The Wingham Times, 1905-03-09, Page 44
Notice of changes must be left at this
office not later thou Saturday neon.
The eopy for changes must be left
not later than Monday evening.
Casual advertisements accepted up
to noon Wednestlav of each week.
I Rica WA.R31 BLOOD. Aliso Eliza °Immney in West Wawanosh
last week,
ASsolately Necessary to Health. Strength Mr, and Mrs, John Williams enter -
:ma Co.nt,rrt.—Hood Blood Vanquishes taitled a few of their yonug friends on
---- Mrs. Jos. Maines and baby left on
People with rich, red blood do not feel . Wednesday for their home in Manitoba,
the cold of winter. When your feet are after an extended wisit with friends
ESTABLIaltan ita2 • cold. your fingers newt, and your face here
Wednesday evening.
—`—~ blue and peached, it is a certain sign that air
liE t your. blood is tine and your c renIatton s. A. Brooks, of Centralia, aeeom.
tti���,;�. weals. Tour blood needs building rip ponied by tier daughters, Elva, Della
B. P. 3I.LIO'CT.l?rua.xsnxnAND PROI'1tiEP[t;t with Dr. Will:asus' Pink Pills. They and Lillian, were visiting last week with
make blood: they stimulate tbe circulne Mrs. Brook's parents, Mr. aid Mrs. F.
through yonr veins to every part of your Anderson.
body from finger tips to toes, and wakes A quiet batt pretty wedding took place
THURSDAY. MAR, 9, 1903.
On Thursday last at Toronto, Judge
Maclennan gave his decision iu the West
Huron election appeal and in his dioision
dismissing the appeal, Mr. M. G. Camer-
on retains his seat. The majority of
Mr, M. G. Cameron, the Liberal mem-
ber, after the recount, was only two.
Mr, Dudley Holmes, the defeated Con-
servative, appealed as to six ballots, five
marked and counted for Mr. Cameron
and one market for himself, but dis-
allowed. At the hearing on the Saturday
previous, Judge atnelennan allowed three
of the C<';imeroa ballots and reserved for
consideration two other Cameron ballots
and the Holmes ballot. Of the two
Cameron ballots one was torn iu two
, tion. The uew blood they make races
♦ e
• AU Druggists and Dealers. • TAKE NO OTHERS.•
you warm, happy, and healthy. Mr. of Tuesday at Mr. R. Leishmau's, when
, Alphonse Laeousai: re, St, Leon, G►ae" his daughter Miss Mary, was married to
says: "About a year ago my blood be -
':me impoverished and I was badly run Mr. Albert Maynes, of Arcola, Mau.
dovu. My Lauds and feet were always The ceremony was performsd by Rev.
told and 1 conla not stand the Least exer- , 3, Edmonds of Blyth in the preseuce of
tion. My trouble was further aggravat- j only the immediate friends of the bride.
? ed by pains in my' kidneys and bladder,
and often 1 could not go about without The following is the report of the
aid. I emsuited doctors, but they did standing of the pupils of S. S. No. 6,
not help me, and I was almost iu despair East Wawauosh, for the month of Feb:
when 1 was advised to nee Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills, I got six. boxes and before 4th Class Sr.—Laura Currie 330, Ella
they were all gone I kuew I had found a Walker 314, Raymond Elliott and Har•
medicine to cure me. I took the pills vey Linklater 234, Willie Shoebottom
for abnnt a month lunger and every 120,
symptom of my trouble was gone, and I
have since enjoyed the best of health," r 4th Class Jr.—Wilfrid Pocock 224,
Dr, Wallows' Pink Pills cure after Tessa Anderson 176, Roy Anderson 170,
doctors and common medicines have Jim Ferguson 78, Maggie Shiell 64, Katie
failed because they actually make new Shiell 131.
rich blood, and so strengthen alt the or-
gans and braze up the nerves. That is 3rd Class Sr.—Gordon Rintoul 425,
the way they cure indigestion, kidney John Kerr 387, Wilburn Ferguson 245,
• and liver troubles, rheumatism, nervous. ,Herbert BnrcItiIl 228, Garfield Shcebot
ness, neuralgias, palpitation of the heart,
St. Vitus' dance, partial paralysis and tom 190.
and pinned together. No part was miss- the secret ailments that fill the lives of 3rd Class Jr.—Geo. Walker 380, Earle
Mg and Judge Maclennan, agreeing so inane woman with misery. Do not Elliott 207, Mary Elliott 22S, Gweu Cur-
pills witbor,t the fall name, rie 207, Walter Pocock 173.
