The Wingham Times, 1904-12-15, Page 54 -
TiIE M{GRAM TIUS i c� 1 x 15, 1904
every evening
New Year's.
s H.
The Bid, Blue front Store
_ N
every evening
New Year's.
Leading Tai k. - very perplexity over holiday gilts for men may be settled
under one roof in Wingham. " This store carries the
latest ideas in swell haberdashery, from London, Paris and New York, for every occasion, from
the ordinary business engagement to the formal full dress affair. At this store it is easy to
rselect the correct article for every occasion, under the guidance of Mr. Crowder or his courteous
Neckwear at 50c
New Four -in -Hands, all newest color-
ings, wide or narrow widths.
New Puffs for stand up collars or
double band collars, all newest shades,
also blank and white.
Flowing ends and English squares in
all newest creations.
Dressing Gowns
Gents black and white Golf Cloth
Dressing Gowns - $12.50
New colorings blank and white, etc.,
- - 50o and ,35
Fancy braces in separate boxes, for
Xmas gifts $1.00 and - $1.25
Silk Mufflers
Black English square silk mufflers $ 1.50
also green, brown, white, etc., $1.75
• Our new double collar, Dorchester,
all sizes - - - .20
Salem Shirts, sizes 1216, to l8;;,
colors also whites and full dress,
- $1.00 to $1.50
Horse hide mitts, buck skin mitts.
mule akin mitts .50, ,75, $1.00, $1.75
Fur Caps
Neutra fur caps $3.00 to
Persian lamb caps $6.50 to
Black fur caps
Neckwear at 25c
New Four -in -Hands, all newest color-
ings and mixtures, plaids, eto.
Bows in new browns, whites, blanks,
eto., also embroidered ends on white ties
for straight band or double collar.
String ties in brown, green, blaok,
white, blue and white, eto.
Smoking Jackets
Black and white, black and white
camels hair cloth with plaid
trimming, green and white golf
cloths, black and white, shep-
herds plaids, sizes 36 to 44, $5.00
to •- . - $12.50
Silk Handkerchiefs
`Plain white silk hemstitch - .25
Gents white hemstitch and initial .50
Fancy white, also fancy border silk
.75, $1.00, - - $1.25
Plaids, embroidered fronts, eto. sizes
10; - - - .50
Scarf Pins
All newest creations in scarf pins
dozeue of patterns to choose from
- 25o to $1.25
New umbrellas for Xmas presents,
all latest novelties in handles,
silk covered, etc., $1,25 to $2.75
Hockey Shoes, all sizes $2.25 and $2.50
Gents' Shoes in box calf, dongola
velour calf, etc., $1.75 to $4.00
Gents' plain and storm robbers
Gents' overshoes, 1 and 3 bnokles.
75c, $1.00, *1.25
New Puffs in light colorings for
band or double collars • .75
The newest Imperial Shape neckwear
in raised flower effects, direct
from Old London, Spittalflelds
bilk $1.25
Ascots in black and polka dot .75
Bath Robes
Gents' Turkish Bath Robes $5.00
Gents' heavy grey and white flannel
Bath Robes - $8.50
Chest protectors, all newest color-
ings, 16 shades to choose from .75
Gents' silk and satin Mufflers, all
newest shapes 50c, 75e, $1,00,
$1.25, $1.75, • - $2.25
Mocha gloves 75o, $1 00, 81.25
Mocha in fur lined, sizes 9 to 11 $2.75
Cuff Buttons and Links
Gents' Cuff Buttons, 250 and .50
Gents' Cuff Links, 35c, 75o, $1.25
Felt Hats
Hard Hats for men, something new
for Xmas, $2.60 $3.00
Soft felt hate in blank and brown, etc.
- $1.50 to $3.00
Cloth Caps
Newest shape pleated top (fur pull
down) caps 75o and - $1.00
Clothing Department,
Boys' Suits
• Boys' two piece suits $1.75 to $2.50
Buster Brown suits all sizes $5,50 to
Mens' Trousers
1 Good strong tweed pants, all sizes
$1.00 to •- $2.50
• Special line of men's trousers, all
sizes $2.75, $3,50, - $4.00
Boys' Snickers
Boys' tweed Knickers 39c to $1.00
Boys' black and blue serge knickers
75c to - - • ' $1.00
New blue serge suits for gents, sizes
35 to 44, $10.50, $12.50, $14.00
New black worsted suits, for gents,
33• to 44 chest, $10.50 $12.50
Youths' Suits
Youths snits in neat tweed effects.
all sizes $3.50 to 86.00
Specials in Men's
Tweed Suits
16 only men's tweed suist, sizes 34
46, speoial at • - 87.00
▪ IMO 11,
10 Boys' Overcoats, Black Frieze, Raglan cut, sizes 22 to 28. At -
9 Youths' Overcoats, Elack Frieze, Raglan out, sizes 30 to 34. At
12 Men's Raglan Overcoats, Grey and Black Frieze, sizes 35 to 46. At -
- $4.00
• 7.50
Come one, come'all, to this big carnival. Bring along your friends, and see our new
Christmas goods. We want to get acquainted with you, even if you do not buy this time, you
may next. We extend a hearty invitation to all.
