The Clinton New Era, 1880-05-13, Page 4. ;;�­4­-�W­�.�� , " -;�,,..m � ­�""W�,.,i_­ 9911t. A, "00011.1905 0110, wfft I . , Spod, Orain-R. Irwir. , I . Corsets-Mrr. MoEwen. Ume for Sale -V, I)iebl. . grabrolaory-,lob a . 19odgivs, , . . . Show-Pullmsa& HAmilton, . I . . . Court of Revis,ion-H, 11untor. 9 , . - .card of.Thatius-F H ,. . , Combo, Celeliration-T. Jackson & Son. . 1. � . . . � Court bf, Itovision�J; Cal �, lstlolek,. . � I ­ - I - .-.�� - _­ _.­1BankruPt8Iaugl1t0r­W;- F.uster, - � ­­­ ­ - . Court of RsIvision-J. Braithw.41te . . � . . t . I . . . I -11 Notice to Debtora-W, Sheppard. I i � Dissolution of partuership-Jones & Coueb. . � -1 .1 I . 9.1 I � 014foll Foar (6raf . RRF-zwi . . THUMAY, UAIr 13, 188O.. , .., . I .11 . " IIII-11.1 I � . ", , DEATH: OF HON. G . EOROE BROWN. . I . . � � I I i -,.. " Ron. George Brown is dead" was the In. formation that sent a pang of, regret to veryt. I I . )i a 'he � ' ,�, . 4. Y 9ts, on Sdnday Aoruing.' Our readJ ; I . I 1� . ore will remember that in Match last An ew-i . . ! I i . ployee made an, attempt upon his life- inflict- � . . ' I . �, ing a pistol N�oulld In his thigh. It seemedL . � . 1. so ight at the time, that 'nearly- eVoryono aw I .. . sk ! . � . I .; . ticipoted his gpoeay.iroicovery, but it. nowi . . � . . ': t)Arno out tliat his, real condition was more' I I 11 . � - . serious t�ail:the publip wore given.to under- � . stand. , Several weeks a o abscesses , fohiledi I ! . , 9 . and these wcre of course a constant 'drain ou� I .1 -11. - ;i . the system. ,. The best medical sUill was call -1, A I � 1. - ­ ­... ed it . i,, but:h7w.%s-of�,no- avail althougli,-Ifope I . . I � .. �� . of his recovery *ero entertained foity-eight I hours previgusto-his death. .He was quite, � . . . . . I I . - . unconscions,at the time. ,of , death, aud in Ills . ,11 - I 62nd year. � '. * +___i__ . ��__-= V - He was Writ iu*the oily of.Edluburgh,l Scotland, an the 29th Novembei, 1818,,and J 1 . was the oldest son ofille late Peter Brown,' . . . . I imerchant of Hdiub 8 -ai- , l nigh. Ia 1838 h * eniigt 1. . . . I ; I 6d to -Now Y.ork �with his father, who ,there - . . edited the By,itish- Chroniclq newspaper, and, . . . . . . c 43 moved to Toronto, where Mr. . . . - , - - Brown established tbe'forout6 Baltner , -He 11.1 I - . . founded the Daily Globe,, of which lie was . . I � chief political -*itar, in 18*14. 'Pe was leader . of ih. Reform, Party of Canada for many,years, , . I I ' au�a succeeded in forming a Ministry in Anus �1 , I. 0 . . . � .gust, 18581 bitt, only'held powerfor two days * I ., . on . account of -Sir Roll ' unil ,Ilend.'.then , Go. . I � 1. . . Verner General, refusing to grant a dissolution, . . I I . � . I He joined Sir �61iu.Macdonald, in Wi ­__... ..� � .____.___­ — ._____.__.__..-____.P9 -Ag#ip I unioh(d the Confederated Provinces, .but af r`thai A`W�was dotau'almated he r' 'd I . . I . etire I e, � , . . from tbe.0abinet and remained in private life . � . iiii.called to. the Senate, Decenibor ifth*�873 . . . . , ­ I..... ".­­" .---'----Hd--WAB-Rlwfiys...�.;Iotiv6-as-a--j.u-rn.ii".oi 11 � . . . 1�1 , . 1. '. . a great influonce 'Was Ult,ovdriyWhere. - 116 ,'� , I VAP a moif viorousi fi�aoifatijable an , d trench. * I I . . . aut writer and speaker. He -was: e:�eeption- - . . . . 0,ly giftell with alsound iniad`and body, and . - . . . - . 1, . : It ,� . . .indomitable 'will and. petseVerancO. Ild . I . . is first,and iast the very%em�oditaout of I , I . . I I I I . I . fy.iction .aagl duty. 01dar-headod, -clear- . ' . . . . � . � .hted and ,i�solmte, he *was a. giant, among � . . . I . I . , fellows. II)e wad an - unspAring. enemy to 1 -, . . I . .. � at- lie doemed t�o'bo iatoler�pca and wrtwg, I � ­� -1�ih-e-,-,*I-fflla-nt-*o'xp,-o)ieut, abd champion `of . M . ' 1?)'e , emed to be righ - t, ' Among � I I - � tr ,wbic I* do . - � '. - . I., 1 leading event nnect- wlih his public . . . ­ ­ I - I , - . ear were -the§�ii: In 1864 he Was chosen a _ . . . mber of the conference wbieli . mot'at dhar. � I - - V . : tetown, V. la.l,., for. the paiposb,of,�'napping � . � . ' , .., I confederation" 'In tfie-inme, year simil' I . . . . . � 11 I I i or . . ties took him,,to, Quebec, where he.did gro'st . I I .. I . . vies. 17'iIBC,�)ho"IV".a�pointedsmaiiibf.r ' I . I . ,ho Co,lifederAe Coiincil of the BfAis�)iorth ' I . . . . . 4erlean Cplo.ilies, which meet At Quebec for I ; .. I . I .. rtn e same object't whi h � . � I . .0 le . . . I. . . P Of coufie,- the � question of W.e 'day: The . . . . . . . llae Year lie ,webt to England ', iipon. public . . : . . . . . - L Z. . � - Qj�i;iips also oo4h oted th,' .. . - ­­_ _. _e�__wi cqh( , - � I . ed6ritidp . . . . - ., .. . ' . . I ,. I a 1874 he was appoinbid . to. a ot witli Sir* Ed� . I . - � . . . . ward Thornton, British Minio6r aViVashing. . . , , . . .. ., ton, as joinC )I I . . , I , pcnipotentiary �6.neXotiat*e with . . � I . . tbb Government of tho United States for a � rendwal of the reciprocity tre(Lty . of -.1854, -in . � .. .. . . ' I -vvbioh lie was unsuccessful, .. The same year , , . . , , ' � . � . .. ho,rolf.Lis'e'd the Lieut.-Goviernarrbip of Onta . rio, . � . I . � which his friel!48-would have I been glad . to . I . . I bave-seen him.aebopti'and just a year ago -he , I � . -- � I ­_ - I � . . � ��linbd­-1;14.