The Clinton New Era, 1880-05-20, Page 1AN CENTRE HURON • GENERAL, ADVERTISER, VERtillE-414011'er Anwant, in advance. I VOL: 15, 1110. 31. - grammete groffaiinaat and oiltgr Q.Davd#. MONEY TO LEND, IN LARGE 011 SMALL SUMS interefietuftfelneltaile Po:tatty, at moderate rates of Clinton, ngb0tb 1809. " 7-U • A LIST OF LANDS IN HURON FOR SALE BY .401.- the Canada Porepany may be seen at the office Of the undersigned. If. IIA.LE. Clinton, Jan. 17,1879. AA RS. WHITT, Teacher of Music, Pupils attended, '•-ILL at their own residence, it treoeseary, ,Reeidence • one door south of Mr. C. A. Hartt's, Queen Street,' Clinton, If el 15, 1880. • ID• DOWSILEY, D„ M. It, 0. S. Englend, • Physician, Surgeon, &e. Office and regidence next Molson's Bank, 12,14rket • squero. Clinton, Jan.15, /880. DR. .- APPLETON., OFFICE - At Res1407Iee ° Ontario • streot, opposite the English Chureh; Entrauce.hy Bide gate. • Clinton, Deo, 4,180. rartfi, REEVE a WILLIAMS. Office, Rattenbury Street, immedietelybehind Raneford'e book store. Office hours from 8 a.m. to.,fiirmr.. Clinton, aan.26, 1830, YOUNG, IL B., (GRADUATE OF TORONTO V • thriversityYPhysioian, Surgeon, &e., reeidenee • at Mr. Manning% three doors east of the Temperance' Hall, Londeoboro, Ont. •Londeoboro, Jane 14, 1879. •Dlt. STANTIUSY, GRADUATE OF TIIE 111EDICAL Department, of Vitoria Univernity, Toronto, for- merly of the Hospitals and Disperharies, Now York, Coroner for theeounty of 'Huron, layvintni'Ont. July 22, 1874. 81 . _ • . ARRIAGL' Liorsniss AND CERTIFICATES: - JAL Apply at the Town Hall, or et the resideneo of the subscriber, near the London, Huron & Bruce Railway JAMES SCOTT, Diener of Marriage Lige.; see, a ton, April 27th, 0878. lefi'ONEY TO LEND. --I hive any amount of money ,11.11. to lend, on good, Improved farina only, at per cent, interest payable yearly. Suruxto object if securi- ty ample. Private f node. JOHN S. PORTED, Seaforth. TIE. WORTHINGTON, PHYSICIAN, SITAGEON, Aoeouchour, Licentiate of the 001100 Of Physician, awl Surgeons of Lower Canada, and Provincial Idoenti- ate and Coroner for the County of Huron. Office and rosidence,-. The building formerly ' crumpled by Thwaitee, Iuron etreet. Clinton, Jan. 10, 1871. 111HE CENTRAL HOTEL.,.late Farmer's -•'Albert ° "-L Street, Clinton. S. PIKE, Proprietor, This ho- tel has lately been greatly improved And thoroughly refurnished, and Possesses °Very requisite for the com- fort and convenience of tb.e travelling ,publie. *Good stabling and attentive hoatler. . Clintep, Nov. 2804 1878. 'W. 50. CARTWRIGHT, 8mo/on Drnsriar ere- -- Graduate of the Royal College of Dental 4Itia•• • Surgeons of Ontarioritair opened _kedge" in the VictorieBlook, Albere Skeet, 011uton, wheal he will constantly be in attendance, and -prepared to per. term every operation oott000ted with•Dtiotry. Teeth" extracted, Jr filled with gold, amalgam, or other filling material. Artifieial teeth in gert e d from one to Atoll set. Clinton, April -17, 1879. • 26 . The ElearlArLigitt-outdome BY THE SUN'S REFLECTIONS FROM 11.- • • STOVE POLISHED WITH ' • THE HOUSEKEEPER'S FRIEND MA.OIC STO FE -POLISH. •. • Op' HIS'artiele is superior to an others in the ono ket. 1- Iswarranted to retain lig' lustre any climate, and under all eirenrestances, and is not affected by heat.- No duet, dirt or feteeign substances will adhere to h. The following area few of the many testimbahdo received. • • Mits. Thos. N'Axn-The beat I ever jaw.• Dinsaasens runommx.--The beet I ever used. Mits. W. 000PEIL-No dust or dirt frolu it. Math A. Mammon -So clean and so quiek. MRS. G. GrAgoow.-I never used a polish to beat it. ta'Ask your grocer for it. PRICE 10 OENTS, Trade supplied at wholeeale price. Manufactured only by W. THORNTON. • Clinton, Feb.12 1880. • Ocsiffig FARMS •FARMS OFFERED FOR, SALE • BY THE UNDERSIGNED, IN VIE 170/IV/TY OP CLINTON, - AND ELSEWFIERE, AS THEY ARE • " DECIDED ' x. MONEY TO. LOAN I, '0".1.109T -,y;AV.911AELE TERMS.. • , •. . , • ." 