The Wingham Times, 1905-02-23, Page 1THS WIN(iHAivl TIMES. Vo L XXXII'.'---NO 1724. You'll Make Na' Mistake If you leave your order for Clothing with us, We'll be pleased to show you some nice lines of goods for Sfflts and Overcoats and feel certain that we will be able to satisfy the most fas- tidious taste in the matter of dress. Gents' Furnishings In this department you will find our stock complete and up-to-date. Great variety, fine - quality, and very rea• - sonable in price. A pleasure to show goods. Holliuth .Bros. Clothiers and Gents' Furnishers. • MARRIAGE LICENSES Issued by PaANK PATEns011, No. 28 Victoria street, Wtnghain. Ont. No witnessesrequired. DOMINIONBANK WINGHAM Capital paid up, $ 3,00 0,000 ,Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $3 644,000 Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT—Interest 'Mowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added toprincipa130th June and 31st December each year. D. T. HEPBIIRN, Manager, ta. Venatone, Solicitor. BANK OF HAMILTON WINCHAM. Capital paid up, $2,235,280.00. Reserve Fund, $2,100,000.00, Total Assets, $26,553;846.57. President ROiv. Wm. tines$. Vitae -President find General Manager —J. TIIRNBi1LL. Aseietant Oen. Manager—Et. 71i, W.812ox b183110/enlan John Prootor, char. L. Diatom t. S. Iiendrie, Geo. Uutherford, Cyrus- A. Birge. Inspector --11. Willson. sAVxrl as 33.41.1vz u,enliddtscMnd*srds do principal of 11.y arch November each year. Speeiat Depeslte also received M current irbgcert of Interest. W. CIDIt8Otr11/, Argent. 1001aNsoNa ]f3[bx,tl>tl�, Soho/tom GROCERIES..., When you want the fresh- est and best to be had for the money, come here. We handle only the best in staple and fancy gro- ceries, M CROCKERY.,,.. We invite you to see some very choice lines which we have in Fancy China and Dinnerware, R1 H. Hutchison GROCERIES AND CROCKERY. Phone 50. Prompt delivery. I SELL REAL ESTATE No matter where it is! I have for sale now somo fine town property wbirh for Mention and convenience cannot be excelled. It makes no difference whether you want a $'O GO building lot or $10,000.00 farm, or any other kind of Real Estate, 1 want to hear from you. ,rust the property you want may be on my list. 1 ain not only in a position to most advantageously serve the man who wants to buya home or a farm, but 1 am in the host possiblposition to serve the mail who Wants to n,alce a profitable investment. • C. J. MAGUIRE Real Estate and Business Transfer .Agent, VANsTONE BLOCK. WINGHAM, OTT, GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Subscribes s in Arrears. This week we ata sending a number of : accounts to ebbs ribers who are in arrears for the T.IIES. The accounts are very areal! to ,heli individual, but in the aggregate, *mount to several hun- dreds of dollars. .ubacribers who are in arrears for 190.4 a d 1905, who do not re- ceive aeccunts w' 1 also confer a favor by remitting the amount due. The label on the pap_ will tell the date to which your subs ription is paid. Wo would ask all ubsoribers to pay up promptly as it ekes money to run a newspaper sacc. sfully, NOTICE—All a counts due me meet be settled at once ei her by cash or note as I am going on me road soon. Settle- ment mar be ma e with Jas. G. Stewart at Alex. Young'f tore. Taos. ARd1STRoNG. Movin: Pictures. On Friday, Fe• 24th, at 8 p.m. in the S. A. Barracks, t e Salvation Army will present 3,000 feet .f moving pictures of their Great Inter , ational Congress, re- cently held in Lo don, Eng. Adjutant Wakefield, repre ntative of Territorial Headquarters, T. onto, who was present at the Congress will give descriptive lecture. The scans produced include the Great Revie of 25,000 Salvationists by General Boot at the Crystal Palace. If you desire to :, end a delightful even, ing do not fail to ace this wonderful exhibition. Th: prices of admission are, adults 25c, chiten i5e. Tickets can be secured from ;th.' officers. AUCTIO\ SALT --A horse, buggy, de- livery wagon, cutter, harness, robe, cooking stove ars a nnmber of articles of household furni ,ore, will be sold on the market square, "1Pingham, on Saturday, Feb. 25th, at 2 dolock. No reserve, as the proprietor itti removing from town. W. A. Currie, auctioneer. D. Rush, proprietor. United defter 5b Years. James Daly, =..w living in Detroit, came from Bost in, Mass., to Dundas in 1860 in searolwf work.. He was suc- cessful in getting a job, and after work- ing in Dundas f a time lie moved to London, and 1st tter to Detroit. Por more than GO ye rs he lost sight of his