolo' • anti �ue• 1 daniestico1 pate gy , g ogy Now put on your apron and pluck that chicken. There died at his residence on Campbell street east in Lucknow on Saturday, Fob. 25th, Mr Wm, Scrimgeour, an old and very highly esteemed citizen. Mr. Scrimgeour was in his 71st year and had been in the employ of Mr. Wm. Allis for a quarter of a century and was widely known and greatly respected. He had been confined to the house for several months, but not till the last few weeks did his illness assume a serious nature, when dropsy set in. A bonse of refuge for the indigent poor will be erected by the county coun- cil of Halton. There are now only abort seven comities that have not built or decided to build such institutions. Under the Act of 1908 all counties build- iug such institutions before Jan, 1, 1900, receive a Government grant of $4,000 to• ward the cost. Fifteen counties have aiready taken advantage of the Act, the average cost of the buildings being bet- ween $20,000 and x;25,000. Telephone mistakes may have their serious side's. • A man who wanted to communicate with another named Jones looked in the directory and then called up a number. Presently there came through the redeiver a soft feminine "Hello?" and he asked: "who is that?" "This is Mrs. Jones." "Have you any idea where your husband is?" He couldn't understand wby she "rang oft" so sharply until he looked in the hook again and discovered that he had called up the residence of a widow. A story is told by a candidate eanvass- ing a Scottisu county constituency along with home other members of his com- mittee. They stopped at a farm house, but found the farmer was not at home. They, however, saw the wife, and one of the committee -mon, said to her, "Madam, is your husband a liberal or a unionist?'' "Well" .1,> p she replied, "I'll tell ye aboot him. He goes about a guid deal, and when he's wi' liberals be's a liberal; when he's wi' the con- servatives he's a conservative ; but when he's aboot Isere he's a confounded nuts tate. Fineries/. of Engravers' Lines. In St. John's college, Oxford, is pre- served a portrait of Charles L in which the engravers lines. as they seem to be, are really microscopic writing, the face5alone containing all the book of Psalms, with the creeds and several forms of prayers. The learned Porson is known to have Indulged in this species of curious idle- ness occasionally, and perhaps the Greek verses from the Medea of Euri- pides, with Johnson's translation of the same, for Burney's "History of Music," were executed by him. Though consisting of 220 words, they are com- prised in a circle half an inch in di- ameter, with a small space in the cen- ter left blank. Au 0111 Time Voyage. When our first foreign minister ar- ranged to go to London he was re- quested by the captain of the sailing vessel in New York harbor to go aboard immediately. Hastily buying a Hack of Sour, three hams and a bag of potatoes, he hurried on board ship to arrange with some sailor to cook his meals, not knowing but that they might sail at any hour. Five weeks passed before the boat left the harbor. After six weeks at sea the traveler tit length beheld the outlines 01; the coast Of old Englaud. Some three weeks ago Mr. William ; ----- Black, of Hendrum, Minnesota, went to I Lucknow to visit his sister, Mrs. Joseph Forester, who is stripping with her 47 daughter Mrs. J, M. Cliff of Lucknow, About ten days ago he was t'' -^'i ill with I die erysipelas in the neck which spread to l the face and head and ao ho passed away to the great beyond on Sunday, Feb. 20th. Deceased was in his 66th year and Was well known and highly esteemed in the section where he lived. Nearly fifty years ago, Mr. James Cartwright, of Hallett, and Mr. John McCartney, of Goderich township, were boys together in the Township of Chingnaconsy. For over 45 years they have lived within less than a dozen miles of each other, and yet singular to say, they had never met each other since they were boys, until Saturday last, when they happened to meet by chanes in a store in Clinton. What is also re. markable is the fact that though they had not seen each other for so long a period, Mr. McCartney knew Mr, Cart- wright on sight. THE GREATEST MOOD PURIFIER IN TICEWORLD r, Good brain food. 2. Excites the functions of the liver. 