The Clinton New Era, 1880-05-06, Page 6Ito . . . 11 �11 ­ - % . . . . . . . . ... . . , . . I... . . ­ I . - ! . . . . . . . . I I . . � . . . . I , . . ". � . , - . . . I . . ­ . . � - , .­ . . . . . . ­ - I..: � ­. . ­.. , .. . � . I -1 ,- . . .,--. --.-- - ­ � ­ – . I . . , I � . � ­;... -7. -1 . - - . ­L.-�­ ..-A . : � � I . . 1� . . I . I I � -- . . . � . ". I . . � . I I . I . . . I . . . . . . I I . I I -f . ­ . . . . . I . � . . � � - . . I . I I . � . . . . . . I I I I . I - .. . . . . . I - . . . . � . . . I � , I I I . . . - . . . ;.. � . I � , . . . . I I . I .. I . �. I � . . . . . - . . . . . . � I � W , - - — .- , I 11, � Atirsoblemo. � . 11 - I I . In It Meanwhile, The XaNhow he knew earn$- — I , ­ I — , to6agmForticulegly %box% the motor, And . —.—.—, ­­­ ­ � ­ , - � , . ignil that I' . as . t I � . M. � [tit, 1, it, Idoultmeentopre � . I I I - . I I P-A'Xjtxp VX4K W0,4 A JW - ,ftmimt. .. 11.1.1-111 1. 11 - . .1 , - - ­ � ....''..., .. W-41somp r ". 4 03110TOX0, . shlas'litialit, ixboy ware at- good x0patallost 4 In ail be wax ow* The = old *04 0 I proNesitly we'ut so beat Whom drosialisla . 42 ,14 violit 0 'raw S'W'bor Too over the day - 1,4 for -your sake entirely., A4404 John, with a ,on for my broad smile. 1 forl awts�� 1 want Y , - WAotit. wamPolgravioultriant. 'W'silso'404 W"I , *00 An 4i PrImorm-Pow an Wasolphlost- Whom Vanished lit tblovaporwocall Wo. And all tbo 110rusio t4al; Tax mis di 01orrow's obArp thorn, tho vroary wra "at'aspo. . 3:t b 11 N lie " a"b -s4 A: � . WZ'rasi wl'Z19'44boat' , 140 in Zl -v, - I . , jet to them, to l.a htm, but NP114 of the p4raim , , 01tartilassavoop. pod, box mon'ster, which was � . . . idludoo. - I'lairrylug out lathe bun next Morning In . � 31y, bit balls *Ayalt Will � . a I . bmWOX41 , 0*1�riigk r 11 boagabs;go, UD) you have something . . - 044ted *lmoroseem mor,wam VIC11111011XV4 I I Ilili' ItIsr VU Neighbor. , Ano all the falmorloo We' Joel or IW -I � . When of the I etay far Opens 1 6 nfgh$ Intiqrss, I I.- , IOU tion hat a. and Bonbon thersoo L A alwayo-everywiterIo. - - hardly loss. oulpfolous, he COU14 not bring himself hat ROWAN 'a , tile best 04 opirlio, I a low pighing 4ob Called, I .1 , hip a beach 0111, %sid.0 She kitchen well b against So so may 01 741V LUCY, end 970 � . ,A . � 11 - A -Morrow, $Lad Make, I $bp parson to 0I .,,�prlop,"1004 ,_ I , : (a. V. a M- 0 Before there dawns a day, that anorwo, ub u1W# Aliall we who see the glory of such roorm- WU64 plit WO tit* wlm�xouliess- toliollovis guilty. not , , - ,, : hasty MAP A he wag * jU34 , ,Ono, with a % oisalk,blis atte,pilou$0 �. . d 4 into A .door, ,Who Rate crumplo. Most a III ,over l 1 - I I . � I NAf16Q-b,WI1I YOUP Lady?' . 'have I Augustus van Soviet. IN. ill boludoome, fait. bliald'We recall, UU4)4 that dMlino bfj*h , . k One tovich of this w d warfaro of the earth# Had *ny builastis to be done, Front. early room till get at sup, , . to b Is , kind heart, mperelte judgments , � and after %fair ininutee reflootiom be faide h lit,, recognized forlorn little beep, W whic . . I � Slim, pretty suato Olt the day before. She vote an, let bow coal vthirig Again , d I play, with thi awastent blool; you ?I replied Li . I I . I I , , I , beig0d yaut' 4 of 21 jroaro, who, sidis him father a Milk fArtrou Oberry Bill, near Uselita. The wounds thao goarrad no, Or tlip *q. so ," .ois wept , , Theslin so beset from birth. . crallurnedw 14h Instructions ruazyo� I 3 qrso Auction dX6vo the rig to town, . 