The Wingham Times, 1905-02-23, Page 5TUE WI Gli.AM TN Es ItEllTtlylA Ry 231 ioo5 zaE BLVE <Ra�z == NEWS FROM OUR NEIGHBORS Sweep Sale Specials BOYS' and MEN'S CLO?'HING At Crowder's. Men's Suits $3.75 11 only Men's Navy Blue Serge Suits, sizes 34 to 44, regular $Ii and $6, sale price .... $3.7:3 4.50 Boys' Suits 2.50 24 only Boys' 3.piece Suits, sizes 27 to 33 chest, blues, greys, browus, etc., regular priest $1 to $ r 5, sale rice...'.... $2.50 Boys' Reefers $2.00 8 only Boys' Navy Blue Double Breasted Reefere, sizes 22 to 26, regular $3 each. Sale $2.00 Boys' Pants 39c 54 pair Boys' Ocld Tweed Pants sizes 22 to 33, regular prices GOc and 75e. Sale price , . , • .39 Men's Suits $6.50 14 only Meu's Heavy Tweed . Double Breasted Saits, sizes 35 to 44 cheat, regular prices $8.50 and $9.00, Sale., .. $6,50 Men's Pants $1.25 28 pairs Men's Tweed Pants, all sizes, regular $1.50 to $1.75 a pair. Sale price.. $1.25 $5 Pea Jackets $3.50 11 nuly Men's Double Breasted Pea Jackets, sizes 35 to 44, regular $5 and $5 50. Sale $3.50 New Hats New Shirts Overcoats, $5.50. 29 only Men's Overcoats—Raglan, box back styles, also a few short length walking coats, in greys, blacks, etc. Sizes in the lot 33 to 46 chest, regular prices $7.50 to $10.00. Sale -price, till Feb. 28th, choice $5.50 Men's good Black Doeskin Fur Coats, $15.00. H. Blue Front Store. Winaharn. L,II!I Iru; t,l'WI leu Wind + i ih 14� 0 • CROWDER Co. EVENTS OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR READERS, Wliat Wicieawake Tirnea Correspondents Cominunacate --- Otber Items Clipped E'>'om Our Elcahiinges. l'onfYC.E. (intended for last ween(,) Miss Etta Wellwood has returned home from Toronto. Mr, Pater Lever is making prepara- tions to build a new house, Mr, Win. Wellwood is busy moving his household effects to his new home in Wingham. Quite a number of the farmers in this vicinity, are taking advauta€e of the nearness of Mr. Westbrook's saw mill it the river and are busy hauling logs. The Mildest aud Surest Relict For constipated bowels and piles is Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and But- ternut which cause uo griping pains and act promptly. Well known to all doe. tors. Use only Dr, Hamilton's Piles Price 25e. RLTTLI The next monthly fair will be held at Blyth ou Tuesday, March 7th. Mr. A. W. Robinson was spending last week with Lucknow friends. Mr. 11. M. McKay is taking a special two weeks course in the Toronto optical school. ' Mr. and Mrs, D. D. Crittenden re- 'eewod a warm reception Wednesday morning of last week. Between six and seven o'clock smoke was seen issuing from their bedroom and upon investiga- tion a bath robe was discovered on fire. Mrs. Crittenden immediately grabbed it and threw it outside burning her hands and arms badly while doing so. Some other clothing and the walls of the room were seriously damaged by the blaze. How the fire originated is a mystery, as there was no light or fire in that part of the room, (tltlsx, Township Gamlen Monday 2711 just J++hri RJhereson, wife burl children, to tengtiou, North Dakota, have errivt'r here for a visit with rel:stives on the 9t.h cou. They nulled on Mi„ hig art frie'ude ou their way hero. In getting a sura foundation for the cement [•ridge abutments for the nea C P R. in Grey they had to go as deet as 12 tet in Sonia planes through the swampy land to strike solid clay. With regret we chronicle the detui+e rte Miss Jean, the eldest daughter of Willie') and Margaret Telfer, lot 6, con 16 which sad event took place last Stttur day morning, Feb. Iith at 2 30 o'clock. Deceased haul been in failing Health for the past two years with heart weakness. She went to Iowa last year in the hope that the tentage would prove beneficial and for a tine) ix did but after a lapse of nearly six months she came home only to fa !e away. At times else was a great and patient sufferer unci her Many friends will r,iucerely regret her passing away. Deceased was a couaisteut mem ber of Walton Presbyterian church and was in her 29th year. To Cure raver nexus And such complaints as "Shivers" and ague we recommend Nerviliee very highly. Twenty drops of Nerviline iu hot water with tt little saver three times daily not only stops the chills lint einiele out the disease completely Nerviliur has a direct action ou fever ()Mils rind removes the conditions causing them In stomach and bowel troubles Nerviliur' never fails. It's pleasant to rhe taste, quick to relieve and always cures n .r mauently. Get a 25o. bottle to -day. EAST D'AWANOSII 1 The Council met on Feb. 