1110.RTGAGEt 011,-.0111.016.0nrillA :BOUGHT AND • SOLD . • • • A. S. 'FISHER • Notary Public and Commiesioner Clinton, March 4, lest..., oLINToN, ONTARIO, THURSDAY„,- MAY 20, 1880, _ ECIW1011111 and Willagg Wtttro, F. GRAHAM, A lInTroNx**, raslip 00'31/11681014 AGENT, Godelloh. Licensed Anotioneer for the County of Huron. Terms reasonable. ooderich, Feb. 5, 1880. ' . • BROOFOOT St. B.OX, UNDERTAICERSi 11 ,Albert Street, Minton.. NONE, ro beam. MORTGAGES, NOTES, AND OTHER • Good Securities PUrcha,sed. CONVEY,ANCING. • W. W•. FARRAR: Oiinton, Nov, 9, 187fir 47 EM01,1A rprin subscriber would take thie miportunity 01 _L • honking his numerOW1 friends weho Aided in re- moving hio goods at the late are, and votad. else Inti - m -to to the Aro brigade that ho has Retrioved toMr. :Barge's Biiiiding Victoria St. Would. also say to the publio that he is selling hie BOOTS and SHOES. exceedingly oheap in order to clear all mit before taking possession, of his new bundles. Oell and see prices, JOHN JACESON: Clinton, April 15th, 1880, - J. BIDDLECOMBE, , • , ..Watch and: Clock Maker, •IEWELLERe Aso., • •• Would reepeotfully annonnee to his easterners and the publlc genetally, thalutlaliipags,roemoyed inte,bia former n , . ALBERT. • S'rltnET., .9ppOSITs*. Trill :MARKET, Whore he Wi.11 keep on heed a select assortment,of 010dk4 •Wat,,elte8, trocellcrii: and Sillicru.are 'Which he win' 'sell at resin:friable rates. Repatifeg of • .every deseription,promptiy attended 20. • BIDDLECOMI1E, AtBERT STREET. _Clinton, Deo. 5,1878. . .51: FOWLER E SOA •DEALERS 1* •WATCHES; CLOCKS, . JEWELLERY., •.A.lbert Street, CLINTON • . • We have just itYded 10 our stock a tine. lot Of VIOLIN GUITAR—STRINGS. SPECTACLES • ALWAYS KEPT IN STOCl.:, • , 'CAA, 1879; BUSINESS 011.A.NGE. GROCERIES "LTAVING purchased the etoeh and good -will ei the • Grocery .1m:ennuis of Mr, W. H. 111NE; the sub- ecriber would take this opportunity of thanking his friends for thir liberal patronage eoioyed by him while a Member :of the Arm of SUEPPARD B5 coornu, hopes by liberal inducereento to receive a fair share of custom from them in his new buoin'ess. As he intends • to keep the beet aseOrtreept, he is ready to Offor hods at. tho it rosaanorativo Ana srili shostly open out fresh supply of , TRA,S, SITG,ARS, COFFEgs, TOBA.COEs • CROCEERY, OrLASSWAIIE, SYRUPS), • ' SOAPS,. 8te., 8to. • . 1. 11111111EhIBEIL THE PLACE HIS Old etati'd, , Corner 'of Albert and ER401131117 Streets Clinton, March 24; 1880. fl'HOS, COOPER GroceryBysiness WM. MOORE 'DECtS to inform the inhabitante of efinten and surromading country, that he ba o recently. pin. ellased the atodk in trade of Mr. ZAS, SHEPPARD, as GENERAL GROCER &PROVISION DEALER And in addition• to the litObk then Ma hand, he hag put- •. • . eliased a large dock of' . • Teas, Sugars and General Groceries, Prem. the best warehouses in the Dffinifilon, *Ida boring purelmeed prinelpally cash, he in prepared to gell BETTER GOODS 311)* LESS MONEY than Meat Wholety en treat, and conotquantly ecu afford to give hie onetentere the benefit. Or He ha no liesitallon in ettying that he ettn *upply cuslomere aa good an ar- tide in TEAS and SUGARS co earl. be had •anytcAere• in, Clinton; • • A. TRIAL CORDIALLY SOLICITTS1). Altit 'llardware Aterehrint Dowl, voltam, Tin PLACE .101101ES. SI/EPPA1UPS OLD STAND. • . ClintOrtlIday 6,1080. Om • • easinii; ANT -- dt• Ruggles tor StliC. rya& enbeeriber offers. TWO NZ$'? ii11004.*8 tor •.1 Hale on reasonable terms, yr they will be exchanged for horse. Apply to 305131 nOiStiEs, Bley 0,1880. 