The Clinton New Era, 1880-05-20, Page 7C • soros DOND1101i 11111111107. . -• HOUSE GE COMMONS'. 01..1130, May ' O. -The Speaker took the shaiie at 3.15. , ., Tint =Mega von nocomaren.. • On the.question of receiving the petition Edtamking tap seq,,bela by litr, Auseue Ph.), as member for Richelieu, that mem, her denied emphatically the accuracy of the ollegations made against him The petition . .. . . . . . . was. withdrawn, not in consequence of the ,.* denial, but owing to the impaesthility of giving it proper consideration at the present advanced stage of the session. The right to pre.aent the petition next session was reserved. • -.•. . Bootramms or oxT411,10. Mr. Dawson (Con.) presented the report of the Special Committee on the Bounds.- ries ef Ontario. ; Oaneaori comic aupen. . • , , In In answer to Mr.Robertson (Con„ Hama. ton) the Minister of Justice said it wits not the intention of the Government to take any action upon the petition of . the .ratepayers of the county Of Lambton, the present- ments of the grand jurors of -the county, and the motions of the County Council, asking to -have a committee appointed to inquire into the conduct of *Judge Robinson, County Court judge of. the county of Lambton. .•" - • second reading ttettabwilla Ispgretierfir the dental railway. Ile explained that the hill was intended to remove .certain legal doubts as to the right of the Quebec Government to . , . control this line of railway Mr. Blake (Li).) objected to the reading of this bill. He had received a letter from . a well-known advocate in the provinceioa Quebec setting forth, that this bill would interfere with. the rights of pa had claims against tins railwityrbiyestrwanhso- furring it to the areysame of Quebec, and there being no petition of right in that province, the Local. Government could not Oa proceeded a,gainst. "The Miniater said that he had been quite aware that if this point of order be raised it must prevail. He regretted that the point had been taken and that the bill must be daepped. The bill was withdrawn. - . , • • The following bills were finally passed : ' An act to make better provision respect- . farOxe navigation of Canadian"waters. , . An act to ratify and chnfirm. a ceroaan agreement therein mentioned between the Government of Corrado. and the,cana,da , Central Railway Company. An act, to amend the act respecting the Trinity Heuse and Harbor Commissioners of Montreal. ,An act to confirm a certain, order of the al. ......overninent .in Council respeotiog • the graving deck at-Esquimalt. - - •• - - •-• - • ' POUINXON 1141•WAY .nianS. The House went into committee on. the • istg:iniugre w.11,tgrrbuilcaltafro-oltiaAaringetoTtlX.i euties. 'rise evaeneets of a ieeererY from the 10110- - continuee. state of deprealon: to wbieh. I alluded at the beginning of the melon aro, I om igad t° believe, steadily accumulating, and we may, I trust look 'forward with aome confidence Ito P. prosperous year. The moistures relating to banking and. the cur- noisy and to tbe amencliaaent of 'the tariff, with the other laws passed this seSSLOU will, I 3491,0i aide the promotion of the aati631/40a pros.- .ill. valuable et •ra large immigration of able settlers into the Northwest, in Aden I thee ventured to indulge, appear froiathe latest inaoarioar he fullrealized. , t_ Tile Fat 9! 1•Tortowess werritores better organizer tof be i , for the amen* ou of the Dominion Lands Act and for the more efficient Management of Indian affairs must tend greatly t _ ogtohne advantage of that vast and interesting , e . x The measure for the pOnsoltdation of the laws concerning the inland revenue and other import- outwits roustingto the public interests na Dee won adapted to promote those interests. aelamtenlof the House of oommons : I t/aank yoo in her WOWS na030 for the sup- plies you have so liberally granted. - , I trust that the vigorous efforts made to settle the maul lands of the Northwest en their reser- "tie", win diminish in tho future the cane made on the public treasury -for aid to so,ve thew from starvation. .Tionorabio Geattemen. of the Sends't, • a • Gentiontes of the Howe cs,' COrMa0718; . 7 . Tile appropriationo made will enable my GOV' eminent steadily -to prosecute the 'construction of the canadian Pacific railwayend to hastenthe our canal system,ti comeastiomea,_ In -bidding you forevion i desire 0 apaess my oarnost desire for your happiness and prosperity in your several homes • . • ' • SCOT VII .COMT111.114 -- rov, Ian smellie, probationer, hair re. Ceived a linalainiffils call to the South street U. P. church, Elgin. - The Rev. Aaidrew Miller, Dumfries, has been, unanimously elected minister of , ....L. ,. , • , • ..aneuerasor puma Mr. Winn'lloble, a we/I-known merchant Fraserborgli, lost his life on the 17th ult. by falling from his pony, Contain hUlne Homo actina urion the .