The Clinton New Era, 1880-05-27, Page 4V ^ 1% , I ^ " ~ 4 I , As is well known �y our readers, w.e have, , HO I FOR MANITOM U A;�.. 48004"Jost—w. C.�ti`07r ,, . cable farm near GoderIqh,A 1�)Ujbaux bull . . i . I for several years, Advocated either the aboll. " Beaconsfield " which is phenome — I odgins. , ' T WC, � S 0141tie,4--John U I � �, I palfor"rly - 'he, Old Way P. th lv,-)w I 'flat �. 10 A-1 � 0. iotion Woollen mills-.�-Z Corbett. lion of the -Senate, or tho tasking of it oleo development. He was 3yearooldouthe 17th TJRIX0 TUD REMAINDER Or THE E$EASQW �, I I � . Morts.41" W—Camoron, , Uolt 4 Cameron. t1y a 0 of A%r - 11) . , " y ; I . . a, belioviog, as wedo, t IeFm. 270,1 si having gained 410. lbs since ,the. previ- . I I . � — - 1, r-rw­­�_ . body go, it is and , hit it is a . un , III, and two days bofore he weighed 2,. of IM t The old why to sell Oat Q, stock of.old,goods an(I q . -very expensive,- it will OU4 weighing,ou the 23r ,o 8 , at oub,p$ businesp, is to, offer the I I . I � d_f In t by toader.or at auction and receive about fifty or iXty cents 014 the dollar of. ,stock J : therefore,b During tho@0 6. Months And 2,9, days he gained (3,01 Ell E E IN W AX. 8 , I 11 the. cost price . , ,. , � 0 ,emoily understood when we a R I . of the 0004 or A dead 004 Of About llor�y per can 0 Clinton, Ph-wo, , ok"o, tit � 0 Around i: at we are. 91AA to. see the Toronto Globe fall. the client 8 ft., rat ' . MANITOBA PARTIES The nevi way is to d1ror to take Butter at 4 o. per lb. utor ' ­ . . her more around theloins,And . , . . 0, than. it is wor�li# and sire thp, .1 I . JP8 intd line with the numerous other Befarta. 9 fee t Around the brisket and forw4rd.of ghoul- .1 ',Will leave on . old goods at a profit on the coat Price. Thou, sell the butter at - � . .-- --..—. I.., - jouriIsls on thi , question, and that in fut d r.. He atinag 5 feet I inch hi& . I that Manna 1. I a loss of 4 e. per lb.# end by � .1 a '51 . � ,.. . I � At ,.the, , . I . net nearly cost prica for Old 014 90040 that people will not buy at any pric 11 . V tire shoulders, recioely the saine sit thq loins, I I am I a Sul: . .RSDAY, MAY 227, 18$0. :a, square, bold and United front*will. be pre-� and 5 feet I inches ..- ,TU � ­ . I th P' . . — __ . seated to the countryou this matter. lathis Wheit standing At ease. He, is, symmetrical For PRIticulors oppil to, � he - take All he wants At the price he offers, if the farmers are matiag04 to tAUQ what � . ;:�4� CATTLE AND SNEEXI . t* . . ­ � . And well formed, and 'in color is' Puto white. . .... . � . , ,has get t give them in barter for their butter. I , TRADE* ques ion, -An in all others that. the Reform , SOHN KNOX, � �.. . � � � Hold maid to have "a wonderful display of G.W.H. Agent, Centralia, - The undersigned, -40A I . In the .Mail of the 241h itisk., there is a, -RAY takes UP as planks in their p! milkillgl?oillta,�' We have n9t seen. him,. but . is not aiihig up business, And dOesUot limit those who. sell butter t9 I longthy report of ou interview with Air, Jas, may be seen the beat interests of the a . - imal, howo him QR'LT*FJ SIFECIFAC X39DIECINV. NEW FRESH GOODS goods to make their purchases, but can offer PILISS OF Nlol% I � a truly handsome an and When it is TR,k RE The Grout TRADEMARK. for them, 12i 0. for good I .to Into ontho dollar, audis -Allowing jai exchange . :BrAtoo, d. wall known fleal�r and exporter 6. 