`h6inor of kniglithoa, which was . . 11 .. . . I . ' ' . I . . pressed upon him by the queen, . . . . I I . -r- . YP to the day..'Of his assassination lie' Was . I . . I . � I busy in oxercl.41 rig-vvitut influence 'Ile �Ould � * ' . . . for the beaeft.of the country. to- which. he . - . , I . I .1 _ . . I.. . . was so thorbughly'attaclied find for'whose . . I � . � . . instHutions'lle Possessed, Such -deep rooted . I . I . . Admiration and afrection, 'Still he ibund . . . . . , I , . . . time to Ind ulge lils: tas.tes, f6r otlier. pursuits. . . �. 111i 6.ue,cess usa, stock ralser Wis highly sft,' . . I . . . tisfactory in.view of the fact thai lie was, . . one of the �loueers !a t1lat 11 e ' f p; I ressJ '.. n o rog I Less eutbrprIgIng "moll woalcl haye beell dis- � :. ., ,*1" . couraged bytlie ditlie'llItles willeli he hAdto , 1� . . . I . 01�. woiter. - I'll his. privitte life lie, W't s, a .� I 1 ,,.)at C-stimable man, frank Ili lailliner, cftn- did Ili ,,&I)c6ch, find. It tru(� fricild. Ile -svaQ decidedly aggressive Ili dispo4itlOn and true . . fr) 11, lq� cou"victions. ,rill$, ill public life, I Alade him Many enemies mild 111 iiin-es un. I - , - VoPulal, lint 110 Outlived All tllat� and now . . that lie is -no more, Inaby,it. regor6t Will be uttered by 11I.V011"I hlltft,4hl$l;s Over Ills too .. g sad fate, ' . .." - I . . . . � , .. � . 'Tile death of Ali,.'Brown dild"ar. 6tdinary . � . circumstances, 1votild have been x t1lin . ShoTtof anatIonal I)ero�yetheilit,f)tltllisr)dorttb at'tbb hand of ono of the Most abandon- ed Arid wrev,hod, of hat6uri creatures lurLI;.cs1 . - it eXce,isively s:ljI (Ind deplorable -as well. ^., To remenibce that Ono 0 CUllados most . tavored anol cqtocilled son has 1*01 Sent to ..%,.. All 1111tiMely' 1:01111) by the bullet of a drurd,- I'll., . ell assassin Is to Pllln,ge on's %to the deptlis . . . orgoltow for Ithn wha fleserVed so Well of . . I!\. . "' 1OW-colintryinen. Til�hlqdeatljCahada I \ -1080�c, mail oh,�ry. great ability, And one "' . I wll�, IvIvit , h all Ills seirerity in political (11,9. . . i \ putes, yet, rendered Ills comitty valliablel servIcea. A lilaory of iiiq life. would be a� 'k lllstety�6r(",qllada extell d I'll - - olver k perlod . i thomostinoinentons Ili Its Itu mils, aud Would t k * \00,11 for Illare filmoo than Nv(rll,Lvo at OkIrdiff. � �08al. . . . I 'Pho c6rotier*sjitry hftVe brought in it ver -i t Ot W11rul 111ilrder, wid the mail 11011110t, ars to keenly Ppel Ills po8iti6n, and �Vell 1".....", "I 6 .. � _­ I 1. - � _. ,­ - I - .1 �� . - , �, . , � �. I. I . . . . . EMMMMMMMUM . . . � . . � . .. . \, I - - I � I � 4 1 ­­­- __ ___ __ ___ ____ __ _ -A0-1;-V*W0NPWWAW� INFOXV. P"11"', .1 � . . 0 I ], I . . . 11 , . I 0 10 . . , I I 0 . # . 11 - I 4. www"Ape"As"M - - __ __ - - _ - -_ - - — . ­_ , . - .--- ­_ ­ -, 7� - , - � ' � I - I I . " . I - ­ L I . , ' , � � I I . � .1 - . - 11. . -, . . . --- - - � , , -, ­ --- ( I I " - , 1; I . �. . I . I . �� � JERUSI OLIPPED HT,TRON JT=S. '"Id Im the Great u-nettllnu 1�baly, glad '"O" 6r,"VE 49 I ALEM. . I Positively the only Tent Li'xhlbItloil 1111at Ivill %gr,g , , . - . __ Lbe 1.!l the Ponalulon Me Trall', �� , Mr. A. Roo, of Toronto, has, routed the . I topped xn Trans - ­ . -IRESTING LETTER Queea'a Hotel, Brussels. . . ANOTEILE INT1 it, 9 I ' ' FROU THE, REV. 1.). G. SUTHMU01), 5eaforth Council pays Mr. Cardho $5 4 * Itou's � � . . I . w . . I . . 1� . . I I # I month for thopse of the tow I � I I , , 11 clock, , Pullman & Harai I . And tbroiyu on the Canadian . arlcet. � . 1. J41WSALrkhl, April 4, 1880. Mr. R. Sweet, formorly of Stophe . I . In . I 0. . '� . erecting a store. at Alexandria, Us -B LEC"PRO-LIGHTE I)-. . I � . 1. I . PrAn IluoTuER LAwTox,-1t is a greit plea- Mr. Robt. Powell, of Eguiondville, had bis . - . - � I sure to we tobe able.to send to you, �'d ,al.ioulder blade broken by, 4, stick' of woodir I ­­­­__—_ R01 'Y--------- - AF -B 1. A. . through, you to, my congregation in aintou, - �:_;._-'_�­_._:,_1­­­ ­-.3.00--.-Gases � jM n failing on, him": , , - , - - � - � ,. �, - -1 - - - ( - " - - - . my chiiatlau -greetingsj` We ieft-3affs: oil tlio� - Currey Brothers,, of k4eaforth, b�'Iva­�'ca­g�l ro( � , . � ­ . . ... I I . - . I morning of Monday, 'the 29th ult. .and arriv. ,,out Buell's hotel, Goderich, And remove there . I . ._­ I � � ­ . I � . - . - ­­ . - � I � . I " � I edhere'onTuesday-afternooli, Ourridoover I, two ,,,Us. � rat .,� , ."OR , I . - � - - A6 A, littli over. lialf-price-A GREAT BARGAm The undersigned was induced . the hills Was I Ath6r fatiguing, uuaecustom�A Mr. lamso Carry has sold his farm of 510 to, buy ONE FULL CASE -1068 yards of the above goods (TUE PRICLI . as we were to the saddle, 4ud our experience I I , acres oil cast half of lot 18, c MOP It pon. 9, MoK , of tent -life -was rather chilly. I I I , BING SO YRRY. LOW) and will offer the, sanip now at, snoll, prices as to. attract tho , The nights, so. to Mr. John Little, for $2,500, 1 a been,very cool, and the he4t through Ono day last ,week, Mr. Jas, C44er dug 42 &V614W, copfch'pafin attention, of slay person wanting such g000l%._ - WTHIS IS UNDO-03TIM.Ly . I'll , be -s not. been -very great. We shall . I I . I THE CHEAPEST LOT OF EDIBROIDERIE,9 EVER OFFKKED IR t1l" 141111V an� rods of ditell,.over 2 feet deep, on the farm of � I . - find itywarmor in the Yo4ey of the Jord . . . . - ERX , a0doriall.township. ­ .