The Clinton New Era, 1880-05-06, Page 7'* 01-1 , lk .1-11 11 - __ - 1-_ _-, - . - ,- . , ._._.,_r1­1____71!M111!qq T - , - " . 1� 10 A O]CXA*X NVEDIND IN WIXE BRIVISU CASIX1111r, THE LATEST SWINDLE* , Old .and Now Wqrld 301tings. whotbortlistendenoyl . 1. � - _! _. . � - - � I I I � , A ibis putioular family J1111,140 11cloildhood, I CANADA I reirsomael 09 she New administration I � - Is to diseard or traxismis the, superiltions rib., - , -Th I ' Lord, Aosaboxy Wilt probably visit ibis It is is curious fact in Stilt ,,go ,hat S 9 man itlembers will be Sworn lot , . a h (17 the author of 0 Leadle Tawoob StrAugs.1) I Ile � - A WARHING MAW11N4 FOA country next mOn4bo On his WRY 10 An* Is- WAN an AcrOblit, And died from breaking siblood. 1) � or shiltron dingy van pool in peat , I qN., , I , I &I ') To -day., . � _ � ^ XOTiIING. Miss Faithful will shortly visit Anistlook to waxwel. when &robing him bAY back, and going All tucked cup for. der tilibilt-. ' ' ,� . Wo the 1111ditor 91 the Tncz$ LONDON, April 27. -It IN believed that the dallier bar lecture 'On , I dukes mine, p IVO*der muntol off, I following APP I . I I Social shams and through the. spa 11kc performances whi _ I ,,-I now send you my promised letter ointmento have been sanctioned modern a tr delight � . aii Vied by der Irefitile prighs Ria . -by the Qaoe-a . IIII[Ow time Qvidgeons are 4,1aught, I � INT11144111064.1 , � the public chiefly from. She fact the' I dirika abouilt vhen Iva a yeiuxxc�_ � I I an fti Dominion Senate. -1 The Duke of Argyll Lord President of the mr, obariao ropsi,at .Cleveland, Ohio, ham are unnatural to man, whatever they may by Off= r,whovastead I . . I 'do Hang I Within the past few days a number Und hoo,41% ridgtjdta-liko � - I � rublio opinion is daily concentrating 0 1 Our citizens have. boon receiving pQi Of loit mix children by diplitherisi Within a a4urs 4taxacialtays. , I I � - I - oun I . at cards i me, Ong 00 . Ohs tucked sawoup in pad. � I .1 a Sirim. G. Vernon Harcourt Socratpry of' I I a 91. 10years our I The following in on with I ,, *1 Wan allitude. of saloggrilem. to this VISION , , - . , oident In conneoti '11. . . . I from Now York offering the most oxtraordia. . orhaps contribute in SWO, for the Home Department. sty inducements so got them to 4 bay, .a A man in Buffalo has b the Midlothian sloction. is reported b I mlmdt me off ,mine fader too, ICrisimber. and I may p I � . � son granted a I I , , ,, .. y the Und how )in 100st to Pay, I I 1004101 degree to $Ixe Proper solution of the The Earl of Kunbericy Sooretary of State washing . I � Patent for a d flooteman: 4 At Roslyn the Doke of Boaclouo 4 . � . I machine. The idleged firm who .1 I eviois to test the. explosive I . h roorV,0,Y,1OU afabardtaldt.row , important question which stands at tba-head for the Colo I � has for leases an old man in a piteous, h I � I nial Dopartmens. have Pont out those. inuohinso is , Lynn & Ruality. of petroSum. by, means of electricity, . . state To on, und loadle blay I' I ca ibis Paper. Are we not prone to be carried Right Hon John B I right Chancellor of She Co., 1()4 and 10 . � Of parfilysle, His, nevertheless, posseasso a I And MO OUdt dot id van drue . I . � - I . 1� skmay by.our respect for W44over is opolent ? Pushy of Lancaster. I 1 6-16hu street, Now York,' and J?11donero have read In the Timan that, At vote, and would, of course, desire so give 1 Xot 3:61no oldt fader Bald, 11 I I I 1051; UP, briefly oo).2oldor the history of six Right Hou. J. Staxisfield President of like . son, The old man was Vnd tucking me in psd. I their modus operandi is an follows. They � get It Exiserpriso,' Haveralook Hill, a lady gave for its, landlord's t VhIld simoodbing down mJua;ftnxen hair . � ' , : . I 11 A ally directory and choose the, names. birt Inetwookio it Pon and two daughmen., accordingly . carer , tilly vonvoynct ; .1 -1 . I ­ * , I � - lipp"ObAmberinthe British conogtrition Local GovernmAWBoard. . - � I --- - - ­­­ ­ _­ _Q She ,)oil . . - , � � - . � . I I k 7 , - , - I _b --- b'- - "' � - 91 � 1.408a they ,would - like.- to, val w a - Enterprise,, indeei . . ­ . I with 1% full'"Owledgd that not - being * able to Der oldt follial Id Vag like & dbream , . I . � I owd we ob4f a - .atter able to j adii of it's - A a, It Gwa, 4ville, , Secretary 6 f S life for thi' dUpog, for the Whole thing In To shveak ol dboxxx like dot I I , I ­ 11 1 4 -Ofusefulhessino 0. The-BrAt a swindle. To each of those they spending much of the winter in the Yosemite ballot paper. It was, . i - a viessity or ish Foreign Depaviall I William Bradfori, 1hQ artist, who has boon move hand or loot, he could not mark the I I , , � I � I . I I Oretchen und van A old folks I newt .1, carisioluslon, we all know, fit the growth of The Marquis of Harlington Secretary of send A Post card, Puffing up" the great and Valley, pays %list the, , I I however, taken - for Und but two shiltren jot. i � years. In. early thpies It was found necessary State for India. I fee piun%olo of the granted that he would be able, when quoit. Ve lofes dbem more uq noler Vag, 0 . . ' ' good qualities of their washing insohinan. yooemito Fall became a tower,over Dix bun. tioned in due form, to state his preference fo Each leadle curly head. I I . I li 40 curb the poiFer of the .sovereigns by that H. U. F4. Childers Woralary of State for Th . r Tind efry nigbdt ve dukes dbom cup of She a , oblea , t � and. g . radually the Power of both War. I my then make the following I very opecial dred foolli.i8b., Lora Dalkelth. When th critical moment Und, tucka dhoin W their pad. . '. I I . I I . offer I: 0 If you promise to show the. U. 