40t Only that by its,aboliblon. there. will be, a born I a in mi6d that be woo awarded the first IDE KA 1. 1004a B . f , . eattle, residing in Toronto. His observations, loosening of the oupera 1ri;e at the Western, fair at London, out. P in, . I An unfailing core � I . . - - I bandint machinery of - , eptemb4pi again I I -.�'. far Seminal weak- � Tbeq� Are the Very highest. prices the Montr . . � And statements With regard to tb g,ye at the Bow Park bull And, -noos, spermatorr, markets wirrant,us in . eal and Toronto Markets will admit of.1114t, ; . I a trade—its, rumont, and a great reduction in tiiQ ex- other competitors iti-bis olando it, goes to show * , . be&, impotency. I : PaT it , others. can, give what they P%ing a half a 4ollar a pound,flq . r it, wo� *ill' � -,., . growing importanc�'anil ilia wim4om of onto. P011116, but also because an obstructire body th4b even, then he was regarded with unusual . , I and all di4essas I . , please, but t At is Why I can't give, 16 o. per III, for Batte ' ' ', o ,� rio farmers directing their attention MMP4—ea- of irresponsibI favor. He is pronounced fine in All his polute. 11 ,so � r of self- ,,, . . . . ­ . pedally to it, w I G,gpite concur in, but we i0ividual,atom'of that, I body be, . ' . I dam is a'puro Bates, while his sire hao ."' I " . I Abuse, &a Loss of I . . . . .. .. . I . � think lt,o, is, in error, and ou' remain where th will do f , , it ii probable that be on :30fore Taymi. I . I I r opinion will,b iy ua�q t go —'A-' time. . will be exitibited at r ,er Taking. . . I � Of 'cours , 0onmervitiv - I I I State, fair in September, and also at the pro. need of ititheRsok, fin. - � .. I *boho out by those who have been in England ..9 A 00 will nitd in the . - Vision, Premature Old Age, and many othe ­.... � . � ... � � . . . and know ob;A�ut the epicurean t out of this reform, ad they have' I , 0 owing- 'Promatitropray --- - - . . . , Anything e�- oxqy'ug , � , for We rarely , a. Full partioularo In out pamphlet 14 P . I . before heard of it 3 -year-old *hIch we desire to send fresh I y mail to eyesy one.— —.— doncies of the people of that country, With Route consi4e�abl*a time been complaining of Durham bull going, over %100 lbo, and tho , t - . C4— --`- , , , " .The Specific Medicine is sold by all druggists 46.81 per — � )reference to Mutton And the the superab ag .. .only in a isingle instance.-Defroit !rtibli2ze. Package, or 6 packsgis far 46, or will be sent free by .. CIAL , T"0CP - 0 . I . . I class .of sheep undant I islatiOn. of this coon. 11 ­ 11 .0 -_ - that -farmers should raise for exportation. So tr.Y, and urging a redgetioi - the have no , it - . i . .. ,. 11 TEM GRAY MEDECINE, CO., Teirgait%, On, � I . 'long as We enjoyed the American market for - ely statea wh � I TJ Ith the American people is 9018 .. . , I our wool And lambs the Lelbesters And Qotx- 1, body PO]ItiO Should be elimi4ated ; b The first can be 64;ludd by ouoigY, b9ticaty, andgmy.. I �* — .