3, Promotes a sound and quiet sleep, 4, 17isinfects the mouth. s. Neutralizes the surplus acids of the stomach. 6. Paralyzes hemorrhoidal disturbances. 7. Helps the secretion of the kidneys. 8. Prevents calculus concretions, 9. Obviates indigestion. .I so. A preventative against diseases of the { throat. rr. Restored all nervous energy and rev vives the natural foreee. THE OXYGENATOR CO. 21k Harbord $ t..e Toronto,, Ont. ti 3 R.1 r kEALL tl To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription for men, women and children than, Ripans Tabules. They are easy to take. They are made of a combination of medicines approved and used by every physician. Ripans Tabules are widely used by, all sorts of people -but to the plain. every -day folks they are a veritable friend in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan- dard fain. ' remedy. They are a dependable, hon- est '-am'dy with a long and successful record, to c'• -r,: 'aa ugest'ian, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn ,o' .,Llpation, c . ensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, .ition of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular .atism, sour stomach, bowel and liver CCM- '. .'.'ts. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up t ' 3. wn systems, restore pure blood, good appe- id sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives eon tant benefit from a regular use of Rinam3 ''".butes, Your drl ggist sells thele. Tose flve- c„nt packet is en ;h for an ordinary occasion. The Family I3ott?. 5o cents, contain' a 3unnly for a year. dose is one, just one pill�s......he1 constipation. f eymrca, 1. ONO 1 YW. • Want your moustache or beard B 00 K I �A H A 9S 0 Y E a beautiful brown or rich black? Use Myr (al 0P DDUG0e0T3 035. r. HAUL ti CO" CIABIL A,11. rib Q•as®at1•t0••61110.•®••00606••000 eint104160600.0.0600.11}2!tt090, e Iv • o ` �} +. •• .CLU i a t. 0 • • • • • S • • mRATES.•• • •• • t1e.1.a� .. �f¢,�om6 iJiti :dtioA :�a l led•A, .I. �6.i AtaI,t. ®' •w •• s i�BARCAINS, I N NEWSPAPERS I 4 •moi € k � The 'Times will receive subscriptions at the folIowin + 4. rates : �, Ti4.mes to January 1st, 1906 $1.00 4- � Times and Daily Globe 4.50 4. 4. Times and Daily Mail and Empire 4.50 4. � Times and Daily World 3.10 '11„: Times and Toronto Daily News.. 1.90 't,,,«,; sa Times and Toronto Daily Star 1,85 ,;. 4. Times and Daily Advertiser 2.35 4; Times and Toronto Saturday Night 2.35 ®„ eTimes and Weekly Globe . 1.65 a, GA • • Times and Weekly Mail and Empire 1.75 o;" o Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star 1.80 • o Times and` Weekly Witness 1.65 •0> o Times and Montreal Weekly Herald 1.50 • s Times and London Free Press (weekly) 1.80 0'" o . Times and London Advertiser (weekly) 1.60 e• • Times and Toronto Weekly Sun 1,80 •• , • o Times and World Wide 1.85 •e o Times and Northern Messenger. 1.25 •0. o Times and Farmers' Advocate `3.35 as • Wo specially recommend our readers to subscribe o • to the Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine 4 Times and Farming World 1.60 4. Times and Presbyterian 2,25 A.+ Times and Westminster 2,55 41 + Times and Presbyterian and Westminster 3.35 + 4. Times and Youths' Companion' 2.75 A. + Times and Impressions (a business montnly) 1,80 ' • .41 When premiums are given with any of the above + papers, subscribers will secure such premiums when order- .,. * ing through us, same as if ordered direct from publishers. „1...,* The rates are as low as we can make them, and mean 4. a considerable saving to our readers. If you do not see • what you want in the list, enquire at the office ; we can I I give a low rate on any newspaper or magazine. i NOTE CAREFULLY. ----Any of the weekly pub- lications in the above list will be sent to new subscribers from now to ist of January, 1906, for the price quoted - the remainder of this year is thrown . in free. These rates are strictly cash in advance. Send re-.; mittances by posta e10te, post office or express money order, addressing - TIMES ��:... OF ICE, si WiNGITAti, ONTARIO, i•IHAVNI IkeilMi s,•NlseiN• 011114ssHir .N.. • s