-• . . . P . * A' . a.d.w. 00 of his Medical odomers has left ,Davis, Paxton House for the south of France. .r.,_ AP is rurnored that the Rev. Won. Barri, of Sedburgh, Will be nominated as the coming moderator of the U. P. Synod. Bev. John McQueen, minister of the -Free church at Kirkmichael, died on the 18th ult., t the f 5a , u ., a 0 age 0 ,.) years. The death is announced, of Mr, Alexander Grant, formerly printer and publisher of ' Y 're Express, which occurred. oh tSljnenAdiiyr,Stilhl e 18th ult. .. . A. company has been registered in Lori- P a., o • ., , awl as. don with, a ca 't 1 f R.110 000 h . purchased the whole of" •the Carand llotei buildings in Glasgow. ' ' . .,.. ' ' • • -ear. j. H. A. Macdonald, the Solicitor- General, has been appointed sheriff of „ an succession o t. o er Perthshire ' - t M R b t . ere, who as been o e. L'h•b-elevatedt thbench' The marriage of Sir William Maxwell, Bart., of Balderwood, and Miss Jane Baird, mum namiumolv poraccmtrusau, . ladders*** at ida Trial ulna Nentelum.... weapala ateaaaam am wa,„,4pa„ah$, ,,,,,„ The Chicago News givea. the Inamong interesting account of the conclusion ef am trial of Davie, the polygamist, formerly a hat "take ter in this city, brad reference to 'whose, sentence was made in IPA night% TIMES: The state's attorney divided his address into three parts: Clarence E. 3?avis, the Erisoner at the bar, was a moral bigamist • l bigamist; . , , .. „„, e was a legal • and Clarence ri. D • F ''''ir it• -• • ran and .e . . Dry Davis wereguilty of the most heartless conspiracy to ruin two poor. women. andasave one scoundrel.. Mr, Mills said Davis woe a confessed moral •• - •• bigamist The defence admitted •it. Ile - married the girl . B. M. Strong in Oda, country, desertedthe girlitung her trustful heart t h'miserable feet,d a her an became a. fugitive trona justice in Canada. • In May, 1864 in the eit of Hamilton he met mar I , • Y. ,. - Y Ann madigan, a farmer's daughter, took her from the smiling fields and led her to the altar ,swearing in the presence of the _ Al ' he th t li - ' mig y . a e was never inarriect before, and became her husband, . 0 jury cou open. e Would . that atii ' could the Portals„ and look into the - cavitY • where should he the heart of Clarence B. Davis. 71,f M'll t t ' that Davis'lived r. i s••wen on o say. but a short few days, -with Miss Madigan. ' - • • In 1871 he met Maggie Vandecao an Water- ford, Saratoga county, alay. She was but 14 years of age and was living under the roof tree of her girlhood's affection, - Davis' Placed his iron heel upon the heart of this. girl, 14, the serpent's kiss upon her fair young cheek. For ten long years Maggie Vandecarlived as the wife of •Davis,thared his griefs and 'became a -mother ler him. In is1879 Davie wedded the Quincy •girl. Thwes all confessed. and cronstituted the. bigamy. Mr. Mills . . lUnwilling to Olve up If!ter 01(ouvu. IA -Philadelphia lady refused to vaeL0,1 her home to make Way for a projected eleaatial railooaa, and the housb was pulled flown about her ears on Monday and Totaia Y- Instructions were -given the worlarta'ai care to prevent injuoy to her ,eavialo' a: family, ma a carriage wasIKept at thi 'aye •to Wire them away -if she otheented'.4. A 4 the afternoon wore on, the workui al eta gagea in demolishing the . house ‘o.lacto d t the r'. . nearer an nearer o e occupai, ,--- rb ' ' • woman, four children and a rasa. At . 4,80 p. in; ate telmle . a the froot 1 and back walls, to the gr d, had la a : removed' and the floor of the third .1...:4 . d b • a b • -•-. was rmpe up, t rowmg showers o ploaitaa h • la • - on t arta+ in t " "a" - a Pecond story, who C0111 -A be seen from the street, the woman CU 3, rocking -chair, the man sitting on a. bed, awl the children on chairs. At. this time there was a, pause ha th k d ' `l• , . . e wor , an - apparom Jr the contractor was. consultiog what to da next, An order was given, and six urns seized a bedstead with a, bed 't 1 ' • on i and • d - ;ore it to the beak yard. Still the woruito. and children • remained. Next, the earpot under their feet was pulled up and thr: Nan - ' out, and the laborers commenced tear -- ing up the . floor of the room. :Mar tuntil the had- wen on e partyonly a riarrrew" strip -on. which to rest. The crowd out sia,:, la d apparen ,y, a no ;sympathy with the, woman and jeered whenever she /nada a movet ' 'd fallingplaster,r• .. ' . o awn inial.3, pa the clock struck 5 the - 'and I . , e womanler vi family concluded to move, and, s a 1.1 front stairway bad, been torn away, they: made an exit through the rear yard. The, crowd dispersed, but up to 4 o'clock two IA the daughters remained seated on. chaa' in the brick yaid watching a bedstead, and indulging in bitter .renaarks,on. the wl,ults proceeding. •••• . posnancev oaths aca. The House went into • committee on the hill to amend' the Dominion Lando At, 1.879, and, at the suggestion of Mr. Blake (Lib.), made an amendment providing that • all regulittions for the disposal of coal or other mineral lands in the Northwest shall, besides being properly' advirtised in the • Canada Gazette, be 'submitted to Parlia- ment for thirty days • for the approval of both Howes. . • . . . - In reply to' a eoggestion. ,by Sir •Richard Cartwright (Lib.), the Premier stated that . resolutions declaring . the expediency of sub- atituting certain resolutious for the 7th of the series relating to the Pacific, railway adopted last 3:ear. The' proposed resolu- . . tions appropriate one. hundred million acres of land.. an Manitoba and, the North, weetTeroitaries, the revenue resulting from • • the -sole of -which will be utilized m defray. •ing the cost of constructing the road. A.short debate ensued, during wIlich the . Premier•stated on the authority of officers in his department that there were,exausive •Columbioandatheland . youngest daughter of Mr. Frank Baird, CANADA's rasa -10'00». entlial_PLY. took place, at 20 BeIhayea terrace, Glas- I tin Statist' a for'1$19-8 gow, on'the 28th ult. , . . „___eres Ili • . g • . ...