� 11 I . '. . - I . . �. I . I . , � . at nOvr, log, the second. (good health) by using Gfeesila August . � I VQ11do we athooestandta I,ww- after mature Flower. Should YOU be a despondent sufferer from any . R , � I . � P, . . most pTolitable to raise; I � deliberation, th� particular ofthaeffeetiotd)'ipepBI4.1ir6rcomplatut,indigoiti6n, . . . '--A . . . but now that, we hive found a better market i barren portion has, been pointed oat, we can, &a., such ai. sick headache. palpitation of tl% . I . � ..r .. W . . to . rquir ratitt " . one stomach, habitual, costiveness, dizzinege GEO. DIEHL, me HOT EA'rPHR,R - . , onlj.,�InA the demand for our long with confidence, ask and.expeot tl of the 11 . I , . . I ­ . _46, I . , ' . dially co-operate . . I iom, to cor-, hoexap IiGryoui prostration, low spirits. ea., you need � 1. . . . . I . . � . . I � 0 1 vite in' th ouglL, this, is a slight, ,change 1or the will r8li6vc, YOU At ones. Sample bo04)es 10 cents, , .. a class of sheep ive should raise if !or sire 76 cents, P CABINET 1144 . . . . thd.great opportunities that are offered a in favor of the abolition previous to the death Lines on the - Dentk of Matthew IDN"Jan. IN ALL NINDS OY . I � . . . - . . no Mutton that is in the greatest" de ' . . . . . White P, White Nars eilles, . White . . ., . Ft. of hig brother, therefore he cannot be ohatked I 1. . I I long arms.. Irc! . . ,Sliest price, in I I This world fx Mokod and weary and see, . . . . ­ I _ . he9p.are thin ton ateverin no nowledging � ono. 1. T.Fie trials And cares and sorrGwsollife, ' ... . . . � . � � __Insi - Colored 'Nuslins .in. - Ii * . � ey self * I. Your darling shall never kpowi . — . irht .aAd �,d . . -have finer and shorter wool, not. no largo, a . n4 a V citing it's Opposite. '. . , ... - . '_ . Beneath the winjo of the sa�gols he'ji ju$t, . . . UNDERTAKE . .,.. . I . .. � . .. 1. . I have proportion& ely more lean than the -fat I .1 — � ! And join the song Of the infant chZ, .I - I .. . . � . � , Colored French Lawns In light and dark . . , r . and beAv Laicestors And, Cotswolds. , The On' Saturday last there issued from -1he - . . I , , . I kc.� to. / I . . . I . . . � . rg hat'was _1 ob, forbid that one should rise ' ' d light D . 1. - I STO issued u . � I to hive blai leave his home, `­ � - ,­ _ � ­ isess Goods All lovely - I . . head and foot of the ll'outhdowni; attached, so, I ' . P to that time in Briti,al I x'Worth I That pura Wight home In paradise. . . Tictoria Sts efinton.-, I . .. _. . . .. . . � . . .11� .1 . ­­ ­ _. . . . that their customers, way see for themselves of . � � I— . fiavedjilni all the pain And fears, I - . 11 . I � � I Patterns. and bolors., , Light, I - , tbai when th' I I the Globe it vAries in dimensions accordin All his �ormw and bereavements, . � I .. � I . - Prints. D atin - - � Nutto'n of Linoolaii, Leicestore And Cotswolds I . . 'Yen will meet again noydr to part - . s trimmed with I they are gottipg the Where your treas6rejs there is your beaR.- I 1, . I genuine, ow"t, lusciOui pages, with over five hundred advartioem ants; - 1. - -_ .. --- ____ 1. I - I 1 be when �ho summons has come, I I . -mutton -of e , . Its present form is very aPtivenimit.for hand. . To leay"ll your so .... d care, . . I to 1. . . . I . � I I . . arab 9.