13, a I vras curbed by that of, the people as repro. L,)rd 941borne, Lora Wgh Chancellor. Five years ago, thadaughter of the Rev. came it was discovered, to the dismay or the I . . I 4 I . mounted in the Houso of -Commons. In $his washing machine to 411Y son of your lady Thomas Guard, while travelling on the Brie PA . notAing canvasser, that the vote I � d 13ndtillien gowedimag,vben I feels, plus, - I J J Win- E- Forster Chief OecrskfirY for Ire- friends and send no 75 canU, which we have I I � I r cou Und all 2inge lonesome seem, I � way Shp British House of Lords became land. . estimated will cover cost - of Pao r0tosid, in throwing a piece of orange peel no$ articulate She desired syllables. Fall I I vish I 'was dot Y agiLin. I . I I king and the . an essential, in fact an Indispensable, Lord Northbrook First Lord of the Admi. various charges to your point, out of the car window, dropped a 0306 dia, : opportunity was given him, but he could not 'Und die Vag &IFO. dbre&m, 11 I I � 1, we, on our I I vant to Islas mine rooder vonce . , part Of. the govextimental oyeturn, ' just ralty, mond riog. It was recently found by a 08Y I DAIkbl1h,1 and go he was carried back Und vhon mine bruyervas said, .. I Me. at A later eriod, ',.the House I Is to believed the following appointments part, will send You one machine securely trackman among cinders, whore is had litita with his -mission unfulfilled. What would To hat mine fader dako rille"oup, 0 t , � - P I pmaked and Prepay all the charges of every, I I � kof Commons became an essential prpteotion of the outside Cabinet have been arranged: kind thus enabling you ever since, . .. � have,happoned if he had tried to may 4 Glad. Und Suck me in mine pad, � . , to, obtain a - . -­-ol"she people against Attorney. General, Henry James. ­ ­ maZine IrRe in dxtbarigo--jor the slight -All the ladies are wearing satin 6-510 . stone, r6maloommatter of speculation, f " I ­ I... I I . ; . the t.yrannyof boil, . . or ---- , -- � ' I � Grown, and nobility. Lateron,4he Hoamoof Solicitor Goneral, Farrar Herachel. . . P the exportihons, wan eochqwed., 19inor Am rican Xpqspatches I ; .trouble of ,showing it to 11 low of Your )NhioA has been, In elile, or, in other words, W I . � I UriU,bourne, what it now to, a body repro- _L Lord Chamberlain, Lord Konmare. - friends. Alon 1. . . . Just so the committee of the Duchess of . I , i � I - gwith the machine"Wo will on% of fikohlon, according to some authorities, I I ­ 1. Sent* -4he 9 itar - _01.SheRobao,th DaollaigiiotWess. send confide -ever. since the , MarlbeirpuX14,1P -,R Naw OALZAII . ­ - - , Ing .. .1neg. or bereiii _y.pqbloo, tile 440rom . 1. . 1.9 - ntial prioeo, which 'will,enable reign. of the last o -sitet. Fand, more.a.bont to . . .- 0. April 26,�Jpgopb poilginall,. . �_. - _.- . _. - . - 11 f The Valolsi _ ., . ,, _ - - - ­... I ­ I I I . landed interest, a d the Churib. of England.' minater. A US Income. YOU have Only to walk Along We Paris Boole. hold their meeiin other day two little . bar 61 the firm of a'. & w. Seljg_. I I . � .24 . I you to earn A. large and permarte ,g the senior inein There are,Ahereforet, three interests ropre. There will be 0, council at Windsor Castle it You are not Jn a position to accept this vard to see that it hao'eatirely recovered its boys, ball -naked, trav I-atalned and bare. mmu, bankers, N w York,. died. suddenly of, . , . , I 0 � . a . I stated by the House of Lords, When Sir to morrow, when it is expected the now Min. . Offer we 'give you the privilege - of Patent! ampiro'over the ladies. . tooted, sought admission to the asatle,stating heart disease yesterday. ... � 461in Slineos, the, Lloutenaut,Governor of isters will be sworn in. . - 001126 one whom you may recommend,, a 139 "that they had walked all the way from Okib. NEW Yonk, A"' - . � � � nd One of the things riot generally know . . , pril 26. -The steamship . . I . � . Upper Canada, called together Its first. ' The Times states that Hart Konmare his , the above offer will be equally - . a In barman, county, Cork, to plead for -help to Basmaro, from Hull, 'Arrived to -day, and . . , � good to the England in that mt. Brownet the rejected of pay I i parliament at Newark (now Niagar6), he been appointed Lora Great, Chamberlain; their father's rent. He. had a bit of land, but reports that on April 20th they passed several . i ) said person.' Then this tempting & P. B.1 Is Chotgoa,-sho is reported to have spoken ,dur* the timell were so bad he aoul large looliergy, axis 40x120 feet. . . . 11 I grimililpituently 'told. the assembled Earl Sidney, Lord High Steward; Earl of ouplilled: - r. S.-The� above -amou t We I g bi . I d not pay the, . . ­­ � , I U a is oanvaosofs ,cur liko Gladstone,, , riot I an I -1 , . I momleers of the Lower House, and She Cork and Orray, Master of the Horse; Sbaw will dedtiot from the firet bill of- goo0o you oampoxed and- published: d � t Ahoowed;eEl. Having gone round � HARRISBURG, - -Pa., April 26, -Judge ' -_ L I . a after becoming our agent,, so. at the Antipodes - -6ro, he could . . � I . ating his goj4gru -.8mong'the 'friends and n' .1tearson sentenced Hemble, Pairoff;salser , .. , , I I i thirteen members, of the upper one, then Lefevre, Seor%thry to.tha Admiralty; W. P. bay.from, u a work en Book 011ily FOrApe together 46. The two children, Crawford and Bomberger, logislative bribers, . . . . I , 1. w4b . � � ' � I known at I Legislative Councillors,' that he Adim..0blef-Commisgionerof Works. Beaw that your Arms machine will eventually ad,st of Etiquette. orHinto for Addressing Exul. � whobad . I , I . . Presented to them a transcript of the Britimb 001318611d will nQi tt000mpany the ex. Ministers You nothing. Postage stamps taken,- buf nout Parmono.1 . . seen rompeativaly 12 and 14 Dural each to KOO ADO ' or one yearlo I � - � . . constitution, and he In I idently Wought that to Windsor, as he has delivered up the aside cash preferred., . I thought they would tink the good Dualisms imPT1901111110211 . at . bard labor in, t I lie .i . -no better gift 'could be offered .to the royal of office to.day. it Jo needles's to say that the unwary� . Among the wadding gifts of Miss EVP1yn of Marlborough to give I daddy I the 22. Away penitentiary. I .. . . . . I . . I Who Elizabeth Vane Hay on her maIrls, . go to Sir they startedfor Dablin,begging their BIMLEvILLE, 111.0 April'26.