relatives, Where _e left in Boston, but for years a sister has been hunting for him. She was successful in getting trace of hint rece Ale' in Detroit through a son of James Daly, who is ourato of 'Crinity Protesta� Episcopal Church In snow, The b Detroit. The -s ster, Mrs. Armstrong, but remained WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1905. Wear Greer's Sl,Ioes and Rubbers Newspape s the Best. The two greates circus propietore in world, Barnum Bailey and Ring- ling Bros,, have d ,sided that this year they will spend n , money on bill board advertising. ']'li' y claim the newspaper, going as it does into the homes of the people, is the best advertising medium and they intend 1 eneeforth to spend the money they hav - put into expepeive lithographs and I ge bills into news- papers publicity. Pringle & Groves are payiny the high- est melt prices far sheep skins, bides and tallow, delivered at the tannery, Ohap- man's old stand, Wingham. Successful Anniversary. The anniversary ervices in the Wing - ham Baptist Ch rob an Sunday last were successful. :n the morning Rev. Dr, Gundy preach- d the sermon, and in the eveuing, the p.;Mor, Rev. J. N. Mc. Lean, B. A., took be service. On Mon- day evening a sere successful entertain- ment was held anwas well attended. The duties of chai -man were performed by Rev. Wm. LOW15 in a very pleasing manner. The pro tram was it good one and included sone and recitations by los by Miss Griffin; Brook and an address Thos. J. Scott; ai recitations by Misi by Rev. Dr. Gund Golds Wedding. On Friday even g last Mr. George Swinbank, of th London road, cele- brated the 50th a niversary of his mar- riage to Miss lizabeth Stephenson. The wedding too place just 50 years ago at Holmesvil e, at the home of the late John Steph son, and during the intervening fifty. 'ears, they have lived within five miles if the spot where they became man ami wife. Seven sons blessed their union, all but one still liv- ing. It was a jo ous and happy assemb- ly that gathered at their comfortable home to do the honor last Friday evening, among t ose • present being relatives and friend from a distance, including Mr. and Mrs. Bosnian, of Wingham (sister *laid brother-in-law, respectively. )—Clint3n New Era. House for Sale. —lot —�o t No. 4,on South side Maple St., on easy ters of pay- ment, Apply to R. VANSTONE, Solicitor for estate of W. T.A Fishleigh, deceased. Curlers le London. • Two rinks of Wiegham curlers, com- posed of Dr. J. R. ilkcdoitald and Messrs. C. Knechtel, D. T. Hepburn, Win. Holmes, E. A. Ha emond, A. J. Alder- son, L. W. Hanson and A. M. Crawford, went to London on Thursday morning Iast to compete for she Western Ontario Tankard. In the p 'eliminary round they lost to the Bright .dub. Owing to the blockade on the :.ailways the curlers were compelled to remain in London until late Saturday 1 evening. They re- port having had a ery pleasant time and the curlers of Lou- d several friendly ndon players. after e Tankard competi- iffin, who accompan- fortunate in return - were treated well t don. They play( games with the L they were out of t1 tion, Mr. C. N. G led the players wa ing home on Thur iday evening, Big Snap in Bedroom Suites. We were succesr ill in securing a big snap on 10 oak s tits from the Union factory, at a eleaout price. Regular $28 suits for only 20 and $22. Remem- ber, there are only10; they won't Iast long, so come ear y and get the snap. These suits are sold oak, golden finish. 4 drawers in case f dresser, nicely carv- ed and fitted with a British plate mirror, shaped and bevell td, 22128. Come and see them anyway; they will be on sale Saturday morning:. Don't miss them 1 Wixom Bios. s BUTTON, The Trai' Was Derailed. C.P.R. passenger train No. 22, whieh leftTeeswater ednesday naorning of last week at G.30 and which was due in Toronto at 11.40,Jwas derailed one mile West of Inglewoq'd .I'unoti0n. The heavy fifty -ton passener coach was thrown over on to its si e, but, strange to say, only three per oils were injured, and those but slightly. The cause of the ac- cident has•not let been ascertained, al- though it is believed to have been due to a rise in the `rails consequent to the ggage gbaoh left the track, in an ttpright position. car ran along the ties for ce and then toppled over. rolling# Steck is net great, thoritiest 8 ate. A 8istbr expects to be in where she will n whom she has n a century*, but living in Detrol Isla lton tui p S set petroit in a few days, The passenger t only meet her brother, a -short dieter tt seen for nearly half The damage t( Da sister h a .who a8beea therailway a� for the past 25 years, of Mt. VC J. t flier was a- passenget on tor. ! this train bat a caped injury. Veteran Min ster Dead - A respected reside At of London, Rey. James Little, died Monday night at his borne, 853 Mutt' :I avenue, in his 68th year. Mr. Littl. , until his retire- ment last spring, was pastor of Bethel Presbyterian .