-- "STRAW -HATS* '- . I I . . land is firm at,tle and, - Well used .to the complicated piece of . Ilia. .. And ,your dq,rllng.tQ welcome you there. . . I . � I I - � . . become almost a pi . I . . a . - I � . . . . . I . � . . . i 0 I . . . I . . . ; . . . I tm1aripet'4 and expo Ubliq institution, without IRWIN-In Clinton, 0 Ah IiIHt., 04 -wife of,mr. - � . . . � thoroughly understand, the wants oithe � risiden.d at. is Vni.. Rattenbury,' ' I I . A * 'quantity * ,- , . . , .; I � ' 00'RREOPONDENOB. L', ' � S: : 0 .. . I. . � .. . . ... 1. .7 . f. 41; . . . . notbeT of Mr.'ThQs.� . L . I ., � I J0 �_, . - n I C.- A R, 1 - I A. G. E, � I � . I 'ir A, , "It Is:among tbe'm . oat savag I '\ If ON, f kSY TERMS. I . ... - Notic�e � : — .1 .. — . I our farmers should turn .their ,Attention,' -to' .g them, bu �. and �:�.4,,,�.�d bKon 4 - Denni, '.. Harne'ss'.0op. . I — . . . � . . I 11� 1 It. - . .. . I ­. I this br,eed'a't once. . . t . us who cannot refrain. froin-tit'aking a few cpnt8,r horse h.111y. been _ I � I .. �. .'.I ­ .... .. _ I . 1, I i sale thd Went half of Lot * HE COUnIL . , , . , . " �_. . . I neglooted.1"butive believe there* , - JL No. 29, and - the. south half Ldt No. 20, in the .6 � ... I . , . . . tio matter in. hbw o9ittemptible a zoad^zior,� so . . . ..� . . . -1 .1 . 7th con. of Rullett-16d Acres, fiff cleared. Situated . T III the Town of Goderich, on T'umimay, - ,. . .. 1, - 60 a .. �. . .. . the same.neglect, and without the excuie Of the* ' . CAT,t AND...A'BE Tp[EIII.." I , , about 4 inilea from ,Clinton, land there ' erected ZIRST DAY OF J'UNE next. , AIJACCOUntg against 6. :� , , . ., - � 4 . . . �. . ., . BONUSES.: . , - -- - . - ., IOU& I sup so, will- the evil continue, an. tormer - here all may avail themselves of the use . . . . �, - thereon two log h6uses. . Fo icularg, ,the th * , I has done more'thatt Anything , . ? � . .. 'second dij of meeting., . . I . . '.. A.Winihamoorrespondent OVA Stratford . Paisley �& 'Co. Had Any one who sold fire. else heretofore known to ­Improv I CLINT , April �2 1980: ; * , _ , I . -. '­,­ I . .(I:;,. , � . . , - . . crackers h4voneen. ft child brought home, yes. who WlJl not use It Will be the losers. their horses . . . __., � ­ . .. . � I . � . � � 11 Some time dined a meeting was bloidj� the toAvn'hR1I` terday, with one-eie nearly destroyed and his the sufflarers: to avoid both use 11 Darloylscoii- , . I I � I . . . . ... MOT! - - ---­7� 1 m I . . I __ I - 0 1 000 . " I I , . � , . to consider the feasiblll�. of gIvifig 6, bonus'towards cheek all shot with gatippv.der, I think -even dition Powders and- Arabian Heave Remed 11 , , .. ` , , M , 1 , . I I . I I . .. I I 1. . .1 . I . _M_ - -"- - . .�. 1. ..K - . I . ... ­ . . I '' . . . I ­ ... �. . I I Yet While we consider the sinking of �a well hero. aidered hii. few cents of pr ' � member the name, atid see that the kignature of . .. . I . . . , . . . . �, � I . � � found The trouble is, as a rule, thote'people. who aie 'man, Toroxito; Ont., Proprietork4jor Coua`T.'� S"O'?d I ..: . I I bonuses. Th6rp are enough examples around us to' the cause,of the trouble, eactspe freei I . by ail medicine dealers., �. , . . I . . . . . . � .. I . I I " . . . I . , . . . . . � A a bonusing system Is played Out. Mitchv I Is' . . - .. .. . . . . , . I [�N.4�' . .. . 