- "'cc" Of A eouple of memorial windows havebeen latederdruee in the Dominion, ,.. fitted up in the ".51bey-close U. P. church, Every' one will be .glad to learn faorn the. Paisley, They.- are placed. orie on eaoh annual* report 'of the •Cotnraissioner of side of the pulnit, They have . 13 een pro- ' Fisheries for the year 1879, that the 'total vided by Mr, Sohn:Brown, of aThrushcraig. .value of the productions of the fisheries a ri, . 'has . • . r. or who e ta spend. 4.he Rev. D St" Canada, alone in that year was $18 529 21-4 • • . 3`,a 4to- . . - , ., , 0 , mg some of the winter and spring: months as against 413,215,678 in, the. year . preced. in the south of France to regain stre.ngth tug, being an increase .48313,576: . • after his late severe illness has returned to . . ' ' • moral now proceeded show the 'deannable conspiracy A London Wedding, ., . rs e race ever - 0 . f th • h th H t d o e ro .. e . . . , Y n Saturday last at 3 o'clock in. the foot of ground covered by the brothera from - , • - the; - a • " • Chapel Royal, 'Whitehall, the Hon. 1.11;:aa t1114.011at 4. first ireParne evident that _ bethEyelyn. Harberdwas married to Lora the prisoner hadat p,rospect of punishment mama le . Hastings in the presence of 4 dist' & ' I cl for his • eit r s fiendish dee , Mr. Mills concluded company of friends, ',including the Priach by saying that the punishment fixed for Princess of Wales, Frincess Mary, and bigamy . y was only five years in the state's • e a es \Ws es the Doke of Teck, Th. b .d , dress'• 'i prison a He was sorry it was not grecalek - a of white satin the surface sprinkled with he prisoner was a. three -fold murderer,. ' - • . as t . ... round dots, covered with _tulle, , and tri ri- That be should be duly punished was con- med.. wifla...fallingafringes. of orange Mos-. ihred by. all that was sacred, in. the ties of some. Her veil was of ,Meehlin lithe-;.einall motheo, wife and sisterhood. • During Ittr. .in size, and was fastened to her hair by a. Mills' speech the three alleged. wives Pett diamond butterfly,LadySuffi ld' 'ft I"- • , .. . e s gift . .t.o. , near by. ' • . . . ' • astlaer ornaments were a pearl and diamond Davis at intervals wept. • When he did. , necklace, pearl and diamond bracelet, and so, the state's attorney was careful to say a diamond- and cat's-eye bracelet, the gifts that his tears were not those of sorrow for of the bridegroom. The , five (sisters of the those bleeding Hearts, but because be. bad. bride and the bridgegroom's sister acted as :been caught at. last -. • • • "bridesmaida. Their dresses were Of white, The jury returned after a short absence, crepe, their hats white velvet Es4;11 bringing in a verdict of guilty and assessing bridesmaid carried a bouquet of Mardial. the punishment at five. years in the'. pent- Neil roses tied •to ' ' d 1 •gether with re and, bile tentiary end 41,000 fine.. . • ribboias Princesses Louiae, Victoria and The ploy were out hardly more than an • Maud, daughters of the Prince and Pamirs "ad av hour an ere detained in • agreein,g•upon of Wales, •2 .' ' .' wore present, as also imaeaa the . exact amount of. - the,- fine . to . be ina-daughter of Princess Mary' end posedy--• They-fixedlisterni-et five -years on the Duke of ' Teck. Th bride's• ' The travelling the first ballot The imprisonment aild Rae dress was of fawn colored ca. hmo ori-t, f al 000 th t lt • : t d o , were q ex rerne•pena y exec e hat and muff of the *Same. -The ceremony by the lava . vra,s very: long, owing' to ' the. quantity of Th'e prisoner a'nd his °M'in'. v•• ed th• e music e- d received . , much surprise . . . ... . , • he favorably•entertained the proposal' that a portion of the coal measures should be reserved &refuel purposes on the .Govern- meat railways and he further stated that Government would not dispose of any coal lands during the :current year. . • • ---Mr,Mills.:(Lib,-)-90iuted.ont...that-byla, ting a royalty on ,coal- the . Government would increase the - cost. of coal, and thus. hinder to e, material extent the Settlement of the NorthWeet.- • a of- the:tin' British- known as the raortherai section of the Mon-• tana desert, -whiela.however, Prof. Mamma thought 'was fit for settleneent, no less than:said 220; million acres of fertile land in the , Nortliwest Territories. . Mara Blake said this announcement wee Very ealfiliallierlaut-it "-ditriaortidabad" with the statement made by the Minister of Railways, that there were only one bun- died and million acres of land there a • . . • ' • This led to by Sir Charles thothernia nr ruffians& ' "aoseiteath .