The Wingham Times, 1904-12-22, Page 2UE WING11A)l IACEZABElt, 22, 190441
1672 so-ven neats In 1014vain**
Premier ha* been returned to power COUNTY COUNCIL,. TOW, mention is made by Professor Wltd*
w-th a, ouffledeut majority to carry out TuE WiNoito Tim, t- his lectures on 11lestand Vuln" of the
the propcoad temperoucia legislation be,yt$ Soy on varieties of the 41st ase-nttuasly„
former obtalotiblo will again be the target of theme same h-Mc ulbor meeting at council was BAnxsT Oiwlton—Sabbatb services at is PTJJ3WHRD In the treatment Of
papers who will undoubtedly " their bold in Goderich. Report of th') Road Ila Malta 7 1) M. Sunday school at EVERY THURSDAY MORNING W.eutal rest, bodily rest, a combination Of
2:30 pin. General prayop Meeting AT6 those two, as In that most perfect state
%/&A, A d&* utraost to defeat SAY measure looking to Commissioner. detailing the work done 1pight of tile last sladentsplaQW4 Wodueodayeveoings. Rov.J.N.Mo. The Times 0111ce. Beaver Bl0ek at rest called sleep; organic rest, as ovil-
W4NA be Aim tempemuce reform, daring the year was -read nod accepted. Leau, B.A., pastor. Abner Oo4eus, S.S. exertion 1W
AF1 The Canada, winess 091lege, " wi$QUAM. ONANIO. dented in the avoldance of eN
COMP14to -- -_ - - _ Onapplication of Rev. Mr. Hazen, t)WEVCHAM, ONT, Superintendent, cardlac disease, Of tlIIkIll9 In. A'X0ctIOu*
w1*00t is NOTES ANO COMMENTS, the people of Worth Street Methodist wore ploced at tile following salaries : Two at URTnomn CauAoit-50bath services of the respiratory tract, and ln 1111110104
a COPY VWA one at $700, rotir at $U0, and One at $1,000. Ticams or Sullso-RIFTION-41 W per allnum, iu so far its possible, the act of deglutto
church, were granted the use of the Did it not, pay thein well to come to Clutthain? at 11 14 in and 7 p In. Sunday School at advance tl 50 it not so, paid. No paper diEwoll.
01 Gur FRI. Do you •know, of any other businesa school - Epwortb League every Mon- timied tit , all arrears ari. pAid, except tit thi tiou In afrectiolls Or the alimentar3l
M The Provincial Government won five Court Room, during the erection at gattiug soelt results? 2.80 Iml M. option of the publisher. enemata;
chlisita" , clot; eatalogues are the handsomest i4stle of (147, evoitilig. -Goreml prayer meeting tract by the siabstitution Of ell
Number i a on Thurs- their church. thekind lit out by Any busiliti-14 School oil the on Wednesday evenings. Rev, J. R. ADVIDIRTTHINQ RAWNS. - Legal and other local rest, as Secured by change In the
AT da Thi, oandida, Ur. Geo. Lnithwalte, soormtary of the contineat it you wl$h to attend a business Guudy,DJ).,,pasWr,. Dr T casual advertisements 8operNolirriellinu for
le'Atalogue. owler, S. S. first insertion, 80 per, I.Jue for eac subsequent position of body or Ili
*111414% school, ask for our unitem lib, tile use 0
A teowhooffered were defeated by large Huron Rifle League. asked for a grant It yon cannot come to Chatham, write for Superintendent. insertion, pillows, cushions, etc.; dietetic rest, bZ
out at our Mail Course catalogue Wticallfoachyou Advertisements in local columns are charged
ST majorities. The stauping of the parties of $100 thereto, The Council granted Book-keliplint. Shorthand and Penmanship at IQ Op. per line for first insertion, find 5 cents avoiding the too frequent use Of fOO411
Yt your home. Pl;:its13yTzRIAN Cautton—Sabbath sor line for each subsequent insertion. medicinal rest, it$
in the House now in 38 Liberals and 2 $50, .0 in coming up, vices st 11 B = and 7 p In. Sunday Per and drink; lastly,
We pay your railway far Adve tions and
and call 8ware good boar- I It k era the relief of spasm by Ipbala
Conservatives. OIL motion of Mr. Connolly, Fred, want, addresming 1 prayer !atlon Of,
meeting on Wednesday evenings, r""o'n`nrbV
- I School at 2-.80 p ta,
t $2 50 to $:4.75 a wee Gen Rev. t 1, for Sid. 0 frequent administi
Mention tile catalogue logue you month and the not too fr
Morgan, of Porter'a Hitt, wait refunded v. racL&cRL&tq & CO.. Chatham Out, D. Perrie, pastor and 5 S. Supprinten- eilth medicine to the prejudice Of 1111triCritill.
