The Wingham Times, 1905-03-09, Page 1THS WIN(iHAM 'TIMES.
VOL XXXIY,---NO, 1726.
You'll Make
No Mistake
If you leave your
order for Clothing
with us.
We'lI be pleased to .
show you some nice
lines of goods for
Sllits and Overcoats
and feel certain that
we will be able to
satisfy the most fas-
tidious taste in the
matter of dress.
In this department
you will find our •
stock complete and
Great variety, fine
quality, and very rea-
sonable in price.
A pleasure to show goods.
Homuth Bros.
Clothiers and Gents' Furnishers. •
Issued by Fa ANS PATnRSON, No. 23 Victoria
street. Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required.
Capital paid up, $ 3,000 1000
Reserve Fund and
Undivided profits $ 3,644,000
Farmers' Notes discounted.
Drafts sold on all points in Canada,
the 'United States and Europe.
allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards,
and added to principal 30th June and 31st
December each year.
D. T. REPBURN, Manager.
0. Vanatone, Solicitor.
Capital paid np, $2,235,280.00.
Reserve Fund, $2,100,000.00.
Total Assets, $26,553,846,57.
Preetdent-- NON. WM. GIBsoN.
Viae -President and
Genetal Manager J. Tulipnuat.
Assistant Gen. Manager -41. M. Watson
Bobs Proctor, Chas. L. Ilalton, a'.13. Reedrie,
Geo. etetherford, Gyrus A. Birge.
Inspeotor—B. Willson.
Interest allowed an depaaite of $1.00 and up.
wend°, eta added to prineipel on Met May and
89th November °bah year.
reof !! bee1osits also reoetretl at current
Vit. ooBEDV tx1, Aleut
DICRINUON* HOLMES, ealleitote.
- Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers
When you want the fresh-
est and best to be had for
the money, come here.
We handle only the best
in staple and fancy gro- '
We invite you to see
some very choice lines
which we have in Fancy
China and Dinnerware,
R. A, Hutchison
Phone 59. -Prompt delivery.
No matter where it is!
I have for sale now some fine town property
which for location and convenience cannot be
excelled. It snakes no difference whether you
want a :i50 00 building lot ora $10,000.00 farm,
or any other hind of Real Estate, I want to
hear trout you.Just the property you want
may be on my list. I am not only in n position
to most advantageously serve the man who
wants to buy a home or a farm, but 1 am in the
best possible positron to serve the man who
wants to make a profitable investment.
Real Estate and Business Transfer Agent,
VANsTot a Er ooi. • WINGHAM, ONT.
New 'Ph )nes.
Mr. P. N. Tansley, ocal manager of
the Bell Telephone Oce, on Monday in-
stalled two new telep Jones in business
places in town. Th new additions to
the 'mai exchange ar Mr. Wm. John-
ston, tailor, Lower Ingham, No. 104;
and Walker Bros. Button, furniture
dealers and nnderta ere, No. 106.
FOR SALE—Two storey cottage on
Minnie street. For particulars apply to
Miss Little, over Miss Boyd's store.
Next Poultry Sheev at Seaforth.
The tenth annual ,xhibition of the
Huron Poultry and Ent Stock Associa-
tion will be held at S elforth on Novem-
ber 20, 21, 22 and 23, 1905, At a meet-
ing of poultry fancie:s iu that town the
following officers we s appointed: Hon.
president, B. 13. Gillen, M. P.; hon. vice-
president, H. Eilber, M.P.P.; president,
Dr. Scott; vice -Pre ;Went, Peter Dill;
secretary, J. F. Da*.; assistant secre-
tary, W. Hartry; tr.:asurer, Allan Close;
board of directors J. Y. Smiley, E.
Daley, F. L. Willis And. Calder, Robt.
Miller, jr., Robt. Mitrdie.
Dr. Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, London,
3rd door East St. Andrew's Church.
Glasses supplied.
Ladies' Play Hockey.
A club of lady • °key players of
Wingllatn played a fr endly game with
the ladies club at 011 . onon Friday even-
ing last. This was t e first game of the
season in which the : dies took part and
was a very interestin game. The score
was 2 to 0 in favor o Clinton, but this
hardly shows the g od playing of the
Wingham ladies. A . I. Johnston, of
Wingham was the r eree. The Wing -
ham players were:-- . King, goal; L.
Gilchrist, point; M. Swarts, rover; E.