-. • • ' - - •-• • The. following 'comparative statement • 'CharlesHughes' died t N ton -Stewart ,ta ew f . shows the. value of the Itch bprovinces: the or y on , e 1th nit, from .the effects o falling . . • •I'aav.twnes• . ,, ' -with. into a bonfire which was kindled tecelea 1878. . 1870brate the return of Sir II Maxwell as mem- . at eta $ . ets. ber for WigtoWnshire, z,,, RatiVaq-SgatiA...... .... . 6,131,599. 64 •I 5,^5'1,936 20 . ' . ' - Now nrunswier .. ' ... 005,7,0 69 - 451,72,2• 254, - The conimandebt the missing -training Quebec • • W164,055 SO ' • 2,320,395 0 'ship, Atalanta, .is Captain Stirling, • of • Aco award Island.640,344 22 1,402,301 40 ravonside House, near Linlithgow, Eb ?Tad% • sea= to: • 367,93.300 Min r gentleman generally loved and:esteemed in iaritish come:Ibis- ... 925,760 98 6,91,766 64 • .. , ' . ' • •. • • - the district. • • ... • Mr. Bannerman (Con.) asked if 'this bill araexplanetion was intended to deal with parties who had Tupper and after -further discussion the in thes,e reported. the resolution. • • : \ Total . , 13,215,678 iia 13,529,254 91 Sir Wm Vernon Harcourt has co/Merited 13 215 678 83 ., . . 7 ' . ' ' . ' to become It Liberal candidate Ifor the Lord already acquired, rights coal re- On gions. One, company to his own knowledge On the gnestion of concurrence air. Blake had spent $15,000, and had taken out coal . inoved an amendment -that -the teatort be which they had ready for sale .• . .• . referred back to the committee with in- The Premier Salk of coarse it was . net .structions to amend the same by adding a intended to interfere with rights acquired clause declariug that the sales' of all rail- under the• old act. 'The bill was reported, way *lends shall be on the condition. of read it third time and passed. . actual settlement. The amendment was a • • negatived on a vote of 25 yeas and 76 nays. . oasammowes To NArroATION. ' • Ti solut'ons then 'concurred' .• On the question of considering the amend- le re .1. . were enin on _the same division.Victoria, • Inerease ....„ 313,576 os Rectorship of Edinburgh University. Itis . araaorra'noir.or, 1 OETATION" or nen. . rumored that the Conservatives intend' to bring. forwaad . Lord George, Hamilton, compiledfrom the trade re- ad.as.. . . - . Statements•. ' • 'Chiba, • • turns show that the value of. fish exported. .. . • • . '. ' - • • • during the fiscal year ended 30th June, .A. marriage will take place soon -between . Frederick.. Gordon Blear, captain lath 18.79,.waa 47,072,203, against 46,929,366 in a - . - ' L ' d 11I' 11 • 1878, being an increase of 4142,837. For queen s ancers, an iss ary asairo, al' d d ht . * f th 1' W B1 ' f• the half,year.ended. 31st December; 1879;• ' ir aug, er o , o ate ma a, o the f fib ' td. amounted to Elie and Rosemount. ' . .. . . ue o s expor o . . o • • . • - 'dining Hopere:111.. has•assumed• menna•-de-by-the .Senatir-tarthe bill . entitled' An Act to amend the Law respect- : arm guano iterawaoa . ' • '. ing the Removal of Obstructions ha NaVi-• •• On motion by the Minister of . Rctihvaysa ga,ble Waters • by. Wreeksa . Mr. langers.: 'the Howie approved,of the centred. .for the• .(Con.) obj'ected to thebill on the ground construction of the second 100, mi'e section that it would impose great hardships upon of the Canada Pacific railway west of Win , ship -owners. It made the owner of a yes- nipeg. He-saidthe maximum grade running sel responsible to the Goirernnient for . eastward wool:1311ot exceed 52 feet per mile, raising the hull of the wrecked ve.ssel *Sinn if and.very..little more than that w.es,terlya_. the remains: of the wreck were sufficient to ' . . ,p,tivatA wow,. d, • • • • 44,197,322--a -porno(' -4-1;846,506 the .. -Major,General same period an 1878.. Of the amount en command command of the, North British 'dietrict, ported duting.the fiscal:areal' 18'79 G t ColoneiBtiller; it, C. C Ili C M G bei g , rea , , ., . . a n Batain took 41,535 23T worth ' the United assistant adjutant -general. ; . and Captain S•tates., 42,001,679. ; flat'•e. •British• -W'est de La.neey71st, Highland Light Infantry, Indiesa1,413 938, Spanish West Indies, temporary aide- e-oep .$9a4,0.69. . Tile smallest value in exports- A Correspondent has proposed that the tioit wa,a 002, to tAo Canaay ialands.. Far • Liberals af saatimaa at came oomnionaorato away Australia took 451 381 -worth, and in an en•duri•ng • .form' 'not only' M .. Glad' •SaAdwicbdilancls,.$4,160. During the sitine stone's victory in Mid Lothian hut the verdictwith . Thedefeuce claim that the.verdiet will . London World: . 'Were it net " that be set aside and.will ask at omelet a now foolishness is 8.8 infections as • typhoidathe trial ' presence of so manyasses among us wbnia. ' • little But as one fool give us concern. ' ' -Jbli-ra-Sliart-thaamillieraititeatlairailieidnal- -makes Timmy Eso-deee ane ass valiatmalds" 'near' Cincinnati . am other day, was a form of aduicy, ,become '-the nucleus and. , • . regular. woman hater, took all • means to rallying, point fot a number 'of hie kind, avoid females, never epoketp.onennless he. Assishness, in this respect, . becomes a could not escape it; andF yatis,so eveii, in his „positive nuisance and. ean ...only lie licalt ,thildhoetl., . No wench*, 'lie felt toe lonely; With'elfectively b4, Such strong measures aa it, 'live, -: • ' ' • • - -• • • - • ' ••' ''. ' ' - ..