The Clinton New Era, 1880-05-27, Page 5___ ­1119�_ , � Fwa � . I I A . . � 40 . 17X 41, . _____ - —, --,----------- ­---_—.. -7 —.— ­ I ­ .------- i� - I 1, . I.. � � — -_ l. I . . 11 . . . . I th it I She ? me ?-a 3�ary auff'B Bread and Butter Pudd* � The 0ox, orxove. ; Don't you concern yourself', young lady, last peraou peen wi -the only one who' 100 hot lost breath. . THE, LADIES' COLUMN. 3lidding-TIP't 'I . ,, about moi! said miss Meyer,,obarply, walk. appreol Ave you 4oug with � - — . .. .sited it, What Ii Mahoney:? is it 1, you little-' -Butter the bottom of aour I . . � . . I . The � u thluk'st porch%noo I love Clap, !no off to give. ,Laddie A biscuit, which was it V 1 041 replied Adele. - s And I am I . And. strew witlx. currants ;' Omit A Jayer of . . . . 0 my treasure, U06 At . 0 )(Qu in 'Aallp"y"a." And'you An , b � r-CM11"i"O IV;Lcts '"41 r';LPC1e*- bread cutyery thin a , Oar flowing lacks or dle.delii, ,at O olen by Jack, LaaAie being an. . us"ou must be dreaming, Miss so mea i novei'c fondva ud buttered; repeat � . 'th 44elL . '11, and 'UsefuLl. . so without measure; . a. I They Mahoney,' a,A . idAdele. 4WIlatilitheworld me.' Interesting until'the diab. is nearly full; mpke P,.. I . . . grossed Ina fine romp wl � . . can,! paid Miss Mahoney. But (compiled by Aunt Kate.) . custard or one vart of milli, two egos, , A I relou"Inglasboo,vosylIV4 ' say she used to care. for Phil hersel,A'whii� ah6xild I do -with your lace ? I I I never . I . I . Is to her noig�ljor,.aud, then they 4 Finish',& bridaltoilette with it, perhaps,' directly afterward she broke into a, hearty Tile Su"=3w SUIT all, Angon, seasoned with vapilla and malt, pour on .. .Or =Ile so gay red Luc . . laugli. I My dear MissAaele," said she, I I the broad, and lot it stand one hour and , . . I Believe not so; to'r,tudso are-thilne roll to complLring their tattluly 4ndorbohet. sa.laXisaXaboneY. . H a can, and I do ; .and' you must,, and you I Fall in), 7o steel-claa fighting mon. bake, I I - 1 3 -1 . - - I . - � I Which Vamp away. a it possible yo., can iliml,'," 48 for t', . Arrayed for doods, of arms I . ing, and getting out patterns,, aud Mss ..Do you mean I , _ , il . ' Sauce for any Sweet Pudiling.-Boil the- . Ballove not'so * that were to doubt Xg them mean-, . At bad,Xack, be deserves to The worsdIzing 4*owd delight In Mon, - . I � , ,honey joined' I ruiIg; And.Ilddoit--4ndeed, thin rind ofhalf a leinoll, one oullcoall4g. I The soul of love; . Miss oNalloney's, morning toilotles were 4 Miss Xontrosai I meali that aopiebo�y have his neck- W, � L ul pe, f(ir w 'Sal is. . . . To think it had no power to 11,610 . . a in, then, I would -if I didn't need him to keep Hall 0 an a] t, s or A d spear, ' a . � � Brea t1plate, au and s Iel4, wme-p as. extraordinarily severe as, her afternoon bps taken my lace, and that, to' a pla half of sugar, and a ;lassful, of water Such oharinvaboye. . . . . that I Laddid in subjection, Now. I beg your 'ar, - U . , I I . . . . ones were' extraordinarily ouperb� ,Oh, suspicion points .to you, and .am Bold a tiv a n I ein a to for fifteen minutes, the take out tha� . - 0 . , I . - ... � Believe. not so: that which I 1Ov0 . . Miss Mahoney Is cried one Of the girls one giving youn chanoo to restore lt.tcs. me pardon, beirtily, and ovorybody's, and I . Bra 0. . S of t , o .'eld I . lemon pool, and mix one ounce 6f btitter, I . I .. � Ob, know it, doar I- morning, off we had your I I w you Are going, to grant it. The poor Your oonquestahave beeny-ory groat - ' . , , sees we shouldn't before I call in all officer. For, doubtless, IMO . I with a small quantity of flour ;, stir them � . With Jealous time, nor death. itself have to do. tatt" Int,l . since you could do such a thing, you lcuo.w* Devonshire point I that �will take me two Uare feats of arms are told I -around In the sauCellaif till it has boiled a, 'CaL A,, � , � . q disappear. 0 We hear you ve. auch lovely laces' said the value of that face., . I weeks to restore, vund I Bappose it w.ould Ili eviry war -proclaiming state, . a, and then add ti, glass q , ,. minut ,nd A halt of �. , I . � I - I I . y face , Am I talking to a crAzy woman ? I cried have ,, ssoc I 1 1012 because. when on th . Maria Mayer, with her grand sit on. . 0 uncomfortable a 4ations, too.. But - Where lives are, b9ught and sold., sherry. � I y loud glance lies, . - , I � I I have some very pretty pieces,! .said Adele. I . .Ivolotsof oldIrisb lace just. asaeucate as But I've a little coat of mail . Thy white soul clearly I behold Miss Mahoney I . 4 Our f amily is An old Irish , Net, amid Mae Mahoney, 4 But I Am that, and it will look just as. well as the Will put your boast to shame ; , . Queen's. Pudding. -Three pints of milk-, . . . In thy dark eyes. , . . . . � � I I bid you I 1.4tand at ease, L' and hall one quart, of bread crumbs, the yolks of As, . I P.— family and I am tbe� last of it, and so in, Ono ,talking to A thief J. The finish to a brid-, I il toilette. An - a you musta' . t � Who �=, or I Shall name. four eggs, one teaspoonful of vanilla; put . -Aele was dumb. , a feel hard, You see, we're. quits; you 1WSS T1.141yion(Dy's, 7,ace. direction And another'l have fallen heir to. For a, moment A. , 'Tin woman's thimble I -that has done the broad to soak in the milk, then add the � � ­ 1� a good deal,' . . the, full meaning. of the accusation $mote thought as much of me. I'm a well-meall, ore good than warr 's priao ; eggs beaten, one-quarter pound of sugar; , � � I . o And I suppose you know, all aboxt lace 7' her, andhor. anger finished up like A fi,paq.- Ing old thing; and perhaps Mrs. Piers I on i . it strangely would life's sto , run, I bakeitvhen done. Beat tile whites of five . � They.wer6 having. a very good tixno at . � � � 4 How diaI6 hv,,ppon,' she broke forth, ,that will lot me stay, after All,' . Were its good works denioa. eggs to a stiff froths add five Ounce of Sugar, the Farm, as pleas it a - party. of gay - .1 I I . I . al, , girl said Lucia. � contemptible a woman came It, akes the robe t o fill, t 0 8 ; I graduates as could well be put together, 0 1 knbw All about'my lace, Some of it is so dreadful, oc it c 9 r eek and prout r , , , . ' . . p�t oil the top and Rut In the; oven, fo a few � when Miss Malloneyarrivedupon the icQne nice. As pretty pidoes,' repeated under the same roof Fith .ind, I Leave. me QXTEE'1% ITAIUNICIVAL IMAOX&TICS- � . am al . , joys, and era e I tea, .; minutei. � - . . I waralloo was certainly gniats" Mahoney, I of the I it size, as one. could -4eave me this instant I I refuse ever to Th Dr a postorthes ou,, . -Placi the - . . of action, and her spl . .. � - � ­ , � � I .11 . _. � , I 110,1v n, worthy 29ayer Once WrIed and . . To Take Stains Out olLinen, I . . � . like's, wet blanket on all pleMul!Q. I s66 Ili America. spipalt-to you again., . I I The noodle is the tilting arm . 