°doper, centre; M. r bss, right wing;
M. McGillivray, left wing.
The Spin
For the past week
has been in order an.,
all disappeared, Wi
rains the usual spring flood is in order
this week. l'he a rate is running across
the road south of the fawn, and is higher
than it was last year: The Wroxeter
Mill data was carried away on the 10th
of March last year so we are having the
spring break np at a of the same time
ae we ltad it last ye . Last year we had
good weather in Misr hand very disagree-
able in April. The aragrapb above his
tiO reference to th 3 weather of March,
1903,bnt is taken from theTlatEs Oftaro
111th, 1003. At the tune of writing the
ate having nice winter Weather. Pro-
bably it is better that We ahotild have
the winter Vfeathei now and then be
fatvored with good Bather dining April.
pring-like weather
the snow has about
•h the thaw and
Business C angel.
During the past ek two business
changes have taken psiee in Wingham,
Mr. J. H. Bowman has sold his flour and
feed business to Mr. Wm. Bone. Mr.
Bone, who is now in )obsession, is well-
known to many of ur readers, having
been for a long time resident of 'East
Wawanoah. He ha our best wishes for
success iu Ms busin RS. M. Davis, who
a few weeks ago pn chased the hardware
stock of the Fishl igh estate, has sold
his business to M . B. Gerry, late of
Listowel and a former resident of
Brussels. Mr, Ge ry is an experienced
hardware man aur should find Wingham
a good town. W , welcome him as a
resident of Win ;ham and wish him
success in his busii.ess.
FOUND—Near the
Gth inst., a parcel of
apply to
Loyal Orang
A lodge of the
Britons has been
ham. Quite a nu
aro"-interesting the
and it is expected
will be considerabl
few weeks, The fo
recently elected for
W.M., Wm. Adams;
Pon; chaplain, David
secretary, Joseph Gue
tary, John Campbell;
Mitchell; D. of O., J
James Robertson; I
O. T., Hugh Douglas
known as Wingham
the meetings will be
day on or before th
yard, on the
othing. Owner
Young Britons.
oyal Orango Young
tablished in Wing-
ber of young men.
selves in the work,
at the membership
increased within a
lowing officers were
he ensuing year:—
M., Alex. Robert-
ldams; recording
t; financial secre.
treasurer, Herbert
in Reid ; lecturer,
T., John Baird,
The lodge will be
edge, No. 11, and
held on the Thurs•
full moon.
FOR SALE—A good storey and a half
frame house, with four rooms, pantry
and woodshed downstairs and four rooms
up stairs; hard water in woodshed and
soft water in kitchen. Apply to,
Wedel g Bells.
The home of Mand Mrs. Wm. Mun-
dell,of Turnberr was the scene of a
very pleasant altar. -on Wednesday even-
ing, March ist, when their youngest
daughter, Maggie, was united in mar-
riage to Mr. Adam Henderson Simpson
of the second co cession of Oulross.
While the strains f the wedding march
were being rende d by Miss Aitkin of
Gienannan, the b dal couple took their
places under the edding arch, the bride
being given awa by her father. The
ceremony was pe formed by Rev. John
Radford, Belmar , pastor of the bride,
in the presence of some fifty invited
guests, near rela ves of the contracting
parties, After c nttratulations the large
gathering was 1 vited to partake of a
sumptttous repa to which ample justice
was done by all. The remainder of the
evening was spe t socially.
Mrs.burgess Killed.
Mr. Geo. E. Ing received a telegram
on Tuesday orning annouucing the
death by accide t of his sister, Mrs. H.
H. Burgess, at wen Sound. Mrs. Bur-
gess will be rem mbered by many of
our readers, as sh spent her girlhood
days on the home sad at Bluevale, and
all will be sorry t hear of her death in
such a sudden teanner, Mr. Burgess
is also a forme ' resident of Blue -
vale, and a neph 3w of Mr. John Bur-
gess, of Blnevalo, and the members of
his family will ha re the sympathy of
this community it, their sudden bereave -
meat. A dispatc
Tuesday's Toron
particulars of the
as follows :—"Owe
from Owen Sound to
o Globe gives the
IIunfor;`nnate accident
h Sound was saddened
St. Petri k'$ Supper.
'.Che Westmi sten Guild of $t.
Andrew's char , will give a grand
St. Patrick's sup, r and concert in the It
the Opera House on Friday arch 17th.
Simper will be served in the council
chamber froth 5.10 to 7,30 and the pro-
gram will coma ence at 8 o'clock up
stairs. Aissi. n to supper and con-
cert 25c.
to -night when the :flews spread of a run-
away accident, whi )h resulted in Mrs. H.
H. Burgess, wife if the popular public
school inspector, be_tig instantly killed.