(\huroh, Proof Line, Loddon Towns] ip, and was much revered by his con regatign, all of whom, together with his many other friends, will be sincar y sorry to learn of his death. Deceas -d was father of Mrs. (Dr.) Meldrum, ormerly of Wing - ham, and he was at ui e time pastor of the Presbyterian Omagh at Underwood, Bruce County, Good general ser nt girl wanted. Apply to Mrs. R. H. rowtter, Frances street. Sepoys $ etched. On Monday evenin last the lovers of hockey in Wingam s w on of the fastest games ever played n local ice. The fast aggregation fr m Lnoknow wore the opponents of the local septette, and a huge crowd packs the ring to witness the match. The fl st 18 minutes of play saw both teams putting up a very clever game and at tae end of that time Johnston scored irst blood on a slap from in front if. goal. Lucknow defeuce then took balloon ascension, and Wingham forty ds scored the next four goals in as m y minutes, John- ston, Elliott and 'laming doing the trick, while the loc 1 defence blocked nicely and gave the visitors no chance to score. Wingha scored again, and the first half ends 6 to 0, whereupon Lucknow stock ook a considerable drop, The visitor were, however, not at all discourage and came on in the second half to w' out or pull down the big lead, but a b- ger surprise was in store for Mans er Davidson's bunch and the perfor uce started at once by Hippo, aho hat up to this time been feeding the other forwards, who, on a a nice pass from Fleming landing firs goal in the second half, and from tha time play waa mostly near Laokuow goal or centre "c e e. Headley blocked a shot from Gall, way by going down on his knees, and as put off for 2 minutes, but Whitehead sled to score 1» bis ab sence ;soon afte ards 1''.�arrington mad a dash down the i ing and a return I ham. Exeiteme s from the place of Galloway and E other cover I am fore Lucknow g f one of our daily ingthe score 10 . on might find some - now being playe goals rolled mer until the bell cal h fl ] butes which adorned who may still be Wingham, viz: - 15 to 2, The • diem being one in the Wm. E. Groves, sdiool teacher; Henry Headley, McCoy m the Wingham Curl- Davis, general agent; Thos. Cornyn, Habbick, Peart and Boyd. Wingham ing Club; ono fro .the citizens' band; J. L. Brace, George Green, Thos. L. —Moore, Wilso , Harrington, Elliott, one fmim'ss therow Su h, a sister Schools the `Lase de- Nelson Griffin . 1 here are others' who Jobb, John Connell, Thos. Abraham, Johnston, F1em' Galloway. Estee, Mr. Theo aid, Mt. Forest. ceased was a men ber, and a number of others from veleta -es' and friends. A memorial service vas conducted at the house by Rev. D - Gandy, and Rev. Wm. Lowe. The ereft families have the sympathy of m y friends in their sodden affliction. DEPARTED FRIENDS, Wir.LTA3i knuanA3n. The subject of thei brief sketch was a native of County - erwauagh, Ireland, and came to this co :ntry with his wife and family about 5' years ago, and set- tled in Paris, when they remained for a few years, tlte,I co ing to Bast Wawa - nosh, settling on e 10th concession, and resided there f r nearly half a cen- tury, about two ye re ago removing to Turnberry, Navin purchased a farm within two and a if miles of Wroxeter. .Mr. Abraham h been declining for some titne, and ed away et his home on Saturday last. He was an nude of Mr. Thomas Abrab m of this town, and was upwards of 1.7 ears of age. The deceased was quiet and unassuming in I manner, honorable and upright in his 1 dealings, and was ighly esteemed for I bis many noble q alities. He was it 1 life-long Coueervat e, but took no active part in public affair a, He was for 70 years a member of the Orange society. The deceased is su 'ived by two sons and two daughters his wife having died about ten years mo. The sone are, Thomas, of the 10t i concession of East Wawanosh, and William, of Turnberty; and two daughters, Mrs. John McDon- ald, of Wingham, and Mrs, Wm, Case - more, of Morris. ^_he funeral took place on Monday afternc in. the retnains being Iaid to rest in the Brandon cemetery, Inear Belgrave, WILL. T. J. H03IL•TH. The annonucem ,nt of the death of Will. T. J. Homut on Saturday morn- ing last Dame wit much surprise to Winghamites, and as cast a gloom over the community. eceased had only been ill for a few cl ye and many were not aware of his ill ess un`il they heard of his death. Will. Homuth had lived in Wingham all his ife and was engaged the tailoring and business with hie ears with his brother, th. He was a young his 37th year, and wasrespected l who had the 1 n . d e s by i� F tare of his aequain.