The ToroutoNews seeks to create the $12 50 being half his pedlprls license fee, 1 dent, P. S. Liukl%tor and L. Harold, CONwRA011 RATno-The following table showf;
olirrateo forthe insertion of advertisements or stimulants. Professor Hilton laya
impression that CouservativO political illness having prevented his using it all the death rate of 17 is higher than ever assistant S. 8, Sop4rilitendents. for specified perlods:- It flown as a rule that by a onsldera
sins are Oil ancient, thus making the the time. Ab. SrA0E, I ya. a mo. a mo. ima. tion of the wanner In which these prin-
before, ST. PAM'S OIXURdn' UPISCOPAt-s One Column. sm-00 $16 00 st, fq, .
SEND IN YOUR SIJ05CRIPTION inference that charges against Liberals The matter of ra istug non-reRident batil,services; at 11 a m and 7 p in, Sun, Half column ... of rest may be best applied 10
AND GET ONE .......... 7520 18.00 10:00 4,VU 01P10S
are in regard to their administration of Pedler's License to $100 was considered KEEpERA:NDMATRoNOFTHR HOUSPOF day ';3chooiat2-.3Qpm, General Quarter I8-00 10,00 6.00 2.00 each special case of disease are relief
public affairs. Even with all the ability by the Special Committee, bot the apin- Rcivuun. meeting on Wednesday evening. Rev. Advertisements without specific directions and comfort to be brought to the auXeD
Wm. Lowe, RectorSuperin. will be inserted till forbid and charged accord,
of the Opposition for unfair criticism, no ion of the County Solicitor being that, Applications for the position of Keeper ing Transient advertisements must be paid er and diseased action arrested.—Lori-
ESTABLISHED IK2 ash v don Lancet.
tandent. ,Toho 'pay and Ed. N , for It advance.
charge has been made against the Lib, the Council had no power to discrimin. and matron of the House of Refuge were assistant S. S. Superintendents. Tam Jon DEPAnmmxT is stocked with an
eral Administration in Ontario. There ate as between a resident and non- from:—R. J. H. DeLong and wife, God- extensive assortment of all requisites forlprint- Discomforts In venire.
I n the
BCH WOW Tim. have been dishonest practices at eltm- resident, No action was taken. orich; John Newcombe and wife, Goder- SALVATiox Alixy—Sbrvics at 7 and 11 tug, affording facilities not equalled
a m and 8 and 8 p m. on Sunday, and county for tnrninf out first closs-work. Large Venice is nota desirable place of
TOR tious, both parties being guilty—a fact ieh; Robt. Hutch all d wife, Gorrie f Mrs. 'at 8 typeBuda ropr ate cuts for all Atylea Of Post- residence In summer for the ordinarY
9 I.FALIOTT.I'UIALTIJHZAANDPROPRIE The Gorrie Volunteer Co, wasallow-i evening 'duriiLg the week ers, Hand Its, etc., and the latest styles of
every ev, I e 1p, ,rlle moisture in the air, caus-
which the Opposition journals have not ed the sum. of 25c per day for the time W. H. Simpson, Clinton; D. French, o'clock at the barracks. chnic fancy type for the finer classes of print mortal.
had the honesty to acknowledge. Same Clinton. These were referred to. the tug. ed by the steady prevalence of the
THURSDAY, DEC. 22, 1904. the were in camp daring 1904, POST Olirian—In Macdonald Block, H. B. ELLIOTT.
