The Wingham Times, 1905-02-02, Page 1d
You'll Make
Na Mistake
If you leave your
order for Clothing
with us.
We'll be pleased to
show you some nice
lines of goods for
Sults and Overcoats
and feel certain that
we will be able to
satisfy the most fas-
tidious taste in the
matter of dress.
Gents' '
In this department
you will find our
stock complete and
up-to-date. •
Great variety, fine
quality, and very rea•
sbnable in price.
A pleasure to show goods.
Hoinutft Bros.
Clothiers and Gents' Furnishers.
Issued by MANX PATnnaox, No. 23 Victoria
street, Wingham. Ont, No witnessesrequired.
Capital paid up, $ 3,000,000
Reserve Fund and •
Undivided profits $ 3,565,000
Farmers' Notes discounted.
Drafts sold on all points in Canada,
the 'United States and Europe.
allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards,
and added to principal 30th June and 31st
December each year.
D. T. HEPBURN, Manager.
R. Vanstone, Solicitor.
Capital paid ns-, $2,235,280.00.
Deserve Fund, $2,100,000.00.
Total Assets, $20,553,846.57.
Y'retadent— Horn, Wu, Gresorr.
Vice -President and
General Manager—J.'rtrnrraert:.
Assistant Gen. Manager—H. Alt. Watson
John Geo. Rutherford, Balton,
A. Birgendrio,
Inepeetor—B. Willson.
s1S.Vxi1 Ga asANat.
intereat eltuwed on deposits of Una and tip.
yards tend added to principal on 81st May and
80th November each year.
Bpeeiat 1300oetLO Mee reobived 1st current
rotes of interest.
ylt, ConBOtrt n, Agent
DXCl iNBON&HOLMEg, 8olieitere,
Ra 11, Hutchison
No matter where it is!
I have for Palo now some fine town property
which for location and convenience cannot be
exeeited. Itrmakus no difference whether you
want a RA 00 building lot or a $10,000.00 farm,
or any other kind of heal Estate,1 want to
hear from you. .1a t the property you want
may be on my list. I am not only in a position
to most advantageously serve the man who
wants to buy a hone or a farm, but t ant in the
best possible po..sittoa to serve the man who
wants to make a profitable investment.
Real Estate and Business Transfer Agent,
Judges at
Ninety judges w
Agricultural Departs
last year, divided as
28; beef cattle and
tle and swine, 20;
products, 3; ladies'
jndges atteuded 11
152. A large an
have been receiv
this year;
all Fairs.
re sent out by the
eat to the fall fairs
allows: for horses,
eep, 19; dairy oat -
poultry, 14; dairy
eiork, 6. In 1903 the
fairs and last year
ber of applications
1 for their services
We are positively clearing Dress Goods
and Men's Snits. Overcoats. See those
$8 00 and $10.00 goods clearing at $5.00
to $6.50. G. E. KING.
Phrenological Le ure.
Prof. G. Cozen=, :mbar of the
Fowler & Wells C. 1e;o of Phrenology,
New York, and r:' . ing at Hamilton,
Ontario, give io, wilf ;,iv e a short series of free
lectures iu the Opera House here next
week, The professor is an excellent
speaker and examiner. All lectures will
be well illustrated.
• Very Uuick Work.
Only two bourssare required to trans.
form the growing cedar into a printed
newspaper. This f:,ct has been established
as a result of it'wager within the last
month, a growing tree was cut down, its
trunk hurried to : i pulp mill, then trans.
ferred to the pap mill, as pulp. The
paper in the conti mous roll was carried
to a printing offi by auto and put into
the press. In a ctly two hours from
the time the axe as laid upon the tree,
boys were cr ng the product in the
For violins, guitars, mandolins and
small goods of all kinds, go to D. Bell's
music Store.
Dominion Bank
The annual report
Back shows profits
or slightly over 15.
• Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers
L. 0. L. Cos)
The annual meet'
Huron County L. O.
Orange Hall, Wing;
next, February 7t3, c
o'clock a, m. It is e
number of representa
out lodges will be pr
ty Meeting.
g of the North
will be held in
m, on Tuesday
mooning at 11
eoted that a large
ives of the differ,
Noexos—A11 accounts tl ni.e mast be
settled at once eithe b cash or note as
I am going on the ad soon. Settle =
meet may be made with Jas, G. Stewart
at Alex. Young'£ store.
Tiros. AuMsTRo ta.