-The recent ' I I � People he was called on to govern. Now, it The Standard Pa a: 'BORCOnsfiOld too lave sent either stamps or spent - . I food and . . . y k . .9 have beard R, D. Moucrieffe, batt,, lately, wore ten ludgings, and inquiring the way from town cannot fail to - strike one that the, British leave of the Queen yesterday.' Introduction of new machinery by which the I no more of them, and from that day to this broochon, thirteen oPoklx r own. The journey, upward of 2 number'61 miners employed was reduapd- , . ... qimstitution way be a very good one for She The following Appointments, are-firiallyllhere-has- beer, -Mo word, of We- machi' . - - " � 0680 six. ingot four. to -t I 90 Inflea, . : I I .. , ' . . 110, necklaces, four diamond staro, three pairs otiouplibil 3 wevits. Her. '(Is expressed ad. . .. won" in which khitk -grown,J)[it i very made: , . . of � causedgreot disiallof oti, , � � ­ .1 V- I I- . .here can be np,,aoubt that Aha_.whole-AWng. gra I a on, among the men . 'bad, one ,for another and a Affe t Untry. TUeD-aka of Arg I . -am-ringg, a brougham, besides iaudleEti miritiorl &I-tiOr filial affection, while she at VdIlle _0041 Infuse yesterday, 400 of them- . - , 'if-370rd Privy WeRa - � - is a swindle, as all such , tempting offs I . ohm, � . . .Ten On v .1 to' -a and table � Would it answer just now in Zalulandi, in Earl Ximberley Secretary of State for t. vases, clooke, chin � silver Onookh gr4tified.them to their heart'a content by fired the works, and it is paid7 kflhd one . . . � 11 . 'he generally are. Cautlotio people willbe money to Jail a house. I I . . I Tarkey, among tboIndians of our ownNorth- Colonial'I)eparlment. . I . in pookat if they.retain their ast . sh, and bu� I . promialipg:to �oeua their father :C2. They man And- deiroyed--iiiii' ioaohiuory� The - I � I � Wait? Certainly not. We: mutt, therefore, - John Bri6t Chancellor of .the Duchy of &heir .supplies froni tooni Histoiy rep has again elevated IP - . a . . able dealers. We , ,eating itself ,ere thefi, by comm ud-of her' grace, taken 'owner of the mine called on the Governor - . I I consider. when Introducing a . system of Lancaster. 11 . . I . I . I 1. . ' MSTquia, of R'.pon v, - - -a - ­ . Are aware,,bowever, that after all we may may, AmJew in Egypt ' ' 146 kbediva haeriiiied in to the clothes room and their ,tattered for assistance. I I I I . 96yerninefit, whether - the people are the Logroy o n is. (He . - 111 U'trifin J$W,r­xxAmed Julius' Blum, tolhe garmentschanged&ra now suit�of tweed . . . I . . I I I r * ther aregadgeons everready to be caug' I . . I - , I I . � . Oy itty either go' Ireland 0 ' . . . .. xame, whether the olroninotanceo of the was offered thaTicor by ouch bait,*aud there is no.prospect rank of psoba, and Assistant secretary of each. Having been regaled wish a substani . . country are the same,' whether the wants -of or India.) . . *1 at state. This will recall to mind the .a list dinner, they were brought before the Sometime, after the Queen's boreavemint, , I . � I . . r day ever arriviog wheir deadbeationx shal be IV n - . Professor Sedgwlok received an invitation to I it, I the inhabitsinte; are the same, as those of the The sport that Lord Derby was oflared a looked upon in its proper light and All such ment of Joseph In olden lime. 1118%.1, ladies of the committee, who rewarded' the I . . � . - I I . . . I vomitryfrom which it is brought. I have east in the Cabinet is untrixe. - . swindles given the go-bi.-Hamiltort Times. 'Indeed, ifist no Israelite boa, since the time brave adventurers with a pocketful of silver. Witidoor. Shortly after )its return Ao-Cam. I . ishown that the* uppir Chamber in Britain The absence of the advanced Libbrals,- . . . . , . I . . of Phamoh'i favorite, reached so high a Neil morning they took their first ride in a ridge %ftliend oaid*to him, ,You have been, � ' - I I . . , was needed to represent three distinct Rod after long negotiations, hao'been :met by � � . -position in Egypt. ," .train, aeoOmpillshilog In Dix bonre it distance o court. Professor, since I saw you last., - - �, Important intereste, lint I 'inuat -now ask conceding a Beat in theCabinet to Chamber- W117 TIRE CHINESE WMML NOT that took them 21 days to walk. On the ' d, I I have not been to court ; . - � . . I ,whether these ittt6iosta ,existed in Upper lain, who probablywi � Ilbe President of the 'nziotlimiz r4ALTVRAXiIZEID. . , A safety device, applied to the,'Qars* of same. day the assistant secretary to the relief jbAv',heor,enPt'o1"VIs1k a Christian woman in her ­ I - . Canada when GoVernor Simeon I so pompous. Board'of Trade.- Sit 0. Dilke accepts the - . . � elevators, so avoid accidents In ease of the fund wrote to the: parish prieml;k inaloohig a aftliction., - I . '. .. . 