The Blue Front Store. Wingham, Ontario.
Christmas Gifts
For the better half we night suggest a Fancy Rocker,
Parlor Cabinet, or what might please still better, a Carpet
for the drawing room.
In the Carpet department our stock is large and well assorted, consist-
ing of Brussels, Tapestry, Wools and Unions. We have received
a great many compliments on the splendid colors and patterns in
introducing this new feature of our business.
Parlor Tables, Easy Chairs, Pouches, arriving almost every day,
See our Diningroom Ohairs at $3.25, $4.50, $5.50 per halt dozen.
Should there be any doubt as to the capacity of your Diningroom Table
for Xmas dinner, see what wo have at $5.75, $6.50, $7, $8.50, $13.50.
3 dozen of those popular Rockers, regular $2.25, for $1.75.
Goose. Duck, Mien and Turkey Feathers wanted.
L. A. BALL & CO.
The People's Furniture Store.
Seo our Linelenms 4 yds wide. Oilcloths 3, 4 and 0 ft in width.
Brickk residence,
west ee
from Hamiltons Corner raq
Store, where night calls will
receive prompt attention.
r is,xxG
ltitE A
Earl Grey was formally installed as
Governor-General of Canada at Halifax
Two men wore killed by a stone hurled
from a dynamite blast on;Mackenxie &
Mann's construction work at L00kport,
., a dirty rneeof.ff00 feet.
The Verdict of rabid Opinion
IS with the best article every time.
That's why y lintnameCorn Extractor
h ta
has been in the lead fort the last half
century. It cures corns painlessly in
twenty-four hours and never fails. 'Gilt
Only Putnam['* for corns litdd warts.
Mrs. J. C. Auld, of Haver, Montana,
is visiting at the home of her father,
Mr. Wm. Ross, north of Blyth in East
The teacher and scholars of school
section No. 11 will hold a concert in the
school house on Tuesday evening, De-
cember 20th. Program will commence
at 7.30 o'clock.
Mrs. Wm. Cowan was found dead in
bed at her home in East Wawanosh on
Monday morning, Doc. 5th. Deceased
had not enjoyed the best of health
for several months past and death was
caused from heart trouble. A large
share of sympathy is extended to the
bereaved family in their sudden and sad
Billie tion.
The trustees of S. S. No. 8, have re-
engaged Mies Tessie Switzer, as teacher
for 1905 at a salary of $340. She is a
good teacher and we her continued
A. R. Bradford, who sold his farm on
the 6th of Wallace to F. W. Poole, has
bought. the 60 acre farm on the 2nd con,
Of this township, 2J miles from Moles-
worth, from Jacob Furtney.
An old and well known resident in the
person of James Mitchell, recently re-
moved from his farm, 14th con., to his
new home South of Brussels. He built a
cosy cottage on property purchased last
year and will make his home there.
Lachlan McNeil, 14111 non„ is bank
i i t Minneapolis,
r vatic
e h
f oma
was summoned, to the death bed as was
supposed, of his sister, Mrs. Logan. We
Are pleased to state that the lady has
recovered however and we hope may be
spared for many years.
In connection with the recent Domin-
ion election John H. Lamont was elect-
ed as the Liberal candidate for Saskach•
ewan, N, W. T., with a majority of 836.
Heis a still of Dun n Lamont, of
ba On ,
Orangeville, who WW1 a former resident
of the 8th non., owning one of the Wm.
Brewer forma 40 rears ago.
Ernest and "Wiliam Johnston, of
Vancouver, B 0 , sons of William and
John Johnston, formerly of Morrie, art
vioiting Joe Smith and W. F. McCutoh-
eon, It is li3 years since they left here.
Samuel Love, formerly of the fish line.