�iuce. About twelve years ago he was t�ited in marriage with Miss Sperling, a d -lighter Sp g,ofMr. F. G. e Sperling, of Wing ism, and to them was r, Marguerite, who, urvives. The funeral day afternoon, the re o rest in the Wingham bearers being Messrs Wilson, Dr. W. T. ightntan,R. A. Hutch - Many and beautiful for many years i gents' furnishing father, and of late t Mr. ht. S. L. Homs man, being only ie; born one (laugh with his widow, took place on Tu maims being laid o and on a pass to Flem• • nded anotherfor Wing - t was at fever heat, and Nott again scored be• t one past Moore, mak• cemetery, the pa 1. Th visitors er Frank Hill,D. D e w e off their feet, and the Holloway,H. H. ly in from all sides ison and R. Oleg were the ora tr the casket, anion form of a stone, fr $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE successful farmers f the township, who was held in high a rem by his neighbors and a large circle of friends. He was an active member of Eadie's Presbyter- ian church and fc ' a number of years was the percen r in that church. He leaves a idow and grown up family who 11 have the sympathy of the commute' y in their affliction, The funeral took lace on Wednesday atternoou to the Yingham cemetery. ELI7.ABETf _ C. BAINTON. A former we= -known resident of Wingham died atter home in Blyth on Saturday evening last in the ,person of Ars. Elizabeth 0 Bainton. Deceased, with her two sons oved from Wingham to Blyth some year ago. Before moving to Wtugham, dee sed lived with ber husband and famil on the B. line of Turnberty and we among the early settlers of the town ip. Mr. Bainton is dead over twenty y re. Mrs. Bainton was an invalid for any years and for years before leaving Vingham she was not able to leave her ome. She is sur- vived by several sr s and daughters. The remains will 1 3 interred in the Wingham cemeter, this (Thursday) morning after the a rival of the 11.10 train from Blyth. BIC. SALE of stylish Top Skirts at 'surd's. Prices begin at $1.75. Fon SALE—A good storey and a half fratne house, with four rooms, pantry and woodshed downstairs and four rooms up stairs; hard water in woodshed and soft water in kitchen. Apply to, Roar. MAXWELL, Tailor. A Former Winghamite. The editor of the ruses received the following letter on eduesday, and no doubt our older res rs will remember Mr. Gordon: -- Will w Paris, Wolumla, .S.W., Australia. Jauu ry 6th, 1905 To the. Editor of the Win ham Times Dear Sir -1 take the writing to you althot you personally, and I cuae my freedom. V� in Wingham, and c about thirty years agc correspondence with airy person in Wing - ham for a long time, nd therefore do not know whether there are any of my old friends still in th town. I would ' like to have some 0e -thy birth. Under a • sending you a copy from papers which thing worth printin a few of the old fri liberty to -day of gh not knowing rust you will ex. en a boy I lived me to Australia I have had no . I might mention rids and school mates ed time, the score being cknow players were: Molntosh, Thompson, NOTES 108' THE GAME. Fleming's lit$ crowd.... Johns puck.... Gallow ing game, and 11 second half ... ,1 e side shots captured on was always on the �y waa playing a wait- dshed very strong in Coore in goal had little to do, and was aways in the way.... Elliott played hie star game of the sea- son, while Wilma. and Harrington both made pretty rush Is which ended in scores Wingham let ds the District with a lead of 13 goals, and will surely win out the round....ngham has won ten games and lost one; has scored 82 goals, and has be n scored on 28 times this season. 