1: The special committee which Mr. I)ecom. biesking of the ropes, has -been reoentl� ' . . � ,� . . ly Introduced the Britidli oonstliulion ; Ulu. . position of Under-Secretary of the Foreign moo has just secured on the question of invented byG,'W'.'FIst9, of South Har6pton, post. offiod'ordbr for L2, payable to the JAther A now feature has been introduced into the ututilated,1 as he Was pleased So phrase it. Had Department., Earl -Spencer will be, Lord Chinese immigration cannot be exp . eoted'in N. H. It involves an entiril . ofthe boys. Dunnville public -.school. Every Friday the . I I 7 new principle, , . . I 1. we, a nobility ? No. Had we a landed interest ?, President of the 0ourick instead of the Duke the short time at its disposal this geoqiou to dispenshigwish the old ratch principle. The I pupils furnish short paragraphs descriptive.. ' �, NO. Had Wean catablishe4l, Church? Yes and of Argyll, An reported... - I � Is is believed that Mr. MAY,' who a shork of local 'events observed.- or board by them., - . I . . . I . � I go exteneivigly Into the subject deUgated to'it fall of the car is, it is amid, made impossible, if,, ,go a � I . I ma; for - though- an attempt was made to It is officially Announced that,the late, for investigation. .It is too coluiplax III its th . a safety ineriiaoing with the weight of the coompanied Mr. Copp, ot the firm selveo duriog3he week, which are written in � . � fasten One.9n us it failed. Thus, not one of Ministers will go to Windsor by the -12.10 wapoot , and too many intern is would be load.' . I � � . . ­ of Copp Bros.. the well-known stove manu nowspaper style. . The tineber Rejects. the , � . I . �� I $be remons which make an upper Chamber p. sn'. train, and She now Ministers by the 1. lo -offs . facturers of Hamilton, oxiavlaitto,Odanab, moat appropriate items And sends tfiem.to . I . . . I . I ; meassoary in Britain a i 11 d to Upper Can p. train. . . . �. .. otea�by any proposed legi6lation. Mean.- The German Chancellor has caustil the will open a branch stove and hardware store 'the villoge newspaper for publication., I . I � g.g. apply to as a, .while the Chinese competition with white announcement � to be made that I . . I Of do E% . 'Royal therew-Winnipeg Free, Press. I I . I Ida then. and none Uft I L d Cranbrook atterideid" to the Indta laborl Him . . �. . I i . mow..* The Senate, therefore, go far, is use. Office for the last time yeitorday. '. , � on the Paoifie Coast Is b600ming a mori- Highness Duke -Theodore' of -Bavaria. who i the three weeks of t.hig month no Arrangements have been m4de by the -, � . .,* I -one matter, especially In view bf the fact that recently to6k the degree of Doctor 'of Medi. .. Daring Meteorological Department oftho . I .� kos, -But, is will., be said, I It is essential am Itio.reported that She MarquiaoLRipon, in the constructionof itio-Pacifforailw "the chi ' ' leas than two thousand poreons have left ment,through.. the, ent'arpriae -of the Do. .. ,� is check on We popular branch, the Com, who we, chairman or I is dint High Oomints. Morigoliani By a at a Gorman University, has received the Montroal and district by the .V�Iaware a . . b J are likely to be employed in certificate ehabliog him to practice .413 a , minion Tellegraph Company _ mion&l This is really the -true ques. slon at Washington, will attoba6d Lord Lytton . I _Htidson_*.e,ud.1h Termont-Oantral Al .. ­­_­ �,.�o lgrgIly extend .'­­__�_1 ­­-. ­­ - ­_ - -.1 - r.tbo_­oxxlY_,d1xP­VO need 416 awarml.,gby -the Amer -loan -'who -ham- the-cort'- '8111796011 without-bleing ftqtlftda� 16 tfud6vdai . 8 Ono SO-- -06 probibIlify"',servios throughout (Issisda. ' I . Sim, And duito. -as Vjo6tby-Oftndisc;----- --.- --.--.--­--­- settle in the eastern states. - , . . . .Those . reports, will - be' telegraphed -to, and-:�:­- . . 1, 1, - -1 . I Ontario, British Columbia and Manitoba A later doopatelb. oaYo Mr. tracto.-Y'Somopeoplb,objecito tbeiv employ- the additional examination to which, intend. . . � �_ _ , - .. . . :� � . I � � .. I . Chamberlain. of -fi,ent at alli,�ec-iuse_they� Art) willing to work fog pr"titio))6re,kie.-ordivarili.Itibid uidbi" � FMIldh chernists" olvdift, tb,&-,S wbipkoy'oon� posted'up after ih . I � I Inave done wisay in abrogating thairupper - Blinilrigham, has. been- appoiated Phisid6' � r: - , . . 0 lot of May at about 'Six ­ , - . I . . , . 1- . - ­ ­ "t for little 'or -next to nothing, � were that the 0orrua lawi. . ­ I . I . � .. taine no. nitrogen, which is, ptobibly-'tbe bun re � . . . . �� � . I I clitunberiF, but -xinder' Confederation the of the -Board of Trade, and oonsequentTy Sir the only objection to encouraging Chinese , M , .0 . . . ... cause of mougoing Pro . und afterward lookinj .d d;placen in Canada.. �, . .. . . I .poonlar�bratich-i)f.th�eeprovince� is each 'Charles Dilko has withdrawn his. refueal,and ­ r. William Huntley, a pupil of,Gvorgis for thanitro en. . . . 1. I . I . . , Woman is content to build i8ppin-'eas on , - . 9 I I . ' - ' - " � . immigrition into this country people might Skophenoon. ha:a just died in England at the - . . . I Y.1i"cogental baele that may -be. near at . : . . Ikept In che,al by,the Dominf.ort 0ov.siximent, has acoopted the,,undot-Peopetaryabip of Fo I . . . 1. , . an � . . ", . . : who 'boa the. power of 'vetoing any bill it � eign Affairs. 7 . . . .. I 9'. ,try to put up'with It on. the Pacific coast, age of 82. He erected' the Arms, locornotive A Mary.1and physician thinks-that,s cage haud. Man JR for, miking ii world iwoult his: I ". ' . � .. I , I . where labor as yet is-iscaice and dear, But . . . � . I I I � istay think impolitic; ,'If the Seaste'Were, � � . . . I .. I engine that 4rewh, paosenger train, under of poisoning from eating lettuen wan produe(d happiness: We. h . .., . . . � - 'the giest drawb . I %,stinted by an ideal life_.. - . I - - ,�_ � I -0rogated,-whera would be the obeck on $he 111on. JIK�.,iQ..u"...;,,. nVoignatlon. , , ack' in Ahe case of the Sleliboason's, personal. Puporliatend'ene'ei . - Ima' ' �by the-wo ,of Paris green .on the joung, because we have "orA us the lioginnigAnd, ­ . , -71 '" , .