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The Huron Expositor, 1987-12-30, Page 13
• Christmas visitors with Audrey 1lr Coo woe Mr. and Mrs. 'Tony Be Coo andifamity sof 1Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs.:Adnran lie coon sof Wicihener, Mr: and Mrs. ,Jim Cidlins and family sofiatt heg, Mr. and Mrs.,JimcGreen and family sof Windsor: • Mr. and Mrs. Adrian De Coo,, Kitchener' and .Audrey De Coo spent Christmas Day 'with Mr. and Mrs. T..onylPhililps. • Helen Byers ,of Seaforth spent Christmas iDay With Mr. and Mrs. Lome dale at Lon'desbono. Mr. ,and .Mes. i armnan Hdbley cif Seal -with spent Christmas with•Mr. and Mrs. Harold • McCallum`tat RRR.2'Wianton and With Mr. Terry Ward at Monkton. • Chnistuiias Day wasithrs with Mr. and iMrs. Hareldii±icCallumatRRIi Wiartonw¢ereMr. • and lyirs. (Paul McCallum, cgind3i, Colleen and Kenny,. Mr. and Mrs.•IIion McCallum, Chad and :Janiee;°'Mr. and Mrs: Dorman tiidbley of Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hartman of Bayfield, Marion Hare and w'SDI I G r�. ffriendlBdband Camiellareerif Stratfouii., (CarlMoCallumandlaraapentaniatMas Eve with Mr. and Mrs. ] ardtd <Chhigtmas2I ayw;isiixarsatthelhomeI tr. and 2Vlrs. Glen IBeuemnan and girls eat 113 i. d Winton were Mr. and IMtrs. ]R0nd0 1I4 - cCallumandffaniily(of1 Rt1WiTiatttou,IMr:.altd :Mrs. Veil Beuerman;andffmniiyafariumds, Mr. and Mrs. Iliay 1lal ydar and its!mi y and Mr. and Mrs. -Mike IMUSSAman and.tfarnily of Stratford, Margaret JBenenman off Seaforth, Mt. and Mrs. Hill Manure and $andly sof Wtiiniiump and Mr. and Mrs. Pod Stephenson and ia? fij1y o f Valuta. Bragg Day Altars With Mr. and Mrs: PatiltdoCallumandfaMilyatBR4Mliarten w.eneMr. and7Mrs..A2tdiiieWillistrifiBmtsselsi, M1dr.andMrs.S tanleyMoihuleandffandilycn'f BB1Walton and Mr. anti Mrs . KAY 1Daton Jr. and *may mf ILondeabnro. Mr. and Mrs. Bon Ward and.11entiiferand Mitihael sof SStaffa spent Christmas Wa Mt.. and Mrs. IBdb Dalton. Christmas Ray wdsitors With Mrs.'1Reiny Ward at I dotikton, were Mr andlldrs.BiyauMdQluaeandAtmy oif BR 2 Seafortlt, Mr. and Mrs. Bon Ward and Jennifer and Michael sof SSCP, Mr. and Mrs. *man ti tibley, Mr. and IMrs. IRill Ward, 2 anid, Mike doe and ffidathew sof iBuodhegen. Mr. and Mrs. alb Dalton sof Londesbono left for Florida con Baking Dayy, 1M Mr..and Mrs. Bland d trAllum, Mr. and -- 1 res. iondht ath r -a' id ; Mr. and Mrs. Paul McCallum and ifanmly sof BR 1 <Cl1PID©-M[JRiiAY Lina aCgpiddand Larry Murray were mar- ried on Saturday, September :5,1987 in St. Joseph's Church, Hamilton Fr John Miles officiated at the <ceremony. The ibr ide usthe daughter 'of Rocco and Emma rCupido of Bamulton and the groom is the son off Steve and Agnes Murray of RR -4 Walton. Maid of ]honer was Tina Falba of Hamilton and ihest roan was Patrick Shaughnessy df Bramp- ton. Flowergirl was Karen Murray of Walton and her twin bother, Kevin Murray was the ringbearar. Guests were mshered iby Kevin Kale of Seaforth,. Neil Murray of Seaforth and Pat ,Cupido .of Hamilton. The couple is residing in Brampton. ' 3 DRISCOLL- Melisa and Cbristnpber would ]rice to announce the arrival of their -sister, Elisabeth Gloria Jean, born December 2, 1987 at 12:08 aan. at the Clinton Public Hospital. Proud parents are Myrna and :Eric. A third .grandchild for Boyd and Ger- trude Driscoll of Seaforth and 16th grand- child for Marie Holland London. HOLEY - Bob and Janet twee Bray) welcome with love The birth of their daughter Peggy !Anne on Decerdbes 17,1987 atfi:4 peri.weighing81bs.,3;ozs.SClwringIln our happiness are grandparents Bob and Marl Haley and Don and ,t4rsrhe Bray, and great grandparents Jennie Bray and Otto IVAI TRA - Dave and Mary Margaret (nee Bowland) are pleased to anntrancethe'birtii of their fourth child, Daniel Louis Therms, on"Wednesday, December* 1987, A Molar Lou andA7ne liowiand otter 'nand great grandson ;for Mary McIver, Seatorth. YANDERMoLEN and MGDiii ,t - Pam and Elaine .are. to announce the birth of Tyler Janes on Satin, December A, leVianGoderion, A 'brat for grandparents are Stan and .Anne McDivitt of Ottawa and drank and Mary Vander - Millen of 'Donato. tato. A mat grandson tor Margaret B. Whyte of Seaforth. Dues SEAFORT TONIGHT (W EM. tai tend' "STUNNED' THURS.. ffI.=SAT "PRIVATE °NUT and U 44IA" Patty Fau( $4,00 AT THE DOOR We suppctri ticipate in tthe ((DESIGNATE DRIVEN PROGRA Have a 'Sate lhoiliday — have a . QlestC, fired drriivei The family of Bob. l.Betty CBeut1enm%Iler would like to invite all relatives. driends and neighbours to help ,celebrate heir. 25711 WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Open Reception FRIDAY" JAN® 8 Seaforth RW -i0 mmunity Centre ^9PM- 1 AM Everyone Welcome aEsT yawns om2y MAW Walton and IMt. and Me. Wayne ne Hdatttman (01 Ballirild anent Mr. rind IMrs. Brgan fMaCiurte and Arny cilf KR 2 Ali n alted an!Sunday with th I. gold Mt . sou Ward,.Jeenniferand Htdidhadl at fa.. Mrs.'eladyo Wpldi$htRacifortii awn trist oas attthe,Dist w l home cad' Itdr. and Ms. aas=Also altthe aauxe!home, furoMgiokanswrasoiieee,Air.andMrss. 9m/samisen gua thirdlyfromWViindsot;,and IMrs. WYrf glit',S Alter IIotdisa i a kidsen off ILkstawat II9onglas Woaiight sof Kamera .pent tthe weekend off IIlecemiher 19 cweth this smother, airs. Matta Isinigtlt of raaEmt th. He allso aiatedwtithhaiislumiher0onadandbisffarni- bratCidn. lEwilwi Brown cdf ILondon, spent Bating Day With Mrs. Gladys W fight (ofSSeafoaith. M5itorsaaithMr_ and Mrs. Pat Altanam= Bohm Day wen lik. and. Ws. Keith Smith and dlanghter, Mr. and rte. Death Altman, Mr. and Mrs. 'Boy /Altman,;Mr.and IMr;s. Da Semler and ddaughter, and Mk. and 1Mrs.lBdb lrwui /A, a ciflgiitehener; Mr. and Mrs. HVlitdbad1 Altman and a1anghter off Bun9iilitou; Miss Chris /Altman off 1110rtocttn,; Air. and Mrs. ILewais Altman .off flamer; Hide.: and Moss. Dell fond Altman mil tilcangealle.ford a nd adkIlemrinsof Stretford.trat— COMMERCIAL HOTEL New Years Party FREE BUS IDE TO and FROM HOTEL THE NEW YAK'S LEVEE k4.tarmyand Betty uaraur d like the pkeaslturre d your company at their ,annual New Year Veaes Levee It k a .tradution for people to get together to celebrate the season ,vvirtrih ,gc od talk, oo.d music and ,grad cheer_ Please jaill9 LIS fat our annual New R'ear's Levee. JRJD ,$NU.ARY•1,, 19B8 9Qli _ 3O PA . BRUSSELS, MORRI$ & GREY COMMUNITY COME HAPPY NEW YEAR MURRAY CARPIFF, M.P. m1NE lHU2 tN tE�ICF ,t1cSi1a,8 BBR '217-t; —.. THIS WEEK'SFEATURES ono -Aleut pill af►ri9igg, 8atur day,, Jtanumw 2 — Supplies LLatut CLOSED IRRILYAW„ JNI tAtiARN LIMNDLLS Cheese T yI aim non me* VYtWS IP*'RirW .... Mee lilakear trete, ligy s,. =skies: nulls, nealies, mud„atd: SCE AY :RE Saturdayl January SEAFORTH 8 Iir CT COMMUNITY CENTRES TICKETS - drama 110.03 AFT1he Dour lariil(te ache Aram or barn any SaatteMs player qtr exerattive AGE OF MAJORITY c® ;1 - ABM:N.391fM N INILNDFAS F3efurds PROC S TO MINOR HOCKEYsponsored by Y m/ ip `SEA orni 5270180 HAPPY NEW YEAR Our (beat a iiShes for a )Happy & Prosperous New c' YYear HOLiDiW noun Amb., EEC. 3t1-- 11 .ann. - 12 pan 711—CURS, efDlEt . 31 —11 a.m. - 7 p;ew ni;, am. 1 — nom SAT„ Alt Y -. fts..unie regular 'borons CLOSED AT 7 PM Order early ,ytsur V COOKED PIZZA Refrigerate - Tea Meat Ei ip Fen' IMcluse Parties! CONG TULA O THE . + SAT. 700 A 9 SUN. ito ti4095.7 flowers lea ilte ,Attic nod +i la �S m NE Y EV SHEA, o._ #i5 seldom 1 For SI; rag In Seatoith 91 WA