•.-- .--' recommended - - • 1-'• ' - .; '• ,..... ... SolomonOgee ago. . , • - - • ' • ,.......,-,..-aa.„„.„.......a, ..pay..theexpensetofreinovingtheobstruction.,—.....-: ..kne rinfidelliiiiaTerlhblieTtlie Vend- After considerable dismission, participated i ad' ' f theS ' 1 BT. • • • ' in. by the Premier •and Messrs Blake (Lib.); eli/14 oC lbIII Y' • • • himselfStatescontributed'' the Minister of MariaMaDoull .(Con) and ailed • . ra °olb a a ,ora) : ay , - of this opportunity to direct the House's Anglin- (Lib.), Mr. Angers miffed:en amend- attention to the • o *mod construction of . ment to the effect that if VA inexpedient ty. -P„.• ,„.,.,' 0, „..„„fE14 • • tt ' d:: t.. t . to concur in the amendments owing to tile a-1-•'• 1-'11:"4---t—i-ir - . . en ere . Ben math is advancedadage of the session which Was .a717 P .0. °,80h°41° and agalnnt tle BD cation of the Monroe doctrine hi the• negatived on a division* 'Tile amendments a -P.' , . • • • . . .• 4 • , •• undertalimg.. • .,- ....,...• - .... .. - ... .• . Were then concurredin. • • .• " ' • ' • • . .. ..„ . . The Premier expressed thatf Perioda0anada---importedly-61:392;942 tomnipli tfiroughairthe country of Litherai worth, .and, of this amount . the United•."-principles,b -statueraised by shilling'. , . , , .y a ••,, . . 058 640 ' .• .. , ., ana subscriptions to be erected in lalmborgh; worth, ' Neadoundland 44'07,31‘ worth--,Compatoing ' .. • • ' •. . • '• • • .: • ,, aeaoly the wbolei importation. ' - • . • . . ,Sir. Robert• mid, Lady. Moncrieffe„ who '' - - • • were married in London. the ..Other . day, . . ... InserctiLvuan .,n,.t. canaaa.. -..,,.- ,. . :arrived in. Monerieffe Olt the 15th lilt.' On • . From the annual .report - of . Mr .• Samuel alighting amid the •custOrnaey - Shower of . Wilmot, the superintendent ef the . several rice they were welcomed' by Lady Louisa •breeding establishments in the Dominion, 'Monerieffe;• 'mother of' Sir Robert, Miss . ' the following information 'n • 'la . - .. / • ---- . ' . ' - aaia ci . ,,,a , . , to 4 ‘? s a • ...a • „a, eti7 '4 q! 4 '11' -. t,,,D, . ? . , 4, 4, i -: 't,." - 9) a •. . - 0 ' 1 • 1 • . c a • ' '• ' a„ '. • J r ?.. ?. ( 1...1. w. ,p,., . • " 'Ttt 464 . - . 11S I tiAA , V - - ,z.,..... • to.t.1 . ')L - '• ',!4•$/r" .e t6.1 / 1., - - .satisfaction warped tiara ' .:- ' . the matter had 'been brought before the The House went into Committee on. the attention of Parliament and disputed the • bill entitled" An 0.0t. to amend • • An act contention that the Monroe doctrine had relating to banks and banking,' and to con-. . any application to commercial undertakings tinue for a limited tinae . theachartere•of su•ch' as the prissent. As in the case of the certain banks to which the mild act appliee,'., Suez. danal, no doubt the general consensus The Finance Minister moved An:amend- of opinion' 'among the nations .of the.world meat to • provide. that 'Warehouse receipts , would make this canal, if it . were. built; a arid bills of Lading should be received by free passage even in time of war. He had banks as security only for previously con-, eo doubt this subject would. attract the treated. debte. Agreedte.. •• - • attention of the imperial authorities and Mr. Kirkpatrick (Con) said certain indi- the discussions which had taken ..place in viduale throughciut the., country had been this House and in the Other branch of the assuming the corpbrate name of ., bank.' Legislature i would set forth. clearly the There was one called the' Bank of New. ,opinioos.cf the people of Canada ' upon alXS . Hamburg,' • and • another the ' Richelien most vital qUestion. ' ' • ' ' ' • • . • ' Bank:' The only intention ;Such. institu, -.make' amaaltir x• • • ' '. • ax,Azna AND Tan rjeTiol4L tions could have was to mislead the pulalie.. • • • -.. n . . • a • ..- a . • • . , - mama . • • ., • . 'He .nioved That after the last of Slily, 1.880,• • • . o Minister of Marine wearied --the any person, •firm or *company assuming or Ea •III use with a - long disquisition .upon e using' the ' title of bank without being au- anti‘ . .af .• .. • -tam petition presented from Prince thorized by this act or Borne othea DA' shall- Eda• • war as an , and thane t lat t ley ex-' be guilty Of a misdemeanor.' •• Agreed to, • pressed dissatisfaction'-' t• 11 '-- v a a with the and the bill as anianded toad third -Unite - any i - 7 • • • .„., and pasised. . • . •• . • • Government capelacy. y orthe passt year Monceieffe MrMalcolm Al •• ' • ; ...'" • - - • . • • ,_ , o en fie, etc.. 'is gleaned. Theyoune fry planted in the TWeInvertess-sians have .been honored' t ' • • - '''• of Canada last spring,, through the '. • • ' • 7a 91r5 : f -•artificial, • '- - - in being apponated Fellows of the Uni-• •Ineanta o . propagation, numbered vereity of .Caleutta. - The are the . Bey. twenty one ...millions' _six. hundred and • K. S. Macdonald, Free Chuich missionary, 'even- • • hundred • • • • er6ty-fouor thou. send: ". .s a . ( , 84,70 ),. and the , 'ego! laid aoWn last Calcotta, and G. R, Aboeigh Mathay, ' pro, • . . autumn bv the Samenrocess anniunted to •tessor in oneof .the Governuient Milleges in twenty 1. 