­ - - . - , ''. _ � t - " - - -'---'*'* --"-' " ­ - .: OTTA*i­ - '4isiWr_R:;i_., iWi&' resi , g � - - -ohinege-.-im-th6tirOtOd-p4fPoAWii6t!td'bi6 - had the; honor of working it wPh him on the' plants, -. - . I . .1 possibility of it. . . . . . I . . . Commons ? I rpply, . be Commons needo'no ..... .. __.. &kft,.W__ I - I -­ - I . I ., -1 . I � . 1. I . � . I . thook except So so imperial interests, and natiola 61 the Hon. Mi. Mackenzie as leader settlers' .nor to assimilate � themselves to ' memorable 27ib September,' 1825, tha first - . - . I I � . the Govkruor: General is specially charged t6 of the' Oppo4tion. the Citizen (Tory) of. thin the .p000le. of the :countr The Chinama . I � .. ., .. � . �. . .1 . � Y. na day- that it I i4iii-passe d over. the Stockton,&' .1, 11 I . I . . .� . � " !ratok over lbeso and reoervii -ill bills f6r. morning mays : 'We may,join with Six John comes to" Canada with the � Bole determine, 0 � Darlington rail iyay� �.. . . . .. � 1z ., . . . �. �, I . I . ' . '. - , . I I . . I I _. ---. . � r : . V .. I . . I . I I . � imperial ounction which may. trench on .Macdonald in expressing sincere' regritit'at Mr. tion td board up money to spend in,the _", ­ . . . - .. 11 , , . . - . f rr � . .. , ­ . . . . I � . . � I '­�.� , Flowery Land, to which he returns an , afth " tellil'itb& on himself: I I was en. -. 1 4 . . , , I ., these interests. ­Are,.xiot, the. people Gl: MikOkeLinzie's resignation of a post,.whioli has � I gaged to lecture at Glasgow. .Scotland, before , . � r . r, � banas As represented in tho Commons, become Almost 'constitutional sod -which speedily, Whe cam got-SUIDUgh OBah to liVO. ;. ") C. I I I 11 % .1, . � a local temperance organization. I neet so, . V .. &11 ease. . He .doe i not briig bis'wife or . t 711 1 . I I I I I . . I vise enough, or patrioile enough, or intelli, .Mri Maokerizie has filled with singtilar I Is 1'� .1 �q 0/1 . . . . . go filmost dxreotly ,from the dare to the -ball : V,tr . i . . I a family -with; him and holds alool from all . ,,7r *,� � . ruey. I I - I T .1 . I I . I .1 . I . Esx�t enough, tai,maungs their p9m.aflairs I,$ fidelity, and; &bin -loss lou* certainly. with, become -rich after 6 tedious ion On the stage Isat :j 4 ", ; �i .A@P- . . I . -Of what value is - I other nationalities. He inay il �,A/ � g. &- .1 �, . much dignity. Who will mucceed h in has 4ur a Chinaman through living amongst '�:!� �8 P, .. . . .. . � . . $Ixeir own. elective Hop ' so? by a table renting my head wearily upon my r� , Z/ I the Senate In the domestic legislation of She not been announoid. It' can - be no 'other' Hand, when the chairman stopped forwAra_AO -,",-g,��,,\' m .-I V I . . I � �� - and working f6r-the -white .population, but, � . I . . . � . I - - Cab Any one attend the sittings than Mr;�BT&ko, however. -Ae'to his probable - 0 1 /C . . . � . . Dotainion? . I ')am can help it, not one cent of bin earn. Announce the speaker. I Ladi a and gentle. . -0-2 ­ 1 0 . . . I . . . . . A� W - - .. I . of ibis body in, Oaaws. without. a smile Of career in such a position, our opinion way . . .. : I - , W .... %ft. . I � I " I . well, be reserved.' The announcement . ings . , " W..,k, I I vaintempt? or can any one read theii debates does he operid outside of the. circle of 'so;' said he. , Ihava the pleasure of intro I 1 I . . . - took the House by surprise ,although the hie-owrioauntrImen. Moreover. he declines duoing I . hip speaker of th even K Mr.. Goof, � 11 - � I . I c (bat does any one read them) withou 0111111 7 or A . xy., - ,- - I I . . . . . . I � k . . .. � � I .. . I gti. members of the Opposition were -prepared to become- naturalized, and that for the . morica,l Adding with rar; �a�iolx candor ' . �� . I to the conclusion -that this expensive I . Z . . I 1. I - .1 I I . I I vory.good reason that If he should assume �o he glabeed Around as a, ! anct.i. hope,he . . - . - . . . . � tution is reall,vziof no value in ouroy lain? for it. 1. . . I I _ � .. .. 11> . . .11 . I I � - - � ., I . - - - I - - . - � . . � . : . U-iourpeoilo-Wer-a hn ilLinformed people, or I . . . the duties of ciiizenship in the laud of life. is better than be laks-1 I I . . ­ 1. I .. I ..) . . . I . . I 6 . . .. I . it they were unaecuotomed to self govern. The Opposition. KAeaders hip. �, � : adoption he would undoubtedly ' logo his Tito ! Claimani'i � heir and board �havw . I I I I I I., I I Q"'\ I . .. I I . . . . I . . . . . . I � . I . . . . I I— . I ._ � . ' ' 1. . 'miervi . or head when rho returned to the,lana of life, boon allowed to grow, tind-as this. is always , I . ONE. OF THE.OLDEST AND 'MOST RELIA E " . ; 7 .1 . if th0y" were a mercurial, or Beforethe House 6djourbod this (Wiidnes. birth, The Chinese Penal code, provide I a .none a, montli,or go bef6re. a coav 0 'a dio� h I . . I .. . 1. . . 6L;l . *�. 1 I -a violexxt,. unthinking- ': People'- -, it is day) morning Hou. ItIr. Mackem ' L I t . . � REMEDIES IN THE �,WOALD FOR I . . . '. . ziO BOmOwhst capikal PUnishment for those who are daring 'charge, it in loQked'on by, his fri6ndo a" a . � I :!, _,_�U, . . . . .� , . . . . .. ' . �, . possible that ouch,, -a body nothe Henate startled the few membpro *ho,still lingered - � A . . IIJIQI�, ­_... I . __" - . . 1. � .THE CURE OF � I . . . .. ; . . 