amounting to $42.25. House of Refuge Committee, 'and the Office hours from, 8 S, M to 6;80 P M. Proprietor and Publisher sirocco. takes the Starch, so to speak*
The Toronto Mail, commenting on the applicants afterwards considered ill com' Peter Fisher, postmaster. out of men's winds us much as out of
nomination of a cl lergyman in Huron A number of municipalities having mitres of the whole, which reported Member IKENXEDY, M. V.. MA3 P. S. their collars, and It is Only the artistic,
Membqr of the British Medioal Associa.
TO ADVERTISERS and free ' Special the lazy and the unemployed who tau
decided by resolution to change the PUBLia MuR&%Y—Library a: tion. Gold Medalli-+ in Medicine.
Notice Of be left at this county, says that he becomes respon- election of Coanty Councillors, the that six members were in favor of Mr reading room in the Town Hall, Will attention paidto diseases of Women and Child rightly enjoy the summer in Venice.
changes must Bible for the ballot box affair. Because Hutch, one in favor of Mr, Newcomb, be open every afternoon from 2 to
The copy for changes must be left V cannc
office not later than Saturday noon. two silly cooted a fraud- clerk was instructed to prepare a by. and nine in favor of Mr, French and 6:80 o'clock, and every evening from 7 The colors in air, in Sky and sea are.
law, the vote of the electors to be of a nature to provide perpetual
not later them, Monday evening. ulent scheme, for which they were at taken therein at the municipal elet itions Mrs * Simpson, It was moved by Mr. to 9:30 o'clock. Mrs. Orlando G. Craig, D R.MACDOXALD, light and Occupation to tile eye and
Casual advertisements accepted up once prosecuted, by the Dominion Gov. Miller, seconded by Mr. Ferguson, that librarian. Centre Street; hand of the painter, while the abun-
to noon Weduesdav of each Week. ornment, the clergyman, a Liberal can. of 1906, Robe. Hutch and wife be appointed TOWN CouNCM—R, Vansitone, Mayor; Wingham, Ontario. dance and variety of the fruits to be
didate in Harou for the LooglLegisla.. BRIDGES RECOMMENDED Keeper and Matron for the House of Thos. Bell, Win. Holmes, W. J. (freer,bad will equally content his meaner AP-
tareTEMPERANCE becomes aparticipant in the at- The Road and Bridge Committee Refuge, This was lost on following Thos. Armstrong. G, H. C. Millikiii, petite, for fruit in Venice is beautiful
David 8.311, Coaticillors; J. B. For- DR. AGNEW, and almost oriental lit its quality and
tempted crime, according to the logic recommended that a steel bridge be division—Yea, Darniu, Forguson, guson, Clerk and Treasurer; William Physician, surgeon, etc. quantity. I -tut there are drawbacks
of the Toronto Mail. Does that kitid. Of built in Stephen, between Huron and Lockhart, Miller, Patterson, Spaokmau, Clegg, Assessor, Win., Robertson, Col- to be Set against the lotus eating kind
At the recent great Liberal conven- argument make or lose vot8sli—Ottaws Lambtou, to be not legs. than. 100 feet Young. Nay; —Cautleton, Connolly, lector. ' Board meets firat Monday even- )Ofilee—Macdonald Block, over W.MeXibbouls
rugf3tore. NW10callsailaworedbtitheotuce. of existence, and not tile least of these
tion at Toronto the temperance question Events. long, provided Middlesex and Lamb- Gatio, Hicks, Kerr, Lamont, McLean, Ing in each month at 90'0'ock-' I Is that of hot iliglits, ,viien sleep is al -
was the most important matter to recaive ton pay two thirds of the cost. It was McNaughton. On motion of W.H. Kerr SC11001, BOARD.—J. J. Homuth, (chair. T. CHISHOLM, J. S. CHIsHOLM most an unknown quantity and to
consideration. Since that time the Out- The charge that dissolution has shut recommender) that the following bridgeq seconded by Jas, Conuolly, Mr. D. man), Thos. Abraham, J. D. L0111c, H. I4B-hrD,0M-,mcPs0-. driven away by cite subtle toe after
aria branch of the Dominion Alliance off disclosures in the election courts is 0 be built during he coming year, tenders French was appointed Keeper, at $300 Kerr, Writ. Moore, A. E. Lloyd, Dr. A n another, the mosquito being the fierc-