9, pursuat,t to adjournment: members all present; Special for February 1 Fancy Iron Bed, large size dresser, with mirror, 3 big drawers, medium size washstand, reg. $13.75, special for February $11.76 2 doz. Fancy Ticking Mattresses, reg. $4, February sale price 3.60 2 doz. Heavy Twill Ticking Mattresses, reg. $3.25, sale price 3.00 L. A. BALL & CO. The People's Furniture Store. UNDERTAKING Brick residence, nth house west PHONE from Hamilton's Corner Drng 5 i Store, where night calls will receive prompt attention. SPECIAL PRA,ES IN PICTURE FRAMING DURING FEBRUARY • AAAAAtAAAAAAAAAA`Ah.aAAAAAAL VYVYVVYV'YYYY VYV!YYVVYYVV GROCERYIl IIROYAL i Tower Spode's s +JP- ' • :� JUST ARRIVED t—One crate of the new shapes and designs in Crockery. o► We beg to call attention to the above now being reproduced in zaffres bine on. the original non -grazing Spode Imperial body (regis- ,� teredi Spodes pattern first published 1795. ea ivi.1. �. 't► We have just opened up a (=ail package of China Sugars and Creams, X25 4 in choice, delicate patterns. Per pair 1 1 1.. - oatnneals. 4 iEWe have something very swell in China Oatmeals, fancy patterns and shapes. Per dozen .. . , . .... $2,00 1 4 i� 1 AT GRIFIPIN'SGRIFFIN'S.I A AAAAAA/tAAAAw! iv .AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AA Sugars. and Greams 3 Why Brain Workers Break Down ,ninnies of January meeting read and . Man is not a machine that keeps going adopted, as long as the steam is applied. He is a Dr. J. D4cAsh having sold out his lac - creature of blood, nerves and delicatelyp' balanced organism, Many don't realize tice in Belgrave, sent iu ifs resignation this, but overwork their brains and break as M.H.O. for the towuship, which on down, Brain Horkers need a strong, motion of motion of Messrs. Beecroft zone to forttf racing tonic .... _ acne and Taylor was to+i. His successor their nerves and keep the blood pure and P rich. Take Ferrozone and you'll do Dr. Hamilton was appointed M.H.O. Tor more work. You will have the strength, the balauce of this year in his place. the ambition and the desire for work be- By .Law No. 1, 1905, ratifying the esp- cause your system will be in first class order. For your health and strength pointrueut of towship offloads made at take Ferrozone regularly. Price 50o. at Inst meeting; By -Law No. 2, ale - druggists. pointing the Council as a whole road CLINTON. About 5.80 o'clock Wednesday morn- ing of last week fire was discovered in the machinery hall of Doherty's organ factory. The building, which was the largest solid brick building in the place, and was heavily stocked with organ cases in process of manufacture was completely gutted. The company's fire equipment confined the fire to the one building. The loss, which is about $30,000, in fully covered by tasuranee. The origin of the fire is unknown. The uightwatchman had gone his usual rounds and found everything all right, and was attending one of the furnaces when the fire started aitd gained rapid headway. It is the intention to rebuild as soon as the fire loss is adjusted. This sitar.[ for 1904, received and read. is the third time in seven years that this Messrs. Beecroft and Taylor that the firm has lost heavily by reason of fires in same as now read be adopted, and that the Auditors be paid $7 each for theft- services. heirservices. Carried. Debentures were issued for payment commissioners; By -Law No. 3, author- iziug and empowering the collector to charge and collect as usual 3 per cent extra on all taxes unpaid after Deo. 15th next; and 13-vLaw No. 4, relating to and disposing of the tax levied and collected on dogs, each duly react three times and passed. Annual certificate from Registrar. General, Toronto, received, certifiying that the Clerk iu 1904 had registered 33 births, 5 marriages, and 22 deaths, and ordering that the Tp. Treasurer pay for same in full. Communication from R. J. McGt:e, Auburn, claiming ,1,'2.49, as being due him extra on gravel taken out of his pit in 1904, received and filed. Auditors Report and Treasurer's Ab - there premises. Broncliltic Asthma sr Hosts fiaedea. of the following accounts:—Treasurer of is bad enough but when bron- chial Morris, settlement of boundary line ac- Asthmachial symptoms aro added the poor auf- count for 1004, $4 89; Treasurer of West erer has almost an intolerable existence. Wawanosh, settlement of boundary line An absolute specific ib found in the fra- account for 190.4, 357.92; Theo. Hall, grant healing Catarrhozone which cures Advauco office, Wfngham, balance of ' chronic