1 t • • •••• - ' - • • • Bengal. • • . • • •• . • onsandsevent -nmethou- • • • • .' . . • do-eig i milh, v .• ' I • Tl friendsof .Stewart, The many o . Peter 0 000) • thus showingthe slit ass,- Ban ( 81. 79' - •1 - — •' '-f several', • ' ' f th ful natimpalation at the several. Govern-. ‚who was oryears governor o e ment fish breeding establishments in the Lig and•Beivie.plorhbuse, and who recent- Dominion of a grand total of forty nine • ly obtained the .appointment of goaernor Millions, seven hundred' and. sixtyforty • of the Old 'Mankland poorhouse, Lanark-. thousand(4a I 3 0 : • d fish *Shire, have heard of • his death with nanch . , 6 „0 0) , young fish, an ...-. -- . edas of the salmon family, during the t • " .• • ' • - . ' . - • ' ' ' . • • year surprise and• regret . . .. a . • ... . , , . of 1879 •The.particular denommatio or On the 16th lilt .while 'James • Craigie;• • . ' • ' • 11 .• - . ' • : class Of fishes to which the above 'men. plumber • Aberdeen" was working 'on the . . • • .) . , • 1 • .. tioned fey belonged -is as follows : Twelveroof of a new hydropathic establishment in millions were the whitefish (' corregonue Bath -Street' he lost balance and foil to the albus '), and the balance salmon, (salme ground, a distance -of about fifty feet, sus-. solar ' and • ' salmeartnaethystus '), 'and of taming fatal injuries. ' • ••• - . • the eggs eighteen millions' were athitefish - • • • ' ' .. • ' - 1 --'.: : :The death is. announcedet Bathe Ker, oa a.,.ahaf Peebles. ,He was about 75 years of age w5 eggs - nd upwards of ninea and • 1 - • ' - Millions were salmon ova. ' • • •••• a • for, many -years - it member of the TOwn . .... . . . ' - a t• 4• al • ' • ; • .. a — • '. ' . . . ' • ... • . ONE OF THE OLDEST AND 'MOST. RELIAELE • : a • . : , . • • 1. ,.. - 1 1 , , , 471 , ' .: a a , , la,•, A% , 1 1 • I AT , • ' „. " la a. a a ,..?.-,4*,- ''• .•'• a 114P i • Iffii t, " O. a •• ;afgra. I .r. 's 4. I . ' i ' 'tat:* ,..,: a ' -,, : i "0 • : ill •• \,,, . ' 11 1111 -a • ,c - :1a , ,1 ,,1 4 a "a 41 4/ 1 If 11 1 a ,, -- •, - Ita* II ei:' 'V - P'' • si iclt , ' ' IA r -3 ta1 .', A, 11 l ''' L' ) 1 ..? . 4 ii ,„ 41 • .. REMEDIES IN THE Wonck .FOR • . - ' • , THE CURE OF • Coughs,• Colds Hoarseness,Sore ' • '• • ' - '• .• ' • • • Throat,. Bronchitis,' Influenza,. - , ' .:Croup, Whooping Cough,- , • • Asthma ' and every.' .. . C. .. affection dial ofthe . ' ” , • . * . . .• . . I ' . including • -.. . .. • . CONSIMPTIOM . k WELL-KNOWN PHYSICIAN WRITES 'i• "It (loci not. dry.up a cough; and leave the chuse behind, as is' the case witiv niost prepavations, . but loosens it,- cleanses the lungs and allays tirri- , 'tation, thus rpnzoving the cause -of •Coraplaint.l'... . • DO NOT. BE DECEIVED by articles hearing a' similar name a . Be aura you get*Lat.„ WISTAR'S' BALSAM OF • WILD CHERRY, , wtth 'the ' signature of " I.. BUTT'S "' on the wrapper. • 50 Cents and. $1.0,0 S. Bottle. Pre- pared by•S.ETII W. Po -win & Sons, Boston, • Mass. - Sold by druggists and &dere generally., . . • . r • NANAluo-AND ascii:a/ma It/M.1M. ' . rananto eoXTBAcT. . • ; . ' . • ''• ' • - ' ' - ' . Mr. Knfus Stephenson (Con) moved con. Mr. DeComiaos (Con.) .ge,Ve a ,historical eurrence in. the report of • the Printing • Wretch' of the; Monroe clOptrine, and after, . , wards addressed the House relative to the Committee.recommending that . the con- tract with ' McLean ' Roder & Co • be construction of the Esquinaalt •*.fe•Natiairtro cancelled, because it was obtained, by ina- •• -- • • . . . railway. , . • • .. a .. . , ' • • • . • • ••• ' - ' Mumma statesmen ' proper practices... . • • • • • . . • ' a a • Messrs, Blake (Lib.) and Ross ' (Lib.) Mr, Blake said it' had been hie 'intention (Middlesex) contended that the report to trouble the House with a short review of signed by the chairmen (Mr. Stephenson) the work of the.session but at this hour he . I was not an accurate record of the commit, , would not detain them. Yalta :desired to ' • -tee's finding, .. and ,• . therefore, should be :offer h . few practical'':"'t hon• suggestions o. referred back taathe committee for eaneeda gentlemen opposite. : In the first place the inent-athe fact being alai the committee session began at too late . a 13erio.d. 'He hod adopted by a majority Vote the -report 'would like to see the sessions begin either of a suls-committee,' which was not included in January or early in •February. In the . in the preeent report. • • ' • - 'a" .a w•• - • next place the financial statement should The Premier and Mr; Rufus Stephen- be made earlier., Thici rieision, while they 'son denied that the report of the sub;•, met on 'the 12th of February the statement committee had been so adopted. ' . '. . • ' was not ' made until the 9th. of March, and Mr. B.owell; the Minister of Customs,.they did iibt get • into committee of 'supply., however had the: hpnesty to• admit th-Until the gral.of April. In the third place. truth of 'the statezneiat inadeby Mr. -Blake. Government businese ought tobeenbmitted . Mr. Ross • (Lib.), produced the minutes to the House- at an earlier period „than it of the cornmittee in, proof of hie 'assertion. was this session. Since the 29th. of April. • Mr. Patterson (Com, Essex), moved in. -that Was last week --they had read •tile amendment that the report -be ago•aktereda secendlime 'twenty,'six- Government bills. ' as to provide fey awarding the con rite to of greater or•leps impcirtance; all ot Wlijcla Mr. Patriek Boyle.. , • . ".