6 , I'.' . I I.... �. . I . :d . I .. � . . I .1.1 ... I . - . , &tti !19 their foot dowin'tib9n it. One' enter. " I , �ol season is now ' throit, and all bronchial affections, one fair . . I � . I I . . . . I . . . . I . . . ,pride or new. undertaking lids just as much meneed; ai few wordi from�a mauu1notiirer all medicine dealers, at 25 cents par box, � . . . I . ., i . . . . L 6 * ' � . rketifig their P9oRLzTORsIE�1rzD'bY the many disagreeable son- I - - I � ... I . I . . I I . L� . . ply an artificial way, of giving and. maihto�in- 118h their Wool thoroughly. on the sheep's . weak,, should use the stauda�d - todio-Northiop &. Ly- .--L- to thopUblio that Ike keeps cOliftentlY. On hand : ... �� - . . , , , . . . . I I... L 1: L L I . . - I I . . I 1.� . . I . � I . L' back.' SeoQnd-Clip off all tagloc mah's Quinfud Wine, They will findlit L'agrboable and � 'a largo �ud �uberlor class of I I . . I . . , I . � - . � . ; . . . . . I . . . . -sts ainiu _4__ Z n its bea:rings away from burs .and chaft . - L . . . i � . I CD a ,ciety . Oils effect; and washing 'a' the abepi run thfoe or four days diioeD the hap�iestjesults, if tahen between the attaoks'L s I . . . I I . . . . . I . .. L . . . . , I - .� . . . . I I . . . ft -r what It of wool they gro* phsai 'The o6ir Coffin'Trimmings and Robe . 11 ­ L � I .. I . . /T.ft's WiSHL 0'-; 1 t,be Ame'ticians bought Up all dur Canadian And the aromatics combined with it, renders ItW]ib%Tor � ' ' L ' � . , . . I . L t I.' I . L . . ,..:. . . . . . , I � coarse long wool, now they don't want it, and gain flesh-ame- ,JVijh a ' ' � . I I . isthatprade of wool is not in demand in Ca. well as oftength,'ana It exerts a cheorivg influence up- on hand. Partlos.can be supplied in one hour, at ' . . . ... . . I I 11 I - . I � . . . . The Kentu9k7:Livc stock Record says'.- nada, would strongly.-adviNe sheep raiders on the mind. It promoted a healthy secretion and flow- I . L I Any time, at . I . � .. . . . . . . . . I . ... I . . . I I I . � . . L . � I . � . I I as. Though our 'to be careful in selectiu� their stock,� and- if bowels. ' Ifludiolouily used Winar ,be taken, witliott6 TEN RtR ClaNT lx8s , . . ­ .tariff is one of high proti3ation, there is � not' A they prefor'long woolled sheep, get, thein of apprehension of any ill result by Persons of 'the 'roost I . . . . __ . not join his fdllow free-trAder in the wish that' a fine grade. With reference to"Optted wool, to grovothe geunlucs,$of its claim . a to public confidence' - , , Than . can boprocuretiabany 6therplace.' . L , . I . I ... : L . . . . . . . I I . � . . . my'bxperience is that sheep wall! housed dur. .an to the truth of the general L I I _x ----- - � L " - 1. . � land b4t our own should be in favor of ink � tbd winter, and not t90 heavi iieles of its 61ags 0 ; � � 'Ivory . L ly fed, sel-, NO a, diamonds Itself -go At . ., , I free trads' Td -day fred-trade; in England dom rong) A full, Estock-of FURNITURZ � e grovi cottea wool, although there -are ex to nervous lnviilds,wbo require bulIdi'ng:nP_uoae is - - . . .. . .. . .. . � . I . . Oakes har-ohr b at consumer. She takes- of ,606ti�ns. . - sow ' ell adapted to' -fortify the system sfaln8t the dan- - AlWaysoubaud, . . ...SPECIAL. *`. DRIVES* ' . IS - -WEEK . 