9i ng I =,What if you had A grand, a oning at � A You will spar . I . Convicted 1KInslidelf . stained, opot in ry tin. pan,; pour b ill The Farm was on A mountAin-side, high .ok to the officers of the law, - By which true wroathas are twined ; � sometimes and lot us see, them a 1 ?' asked then," said misi . , Mahoney, using her uni- The episode which occurred in the Galt I Unceasing the productive Qbarm . water enough to entirely cover; lot it stbe . I i air, 611 belbW it a groat RmPhitheR*8 . Y I le poli�e court I 'With woman's love combined I like ybtlwouiates or coffee, then riuse wX :05plesser hills, niallowed in distance' and Lucia. . I br9lla Eke a tipstaff. 'The People at tI last week, when Mayor Spiera . Those simple implements have gain od aild 1, I I I , ore for the human weal, 1. it q,,,,gtjf out of doora; iron the spot and vapors till they looked 111ce the waves of a t Why, ,with the greatest pleasure, any, ,Ikouiae have but guessed that I suspected fined himself for a breach of a town byrlaw, RE IN will show. F or fruit, Stains- you 'Must, . , - , I . . . , you. Now I shall Weak at once to Mis. reminds us of all incident ip the history of Thanclashitio arins,bybloodshect 6taiaod­ . . purple sea, *Ith now and then mighty rain- time -now, if You Asy,,ko.' Ana, of course, � I I . I - . . - , . bows sianilind them I And all above- it the the girls All said be, 44 sprillig to their fopt 17terson.and the other boarders, And tell the late B*-yor ornish, of London, which 13raVe men, looked up in steel I wash directly after pouring on the boiling , . . thipni my certainty. I never dreamed that caused A groat Feal of morrililent att.he time NI'MYOUSNEss IN .=X AND We=,,;. - , wate'r, We know thiq to be good, for we . . lofty tops of hills,.. . a here at oned. I . . . I ns -out ibi ' ' . I � � I whose .WO04 0 Oh, is she going to 'show us bar laces 21 coming into A countig .farm house I was of its occurrence some years ago. -It need Although wornen Are usumlly'consld6rea got all the'stat . a way. . I . - feathered off upon the morning sky slid eri6d Adele, dancing up with Laddio, bark- coming into a do, of �Lievo,., And sl�q was, scarcely be explained I that Mayor Cornish to be more nervous than men, they car- . Rue X6wtOu Cake -Three-quarters dt-a, - � � . . I . jwhose crags there, Jutted allayly on. .the � Jack,- who Ila asgood as her.word. I . I . - .. .... . . ­ I . . Stara At night. The' air was ful of the song Ing land jumping round a . . was- )act, '�,strictly speaking,- A' tea- -tainly fidget less. Put an 9qu&I number of, , pound of flour lialf�pounci of bqtter, I Adeld herself hurriePowil the mountsixi; tot'aler, I . ea ault, 'Was. . men and of women to sit for half an hour half -pound, of puiverized sugar, six - ounces, - . : � of birds, the rustle of leaves, the hum of Perched on her shoulder, I He* lovely of I I .1 - , 'bees and the rushing of water -f alls, &Ina it a Mahoney I I and One followeawith slipping and, sorambliAg and rolling. But .. a ,leaning in the other .direction.' One day upon arm-rhairs with loose chintz coyerg. ,.Of currants, a teaspoonful of bakiing-, I . � I I I I . ! things that you"As . I I . . . I fast as. she W . and antimac, sars. When the powder, four eggs, a little candied orange, ' 0 Reamed to. .the happy youn% mi, . ant in hor inaigilation,'Xiss Ile got ou a characteristic ; -teat,' and was Am women rises I 0 I a Ii r, : . . they word somewliere'above tb � 1. g legs had , gone fast6r � Alad. overhaialed by .,who coxi, 4 oe d ops of lemon essence. . � - . 0 warld-in � , This,, sjid Miss Malloe,ey, whbn she had Mahoneyls Ion � a Policeman .ve sea 0 wi . .ye the general appearance of their t , 11 pebl, nd t r _ . I . � as she diow near Ills liduse, she - saw that . . be little altered -, but when the mou leave , A. Cream to Eat with, Fruit. -Boil half a, - an.idQv,I regi6n,from,which no vdice could opened -her boxes, 4 is Venice point. him home, and on - inistructiona from his � . I I I ,It -doesn't look any differ , . I - 'the usual gay morning P�rties , on the iuparior Swore. out a warrant against his their chairs, there will remain visible pint of cream Ana- halt fb, Pint of milk with - on . �� I., . mmonthem, Butt for all thati a, sharp ant from tat . I �, 11 voice mlwa when Miss Mahoney was heard' tings'- said karismayer. ., I . ­.­ � .. ­ .1 piazias- were;,absent,­ -and ghe­presentl �Worsllip, for- being-- drunk. and.- disoraerly, evidences of a screw-lik"etiow- upon -the a bit of -lemon--peel-, -add -a, few-Almouder ­ ` -- - . I �olo'if-ll,alf the I beaten to a paste with a drop of water and I 6derstood, 'by the sound of tL6 � loud Next morning the mayor had -comple.tely chintz, and. it will beal Mir . . I , at the door, and the cruel eoramon Walla -4 Only,, said kiss MaliqUey, I As. different, I ars, ar not torn from their 9, little sugar. Take a teaspoonful of dried . I . . I � . . ' f tones that. came through the -open win- , recovered from the effects of his previous 4litimmass ,a I � . r burst in behind bar. - � I as mist is from water. This. is, A. bit 0 . 1 Oman '' a little r nd she ,Spanish lace made in a convent, I Here." * do,w, that -alo. loss of the Devonshire lace dayls, 6 outing,' and had as completely for- places- Or if a lady and gentl can- flour, rub, it. smoothly down with � . I . I � She came in the noon stage, a . is a. was under discussion& . I . . I . I gotten the circumstances. under Which he vorse together beside a drawing -room table � cola milk And a few drops 0. 