19 %wao uqutiqu brorigho she letters h me. . up big =Ilia whaklo, 40, , I can!$ swp,mr $hot I put the, wallet under � I . b 501201, Ana ndle lay beside !tar. . ar""WO a bis �. I �ob , were Hap $goo was biddezion hog ATIAN, W111, � I . , Belated ;o,bn, a moment after,. As I , Wall,, a I � . long i0vorlia . be. raised hip holadjrovis bill Arot ", � .1 I - I on Book (X, J.) '914 070,4 Oro blue, Ana Until a .11, . year ago bIo,eom,pItxlou woo roseate whis that its otiv , Thilwoes, � . N _ ., I ther ,',,#,, stild Cor a that "L �e slept? I Flabose thoboymandislop the 0. - ­ I � . � Star pillow, Or Ninywheroolo � a,* I Jim said. 4 lopt I . . crosseAval the' b look at the beach, . I kloo, I now I forgive Acres Nash 11 . . . I "I , I healthaudopirlts, He bad led it blameless life, I I I . Qrwill,therabo a gap betwixt that Time , : And thlo Rteguliiy which nainbs the surims, ,! , thereo 4 their a t.oaso Mel' 01"Beet r 41 I curls, pretty earn, Shot I did, but my thou , ghso I aboal I rol-coutooe4 pont4what, 'And it. may On - I ­ I 1. motterr, pisid4ohnsgra, Why, what's the . Ing book. . � - I I.. I I I - I I )GIN01018111 00114"Is. ancl among all her gone he wait )lie motheeml , favorit o. He Used 96 go about the house And AS after sudden oeaving at some: chinae, . , . . A lengthened pausomakpi top; the WqV# . � , Us. Ala& set them UOILICI ex4zy . Thersisma6thedibe frownoorwQ,n46Omlle, 40alylydioutatherallsolies: o" - I 11 ­ � be that .T left It at, Bolton, vbsre I slept on I I Tuesday. I dom.14 wont no Injustice, done on , , . I 11 - - I I . , up, with a 006M (I ling The girl looked I pardout' ohs foliated. 01'at just year I . .. going. � . . WM. Look, a elpsy, Wit a was In ouptody, at 'a . ­ farm mblatlifig rind oinglilig, 'has during the � I a priag Ana O.Ummer of last year It was noticed tepso ? . )Forbear to question,, 0 mine la bt . leshoug ; � - Where, ,a ere out talsli 19 a 'were v9sme, to, , , ... t .qjvgi]39,ro I 11 or not my account . So d on I$ cry - Ilk a that I -a4- dressing himself to the girl. , I I'll tell you 4 d stay Be long.s . 1441t mean to � I & doing 2 whegel$ I ' Arlotol on. is chirge at murdering anotbarr I . m Friday gfpqy, hanged himself in lit$. call ( , . I � it hie spirits. I , Us grow, Polar that be bad 101 , I � theiS,.wap, his wantaida, oarriodbin beta down iP a Ight 2 I ,lj, . . - -- I Avoid- vein - I � I I � . babbliagal- this miliah. we ". taught. , ter olso wr# , ­ 49-- - ­­ ­ a Oro RZT. . AL . � . . -W r hat I'll do. � Got the bay ohod. during ills I I I . � � I - ohs said ' - _ , I -, df,jestledly. 4 IOU,$ know*bereJ . I . - ­ . IUO I I—. I -raing. � . I I - , , I Woo. Ship a woo eta*, What It.was $hslt I , ughtit I- . Twelio vah; � tq twos a th mo. we z zw . . : - , - th, Q 4 $4e ow OICK atillia lotthougbt .. us gd I - usug4t, 0. . 1 'bu. lost . day. Vill you?'—to Aft. Nash—, 8744 If you'll. Iona mom Saddles'Pil idq-ks§kJA,RoI1OIL Bud -L- , it I'd try for another Place, only. Share slogan's I � late of getting OAS without . , seem Much. ohs I I . . . Mr. Philip Grant, one of the earliest a4VO- �. I . catspi at factory loglolatiou - and the Ton, . . . . was p � to health woo. developed in , , raying: upon It pea in a trial $his took place in the oJor 084 - , 404 � . . -u1srpeealuagazillm- ­­ - . � .., I., .. � ­ ...... � .. ... )aut now he's gone and we ova lone, ,,, . 