with the county judge, thought it had "Dr \� illiams' Pink PiUs for Paie Peo•
probably been torn by the returuiug pie." ou the wrapper around each box. Part .'.—Franklin Robinson 177,
officer and allowed it, The other had Sold by all medicine dealers or sant by Charlie Taylor 123.
the initials "B. S." on it instead of mals at 50 cents a to x or six boxes for Owing to irregularities of attendance
"R. S.�� �, but as the writing was the r clue Co.,3 ,:0 by n Bro,:krituigvillthee Dr. Williams' Medi- some of the pupils had not a fair chance.
, Ont.
same as on the other ballots, Judge Mac. E E. M. Gi :uiss, Teacher.
lennau put it down as an error and al.
lowed it. Atortlals.
The Holmes ballot was not initiated. Jas. Sharp jr., is away to Toledo, Ohio,
This was due to the fact that the D.R.O. ; License Commissioners for 27 out of ou a business trip.
had torn off two at a time, and initialed the 110 Ontario Lieeuse districts have Assessor Watson is at work on his
only the back one. been appointed by the Provincial Gov- l annual visit to the residents of Morris.
"To allow this ballot," says Judge erument. The commissioners for South
Maclennen, "would be to coudone au i Huron are Messrs Peter Douglas, Wit- i Wednesday afternoon of last week at
error of the D. R. 0., awl encourage
laxity in. the discharge of a public duty.
The ballot must be held to have been
rightly rejected.
"The appeal fails ou all gronuds of
objection, and mast be dismissed with
Of the 112` eonvicts confiued in tbe
penitentiaries of Canada for the year
1,01'3, 12 per cent were under 20 years of
age, while over 50 per cent of the in-
mates were under 30 years of age. These
figures demonstrate that the criminal
class develops in early life and preventive
measures to be effective must be began
amanest the children. "This fact." to
quote the language of the Gn•PruT" t
report, "brings the origin of crime very
close to the home life of the country.
Although a number of these lads have
come from so-called respectable homes
it would be difficult to find one who
came from a home in whish industry,
thrift and obedience to authority have
been properly incalcuiated, and it would
be equally difficult to find anyone who
has acquired a knowledge of any trade or
Calling sufficient to enable him to earn
an honest livlihoo3. The parentage of
Crime has been ascribed to intemperance,
illiteracy, heredity, companionship and
many other causes, but though each of
these may claim relationship, near or
remote. the experience te,nght by a; teal
Contact with the delinquents leads to
the belief that idleness and improvident
habits have a stronger claim to the posi-
tion of direct parentage." The report
concludes as follows: "If our penal in-
stitutions rigidly enforce habits of in-
dustry, economy and obedience to au-
thority and the release of the delin-
cnent is followed by humane assistance
end encouragement, the state will merely
have performed its duty. and it will reap
the advantages that accrue."
The moral of this seems to be that our
bots should be kept at work said that it
is a crime top lace one of them span the
world without having provided him with
some trade or calling, which puts hits in
a position to earn an honest living.
We know what all good doc-
tors think of Ayer's Cherry -
Pectoral. Ask youtown doc-
tor sad find otic. He will WI
Pectoral -
you how it quiets the tickling
throat, heals the inf arned
- lungs, and controls the
hardest of coughs.
+career fir-,' trent rix is Inn lar_oe tr tn
osr taeir,e. We t•_ett Et Yat a best teeti.te
to the hoed tat es -tai e d e::, '
[tart: €gra rerenatness.. Cal;,
sta'rv=16- -R for re„,„, x....
liam Delbride and Joseph Canning. 3 o'clock the home of Robert Nichol,
It is astonishing how many people am. 0th line, was the sceue of a large gather -
pear to thiuk that it is the business of a , ing when about 75 relatives and friends
newspaper to camp in and lambast every. I assembled to witness the tying of the
thing iu sight at the request of any a wellm onial knoivnnolasyonng a nfaJas. Dof gthis
modest individual who has not nerve :Locality and Miss Myrtle M. J., eldest
enough to move a hen off her nest. Here
is a men co:npaiz lug to the Hamilton l is of the host and hostless. Rev.