1- Lot 4, Heron Road, Goderich Coif -of Revision Bayfielti Villale MAR Court of Revision for revioing the Aseeesment 1 Roll of the Village of Bayileld, for the year sew, will bola ite first sitting in tho ORANGE HALL, HAY- FIELD, on IflowdaYe the 31st Jost., at 10 o'elock, a.m. AU parties intereeted are requested to 10. HUNTER, Clerk. attend. Baytield; May 6,1890. Court of Rovision -Town of Clinton MAHE NOTICE that the Court orRevision for the 1 Twat.' of Clinton Will held Ito Arst flitting in the TEMPERANCE HALL, CLINTON, on Vrielay, Itifttr28, 18$0, commencing at 7;80 p.m., for the purpose of hearing and rectifyingoll complaints again et or error} on the asoesonent roll of tho present year. Parties iuterested are requeste4d, 00 attend. Clinton, May 18, 1860. Court of ROVISi011 Gociorich Tou'D . I mAKE1 NOTICE that the Coert of Rovigion for the Townehip of Goderieh will lkold its Riot, sitting at. HOLMESVILLE, on the 20th cloy of May, 1880, commencing at 10 o'clock, a. m., for the pur- pose of hearing and rectifying an complaints against erroks on the assessment roll of the present year.. All parties interested are requested to attend. • JAMES PATTON, Clerk 01 (110 eta Ilunicipelity. Galeria Township, May 4th, 1860, Court of Itovisiou Hullett To4ushili • ._.._ . TOTICE is hereby given that the first sitting of J_N the Court of Itevition'for the Townehip of Ifuls lett ,in the county of Byron, for the presout year, will be beta at the VILLA -0111 OF LONDES130RO, in the said Townehin, on liTednesiloy. the 20th. day of May, 1880, to commence at 10 o'elock, a.m., for the PutPoee of hearing and determining apireale newt the AseeSement Roll, and to revive the saidroll. Pathnotstors,Fencoviewers aud Poundkeepers willbe anPoihtedonduther general business will be trauma- ned;ibuyett.thpoNzuntneliil,,iin8stph.e afternoon, 01 280 same day. ,TAS. BEAITHWAIT.E, Clerk. 'Property For Sale. . Estate of the late Wm. -- THE Rxectatorad the above estate offer for sale, in rill or part, the lot of about on.e-half acre land, situated on Rattenbnry Street and running through Huron Street, with a Homes and Blaoksmith Shop thereon. •If deeire,di the Hoase-and querter-nere land fronting Rattenbury Street, can be bought separate, Terms eney. Ter particulkke arldr to • • JOHN HODGINS, Exeentor. ISTAICE1 ••• TO think that youare incurabld. GRAY'S VITALINE 'Never fails to relieve, and with a proper nee will curd 111 diseases arieing from impurity of the blood. • Give Vilifelline a fair trial, and you will he con:. vizored that it h wonderfal moody. • Prioe 81 per bottle; bottlee 85. • Sold in Clintpn by J. Combo and Watie & Co., and all druggiets everywhere. , THE -GRAY MEDICINE CO.; - , April &MO:,• And ' TORONTO. ' .PTIBLIC . School Teachers' Examillatious --. 1880. For Filet Class -At the Vonetin Seneer; Tenokri•, on Tuonsnor JULY the 8th at 9a. ra. Por Second' Class -At the Town or .CIODERICH and Brun &moots of CLINTON and SEAPORTR, On IWONDAY, Amy the lith, at ;rm. ' .• .• • For ,Third elegy -At the Town or •Clontrocui TUESDAY, JULY the 1808, at 9 a. m. ',- Forma of the netice to be,proviontly given by the Candidates, ban. be obtained on application to the Secretary. • • It iiindisPensible that Candidate's notify the Secre- tary not later than the let of lune; of their intention t.0 Present thereselves for examin'ation. • . Candidates for First god Seeond Class Certificates aro required to forward the necessary certificate of suceeeo in teaching,. and all are required to furnish certificates of moral charaeter.. • Candidates for Second Claes m• kt statewliether they, intend to write in Goderieh et talon ,of the -other named High Scheele. . - • . *Candidetes for Thild ,Class meet Jinni& proper • proof of age. • •-• • • PETER .ADANIS ON, • • • ••, Soy. Bortid Pars. Goderich, May 5111, 1880..