At 8 o'clock, in company with her sen,
Fred, 14 years old, s le was driving along
Division street. Th 3 bar connecting the
shaft and the cutter broke, causing the
horse to ran away. Within a few feet
of the corner of Poul ttetstreet, the busi-
nese centre of the town, the cutter
slowed. Mrs. Bar ess was thrown
violently out, her Ilea striking an iron
lamp post, and fraotu Ina her forehead o
I just above the left n. She was car-
rigd to D, A. Camer+an & Company's
drag store by lllessrs. Bernie Doyle and
5, W. Watt, Meaford, who had endeav-
ored to stop the ran ay animal, but
•she diad before the,st re was reached.
I The boy escaped tin rt. The absence
of Mr. Burgess, who as in ll1arkdale,
was a sad part of the sagedy: 1#e was
h telephoned for, and a ived on the 10.40
train tonight, Besid s a hnaband and
tiOn, the deceased leans three daughters,
Mita tyle, who is a s dent at Hamilton
Normal 8Oh0el, M' ses Maggie and
Use Prir.ed Stationery.
All business orrespondence is not
only much nicer • hen done on neatly
printed paper an' envelopes but delays
and mistakes ar' avoided when the ad-
dress of the se • er is plaiuly printed on
the stationery. Envelopes insufficiently
stamped or le era for any reason not de.
livered are re : rned at once to the sender
if his address s printed thereon, instead
of being sent • the dead letter of ce,
This often ins res the safety of valuable
contents. T e TIMES carries a good
assortment o paper, envelopes, etc.,
suitable for bu:'ness stationery and we
are able to sup sly it at lowest prices.
When in need o' anything in the way of
printing leave y• r order at the TIMES
Wingham on at Goderich.
Wingham H key Club and a few
loyal supporters travelled to Goderith on
Thursday Inst ti play an exhibition game
with the team el the county town, and
won out in a fa t and exciting game by
a score of 8 to , the score at half-time
being Wingha 4, Goderich 2.
The Gorier' team had gone into the
semi-finals of a U.H.A. , and had defeat-
ed Stratford 8 o 0, and Woodstook 6 to 4,
and were loo d upon as winners, but
the boys from the North were in the
game all the„ ime. Galloway, Elliott
and M:cGilliv'ay gave a great exhibition
of fast skittle ; and combination, and
aided by Jol.ustou, rained shot after
shot ou Gode ieh goal, and only the
strong defeno of Molvor, Campbell and
Harris kept d wn the score. On the
Wingham def ace things were always
busy, but Mo a in goal end Wilson at
point were in •he game to stay, and
along with Da McLeod made Goderich
forwards look second raters, stopping al-
most impossibl, shots, and thus saving
their team defe t. The lice up:—
Goderich Wingham
Mclvor ....... . goal Moors
Campbell.. .... point. Wilson
C. Harris c. ver point. McLeod
McGaw rover. Johnston
Wiggins........ Centre Galloway
McLeod I+ft wing Elliott
Mclvor ri ht wing... McGillivray
Galloway play
game and made
Team of the Wes
McGillivray a
wall and found t
gate at first, but
at home, the for
Johnstou foun
wall in the big
there to stop the
firing line.
McLeod and
Both put up a
times Carr Har
d his usual brilliant
cIvor of the "All-Star
" work over time.
d Elliott were on the
e big rink hard to navi-
oon made themselves
er scoring 3 goals.
it hard to reaoh the
ink, but was always
ushes of the Goderich
ilson were at the points.
•od game, and many
is was brought to a
quick stop whei. he met the pair.
Moore in goal was at his best and put
up his best gam 3, and the crowd backed
up Wingham splendidly. Town Audit rs Report.
Goderioh teau is the heaviest the
Road Agai Blocked,
Cn Saturday mor ting last the mixed
train from Kincard ne was blocked in
a heavy out a few riles out of Mum -
dine and remained here until it was re-
lieved in the evenieg by a snow plow
from Palmerston, 'here was consider-
able stock on the tr .in and a special was
run to Palmerston .bout seven o'clock
with the stock and also stock from Brns.
eels. Mr, D. Roberson had a load of
stock ready for tint regular traiu and
when the delay bailie his oar load was
taken via Clinton i
little snow will tie
Wingham and Ki
places the cuts are
feet deep.