9 oraliffe-flow . at . I broughtioublii'ensofluggigel Thathmilto seraod cardillil's' lace; nobody but the . . . -with kilichnselti, the 'former .will er , . . . Philip Huntwill learn,' Miss Meyer . reached his residence. Ile had promised covered water; mix. all togeth and lot it �911 ; let i come on another, What aid she mean to do . c4rainals at,,Itoifie have it. I don't know , Mr. . � , � - . . that liefore' one inarries iL to ,officiate as' sitting . zragistrate net touch- them, but- the IcCttgr .will . . . with it at the Farm,. wh.erp linen l9swn Was how my. grandmother came into. possession ,was .saying, I � � it remain till quite cold, and then add.& , I dress 2 -And she had a ,collie dog, and -ther6 used to. be an Arab beauty it, isobest to see4bether or not ebb at the.- police. , court and Ascended select. 0oriae ' object . aud,.'nervously little lemou, Mae. . � � I . 1. full, . a' bf this moral? ' li a kleptomalliao., � . . I 1. I the lencli with all becoming gravity. A play. with it. in a meaningless manner. I � . . . . a huge cage with a inagpies fia it, An the bishop in our f amily sonlewhere, but thi .1 . . How. to Make the Rug Lie Flat.* -If Q, L " , . . Meptofiddlesticks, I' criedXissMahoney. ilumb6r oldrunks -and vother trivial * sea One of the most wearisome and provoking . � � . t ion of , - folloling -fidgetiness 1s that known . as VYoung Housekeeper I will buy soinestrips niagpie cliattered like ,the. confus not a cardinal. These are 41l.old French . . � , , thief Is a thief, rich or poor.. She has were disposed of, afterwhich the forms, of � tongues., Miss Mahoney stopped at the. laces -Mrs. Pallisv never.sam their equal. 'A -colloguy took place between Ilia worship 'pacing the quarter-deek,' Ili which the of oil -cloth (not Linoleum) say six. inches . I . lace, or glib hasn't. If she hPa, she's a, �t firmly. with linen tbread . door, opened thm, cage and lot- the magpie But they are a great deal of care. I often my . _ wide, and sew i I . . I 6 lie comes - 15aok at ca;ll,' said she to think that 'piece of Valonelenneo costs me thief., ,Ha four. strong walls *111 hold bar aid the seig4ant Ili attendance: offender traces alld xetraeos a Short space across theends of her tapestry rug, taking I . � . are befqre nightfalL and save the lace of -.other His. worship�Are, those 611 the. cases, 'of ground or darpet, like a wild beast at . - Via. Plersold'. ou'r landlady, who . hardly a - much trouble as: a, child. Thes . � . .1 � � � I .1 care that the,*stitches do not show through .- . I a * on ihe bird.of evil. As a People., . , . . . Sergeant ? ' P� Zoological. Gardens when fedding,time. -right side, she will find that the, looked with kindues Irish laces-they'are like hoar-ftosts and on the . � . . ke his . It seemed -toAdele that she was certainly 'The gergoiant�-No; there is 'Another. draws near. * In this habitl- and in Any of . -r'lg'---- -_ - - s He likes to have .his liberty And ma, - blowing snow -drifts, somebody once told I . I will not turn up, but lie -flat as long .as the -'14, . . , . - ... ­ . . nest, so I lot him have it � All summer-o4Y me, They don't make them now.* see going road herself,. She walked -in among His woxsliip-W,ho is tlics offender? the many other ways An which a man, can oil -cloth lasts. . I . . . . . . . And taddie keeps �an' I lookina abou t her white aq The.sergeant (alrnost*astound�d At the show that he haa got -what children term I . . life is so confining. thij piece of B ngliall point�old Devonshire theiR And stooi 0 . I I I . . Whoopingi oping rainf-dy- ' . I eye on him'.' Butwe All embraced ,Laddid I . . . I , ashes and ­_,`with blazing 'eyes. - I Is there, revelation he was about to mako)-Franois I the fidgets in his legal' lie has the pbwer I 00Ug1l.=tll�fQ1I . point-� I � I . � . � . , one here capable of believing such a fright- IL I I . .of making an intolerable nuisance of - him. is said on.good authority W-111 greatly &Ile- . At once, as he put up his Pretty nose And .Oh, how lo, ., I I cried Ac . ,. Cornish. . . - vely Islas while the I arch-fidaA of hisiory was' the viate whooping, cough, and if spPlied in the . . . is, and th� that. ful thing am this wo,man'swords. ?I shoex-' Hjg-wOrship�0h,.,hoJ' Andwhatisthe self. The 0 . . . . � tender brown. eyes to .our face otheis were excilileind over this and . .a 4:*. �. I . great Napoleon.. Not only aid he Pace up earlier itage will- modify. it go that the pa- '' . I . I -bollio'beessine the' best friend of all of,the A Talk, of - snow -drifts I I and she took the claimed. Offence 2 . I lisorderly,' and down, but he also -whittled chairs and tient will'suffer no more than from' an okdi �. . . .. � I t a .,Miss Montrose V cried Mrs. Piersou-�- T46 sergean',-Druillt - and i : � Liolity things for . . wly over the I gas , ; � � L . young girls that day, particularly of Devonshire poini.in her hands; it was two' , Miss Montrosoi doult you be &'mite your wqrpl4p. 1. . �. .. .� tables, and did'other nw nary cov�gh.a Evaporate slo .- . �. . . . prettier ones, for he had quite a taste in. r . three . yards. of , finger -deep . edging in a troubledi : There A nobody believes her. - 'His w.�rsbi --Francis L.. Cornish, stand which a judicious nurse would have tied up or a spikit In mp a �veak splitioni of embolie . . aty; hip seemed to know that.there was- a , by a thread. . ' - P. . . , his hands in fingerless gloves. Such habits' 'acid in the room (closed) where the child � � . boal ae place, and' -he might' couple of pieces caught together I . . We'd trust ber, k1l of us, with. untold up. , , .. I I . . * it is who already has ,tho cou . . I . not ii gallant about t] 3 pAAy if he would and . of the inost exquisitelk delicate beauty both. gold--.-, . . . . I . 1 1 forms of nbryousuess, and � .., . ghl. or' -who may I be escort to the wholl I -iMilzed f cam � . . � , Ed stood up, the mudienceon the tiptoe - are but . . *� I asleep, I �, , . I ­ i I don't.know,' said Maria- Meyer than, of. 6xcitemeui ni to' what would follow. certain- .that ,Napoleon was essentially a . have been.exposed to It;- is at I? my or . . . Le present attached himself so pertiba eathi or the fancies of some fkosted pane I .. I h ' ,At solemn tends- tit, his nervous man. . � . � . . I . .. I.: .for half an h6dr,. tWic6 fi� day, while any �' � . ciously to "laeleMontrose'thdi-. Jane- Hunt wr iderlaweb. I HOW Perfectly "Slowly, and very whito., herge . . Mi. . Then in t e. Inc . � . . . . � . � symptoms of whooping rem � ain. This icough - '.. . . . ' - � � spread on. a-sp . ti a command, 'the accuied..