• 'ME ALLAN LINE LIMPOOL—LONDONDEZIY—ILANOW, SHORTEST SA PASSAGE. Cabi•n, lioteraniedifite and RteeirOgeTtelte Oiff at Lowest Rates._ • . FL111 LI NOS OMER EC . • • MORAVIAN, • , - llith May • SARMATTON,- - .22nd. " . : CXLCASSIAN,' 29t8 ". • , ' •• . notice deeiring to bring art friends from. tho Country can save mon bv Wee rein •the agout 041 8in.g•Pr°Pa44 "rifft• . • STEERAGE' TIOREMS • Liverpool, Pondondetry,.. Glaigow, . Queen. lown, Beljoe, London., BrAtol; Cardir. For through tickete and every informsAion. apply to; A. STAAITON, 0. T. , Agent Clinton... elin ton, May 6,1880, • Properlies for sale 11.1Iale,Clinton er HAT FIRST GLASS VAltst, No: 85, .on tho lb'th 1 con. of Godorich Townehip, belonging te Mre, C. Gordon; will be oold far cash Or on part credit. Only Ono Mile from Cinten. The lane conteins 80 acreo Of chdide land, in good conditien, fine orchard, &e. Vi OUR HOOD Pill1.13 00 200 Fourth Coneession'of Ftullett, ,itithin five miles of•Olinton, well Neared and -with good imp/even:mute ; be eold en easy terms. Lee Seventeen South•half of Nineteen, and North.lialf of Twenty. glie. sold -together or ooparately, • . • truth iwyetory fretto honed oh Iletroa Fared, belong- ing to Mr. L 0. Miller, and now occupied by Dr, Balfour, will be Rola on Very easy tame. No money re- quired down, good security is given. The honceir well built, comfortable, and conveniently situated for a paofossional or business man. fraino Cottage on Itettoribury Street,, en dor J. west of Ow blethodist Cheroh. Thio cottage has 7 rooms, hard c.nd soft water, diatom, tte. Terms easy. (\NB six-roemed &Attlee, twice $500 two live 00001' Ved Cottages, $400 and MO. • Each good sat - den, well, &e, Half the prieornay remain 0111nOrtgage firlint hone° belOiming it> Mr. D. .A. Aikenhead,- on sumo fit„ °Hilton, is for sale on 'moderate tame. The hetet) oontaine Aileen toeing, and hi well heft and in good condition. Large lot, good Well, dte. Si101TISIT 110TEL, in Clinton, commonly known as Hotel, will bo sold On very Moderate Oreg. Thio property teiMpriees lour choice quarter4ore lab, Wiz 080 Grand Trunk Station, with largo hotel building, part nearly new, eentalateg 17 rooms. .Stable abott 65010, with 10 stalls., A mumble and popular landlord could make this in 'excellent fordfatdt.neoifieli, is Well adapted for a boarding.houe on tt ff. 11ALV, ntroilltreet, Clinton. • gkavertioemento. Seed, Pota,toes. LONDESBORO. fCtitUfteli NoTn.-At the Jolt official meeting J. Qt1ANIITY OF noSir, POTATOES for p. • Mt% BEESLI.11 o he membeis connected with the Londe0 vi,t0A4 woo bora Circuit Methodist chureh, a unanimous Clinton, May 20,1880, .Servant Wanted. A 0007) GENERAL, SERVANT WANTED. - 21. Apply to • • MIS, DR. DOWSLEY- Clinton, May 20,3880. Wanted, -- • A 0001) GBNERAL SERVANT; BY sins. st. 41. RANSFORD, Stapleton. Good. wagee. Apply 00 MitS. H. HALE, • Clinton, May 20,1880,• 1 Notice. • rime cam= oh' Pm oonistrx 111111011, • •_10. root:tin the Townof Goderich, Tnnonav, the FIRST DAY OP Joon next. All Accounts against the Contrail lama be presented before, ,t.,211.1.1!Lt aes.gion of •the wend day of nreeting. Goderic• h, May 15, 1870.TER ADAMSON, Co. Clerk. • POULTRY FOR SALE. rrurE undersigned offere forst& ennui:enable terms, 1 the following pure-bred aud valuable fowls, vizz•-• 172 1Vhityface ItrAert SrAznan, 7 LrOnm Invaittne, PLACE.liEfletAllE, Burr COORINS, 0 SILVER-SPANG. LUD liCalitunOth GoLnert PoLeuntl, 3 SILVER Por. ANDS 8 Sitvint Dome:Wino Dommee, 1 pair Bletex, nes, 'Gait BANTAM, sill prize v.inners. The only reason for disposingmfAho sanad-is.that tho Tyner has to 711000, end &nee it inconverdent to take these along. Blyth, May 20,1880. .• ' REV. 0. CLARll. • Pasture. for Cattle. undersigned eau, any time after the iniddle-of 1 Man afford Pestling° for a limited number of Cattle and &beep. There is a.rou of 100 0.000, good grass, and plenty of water. Terms -aged cattle, 6045 per mouth, for the scaeon; Yearlings, 75 cents -per month ; Sheep, 40 egute each per month. Herm will not be titkeb at 107 901110. The proprietor will not hold himself reeponeiblo. for etreys, losses,- be foments. Apply early, an only a limited umber can be accem- modated, mid the motive is always heat in the first ef the seaoon, Pasture on hit 28, eon. 2, II,R.S., Tucker - eolith. - Apply to JOHN THORPE. Clinton P. amp -factory INilonitacT. -In last week's Record appear call was, extended to the Rev. Mr. Caswell to remain another year (it having been pre- viouslY understood, that he intended moving) which vvill make his third year on the circuit. We understand that he consented to do so, and there Will consequently be no change made here this year, This act will show the •high esteem in which 141r. Caswell is held, and it may be said that the different appointments are not at all likely to lose religious interest while under his change. „. .1kIPPEN.. • Catirsz.