- . 1' . • nad become law, and onlY-three•••of whibly Mr. Blake (Lib.) aieitte'a attontion to wore suaceptible of any prior discussion. the necessity pf haVing a eorrect report of This Wag converting the• •Houseptactically the committee bre:tight before the House,and hato a b.ody f& registeringthe 'news of hon. urged the importance of makingmainline- gentlemen opposite. , He hoped .0, reform to ditto reference to the committee a would- be made in these respects nest ses- ' The Premier refused to yield the point'. sion. He suggested that greater permaa so Mr. Blake raised •the question as to ,nenco be given to the Standing Orders and, whether the original nuition., Wes in order, Public Accounts Comrciitteea in order: to. no notioe.having been given. . a 'promote aprivate bill legislation and the Mr. Speaker ruled the objection fatal and -limper examination Of the public eccounts, the matter dropped. . • , Premier briefly noticed some of the • ianlAtt LAWs.. • objections takeri. . Further remarks Were Made 'by Sir Richard Cartwright, the Pre- , aMinistero a T10 , .. • . . The Premier, of f th ffinto ' i, moved that the bill to .amend ali 0011,10).i. . arid Mo. Anglin. .. .. • The Supply Bill 'then passed the trial Th :late the laws 'respecting Indians be, read - a . • - • - • • • stage, (hid the repeat •of the Hanaard Com, *Second time. .. : • , , • . mittee ,app g p t g . . M. Paterson(Lib., Brant) urged upon • ointin the re or in 'Staff for the Premier the neceoaity -of delaying the I Bowdon was adopted; • • ..in consideration °fails bill nail next tossiona • TIM Premier itioVed that the House meet as it area impossible that tow. the,question again at 11 a. in. on Friday, lae could not . state positivelY Whether Parliament would • could get a Rill and fair disetassion. ' .. The debate was resumed after mese by be 'prorogued on Ii`rida,y afternoon or Satua- Mesers. White (a011if liastings)4 Elemieg day. The motion wan carried, and the House Z50 ' '. , . Council, and •a, magistrate,. the duties of '. he iivaeityof theAthetioan charaCter '' whi li ffice• ' • • oh . d e • fai . 11 .- , T . . , le illustrated in.... an , incident ' .. that and conscientibusly. :He Was also for years occurred to Mr. G. A..Sala.. during: a west- , a member of the kirk session. of the Parish 4 In the' smoker,' church • • ern railway trip. He says.:,, , . . . . • . . a . .,,- • between Chicago and Cedar Rapids,••2Was M Robert • sheriff f a a . , .. .. .. .. • r.. -Lee,. advocate, shen • o . artner ' and offered a ' plug • addressed as p. • g •Perthshire, ;his been appointed to . the o ter ac er by a gaunt , youth Of 19; with • • - t f b k ' ' judgeship in he Court of'Session,vacant by an , lay -co ore mr,dw ose coarse ontAi I' kl -1-dh• h '' h 7 the 'depth. of . Lord -Heaves. •The learned spun coat 'vest, .re flannel under shirt gentleman is a Ben of the late Bey:- Princi- ever:shirthe. had done-misshappen felt • • - • ' ' • • • • 8 pal Lee, and was called to the bar an 185 . - ' .' - -- • ' hat' and pantaloons tucked Into boots knee '-• ' M John Stirling;bretired' from':- Oa high bespoke him to be . a rough of the • r. as • e • 1. He was • • governorship . Of the. Duke street prison, aogn H • •nothing whatever of the g kind s'Hil t f the''. Glasgow. Although it has not been finally. fnha state, was1(111., gra up, e o university he m isr..Christie, a :taken, highhonors in. t fixed,tl •probability'• that M '- o is. 'department of mineralogy, and now on of the Edinburgh jail; will be Mr. Stirling's, his way far ;west with view to 'prospect successor. In this . way Mr. •Buglas, of • • ' • - a ,. - ih• ,h• . - .. •-..-. -••. „DundeeriVill-remove to Edinburgh; andMr, nag .aroon • in 0. ming regions'.. . a present m e *pro- Rutlidge, t. t - Aberdeen,b • • The. Pullman Car ',Company have •now mote& to Pundee. Mr. Stirling has received announeed that they-haVe , deternained upon a retiring allowance 4630 . ' per annum.. building. their•new works .a,t••South 'tensing- • . „ . • , , . • ton, hear Chicago. .These werks will uta: • Sir George H. SCott Douglas Is' submit 'be- detthtedly•be the finest on the contin'ent lembaOk for South Africa, to &Ninth exeou.... and in commetion-withathean will be °stab- :tion, now that h'e is released froin•publie lished •it 'paper car-wheeI manufactory. 