Suger Be
Meeting for the
beet growing, to b
Shuttleworth, agri
aria Sugar Co., ai�
Scarboro towns:
7.30 p. m., Wh
Feb. 16th, at 3
16th, at8pz,a
day, Feb. 17th,
are cordially i
t Growing.
discussion of sugar
addressed by A. E.
naturist of the Ont..
Simpson Rennie of
p, will be held as
uesday, Feb. 14th, at
teoburch, Wednesday,
. m., Lucknow, Feb.
d at Belgrave on Fri -
at 3 p m. The public
vited to attend these
at figures, and h ve one
handwriting, to
ust be good
nowledge of
y letter in own
4, Tams office.
House for Sale.—Lot No. 4, on 'South
side Maple St., on easy terms of pay-
ment. Apply to R. VANSTONE, Solicitor
for estate of W. T.A. Fishleigh, deceased.
Huron Co
County Council
Statute on Tuesd
week. The first b
tion of Warden wh
Robert Miller, of
incumbent aocepte
felioitious speech.
struok for 1905 as f
Executive and Sp
man, McQuillan,
Finance and E.
Naughton, Bryans
Hoed and Brid
Messrs. Cautleton
Lean and Grieve.
my Council.
f Huron met as per
y afternoon of last
siness was the eleo-
oh fell to the lot of
rnberry. The new
the honor in a brief
Committees were
cial—Messrs. Speck.
cKenzie, Currie and
cation—Messrs. Me
Doig, Morrison and
and Co. Property --
Lamont, Isbister, Me -
Equalization— hole Council.
Warden's—Mess s. Spaokman, Ferris,
McLean and Lam .•it,
House of Refuge Messrs, Spackman,
Lamont and Curti:.
Buil diug—Mess Can telon, McNaugh-
ton, McKenzie, G irdiner and Isbister.
Council adjourn ed till Tnesday of this
week, on eccout cfa members desiring to
go horns to vote.
D. Stewart will continue selling bis
household furnit re every afternoon
from 2 to 6 o'clo k. There are many
good articles for s le and it would pay
parties in need of furniture to call
at his residence. Farmers would do
well to call and se ure a bargain on a
horse, cow, bug y, cutter, harness,
robes, etc., etc. 'phis is a genuine sale
as Mr. Stewart intends leaving for
California the firs ; week of February.
Wingham Lest at Lucknow.
Wingham Hoc
by about 200 sup
now on Tuesday
turn game in
Lucknow winnin
after playing an
half time the s
Lucknow 3, and
doing things very
Lucknow's alone
lrhn a glad hand
(Annual Report. from grace and
of the Dominion team managed to
r the year, $459,670, full time. ...n e
2 per cont. on the ordered, and the fi
capital, The previus report was for team scored, but i
a period of eight roanths, the date of the ntes after referee G
annual meeting ha-ing been now chatig- of Wingbam player
ed. From the pro its for the two peri- now managed to win
ods $500,000 was a lded to the reserve, The locals put up a g
which now stand
million more tha
increased $3,322,
$29,700,043, Th
notes increased b
243 to $2,550,181
way and other
stocks show so
being reduced f
460. Current I
to $23,683,045.
f otn $4,121,06
fences in the
$1,069,883 fro
".Che Wingham
note been Vita
And it's busbies
the direction a
b, T. Hepburn
ey Club, accompanied
orters, went to Luck•
vening to play the re -
he Northern League,
by a score of 9 to 8,
tra ten minutes. At
re was Wingham 6,
Referee Graham was j
fair, but sone ono of
men must have given; : 2 1-2 pounds for 25 cents
half time for he fell
To Subscribers n Arrears.
This item is not iute ides for subsozi-
here who are paid up o date or for a
year in advance, but f.-: those who are
one, two, three, four, sae, six, seven or
more years in arrears. It is clearly im-
possible for any newap .per or other in-
stitution to exist where there is no re-
turn for the product t ed out. Now
that the elections are o er, we earnest-
ly urge upon all whoa in arrears to
square up at once and ithont further
dunning. The TIMES s giving good
valve for the money a_od prompt pay-
ment by our subscribe -s will greatly
assist us in meeting onr obligations,
Dr. Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Specialist, 270 Queen's Avenue, London,
3rd door East St. Andrew's Church,
Glasses supplied.
Wingham's F. 11 Fair.