- .. - I or I ­ . _ ­ . ­ I -1 . . _ . - __ .- . I .- I- .. . ­. Every day. is so filled with sight-seekng that Mr rr'1(?"0""Br,'y'.c`,c1`cr several years ia the . . . . . . --- . � . I I I Oi ba� Exeter, has been ap- Equilli, 1�sntoimifaioi, Eau _i, s . letter -writing at any great leugt I is Impossible. a; . . I .r� linsine All prolonged. descriptions must be left till, ,., at , qite& -Aniln ..ua ' ' ' : my return. From thiy top of our hotel, which _W%orlue, r . , 4! 1� , pointed Clark undo 00n.04raser, I . fo . . - I is close to the Jaffa gate, we have a 6 Minister'of Public Works r Olitario. � , 11. , olympian ,woria,s wonalivs, Dry. i Goods foia th e",, 'Xzlillaon I I ne view On Monday lasti. Mr, X, Xydd & J. Hanley , - 4VI. . . . . . I ovt4r the city, Dir4otly to the East of Lupely, plastered -J, T. Ives I � I I . I of us, ex- WILL'4XHIDIT LT cotto's store, , I I ' tend the ridge aiid slope of the Mt, of OliVea, .jaorit,'umg one hundred And fifty yards of I AIL a , _... I . . Fair off *:; the distance to the left are Nob,, � . GINS' GREAT D',D,,',,r GOODS HOUSE, I f At HOD' ­ 1-1 . familiar to us in DavhVo oxperiehce�. And plastering, in one boor and twenty minutes. C L I N"*T 0 Im . . . '. I I . I Mr. John Lyneb, of TvToKillop, has sold his, ... . . t y , � . . Gibeab of Saul; ,while nearer to up, and, al� 2 Year-old Sta.1fion colt, � " Young Haddo," to I I All � W,00l BEIGE, DRESS GOODS JoVely -shades - � ' -in-oat continuing the outliiie of Olivet, is Mt. � an American buyer, for $250,. Mr, Matthew . ON . I I I I . ) I I I Scopus. Aar off to. the ilght of Olivet is the Lypol I i, of We sape township sold a an . okling I . I . ver . I . I I of Moal), while 11 , goldo, colt for $1 00. y 6heai): BROCADES and' -POM I lofty range carer to no is the R ' - T % . . . . ., - I Ace rge of -the Dea:d Spa. On the top of On Tuesday last Mr. Geq. A-' , I I I a - 16A, ; , printed DE . IiANES, printed I _. .. --11:'- . 0 1 I vp. t0a. r, . mooqne and a*new French church; Tollustom ieft Friday, M 7.210 - - . beautif"VI patter Goderich to visit his sheep ranche in, To . , I . I . . I as 1. .1 . I 1. . . . Us, slope is covered with ridges and terraces , which has been under the oultei-vision ofX1111i.1 , - - . . . . . I . 1, I . I . � � . I I .A.: � i I ed � ----:o-..-7' . � J_It::� CASAMERES,'plain LUSr-PRES, fancy trim-* I �of atone and a few, olive tre.es are scatter two brothers, for'the -past two, years. It is I . . I � �I;qro and there, , The whole of its aspect in . I I I . . � I . . I . I . . I . 0. - . .- . ,, . .. � ilidbright d , fternoon li , his intention to.tako.up more land and enter . . I ; - ,ght is one.oi gray bar. largely into the sheep raising . . -1 . .1 -11 ill the be -it .and cheapest 11474billon *on ' - med Satin. PARAS -I * . . . O,iS, Cotton and Zenilla -- . . .1 :rouniias, but Ili the� irtorning it has a^oofter, Messrs. Pirkor and Clog . g, of Btu afield, b Are .11V4.rItUally 667)bl)bifii� Seven oomplefe,411d .. I I I ., . ... . I I p-eener look. Between it, and us rises the returned from Nanitoba' w , hither they went*a Unsurpa8aable -0 qe?;t ,8hows in mae Stupen- � . SUNSHADES,. plai i . . I fine dark-colored'dome of the Mosque of Omar . . dou4 Ag&eoation, ' . � n Silk SUNSHADES . . . ,00:called) which while ago with 4 Oar loah of cattle iind a, oar. . � .. . . . � �. . � I I A , - ., . . 1 � �_ � � occupies the place of the old : loadof horses.- They think that'Manitoba, 1� '. . . .� . I . e:abIila- ing-point;-13, no . t�w,hucee . � -..--. - W S � ' . temple. - - At in mugle.t.a. the right -rU 11 � . PORIp cour PARASOLS fancy LA N - - � the mass'of buildinga two h4ge'olb I m-raud---aa- .,,T-o--i-i�,.if,-,�th-ich-oi�;-30-oint,.-T�ickit-admill,�- ---,-- . _ ,:gL_..,.,,_.,.,.,..,_.,��,��_,,__._.,.�,-t-Z�L"------...--�,..� -.___7.---__.,_._ 11-1 i race, green oblutd, conthluib.g the_busium9; - . I. ., . I . I . I . . . I ;� _ � and white, of Jewish Synagogue. -10 I . . . . I I I .. � . arth - SATEENS- ' . still to the right is th6-confused pile Qf houses A oas of poisoning whiqh nearly tel minat. Ohildrd7i under 10yoaro, 25 cents, 500 Luxurious EQ. I . figured MUSLINS, fancy I . . I � - I . , 9 � . . It I I I . I' ed fatal ocourred.to a 'ehild. of Mr. WM. I served.Seatsi 10 canto extra, . � I - I. . . - and. convents on Mt. Zion, , At,ari Angle to Manteit ,'of Grey. The little fellow had fail., . . . I . . . 1. i . I . I ' � .S,.--- - - , 4e left rises the lofty dome over the so, calle'd . I It pieL�eiita for the, first time to the Canadian Public, � :fancy PRINTS, MILLI:RER7.,HAT ______� . _,Wtlio,ljjft�1e­ _Mlal t-l�,vLplpatkxawia.-is.vuld,�arsliip.-.and,----�7---A7ttltbbvney6olgd,t4be-96iV�--,7. - - ­7-­t� - �.­ -, �- . _-Z'_-,__.,_,-., - , " ­� :­­ - - , . . 'Holy-k�iepiilchre�--analiliTt.h"fi'r I m. - � . . ­. , - - I . .1 I .. � tb_d� having eaten, some of it was suddenly i`akeln � . . I . . . I . . I . large Latin'oonvent on the summit of Aera, . ill � -and BONNETS.' immense stock.... ... . . . I J, and showed symptoms of poison, A I . . � I .. . � . . . emetio: saved, his. iife.___. - _­. n irt ' �� . . . I � net b6hind us on tht otlto*r side of the street . _ -.1'.1--11-1 - TME-IR-EATILEX [ClIGHT .. .... - ­%­ " . , I . � - � - (is -this citadel on the foundations of the. old Another of the old.pioneers .of McKillop, . . . ,- � . .. . . . I . . I ofHOSIE`Ry.