Chief Cons
At the meeting
on Monday evenin
d Stratford, Very
p the line between
cardiae as in many
from ten to twelve
able's Duties.
the Town Council
a by-law was passed
defining the duties of the Chief Con-
stable of the town - The by-law out-
lines the duties as follows:—The
Cbief Coustable of Lae Town of Wing -
ham, besides perfor ring the duties of
Chief Constable, hall perforin the
duties of sanitary i Spector, caretaker
of •town hall, captai of fire brigade,
caretaker of waterw rks and fire pro.
tection apparatus, fie inspector, bread
inspector, weigh cler , street inspector,
tax collector, includi g the collectiou of
dog tax, poll tax, license fees imposed
by by-Iaw and all h3.11 rens due the
corporation. As C sii•f Constable he
shall perform the du ies of peace officer
within tho municipaity, and shall en-
force all by-laws of fee town and pro-
secute all infringemeints thereof. The
by-law sets forth th t manner in which
the Chief shall pe form his different
Mrs. W. T. J. Homi:t still has for
sale some household eff ts. Any one
desirous of purcbaei will find her at
the residence of Mr. F. G. Sperling,
Minnie street.
License Co missioners.
While a number o License Commis-
sioners have been sel.oted by the I16n.- Lucknow
the Proviucial Secre ary, the names will j
not be given out ant 1 they appear in Wingham
The Ontario Gazette Word from God- Knechtel
erich, however, is th't the• commission- Clinton
ers for West Huron vill be Mr. Matthew
Lockhart, Auburn: r. Thos. Durnin,
Duugannou, and M . Thos. Churchill,
Goderich. who wer: recommended by
the West Hurou Co servativo Executive
Committee. We n t derstand that Mr.
Alfred Askwith, of nburn was recom-
mended as License Inspector for this
riding in the room a • d place of Mr. W m.
Paisley, of Clinton, • ho now holds the
position. It is said t at there were some
sixteen applicants fo the Inspectorship
and that five of these were from Wing -
ham. The Clinton .: ew Era says that
it may be said that ) Ir. Paisley has re-
ceived no notice of his intended dis-
missal, and, it is possible, he may be re-
tained, be having re :eived all the papers
to go or. with the du ies as usual,
The Wingham
. Numbe
The Wingham
successful bousp
and Wednesday
rinks were pr:
Wroxeter, Lack
Fergus, Kincard
was started on
going on as the
rink was the ce
many people and
played. One of
oarler, who has a
said he had.neve
curling as was in
The visitors wer:
entertainment r
speak of returns
We give bolo
ent rounds of tW
which the ria
Hepburn won
Curlers Entertain a
• of Players.
ousters held a very
1 on Monday, Tuesday
f this week. Visiting
sent from Harriston,
ow, Seaforth, Clinton,
ue and Goderich. Play
Monday, .and is still
itES goes to press, The
tre of attraction for
any good games were
he visitors, a veteran
tended many bonspiels,
yet seen as much good
order here this week,
well pleased with the
ceived here and all
for next years's bon -
the scores in the differ -
trophy competition, in
skipped by Mr. D, T.
e finals. The different
One Thin
is Gertain
If there is any trouble with 'your
eyesight you cannot have it rem-
edied a single day too soon.
It is certainly getting worse if
permitted to continue --hat glasses
will probably stop it at the point
where the error had attained when
you began to wear them.
So it may be of utmost import-
ance that you see us the first day
you can.
rounds in this' competition were very A I McCaU86 Co1
close. It will a noticed from the scores - 1 1
Druggists and Opticians
below that Mr Hepburn's rink won out
in nearly all the rounds by very narrow
margins. In the finals, at the sixteenth
end, Hepburn's rink was tied with the
Fergus rink. On playing an extra end
the Wingham rink made one shot, thus
wianiug the p izes. The other players
on the Wins. am ring were Jno. Orr,
Dr. J. T. Mac•onald and Chas. Knech-
tel. The me bers of the successful
rink are entitl d to and are receiving
the hearty con ratnlations of the other
22 Vannuorman 10
Wroxeter Wingham
Black ........ . 16 Hele 10
Pactereon .,..
Slaughter Sale of New Spring Dress
Goods -1950 yds of new plain effects in
all the latest makes and weaves. Terms
cash, as these goods are new and 1`
priced. G. E. KINt,.
Iocals have met
165 and Carr H
lbs, but in strati
The game wa
Dinsley gave go
the smallest weighing
rris weighing over 910
ig line were out classed.
clean and fast and Dave
d satisfaction as referee.
Why !et them IinAer ° ?
Gold Tablets
Will break np any cold.
25c a box.
Every box guaranteed.
For sale only by
Walton McKibben
1'textdoor to poet °face.