cases that other remedies won't even relieve, "For years," writes Capt. printing coutract for 1904, $22.54; Muni - MacDonald of Montreal, "I battled with cipal World, St. Thomas, assessment r the agonies of bronchitic asthma. Often rolls and express charges, 1903, $4.15; 4 r 4 Have you renewed your subscription, for 1905 I couldn't sleep for nights at a time. I Fraser & Logan, Blyth, 40 10 -inch .tile spent thousands on doctors and medioiae without relief, but one dollar's worth of Per Wm. McLerty, $3.401 Finlay Ander- Catarrhozone =came." Catarrhozone son, services as treasurer, 1004, $80; do, Consumption 401 There is no specific for consumption. Fresh air, ex- ercise, nourishing food and Scott's Emulsion will come pretty near curing it, if there is anything to build on. Mil- lions of people throughout the world are living and in good health on one lung. 41 Froin time immemorial the doctors prescribed cod liver oil for consumption. Of course the patient could nbt take it in its old form, hence it did very little good. They can take SCOTT'S (EMULSION and tolerate it for a long time. There is no oil, not excepting butter, so easily digested and absorbed by the system as cod liver oil in the form of Scott's Emulsion, and that is the reason it is so helpful in consumption where its use must be continuous. We will send you a sample free. Be sure that this picture in the form of a label is on the wrap- per cf every bottle of Emulsion you buy. •l r !4 '�' - t' ':� ' i^�lyl Scott & Bowne' V. Chemists Toronto, Ont. :...`—, -t r Sac, and pl alt dtuggi,a 21, 1005, 313; P. Porterfield, services as Division Registrar for 1004. $12; John H. McClinton, balance of salary and postage as collector for 1904, 320.50; James W. Bone, services as auditor for 190.4, 37; Peter W. Scott, services as auditor for 1004, 37. The matter of securing some compet- ent person to operate and work the road grader throughout the township in good time this coming season, was brought up and discussed, when the council then adjourned to meet again on Thursday, 23rd March next. Same day, Path- masters,Ponndkeepers and I'euceviewers will be appointed for the current year. P. POI TERFIELD, Clerk. Oen Bow's Thts': We offer Ono Hundred Dollars Re- ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHEIv E'i & Co., Toledo, 0. Wo, the undersigned, have known F. j. Cheney for the last 1.; years, and be- lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi- ness transactions and finannially able to carry out r any obligations made by his firth. ,YALDIXG, ElxxAx & A7ARvtly, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and muc- ous surfaces of the system. Testimon- ials sent free. Price 75 cents perbottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- tion. a isard's 1 THE LEADING STORE I isard's New SprinA Goods JUST RECEIVED. wowevrsswBmsrogwnwgaamuwwauasgsrawnex • New Suitings. New Dress Goods New Shirt Waists New Laces New Trimmings New Carpets New Curtains New Linoleums New Oilcloths New Waterproof Coati New Boots and Shoes ' New Draperies, etc, And more SHIPMENTS to arrive THIS MONTH. We int ite you to call and inspect our New Spring Stock, We're sure to please you in Variety, Values and Prices. Alteration 7 Sale,, We've planned for the thirty feet extension to the store, and must sell out the balance of our Clothing regardless of cost in order to have it out of the way. So come along for all kinds of Men's and Boys' Clothing and help us clear out the Basement. Sweeping reductions in other depart- ments will be continued. We're cutting oft the profits. . E. ISARD ex Co. ,pts. Opposite Bann of Hamilton. - Right goods at right prices. �i84Wir7l,ar.Lt0.7k r:i !1ici69l,IlY+6t+1 ford,—That any ratepayers wanting change of pathmasters will please notify some member of Connell before next meeting.—Carried. The following accounts and chegaes issued: Municipal World, Rolls, Schedules, &c., $7; Jeffrey Musgrove, gravel and damages, 3 03; Dangles Fraser, audit. ing, 310; Alex McEwen, anditiug, 310; John Mosgrove, auditing, 32; Andrew Miller, Brushing on B line, $4 25; R. Vaustone, debentures, 32; Wm. E. Mit- chell, survey 12th con. drain, 36; John Little, survey 12th con. drain, 31.50; Robert Dicksou, survey 12th con. drain, $6; Andrew Campbell; survey 12th con, draiu, 75c; Win. F. Smith, local Board of Health, ee. Moved by Messrs. Moffatt and Kelly, that this meeting do now adjourn to meet again iu the Clerk's office, Blue - vale an Monday, Marcie 27th, 1905 at 10 o'clock a.m. were passed TCU Il1CRitlt. A quiet