The Huron Expositor, 1987-12-30, Page 1126. APARTMENTS FOR RENT ONE BEDROOM apartment for rent, Main St., Seaforth. Call 273-5188 after 5:15 p.m. 26-49-tf TWO BEDROOM apartment, 3 piece bath, carpet, utilities included. Available immediate- ly. Phone 527-1095. 26-50-3 UPSTAIRS 2 bedroom apartment includes fridge and stove. Available now. Phone 527-1637. „ 26-51-x2 AVAILABLE now 2 bedroom apartment in Seaforth. Close to uptown. Phone 527-1637. 26-51-x2 TWO MODERN one bedroom apartments. Available January.1 and February 1, 63 Side St. 527-0636. 26-52-tf LOWER DUPLEX with private entrances and verandah, close to MainStreet. Rent includes heat and hydro and parking. 527-2205. 26-52-4 29. FOR RENT FOR THOSE WHO prefer a,quiet setting in a. 'charming heritage home Lornevilla Apart- ments has an apartment for rent. Please phone 345-2459. , 29-48-x5 30. ROOM 8 BOARD WILLING TO provide room and board. Phone 262-2647. 30-47-tf 31. NOTICE ARE YOU LIVING with a drinking problem? A Anon can help 527-1650. 31-52-1 34. AUCTION SALES RICHARD LOBB AUCTIONEER ANTIQUES MACHINERY REAL ESTATE P.O. BOX 342 PHONE CLINTON 519 NOM 1L0 482-7898 - 35. TENDERS WANTED A\ Huron County Housing Authority P.Q. (H.C.) 88-01 To provide Move -Out cleaning on on "as and when required" basis'following'a*" rotation system established by Huron County Housing Authority. TENDERS will be received for the above until 1'1:00 a.m. local time, Wednesday, January 20, 1988 by the Huron County Housing Authority, 48 Tho Square, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 1M5. (519) 524-2637 from whom details and specifications may bo obtained, quoting reference number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. AHuron County Housing Authority P.Q. (H.C.) 88-02 To provide Plumbing, Heating, Drainage Maintenance on an "as and when re- quired" basis following a rotation system established by Huron County Housing Authority: TENDERS will be received for the above until 11:00 a.m. local time, Wednesday. January 20, 1988 by the Huron County Housing Authority, 48 The Square, Goderich, Ontario. NTA 1M5. (519) 524-2637 from whom details and specifications may be obtained, quoting reference number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. AHuron County - Housing Authority P.Q. (H.C.) 88-04 To provide Electrical Maintenance on an "as and when required" basis following a rotation system established by Huron County Housing Authority: TENDERS will be received for the above' until 11:00 a.m. local time, Wednesday, January 20, 1988 by the Huron County Housing Authority. 48 The Square, Goderich, Ontario. N7A TMS. (519) 5242637 from whom details and specifications may be obtained, quoting reference number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. 39. CARD OF THANKS THANKS to my family, relatives and friends. for the "surprise" party they had for me on the occasion of my 65th birthday Dec. 22nd. The many cards, gifts and good wishes I will always treasure. The Little Brown Envelope. 39-52-x1 . DRiSCOLL We would like to thank our family and friends who came to visit Elisabeth and myself during our stay at Clinton Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Hay and Dr. Bokart and second floor nurses. Myrna Driscoll. 39-52-1 35. TENDERS WANTED Huron County - Housing Authority 0 P.Q. (H.C.) 88-03. Tq provide General Building Maintenance on an "as and when required" basis following a r'tation system established by Huron County Housing Authority. TENDERS will be receivedfor the above until 11:00 a.m. local time, Wednesday, January 20, 1988by the Huron County Housing Authority, 48. The Square, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 1M5. (519) 524-2637 from whom details and specifications may be obtained, quoting reference number es above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT, NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. Huron County Housing Authority For the Preventive Maintenance of Firo Alarms, Emergency Lighting and Related Equipment :n OHC buildings at locations detailed on the Appendix "A" of this tender. TENDERS will be received for the abov5 until 11:00 a.m. local time, Wednesday, January 20, 1988 by the Huron County Housing Authority, 48 The Square, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 