`­—­1 , — ­" __,_—-__-___- Itself an unparalleled. find glorlous, cxhibltl�n,, well - I . - � . ,inp ainai ! . ITower of Hippictis. . Just in front- of us at passed awry in iV=n of Michael Talley, - . '. - � ­ id fancy, I ' . I Qour feet is 'Ihe,oltl Pool of HPzekis;Il.. We - , worth going full 100miloo to aq�. - I'll 4jQST 680� 000 -' - - 11 LISLE and4 KID aL - . I I �. . ve juado, several journeys in and .around INIr, Tulley was I of ge at the time Pf railhires IL 80 horse -power engine, a 40 hoise-polvar . . . I . . I . . , , I OVES, I .1 I I his death. He was a native. of Ireland a . .. . I Ithe city, each bri . nd boiler, and ruiles of copper c4h)o copouctqrs. We me- - � . . .. . . . , . . . , . . , to light sonio new came to Canada in the year 1849, settling Ili' .,,,P,Rlize it -No .other show bas'ltv-l�oue other onn , .. . . . �.. .. . . I .. . . . I n9i" � .. . . . ,,point of interest. I'll.-gy of the locations of' the townshij) - obtainit. Itsplanotary', oon.ptellateaconflogration,of I of McKillop; which wtia theii 1 a ads the fall .. � IMM, NSE'VARi&Y, news'hades neivpat- - � I historical events are merely random In 1.111 the above. goods ' E ) I . 'guessed; . effulgence and heavon-born opl,en4or 0 . ' ' I many of,them. Are -bowling and dreary. wilderness. . . power of 240,000 gis'lights. It Is Milc,ixteed both after- * UT NO BANX-' . - '. . - palpable absurdities, while The assessment of Goderloh,- for the pre- . _. . I Iloonandevvning. - . . . . terns, and CHEAP -AS, A NY IN THE BUSINgss. B A " . . I . . . I of the oorreatnems 6t others there can be. no , , I . � I - question. The � tenduncy to Joealize every- . f9ent-yearl, is as folldws:-Real property $Ij- . Sir John Seat -Vs nio%t Amazing Stiad of RUPT ',.STOCK.... N:O'. ADVERTISIN6. TO 6IVE . UP : I . . . . thing -and the lying traditi . 046,655; persolidl do $70,015; taxable income IPerforining Brovicho Horses, and 41,000.. BUSINESS, and.trying tQ nialce believe We -are, thus . . seIli g I . . one. iold�as ti-uth, $26,640; aggregate value of all property $I,- will be piomptly paid for any Trained Stallion or Trick I � . � n . produce at first 0, Painful f6eling of scepticism 24311 *nbrob tbhb can oqual.theao� equine heroes In anything. I . . I 'I in regard to 6verythiug; tind it'is only after 370. Npulation 4328; persons f'rom 21 dheap, .,Ydiile at the- s"ame time b ' oods aidkocl-,ing - . I hat.one begins: to I-e&li7o I 0 to 60 ybj�r� 1028-; number of dogs 172; oat- I The uproarious trandfoxmationpiLr,toint�acofRUMPTY . I . ­uying.new.g n ,s . further reeearcht , .11 . � � I .. , ; . . I .. . I , tle 207 ; bogs 18; horses 206. . . I � . DUAIPTY, with three great clowns, and A fRtUbUB E=0- .. ,. I ... . � I - up as usual. '. - . ... - . . . fact that this is the city of David and of pofin cast of charactom, superU wardrobe, mechanical . .. . . . . I . I L L - I . 1. I Christ. The License Combaiongra of Wait Huron * applinue as and -socnio effects. .. . . . . I The mode?n city is fall of narrow, orooked, I 11 .. . al I - ! 111 -paved, foul-smelling stre L. are detertrlinW that the rtlles and regulations A -m alwa�s Selling Out. Am ways buLyingg and Will'.. .' I , ate, and there is PI1OF.,NEIL, SkITHIS GREATEST I)OOS on iartb. . not much of an air of sanctity abov t them. tadopted ' by them ' for the guidance. of hotel The great quadrupedal Sorionj and the moot intaigeut Ill , !ways, give as good a dollar9s, worth of goods for.a .1 i . keepers, etc., shall �e,dtrlctly Aierved,-6T-, 04d Ontortaining of -all the canine race. . , . ollar, ,,, and sell *,as cheap as anyone in the biiUness, - . . po! We have boon , around tbo outai(le. of themills in Nen notice,. that. anj infraction will debar . I I A . , - y�jq.� ACT-ONIS ROYAL COLOSSAL RNGLISII GYMNA- .. -NVe--h&yp-.visit;Ey(f-'tbe-.t�omb- 'JG 6ff - fr afain-aud-agaix n(r -coh - -;Me- Ordat-alit -11=par[y­ef �Pv6­--eJVV- .. 17.- L i_ oi,.r­­,'bf.,__.­- --- ' IU iW1th_-_no__decep:fion --and-Xhisrepresentation , to - gull .t1he­-_- -­ -t. "" rom 0 aintrigliceiFi M ipffalbg 11 . I . . .... o David, the traditi,;rial t6nib LQf. 0hrijst,.,and' . 0 an t er pout 1`r1noipjl,MU8alaLJ,1()u%rab8 ever organl4ed, . . � . . . . I - I .. . I I thI - . ' , They allowed the license'6f I . . . .1 . I .. . . ... . .. ' L .. . .. . . . . . . ., . -� ". . . . 8 p ace " -cru0jfix[0n'ttIo36 'L ve"' o oontiund for the year, . .., , I .. . . . . I . . .. L . , . I I .. . . . . . . . . . . . . I , I of his by, . We. Mr, Scan- ,, . 1. �L I ,,public..,, . . , . . . . � I have r9ole'down. the valley . of'Rizinoni,'up't'he dr6tt, of Belg�ave, t I .. I . . . I I . . I . .. - L . . �. . I . I . I ;1 .. . . I., . . . :. I ... I L 11 . . � I . .. ey of the Kidron� au'd founo their depth with, a fall uudersfondi�glhat only Pile license' � .1 � .. .1 I .. . I 1. . BUTTER .�I-TD .EGGS' takeg'at market,value and Ili any qdwititys at ' .' .. . .' . - * . I I .. 11 . .. . . L x'Q_ - - .. . .. .. . . . . . . � ' . 4 . . . . I I : . "" liqr up, in.Rpite of the I , . ­__��_ ". ".. L .' L . I . . . I . I . , . . . .1 . ittth. Junctiou and b would be.granted in Belgra,ve in'future. : . I ; lvlr..Geo, Reid,.of But Wavranosli, 6.'pupil. . ­�`jp"__­ - � .. 