1; . us untdxed'mora t1g4n four hu 'dred millibiia y A good plan. in to- Often change I I . I � � . . . I I . . ­ � . I � . the first of mietakeft for 16 mere stimulant of appetitut which runny , - . I ­ �. . n our. sheep, and clip not later thar gers which threaten the debilitated. t should not be ,. I . � I . , . ... .. I our seven hundred tailliorts of expopto We June. Hoping that - the abdve.hints. may' be so-ealledtocitis simply are. Itooreguistsithoatbicuoh, TAOS. @VRVAN86�39 ., - . . . . . I i 11 .. '.. . . � . . . I : ( . largely, yet all of our manufaotureak.he admito I . I r6gularity iind vigor, and its actiqu to not only thorough . I . : . . .1 I I . - , -e8g, 'ob, �ypubliahiu * ThaToren . ; Tito Grout Sihosfi�nc�o Rome' ' SPRING :*' t -,-1880 - I . tII4 it e�Aorseo the ,go mobt, that Sir J0hU dogs not 'resemble my Judes' of a variety Of rerourkable m6dici posed' of t a I . . . . . I . . � . . . . . I V . . . , � . rd d0es'not go far'Onougli Whan it A�btriking resemblance to Gladstone is now onto, whenvombinedi is so constitute , . � b 't I . VeW��Id atit,,inda. _r.bAblyh,O lids out Off ilio..g6ray igoAtive.Orgaii4p erydas SYAbsm; 46:v restoring their' n , ent : MANTLE ',IS J L K 'S + . I., � U air bserved in the I fundtfOdff to i'dAithY action, and, being Purely vogat-, : - 'S eds a . I . . I . .tit' - eeds. Se * ' I 1. -a* . own .i;houl(i be .free traders;,, 0 curl that'libgbred oilhiibkow and gone, and able,lo ad harmless as nature's own beverage. This . 1, .. .. . . . . . . . .. . . I . . , - ", . I �. �. . 4;, 1 . . I zbould have .said that all,piotectioulsts. wish Oukht in axe. I � HeVbotind, not t ' 'madIcIn6 ia a decided becellbin all, And a rorm4nmb . � i . .. . . I I . . . . . � . I . I I . . . -AT, I ... I . � . I . : , . everything to. be free of duty that thoi have he second horso in Any r`ac6, if'hiq st ring as Scrofula, HrYeipelas, Salt lihdu�m; Canker, ,PfInple",, . . I . . . .. . I I '. ... . I I . to buy', Aild ditty �only Upon thong -thiagil that . . dot 0 CLOVER TIMOT 1. Petorboro-Ex,andur: 0A return it alwayg PorfdrmA curot; but this *a do say, that is, I I � 1.25 $1.6,0 . I a large majority of diseases arialog from Its impurities. - � � . % . I . . . . I , . . .. UPPIL everything equitably, and all farmers of the Weatof this prov inoo were taxed Xtetalidafar QLdad and unequalled among the linudtods: . AND EVERY OLLOS�02 FIRTMAND .. 11 I �, ., . � I . .. I � Producers were equally banoOttedo the ab, $55,469,57, on 739,591 bushels of Indian corn 464 of ton years, abd is I . I . . .. . � . . . I b,ou so of fattening stock, As a summer restdrativo It stands n I � . . . . � . I.. AXERI .1 .1 - The best All -Wool Ud,lkied, . , . . . a so mp o� ire rbbbed of that amount oXaei;ly I system to Vearup AgAiutt the constant dra,iii to *hibh - . . . � . � . .. . . ­. I I I �, with Brocade S�ilks to thatch. ,' " . I I ,,.q ... . *�' . 