1. I I � . . 2night, 'be nemsairy to enough to renounce their country and site. .favorable sigm This matter should ncrt be. . I � � . I . . I I I . li�ep the-moch navy. in their seats by. Announcing .inso many glance. In addition. to that, the Chinaman taken am axi indication of his being about to - - �-_Coughs, Colds; - Hoarsen � � . of government in �good running.order, but ' � illil�" , pm - ess, Sore .. � . - . words- that he bad determined to retire from who becomes-Zaturalized in. a'foreign land be relonoed,'but it to, onstomary whenever' ,!awl, �� ,I ..... . 11 l"'OP . Z � I . I . "I I . thtre is no people Under She sun more intelli. &he leadership of the ,oppositiov, and that in hstL4is Property in China confiscated, and poJuto of lawAre raised in cases of this -hind - IY14�4;111,114� �! , I " � Throat, Bronichitis, l6fluen'a, ', , ' ' . . ' I . ". 11 �­ I . . ,11."'. .- 11 , , -c --ii­ff1_ -hiiM6d . a a : � . -the position of 0 -bin. wife and children �made slav a to -for the prisonitith6ritle - _ * . . � ,gont, better adruistled, more accuatomOd to the future be would occupy ­­ ! I 1 113.) -__ .the � �,7`,-T q111l �11 I � � - ' Croup-, ftooping� Cough, . _ IrY! 1 ('I�`-- I k, ,to allow prisoners � ;,, � 111 -­ -....---dugeasud-rootratrits-i,ioces6ary-forealf-goveraw gr-iva o--l-nem or.. To 0 It in . . ... .1; .. ,ill, ; . . . . I . . I . � r oviald paid bffiiiera or state, whilet Ibis Parents,- grand. .t grow their hair And beard,. so tha the LrA 1 J"1111[j'' I I , . . . . I I . � � I I.. . I . . a . .,,,,.!% 1,!P�a. , ­,.!ff � . I . . . � mosit, more steady or.reasonable; or mor : his old antagonist a graceful - compliment on parentig, btothers and grandchildreni, if he --ovent,of the Wine being favorable to bigoon. , , 1;;, , 11 1. . 1, ill 1. Asthma, and every I . . ;� .1 X Th . � . . ' '' .., . ... . guided by thoughtful wisdom, than the �eOP'le hie - retirement.- Immediately afsi�r � ..11. � 111:11t . f I I Ir .. .. I - . �ft . She happen An have any of -these relatives; are .vibt, he may be at once discharged. Hetook � V - 1� if .. ­_ ­ I ! T� . . . . . . . afiectibh of'tke.' ,' * � ' ­ : ., . . 1. . of Can da. This ia�oa�ixig mucb,,,but it is not adjournment of the Hogan both be- and Sir banished to a distance- of 2�000 leaguen. -muoh inseiest.in- the sidetions, and is an .di! 11, . I , , . � . . , - Leonard Tilley crooned the -floor of the Wfien a man whb has conaknitted thfabdicitte enthusiastic adherent of �Lorcl Bonotingfield. � . 11.11 �1 . - at, Lungs, and Chest, I . .,: � � �. . Paying too much, when we compare .them 9 Ill I . . I I . i Whit the populations of Britsid Or the chamber and� Phook Mr . . I :; � 1 1 i -ril . ­ . " � I L 1. . 1. I , . Mackenzie Warmly crime, W the.'eyes of the Chinese Govern. Epniscorthy,where Mri Parnell had such an . ­ 2=1 .. I _. I . �­ . . . i I - : United Slates, '.for those Are. the. 0111Y' by the hatIC-09taws deopatob. r ''. ingot, returns home all . who conceal . I I I I . ind � uding, " ,* I- . ,.. . , . countries where , a' truly .constitutional : . . I I .. . . - * unoleagans lime lately, is an exceptionally I . . 1. . I . . . . . . - - . , . '' him or'. who have connived a ,; Iiii well.to.ao -town . In .the I � .. . , " . . . .. % .. . . .. 1. . � .. . 1. .� , . . t. Well-to-do county - , " " - I . CONSUMPTION.. .. I I . .govoinment existe, I know of no 816gle . ITKarringe with a 'Deceased Witelts - ' offence are strangled.- .' But what seems Wexford. Ithag belonged for809years to . . 1. .: � I instance, during i peribd oV seventy years of. . . . . Slater. � I . � to be considered the �* greatest disgrace of the Wallop remily,'of whom the I . , I . A.WET,t-KNOWN PHYSICIAN WRITES: , . . . . . . .. . �. .. , I - an active public life. .where this popular 1 2.1 P=ui I 3ono, April 28.�The C ,Hug. rill to, no dead -body of -4 naturalized Chin - Earl of . . . "' 14-daesnot dryup acough, and leave'thecause . - . . . � branch required in Canada the controlling hureheil ' A Portemouth is hood. The family bavinghad � . behind, as is the case WiA4 Most irepit?-ations ' . . I . . � pnwer,of the upper Cb�mber, but 1. do know laud clergymen herehavo received a noticie irtaii to ever permitted to be brought home for largiS English -estates, have not only us ' . � h . .� . . . �. . I . 1. . . Ver, ut loosens it, cleanses the lungs and allays wri- - I . of mitty luotanoeq where this arrogant body asking the parishes to. adopt a petition to Interment, to mingle with t.h.6 sacred duet Of -pressed their 'Irish tenanis. buk have given .. I . . ; has presumed to check .that popular fooliag, the Senate $6. throw out the -bill of the Com. his ancestors.' Informers or spies upon unpa, - long leases, The result has been th&S in . ... Vdion, thus removing the cause ofcompZaint." � - ' I . � . . . . in 6 triotio Chinese are handsomely provided for -I, oultoorthY a. thrivi ' . DO NOT BE DECEIVED by articles . � I I presumption whiolx'..failed in ev ry mons for marriage with. a deceased., wifd1a " by the Govbrnment, and receive the whol , og, well-built town has , I bea a similar name. Be sure . you get'DR. . I . . : a - I � - -without the Portsmouth family., ,. " age, and o which met 'with " ftia 01136r. '' I 0 Of gtO011' up � . *oll deserved. . p , , . A the property of those they bring to j notice (?) having laid on � W.rip 0 .. - I unie.liment, the con� , e otoft upon another.. There . � . SMAR'S BALSAm r, WILD CHERRY� ' I . REGIOTICRING WOME"I VOTICRa m Bool,ox­ It will easily be Oeen'that, until the lawal of is a beautiful- R5 to with the 'signature of" 1. BUTTS" on the , - . I I . Umpt of an intelligent people. And after all, . . man' Ualholio cathedral, ' I .. � I "I . � . . � ,01-w)aatelo�16nto�loo�eoiF6lfvkluiio the Sanato We- ate. Indebted to- A. -1 00--worreopondeEsll Obins'.