The Huron Expositor, 1987-12-30, Page 5It was in with new, out with
• • from page 3A
• the new.owners on June 16. They purchased
', • . it from Emile Iszacovics, who, decided a few
, • months age that after 33 years in the
clothing retail business he'd like to retire.
JULY 1,.1987
Tuckersmith Township is experiencing a
• real growth according to a building permit
comparison to ' last 'year. Building in
McKillop Township, on the other hand, is
about the same, while in Seaforth it is up on-
ly slightly in numbers, but significantly in
• dollar figures. °
Mayors of the five towns in Huron County • economy will be the major issues in the pro -
are giving , serious consideration to a pro-vincial election campaign, says Jack Rid-
posal that could .eventually see localpolide-' dell; Liberal candidate in Huron County.
focus in Seaforth, Clinton, Goderich, Ex- The election has been set for September 10,
• eter, and Wingham disbanded and replaced 1987,
with' one central OPP detachment. Two area recreation facilities in Blyth and
- • The Seaforth branch of Canada Post has Brussels, are among 80 in Southwestern On-
'• felt, the impact of the letter carrier's strike tario which will be ,receiving Capital Cower-
. with its mail down 50 per cent in Volume, and vation Program grants fOr upgrading or
revenue down considerably. remedial work this . year. The funding • is
The fundraising golf tournament held raised through the Wintario Lottery,and ad -
Saturday turned out out be a success despite ministered by the Ministry of Tourism and
a few absentees and cancellations. The tour- Recreation.
nament attracted 54 participants and raised • Described as a good entertainer, Doug
• about $1000 for Seaforth Minor Hockey. and the Slugs and Bustin Loose proved to be
• Among. local celebrities' participating were a tremendous success at a dance held Satin,- '
Dave McLlwain, David Akey, and Pat and day evening at the Seaforth and District
. Greg -Murray. . • Community -Centres.
' •
AUGUST 5, 1987 from big city life to country living relatively
An old concept is coining back for easy. She arrived from Japan two weeks
farmers, so says Barry Mahon of RR 2 Staf- ago and is already comfortable in her new
fa, the owner of Hilton Farms, a new seed surroundings. She will be spending the next
cleaning plant. year on the RR.5 Seaforth dairy farm of Jim
Mahon began operation of his new seed and Janneke Murray and their daughters.
cleaning plant this spring, and said the one Morgan and Michelle.
big advantage he has is he can store the SEPTEMBER 9,1987
farmer's grain and seed until the fall or spr- An arbitrator appointed to settle the wage
ing seeding, at which time it can be picked • dispute between the Town of Seaforth and
up all cleaned, treated to your specificationthe Police Association has ruled in favor of '
and ready to plant. , . the town.
Leadership and revitalization of .. the Peter G. Barton said taking into account
all circumstances, including the financial
situation of the town, a five percent increase
retroactive to January 1, 1987 would be ap-
propriate. The association had presented
various requests for more than five per cent
per annum - all based on a split year.
Local quadriplegic Alf Dale is on his way
to becomingselkufficient. On Friday he
'learned officially of his acceptance into the
AsArtsiosctsia.tion of Mouth and Foot Painting
Last Tuesday Bill Eisler of Seaforth
celebrated his 25th anniversary with the
Seaforth and Area Firefighters.
• SEPTEMBER 16, 1987 • ,
Should the results of an employment
survey of areas within a 30 minute drive of •
Louis Missouri, will 'establish a pant
manufacturing company in Seaforth. In an
agreement signed with Cheshire on Wednes
day the town of Seaforth indicated it would
undertake the survey.
Jack Riddell was re-elected as the Huron •
'riding representative during the latest pro- ,
vincial election. .Mr. Riddell thanked all of
his volunteers and family for their support '
during the campaign, adding it was them
who helped him win. He gave his acceptance .
speech at the Goderich Township Hall in
Hoimesville Thursday night.