�propouilded the � ' . THE 00XSBQ1JEN6rr o:i sc,iXDA1,. . . saiashe should have to she* him PI lovely,l" exclaimed Adela.again and she foal it my duty - to say that passi . , . . lilip's . .1 . i . .. I I . is supposcid tolse caused by EL'fungus, and . ' I . . � pict,ure-next, and tell Laddie that -Philip. woulid it r.ound. he - i blushing. f , ace before ontrosels dook the other orni " no. saw following questicsii to himself.: I F rands L. ' OH�aconseqi�iencee ff' tile Wholesale Alan. I weak solutions bf oarbolid acid produce- , i . . 0 1 - . was boming in a . man . . . � what. looked very much like 6 long rip of Cornish, you are chaiged-wlih being drunk a I " formati '. . . . . th. � . th.e glass.. ,.What a finish'for 'a bridal , ... . � . der in, whi '1� rld is nowindulging, conditions unf9vorable to, the, oii , . ]Miss Mahoney cam toilette 1, .and 'than she held! it -up in her . uttering ut.: her windo wi I , ' and disorderly. Are you guilty. or not .. I . a down'to tea in regal lace -fl . �. has scarcely can �co ,omplated by those pmentof the lower oiganignis'. � ' � I . . array.- No'suoh garments hadever been �Mailm Mpyarl, dried tuoia. '.I wQula- guilty?, to wbich the reply Was inade, . _ � I a*ld develo . I � . . - .. Who are fondest of it'. Yet.1t, is iaal4fest wh6thd� V�g J&bl; or animal. I , .. � . . �. � � hands Ili, the sunlight and the � ma 4e, oil � far sooner believe you told a falsehood-' , - I guilty.! - I Well then,' imid, his worship, onevery-,band,,andis growing.more � a . a eve . ry - - er ge � . � " ,. . I I . . . . . .. - ­ 1itff.ff____ . Ti . . I. "doll6i .� ' V -S" days " . * I . VASHION ANIX. OTnER,XaT]4 . S. 1, . - '�- - .Seen at the Farm as bar purple7stripQd her�sboulder,pcicki I I ( �nj his hew -- � is � side '-A ThNn-k -y6lls' 09id -Xits mayor; -With-.W. , I'll fh6 you biid - -or an " - ,ly .in - -,-- - � . . gauzosi wi: air satih- "net -duff -__Aa -for 4�cl'ib7e-'�ig6r,'166-li6a�iiio-r6-cTi-moniae t an - - .Jr._14 the tinlei-of our gra'ndm6tIler0j if . . ... I I - . I ' iderizi it -your first off4nee, . 1. . . - - . is, .perhaps'they were ever through the film: , scaribt, face; , But your belid .will not-eud jail, but conil g a . " TI�6 bpring 'suits of Chicago .women are . . I -pew qf An end of it that lay we 'Are .to .believe �the..po�tp, A breath of I I . 1. , I . . . lier ptring., of ,tter.' And - just then every one'o, I'll remit the fine'on. adbouilf of. your pre6 'mostly for divarcLe. . - , . . .. . I I . iiDnly Roiiian-; but if they weiii real, they . oirer his - shining blacii-166therg. `,- d -You are thP If's .1 a airimctio;i bf',her owns' vious good bohavior.!. An( Alander dtillied,- all a woman'A'life. And . . . ' glance followqd in. th .1 conscious that - , - Q really had ll�d her I character -crepe, isUe latest imporbednoveIty . were worth more than the'FiLtini Whd xactl liko'bHe Kthose girls holaini: little I , one wh Kyba . .. .1 ' - _ . I . . . . I t�old the lace AhawI'_whioh she kaotted up ­ --;,] I ome dancing out'Of the fm. '- slid t.b6y saw the tail figure bf &�dark`:�61619 he bad done " his duty, th0:s0If-66nv1cted,. taken . Away I . "by t . he 4 tonague of her sister in dress goods. ' � I . ­ I . ..'. I - I � I I . . . . . erbls at 0 1 M 1� -a, . .... . I .1 - - '� . . � . lhe.d�orway.' .1 V.hat, -is All: 'this 2' .6elf-punished munioi.)�sal m% I � .1 -.1 V � ellotroppana cream are: toorit6 obiot -. . " . , � I aher-fliroataitheyeation-the pla . . ;a plea in those Ponipeiian- decoa - ,man in..1 '- , . gistrate IdItt.be toman, became a sort of Ooral leper, who I ., . I . . XOU31 I I zza 0 spa 't oiled a cheery voice� -Ana At thiLtAaeI6 cou'rt'�mldat the Audible. chuckling. 'of the. --t ouch or - speak to. : . � . .. .. I .1 I ­ . � . . looking- at the sansetmore underneaf1h than .� tio B * .hills,s oiled * Jand. 'Whttt a'. . . ­ I . i was 'dangerous to t . combinafic;�s. - , �, , : � � I I . . . ­ - turnda too,': , Oh, Philip. I ,.Philip I" she -cciurtropm loafers., . -, . . . . . . he We, . I � above them, I as if it -had b6eii Shetland Pity that yonlrenot gbing to inarry � rich I . I . . Nov�; 'within certain limitations, t New I�ces'sk Aceli'fn Turkey-ried and- '. . I . ire shrielied; holdipg out her. akm.s, 'Savepe,. ,�, .': !!, ; - . . .. man who is, talked- ab, out I, seellisto be quite 0 . .� . . ­ I . I 'Vool,, said Jane, lwheu ,it was 'priceless man,'Dbl, who cQuIaA-fford­yqU,D�v, ��__ ,. . . - cashmere colors. * - .. .. - .1. I 1. . . . . ,o I.' 11 -, she added, the least Save Me, .",v.e me. from 'this: dreadful I ,The. Exodus from 19u.. roise. - _ as popular AS t1h bnwhoso fair fame . . . ... . I -Brassels'not" . I . : p6int and diamonds*, . I � . . ' . . v , .1 I . dark 'a . China orape, scarf � . . 1; .. " Bui she has oceans" of'lace,�' ssid Miss atom r�alicieusly, I instead'of a poor young w0m6nill, Ill another m6nidnt thb-.*- he prophecy of the Conimissionersbf no shadow* ever %e.0teditne.hear's a horrible bapesX.-Icts ored with:..., -. I . . I . yoinig m4n,'6 arms wo- about Adele,* slid I , .� . Far.. ,I opaiied her door� b� mistake As' ... I . . . , I 3Z embroidery, will be woril. - ,. , . I. . .me, - . . . . .1 . - I --- . . , . I I . . . 'here it sichitect.' ' - -possessing- himself of the at a of igratl6n. thab the ourie3A year Would Atory about a certain lady. Thd slander-- , cordurette I is . � - .. i . . was, some he was . . at see a - marked ,,increase in -the number 6T tells it -vilith delight;. tho'consclen- WhAe .and emm.colorbd .. , , _4� was unpacking, and t . , If A'aeld wouna a duster' round hot she . :� : � I . . . . - being monger ia�okets *-. .. � . I . ,. and some over chairs. , w ' d look deboratea,' Sal . . limmigrall , eata.jt, sitation As the m . . ... . I . . .1 . all d Lucia I ., the case. - . , � . - ts hrriving frbni..AuiQpe is tious person rep aterial for children".s seaside 4 . . . I . . . in boxes and tray * . oul I I.. . � .. 