wedding took place at the hone of Mrs. M. G. Richardson, Albert sreett, Brussels, at 4 o'clock on Wednes- day afternoou of last week when William V. Moffatt, a well to do young farmer of Tnrnbt,ry p, r township, and Mies Annie w Richardson joined hand and heart. Rev. Jno. Ross, B. A., performed the cere- mony. The principals were unattended and will take up their resideucein Turn - berry where they commence married life with the good wishes of a wide circle of relatives and friends. May their joys can't fail; it's guaranteed. Two months gnatiati, be many. do. postage, stationery and rase„ Minutes of Council meeting held in the treatment $1.00; trial 25c. 1904, 34 32; do. do. payment for four "°ng booths, Provincial election, Jan • Clerk's office Blnevale, on Monday, Feb. lath; members of council all present eteatOSS. , except John Couplaud; the Reeve iu the We last week mentioned briefly the death of Mr. John Whiteman of the 4th con. who passedatvay on Sunday, the 5th inst.Since then we have became acquaint- ed with a few further facts in connec tiou with the life history of this aged pioneer. He was born in 1821, at Ciiuclay, near Clones, in the County of Monoghau, Ire• land, and there spent his boyhood and youth. Having married in 1845 he four yearslaterCAe m Out to Canada and spent his first year near Norwood in the County of Peterborough. From there the Whitemaas' mooed west to Paris where they lived until 1856, moving froth there into the then forest covered wilderness of Onlross. Here they lived together rinti11901 when death elaiincd Mrs, Whiteman at the age of 83 years. Deceased enjoyed good health until a year ago When he sustained a fait which resulted in a fracture ref the hip bone since which time he has been gradually sinking. He leaves fear sond, John Henry, lama, Hobert tend Richard. E.slabl;shrd 2899. Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Cough, Crip, Aothma, Diphtheria OrnaSolaha is a noon7n t0 AOiQaM3tsena ('ur c trig t, s in .lahltahed add Fl nwl.:rd rnneo'y for the d.,e.,sen S 1 , ce•t. It . tore1. 9 , the e'r (lewd etr,nt,l. •: + +i•• iG enrr.rd aver rho d, envrd our. tacos- of (on h:. + 1. a1,,de... 1, Int errs- breath. Oleg prnlontwl*mg twaimrnt. Those of s ennaan:y !lye tondrnrv. ,� , 1t rrro hum ehrotie brow (tit i,. firm[ lm:uediat, ri Het _.. a, tough, or luti.unet conditions or the throat. Val o.rresolenn 1, ardd ny drn,t,tat, or tent pre - pall on 10 i?pt cf 171+•0. A Vapn.t•re.oiruo red. fit !winding a hottic of Vre,olene 41.SA. Send for free 111uetravd boolltt, Liaattsc abets Co,.ltd.. Agents, 280 St. James St.. *lontreat Canada. Get chair; the minutes of last meeting were . read and adopted on motion of Messrs. 1 Kelly and Moffatt. Moved by Messrs, Kelly and Ruther- Josx BuRoEs1,, Clerk. -v WALTON. Dt NGANNO\. The annual meeting of the West Wawanosli Mutual Fire Insurance Co., was held in this village recently. There was a large attendance of policy holders present from the sarroundiug towa- ships. The directors' and auditors re- ports were read and adopted. The three retiring directors, Mr. Finlay Audersou, of East Wawauosh; Mr. Isaac Fisher, of Colborne: and Mr. P. Reid, of Ashfield, were agate ra.elected, the board of directors .remaining as be- fore, The reports laid before the meet- ing by the secretary of the Company were evidently of a satisfactory nature, showing that 078 policies had baea issued by the Company during the past year, covering risks to the amount of 31,414,- 223.00. The premium notes received during the year amounted to 3350,303.09. Total number of policies in force ou 31st Dec, was $3,280, covering, risks to the amount of 34,585,425 00, and a premium note capital of 3161,308 78. Cash in bauk and on hand, $747 68. Assets, 3163,014.88, liabilities, 3487.25. There were is all 43 losses adjusted and paid Miss Maud Ferguson succeeded in win- during the past year, amounting in all ping first-class honors in Primary Piano , to 37,161.25, twenty.eight of which at the examination held in Brussels. We hope this is an augury of future triumphs in the musical line. It is up to the people of this locality to patronize the Public Library, so that it will have prosperous year. This is a great boom to reading people and they should show their appreciation of it by upholding it individually. Iio has cies osed of his store Wm. y p and property belonging, to James Lind- say, of Grey. It is understood that a hardware store will be opeued by M. Lindsay's two sous. Mr. Hoy will locate in some town where he will carry on his