-wre�AltaReT there is little chance of a' desigued,bythoy6ungerVagin. The-famoue I . . I '­ '. ! . � wrapper. .,50 Cents and $1.00 a Boitlo. .Pre- . I . .. .1 . .1 . . ­ -_ orimpoied 2 in theory that body should'be for the following anecdote conceinirig the change in the manner Of life of thOss Battlers Vinegar . , pared by, SETZI.W. FOWLD. & 9. .1 . . I Htll,.al600wii6dby.l�ordpart�l�iouthj ­ I . 3oxs, Bosi6n,' I I F . � judicial, it obduld'opproach the conlidex4g recent registration or, lemalis voters I,, Bo,,Io.,' who hava,mado lbeirtselvagoo,dWastelful so I" near she town_ , I , : , 11 ., ', 1, '1� I . Alass. Sold by -druggists and deilers genbrally,, ,, � , ,' " ____ 1. - _ I I - ' � _. udko,and � so' , I �,� I I'll _ I . . .. . � � Ion , _ , , ofeve subjectinsho,opirit 61'sj Itoaccura6y is vouched f6rby snamineut the working olams on'the Pacifi . ", � I C .1 I I - I . , . " . ry . a coast. Timplo Bar in to be'replaced by -S hind , I "I'll, - I I . - . - 1. .whou' it senator onterff the chamber he artiwt=�oxxe of the most diattaRpishea stone. They will .6ontinue to -- come here an d in ske bria � I I . - . __ - - ---_-"�11 . , . I I 11 - . . . - � _. . � I I . I I . . I .. . some mem I'--to'ba-Prooted in She middle - -1 - . I I . I . I : should leave b0hifid. him all Party feeling. -cutters of -the Hab :. Enter old lady of a xa�onoy- and: go home -to 'spend � it. The ' . � I I ' I I certain age, ,'I wish to regigier, air.' s Your :etatutes of the Chinese are. as those of tfie� of'sho roadway and adorn:od with the statues , ' - _­_ I � I . . I s . � o we not know that this is not, the prac. . name. pleaea2l 'Almira .Jane Simpson., Medemand Persians wore, and the - refore no , qfHermajeotyandth6pr coofWales. The �_ . .. - I . . . . I . � i " ­ _. . .. �' tiae? Do wanolk0ow that the Sonateia,se , monument is to strva'so Pqafuge in thoroad q 1 31N - �­ . . . feassatially partition as the,0ommona ? What t ,Your egg ? t hatmaiiiate relief need be ...,,oata, _ - .1 .. ;1�ia .11 .... � . . . I . I Your aga-V . I Beg pardon.". - Way for foot Passengers, afid she two ­ , Z 9 I ­ � A S_ . . . , . . � . Aon is gained,by the institution ? We -know Do I understand the;% 1'ratiat give my . or hewn out to receive. the. alatnew will be our. ,V . . . . ;!' . . age? 1 relaxatibn in, that .quarler ! On the otli niches , . I I . . ... . . - . . , - ��__ , --1134% J04IPGAdO the' 88119to does no$ Parse, , Yea,mloo.-the Is* rtqtiiresit.'-.' -Worlds, . hand, we are mot,with the treaties Which rounded by magnificent' broozolamps.. old . I t* =�N 1. - I 11 �__ v6re in any -prolonged .opposition' to ,the Sir, would not tempt me to,give it l Neit,thj% .exist between China and the British empire, I . I - __ - . - . I � -1 . ­ ­ ' .1 Temple Bar will be io--erected in Ep ­ zzz;;, . . � ­ . opinion of the p6oplo,ns c2prehoed in the X oare.:. -No; I had,�Ao nor Pear it on. 33Y which secure, for .the Coleetisto a certain forest. Ttio stone's have been I I itumbar ' Ing , . , ­ - . .1 . I I . 1� Commons. - Why then keep .up a roost bonnet no a backman does him number.. But amount of protection, which, as ban boon . this IS may-oagent exactly She a in ad , 50, , , . I . , . I . ... I v ture as a body of men'who I I'm a twin, and if my sister ' has a weakness it mean from the disalloWance of the aboutil act of ance as when aerviog A a appear, , . �_ � ­ . N . I I I . � . represent -no person, no body., -no interest, is that she ilialikeo any reference made to her the British Columbian Logialaturo,burtailing . as a barrier to the I �. go, and I could not give � my own, because I the 16ngth * of queues, cannot., be neutralized encroachments of the royal power by defend. -.- I - . . By are . . xxtrance *against ,the sovereign, _. __ __11, . - I I . � , brought face.to ffieJa with on'twish to offend her.'-Harpof!o Mag&. by any Canadian legi � station. From whieb. * 'h ity a - . � . . .- 1, . I I and Who possess no real power when th A . I . the popular will? I, d ad meark the limit beyond Which no: royal 11 . ­ . R . . I 'n � - . I . . over bide the question in 'viewed, it is bent a' let 'Out Ing . ­ . I I I 1 oodi nothing to be 9dined by A Senate in the zluo� * , I . I . ad d take effect unless, Disiaotioned by - . ' I . 1. I I I 'working of &constitution like our$ among a �Icns.�ItAgixl t o r gard with difficulties. But perhaps, the .versatile . the mayorA , , ... .. � " A 'Protecited Solution - of the Zrotozldo b , q I . . I . CATTLU RZGI�W a I no a d � 11 cattle and Do Cosmoo, who fix his sonaulto on the �. I . . I � , � � Iror . � � . � I people like ours, but I do see that the horny Ing contagious dieea�ses a acting Chinese seems to be slandering big patro. After A racent dinner at Dalmany, Lord I Is ad easily digest6d'and assimilat . ed with tho I I I . fisted farmers and laborers of Canada are other animals are pn6liehed, It to oidere4 n M. Qofiv ,g- - . I I .i to w I o nifies i 6� 16vii b! the, world Ronaborylo, seat in Scotland, Mr. Gladstone . � blood' as the,simpleg�ti.Ood. Whoh-the blood I . . . I . paying two orthree hundred thousand dollars that the importation or introduction into the or the burly Booster may be able in commii� delivered himself of tile following .lines, . . does not contain the'u , sual quantity of Iron, tho - . I � . . . every year in preserving a bauble, and keep. Provinces of Ontario, Quebec, Now Brunswick, too to ,throw some light. on the subject.