Morris, who left here over a year ago for
Manitoba, and later to British Oolnnabia,
was killed about 2 weeks ago by a tree
falling on him. He was married to
Miss Mary, daughter of Wm. Wilson,
now of Manitoba, formerly of the fith
Mrs. John Donnan, of Morrie, died
from paralysis on Sunday, Novemher
27th, and the following Friday, 2ed
inst., her husband dropped dead from
heart feilnre. The Dnuaan home is at
present a sad one. Both parents had
passed the alloted span of man -three
score and ten -and were prepared to
meet their Maker. Mnoh sympathy is
extended to the bereaved family.
Backing fain In tate Joints
Also every form of rheumatism, neu-
ralgia and sciatica are best cured by
Nerviline the quickest, relief for mus
order pain yet niscovered. It's because
Nerviliue strikes in and penetrates right
to the core of the pain that it gives such
unbounded satisfaction. "I caught cold
in my shoulders while driving and suf.
ferred great pain" writes G. E Denip-
say of Berlin, "I used Nerviline freely
and was soon quite well I have found
Nerviline an excellent remedy for
rhenmatism and neuralgia as well as for
cold on the chest. I recommend Ner.
viline highly and wouldn't be without
it." Price 25c.
An up-to-date pnhlio examination will
be held in the Whitechurch public school
ou the lust .teaching day of the year,
Thursday, Dec. 22nd. The exercises of
the day will consist of teaching in the
morning anti earlier part of the after-
uoou, followed by an entertainment cou-
sistfng of addresses, music (vocal and
instrumental), recitations, etc. Lunch
will be aeryed from 12 to 1 o'clock by
the ladies of the section. Teachers from
neighboring schools, and possibly In-
spector Chisholm of Kincardine will take
part in the teaching exercises. We urge
the parents and guardians •of pupils to
make special effort to he present for these
exercises and see for themselves the
methods employed by teachers of to -day
in instructing the young, A hearty in-
vitatiou is extended to everybody to
come to this examination and lielp
to make it u grand suooeas. We vent.ire
to sav that you will be many tithes re-
paid for anv sacrifice of time it may mean
to you. The teacher is leaving the
school and would like to meet all the
people of the section before going.
The 1',tan who Works 'lard
Perserverance and will -power he must
have, but whether be has strength and
vigor is another cousideratiou. Hurd
working men usually have irritable
nerves and should fortify their systems
with n course of Ferrozone, a tonic that
rebuilds and revitalizes beyond all tell-
ing. It's just wonderful the strength
that Ferrezone imparts to broken-down
men. It forms new blood, supplies the
system with abundant nourishment. and
where formerly there was tiredness and
lassitude Ferrozone establishes a reserve
of energy and ' him. Try Ferrozoue,-`
price 50c. per box.
Messrs. Robert Sloan and Albert H.
Wilford were iu Guelph last week at-
tending the experimental uuton and pro-
vincial winter fair.
The annual meeting of the Epworth
League of the Methodist church was
held last week. The reports showed a
very prosperous year, financially and
otherwise. The following officers were
elected: -Honorary president, Rev. J.
Holmes; president, Miss Maud Gidley;
secretary, Miss Martha Niviue ; treasurer,
Mr. E. Bender; first vice president, Mr.
J. Wilford ; second vice-president, Miss
Bentley; third vice-president, Miss Addie
Taman; fourth vice-president, Miss
Gillespie; pianist, Miss Clara Holtz-
hauer; assistant pianist, Miss Pearl Gid -
Mr. Wm. McNally, brother of our
townsman, Mr. Andrew McNally, died
in the Toronto general hospital on Fri-
day, Dec. 2nd, from cancer. On the
previous Tuesday he underwent an op-
eration and was thought to be recover-
ing until Friday when he took a turn
for the worse and passed away. Many
years ago he was a resident of Blyth and
was associated with his brotber iu the
manufacture of carriages and wagons,
He was an honest, upright citizen, and a
capable business man. Interment was
made in the Dungannon cemetery. Be-
sides his brother in Blyth, he leaves a
wife, one son and two daughters, who
have the sincere sympathy of many
friends in their bereavement.
Sntlteling and Sneezing Colds
Can be stopped in a few minutes and
permanently cured in one hour byinhal-
ing fragrant healing Catarrhozoue. No
remedy compares with,Catarrhozone for
cold in the head and nasal catarrh. It
soothes and heals the inflamed mucous
membranes, prevents sneezing and
coughing, clears away the "stuffed up"
feeling iu the forehead. If you haven't
used Catarrhozoue get it to -day and try
it on your next cold. You'll be surpris-
ed at the efficiency of this delightful in-
haler treatment which pleases everyone
because it cures so quickly. Complete
out& $1.00; trial size, 250.