1. I . . I . . ' .. I . I . . . .. I . accumulation Qf,debix,` sufficient to-exbite �� . . MU,�, � 4 : 1, . " .. , , � __ - ' I . . . , I - �the-O-iitafko.���g.,Iiool-6LAxt.:,,T-oioiato,L-hAe- _--��- �' " � _­.. !, , I , 1� 11 I - ' I.. , I .-"-Tlfe--4li5,p-6e-df-iWd--Vi-,r ,;' 'A! _ I_ .. i � L .. � - , .... - I ... L ... L . . %W;z , - - . - U -- I X. & ­ li *' . ­ . I ley bf-Johnshapb4t'ara covered withAliou , highly distinguished' . himself at thbi recent ex. `,4% - . . 01 - -N-t�-._* .7 OD - G� - _ @-v%-_' _ - , , : ___J.. H p I , ... . .. �_,.`jX.".%._.�1L_,' '.' .qx . . .. . ... . ., � . .1 Gmina �,�J�� V . . sands of teMbe, vbile'the rocky cav, tions in connection with the , above -1 " ­�', ,;"�_�� . "f'-,� L� -Z . 1%611 , .. . . . 1. . . . I .. . . �� I. . 1. - .� � . . I I L . . ­ .. ,, .. .. �. '.. . � , , . .� � ' - �. ;.,. : . og- and. school.-- Besides takinT .,."i �1-k� .., .. . I ., I I . . . . ' : I . . '. . I . . . � �.. . . . I le � , "f5k - ,ir, - - I 1. I . . . 11- -, I "; `�:...-" ��-W;- 1.1 - I . I -place for genera� the silver medal Awarded by the riesident of -r_ I I I hollows haye�bc n'a buriing .,r, As second be�i pupil, - - - - . . LL . . I . . " . tions. We have'Ptood, within the temple area the Ontario Society of Artists' �, ,� 1, I - - L, . GREAT DRY GOODS HOUSE9. CLINTON � I — ____ .I..... .. . . . . I . . � . . .. I � . . I 1-4t,0,4 I . I ... . . I I 'L . . . , . . "d walked through its -length and breadth, , first and three see6u,d class certificates in the - � ... ; "' . I L 1 . . I . , -he took two . ;'� _A. - ' .I . . . . . � . . . . . i . I "t .. . , - .. . . L . . .. .. I L � . . . . . . L ;1A .. . . and touched the summit of We rook -ort which differetit brali6beo taughL 'Mr. 'Ret�d is only, , J= . I . - i= - 1", . %* I - > . _ . ____ - _ I , - . . . - rev6ired the spot on which rawlthi pupil at the school, and in the ... �;.V� - , Sy L .,. , ; I once stood the aItar`of'bnrnt'9firarIn1'_a tjol wo, i 10 . . . '. . ' -- - '. . ,� . ..., I -:.-,-i ',� , . . . ... I I . God C ol.o,ended. " �Sp.'�'.� t-i,� . FARM FOR SALE L.ON 'EA I TERMS, � � , . ,.jl�' to make bimselfknown. ,* Ills have also stood examinatiommentiondd. AU,d-been attending .­�., �",,� I . I — . able . 11SO.'and Rounds fOr solo' . . -. .. . � , - -j�, .; . . I the school for the past, four years. 'H�isavi ' _.' ':L !'� I L . . HE subscriber offers hal� khe-wost:hoif*of Lo� � , . .. I . . I I _ I . � �� . . . . . . . � . I !Z;� ,�,. �. _ . --!' ' - * . . . � ,�_,�.:__&..L;.,I� , _� I No.19,and the iiouth alfof Lot No. 2% in the . � . - . ... - with,the Jews as they' steed outside'st. the base d,,tly &'born artist. - , I _,:L., � I . I N . . �,4 , � . .T tfh . - . I of thp wall ofrthe tem�lw4rea and wept and , .. . I 1. .L - :4!-,--,. - , I 7bb con. of nullett�100 acres-,,60.vloared. Situated ' . 4��­Z­.,Lf 11 � rjrliat lit party, sib prase�f oaenpfad by Mr. Ilailton I . � ­�� � aboiiiil 5 miles- froini -Clintbu, and ther6 are . . , _,�:,�. . . . _ bewailool' the glory and the blessing that had 7�� ,:�--X,'�.­., , I heratoofore theyeoidence of the ]%to Wm. Smart, Is . 1--411 �_%;.-`S.: I . one fi,om them . L We'AIAO'exploiad the Vast _ L ' . LmARRIED' . . T., - zi_ - ­ � I, I - . I I . � . . thereon 'two log hemd". L -For terwo-and particulars l'offeraq -for sale, cheap, oji liberal terms. - Aoply-to . � . . . . . I L. . . � . . . . . ;1. _` . .... . I _,tl apply to , .L : . . � . . - ­ , .11 ... a - -LA1YT.;�,N6TSTARD­1Lt. the r6idWee, �.0 L ­_ .. ' ' W. W. VAICRAN, - i . I . I . . . . .4.? . I :; �. - __ .--. ­­­ 11 _-1 . ­ . I - " I . father, Stinley, on the 5th inst., by the Rev . .'�! - - --' : . C lil - -- ,Clinton� April 8,,1880,' , 4 . exedvati 6fia. under ther, north', end -of tha-, city ..the Midee!x. - .. ; .. I ... " I)OUT ­_ . : . .f"....'-, - , . I whence Solom ' obtai6d the hu' ; John . -1- . 7 I .., . . . , on I ­ ­_�. .... :.1. . Clint6a, *azc� 4,1891). . I � . L . . . I 11, . . ­ . . I the tomple'ifound , atious. ge blooks of . RoS.4,Alr.JTa.%,Laut, of Stanle3f, to gaijr,ltbird claugh. _­ . . ,� . L . . . .. . Other scompa have *ter of Mr, Wm. Mustard, or mcnisy..' L' - . . . , - _­_ I '.7. .1 . � -_ N ­ I . . . I * L . . - .. I .. . I I . 11 . I I , I . I - I attracted us.. Under the shades of the gnarl- ­ . . . .1 I . . . . . . . . I . � - . �i . . . . I .. . , . . . . . - . I . . , L. . __1 ed old trees of GLbbsbmane we have stood and L I -DIED. ' .' . ' . . . . .. I ­ . ..., L L ;- , . I ­ . . ­ . ­ ....' . . .. I . . . . I . THR'61MAVAND. ONLY RHALTA, who appeari: . . . . � . L . I . . . � . ­ .., __ ­ - - I- - ­ I � . ­­ - , - � L L . . I I �, L. I - L .., .. . . � . medit�tc'd'iipiin the woo ofHim ,v;lho4or our VOI)ONAI D.: -On. the 4th con; Ifugettro on the 10th -at ,ettolt cxhibitlon in bat $10,000 challenge achieve. . '. I . . ,: i: � L . � . � . , ­­ . 1. I - � - .1-i . I � , . . . . ' . Inst., Mrs. 1largarak McDonald, aged 73 years, L . ; � . L . . I . . 1. I . . 5�lvation bee�me man and'died.- The church I moat Of 8128t4i13iVg UP011 her unprotected shoulders a L . . . . . . � I . of tbb Hol . SPHAR-rn Orford toirniohlf)� Xent Co4 oh the �lld iauge 60o.round ca�cuou,. *h1le it IV ollocharged, and, . . . , . . . . I . � . � I . . . y Sepulchre has been visited agaia. I . . . I I I . . ., . Inst., the wife of.mr. Itichard Spear� formerly of gives other 'prod1Ri0110Allftotr4tfc;,uPf of. tremendous . . , . . . . : . .. . . . . * . 