'duty, onintention he lure for eonaetime had The cornbined Works will dos% ab00.1,1,200;- of visiting; at the first oppeatlinity, the spot 00Q, and give to 2,000 skilled whore his =Oh loved and . gallant son • wOrkineu. In connection with the mann- •Lienteriant. Jame e Henry . Scott Douglas.. factories between .300 and 400 handsffine • . Iloyal Scots Fusiliers, mets soldier's death twestory brick .cottages Will tai erected t. near Kwilyinagwasit, and also of • haVing a also,. a finehotel. . The toWn Will•he kneven memorial stone placea.. °Yee . hie a son's as,?ullinan.',The. great Corliss Centennial grave. . . • engine g w ill d rive the machinoiy. . • • . The monument subscribed by the mom : Whoa the train- on the Hudson Elver 'bergof the . Scheel wynd congregation,1' railroad Which leaved Poughkeepsie at 7.35 Dandeer, has now been Placed over the P. m. reathed Peekskill on Thursday burial . place of George Gilfillanin Balgaya. evening the engineet, • discovered • a 'fine :cemetery. The site is both commanding. heifer held fast on the cow -catcher between and bettutiiial;and from it riplendidglinapses the bumper and the fire -bo, with the heed of the Tay on the' south; and the rugged curionaly twisted anader the britate. She hills and. quiet straths on the north,. are was aalive and weighed about five hundred obtained. . The •nacinuteent is in the form poun , clia. When gotten out she . stood up of an obelisk rises theight• . , 00 0 a of 24 feet 6 for omoment and 'stupidly gazed. about as inches, and measures at the base 6 feet th h -•dd 1. ' • d f 1- a ' - . / ..... • . • . oug an en y rouse . . min B eop art equate. .• t. is of Aberdeen granite. . Its then -tumbled over: The oondtiotor said inscription is as folloWs • • George Gilfillati that - his'. live : ' ' ' ' • h'' ' • - ' - ' " ' twenty. years experlence e critic poet and divine. Born .at Comrie, h d f ' ' 'I ' ' 'd • t • never • ea?: o a mmi or inci on . . • .50th January, 1813 i died at Breehin, igth . Statistics sity that therettra about 1,700 August.1878. • 42. years nainister of Scheel female authors in Franco. . Two-thirds of wynd U. P. church, Dundee. In oateful .. 'them are natives of the provinces, and one-. and loving remembrance, the congregation third of Paris. Of that,' born in' the have erected this monument. a:majority come from the south. ° • • . : ' ' ' .. : - . • .. •'-= . • . ' 0.' ,v1 , ' - aaa" a , .....,7 - laaa, a-..=--. , ,--4 ,Ig ..a.4.- • --• e,ir . . ,, , . , ,,,;, -,L -P,• arrif 11 . . t r. '''‘ , ... . 4- - - - - „at — _ _ ,- I. --•=-' • _ T . d iv) . ' • • , • . a • a , ,:s i' 't,;‘ a " , 4 l',!t, k `IA l' .o.,S.0.11,0 iy ! ' ..!-• • -, ' ''• , , .. . " ' • . .,. •• . a a .% 0 1 (, ala4 Ca: A.• .•• 4 ' Virg Iv • .., v , in ‘" ` '' lim'i • ,..‘,W t ).. , • - , 4 '''' ./•4••,. •-• 1t 4'4, .41„,.. , • ' ila.,,P.- ' V" -.'(•. • i ., %54.,, !„,.- • A Ppotected Solution of the Protoside of Iron, as easily digested- and assimilated avith the Is • blood as the. simplest .foed.. When fffe blood does not contain the,uthal quantity of Iron, the • deficiency. can be. supplied, by the use of the P.S.1211 VIAN S YR UP. -It Cures a " thousand ills" simply by TONiNG Ur, ImobitArixo, and VITAnTEING the system. Theenrichedand „ vitalized. blood 'permeates every part of the • body, repairing daniages .arid, ,waste,' smirching .oPt Morbid secretions, and leaving nothing for disease to feed lipOn... This IS the secret of the wonderful succeseof this. remedy in Ottring 4 Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint; Boils, . Dropsy, Chronic Diarrhoea, • NOIVOtIS AfftletiOnS Female ' . . p COmpleints: . a F And all diaeivres Originating in a bad state of the bloed, Or acCompaniedl* 'debility, or a Iew state of the systere. . . , . . - CAUTION. -BO sure you get the "PE- 2? trigitlf SYRUP:* Sold by druggists gener- ally. Pamphlets sent free to any address by Suttt W. Font & Nom, Proptietbra,.86 liar. rlion -Avenue, Boston, Mass. (Lib.), Mills (Lib.), DO/1711011 (COM) and adjourned at a. re, Casey (Lib.), all,of whom favored removing OTTAWA, May 7, -To -day at 4 o'clock the Indians in Ontario from the State His Excellency the Governor.Ooneral pro,, tutelage in Which the present bill proposed °ceded in state to the Parliament buildings to confirm thorn. ;00 bin. was read., the was pleased to prorogue the second second time, and after'. considerable die -1 session of the 'fourth Parliament with the eussion passed through oommittee, andwas following roaa t)3.0 third time. . . . Bonen .:' - ' a ' 011E138'0, 1,10nTEEIT., OTTAWA AND OCC/DEITTAT. ccunuyabie °mamma of the Senate : alltr,WAY. - f Gentlemen, Of the E011.96 of Connnone: . . • in reloabing. you from your attenuanto in pit,. Time Minister of joetice moved. the iloseont T. ilegittl tO offer nrittlitilik8401. th8 etLyn provinces .---..-.....-- tors out of -the 1 /00 wate About 1,000 WE , 'My dear ' mild a fond father to a three- novels or *Aeries. for the yeueg, while 20.0._' -yeavold its' lie entered the nurser 'you aro pots,. and 150 devote themselves till , ., , e e y,‘.., oducatiOnal Weil& .. have a hale sister baby.' ' Oh, lot nao ran and toil mamma,' was the quiek demand of The *salt bed itt Petrone; appears to. be ,th h b la e appy rot et: . • .ptactieallat inexhaustible, as drilling has • . . just beert• • stopped MI Mrainglehert's Salt ' Throe. young ladies are sitting tor their well at a 'depth of 1,505 feet, the. last 40 degree of B.A. at the University,. examine,- fet being solid salt This makes 237 feet tions in 'Toronto.. The girls think it nice 0e811 in all, and still drilling in it when to be female bachelors, and of arts, too.. work was .stopped. Yes, yes, the girls are all so artful.. . •