-.-On the 15th inst. Mr, Jas, Lang sold near two tons of cheese, being the first Made at the Rodgerville Cheese fadtory this season. at 10i .c. per lb. a very good price. -Sorses.s.Lot No, 3,.in the 2nd....aniss.of Stang.. ley, the property owned by the late Mr, .Wm. Blair, was purchased on Tuesday last' by Mr, Joseph Hood, of Stanley, for the sum, of $6,300. PRRSONAL-Rev.• Mr. Cameron, who has beim the pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Kippen for many years, has been quite ill lately, -but iS getting better. lie contemplates crossing tho briny deep" and seeing his na- tive land before long, thereby fp re- cruit his health, BLYTII. • Mn. Beossx's•Dekrn.-111 the Presbyterian church hero on Sabbath last the Rev. A. Mc- Lean, in alluding to the death of Senator I Brown, said Mr, Brown was net perfects but I be had many excellent traits a character. ' Hesasetreerninently honest and upright man, devotedly attacliedsto• the truth ; and he gots down to the grave mill anunsulhed character. The, paper of which he was the proprietor has always been an unflinching advOcato of the principles of morality, such as temperance, Sabbath obiervanee, etc„ on svhioh subjects it gave no nine) tain sound. 1-41;11:41;1111tIte1:s e-rf.11416. ePRITUAIrr,-(3Itiali3131,1?ithrtfkEeeling's of deepest sorrow anti regret that we publish the death of Mrs. D. Bear, which °marred on the 14th inst. Tbe deceased was *highly respected, aft was domonstateI by the large number of ve. hides (upwards of 100) which attended her unera an „Elie was for A long time an ener. getic member of .the B. O. Church. When the funeral procession arrived at theBenmiller church the Bev. J. Bread delivered a very effective discourse from '2 Tire,, 4 chap., 0-7-8 Verses, During his Pennon, whilst referring to the christian life and death of the deceased, Le sbowed what a great similarity 'existed be. tween her faith and resignation at the point of death as compared witk the apostles. -17-Ruci-o-uBse.-ETNheAlquairiateLrlyseirvti.• eee Ong nection with the Maitland circuit of the M.E. ()Iiurch willbe held here, on the 23rd inst.-- The Rev. J. Leandesborough will condriet the -fiervihes„.whichxillsenttnence at 0130 amt. " DEBATie -The following subject: Re- solved that circinnstanees have more, to do than nature, in ferzning eharader," was dis- cussed in the Teniperanee /Tall 'recently. Por the affirmative, Mr. A. !Toddle, assisted by Messrs., J. Seat 'and John Stewart. Mr. P. Cantelon, supported by ilfese're, W. Robertson and Wi . Moore spoke n favor of negatite; The chairman, MK:Sharles Walters, whilst summing up the pouitsiiiade by the different speakers, expressea blench pleased with the • , eonolusive arguments produced and with the spirited rnanner in which the subject was dis- cussed, but censidered that ' the negatiVe .oheuld have the benefit of the decision. • ..---. • GODEIMIC The freight business by boat, to northern ports, is unusually large this season. " Mr. 11. 