1. � L . . . I . . � I and agai�.* The probabilities Are against this Stafiloy, . I . �: L . afrexAgth. Shale 06,niosh wouderlulwoman that ever.- ' . , . .. . � : I . I . � , ;,., . .. I ,� . . . . .. . 4 � .. . i 4 I . - I I . . . . I - the ioth ii . mt,,, the infifti 11'red- , . I . . ­ . L .. . . . . . . . . . 11 . . . . . . . A I . .. . . I . . .. I. � . ' . . I being;bfie real site ofthe orvicifixion, and there - NIOIIOL.-�­In 1rullett, on . � , . . ­ . . . . . . � I I " ' ' ' L ' ' i ' ii much in the th;seldecoraiions and the cost. 1. , 'daughter of Mr. Davld.Xichol, aked ,throa�weeks. : ' - THE . - . SS�,TS­the3loht� I * " " ­� . ,� . ... I .. . 1. - .. . I . L . 1. . . . . . .. , . . . I WO .. FAAIOUS FiAmBol mu;ja,ly� a ant* .'.' _.� .. .: , I L - I . I .. .. L 11 ,. I . . "I I . . , ­� . - 13, surr6tindiu-gm,- and in some cases ibe lying ITPLY.-At bla residence Ituren Road Goderlefi 6d'Pautoralml ' a, GTm44stio and amiTJ in'th'11. I . I , . . . - . ... : L' al. oisitions, to pt . . . town8hip, oil tho lithliust.', Noble Whitely, a4col 79 World. , " , . . I I . . L . . . I I L . .. L . ,. .i L . . .. . ... . . . . I I- - -ovoke.a-feeling 61 contempt years. . . . � . . - �. I . . .. . . . L . .. . I aunio!fanto ,L L' ... CANADA'S F&VoRI,xE , FuN -MAKER,., JOLLY . . I I. . . . . �. .. . .. I . . . - I I . . , ... but after all. when in. the Sp I I I � . . � I . . ., . LEY.�At Exot�er,onilio loth inst.j$ohn.B.Selley, ;,OIINXY IMINDLE, the m oat popular chiracter north . .. SE. midst of'worshipping ban6eds,- one thinks. of .' 3K.D. after a loulf and painful illness. . . .1 of Niagara. . . . . . . . I the sad but gloriiks'story of the sacrifice. fot M"""M�_ LA na, IrIsn'-Alid.ai . i. . I . . . � . . . I " � I manj,6f the. croe9`.'4%d- th,8L - , r and somersault . � I �. 'w. .. . . pierced hands �ud. ' . . . Pree' of u6st. , . - ­ L ; . I L L ' . I I : - .. . . oliam=t1asIly no Trapeze.. . . . I .11 THE, MONTREAL HOU 11. . . . . feet And aidb, anditlid'agony, , and the dead' :'Thdrabst v*d�dorfufzomAdy of theL age in now Pla d' . L. . . � L I . . 1. , . . . . . . . . - . . � . . . I . . L . ... . . ... I - . . .- _ . to � .Nrx , . � 1. . - . I . . . . forni', &ML the grave, snd5he: broke.n-hearked, withinthoiciaolacif all., Leherloh or poor, it - .ocoo EL O EDDY, -The Unoball:nged d'amplon .. . . . . . . . . " � . I mothers, and the mr6eping, aes nothing to!glvo this great rez6ody a trial.. 3)r zing's Tight UoPeRarformar 6f the Univers .. . . . . I . I . 1�1 . . . olate discipled, Ca.1fortila Goldin Compo f4r Dyaliepals, Sick hatid- . .1 . ­ I . . L -18 UN8URPASSXDX * , . I .. . . I... __, . 1, I ­ - - the-maigtakes And follies of m stZeight- --adhe-, 4ow Kpiri'%M&-rbf1AAetlt ,lSbur Stoma b- C - - ---ffOHwlpolt8rtR.�.ilr6l%-mdupttiiivi-Aiy.&,ui�nibr-rda L - �', _;_ ... _.--_'!-' ­__ or_.. __, __�.�____ '7-7 - - 7. � - - - -. I L ' , - q-en_.mr6-Io � _ . ., ..__.___­_.__.�_. _'___-t%_.__.___ , i d I J ,-..l-__.., A -more,! iilg up of lexionroenoral 6DQj;11)l171bm_ i" . � T : I � '.L . - � I , . I 1L. .. ­ I I .1 I I ., . . . . ,; . . , .. . �, . 0 , an we see esus.on y. * More an Food. Yellow Comp Y, n0vike, : - . . .. L . . ... I . � .. I � I . . . . I I . : ;1. .. , . . . , , ., j Drowelqess,LiVer Complain , t.'. Jaundice I . . . . L L . L . � . . . I . , ., f . L . . L.. . . I I I . . . . . * " � , . . .L . I L. ., . . . 1. .. .. those who look into the Matter closely, are Iarnolctj3l =so,'for wbieh'it. is a certain sna, epoedy . I MISS L!7,�I]M %VENTWORTH, . Me Only Vemale ol , ,I. . . . . M, . POS� ,G , � , * _" ', , , L " coming'to the conclusion Abat the true site of oure. No perBou �hould bo; without it.- In order to 310flioniall*Soineenault bar I'drfpriper iwthaVorld. L M'I .0 . I . the crucifixion and burial ate to. the north of prove thabLit Will do all that 'we claim for It You are - . . " .- ­'­­ -­ ­ - � . . . .. , . I " - I � . ` * * the present.olly. But the-pieient 6itois the giving a Irial bottle free of oost.whfah wil-leozi-vince yen .LkP�ITI'TE JULTA ardMASTER (1006, thaMid- . , : , 16 11 I . . . L I . I . . I I "ev,erW for maj of Its truly wonderful morifg, and show y t & ie.. got Falryl, quillbristo ofthe Itnuning Olobes. I I NO O'k J 11 . ados .& 0 0 st '! . .. - . .. I one t a as. U-1 tLy'genera. en.Nifta . . . . . .. . . . ! . I ti I � : I . .. . � .. . . , I . . .. gular one dollar aize-bottle will do.. Vok sale by 1. 11. ' . . . � � . . I . . . I . ­ . I . L .. . . I . . tions, where perhaps millions have itnelt and Combo, Clint4n. . . I I BIASTBU LELVITT, theOhamplon Contortion be- � . . I . I . . . . . . I . . . . . _. .i� - .. .. .. 1� I . . . . . . * L ' ' , � . . . I . 1�_ I � . wept and sighed, And forAlie.reactie of which , . L .. . ' 74 � - 411 . t7w Bewest -Sty s. ji * , � B-nelderoo Aruicn. Seilve. .. . . der of all'Physlop Laws. . , . � I . .L' . , - .Fres aarivals i?& Id 481 - OpMed 674t. , . . . I . . . . L from Moslet� haiad he blood of -Many,'tlloa� The bes"t-SlIve in the worl( for Clitsi-Bruises, I . . . . I . . � � � ... . I . . . � L % . . , . , sands has liben'sheaNet it paag,' fet th . I . al[rA V'.3fACK, the Podalfwami-4n.ble I ' Ddr,to i 1kq - I , , . . � � � . A .. .. L I . � I L . . � . . . . . -1 . . . L . . � . I . . . . I . . I -s; Salt Rheum,'Poeter, Cha & B r t�,� . . '. I . e Rures, 1111ce! and "Theoplau0poss"origin4ftleg. ­ . a . � I . . . . I I. 