The annual Terry Fox Run was a big suc-
cess this year in Seaforth drawing 85 people
on Sunday to run. 394 elementary school
students participated on Monday 'when local
schools sponsored their own runs.
The Holmesville Landfill Site Committee
is negotiating with current. owner George
Levis to obtain ownership of the landfill site
currently shared by six numicipalities.
Huron County Plowmen, particularly
these in and around the Seaforth area, fared
well at the International Plowing- Match
held last week in Grey County, near
The new queen of the Seaforth Fall Fair is
Elizabeth Stewart. The two runners up are
Rhonda Farag and Kendra Papple. The
three were chosen from among 12 con-
testants last Saturday night in a very close
SEPTEMBER 30,1987 -
The 142nd Annual Seaforth Fall Fair was
a success again this year. Organizers say
approximately 1,200 to 1,500 people attended
the event.
Despite some mid-afternoon showers Sun-
day, the Van Egmgnd Foundation's 13th an-
nual Ciderfest went over like mom's apple
• pie. It was a big hit.
The Seaforth busineas community will be
enlarged by one this lweek, as a .new op-
tometrist tomes to town. Louis LaPlante, a
recent graduate 'of the University of
Waterloo's School of Optometry, will set up
practice with Dr. John Longstaff, effective
October 5.
OCTOBER 7, 1987
David McLiwain, youngest son of Jack
and Audrey McLlwain of Seaforth, has been
made an official member of the Pittsburgh
Penguins. McLlwain is the first hockey
player from Seaforth to make the NHL since
Cooney Weiland. •
Construction of the first phase of the
enlarged Seaforth. Community Hospital
Comp/ex could begin as early as November
as a result of a building committee decision
to ask for tenders.
A Ideal youth has captured the Canadian
Junior Plowman's Championship for the se-
cond time, Patti Dodds, son of Don and Nlaja
Dodds of RR 1 Seaforth, is now the first
junior plowman ever to win the title two
years consecutively.
The Ministry of Transportation and Com-
munications has notified Seaforth Mayor Alf
Hess of its plans to extend the four Tailing of
highways 7 and 8 from Kitchener teSUlt-
ford. Mayor Ross and other Huron County
Mayors had presented a report to MTC
minister 'td Fulton earlier this spring
detailing desired improvements to Highway
JULY 8, 1987• •
Topnotch Feed Mills was the scene of a
'fire Friday that caused $125,000 damage.
• Dust combustion in the hammermill,
• located in the basement, exploded at the top
of a tower causing the tower to burn.
Town officials were outraged by
derogatory comments about •Seaforth,
• which were made by.a London alderman
and native of Seaforth, and appeared in the '
Saturday, July 4 issue of the London Free
Gary Williams, chairman of London's en-
vironment and transportation committee,
was commenting on a request by Stratford,
'-gitchell, Seaforth, Exeter, Clinton and
• Goderich to have an extension of the four
lanes of highway eight iron' Kitchener to
A watermain tee on the corner of Crombie
and Chalk Streets broke at the most inoppor-
• tune time Friday - just as the firemen finish-
. edtheir battle with a fire at the Topnotch
• Feed Mills.
• . JULY 15, 1987.
The Seaforth Meat•Market owned by Bill
and Anne Laverty was sold June 27 to Don
and Chris Kelly of London.. The men are
longtime biisiness associates and friends.
• As previously announced by the company,
Agnew Group Inc. formerly known as
Genesco Canada. Inc.; will cease the
manufacture of shoes at its Seaforth plant
• by , mid-August this year. The company
however, said it is willing to Sublease the
building and help in any way it can to keep
the continuity of employment in the area.
• A fire which erupted at 1:37 a.m. Monday
totally destroyed a small building located in
McLeod Bush, one mile south and V2 mile
west of Seaforth in Tuckersmith Township.
The Seaforth Public Utilities Commission
has recently signed an agreement with the
Brussels PUC to provide manpower, equip-
ment, and material whenever requested.