11 . . pArent -that none bob the biggqst blockheads where under the old tariff there .was . no tax it is dablected by� a high temperature, Persons who . I I I , . I . I . . . I I .1 . . I . I � . . . . . . . � - . , . I . , I. . I 1. � I . - would be supporters at theprino;ple hatover. This d too ad between gliduldtalid the Shbobo'noom nouiddy. price Of r I I.. I . . I . . . country, it is impossible for farmero and work. How differently the starch ainnUfadt lures Ld � biall modicitke dealers. , . Said .. . � 0. . . . . I � , $. VAS 4 0 LdVELY . L � t I hair fello� citizens ail exotbitalit1trioe, . SOL Canada had rids6d t6a, restrictions *on and, safe remo4y ?or kemalo and Obstrud. . - 1: . I 1. � . Amailcanoattle. .NV ell newt that is very kind flonso from any chase whatetbr, and Although A po,ffl'or- , an The last - oIAuoe of the aboVe paragraph in tal remedy, It contains nothing hurtful 11ATS'' d 13ONNATS FOR, of Canada. It shows a liberal spirit in #,a. tution. To marrAd f6tho do HEAAV HARDWAA101me, � I is I act true, for, although a high duty is levied coidailce, we napp000, with the change of 9 v. will, fit a Allen fluid, bring on the toonthl It L I I . . .1 . . . � .. I I L. I I I .upon All 1101POttAtIono of English, goods, a ornment in ilia old eouhtry but the' real fact regularity. III all tiaes binettoub And spinal affeatiolf, . .i . ,,OKPORLADIE TOUAItP:,SELEOTI0x'g-'VaOJW. * 6 -Mbs6uls choice with Palo' ""'back and limbs;boavinego, fatigue oft ought "hintss* Oils, G ass9 & , .. I . �J i , ,ur s fito of the matter in, it was tion. Palpitatlan of the hbart, byetatles, sick head L I I L ., I I I . I liar are Just'as usafai to caniaiiing as by a disordetad, System, those 111119 Will off,f6t A tbre I ­ . I i I L L cost of the goods boating Out of their packets, English 691yoreigits, comparatively' spenki g, When 411 Oth6t makes have failed. ,Thajo Plilshave . . L At) tv, S comv D tit, Im c pi To Ty's 0 . . BY tie enjoyment of.free trade ifthinglanil And she, At this present Moment, could 0 nalior been known to fallf Whore, tho alL roctiono on. the . . I . � I . . I � I . . .. . . , . . scheme how not Worked Wall as in SES, ,NEW YORXI 8016 rtopdot6k, I 01 and 124. . I . . . ' In foot, Canada had, her cents for Postage, bbolcmd to Northrop & Lyman, r XAll?"INS AU Z90trXD TITV A0 USA,. . . I . I I . � , the Vibolo. world 'a everything that hot P0614 rill im-Obhoornea. ANSA R161 -to .101 , " , , , - 0 4311 fej a Other normal circumstanced: I Toronto, Cut., general ItgoAto for the Dominion, Will L , . I . Action, tacitly Admitted that she It 11 TAM09 ARE 1,1MY AT Mg fjT8,9A.P ROIZSR, , I I I 1 6 MAIO or to, do; go that bar IA4 Made a too, 6f,bordolj� Probably matters will mail, B61dliiCliiitbnbyJr.H,CotnbaarlaW.1t.IV;%iii; . � .. I . . I . '. 4 vo��,43,p a .4; asibLE 1 1 K ION !1%thR1tF1 - \CIINT , show that III I lif 1, ., ` N. , ell d Brit - 11 I � � 010 L Ot 0 tain the Maximum VALtd-1 now run 6 little sinootbor, but ad the ]11, RIA11021 And F. L&sdon, Seaforth-J. I(Ja,l, aar� W910, 0WXTOXs ' : nn*ML �&., .00 I A as in secure the-noodgearlbs of life At said, ,,exuads WhUts, Old saw fftbtock; Pathk & , file And V. $0tafto, God -Job - ' I - � I olo, Watching. , . CRATIB I 10 ff , t4ml W 6 I L. I I � . '.. Am - I'll 11 I . . . . ' ' .w " -. ^ --`-—- ^ �� ^ - I N� I IV ^