- OPropoo 6f thred of the A1196p family, th6 ' � I � A deflei6ney *can be supplied by .the use of the . . . b jug up a,'pretouded copy of'the .British oon. Nova Scotia and Prince Edwaid Idabdi'of � - , , �. I HomIllon Times. ' 'famous brewers of the file of that name, who A� PPRV VZAN, SYRUP. itcures a Ittliousand I , � -fititation. The Senate to' jo� many indt. nbat-catile slid owing from the United States ! I . .11 :. , . Nought OsAtO !'I PATIlanixeilt ontho Tory side . � . ills." Bimply by Tox1XG UP, INVIGOnATINGj and . �, . , . . � vidual Instances has become A mero , home , of America, be prohibited, ozeept-in'bond for I . . = I I . � . - � � I and were defeated, , I . I . . . I . tar doetilato' oblitioinno ,, -it $hospitals to transit from one point of the United States . I � . . VITALIZING the system. The enriched and � . A Quimilti, rnitiURY CARn.--411 the latter Ther'o -were three joll� Alloopg Who Rallied forth vi ermeates i . overy. , . � I . Wlidahthe worn oust the debropid and the ribedy to another, and the importation andifitrodue. Part of 1879 Samuel Dooaar brought" an I to -woo, .. . . . � [talized blood. ii, part"of tho . . _. -, body,repairing damages and Waste, searching-. I I , , , Political back gets a ticket of admission tionof animals from Enropels prohibitedi Action against.the One came to Ittlef Af Dioltwidli, then there wore , . . I � Grand Trunk railway for . --- �� I � Ing for . : � two,, , . ­ I _ . . out morbid abcretions, ,and leaving nothl from ShO'kinfolvY of the day. The inatiku. Maps at the ports of Halifax, Sti John, N.Bi the loss of a trunk, and was defeated. The Two jolly , . %ion used to beat least respectablyconduoted, and Quebec, as provided and regulated in the I Alloop.8, still for Rarli6mont did vnix, � � disease to feed upon, This is the secret of the � . 'but I observe that lately the decorous old, order. . I railway than Indicted him for perjury fri East -Stafford declined Obarloy, then there was � I . wonderful success of this remedy in eurine I I 11 I . . b ' . . - I ' . . aving sworn falsely that Wo trunk wo, . i A FINE " to, """ " ww.,ld yet keep �� I . I gentlemen who are supposed to reproeent STALLIom-Mr. Louts Forest, of He was tried at the-0ourt of Oyer &Ter, t' .But one jolly All* lip thd fun, . ; 11 I k�' I i %be polish sod refinement of the Domini Roy filer, When 14jant Worcester Bottles Jbim,ltheti thViv ' , 1%, Dy6pepsia,- Liver Complaint, Bollso, - . kave boon forgetting their role, and on .idotit, N Y., has purchased Young Ontario fix Toronto, on the 28th ava 291h of'Jantif'ry will be tione, . I'll - DPWOPSyorl Chrohic Diarrhwa� " � . . . that Chib". that fine stallion tired by Mr. Andrew the jury disagreed, Elio base was Thij 1�sm bong to jhe,jung of, 4 Little Billy,, I , . � . worda.fitting only for bar -room roWdiiii have Rrvoylo Imported Color 01118ti Th ,1%Ag',%','n1h'a"r'a on.Friday before Judge Gait, He Mr. MoLaron, M.P. for Edinburgh, looding. ' erVO s AffectIons, Female - Chief belonged to 10 , ; 08 ban ,"an in I I . I . boon Rang across the floor of the splendidly young Mr. 0 imour f prison mines him Arrest on the k Surnishad , chamber of the 6 Lords I Of LyeWo HillqFarm, county of Wentwoikh. I He charge of perjury, he havlixg been unable to It WAY interest Darwinilien to, know that I . complaints, � . . I � . Canada. This, however, is a, small matter, is an exoeedfugly well built, spirited Animal, . furniah bail. Pilooner wan found'not guilt an autopsy was performed Ott a ]Ago fit the' . I And all diseases originating an a'bad state of . I but it 10 a Very grave matter whon the people stands 17 hands high And we Y* Hertford hospital, in Paris the other. day who .1 I � the blood, or accompanied by debility) or a low - . Ighm 1,670 lbs. IXONAbILITY OF A.FAOIVIO RAltwAy Cost. wall discovered to have thirteen ribo: kilo - �, � of the Dominion are called on merlomely to The province to being rapidly drained of some - I . . krosiou.-The latent corridor tumor, and one . 11 state of"the system. ...- -_ I � th ', norm Al number being twelve. I This,' says I . 1. . . I I justily the onormoustip6ndit(ite which b Of its fine horses. .Young Ontario Chief, the which qwln�'.so cortsiA circumstances has ad" - the editor of the, London World, 'tila 6 bio. . -, got,tho g4pi'll- . are 'compelled to meet in keeplixgup, i . CAUTION. - Ile suro you a latest addition to the list, l4lavoo a gap In this qulfg considerable oonsistemayi to that And Is augg�ative of . - 1?UV1ANS,yRUP.�' Sold by druggists gen6r- I I 4. . absolutelyuselemoand worthless Sotatoof 0NatioUof�th9ooUU1ry,. , .-. the graphics! retrogression, . . 1. 1. . Citrisda.-Your obedient servant, . I � . , Government will -ask, Parliament to empower A UbAtor relationship to Aped than is usually , - � . ally. ,Pamphlets Sent free'to any addreas by - ' . I . �, I CALEB tronklin, The 'phonogrAph In Miami a forgotten -them to appoint a Commloolea for the doll� supposed 10 be the Cage at this period �' I �Ou IM , - _.Tit W. FOWtb & i3oxs,,, Proprietors, 86 Har. . � nataliton, April got 880. 1 Invention. It talked bhou amd roon bboame otruetion and working of the Pacific railway. history.. It Would be ibialooting"to, ku -_ I . I .. . wpopular. . I . I . . . - . . ow ", �� �,NRFINXV�"�t r2on Avenue, Bostont Mass. I . . I �� � . , , . , . I . - , , , , , I . -V � . � I , I� I I � I. , ` , - . - � � I I I 1, �, I I .--,-. . . . . . . I I I I '. � . .., � I �. % - . I . . . I I � . �, ,,� I I '. . k . � . �4. I-— . . I I I I I . I . . %,, . I I � 1 �4, �, I . I . . . � I I . . . . , � I � � 1. I . ... .. , , ,. - . I : . . 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