8, 'Holmes and wife, left last VITed. nesday on a bridal tour, for Miltvaultee. General business is verydull, and merchants aro seriously considering 4' which they would • rather do or go fishing." .The Grand Trunk' wood orating, Machine itt now stationed here, and for a little 'while ed niitem stating that the honery of Rev. things will be humming around the station. THE eabscriber,hevingre-puichascd.bis old faetoiy, • deeheS to timer his friends for their preview; patronage and 'holm to againbe favored with their orders. He would also inform Lis friends that he ie •prenarato inenutacturtswenan.d Olsten:I...Primps and Cisterns, and satiefaotien gearanteed. All orders Beet by mail will be attended to with the utmost despatch,' ,J013N 'ROSS. • Clinton, May 20,1880. . . TISDALL ST, GALE., , 13. A. NKERS., -Albert Street Directly. oppostte, mulct, •MBANSACT 4 0B3111RAL 13A31501(1 RUMNESS: 1 )(one), advanced on mortgages and Notes of hand Di•eing imbued paYaele at par, arta eolleetions and retnittancee made ttironghoul. tho United States and • • Canada. • Mr. Clark of this. village had been destroyed SUGGESTIvE. biliehed' and furnished • , — 00011 by fire; that it was caused by it lamp he was- stores on the Square are this year renting as • using in collection with an incubator, and that low as $250, and houses without, number are the tire destroyed a quantity of imported eggs. tenantless. ' ' There. are afoss drrorssinthe paragraph which ' Measis. R: Hawley' and' thiii- '7 it would be as well to corrept. Inthe first place the lamp had. not been lighted - for over. place, visited the .faim of 111r. H. Snell, in Hullett, last week, in order. to learn more .. two weeks; in the secondsposegge_were: doss_ :absorssiseksraising;-.Theysware• vrellIpleaseds-S-s- --",-- fiWeir; and lastlie third„,tEe henery_was.not with their Visit, being satisfied that Mr. Snell burnt down. The fire, which is supposed.to was well up in the short -horn business. • , have been from burning Woods merely set the . • .- reef of a shed'ou fire, which was quickly ex- . tinguisised. • • s • . • Csroacn Ensaxees.--At the official meeting of the Methodist Church, connected with this circuit; on 'Monday, the business for the past year was found to be in a very satisfectory • condition, there being a slight balance on hand after paying all liabilities. The severer appointinentson the circuit have pledged t thesaselves to rain ample funds for thirmain• 1 tlneasee.ef two Ministers_ .nextsyear,S.which are: absolutely. necessary to the proper working of the circuit. A resolution was unamineuely carried expressing Satisfactionwith the course pursued by the,pastor, Rev. Mr.. Clark, hoping that the relatione of the next pastor NOTES DISCOUNTED and people would be eqiially harraonioqs • bere three years, has to move next Month • • • . • ,IIOLMESVILLE. • The Peet Office will be Openjron, 11:80 a.m. 01,80 p. m. on Menday. • • THE CRUM-The, aropii in this iieinity look well, and.promise an abundant harvest. A. , • Sueseer.-A correspondent suggests hat a.noet take for hisnesst subject, "that' etter hex." • --JairnovmstitXds-Mr.--stas;-$.!`s sWalkers.:hass.s._ eieeted a barbed wire fence in front of his pre- mises, which glees the phase .a.fine appearauee.s HoLtnav.-Monday next, the 24th insts'is a s holiday and yet no amusements are annonneed to' beheld in this flourishing ' What about a pid.nic.:on the flati: • • • Pinsossir.ss•s-Master George Dennis, who. has been heing witlt Mr. William Caratelork ot VAS plaoe, for a number of 'years, left cia Tuesday, the 18thinst., for Nelsonville, toba, where his mother resides. The Rev.. j. Plfilp is attending the.• District meeting in. Goderich. •Mr.,and Mrs. Murch left On Tues. i [and agreeable. Rev. Mr. Clark, who has been since hie sojourn here, he and hie estimable wife have made a large number of friends who will. regret their removal. • • • ' MORTGAGES, srocirs,.and nil other mar- itetable eitenrities bought and sold at best rates. BANKERS' IN !NEV. YORE. AGEN2'S OP TIIE 4IER.V.IIANT'S BANK ••• ' CANAD A.. • INTEREST ALLOW4D ON. DEPOSITS. TIEDALL. ••T. .5. GALE, Clinton, itay20,2:860. ,• •• • " • 'Lime for Sale. • uudereigned•hrts for eale, at hie promiew, lo -•L 25, 5th eon. of Statiley, a large quantity of firet clais hew /me, 901c8 ]8 sante pertnehel at the.kiln, o 20 cents when delivet ed. ' • •• • VALENTINE DIEHL Stanley, May 18, 1660, • GOOd JElarni for Lease,. . rfN the 1618 c'encession, Godorioh Towathip;. 