J. Irwin, C. X. Griffin. Secretary, John DRS. LOHISHOLM & CHISHOLM est and most aggressive.
have issued a manifesto, setting forth fair sample of Opposition campaign to be invited and contracts let at Jauu- per year, and Mrs, Simpson, Matron at F Groves; Treasurbri J. B. Ferguson, PHYSICIANS, SURGEO14S, ETc.
their views on the temperance question rubbish. It Opposition journals have ary meeting:—Bridge in Ashfield, near 6250 per year—the present salaries paid- s second Tuesday evening in each OPProg--Chisholin Block, Josephine street. Wialter Couldn't HeIV Them Out -
and expressing regret that the Premier, any charges. to make they can make Amberly, to be 95 feet long', one on the month. REsinnson—In rear of block on Patrick St., A. well known Baltimore society malt'
Hon. Geo. W. Ross, had not fulfilled them. If they have auv evidence to boundary between Ashfield and West PUBLIO SCHOOL TEAMMIts.—A.-H. where night calls will be answered.
was once spending a few days with
the pledgee of his predecessors to enact disclose they can disclose it. If they Wavvanosh, over nine mile river, 60 feet Criticism. Musgrove, Principal, Miss Brock, D R. BROWN, L, R. p. P., London0. ngland, his wife at Atlantic City, and In con -
temperance legislation as far as the pro- are aware of any wrongdoing they can long; one over the Maitland, between Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Graduate of London, Now Yor and Chl- nection witli his visit he told the to] -
Vince has the power to do. An appeal is a Corayn, Miss McLean, Miss Matheson 0890.
give it the widest publicity. Whatever Morris and Turuberry, 110 feet loug; Diseases of Eye Bar Nose and Throat. lowing story: When he seated himself
temperance voters to between
Miss Reid. and Miss Cummings, Will be at the ue the evening Of
also made to the tow, evidence they have can now be published. two on the boundary bet Tucker- (Exchange.] en's Hotel, Wingham, 4th In the dining room on tI
use their own privileges as to how they It ujust have been something that could Smith and Hibbert, to be erected in con- It is easy to sit in. the sunshine BOARD or HEALTH—Mayor Vaustone, Tuesday in each month. Hourafrom2to9p,m. his arrival he disevvered that he could
shall vote and wherever it is possible serve only the pnrpose of falsehood and junction with Porth. Aud talk to the man In the RhFirlp; (chairman), C. T. Reading, Thos Greg- VANSTONE, not read the menu, as he had left isle
that candidates favorable to prohibition exaggeration;of the closing of the trial It is easy to float in a well-trimined boat cry, Dr. Agnew, J. B. Ferguson, See- R. glasses In his room, and his eyes were
HoLuEs,,rxLLE_CoLBoRxE BRIDGE And point oat the places to wade. rotary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC, useless without them. When he pass -
be placed in the field. would not have shut it off.—Globe. Health Officer. Priva be and Company funds to loan at lowest ed It to his wife she exclaimed thatt
The resolution passed by the Conven- a — A deputation from Colborne waited on It is easy to sit in your carriage rate ofinterest. No commission charged stort• she was In the same predicament. At
i 7?F , town and farm VVprtv bought and
tion was as far reaching as the party be- Mr' Hugh Blain. of Toronto in an inter- the Connell relative to the improvements And Counsel the man on foot', geaftes Office, Beaver Bloc . Ingham a loss to know what to do, the gentle-
lieved that public opinion. warranted, view in the Toronto News says in part made on the Holmesville hill. They Bat get dowd-and walk and you'll change JOEIR RITCHIE, mail called the waiter to him and,
It the resolution is embodied in legisla- were Messrs. Snyder, Stevens, Durst, your talk-, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, A. MORTON, pointing to the menu, said: . .
as follows:— As you feel the peg in your boot. ie "head that to me and I will give YOU
tion it will be a very material advance in "It the temperance people turn down Baer, Swanz, Forrester, and their object- - Wingham, Ont. BARRISTER, &a.
temperance reform. It would be little Mr. Rose," said Mr.- Hugh Blain, "they tion was that the, work had not been it is easy to toll the tailor 'Wingliam, Out. a dollar."