'L . very.spot be -forgotten6 They' -that wo I -1 all It . 4 .. � I . . �,- I . . - I . ... I . . . .. '. . I . . 4 L bon 4 . rahip Hands, Chilblainsi Corus,.ani in& of I kin . .. .1 - L I . L . . I . L I . . I God 4forth aid to worship, Hirp In spirit E ruptions. This Salv6L is guaranteed - . XELLY and.11ALLEY, the Vlrqt, a nil 1'inoot of Irish . I I rUth L _­' ' ­ ....... --r h. �erfuUt.aatlSfaotian in. � give Song-anA-Dance-Charaotev Coniediittm -,.- --. . : . . and'iti-t . L red4:.. L .. ... w_ - -s- — ih EV -1 DE" — .. . , , everyonswor,po . � �L . . I . IL,KS'* d. . . ERY'S r' I A 9 . L I We. have been over Mt. Olivet and eiijoyed. fituded. Pried'26 cents per .hpx.. :.F 6r sale: y - THN ENTIRE GRAND GALAXY 01.1 CA.M.9. I . I I . .L . . . I . I L . ' . L' . .. . from its sum m, 6 the 11ificent view of the X; H . Combe, dlinton. -. . . . THENIO XINCxS-tn &:grant Oorbblned Ilival Act of I . 11 .­. .,..-- I I . . I � ma .. . . . I . I . . MUCIE BELOW ItEGULAR VAXAiR. . . city, and of the hills ..119valleylP around even - .. .-- ' - . - . I . - I Vaulting, Tumbling, -and Horn,-rzault Sensations, rew . . I. ... �, . . . . I . . I I . . . . . ,�; e Dead Sen. . )Vo ha Is . . , I . . �' Tiving all the glory. o . f the Graqlan fiames. . k, ­ . . . 1. . . . . . ­ I :- . . .,�,1_1­ IL . t. . :.. . I . 'i to the witerg of th To il .. . . L I , I L .� , . 1. I . . . . . . . � . � I . . I . ; . . I . I . . . .. � L . . . . I . I . . . . - I . I I .. . I . � . � L . . I . ited Bathany.djVe ha:ve journeyed to Beth. L L . . I ___ I I . . . I . . . � . . . . . . I a ifed . . . . . . . LL Z � . . . . . g . I . . I . I I . . . lobetu and. it for'its, lofty eminence * ' I '�L 1. . . .. .. I EXBROIDERIES OwtilYer. tlia n .the,� cheapest. . . andbeauty, Wellavo-visitL . .. . . I . . . , � . .� : � .. . I I � I . I id thd place where ' 'I , . . 1 1, . ­ . . I I . . . ,. I I I d . . a � .. . �_ _� L ' ,L L X . . . . . . . I . I . . . .11. . . . . .1 . . .1 7 . I I I . . . I . . _ the 0 ibfant. Redeemer w.;i kid, lf.*We bav ' "I -GE06 1)' L9'1 * -.1.* I . -.',2�,� _A9,L . , IR HT % 40. A_ . . __<!�_ . L L . .. . � i . . I . .S�j­_.` '.—��, . . L . .. . . ar P. . . . . . ::� �.'j�",.­'�Z t ,4.:�7'�;`!��`a�". ,;%.-;.,, ... . a the'inagnificent.pools of Solo- 1p_� , gond as f, , - . . . . . .4 -_ . ..- DV , Mori, 8 or 9 miles'away. atiol.go we i . . . 1 1,_.7;.-- , ,__. I .. , .1 1. L .: .. - i Pave gone ";;; - ­�- , "' "LL � ,. ;_­ Z ' ' if ­ " 4. , " ­" - .' ' - -��t . � . I .- - .. I . 1 _��%Ar-',�!�f"_.; ��.­.'­­ L' . I HOS101*11 of ,outy abscription.) sitable ,for the: SaRson, - - .,. �., " � found, the suqred bity, " mhrked �vell her bul- CABINET. MAKEA I .­`q;,�­_n. 4 :�.­T;v" , . . . I . . . I wa;rks and considered her palaces:", On Mon. � . L 1. I . . . . , � ,­­ "I I-- �.�_ , . . .z . . 1� . . .: L .$ ". ' � . . I 1. , . . I � � ��­_w', . -1. 1. . I - . �, . ... ?.,.:, "I � . _,� . ., . . . . I .. --. � . I . . I . -. . . . . - . , �, ; ; I., . , : . � . ... .:' 0, L . . ;, - I 0 a'a Sea and the 46r� .* . . . ... . . .. . , -, I �. ., , I _� I - . . . � . � . . I I . � . . day we start for th De . . . 1. - - _. ,�_ . I I , I . � . dan, �and thente -will dontinue our jbtLrney to. . DEAL'sn itt ALY. xiM59 6F . I I . . � ,. : � I .1 I . .! . . '. '. .i . .. I . . I . '. I I . L i , . I .. . . 1, . . . I . . ... 1 I Yk­ I . .. � . . .. . . the North, to G�Iilee, DaMMoue awl'Lolianon, L ,. . I . .. Z � 1. 'c"." I 116, . I . . . 1 . . ... I , . . � . . . . . . . . . N " _., , :11':-�, lo"i, . " , , . I _. ,I . I ! , " I . .. I , 17,11 I, L. arl' i t - B 'on the 256. ., I . 4� 1: ",L�,' ill � - . ) . , . . -i - . % , , , -, -- ' L '..��. � '7 I I . � I . .. I . . � . . . I I .. � I ­ I I . . Our party will consiatof. 70�petffbns, besides - IV IT TJ,R E ' ' ' - I T, FA. E �_ -.;,. . . I .. I . . ivo a . "ut . U-1 A.1 . . . v ,_ -� �. " -11, .1 . I. TS, 5,7, 0,1 I � . . I � We expeatto F 't�,.,,s� . Ll 1 2*000 Y.ards Now Pattein PRIN . . 9 and 122 C, per lard . . o.'M � ;, - . L I. , I . . 11 . - ,-I- � ;.:),- - -.7 -, t, -,_-1-__- . . . .. L .; I . I . . . dragomans and tent -men, and will forin A ' . . .. L. _ �­, --- o,,� �1 '1�..F�,___�� . . � . �. . L. r I largedaravan. ItrustwooliallbefaviDrod4s - 1 4 . I;;;" I ,?` , V ?O , EN 11!�,� ' ' L , I ��-T-�.;;"2, - . 1� - P.1/y1""* i�_ " 11 _. ­ doz' IIN "I'l)KERGHTFS at� 60 .C.- por*zoll, . ,� ... v/1 '41 I 'i--,' , �,� , . . . . %To have in tbe-past with fine' weather and 'L � I .� 1.45 0 THILDREN'S UNDERTAIKIER - IF- � Ui //"I , . . I . I ... . . - , ) � . . . I -1 .1 � 1, .. . . . .4 . I . I I " 11 �� � "O 1`��� ,� I . . I . . freeddin from all sicknesa and accident, . � �1'1111. 111? fIr-41 11 ; N " , , , 1� L .. I . I . I I 'i . I I I ,;,I er, I I I I go fat our Palestine jdurnev� has been �oiye ' - - I I . I , ,;;,� � . I . I . I . I I r , � . . i . . ,-i-*",.,,',iil,',,Yifi.,I"ri"� . . . . L. . I . . . . I � 4, c., 1Z11 - -1 I. 10 ,,� "l." - . , I 1, . 1,11 "I , , , I . 11 ,6f, intengest Interest.' The bibla bas,t� me I I .. ", I "if., � 11 ,. 