6 And so, because Miss Montrosoad berality 6uito-unoxpectiod., a auty I . I . I. . . . I � I Jowollory; theLmom . , �, Most folks would,' said Adele, taki4g off li�Oa f alfilled with, A li . Timid: peliple ask if you really and Wraps. * I . . I . . i .. I . . What.*ith lace *aut . . . .: ,your lace, yold dale to raakb'8ueh . , . . . . looked like the Milky Way. .1 . . soberly and laying it dowil. 4 But � . . I'll a0cusa- The total number of immigrants -viiho dame. think it �o, but the maligned individual ap*- . . . . ,. , �. . I the lace � . rning 'on'M, I ' F.ashion- at- the inoident decides upon . 4 , -iion 1� .he 'exclaimed" tu his Port in 18704as 175,089, which was. - �ywh6re all �tllo itimb -,. is invited, it fints for garhleats,�bcsth - for ,outdoor , . Slie'll think we Ate A set of barbarians, - I .most � Ed � 10B tat, I pears. evel , . 13 110 idea ligh.. . I . . I . I � 'said Adele; with a quick blush (with' -hardly I must confess that I thiliNce istlie Mahoney, ,.all& his faee'al ost 'gray with . largelfin excess .of prece.ftg years, visitedi ,and! very Probably - Ila � door* wear., , , I ; I " I . .1 I . I . ., perfect thing'-wAde by'llandsl it. always: wrath, . .. ., . . . . very . I I all a in . � � . I nuch sa's, tucker" � -1� I '' . I �. . ­ I � . . being'59,723 make than in 1878, which ex. .whatever that she has been under or- )3rantford girls" ard', the shyest about., . , -'. Sol . . T16ach of man I I -make Inounsupportoaacous6tion,' baid � ceeded 1877'by 20,81 ., uring January era a � $An . . me the ,nearest'& I D , Able dis�tission.. ,It is easy to eloping One lof 'th'4111-WiMertill she was' - � , I . . I a. ive aliall think her s,`Oulgar 'to the works, of nature, '�'npl. I'd about � .,A Miss Mahoney, , MissIfbyer has seen the" and Februaii-of ,1870 the arrivals number- this. 1,"for'instance, when a r * &I . I . �. . . -, . P16r- . . , 4 ro6m---, . .. . . ' I i -to it. �. I . . . vanuel'brillobig All - ch't1li�j_st6sucha-plac 1% lief make lace .4s paint pictures.' And . r 79 befoie she felt equal - . . I - lrit�two inglithsA ,I . a tl , . 11111 . . ,lace in Miss Montrose' ad 5143, while for thefi adverse to any w6man'schai . - . . I . soldJane. ' - 'then Miss Meyer began wrap�ing.hdrself in ,. I Ob you don't beliovd it, .,Philip P.; cried this,! year the Ago I say to myself ,, I How d6 I . Woman will'Auffe; aild eve'n die for the . . 4 SlWa not a nouveau. .�, iegato, was J3,765, an , . a I . . . . . I Pot slia'isn?t rich � . -' . . . . 'man -she lo,Ves: but *nbthing under the�- - . . , . . ­ . answered Was Meyer. riche, At hn�:iate,' a blab% lace mantle so precisely designed,, �Aaeie, Ili an agonized�fohe.' * .1 . . . . I inoreate. of 8,622� Theao hio i ., riably. . this is not the work. -of jklousy or Ice .. ' .1 - thatthe very dew -drops seemed . 4 Believe it I Not it all%the`� �' . . . 11. - 0: Y, of what may . . ind'u'ce her to wear her w I I . . to glisten . � intha in Bar- -Shall,l, becaus'e' ,I inal ' heavenscan . T. .. . -the two lightest mc , 1 . . at all. Mrs. Pierson known about .her, on the poppy petals.thbib :and pro�ently 4 . hoinnot in the spring. . ' . . . . . . . She inlierited. all her And things'fr6m some. . .1. i . Just at that time so furious a barking ' ,During March, 1879, the r6c�rd shows 6,085i' - have been - A, falsehood * and of I ore - _ . - - all ffiial'oth6k girls were niasquOrhiling in - onth just.. closed this. year - � - lady tells sbihe&ng Which ought to . . , rose without from Laddid, that Mrs, Vier . . . relation or 6ther� and. -has billy.ohougli 1-thb.predous. thin %while Miss.maholie' . while'for the in � .1 . repetitioii.now by one who believes it with A I I . y or sox. 1t is � ! 1 maoney to live bil ; anawhen she walits to . 31 ,lisp fl. son, who At any other time would not bave� the d1floial Agures are 21,090, ,bill enormous � out remon, contribute, my share to breaking have remained A secret with h . sit by complacent y einjoyilig her, I minded it, nom v no th6 first I that swoman � . . do sometbing'extrava�gant, like coming to. - . - . .1 ..... I ­ .. . � Is. with all her neives-fluttek- increase of O' or 15,000f� ,Dukil . a %yoMan's hearli 2' I Any � woman with in choosing a lover considers - - the mountains, for I instance, she sells - a' cence. . . ing,' ran to see vihatw�j .the, matter, and quarter.of the preaenV year there was either good feeling or common- sense wbuld a good. deal more how tile man will be re- . '' � I Miss Mahoney, as, in another - mom: ant V.dr . . 'no . . . . � . lasts,* Sal( * a � I . . . pearl or a bit of Ifteeil. . . I ' ' ,Now, my c � . d'their borrowed eaill� and ory.ra landed- 34;8.55, against 11,052 in' 1879- A -say the same, iind the result is exkctly garded by.othei women th � n wb�t4 . or She " . . . I I I , a b one by one they resigne out io wild and loua that, by natural in- t1lib sum-' -this- Tfiose -who' are 'guilty reibaiif un� loves Ili herself. � . . . . A Well, I Zouian,t care how cam y. lleaviiir immigration is expeated im . . . it, so long as I had iv Asia Adele. , , . plumes, ,, you see I have ,nice thingg, if I - stinot half the people. in the room had fol- ,,at t1i'mu ever before. The new,arrivals. puniAlied. - The Woman who - StOals: tile Stylish white dhip,%valking hats are faced - - . . . . . "Why, AdI316 , Montrose 1! in. ehor'us. . don't . wear them.! Ana;1datisfied with the loweallei-to see Laddie, who had timid -areciiielly Germans. -Since th-comimis, heart of'w hiisband from his wif 6, aHa- the with black velvet� anatiim. . med with heavy - exhibitioniduring the next Week she put on the cat in the branches of th6 old'dbad oak plan was organized I U* May) 1847, Germany woman who. deceives her, own Irusbi-ad 'Ate -white laco g.rensaino- [Cud -black velvet, with ... .. . . . . .6 Ob,. I meaH, of , courses You now, 1. -"hill thin &.nine-pel4 Wilidow, himself,powerless in � a may, nothing Qostlie I � . . 1. and Ireland have a6alt . I -in - . breasts oftbe Tyroldse . shouldn't care who I ot . . HV-Pr`jn_f6- -fii�idek Adole's �'bout 6qual -hum- not banished, as thby,ahould -be; fr6 the Jrridescent �vipyp or -I--...-- 1".. ­ . __ � _ . . ­ - _..A,W..eIIs?-0aid. Adele, litlo-ju Irv- - ,Tilek�-*-lio-ho,d-deseendedifrbiii- _-b6i , . -�,)". 