Short of suicidal on the part of Premier will set back the cause of temperance in properly and satisfactorily done,
and How beat he call carry his pack; Quick as a flash the waiter replied:
Ross to endeavor to enact legislation the balance of the money Should not be But no one can rate a burden's .weight OUTSIDE E. L. DroxiiisoN IDUDIXY HOTmus "Sense me, boss, but I ain't had
this Province a quarter of a century. Until it has been on. his back. Much eJication maselff I
that the Liberal party would not endorse. What is more, I believe the Liberal paid till it was. Mr. Middleton, reeve DICKINSON & HOLMES
He must be guided by public opinion party will recover much more quickly of Goderich township, replied, Showing The up -curled mouth of pleasure ADVERTISING"
and those who are clamoring for prohib- from its defeat than the temperance re- he had asked for- the co-operation of Can preach of sorrow's worth: BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, Etc. Webpter on Debt.
ition, cannot reasonably expect to reap form will." Mr. Blain considered that Colborne Connell in laying out the work, I But give it a slip, and a wryer lip Orders for the insertion of advertisements DIONEY To LOAM. once when Daniel Webster was rid -
the fall measure at once. Whateverad. e of one Was never made on earth such as teachers wanted, business chAnces, Ovirion: Meyer Block, Winghain. Ing along a New England road In a
the Liberal convention had gone quite as but had only bad the assistance mechanics wanted, articles for sale, or in fact
vancement is made in this direction far on the temperance question as any kind of an advt. in any of the Toronto or stagecoach, so the story runs, he wag
other was member Mr, Snyder. The account for other city papers, maybe left at the TIMES RTHIUR J. IRWIN. D. D, S., L. D. S. annoyed by the jolting and poked his
-degrees, and it should be $250, the balance of the appropriation, ofhee.,Thiswork will receiveOm A
must come by justified in doing by public opinion." and will save People the 0 remitting Doctor of Dental Surgerr ofthe Pennsylvania head out of the window to yell at the
welcomed rather than received with no was referred to the Road and Bridge for and forwarding advertisements. Lnwest Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal driver: "Hey! Cant you drive a little
little evidence of dissatisfaction. Those Committee. which sent it back to the Cook's Cotton 'Root Qmflouftk. rates will bnext
quoted on aplibeation. Leave College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office slower?" ,,No," responded the coach -
An increase in imports and a substant. - #A . Ludlen* Favorite, or send your next workof tilts kind to 10he over C st Office, Wing am.
who. are pressing for a greater measure Council, which passed the amount, To the only safe, reliable man; "the horses are running away,
tial reduction in exports are the features though a motion was introduced that regulator on which woman TIMES OFFICE, Wingliam.
of temperance legislation. while, perhaps I . can 'depend. "in the -hour, we T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., L.D.S. "Run lein Into a fence corner,"
they are justified to some extent, must of Canada trade statement for the five the money be not paid until the Council and time of need." advised Daniel. "Can't, sit," said the
months ending November 80th. The Prepared in two degrees of: DENTIST. and despairingl.*.
know that it is impossible for Premier was assured that the money was spent as strength. No. I and No, 2. WINGHAM Beaver Block, Wingliam. driver reluctantly
dutiable imports for consumption, ex. No. I.—For ordinary cases - ',They've got the bit between their
Ross to accede to their demands without originally intended. Is by far the best dollar D. D. S.—Toronto 'University.