11, , . . . . , L ' I ;,j,,1t,'�,!,`.,,'.1 �'P;t,;;�;��: I . * f'" ` �:-4;;` g`�­ �"4t­�* . " ", "',_�,J;'j, Ta i y � U'Altft'j ,Ipi�i _ .; * ` m) iiest, T"' ftt,45� 55 af,144 60 C. to the . _-.-1,1,1.- " � . JIL'Ti aningei, and we . . , ... - I . " "�."" �1� Inow a now charni and in�, I I 1- v 11 '..­,��, ;,��L; t ., N ., , �. .. ,W 1. 4-_ _- . . , , . I c� ;. . - I , . . _` . I . I .. I , i, �'. . . . . . I "fin I ­ . . - . . . . I s 'i �_ " " I . I ;toil an() expense double what they have be n , I I , I . I . i T.Wduld hot grudg4 them, for such all expori- Vic � (yria St. C top . , I . . , �'. a. . L. .. � . t � . . . I , I . � I . I , I . . . . . I I., z, � L I . . � I . , . . I. I . I . I . I . once,, Tell the Clinton filorids, that I feel L I I - . ..31.14-1z . I .. . ( . . I . I I . I . - KKAWWAXOMOUM ... .­ - . `�'.-. ' . . . � � . . � ' . . gratt%fUl 4tol tbani for tLWs priclo6 pr'Mfego. I 6 ' L . . . . . .. -L-7- . � _­'. . ' . . 6k., . '. .� -' and them, . , . . � ­ I . A -THRILLING rP� - AV�1715 FUEL To ALr,., . . . I � f, - .q#ih In town. - , - �-. - Nifty Goidblems Von . ' and oduso you _-__ -.-.. . ­ - . I I . rhe � arges i s to , of Laces & F I ' 1. . . .. . . . . . I . gs.. . . - , I � ! 0 i;rosper ablinolauLly, I remain - yodrs affee- *11 —Prbf. Forber'm 01oud Walk--: '' I I I . I I .. . 1. . . '. I � I . . v I - -1, ALLAN L . I . . . , I L . I . ionatoiy . D-01, SU�1111111LAXD, THXJ IN On a Shiek Itopo front tht gronud ontsitlo tho QauVnj1 . � I � I . I . I I . . . . to the top 6f the lowering center polo )I a diiitanae of � I . . I I I - TwoHundrodlkot.. Sod him 1101311t) 6stinfainedi and The Al ontroal Po8l gi � . . , . � - - I., - - Ives a 1,101'roat'. iiit terpre. . . � L . imaying fa gigAVAld o9allintioro,* to and fro, upon a Bla,* Cashmeres, prices rangiag from 2 0-0. UP. tn,tibn of public, oj)lniou in -these wo1rdA':- . 1� lln& iope, litar6liv hu" loalle In mid-air; performing I . I I . . . . I I . � I I I . Though the uumber of Liberals in the Itorlse WDIPOOL— LONDOSDERRY—OLAIS50W rAhn . y Dl.N9.-ev1!J,1,lnT46att. L . . . I . . . of Commons looks ridiculously small on a di. ' V ' st I . . I 4 . - , 41 , . . I 081 the party have novL,r du. ­H09T88T *OMIA PASSAGt ,L6 t,1,1.1 AzatbortfagppeoatPrea 8bowin tba tri,avoms, , . � vision, noverthel - L . . I 00-ighialou of pimh evevb�plo onfortninvibat h I . rill t1le asttwerlty-flvoyoaraboon I 1. . *,at a CL . so Power. (4iihAn' ;ti,terzAieii i sit 46 itud 14 to ora go T felk - S(IrAdton of ColoOftl I'llr(Acchm16 llalloeoo will be' I . I I - (n] onniry. It has- now a tecogniiod L lattathea Pkyward, furuisblugy it gr6not ata dazzlinn I-., ( or in thn 1)0�Aoa of tho Honorable E'dwiard . . Otis at� LoWq�t Oates. � di.0plAy 04 �"lrd*Ok.kM, 1t9.tb0Y M06r fAlkJ Q1388411y Ill 11011 all 8 ro A Ica or wfio iieed fear -cc rival and N111111M.1-11r. SAXIIENGIS ViX'4.r.W1J.A1. , ftrad.d. CRAM . MACWHIRTEIR'k & C04 , ' I I . . . AlositivelY No Circus murromidinga. '. �. . . I it, Ili 9thd confidence nf the groat Tw;iority , , moR)k-%.IA.N, � . 15th Nffty I No gimagbf chancesor aqvindlingpeddick andcamp- - ­­_ . of Calln,%,lns. - . .- 8&RUKTION, . . . "12nd 1. . fanoweri lia-mittod on IER pronado. No pliyaoi-out . . 0. I .. . "DICA19SUN, - - 6.19th $- . . I On Monday th-i Pronnit;r N his em�4ity as a. , I - � I . . Mouritoiban)c Match of Ohosply 1)411bod WAggont, Va. lint6n, L ,kpl�1120, )ego L . . ! b'ritis . to). ana Tr6A, t6 trill the rnblit and entice them into : . ll'Oolambfil, repree4ontativa'wAs wRitr(I � Paiik.,t d" 1r[nt4 it) brhi� oni frlonilti hemi tlio old. empty canvabos. I . . . , . I es . allon by Mr. Bunstol., wh6-formalhr lodged ,I 0outitry, can -ave'rooney by irrrohAsine prcpaid co-tia. . . , . I . L 'I �' , , - I �1 , , bvp ad 0 z1 - I 4 �-, I -1� I . __', "-"- - ;;- ;z - 11 "s 1 0r6t08tAgAjn'.' the Government's �Orm-tt­ entoli t "'. the Agent in Clinton. Prof. Charleg Vrar%W.4 1116"Ster sihior . . . f, . I I I I 111119 , I I Corgiet Milids i�n& POPULAR DOMINIOX. OR. I '�, 1, the contmators oil the Yale-Itritil'oopq blano ST1131MAt 1111tolaTS.To 011USTILIA, ilrffiln in the AlASSM GOLDEN CIIA- - RIOT of I 'lONftTg,jVjlI RIV(i, nL to O'clo ,L Of ille Paclao RailwALY . . ek each m6rri- ; . I . I I . ,to employ, 011hlMo la. I � I bar, as Illey llow 6iltemplatn. (Ining". 8ir LAverpool, L010oinflerry, 011t.qqd1i), Queem?. ing,11 wilperb Pamdo(outott. � . I . . . . 101111 1)r0llli-,4nd to ace ISir Charles Tapper And IOU . w,_111e1Avqti Londf;g, Brift6l, Cardlir, An 11%bibitlarl rhich the ontir., 4* v*Adi� �rem tiolo ' . I , . . I ., . . Ilse w))ntfiver itirluence. ho' could ill t1lol ynat , For thi-olullilielot-q and �)vtry luforemi�tloft ftj�jy to (loco rill it Adiovllw:�,, nua whiaA r,muns far more for , � . � I P . ? . . I , '.011�y'tba ttt)zsjl(,W,4t(IYIYI.,Iyloorltl���l,I - ,.___...:­­.. . .. . tf-i�-,.­Thisiofr�rwastj- howevor, ch,a;,(nt1r17ni A; qTRAtTON, a. T. It., Agent, Olintoin, , jhO-�� -h- n ­ � .r ... � - . � � I.- - 1. ­­ . .1 I . � dr. Baw;tcr na,ovapivo, I . Clinton,)Sny(1,1880. w. . I., I I MI )to topon At I f.wl 7 n'tinel'. i'crfvr,tc06l1ft0 46m. I .. . I � . . . . . k I 11 - ­ - - -_ faoaeo,a tJ.ana8o1.!laok. . 1 I � . . � I . I I . . I . I - . I .1 . 1. . - . . I I . r " . . . � I . I I . I I I . . . . � F I L . I I . . r , , I ­ � . . . . . .� L , 1-1 L . 't' - ' � - '"' ' k- L "Jj.J".L­ � - -1