8.70 ' '---- -because. or blacl ­djT76tlier--7--. � - - - . I . �%� 4116-gr.asp-of - I F Z -, -6_ffq7n_,Wimp1jF. - ---'-- _1 '--i.�ocir','pii-r-pra---ih���i�n-t, � � ...- - .1. . - - - - - --.-if - She- Wants -to,' sa-id­.&4oie�,-­If-ther . .. . � S,'th&-total 9. res company. a -goo w . . . . - . . � .. allat no mord heavenly thAn 6notheriit to have them'* to look at.': - 1. . ...� hialreqlient:perch in thosebriin6hes"ana Whig, .for Germany, 1,195,39W and for the gu�ije.4jjjl talest, _ are told of�W,oillen rakegame.birds, : - . I . . . '.. - � I . ­ . � . .. ' . I 1. � is lace,11 - - .. . . . I I .1 Poor little Adele was thepeiiniles8drphah �plantinjlimself Irmly on'Lgildib's shoul- Iiislind, 2,042,040, 'This year, .during oil ate as iaci and .pu'ro -as snow. Thu's - iglish' sistei, wllo� seems tollave .!' I . . baught ad to tear'6ut his h6ii -by a An. Ei . . - I . of course, became an. of penniless parefitg,' . and - slid I data, had proo6id Tanuaryusfid Febiu,ary,the proportioiliwere - slander aafeata "Itself, -s6tiety is left de� - .. . a, wrij,ga- t%. and df the �, ,. , . . . I . I Was Mahoney., i drawhig in- a largb,scho,ol in -Boston, where . raoro'coinnion sells . .. . . O'bject,ofatudy t6 the,girls, andwM. always beakfuls� At the approach of Laaaials re- --Germany, 3,677; Irblandi 2,697. A large fenccless,: and, that ,standard of purity . I pets tE&t she has g6&Xally f6una . _ . I . . . w . accompanied i4 her'progress by, some swe Phil had happonea-to goo bar and -love ,hei enforcement, though, in .the shape of Mrs.. : immigration -will undoubtedly come . from Which all Or healthy moral nature . Must English pa, a three me ths of. I good hard' . . I . - 'moro , ridicule-tho fbrmer� as `1he Atfirstaight.� Phil was coming before long ,Fierson ,Jack- extricated: his 'claws, scream- Itel a*nd onuccoulit.'Of the farnine, but it desire is.destr ad. '� � - `� ;1. � ' that from one t n . . I I . . . I � and new for his -month's vdcation,,and shb was I , l7following. ns . ..I . .oy I '. . 1. . � ,� work, oures sentimental girld Who. take tip . . 1DOSsessoic of finery th�; somallow, went to , ori so - - Ali( hits net yet set in. , The applications for 'Iqr . I I I . in 'a , , I P . . . . THE ,w F,&SlaoX IN 11SID-DRES0 . . - � I nursing as a fancy. � " - ' . , . I .saw it at heard only living by.counting the hours. A. little- flig t. it eir : a , 0 0,11' SaW what . newly -arrived laborers are largely in exceii . . . . . I . ,ze with - q !heir hearbs bveiy time they girls . � , I . . ., 'fashion'of dressing ' 33ridesmaids, hats. must,hirtildril I I . I . of it, the'lattir .60 - a Woman , Past forty, restlosa. till than, the light .talk of the rs. let a " a . a an Of 80mb- 61 the supply,; .and cukidusly,11ip number The present simple � . . A, �. . . . tail and angular and ugly And igtiorilits goal . ned to her unmeaning chatter, in which thing delicately white And- fibrous peeping of immigrants - reNtered as seeking mal the hair brings -rich ornamental combs into. -the dress worii by the. bride. If 'hot toilet � - I � slid had.:small Interests and She u' ' ' � �.' Large side combs, with- fretted, tops is white, with a veil, -her attendants West - , Alpingtho appearance and manners of yming Ad o e ass ncl lichens in the. crotch of plQyment is smaller than it has i3vor been usc . . . . . . . -of the - ih girls. . I, a wonder VOW � she came by, Lad wander off by herself, sketching effect4 on the holl6* -tree. . ;, 'witil flowers iii - the limit; " " I , . in recent yearsi With the exception of the an inch deep, are worn in'the waves. shoib tullexb . . � . , � Igh a arr . . I . I her little.pockid-boards,-or lying in the. fern Philip, wh6 hsa ,not followed,. but had hair. Fine silver combs, with half -hi if she 'I'. H1' led, in travelling dress, the : , Is I . I . die 2, said Adele, one day. I Hungarian arrivals; nearly all havo definite, t ' ' ' ' work take " the * place ae whit - 6 bonnetq . . .. . . A , n I I I . . , She gave N jewel for wm),.,wa "miss or under the shadows. of the cliffs, with an remai'ed; hushing Adele's sobs, heslia the ns for thip future. They have Naoney ops, in , open ' bridesinaids wear, halidsor I . voices that called him; io;,�id in pla 0 Altus. of the' eugrsir6d combs. ' S 6 of 6r bats, such .-as 6re-worn to eve - ning recap- . I . I . . 0 aj t have some- unread. ,bbo1c, in 'bar hand, by .the hour less time , and friends, And usually -go west t , olne . . . . Neyer,,laUghingi ' a 0 . Ocoupiodwith.her own'fancies, th%n* it takes tolell lie was in the crotch of tiouB procured in adv . iltiy- the . devices t6ro so suspended as' to tions Afashionable style for this season , I thing to proteR her other jewels. I,m . tQgether . anceby their cou ' Ids to is a . wide -brimmed *1 .. , . . . .. a it's no wonder how slid cilme by Jack. And with a arawingof the 'outliAes of old that tree, I Whose magpie is this 1l, he 'men resident hero;. The -deiiin,ndd for ,. take a tremulou"s- motion,. and this � iic , lifte chip at. yollow - . . I Bur I * w.0rials End, it. was not strange that she cried, Aj well sa he could 'be heard for iminigrant labor Are mostly fo Go manO their brilliazit' offect at. night. Silver is Tuscah strq*v with. heavy O�Atridh. Plumes, - % 'That niagpie win .drivd'-Us all out of the � . . . r r I I lace, a. , , . .. . . 'did not &rtiqularly notice the demeanor of Jack's scolding,'sitting astride the branch * Swedes and $catch ; but Superintetident worn, net as formerly, for 6heipn6ss, andSC�rf Of Spanish or Laugued . ' . . . bouse yet-' � 1. . I . op I I the girls, or,'If she did observe them.'whis- and bregi . I artistic effect against list which could be worn, afterward as 'a I . . I See him now,� said.Sano Hunt, I on the I . iming to pull out a long ,string, Jackson mis that among these Hationali. - but . for "t1io . I . paring ,with their heads togetheri ,that all * .dark .hair, ,Tortoise shall is no Hats.are without strings. , ', - - I . . -limb of that, hollow oak; . Doesn't lie loo 0 firmly quilted, and f elted in the hollow with tici -sc�arcely bn-a in a hundred ate - 10119017 summer hat. . , I . I . � . I I .. like P0 limb �, hims6lf 2" " � k should have thought -it *no more'than the hair and itattea moss.' "Heraishisnost, No,# York f6 seek.em PS at worn for falia, breaches 'and buttons, . I I 0 � � � , . . . . � . . . � . . . I (116 . . ployment�-Sdientifio . . , . . . I . . . chi�f and merry-inaking. . which he has bidden.A*ay; and here . * .1 . � ag formerly, -but is -still used in oombs,and - . . . I y m;s .., � � , i � ' w, I . : _� nrintdbg Ice-Wat!er. . . � . A There certainly is something demoniac cuStOmar , American. . ..., . . I ' I .. . a one morningi just -well what it was)—' ks his' , I .6 . . I . , beautiful carved patt4n's sr6allown in 16 011b Inkingi ' I � abdutiiek,"said. Adele. , I He. came taP- She *as standing alon ma and *-moss knew -very . - . .... . � . UZA1110S.