L. D. O.—Royal College of Dental Hu
the aid of Me. party, clusive of coin and. bullion, amounted medicine 'known. rgeoils. +eetli, sirl" -Well, run them into
The fact must be borne in mind that to $62,430,244, a drop of $1,074,920. On REPORT OF EDUCATION CoMITITTER Nm 2—ror special cases -10 degrees debt then!" thundered Daniel. "That'll
the other hand, the free goods were 1Btrongehree dollars per box. Machine & General Repair Shop T S. JEROME, L D 8 stop anythin.g!"
nothing in,tho way of temperance legis- The committee reported that the ru%lst for Cooke Almob I
Madies--ask your di m 40
year re. Cotton noot compoun Take no other Has a new method for painless
valued at $42,172,945, a gain ration can be looked for from the Conser- schools in West Huron this as all pins,, mixtures and imitations are extraction. No cocaine. A Foftchier."d Rust.
In the past they, have In exports of both domestic and foreign calved from the Education Department dangerous. No. I and No. 2 are sold- and 9 ;al attention to the ears ofehildreWs A poacher, 'writiiig in the Countr3r,
vative party. rural recommended by all druggisto In the DG-: is now re -opened, and 1 have secured teerhe!
triodL to defeat every effort looking to the produce there was a falling off. The the gum of $114,'32 on account of million of Camadla. Mailed to any address the services of a man of over twenty Moderate prices, andallwork guaranteed. Gentleman of London, says.. "When I
advancement of the temperance cause. total amount of domestic produce ex. school libraries,; those of East Huron on receipt , O! rice and four 2 -cent postage years experience is all lines of Hill and OFFICE.— C isho m,block. next door to left lion* at night to go poaching I
ta P& tr-liji COQU Compaur oat. 'Farm Machinery; also Bicvcles, Guns, Hamilton's Drug Store. t
Every law that is on the Statute books on Ported Was $94,109,147, as compared $54,50. For continuation classes. West 'Windsorso always left an end of a candle born
this matter has come from the Liberal with $105,388,513 for the same period of Huron schools 'received, $545; grants to Sewing Machines, Umbrellas, Clothes Ing In a saucer of water in my bed -
gold in Winghain by A. 1. McCall & Co:, A. Wringers, Lawn Mowers, Scissors. A. CURRIE, room. This was arranged so that It
party. The history of the Conservative last Year. towns and villages are as follows:— L. Hamilton and Walton McKilibim, druggists. W 6 WINGITAMIS AUCTIONEER would splutter out about 10 O'clock, Jusill
party as to how it has stood in regard to Exeter, $800; Hensall $25; Bayfield, $15; Hair Clippers Sharpened Is now prepared to at
the wants of those as if I had extinguished It and. retired
the temperance matter may be Summed To Readers of the Times. Wingham. $206; Brussels, $ 00; Blyth, Saws Gummed and Filed requiring his services, at a reasonable price. for the night. This I did because I
passing the McCarthy $100. Wroxeter $25. Continuation elpss Keys made to order No necessity of r Rue' discovered that the keepers were given
up by its action in Ing out of town for an
tioneer. All orders left at the Times oince
Act Which Was Bet aside on the decision This is the season of the year when the grant for Separate School in Ashfid1d, A trial solicited. will receive prompt attention. to watching my house for signs of "_-y,
of the privy Council, and by amend- n0w8P6Per8 for the ensuing twelve $25; in West Wawanoeh$15. Harriston. I DoSitively If ree cl leaving, and it was a long time before
Ments to the Scott Act, which, to s' months are generally ordered, Let as High School Board asked for the pay. A LUX. KPJ.JY, Wingliam, Ont. they found that a candle could go out
large extent destroyed Its usefulness. draw your attention to a few facts before meat of a portion of the maintenance W. G. PATON A LICENSED A`UCTIONEES without human agency."