James Cromarty, V. ' ., of Galt, who
was the expert judge o • horses at the
Wingham fall fair send in his report of
our fair to the Govern.; :nt as follows:
"From present indicati.;. s this is going
to be one of the for- Host successful
fairs in Ontario. Thi directors are
energetic, pushing and ,o ahead. They
are putting the ground= in fine shape and
have np-to-date buildin s. Here I saw
the best Road Horse e hibition at any
of the fairs. The class of heavy horses
is not excelled in Carla. a. In the sweep-
stakes for the best hors: on the grounds,
some (20) appeared in .alters —a very
fine lot—and one of t.: best show sights
I have ever witnes=;'. I took ample
time to judge and finly reduced the lot
to a Heavy and a Roa; Horse and ad-
judged the prize to the Road horse."
Annual Congregat•nal Meeting.
The Wingham Pre=.yterian Church
has jut passed a most successful year.
The animal congregat onal meeting was
held on Tuesday eveng of this week,
and there was a larg: attendance of the
members. Rev. D. Perris, the pastor,
occupied the chair. The secretary, Mr.
John Ritchie, pre opted the annual
finanoiaireport, whi h showed eueourag
lag work in all depa tments. The total
receipts from all for the year
amounted to $4424.3romade up as fol-
lows:—Envelope and plate contributions,
$2792,93; Sunday sohoo, $246 83; church
schemes, $364,20; W. I . M. S., $101.62;
Westminister Guild, 439 20; Mission
Band, $24 65; Ladle Aid, $322.39;
French schools, $113 25; Lord's Day
Alliance, $17.30. htrtyseveu new
members were adde 1 o the Communion
Roll during the year and 213 members
' removed from withit the bounds of the
congregation. The ahbath School has
a membership of 1;=7,, with an average
atteudance of 132. The school during
the year raised for : aissionary purposes
the sum of $70.36. The following are
the members of the aoard of Managers
for this year:—Ale:.. Campbell, Dr. e,.
J. Irwin, Wm. Nic Tolson, R. Maxwell,
Wm. Holmes, R :. Hutchison, J. D.
Burns, Wm. Bone, John Ritchie. The
Elders aro Messrs. ?. S. Linklater, W.
S. Linklater, John Agnew, John Grey,
Lawrence Fyfe, P r Campbell, Joserh
Adorns. the salt y of the organist,
Miss Sherk, was ' creased to $100, It
was decided to m•.Ire some repairs to the
{ manse. An rete eating event took place
'during the eveng in the naming of the
church, which ill hereafter be known
Ias St. Andrew's Presbyterian church.
You v. ho have not bough nt on your
specks after you era in clothing else-
where, and see why Smith sells so
much clothing wit my two hands, at
Chisholm block.
along with Lucknow
ie the score —8-8 at
ra ten minutes was
t five minutes neither: -
the second five min
sham had put three -
en the fence, Luck -
by a score Of 9 to $
nd fight and have -
s there was one
when time was
nt of two goals 1
nted. The liile-
; cover poitit,
'Ott, Fleming,
over point, )plc -
ick, Thomson,
Graham of
e, Dinsley,
Mount Forest's No horn League;
hockey team will play a match with tho
local seven ou the Wingham rink to.
morrow (Friday) eveni ig. Admission
15o and 250. The band will be in at-
tondanoe and there will I e skating after
the game. '
at $3,800.000, half a protested the game
the capital. Deposits minute more to play
2, from $20,377,141 to coaled, and on acco
holdiug of Dominion which were wrongly to
$748,938 from $1,806,- up was as follows:—
Investments iu rail- lllooro; point, Wiled
onds, debentures and Bnrus; forwards, 11
liquidation, this item Galloway, Johnston.
am $3,332,217 to $3,006,• Hedley; point, McOoy;
ansinoreased 82,270,774 Intosh; forwards, Hab
Call loans being redueed Boyd, Peart. Referee,
to $2,814,610, while bal., Palmerston. Goal umpi
tatted States increased
$678,000 to $2,342,704.
ranch of this bank Las
lisiled over three years,
continues to grow under
its genial manager, Mr.
A 1; pound bar
01 Castile Soap
"Shellbrand" for
23 cents at
The result of t e political battle in
Huron county shou d be very setisfae-
tory to the Liber Is, considering the
landslide in the oth r parte of the Pro-
vinc°. The Liberal of Wingham re-
ceived the retures in the committee
room in the Macdo aid block and were
very muoh discoured at the general
result, but the victo y in East Huron,
and the probability 1 Mr. Cameron be-
ing returned in the r : count, were crumbs
of comfort. The 0• servatives received
the returns in the T.wn Hall and were
very jubilant over the general result.