—TIle fact that high -back and- half-Qeionet shades to, suit : There is no mote d i,that dri 00, - I I . Ig At my win4ow. last night.,, and when.1 as the sun was dryingthe or str of any consequence 21 XjUCOTISM li-MOU'N I Water. arrests di cation than there is.thht 9 - ' . I . Pil I cezy Bluff, behind ter the lillfis the lacel itla the lace 11 � ori6a� nidtmegs have -strong. nariiotid properties, -the style'Of the Weaker. ,T110 loiw� Open - ekipiro.tiom . those eyes of -his they inade.M0 shiver On " tho top Of I t ' � .1 I WM Arrest .p Ilt�. . - BMW I I . . . I . in such. headinis, worn for front, have a pretty . �& , I I .1 . . greatpiarple mount0n, beldw her the dGWY Lucia. . .. . hhs� long boon ,known, but they are re'rigaflat.or 6t I I '1� ' . 11 . II'And tbol; is ' mm' I ,off a Small coronet or banaeau. The drives I the stomach its natural he o . . . . 13.0­--�, closet., verdure of the hill -*Ips 11 hawks were soar- I The lace 11 eelloedJan6.1 GO on use as A favorite condiment usec -act like �uspellas the flow, of gastric juice ,and, . 1� . . c He was after the cakes in your I the Adele's room just over We in small quantities that 'their c angerous . - � a ' i '� , I . I .. 4 Do you suppose -he was 2 I she asked, as Ing slid! swooping over her head Ili hollow. He got ' *1 ty higher.tops have medallion heads, in relief' ohoaks" And weakens the delicate , orgalig, . . . . . . . - I I t I marvellous blue of -the Maililess Sky' , and out with it from Miss Mallonoy'a room, ; natiire when taken, in largo quanti is apt . in rich fraineivork, but whether 6riiate or . I , , - . 1. . . she was going off *ith Laddie. . � I . If perfect With which it comma in contact. An Able, . ­ I I s SO, f6r under, her feet the tops of the wooda We're and thewind fluttered this chdintoAdble's to be oterl6okea' ind forg6tteni even by simple, every Part is 11nisheawit cew' , . They didn't any of them SliPPOW I Writer on'lluman cliseases says, habitual I " I I ali the animals About the place aeeihe'd*to bowing ana-beriallig. Itwasnotlike daily window while lie was stowing it away ; and � those who are aware'd their Widency.. A smoothness so as not to injure, or catch lii,, water drinkers are usual . ly,very flabby about� ­ " ' I - . irm, she wo,asayipig to herself. 'ThiawOn'. that iawhat Marie, Meyersawl'if she paw physician reports" in Ono, 6f'our medical thallair, Tliejetbands or fillets in 6pen-� the region of .the stomach, TW( . hav6 a ioHilliess for Adele, cows and bors6s, ft �y complain . I ej;, even the wood birds had. 6 derful.bill c6untry'l It i%,ju§t.;" if one anything," � ex local ,a casZ Where a lady patient work and studded'pattorns art) still liked that their food lies heavy on that patient . 1. . . 6sts alic -clov , )roac)ling, , Oh, my 1�cel my' lace I It is illin0a I ence was induced by her old I with the Greek style( . . I . had diedi and - Were really .BPI =1119-4E -his abs A -wearing the hair, . � � . .Way, of flying low round the 6harming Nail I the drooping (Ila. , They taste theit'ainnor for h6urs, -_ . . I . ith hot it is alilloat rti� ad ll� Cried Mj�% Mail Woman nurse to take - nutmeg'. tea.. .0ino while thasiao combs suit . . And in her White gown*,. wi oney, I pr , as she called them. �Somo gaid it *as hei heavan.� . in lftcrlllwl� boltod;- - ,They -pultivaie- thei. use t�je fOvII6$t little. br6�W.- brightibrown hair floating (jut about bar f ace And then she remembered. Adele, " I a I and a' half I nutinoga - Were used in hevelled ,coiffours, IW&those sed.din pictutes . b6�ty, foit'sIfeftA 'n . of -stimulants to,aid digestion.- Jf they &to - " � . . hairod, blue-eyed, wl2ito�btowedt dardaskm' in tfie wind that fanned so purd, 6 color there, go sorry,. Miss. Montrose P she i3aid-1 Making the tea, and the' patient dr6jik 61!�Angdliov, Xauf�mun. . . I 11 .. ,� intelligent they read upon good - and wb t, ver the W'fioia: o . . . 'n"" 130' . 'on during the day. . .. . . I one Could .and with her luminous eyes borrowing the sorz� 1 Indeed. I arn.1 ,,.HOW can you 0 f the decoicti ' . .. . Atonl9g. .. the physiologist hag to say 6bou I . . . colo of the skies, she looked almost overlook if 7'. � . ­ I . . . � .About 10.0olock . t it chocked piece of flesh! and,blooc at Riglit she began to got a , fto,lv - - .. -imagine, othbra said it was - her gentle "" , To'Dye Bluo.—A very beautiful blue long it takes ,cabbagio and park an w4ya; aiiid � the -rest fancled it was. some 3 if she were. As she stood there, rapt in a I noVer eano5 s4boa -Ade.1o, trd)4 . IsIbig, didWay, and by. 4 o!dlook. the next morning , be Precluded in an hout by the follow- potatoes anti othorliboati raid osoulont's to . .. * reverie and hllppinoss�the world was so still in%very fibre. ... . I she was, in a profound sttpoi. At 10 -o'clock May For each pound of matet!41 - dssimila,ti0n, nearness to ,nature in her, or some secret recess: go through the process Of I I 11hil Wag coming .Any day At, You. may. just pack 'Your trunkg, MiPS the next mornifig tho-,ii9,rootiO- affect of the 119 P sad, hot cakes, slid . I . . attradticsti like that "of the Indian on%koo, beautiful, and' . take two afid a half ounces of alum:and one They roar at'new bri .' 1%. . .. . . . chatmora. .. - : now, a -Ad she had hardly sty other thought Malibney,'for the afternoon stages' saidXro. =tmeg began,to Wamroff, and by A o'clock and .a halt dream tartar. Boil them to- filed ineat, imagining these to be the cause ' �_17 I . I o w notice Miss Xahohoy, under.