Looking at both parties on their merits, you order:— of Huron pupils attending that, school, Victoria St. — WINGHAM. For the County of Huron. Sales of aconducted at reasonable rates. Orders left at all kinds IMLe Torknhiremauln Coat of Armo.
those Who stand out and out for temper- 1—If you want ail the local nows— but council left the matter over to
the TImEs oflice will receive prompt attention. Allow me to submit to you the York-
ante legislation should have no hesitan- take the Timms. January session. abilreman's coat of arms as It was giv-
cy, in liapportirig the Liberal party. 2—If you want the news of the ad- COUNTY PROPERTY COMMITTEE Do you want a Nbw Suit? JAS, HENDERSON, WIZIR1106111, Ont. en to me many years ago by a York-
To.dsy we see a. great , number of the joining townebips—take the TmEs NORTH END LICENSED AUCTIONEER , shireman, It runs thus: A flea, a fly, a
The Committe reported that 10 If so buy it here and we will For the Counties of Huron and Bruce. Sales magpie and a Mich of bacon—a. flea,
Conservative Press C411iijk on Mr. Ross 3—If Von want -the news of the neigh. of Farm, Stock and Implenlents a specialty.
to fulfil his pledgee, as well as all of the boring towns and villages—take the prisoners were in the jail, which' they keep it pr6sed forsix months All or
left at the TimEs office promptly because he will, bite his best friend; a
so-called Independent press. When the TmEe, found clean and in good order, batIre- tree of charge. BUTCHER ' SHOPAll
attended to. fly, because he will drink from any
gret to report the jailor, Mr. Griffin Terms ressonable body's cup; a magpie, because he WIM,
4—If you want the proceedings of the seriously Ill. They found the Registry chatter With anybody; a flitch of ba
village and township councils take the Office in good order and also the rooms S. SCOTT, Brussels, Ont. icon, because he Is %to good until he ft
r hung.—London Spectator.
Biliousness and 5—If you want to read of till the births i FOR FALL AND WINTER A PRIME SELECTION Is Prepared to conduct sales In this section. she Knew.
FINANCE - Special attention given to sales Of farm stock
Inarlages and deaths—take the TIMES. and implements. A, certain Did lady always koewev.
Dates and orders can alvveys be arranged at erytbing before anybody else. One
Torpid Liver 0—If you want to know who the can. The Finance Conimittee recommended are Matchless in design and the Txzms.*Mce. Wingliala. day her oleic saw her passing the
didates for municipal and county conn- the payment of it number of accounts. fabric, and 'Wo have a large stock house and ran out to meet bet. "Do
Headlitche Arid allomach cite are-- take the Tiaras. The tots.', amount of the cheques leaned to select from. come In, aunity," she begged, "and hslp
7—If Yon. went to read all the school for the year was $20,701.90. BEEF9 PORK FARMERS us. We are making charades."
teoublles area thoroughly slid alty6fte 'having live stock ogo'
reports—take tiro Tunis. PnoouoTs ov HOUSE OF REFUGE PARK &LSO A LARGE RAI XGE OF articles they *tell to dis ose of, should adver- "Certainly I will," answered the old
omr6d by Or. Oh"We tfirg1hepain. for sale In %. TxxxA. our la lady. "I knew you were making theta
8—if you Want to got the news of the Th6 following produce Wag grown on _1 lotion tells and it vrill bestratile, Ind =of because I smelled them as I time
k1dn*V-Llv6r P111:11s. OVEROCIATINGs AND MUTTON oudon etacuatontar. Wisean, guarantee
oharchea--take the Trams. the House of Refuge farm this Yost. — f1hat on, sell be
you may ask mote
for rile article or stock than it to 'Worth. Send
P04919 CLANCY, farmer, Che PRO"*. 9—If you want to see what bargains Bushels Busheld in all the newest and beat mater- Alto a large stock of Cared Meats
Oj year advertisement to the Timis and trr this A Obtuttr.