Messrs, J. A. b orlon and Abner
Cosens, the town
their report of the 1
the corporation
Wingham at the
Monday night. Th
uditors presented
104 transactions of
tf the town of
ounetl meeting on
report is an excel-
lent one and covers fty pages of type-
written matter. T e auditors have care -
rally gone over all he year'a work and
given a full and co plete report thereon.
It would be impos ble here for us to go
very extensively i o the report iu the
matter of giving d ,tails. We find, how-
ever, that the ale tric lighting system
was a paying inve tment for the corpor-
atisu for the thirte n and a half months,
ending December ;1st, 1904. From the
report it is shown that the profits for
that time amounind to $1053.61. The
total assets to the lit hting plantamottnted
to $31878.40 and th i liabilities, $305,'34.'9.
In the general bust less of the town we
find that the assets for the year 1004
amounted to $'686..5 and the liabilities,
$6450.64. With the } ttblic Liprary the
year's receipts wer $586.76, and expend-
iture, $573.55, leavi g a balance on hand
of $13.21, The val a of the books in the
library is given at $ 300,00 and theta are
other assets of $14 . The number of
volumes in the libr y is 38833. With
the School hoard th total receipts for
the year amounted t $4683,75, and tho
expenditure $4415.08 The report will
be published in panip let form and will
bo ready for distribut' n in a few weeks,
and all ratepayers sit lel procure a copy
from Clerk Ferguson nd they will then
be able to see the co est flnanoial stand-
ing of the town.
sEt;OND eonsi).
Fergus Lucknow
Hnmiltun .... . 10 McLeod ... 11
Wingham Wingham
Hepburn . 14 Alderson ..
Lucknow f
Allan.... ...1.. 1
Ross 1e
Lucknow Wingham
Bryan ...... .. 10 Hepburn... 12
Lucknow Fergus
Allan 13 Hamilton.. 16
15 Bryan ... , 18
02 Bleat:. ... 5
12 Hepburn . 13
10 Kaake .... 11
10 Shaw 19
Shaw..... 11
Hamilton.. 14
Wingham Fergus
Hepburn........ 15 Hamilton 14
Iu the consolation we are unable to give
the scores in this issue as play would
not be finished nu i1 several hones after
the Tzatss went t-. press.
AUCTION SALE -6'11e Undersigned • : s
been instructed by Mr. T. E. " . =er,
of lot 20, con. 8, Greenock, e utile
north of Riversda e. to se y public
auction, GO pate t, ad s •shire ewes,
mostly pedigreed, 1 e bred short
horn calf, also a ut tuber of horses. dairy
caws and youne ea tie, on Wednesday,
March 15th. Sale :o commeuce at two
o'clock,—J. Farqutaarsou, auctioneer,
Accident:on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell met with
a bad accident on' Sunday afternoon.
They were driving tip street with horse
and cutter and whet near A. L. Hamil-
ton's drug store the horse took fright
from the noise of tl a Salvation .Army
drum and ran aw y. Mr. anal Mrs.
Campbell were thrown from the cutter,
the former having one of his arm badly
hurt and Mrs. Campbell was cut about
the head. The horse ran to the brick•
yard before it stopp d. People who saw
the accident say tha it is a wonder how
Mr. and Mrs, Camp ell escap.d as well
as they did,
Private & Groves are payiny the high-
est cash prices for sheep skins, hides and
tallow. delivered at the tannery, Chap -
man's old stand, Wingham.
NorlcE—I have arranged with the
Dominion Bank to manage my business
and all owing me on notes or mortgages,
can pay principal or Interest a$ any
time after falling doe. Remember you
need not pay until you are requested to
do so by me. I thank all those who
have done busiuess with me and wish
you all every prosperity.
++++++++++.1444+++.1÷1•+++++,:- ,1.,1..; i 3- f .1.4.4• i•=: •F••P•II••1••3.3-• 3• i.3.,t..l.or3.
Winghamn's Leading Shoe Store i.
3 fail +
+ +
$2.50 Shoes4.
I• ,„,•-
We haven't a thing our neighbors. +
.1. against5
We are simply selling splendid Shoes for
Two Fifty
4. They are the best Shoes for the money we +
+ ever saw or sold. We have them for
•1- 44
Nener Women
Best of leathers—new lasts --well made ---no- 4•:
4. thing the matter with the Shoes. The price +'
is a little weak—that's all. 4.
+ Take a look at these wonderful Shoes. 4t
4 `They'll do their own talking, 4;
4 l See us for Trunks and. Valises '
W. J. GREEK 41.
4.14.44.l:44+l 't, .tt• s1: Fitt 'iF •zti ve+++ 4+++++++
Shoer to the People.