10 only good go den oak finish Bedroom suite, worth $14, our price, special for February, $11. WAL ER BROS, 3; BUTTON. COUGHS, COLDS Why let them liner ? ? OUR Laxative Gold Tablets Will break tip any cold. 25c a box. Every box guaranteed. For sale only by Walton Mckibbon DRUGGIST. WINGHAM. Nextdoor to Poet Of'lao, JOAN F(WLER. One of the pioneerrresidents of Morris township passed awe p on Thursday last in the person of Mr. Tohn Fowler in his 83rd year. Decease( had been a sufferer for niauy years ant for the past few years was not able .0 leave his chair. Mr. Fowler was a native of Scotland, lived in the count: a few names, vi; John Taylor and nosh; Henry God y and l will mention :—Robt. Carrie, sr., hos. Taylor, Wawa - in, John and Alex ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ '1' 1' 4 4. i 4• and with his brothel', the late Peter 4+'• Fowler, who died i i December, 1899, came to Morris nearly$ 50 years ago and ' ° settled on the farm off which he died, on + the Bluevale road. Deceased was a ,4i. blacksmith by trade s 3d np to a few ;E years ago followed the occupation in a .1. shop at the front of h s farm. The shop, one of the old landma Its of the Bluevale 4' road was only removed some two •`1. years ago. He wits a member of the ; Bluevale Presbyteti:ai Church and a .1. Liberal in politicts. 1+'bceased was twice married and is survi rat by his widow,'11• who is now in her uties. He had a family of two sons s viz:—Mrs. Thos. Hie Wm, Fowler, Teesw on the homestead, at of Prince Albert, N. took place on Satnrdi Bluevale Cemetery. JOHN S.i'rT. two daughters, + , now deceased; ; John Fowler, rs. Jas. Moffat, : 4- T. The funeral' afternoon to the - 3 4• 4• 4• The old pioneers of this section are fast passing away aW this week an- -i- other of the earlier residents of the = 4. Township of Turn\perry ha8 passed' away to the great bekond in the person .1 Of Cohn Scott in liLi G4th year. Mr.: 4' Scott had been ailing for the past two .'11. years and had nit been about very - much. About two veeks ago he eon- + traded a sevete coltwhich developed .41. into congestion of c e lungs and ter-' ininated fatally o Susday laid. De- 4• ceased was a nati of Scotland and came to the Towiieii of Turnberry in the early days a 9 Have you Ever Figured What an immense amount of work your eyes have to do Every moment you are awake you use tbem steadily. And those who read much or sew a great deal, or those whose duties require close and prolonged application of the eyes, are almost sure to need au optician's services sooner or later. & Coll LIMITED, - Druggl2ts and Optieis.ns WINGHAM, ONT, Kelly, and John R•oyl, Turnberry. If you are good en ;ugh to reply, you might name any of th; above who are still liv- ing in your viol: ity. You will see by the paper I send yo the great contrast in the weather heir, compared to your Can- adian weather i i this mouth of the year. Wishing you tie compliments of the sea- son, I will ,Kon• Inde. Yours sincerely, JA3LEs GORDON. Dr. ginner, Eve, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, London, 3rd door East St. Andrew's Church. Glasses supplied. Did you ever perance howler Jere playing "r in hand on el Overcoats and Overcoats and I ready-to-wear c choiceITH'S for Chmanis] , SMc i ( Farm yiork Made Easy. The farmers of Canada are indebted to the Family Lerald and Weekly Star of Montreal for one of the best agricul- tural papers ev issued. The i : e of February 22 of hat great pape s largely devoted to th impor ant uestion of labor saving m thods . e farm. It is wonderfully in :trued e hetter than all the Agricultura mee tags and exhibits of farm mach nery ever held in this country. The Family Herald and Weekly Star slbnld be received by every farmer in Canafda. Oar readers shonld write at once fpr a copy of February 22 issue, it alone is worth all they charge for a full year's subscription (one dol- lar:. otice the biggest tem - and the Iicensed victual- ng-around-rosev " hand ction day ? Piccadilly nits, also Regent Brand Snits, the b' et fitting thing in Canada. Your onth or bee. at A. R. m Block, Wingham. ++.1•.1•1••I.1••F••i- ••1.4.4.+4.4'1• —.14. F 1 I••i•d••F 4. 4- 4- 4- 4• 4• 4• �4•, 4• 4* 4. 4y. 4.. 4• 4. 4- 4 4; 4. 4• 4- 4- 4• 4. 4; 4: ete4 4f 4, 444. 4• 4• 4. 4. 1. + 4- d waa one of the ,.$. ..... •�'F•f•4+++•F'p+•b'�''Cr'��•��•4�•4•'4• i•;••'r43.3•+3•d-43•4•1••t•�<F' Ips . , ' •p ..... Wingham's Leading Shoe Store Our Bargain Tabies are very attractive to shrewd Shoe buyers. Beep au eye on them. When our Shoos get on the .Bargain Table they are snapped up gluick. Friday we will put out probably 50 pairs of Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes, in all sizes anti steles. If the weather is right, they'Il be gone ha a short • time. They, will not linger long in any event, and if you want a real good genuine Shoe Bargain, come early and Save a Third or a Half it will pay you well always to keep an eye on our Bargain Tables. You can save lots of Shoe Money by doing so. W. J. C112EEI2 Sheer to the People.