1M5. (519) 5242637 from whom details and specifications may be obtained, quoting reference number as above. ' THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. AHuron County Housing Authority 0 P.Q. (H.C.) 88-05 To - provide "Appliance Repair Maintenance on art "as and when re- quired" basis following a rotation system established by Huron County Housing Authority. TENDERS will be received for the above until 11:00 a.m. local time, Wednesday, January 20, 1988 by the Huron County Housing Authority, 48 The Square, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 1M5. (519) 524-2637 from whom details and, specifications may bo obtained, quoting reference number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED., 38. SERVICE DIRECTORY CHIMNEY SWEEPING, Paul Gridzak 233-9916 after 3:30. 38-48-tf PHOTOGRAPHY: Family Portraits, Wed- dings, Special occasions, Team photos, whatever. Gregor Campbell, 527-0273 after 4 p.m. 38-50-x3 Fuel Oil Furnace Service and Cleaning Paratchek's Maintenance Dublin 345-2235 SNOW REMOVAL SEAFORTH AREA PHONE 527-2017 or 527-1947 Abattoir and Meat Market Hwy. 83 - 3V4 miles east of Exeter 235-1123 Try us for CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING Kill Days - Tuesdays OUR SPECIALTY Home cured and 'smoked meats. processed exactly the way you like it. HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALES Every Thursday at 12:30 p.m. Ail classes of livestock i WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Greg Hargreaves 482-7511 Clinton 262-2619 Hensafl Barry Miller 236-2717 Exter & 229-6205 Kirkton DOERR'S Appliance & TV G.E. and ZENITH Phone 348-9033 Open 6 Days a Week MAIN ST. MITCHELL 39. CARD OF THANKS HULLEY Many thanks to Dr. Salsbury and nursing staff of Clinton Public Hospital. A very special thanks to our sister. Sandy for her wonderful care and support when 0 was most needed. Janet Hulley. 39-52-1 GNIME MUM s . Ciassilled Ads will slide you d ..�e C�; , .♦ is the right direction alb' ec -:, . , THE HURON EXPOSITOR,' DECEMBER 30, 1987 - 11 FCC chairman welcomes initiatives Farm Credit Corporation's (FCC) new Chairman, Jim Hewitt, in his first an- nouncement since assuming his respon-' sibilities December 11, 1987, has welcomed the agricultural initiatives introduced earlier this week by Prime Minister Brian Mulroney. "This is a positive development for FCC as a corporation and for those of its clients who are experiencing financial difficulty," said Mr. Hewitt. The extension of the funding of the Commodity -based Loan Program (CBL) will permit those who had loans with the Corporation prior to February 27, 1986, to refinance their loans at the lower interest rates offered with CBL's. The program, which was to have expired on March 31; Ontario turkey h Time is running out for Ontario small game hunters interested in participating in the second annual controlled hunt or the elusive wild turkey in the Napanee area next spring. Janaury 8, 1988 is the Ministry of Natural Resources' closing date for receiving ap- plications for the wild turkey validation tag draw. Hunters with valid small game licences can call or write to the ministry's Napanee district office to obtain an applica- tion form No more than 1,200 tags, divided between Wildlife Management Units (WMUs) 68 and 71 two consecutive six-day seasons in inthe random and May, will be issued draw. Hunters selected in the draw must purchase a $12 wild turkey validation tag to par - 39. CARD OF THANKS BUTT The family of the late Edna Butt would like to thank the following- people:- Michael Falconer of the Ball & Falconer (Box Funeral) Homefor the kind and thoughtful service he extended to our family at the time of our mother's death. Rev. James Van Slyke, the, United Church Women for the lovely lunch they supplied and friends and neighbours, who sent floral ar- rangements and made donations to the chari- ty of their choice. Also to the ones who sent food in. We would also like to thank the many people who made it possible for mother to stay in her own home during the past year. A special thanks to Dr. John Underwood for his many home visits. The VONs and the Huron County Home Makers for their daily calls. A special thanks to Ruth Campbell, Grace, and to Marjorie for her daily phone calls to mom. Thanks to the Stratford doctors, Seaforth doc- tors and nurses at Seaforth Comm. Hospital who were so kind to her during her many stays ,in hospital. Thanks to the Ambulance drivers who came so quickly the night they were call- ed. Your kindness will never be forgotten. Karen Geddes. 