Reconstruction of the town hall's front
porch is expected to start at the first of
August and should be finished prior to the
Seaforth fall fair.
JULY 22, 1987
• Tornado-like winds tore the roof from a
barn and knocked down several trees on a
farm two miles west of Walton during the
storm Sunday night. Damage is estimated
• at $20,000. Fred McClure, his wife Heidi, and
their two children, Darrell, 3, and Jennifer,
1, were in their home when the storm, ap-
proached but it was over before they could
take shelter in the cellar.
An.$89,000 project to find out how many
severely unemployed there are in Huron
County and how to solve this problem was
recently started by the federal government
and the county. The office for the project is
located in Seaforth.
• An arbitrator has been appointed for the
1987 contract bargaining between the
Seaforth Police Association and the Town of
JULY 20,1987
A Seaforth man became an amateur
movie actor -overnight when he played a bit
part in the Canadian film, Blue City Stam-
mers, filmed in Blyth the last week of May,
to JUne 22,
•'Fiddlers were invited to Fiddle Around
at the first annual fiddlers picnic held at the
Van Egmond House Sunday afternoon.
AUGUST 12,1987
The Tuckersmith telephone system is go-
ing high-tech.
Work is underway at the Bayfield equip -
"tient office to replace the existing
telephone service with modern computeriz-
ed equipment to serve the more than 900
customers of the independently owned
telephone company.
Possibility of a new industry to occupy the
premises on West William St., being
vacated by Genesco, was seen Tuesday
when a pants manufacturer advanced a pro-
posal to make use of the facilities.
• Reconstruction of the Towns Hall's porch
began Thursday by tearing out the sidewalk
and steps leading to the building. Backhoes
and loaders scooped gravel and large
chunks of cement from the area and will
eventually dig lower to acconunodate the
foundation for the new porch.
AUGUST 19, 1987
Madonna and Carol Anne McQuaid
recently won a trophy for being the most
entertaining.performers at the annual fiddl-
ing contest held in Shelburne August 7 and 8.
The award was started last year by the
Master of Ceremonies for 35 years, Vince
Increased representation for towns on
county council was the major reeommenda-
tion of a brief recently submitted by the five
mayors of Huron County, to the advisory
committee on County Govenunent.
The issue of free trade between Canada
and the United States is "first and
foremost", on the minds of vot,ers in the cur-
rent provincial election campaign, says
agriculture minister Jack Riddell, MPP for
Huron -Middlesex and Liberal Candidate for
the new Huron riding.
A proposal from Chesire Inc. of St. Louis
Missouri, to set up a pant manufacturing
company in Seaforth is seen as a good idea
by local businesspeople but some would like
more information about the proposal before
offering any support.
AUGUST 26, 1987
Members of the Seaforth Recreation Com-
mittee are looking for ways to attract more
participants to the seventh annual Terry
Fox Run, set for Sunday. September 13.
Foreign land ownership, economic
development, upgrading of highways 4 and 8
and the suitability of the existing Ontario
Ministry of Agriculture and Food (OMAF),
office were a few of the topics debated by
Surat' riding candidates at the all -
candidates meeting held here on August 24.
The Town of Seaforth is starting the
development of a project that will eventual-
ly result in the construction of major im-
provements and expansion of the town's
sanitary sewage facilities.
The local Junior Fanner Club began a
garden to help needy people in Huron Coun-
ty as a part of a program called Plant a Seed
for Need. They planned the garden in early
summer on the farm of the Vaiineste faintly
near Kippen.
• SEPTEMBER 2,1987
Fondly and friends gathered at the
Brucefield United Church on Saturday to
honor Ross Scott on the occasion of his 90th
• Mayuko Ito.shioka, an 18 -year -Old from
Kobe, Japan - a city that houses over two
million people - is finding the transition
LB • .2
EA ••
Turn to page 12A.
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