Spectator about some photographers John Ross, B. ., of Brussels, perfor-
whom he says has swindled him. The; med the ceremony, after the wedding
S N_eetater refers him to the police, incl• march had been played by Miss Possis
, dentally mentioning "we have three I Mitchell. The attendants were Mies
' libel cases on hand now, which is about Alberta L. Nichol, sister of the bride, ,plixGHA311IARKET REPORTS
all we care for at one time,—Bobcay- ;and Thos. Hillevi Bride was most be-
geon, Iudependent. ; cooingly attired in a dress of gloria silk
; with Oriental lace and pearl trimming Flour per 100 lbs.... ...... 2 50 to 8 00
Mr E. F. Clark, M. P. for Centre To- I and the bridesmaid wore a cream cash- Fail Wheat . ... 1 00 to 1 05
'ronto, died at his homemere, trimmed in Toronto on %Spring Wheat. 0 00 to 0 00
with chiffon ruching and Oats, 034 to 0 38
Freitir evening. He was recovering Oriental lace. After congratulations a Barley 0 38 to 0 45
from congestion of the lungs and pneu- fins supper was served to which ample Peas 0 55 to 0 80
monis, and was soddenly seized with s justice was done. The weddingBuck Turkeys,
0 55 to 0 55
J gifts Tnrke drawn
!heart failure. Mr. immigrate
was a native 0 10 to 0 121_
were numerous, useful handsome and Geese, " 0 09 to 0 09
of Ireland and immigrated to Toronto in & well selected. Ducks, per 1b .... 0 08 to 0 08
. Lyda and first learned the printing trade Chickens, per pair 0 40 to 0 75
in the Globe office. He was editor of On Wednesday evening of Iast week Batter ., . , , . , ... 0 20 to 0 20
the t.irange Sentinel and a prominent'
Wm. 3. and Mrs. Johnston, old and welt Eggs Per doz 0 20 to 020
' known residents of the 1st line, cele- .Wood per cord 2 50 to 3 00
member of the Orange Order ; was fors Hay , per ton.... , .. , 6 00 to 7 00
four years Mayor of Toronto, was a brated the 30th anniversary of their 1 Potatoes. per bushel . 0 35 to 0 40
member of the Ontario Legislature from a marriage by a gathering of relatives p Tallow per lb .. .. 0 05 to 0 0.5
of the past couple of weeks have enabled
dealers to stock up all their Books and
fill their pens, and they are now well
supplied for some days to come. The
prospective curtailment in the consump-
tion of meats owing to the Lenten sea-
son is also a factor in the situation.
This will effect the demand for some
days and in the meantime.a slow market
is anticipated except for first quality
cattle, which always find a ready mar-
Exporters ---Cables were again lac
higher, and this stimulated the demand
for shipping eattle. Prices were firm,
tbe top price for the bulk of the offerings
being $4.83 per cwt., though a shade
more would have been paid for some-
thing exceptionally choice.
Stockers and feeders—The demand for
stockers and feeders was very brisk, par-
ticularly for short keeps, the price of
which advanced, Anything choice in
this line finds a ready sale,
Receipts were 78 loads, consisting of
1,235 cattle, 400 sheep and lambs, 800
hogs and 121 calves.
The following are the quotations:
Exportees' cattle—. Per 100 lbs.
heavy $4 40 $4 85
Light 2 75 3 00
Bulls 325 400
do., light........ , , , 2 73 3 00
light, 800 pounds and up-
wards 3 25
Butchers' --
Medinm. , . .
Light stook bulls
Milk cows. .
2 00
2 00
3 90
3 25
3 00
2 25
2 25
2 00
35 00
5 05
5 05
3 75
3 50
Culls 200
Spring Lambs 4 75
2 00
Calves, each
2 25
4 25
3 75
3 50
3 00
3 25
9 50
55 00
0 00
3 00
3 40
10 00
Wingham, March, 9st, 1905
^ 1"S8 to 19= and was elected to the House and friends when a most enjoys le times Lard
.i was spent. The groomsman at the Dried Apples per Ib
of C'�ommons in 18, 0. He was one of the " g + Wool
leading members of the Conservative : wedding of Mr. Johnston and Sarah ° Live Bogs, per cwt.
013 to 013
003 to 003
000 to 000
500 to 525
!lard Coughs
sisee . Ms gist bedttm.
tatteters rssecriissy. cwetty boa ttte► Y
party and his death is much regretted. Davidson, 30 years ago, in Godertch'
township, was present in the person of
+George Johnston. 1st line, whom every-
body knows. The late Mrs. S. Shaw ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE,
I r•MaryDavidson, sister to Mrs. Johnston, INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT.
was bridesmaid. Mr. and Mrs. John- :
The March meeting of the Presbytery sign received many congratulations on "rernneingtionents and Notes Collected. Cor
of Maitland was held in the Wingham ” the way they had stood life's battles and 0FFTCB--in Vans toneBioek.