butchering business. A. LITTLE' LIFT SAVER. Baby's Own Tablets have saved many a• precious little lite. They etre the beat medicine iu the world for all stomach and bowel troubles, situpla fevers and teething troubles, and they contain not one particle of opiate or harmful drug. Mrs. Elbridge Lowe, Sheet Harbor, N.S., says: "My baby was always sickly un- til I began giving him Baby's Own Tab - to a v •eau ed him lu Tab- lets, but they have v g fine. big, healthy child. I am never without the Tablets iu the house." The Tablets can be given with perfect safety to a new born babe, and are good through every stage of childhood. It you do not find the Tablets at your mediciue dealers send 25 cents to the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville and get a box by mail postpaid. ItELGRA\'1 Miss Bella Sproat is visiting friends in Seaforth this week. Mrs. Rutledge, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Sproat for the past week, returned to her home in Soaforth on Monday last. were caused by lightning, which we understand is becoming a very serious cause of loss to insurance Companies in rural districts. This company has dur- ing the past two years paid out 321,487.- 26 for losses, a very large percentage of which was caused by Iightning. ford,—•That we grant 312 toward erect. A quiet but pretty wedding took place ing a wire feuce ou three sides of the at the residence of the bride's parents, original market square in Wingham iter. and iters. Wray, when their only town plot. ---Carried. daughter, Mrs. Bacliannan, was nuited Moved by Messrs. Moffatt and Kelly,— in marriage to Mr. Joseph Braudon, a That the Clerk he instructed to prepare prosperous farmer of I::sst Wawanosh. a by•Iaw to lay before the council at Miss Bella Allison is home from Lon - thou next meeting for the aPPolutment (ton for a holiday, where she has been of Me. John Silliek tee caretaker of the working for the past year. Government grounds Northof the river j Mr. and airs. Ed. Whiteman and fans - in Niugtiam town plot.—Carried. Carried, l it were at Clinton outMouday attend - Moved by Messrs Rutherford and i Ing the funeral of Mrs. Whiteman's Moffatt that Drainage By -Law No. (1, mauler, \trs, 14icLanalllin, 1905 be passed to amen(. drainage By- Law'o. 13,1903.- Carried. 1 Mrs. Dan Geddes is visiting friends on The auditors report was laid before the the third line of Morris this week. Council for final audit. On account of the bad roads the ball Moved by Messrs. Rutherford and itt the ;foresters' hall last Thursday Moffatt that the auditors report be night was not as well attended as usual adopted. --Carried. but those who were there report a very Moved by Messrs. Kelly and itittlter• pleasant time. Good Hogs and Poor. The experiment station of Kansas has made the most complete :test of hogs that we have seen from any experimene station. The hog that makes the largest ham of red meat is the animal that „elle ham eater thinks is the best hog. The weights of hams in the test were as fol- Iows: Berkshire hams, 2312' pounds; Duroc-Jersey, 1412 pounds; Poland - China, 2512 pounds. These hogs in size were as near the same weight as pos- sibie to get them, The shoulders of the I3erkshire weighed 211_ pounds; Duran Jersey, 1012 aad Poland -China 19;2 pomade. The Berkshires have larger shoulders than any other bread. The butcher who saw the hogs slaughtered thought the Dime -Jersey had the most fat ou the back, the Poland -china next, then the Berkshire. The Bershire hair showed more lean and less fat than the Poland -China. The butchers eosidered the breed of hogs that had the most fat the most profitable hog, both for the farmer and the butcher. Reflections of a Bachelor. 1'rotn the New forge Press. Childreu have such a good time be - 1 cause there is no morning after for them. When a man asks a girl for a photo- graph it is a sign that she has it ready for him. One of the hardest things is to con- vince a woman that there oughtn't to be more iu four pints then in two quarts, It's an awful nice surprise to try to kiss a girl en the cheek and miss it be- cause her lips are iu the way.—New York r Press. , Women have such funny ideas they would want to stop and put on their best nightgown before going down a fire escape. A woman doesn't like to go shopping on a rainy day because she knows there won't bo'a big crowd for. her to fight through to get to the bargain counter,. , Lever's V -Z {Wirt Head) Disinfectant , Soap Powder is better.' than other powders, as it is bout soap and disinfectant: 34 n