Miss Belle Bargees has returned from
a three months' visit with relatives in
The children of the Presbyterian and
Methodist Sabbath schools are busily
practising for their Christmas enter-
Mies Mabel and Mr. James Menzie of
Molesworth, vielted their uncle, Mr.
George McDonald recently.
Mr. Harry McH'ardy of Goderioh is
visiting at his home here.
Mr. and Mrs, Il red McCracken 61
Brussels were visitors at John Gardiner's
last week.
Mr. Archie McDonald of Molesworth,
visited Mr. George Aitcheson this week.
A number of voting people from here
attended a party at Mr. Geddes' on the
3rd line of Morris on Monday night.
The Orangemen of Bluevale will hold
au entertainment on Friday evening.
Tea will be served in the basement of
Methodist church
One andtho program
in the Foresters'
given hall. Tho object
of the entertainment is to raise money
to make some improvement on the
Orange hall.
All Run Down
NWS is a common expres'
sion we hear on every
side. U n le s s there is
some organic trouble, the con.
dition can doubtless be remedied.
Your doctor is the best adviser.
Do not dose yourself with all
kinds of advertised remedies --
get his opinion. More than likely
you need a concentrated fat food
to enrich your blood and ton•
up the system.
Scott's Emulsion'
of Cod Liver Oil
is just such a food in its best form.
It will build up the weakened
and wasted body when all
other foods fail to nourish. 11
you are run down or emaciated,
give it a trial: it cannot hurt
you. It is essentially the best
possible nourishment for delicate
children and pale, anaemic girls.
We will send you a sample free.
Be sure that this picture
In the form of a label is on
the wrapper oi every bottle
of Emulsion you buy.
Toronto, Ont.
50c. and $1. All Druggists
Mic,s Maggie McAllister who has been
with ;+les. Bailey fur eotne time past. re
ceivod word ut the death of her father
lust Tuesday and left for home in the
afteruoon. Mr. McAllister, although
84 years was very strung and healthy
and had been feeling poorly only a few
days before his death. We extend to
Miss McAllister our sympathy at this
time of her hertay. tuettt.
The muuthly Meet lug of the Bluevale
branch of the Woman's Institute, will
be held on Wednesday, Liec. 21st, iii
2 30 p. m. at the house of Mrs. Arch
Paterson. Each member is requested to
bring two written questions fur the lu-
stitute Drawer. Questions will be dis-
cussed at the meeting. A ourdiel in-
vitation is extended to all the ladies to
Miss Ada Somerville, of London is
visit ng with her aunt, Mrs. D. T. Hep-
Miss Loretta Bunston, of Brussels was
visiting wltn Wingham 1iieuds last
Mr. Andy Frost, of Norwood was
visiting for a few days with his friend,
Mr. W. J. Neil.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Kerr were visiting
for a few days last week with Mrs. H.
Glazier at Olintua.
Mr. Juhu Moore, of Grand Rapids,
Mich is speudiug a few days with rela-
tives and old friends in Wiughani.
Mr. Isaac Hughes, an old Wingbamite,
and now living in Manitoba has been
visitiugwith old friends in this vicinity
for a few days.
Mr. Thos. Scott. a former choir leader
in the Wiugham Presbyterian Church,
and now living near Braudon was call-
ing ou old friends in town last week.
Miss S. Cook, who has had charge of
Cooper's Book Store since the firm took
control of the business here, leaves at
the end of this mouth to take a position
in Toronto.
Mr. Geo. Smith, who formerly worked
here with Mr. W. J. Chapman, and who
has been living in Brandon for a few
years was calling Wingham friends this
week. He inteuds taking a special
course in butter -making at the Agri-
cultural College in Guelpu before retwn
ing to Brandon.
As a result of the fyling of protests
against the Liberal members of the
Commons for Winnipeg, Selkirk, Pro-
voncher, Portage la. Prairie, Braudon
and Lisgar, the Liberals will protest all
the Conservative seats iu Manitoba.
George Luinweber had both legs brok-
en and William Robertson sustained a
fractured skull by a heavy girder falling
upon thein at Stratford. Robertson has
since died from the effects of his injuries.
Established x6' 9.
Whobping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis
tough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria
Cre.olono is a boom to Aothtnatice
enrSetrtrtan long. establiclted and standard remedy
for no diseases minuted. 1t tares bemuse the a:r ri u -
doted strongly antiseptic ti 14 carried over t e dttnnt
Taves of the bunr1,ml tubes wall every breath giving
prolonged and eonetant treatment. 'These et a common.
ttve tonins•, or sufferers from !)troth bron,•bitis, and
Immediate relief from cuugbs or inflamed conditions of
the throat
Vapo•Cresoleno 1s hold
b1' druggists or sent pre -
pail on reeetpt of mire.