Holme's made an ex ellent run in Goder-
iob and Wingham, n both places many
Liberals voting for him, and in Wing -
ham some electors oted on the plea of
the "home man." Mr. Cameron made
gains in all the municipalities save
Wingham and Go erich. Upon exam-
ining the poll bo.ks, returning officer
Reynolds found t at in one polling sub-
division, No. 7, ..Batt, the deputy re-
turning officer h:. omitted to fill in the
proper form in t.: poll book, which is
the returning o h'er's only guide as to
the number of b lots cast for each can-
didate, with the •:suit that Mr. Dudley
Holmes, the Con .:rvative candidate. was
declared elected • y a majority of fifteen.
The ballots oast i this division can only
be examined on a re-count, which will
take place immed ately, and as Mr. Cam-
eron, the Liberal andidate, has a major-
ity there of twent the final majority
will be found to five, unless other-
wise reduced or it -creased on the pro-
ceedings before tha County Judge.
In East Huron, Mr Arch Hislop is
again returned, b it by a largely decreas-
ed majority ItfrBowman was a strong
candidate and rade gains in every
municipality except Wroxeter.
In South Huron, Mr H Silber is re-
elected over the I iberal by a largely in-
creased majority
Men's, youth's and boy' suits and
overcoats, sold and str uted to all
parts of the country, still the selling
continues at the great winter freeze -out
sale uow going on at A. R. SMITH'S.
Pringle & Groves are payiuy the high-
est cash prices for sheep skins, hides and
tallow, delivered at the tannery, Chap -
man's old'stand, Wingham,
The Meister lee Singers.
On Saturday eve ing Iest the Meister
Glee Singers, who re at present making
it tour of Canada, ave a concert in the
Wingham Opera ouse that was first-
class in every part cular, and it may he
said without exagg ration that a Wing•
ham audience have ever had occasion to
hear bettor glee sin; ing then that put on
by these talented a tists. Their voices
harmonize and blen perfectly, and those
who heard them ever imagined that
they were going to 1 ave such a rare treat.
The Wesraiioister nild, under whose
auspices es the singer.
ricked their treasar„
The people of chit
Glared in favor of a
trent. It is the peo
vine and it Trust h�
Iprovince have de -
Image of Govern-
t1e who Tale the Pro-
ve been considered
"tithe for a elm tge." The decision
must he accepted Ind respected. For
thirty-two years the affairs of this Pro-
vince have been adztinistered by a Lib-
eral Government. Phis is a long period
yet Premier Ross aid his colleagues can
now took back over these years with the
proud satisfaction twat they did their ut-
most to serve the :test interests of the
Province, and tbat their record is a gond
one. Time bring% mapy obanges and
the defeat of the Government is one of
those events that n !cessarily take place
sooner or later. It will be no matter for
regret that the Co iservative victory is
so decisive. It wil afford Mr. Whitney
the opportunity of a ercising a free hand.
With a majority o over forty in the
Legislature, and wi a cash surplus of
over $3,000,000, the new Premier will
assume the reins of •.i. oe, under espeoi-
ally favorable circum: tances. The paths
of statesmanship and :. terprise have been
well trodden. and in t, is respect Premier
Whitney and his c• eagnes will be
judged by the splendid record of their
predecessors. The poli y of the Liberal
Government has been a broad one, and
the interests of the pro ince have been
greatly advanced. The definite policy
of the new government is concealed in
the future.
Rev. James Male m, of Teeswatot
conducted the eervi. s in the Presby-
terian Church on Sunday. Rev. D.
Perrie took Mr. M colm's work at Tees.
We shall be glad
this column from an
have visitors or p
drop In and tell u.s, or
have contributions to
of our readers. If yon
going away yourself,
nd us a note to that
Mr. W. C. Thom
Miss Emma Ro
visiting with old fr
on left this week for
, of Braccbridge is
ends in Wingham.
Miss M. Livingstone of BIyth has been
visiting with Wi igham relatives and
friends. ° -
Mrs. Jas. bMaxwe-t was visiting with
Brucefield friends ter a few days last
last week and while :there attending the
wedding of her cous u.
Mrs. W. T. A, 1• :el leigh left this week
for her old home in agrravilie, where
she will reside in fut re.