& , I I I can't have—, ,- � 'in the afternoon Abe had pretty wall to- gother in a brass or 'copper kettle for About of their WaIadies' I A .That is the gain , ay.Aho tAmoa Js,nes —she did not Pierson. a e0ml;,I interrupted Philip, covered. The %`ympt6l�a.,*org about the j3tt the led -water goes , 'I-, ' - Asia Lucia. 4 Bvery -. one big umbrella, tollhig up. to moot her, till I And hero is . an hour. , Take. sufficient warm water, to down'isll the same, and finally friends .Are - ]brother Phil.' th, I t one lenows that Phil was the haughtlestana t inaividuAl Was close Upon hOr- still bringing out Ono thind after. another— game as those produced by opium, and the cover the godds and color it to tllo shade called in to take a farewell look a I I Mrs. Pier- 7 1 . . most .high-strung mwa Ili existence, and I hr4vo Tollowdd you bero,'Miss, Mont. ,:yours, by4ti air and bring up,' .40modic.4 given for .them Word about the' you may desire with chenhioblue. Put all. whom a mysterious Proyidenc6 has called 0 . . ibbon, y of t a or into the copper pot and boil it A short time i) "',� - I he just , rose,' said she, suddenly, in hermod Map- son, And a thimble,. and a bo.vV of ri same. Nutmeg in the quantit W to & clime where, ag,far as is -kndwllt Ica, I rather despised woman. And now . . , t as, i to save you any mortification t6lid a curl'of yellow hairs And A atuffed three draching has'�bocn kno'Wil to, produe r6ter is nowlsed, The number of Ini., I � . adores the ground plie-wmIks on.' I ing on I . 91. � 0. taking care to keep I b stirred all tile time; w, i I '�\ 4 As foi� too,' stdaVilisMeyor, - 104oula ba� before thoothetbomtdors, and to,ask what humming -'bird, and-�--and 30lat ih thi b6th stupor and adlititim ; Ana clangorous rotrinvo the cloth, wash in clear cold water Hiortal boiligs Who 90 hence, to - return, no' \;' you havo done with my Devonshire point,.� Aaclo?, alidliabold up a,qol ... tain and a -a fatal � donsaquonces� are _861(l to have -6 dry, Injudicioususe of ico. afraia that tfiat �ort of love was P) glamor, .1 n . and hang up't - more, on aocoulit of An I a wo,4ia break up SOHIO day.' ' .. i With what? I . onyx locket. I � followed its free use, in . India. Mace, Apple Tapioes.—Put. one cupful of -water can hardly be eAtimatod,—Baltimoro- I -a point.' - , - is Hilno 11 oioltam6a AaolO. willoblathe outisidoeoverillgOf the nutmeg, . I .. �, ,(Thefe'A hO danger of phil,g love for ' ,&With my Dovdnshir I I Oh, it I birth- tapioda iii the bottom of 9, small bowl, slid Sun, .1, I .0 . .1 I . I . Aa8p breaking up,' said aano. i And how 'What have 1 done with yourDovotishire tIt is tho Ono you gave ,me an my possessegessontially the same pxoportles, Paul! ,over it one quart of water -, lot it soak — I I She ndv6r mall- boffit? wliyimi8�mr,lionoy,wliat(10,Yolt day,) I couldn't imagine what,had becolno towisolapplof Digop, 111�, who (lied all Hight, P601 and Slide t6 dish ' ScrNn ,&T SCROOL.—lunior (translatin . I she dbqa worship him I ndingfro I . ontly, left. to Leo county 0150,000 on 000kbig apploso Olowingo quarter a a' goo' I Ana' tho—and-6lig , ound Now Testaniont). bid,ng big names but she Writes tobim-eviery moan?.v the exclaihied, desce in her of it's t . . . . 6 too —upt6 - . . 4 Ana, you Mutt mako any outcry" a f al) a or . daly—illid Alid Oven rmyes the sdraps of his d&Y-dtO3mg-' , � coliaitioh that the county add 600,000'for of sugar to a Pound of fruit, and ad W , thc� ,Lord said­�-Lqd amid uhto� . . I . writing on no' par onvolopo'—oho does, 4 1 moral What I say. My Dd�,ohshiro 4 Oh, I thought—I thought—I - mean I I tile oat6bliollmont . of an agricultural enough to prevent their burning alidstick- MOBOIA-1 Aeko'ho hesitated, Ana. loo�ed w0pa . I 'ut bag aisappeared. I have Adardhad thought she never came honestly by so many I -toighbot, Who, Ubag 6180 , . � . indadd, girls 11 - �, - � 'a, _ college. ­ . ind, to the bottom at the aiah. Fiat them Ill appallingly ate A 0 "Dear wo I twouldn't Waot to Ono go everywhere for it—Ao have two or three things, and I Wag auto she had takeift it to gig. Isabella 11'.Itolinson, sited 110yoara, tlio' oven to bake, and when � nearly clone unproparta, whispbroas. I Skip- It,' JHfilov , 0 cry bug, overy,basket, adatotheo era, Audit didultsoom, worth ung on). 4 Ana the Lora,oaid unto, � . 0 for an oil , i is or, . . it I wag laid to lost in !J�oron?; yesterday, pour ovev. the tapioca and return to tbo (p . I have ; sbakoH t While to in SO after thi 0 Mosool.skip it.' Great consternation oil- - I I on't a . , ad t t1s' otolikely others every �oxs v every ga I., a All fuss. Atho1bg the pall-boaterg Vag Mr. Tinsley, avail to Ottsud until it jollich, IgNt, with , 0 � raw I ray � I tri'd uoi , I en do tall in every a a I ft no nook or corner neglected, justiodkoc rawors.l.". , Whose Age is 01 y6ars, . . .I cleam., . I rt I I . me L �h v 0 ' a yet. . I . . � J I I . .and it is not to be found. YOU WOVO the I . I She V oiled . . - . I I .1 I I . .. I I . . , . 1� . ; op ria ey I . .. I . A . I -- 11 , : . . I � 1P . . 1. � . I � . . . ­­ _ . .I I .. .. .... ­ - '. .. , , . 1, ­ I—. ­ - .. .. I � . ­.. I. I . � � .., 1. I ,- 11 �� .1 ­.. .. � ... .. .... ­_ � . _.­_.._.: ­ .--"-. ­__ _�. .. ­... . . � I -.-.-��.--�����....-.,-.--,-.���.�,;Z,�--,..,,--,--�,--�--��-...--.—.�,--�-----�-1-��.�.�.I..—..".�-:�.I ... I.— ... ­ ,­ . ­...." ­­ . - I II I � . � . ­ . . .1 I . I . I .. . ;.. I ..... . ... . .. - . . , . I � .. . . . I . .. I I I I ,e] ,, y � ,_ * - � . - I b . r und t na. I Ili a a t a safe n tan y know th ti �Yiil I 'I 'I I �1 .1 In ak a y to lov I - I '. . . . � . I . . I I . I � . . . . I I . . .1 1, 11 I . . . . � I . . � I I I I . . I . .. I I . . I I � . I .. . I � . I . I �. . . . . . , I . .*� I . . I � . � I � . � - . . . 11 . . 1. � . I - . . . . I I . . 1�­ �. � I . ­ I . I . . ­ I I .- � " I .,:-! ­' , . �, . . � . .. 1, . - � . . . .. ., ­ .. . . .11 . I." I . I I I I � ., � � . , I I . , - _ . . " ', �\ . I , � I r I ,... - �, � - , 0 1 . . . - � ­ I ,-A -, , - , � ,_ � ��_ � - _. . , . , . . .. I I ­ ­­ I'll - _ , \ � Aill, - I . ��_, I I I .... ­14��11 - I. -.1A i_ � � , , _ ,. _ ....'. I ­ . �. I . 11 . -11 I 11 I 1. . ­.­­ ­ -..I.-...--.- �.'' ...", .1, I, �....., 1. 1. ... ­ I...''. _A