A yapofirern tend out-
fit tnsluding a bottle of
eresoicne1 i.&1. Send for
free Illustrated booklet
1.revnro hitt[. C4.. i.W.,
Agents, :at St, Janet lit..
Mafiosi, Canada, 50'6
Christmas Shoppm
These are bright, busy days at our busy store.
Such bowers of holiday brightness that it seems Christmas
every day here. If you are puzzled what to buy, conte
and let us help you out. 'Tis will to bear in mind, though,
that early buyers enjoy many. advantages over those who
put off their purchases until the last few cl .ys.
We can't quote everything, but here are a few items
that should prove interesting to the keenest buyers.
Presents For Ladies.
Ladies' Handkerchiefs in
great variety. Fancy
embroidered Lawns, Lin-
ens, and Silk, with work-
ed initials. Prices range
from 5o to $2 00, see our
leader, extra valve at 25c
Just received a large assort-
ment of the latest novelties
in Belts, fancy Silk Girdles
with pretty buckles. Also
imported jetted Elastic
Belts. Prices are from 250
to -1$1.50, see our special line
at 5Oc
Our Christmas Sale keynote is :
Big dry goods' worth for not much money.
Ladies' New Neckwear
What more useful Xmas present than a pretty Silk Collar
or Tie ? We have opened up a very nine nollention of
the latest ideas in all kinds of ladies' neckwear.
Prices are 25c, 35o, 50o, 75o, $1.00 and $1.25. Special
Christmas Bargain at - - - - - - 5Oe
Lace Collars
We are showing a very nine ramie cif Ladies' Lnce and
Sequin Collars at surprising valnos. Prices begin at
25c. See our leader at - - - - - $1.00
Other Presents for Ladies
Material for Dress Suit, Waist or Skirt; Galt Vests, Silk Waists, Umbrellas,
Kid Gloves, Slippers, Ribbons, Knitted Shawls, Fur Coats, Raffs,
Muffs, Caperines, Gauntlets, Raincoats, Skirts, Table Cloths,
Towels, Rage, Mate, Curtains, Blankets, Qtults,
Table Napkins, etc.
Presents For nen.
Almost anything you want in Men's Furnishings,
at a price you wantoto pay.
Men's lined Kid Gloves in all
the best makes and colors.
Special valne in mocha,
well lined, see our Xmas
Bargains 75c
We have just passed into
stock the latest and best
styles in men's fancy knots,
strings, four -i n -hand,
bows, eto., all prices.
Special line at.. .. 25c
Every Christmas Counter is a Bargain Counter here.
Men's Fanny Braces, in boxes, put up specially for Xmas
trade. Prices range from 25o to $1.25. Extra special 50e
Men's Mufflers and Scarfs, in plain and fancy silk, makes
a nice Xmas present prices 25o to $1.25. Extra value at 50c
Other Presents for Men.
Slippers, Umbrellas, Underwear, Caff Buttons, Collars, Caffs, Shirts, Hate,
Fur Coats, Fur Caps, Gauntlets, Knit Gloves, Cuffs, Silk
Handkerchiefs, etc.
Spend prudently ; give wisely. We make this perfectly easy.
Right Qualities ! Right Styles ! Right Prices !
1I. E. ISARD Sc. Co.
Opposite Bank of Hamilton. - Right goods at right prices.
vvVYVYVVvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvevvvvvv
Wishing -i'Ou all a Nkr iy Cbrisfm is 4
and a Happy New Year.
Only a few more days until Christmas. You will be wanting to
get some choice Fruits and Peels to make the cake that will be eaten
by your friends and callers; and to make it properly requires the
very best.
Extra Selected Raisins, 3 lbs for - - 25o
Patras Currants, recleaned, 3 lbs for - 25e
Vostizza Currants, extra quality, per lb 10c
Crosse & Blackwell's Lemon Peel, per lb - - 20e
Crosse & Blackwell's Orange Peel, per lb • 20c
Crosse & Blackwell's Citron Peal, per lb • - 2513
E Hallowee Dates per lb 10e. SaNew Shelled Almonds and Walnut., per lb - 40c
ir's Dates, per lb
Fancy China
We stave a large stock of Fancy China,
klto, en able for Christmas and Wed-
ding Presents.ts. The new patterns awl colors this s seas n are away ahead of
anything heretofore shown, for beauty and design.
Candy and Nuts 'Lots of Candy and Nati for
the little folks. Also Sweet
Oranges from California and Florida.