Bruce County, Oat. states:-, It have used M. you can Obtain from your home mer- 260 barley 632 Potatoes late at right prices.
v' plan of disposing of your 'stock and *thor "Sag, Mr. Smartie," whispered lit
Pills. and would say that
Coast's Xulney-U the finest selection. articles.
there is no medicule (hot equals them 0 , "a chauto."tAke the Tim. 4 ' 25 Oat# 00 Table turnips tit Tommy, slipping from behind tho
iter nomitch troubles, biliousness, torpid lite 10—If you wfkAt a paper, purely home Is B64138 7 Tomatoes gkititlnXisl to suit anybody Aigo tonoa aams, BoiOugna, and 9AILWAY T1111 TABLES, portals, "for a nickel I'll slip you a
jitid h&-Adache. I was troubled st great ldft a I with priated—tako the Timm 120,0nions $ acres sugar beets DAVitV Webrat6d Pork Ples. pick In the parlor tonight."
thatit ailments before usifig Dr. Clia"'s Xid ey.
Uvo Pills, and they have proven won n w usligoldt 700 head cabbage GRAND TAUX9 RAILWAY STST89. "Whitt do I want with a plekIll ask.
ded"li y ii—If you want the news that ill ndWm
*04tsdut in glity ORS& —take the Toms. ISO Turnips 1200 tits raspberries And say it You are going to get t"va your orders early. WAAISA tVAYM "R ed Mr. Smattle In astonishment.
I would not think of Mot without & box 04 8 Garden Carrots 28 tons Key London .............tali::
......... o 4.. 6.50 8.10p.m. "Why, I heard Sister any you wero
A&Aiie pillil In the pause, and whenever I feet any if you YwAnt one 61 the Toronto & East - A a -M. - 6,58 %.ui
"Pilling of Olc4e disorders I Ulm one of theM 7 Carden Note 1 bbla appIfA A RAIN-PI100F GIDAT mucardina..11,10 1.40 04A.,.. &650,ni, going to break the let tonight."
best IOW Val*f& in the 0011111tY—tilik6 the Anntvx raox
paW, and they Set Ind all right Again, I COA 3 Parialps Y4 we cotik fodder. do not btq a ready-madd until -.6.50 8.05 p.m. vadier C6*46r.
111:1011911recomn-Ahd W. Chtut's Kidney.taivtt Tons. LOACT 11,10 aau....Tm p.m.
Put►& r tho troublat ilientioned above." Dium ix froost or norvat. Yon " 'What we can Make YOU Ufghoat ftlb pride paid for Hideo and lolklm"brattin ......... 9.86 %.tit,. Stooks—Ile always was a bad eggi,
18-1f you want the providdial liftil, one to order for, ski". T00'AtO & ]sect...., .. 1.44 pat.... #*" 0"0' but 'Mobody seemed to notice it vbile
t*. chmeo Xidfloy-uyw PILL, OnAl plif lk Dr. Shem, PhysiolAn. to the House We give yon &It L& pressljog 19- L. HAROLD, Ageot, vrill'thallit.
trAtaw 1PI)i1ti6ol or getiew"faim journall, ttutt hti was rich. he was
Awl;, IS i*nti a boit, at oat deet oi vItAtIOft to 041- CAVADIANPAOM0 NAZ*AY.
1poat, %tes AA
Compitay, Toromo, Toptoted JoUtfislat 00.0 Oftftlt the TigrA club• of lt6foge, in hid Ointiog report to th6l
fttiss t*Ava you 411 right Until be WAO broke.
its ltn:t+rtion ,the ffattraft and s19:tW1 bing on another page and l**k# ybw Oftaty 06ulldil 86yol—The year 1904 % 1014 ski$- 6.9 0,41 lii,ft.
" 06 N I to*a"r ... ....... 1.17 #,vs.. _18." p,*. -
Nowtwa, Ifyon don't N" thma *)at utut, &* ext"Wal.* 001a 06 ffam tha R. M A XW r*".* L L AlUtIQ r"M
-at *6 offift Atid pt b6sibilinit to tilt 60d, WtA %*tdoultZly * .... JLr4A.VA" *.4% V.%K. Tho first dky A 911"t', tbo oft*",
omo *cut *boo 1W. chwo ftfli you 'Witat, call Vor*00 and 111IwA+ 1.27 tt...1048 P 3311t, , ri-tko--wito
hatil up= the 401, With, tho tafth ehat 9-141t Ani TA04R. 'Oft Wt* O'k4tift Milk. law 11M ,