Mr. R.IMainprize at
of Brussels were visiti
relatives during the p
Mrs. Jas. Lee of Br
appaared, have en- her sister, 1Ire. ,T,t
as a result of the other relatives and fri
For the best makes of Pianos, call and
look through D. Bell's stock. Prices to
suit pnrenasers. They are the best
money can procure. Remember the
stand, near Bell's factory.
board, writing d
and a good bu ;g
d be, side -
minion Organ,
Must be sold at
once, reguardie:s of value, as I ant
leaving town in z few days,
D. STEw.0 r.
Fon Quick Salts —A wir
The Late Mrs.. oseph McBurney.
It becomes ort painful duty this week
to record the de:—th of Margaret J.
Beecrof t,, beloved wife of Mr, Joseph
McBurney, which took place at the
family residence, ::ast Wawanosh, on
Saturday night last The deceased was
the youngest claugh er of the late John
Beecroft, of East awauosh, and was
in her 3$th year. otne time ago she
contracted a cold, bit did not thick it at
- all serious, until,a eek ago, when pneu-
monia set in, and zethough all that med-
ical skill and good cursing could accom-
plish was done, sh, sank steadily until
death relieved her of all earthly troubles.
And in her last fours it was a great
comfort to these gathered around to
witness moll ut .bounded faith in a
Saviour whom shelled consistently fol-
lowed for years. With christian forts-
tnde and resiguati in she resigned her-
self to the care of tam who "doeth all
things well." Th deceased had been
for years a valued nd active member of
the Presbyterian 0 turch. She leaves a
1 husband and two s ns, Adam and John,
and one daughter, lay; besides her aged
mother, two sister and font' brothers.
11 The bereft ilusban and children, and
the family, have tb sincere sympathy Of
W811011 iCi 1 JI ONaoflargesonocircletflitfffrio ds in this their hour
iction. The funeral tool
place on Tuesday of moon to the Wing -
harp cemetery, the mains being fol-
WING M1. X. lowed to their last eating place 'by a
rregtdoor to Pest Mire. , largo number of rel Ives and £needs.
Zi Great 6learan€e
d little daughter,
g with Wiugham
st week.
ntford is visiting
Maxwell, and
ads iu town,
Dr. Pierce's
Medical Discovery
The new Kidney Pill for
Druggists and Opticians
Ittr. Walter se of Teeswater was in
town ou Sundae
Mrs. Adam - leming of Milverton
visited her list r, Mrs, Wm. Max-
well, of the Bine Tale road, during the
Mr. J. J. Cunni ighom is away on; a
business trip to Wiunipeg and the West
in the interests of ithe Western Foundry
Miss Nellie Tro of Whitechurch has
secured a position its teacher in Wood-
stock school, and c6menced her duties
on the 24th of Jann4Iiy.
Mr. H. B. Elliott 4as called to Toronto
on Monday as a wit eat:in a law suit,
and. while in the cijty will attend the
annual meeting of the Canadian Press
Messrs, Thomas B ecroft, of Barrie
= and David Beecroft, f Chicago; were
here for a few days of the past week'4u
attendance at the fun al of their sister,
the late Mrs. Jos. Mo ernes-.
Mr. and Mrs. A. oss, Mr. and tars.
T. 1i. Ross and s. Jas. Maxwell. of
town, and Mr. a�_d Mrs. H Moss of
Turnberry, attetiied the ,wedding of
their niece, Miss Mae Roes, of Braes. -
field, to Mr. Mnro.x•h, of High River,
Alberta, on Wednesday of last week
—Mr, Williatu liauscea's sudaPn death
on Wednesday ny1oruing venal as a shock
to the comtnniiitdv. He had Leen engag-
ed iu cutting ;wood in Tarnb.-rry, and
staying with 'his daughter, Mrs James
Onsemore. He r4tired as usual Tuesday
evening, aud/tdi all appear:m a was iu
good healtb,4bnt was found dead in bed
next morning. 1
—.seta aitZle
Everybody is Headed This Way
Here's an opportunity to buy the best of
Footwear at prices so low that no one
can afford to stay away.
If you care to save money, here's a She
Sale that, in Justice to your pocket
book, you cannot ignore.
Every Winter hoe must leave our store
We will not cd.rry shoes over from one season
to auother, and every Man's, Woman's,
Boys', Misses' and Child's Shoe is
priced so low that they'll
bo at once.
Size up these prices anitstay away if you can'.
Men's Felt Boots. regular $3.00, Salo price *2.23
Women's " " 1.40,
Mop's Overshoes, " 1.x0, •' 1000Misses' Shoos, s'1,2,1,
Children's Shoes, " 1.00,
Shoer to the Peope,