85 nereS eleared, under . good state of cultivation. Good liouge ati4 Ontbnildings. Lease given for one year, and if suitable te all parties extended for two •yearelooger., For particulars apply to • MILS. TAYLOR'. Ciiiton, may 6; 1880.• ' , Pox, smei ONE SINGLE BUGGY, NEW, • ONE SINGLE DEMOCRAT WAOOS: , ismArtr,V 03111 8115' SINGLE HARNEIS, NEARLY NEW. Prices and terme.easy. •• WADE BEDE, CLANWEN. April 22n4, 1880. •• • Farm for Sale. 'r Mt* seubscriber offero 'that conveniettly eitnated fann, Lot No. 25, 1628 conemegion of Goderich Townehips.eontaining 80 acres, nearly all oleared, for sale. It is good (day eoli,well fenced, under good eta. tivation ; has good bnildings and three wells on il ; and le only two milee tromOlinton. Terms easy, 8, ItInkinAms Podolia township, April 28,1660, Dissolutkp of Partnership .'O. 0 . cE i U.ir.tilby dven that the partnership hero t7ole1.ote existiig between the undereigned,fts gene ral blabkomithe, in the town of Clinton, was disoolved, by Withal 0011Sent, oh the 2n1 inst.' All mouth due for 1879 rand bepaid. to eitheY of the Ondereigned at Mee. 1,1r.Jeneowill contintlete Carryon the business. - . . . Ps: 0;100uNg, Clinton, Nay 13,1880. ; , Notice to Debtors.' T1111 undersigned, havink disposed of his busineee, 1 hereby notifiee all partho indebted to him, either by•uote or book thrown:It, that the Sante must bo settled 80 000e. naval be found at the shop of Mr. N. Rob- son, where the books win remain for a short time, after Which they -will be placed in the hands of Me. Ferran for tho eolleotion ot all remaining (lotto. WM. SHEPPARD, tarPertieg having empty ALE =08 will please re. turn them at once, •Clinton, 5157 18, 1880. CORSETS, r,ABTES Who are desirous et obtain!ni well:Made .1.4 and otos, sitting Comae, are vegetated to try& Mar of Mrs, Way's GloVelitting Corded Corsets, as they have merited ,the favor of a large ntimber Of ladies, and one pair'pride $1.50 82, are warranted to out- -Wear font or five peir bt .fitotorylea'ae corsets. Aloe the now Belted Corsets ins highly reeoramended,. 'leo a variety of improved aerate made to order. Chil. &Ws Weiste, Shoulder Bracer), Which greatly im. 9000e1 Dab figure, None genuine w1tliOnt00020 stater. ed on CorsoL :Mors waived by . • . Mtg. llotWEN, Clint , 1880. • Albert Street. o: BAYFIELD, lenracAL.-Another 'Dr:intends locating in ti this village. • There are onlythree already. • Plenty of room for more. • ••• ' bnowiser.-A young lad driving a tettai bel on ging,to Melialbtleisah ,of tHaY, cam d Own - to the harbor for a load of lumber. 'Ile drove i upon the wharf,Itttempted to torniound, and backed the heroes into the harbor; both horses were drowned.. This ought to be a warding to all smart hoya; There were two teanis, driven by two boye. The one boy un- hitched his team and turned the wagon by' hand. The other. being a little more clever and a great deal more feel heardy, turned hie into the harbor. • , Haan Hisaano.-Marly of the nativeti Of. this place -actually leave their (had unbilried. A eoW dies, the owner hauls her to the banks of the river, in the gray of morning, and damps her over. We are driven by the pesti. lentiaPodor from the river to the invigorating breezes of the lake; and 'di' Ws posit between the :piere, WC are sickened by the • stench arising from the carcass of a dead horse wash- ed high and dry upon the North pier, and "thereby hangs a tale." We quickly' wheel sto the eolith, but .3/ar1s that dead pig. roasting On the beach -and at the end ef•Hunter'S lane; we can go no farther, we are "sea sick," and as we come. ashore We.Mast'svotk our way through the putrid offal from the fisheries. The village fathers are informed of the matter and they any, " it's a shame," and yet they talk of Sanitaty /*probated, • IIIYLLETT. Coisseit.-A Meeting Of the Council of the township of HrtIlett Was held at Lendesboro; on the 14th inst. All the Members present. Minutes of former meeting read and con firmed. Moved by J. Britten, seeby j. Howson, that the following indigent pereons be allowed $1 a week cads, from the first day of January 1880, as formerly, vit., Michael O'Hara, Fin- ley Mufifoe ands -Wm. lfelienzie.