39-52-x1 41. PERSONAL SEASON'S GREETINGS to our relatives and friends, "Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent HisySon to be the propitiation for our sins: and of for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world." I John 4:10 & 2:26. WE LOVE YOU TOO. Ralph and Joyce Fischer and family. 41-52-x1 1988, will now continue until March 31; 1991. This funding will allow the Corporation to lend up to' $150 million per year under the program over the.next three years. With a CBL, the principal outstanding on a loan. is indexed annually to the prices of up to two of the major commodities produced by the borrower. That means that the loan payment will vary in response to the change in commodity prices. "The announcement also earmarked $330 million to allow FCC to participate fully in arrangements reached through Farm Debt. Review Boards during the last quarter of this fiscal year and the three following years," explained thenew Chairman. "I am pleased that we will be able to continue to fully cooperate in the debt review process." Other measures contained in the an- nouncement include the deferral of a loan payment of $103 million which was to be paid to the Consolidated Revenue Fund by FCC in January 1988 and a provision of $100 million for Corporate losses. This will en- sure that the Corporation will have suffi- cient cash flow to meet its leading program for 1987-88. Arrangements to provide addi- tional financing will be based on FCC's business plan which is currently being prepared. • "I see this announcement as a strong com- mitment on the part of the federal govern- ment to Farm Credit Corporation and Cana- dian agriculture, and I am pleased to take on the challenge of guiding FCC back to a position of strength," concluded Mr. Hewitt. unters reminded to apply for tag ticipate in the hunt. passed the examination in 1987 are not re - Before purchasing a tag, successful ap- quired to do so again in 1988. plicants will be required to attend a wild - turkey hunter education seminar sponsored A reintroduction program, sponsored by by the Ontario Federation of Anglers and the ministry, the OFAH and other conserva- Hunters (OFAH), and pass an MNR ex- tion minded groups and individuals brought amination given at the end of each seminar. the wild turkey back to southern Ontario Seminar dates and locations are provided after loss of habitat and possibly over - with the application forms for the draw. hunting caused its disappearance around Hunters who attended a seminar and the turn of the century. Legal text 'confirms a good deal' The legal text of the Canada -U.S. Free Trade Agreement confirms:the deal outlin- ed on October 3 is a very good deal for Cana- dian farmers, say- the three Cabinet ministers responsible for agriculture. Agriculture Minister John Wise, Minister of State for Grains and Oilseeds Charles Mayer, and Minister of State for Agriculture Pierre Blais said the final agreement is a document that will serve Canadian agriculture well for generations to come. "The legal text fills in„the details of the earlier framework and makes it clear that it is a good deal for Canadian agriculture," Mr. Wise said. "I remain convinced that Canada's farmers will benefit from this historic agreement. with their number one export market." In noting some of the gains made for agriculture in the legal text, the three ministers " thanked agri-food industry leaders for their constructive suggestions. 41. PERSONAL SEASON'S GREETINGS to friends and neighbours. Grace, Terrance, Stephen and James Hussey. 