Presbyteran Church ort i cesday. 0111- 'enjoying so large a degree of good Oiren satnrtla_r nights from : to 9 o'clock.
Tia report of the meeting will appear in health yet. All their children were '
our next issue.
Spring is coming
buy a House
y4 �'
A number of very
+ pleasantly - situated
hones for sale on 4.
reasonable terms.
` 1
any of our Spring Suitings yet ?
Looking's worth white. We're
showing things any day now that
are interesting snit needers—things
worth Iooking into by those who
will be needers soon. Oar cheapest
suit looks as if it cost more mouey
than it did—because no matter how
little you pay us you get perfect fits
—and reliable work.
If you are in need of something, w
would like to show yon what we
can do.
0 N I
Our Great Genuine
Clearing Sale
$ Watches, Clocl ewelry,
Ladies' an eats' Chains,
Rings, Lockets, Silverware,
Knives, Forks, Spoons,
Japanese China, Violins,
Mouth Organs, etc., etc.
In fact, every article in our store at the
lowest prices ever offered in Wingham.
This Sale is positively genuine, and
will continue until further notice.
t_ •$5o.00 Reward for a Watch we can't Repair.
L1+111,%4 1r1001h1".1 a O12. 11,1 10164/ 1 0 *1110b 0
► 4
▪ ► 4
1905 4
Now that the Spring has come, I beg to notify the
general trade that I am still in the ring with the 4
Having purchased the butcher business
from Mr. John Taylor, and removed to
the shop lately occupied by him, I will
be pleased to meat all my old customers
and those of Mr, Taylor and any others
SP -
111:: >>
who may favor me with their patronage.
I beg to assure the public that I will R'
always have on hand a selection of the se
°present viz:—Robert and Hugh of €€66644SCCIFC ffIgfiFCC4►66C6LOF AL KINDS►
In our last issue we made it appear Manitoba; Wm., Richard, Edward,; 3xy4a1 4.4a+ +si 4+0 3+x3131 ►
that Rev. is 3. Stobo had been called to' Silas, an Mrs. G. Matthews, all of 6r, ,, and will faithfully endeavor to meet the l
the Baptist Church. This shonld haveMorris township and Miss Sarah at cc P � Pr 0 05 ;41
requirements of the people.
read to the Mt. Forest Baptist Church. home. The host had the honor of filling' a4f al
The popular pastor of the Wingham I, the Reeve's chair and other municipal el,r. C
Baptist Church, Rev. 3. N. McLean, offices in bis earlier years and has been • K. We guarantee our work, in C
B. A. has no intention of fearing Wing- very closely and consistently connected" 8Lytn,FIN1SHAND PERMANENCY.
ham and we are very sorry that the ''with Methodism in the church upon the!; :#1 7C
The latest styles of Mounts
error of last week crept into our columns, corner of his farm for many a Iong day.' �� C
H �, f always on hand.
ro Ree. R. Hobbs, of Strathroy, Presk. In fact the Johnston home was the 'iy3
dent of the London COnfernce, and a parson's stopping plata hundreds of
former pastor of the Wingham Metho- times and at church gatherings their " 3.4 Armstrong & Co1s Studio' ;r
dist Churg In will occupy the pulpit of , premises were appropriated as best " 3 W I NG Ff A M
that churh on Sunday next, morning ; suited the visitors. Mr. and Mrs, John- y 4E ftL ‹;�; ;05.gfi ' fi
and evening. Rev. Mr. Hobbs will ar-,Ston were and are noted for theirgemal- ! 13yjoy33*4�r.�0,,ltr. 33430.4334§§
rive in town on Friday, and on that.;ity and hcspitaiity, both are of the real
evening, the Epworth League intends old Irish type. That therepassingyears
holding a re -union 'in the Iecture room may be rrnwned with all the blessings l
of the char.h. A probamme is toeing"of this life and bye and bye by the better G
pr Pared, and Rev. air. Hobbs i9 exblessings of the life eternal is the wish
petted to give an address. . of many friends,
It is anncuneer2 that the receipts Of the
Home`Mi'ssiotn Committee of the Presby. :;