-Carried, Moved by J. Mason, sec. by j: Lasham, that J. Howson be paid the sum of $8,00, money .expended in relieving Emanuel Smith, an in. digent person. -Carried. Moved by J. How- a son, Bee. by J. Britton, that the following ae- p counts be paid :-Jolan Govier, gravel, $3.104 MTS. Lapier, gravel, $1; Trustees Temperance th Londesbero, for use of hall for nomina- b tion, i2; Wm. Brigham, taking down fence • , con. 11; $4.—Carried, Moved by J. Britton, sec. by J. Ma8013, that 3. Her- eon and a, laulhalnIet the contract for cutting and gravelling hill oil eon. R. 16-11, lot 38, and putting in enlvett.—Carried. Moved, by J. Ludlam, see. by J.Howtoxs, that 160 cords of gravel be put Ott the gravel koads as follows ; 120 eerdll on S. B. 25.26, under the direetion of J. Laotian' and S. Mason, and 30 cords on S.R. 5.6, under the direction of J. McMillan and S. Britton, and that they'be authorized to prepare certain places, where needed, for the reception of the gravel, the said contract on 5,11. 25-26 to be let at Londesboro, on the 2608 May, 1880, at 1 o'clock p. The Council then adjourned to meet again at Londeboro, on the 261h inst. at 10 a m • ay, to visit their "friends ire Mitsbell, • • ' ' • . ••• CLIPPED HURON ITEMS , 'Tiiere ore eaup'le of ceses of scarlet fearer O Seaford): • , *. B. G. W". tide"' a Gerrie, is about reolvviirn.antoobtehret c1,7ruckoiry,oft4Ltallite%btficihnn, ,of mo,K•ay. roe., Godericlis died on c;redisesday, • Mr. Chas: Wood of McKilloils dtig. 30 post oleo, each 'of which ;Were 3 feet deepi la. five ours. • 13 ,itfr. L. Thorne, Blytb, has bought, out tho took of Mr, Jeilin MeDenald, (liquor and . roceriep). . • . titute for the 'post years, were $957.42 ; ex- erti;eeil,r;ese4ip8 tis9o.f Sertforth Aleohanics' In - The. ISTalkin circuit of the b. m. church aye asked tho Rev. Mr. Baugh. to continue e their pastor Inc another year, . :A. couple Of ewes belonging to Mr. S. Soar. et, of McKillop, drepped nine 'Ababa. thud' ' hem dropped 5, and the other. 4: Mr, P. POWler jr., ot the Huron Road, Tullett, Shipped'. a ear hind of thoroughred ulle to Manitoba on Thursday. The PseV. WM;Bryers; of the Methodist Winisham, has been reqUested.to re. Mu as their pastor for 3 third year. Mr. James tied, Bayfield Road, StanleY, • ear 'Varna, has a cow very profitable to hifj4 bent ten months ago the•aniraal had a oalf, nd a few days ago it bad twins, The vaileue masonia bodies in •Gederich, elk unitiug in the oreatien Of,t teMle for lair own use. 10 18 intended that it shall be econd to 00110 81 the Dominion. , On Wednesday, as Mr, Richard ',adorn, of x:eter, wee working at Cottke's new bending dory, the scaffold gave wity, preoipitiatrig ins to the ground, breaking one leg a little bove the ankIe and wrenching the other. Mr. J. P. Brine of Swarth, met with rather painful accident it few days! age. He was hosting strawberry'? roote in his garden, and" lacing the middle finger of the right hand i* e hole to widen it, he gain hie digit wist, Mr. T8n9. Miller, fornierly of MeRillop, aving only left there abeett two months ago, ut now reeiding on his farm near Grand Illorka akota, has litareted a losit by the destruction mhpi).ehipoudatehaellectrecsttiaobitle'ofbt7hicte.buRildeinhgasclivihriet * ey were destroyed, . Last Wednesday on the toceasion of Marriage Mr. Ifs Holmes, assistant agent G. T. R. Goderiolis, with Miss Nolan of that town, o empioyles of the railroad gave him a, royal salute" in the shape of A number of fog gnals placed on the track. A namber of the dy pafifiengerft On the train, not expeeting a endentitratiOtt of this kind, on the explosion these signals,had their nerves oonSiderably Cited, mueb. to the ilinGeeMent of semi Of tl fa 11) of .co th at th 1) 131 la • Of • ex JAS. BRAITTIWAT,TE, Ttp Cork, the maothiline paskengeril;