41-52-1 Water Well DRILLING W. D. Hopper and Sons 4 MODERN ROTARY RIGS Nell Durl Jim 527-1737 527-0828 527-0775 TWO FOR $10" • For a limited time, - BUY BOTH BOOKS at this low price and save 5290 1i S FSR This is Bob Shiier's- Newest Book Available for 57.95 AVAILABLE AT ... Fincher's, The Square, Goderich, Queen St., Kincardine & Main St., Exeter or King's Bookstore, East St., Goderich, Goderich Entertainer, Shoppers Square or AT YOUR LOCAL NEWSPAPER OFFICE IN Lucknow, Mitchell, Goderich, Seaforth, Clinton, Walkerton & Kincardine Mr. Blais said the marketing structures under which Canadian agriculture has grown will remain. untouched. "The legal text confirms Canada's right, under Article XI of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). to maintain import controls," Mr. Blais said. "`This was a commitment we made during the negotiation process. And it is the guarantee farmers sought to ensure the con- tinuing existence and health of supply management marketing boards and Canada's right, to create new ones." Mr. Wise said as a result of input from the Canadian Horticultural Council, the legal text of the agreement takes into account the effects of wine grape growers switching to other fresh fruits and vegetables. This change will mean grape growers can diversify without affecting the special tariff provisions made for horticulture. . These so -called "snap -back" provisions will allow for re -introduction of existing. tariffs, under certain,circumstances, over a 20 -year period. Mr. Mayer pointed out the method to be used in measuring the relative amount of government support offered by the two countries is very thorough. . "The legal text addresses concerns abdut determining the levels of subsidies to United States grain growers," he'said- "It includes an extremely detailed method for ensuring that every form of support is included in the calculations." In summation, Mr. Wise said he was ex- cited about the new and expanded prospects for Canadian farmers which are presented bythe agreement. "Our reputation as a land of superb food crops and livestock is Long-standing. Now, we are gaining an excellent opportunity to win improved access to the. huge United States market, without harming any of the underpinnings of our agricultural system. "We enthusiastically look forward to see- ing the benefits of this agreement come to fruition." Soil and crop awards banquet January 15 The Huron Soil and Crop Improvement Association will be holding its awards ban- quet on January 15 at the Goderich Township Community Centre, Holmesville. The awards banquet will recognize reci- pients of the Project Award, Norman Alex- ander Conservation Award, Soil and Crop Booster Award and Farm Conservation Sign Award. Ross Proctor from Brussels will be the guest speaker. Ross will be speaking on his adventures in Bolivia and Argentina. Tickets are $25 per couple and may be purchased by January 8 from your soil and crop director or from the agriculture Office in Clinton. Ontario farmers welcome package Although it is less than what is needed to address the true financial hurt felt by Canada's farmers, the $2.8 billion financial package announced by the federal govern- ment is a welcome move. It acknowledges the grave importance of agriculture to this country, said Brigid Pyke, president of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture. Ontario's grain and oilseed farmers will directly benefit from the $1.1 billion defi- ciency payment but what is equally en- couraging is the federal announcement of reform of the Farm Credit Corporation, said Mrs. Pyke. Just recently, the OFA asked premier David Peterson and the Provincial Cabinet to look into buying out the FCC's Ontario operations and loan portfolio because the Province's farmers needed a stable source of farm credit to survive. Neither the,FCC nor the chartered banks were fulfilling that roll, the OFA had told Cabinet. "However, yesterday's announcement shows us that there may finally be solid steps being taken to strengthen the Farm Credit Corpora- tion," said Mrs. Pyke, "and the Ontario Federation of Agriculture looks forward to consulting with Government on ways to make it a strong, viable source of agricultural credit". For many farmers whose debt loads have become untilanageable due to low commodi- ty prices and the resulting bad farm cash flow, the federal debt review boards have been a great help and it is good to see Ot- tawa recognize that the need it still there not only to continue the debt review process but even to strengthen it. Mrs. Pyke alto welcomed the federal an- nouncement of increased funding for agricultural research, soil conservation, and farm management training.