04ow, tioli. tick, tiole, th"0100% goes Out, me - -­ It I find She Money, ke h3q,ulty there. well and good, It Idoult, I ,ugh . 1`11 be, time Ono any recommend.' .1 I pity that they title Pending I Do you, mean to I � I I Hours Bill in Oro% 'led at� Mon. abOater 9 , 0 Britain, d � . a the 61h trip$. as am advanced age. . , � - I tot L minor I court In Rookeries � ok. I Auga tus VaA f;auu started with Is 0 . . . .W I � . C014V ON wIRIM Xcill.. I . I ,`—, � : O,ud all Is dulL mud da7w ' P lurked snob 40, Who could believe, there in 640 b0i 164,1141LV� V to, talk tarth- . or about. 11.10-filtPr;4W.' I I'm at a l . Iro it's very good of yon to tako. 0 X Y Item belo?, YT% a ow a., . . .� r Calwald Pudkerldg , lit , tired pubtioazi of . 0 rel , M11(ster, been souselooed, t6 England,. has br o�lter Allre4 in She milk waggon, on a Sgturd al. evening, to go to Hoolromeack $a, got I AL g,,mais htlib L14 'r is D � o,h,Ill, e e O,)m 111VU1111010. . .�nzt,e 4 W4304 or MhelllCr. '� . 4-401; W#011QrSLtp , ­­. . Cib Reuben; t 06iibezi I. Aeublen, I much sroultlo.l doolaroA. She landlady. I But , . . whaike; or no, Ilia girl don't okay liege. I'll , 1 I But, In the name of goodness, Why ?' � , . .. I ­ I 4 I don't know, Mrs. Natili pays ohs 00 , 1 �, (; weekov hard lobar for ceasing the death of a valuable dog. The pritiouer Paintod, the -, Ali they pajoed tho lions, I his hair Cut, . 00 I . their UeXt 'AlOighbor, James D. Bogert. 4 , 1 A,rASU nftMOd;4meoCorpelj wag admitted 5rs, there qu other Relation ? I .0, �vhsrlo are ba a hero and boya thot And iiiii-a alway,04.e%wh0ao have no nuopeaW thief' In my house., . I Ther@111 be nothing $a suspect 4pr af)l 1, Ike to have earvanto about,who ago onepected I � . I I � alatealing,l The blue eyes filled again olahe . . I dog all over with the Ltbersl and Ooneerva - 11 live colors, and the, Animal wa poisoned , iijbly rasjo�,tablo farm6r, bio son John ., joleappill into tita waggon and rods along. He - Ana P&$IQUkrJO the Gentral HoRpItal,Toroule � � I I o. U both his febt badly fromaIn . yeaterds'71- hav' 9 I . th"s in bu in R alien . ­ BlAt � .? ., J.'LA . ... , L. I '. . . . . .1 .1 . ­­ . - find the wallet,1 rejoined Johilit'dryly. - Won'), give the poorthing a bad uArooffiltyau k 9w - A I ppoke,sild Bile hid ber loco. � - . ever heard. of ondb­lpias -_ I By George I X.P, - - . - .- - -­ ' through licking the paint off. The prisoner . - �­­ _gave notice 61 appeal. ­ - . ­­.. . ­ - I. I . I and Auguntual Van Bonn had known each --other from early boyhood, but they .bad never His ototy being motolewhat woudi,riat will Vast relation. I about six. weeks Ago he ­ . I 'early . � � . .1 1. . — L ' N that ohs deserves it.� Then be left. the room, pok of unmindful of the I Okuda which floo In my life,' shouted John, I Now, zuCY, j ast sit a kill where 'if that'a your name, you - . I , � I . At Roily; England, there was a famous I . . savociaAes. John was repatesi to be the been � black shown of ).its family., When they Avviv6d ii.tarted, away in %be morning from - Uuequqe . It 11 Wood in the Georgian bli'v -to rR111C TIURN Or- AN, ACCIDIENT. � I � I . I . I . 11 I .gra shave -upon him froln� the blue eyes of the girl, I had dropped her , you are. Dowl Y04 stir or move till I come I'll goo Mrs. Nash. Put t1liDgEl. I Contest tar the"late elootion. The Liberoils - I 111tradall. the cabs for Wednesday, March -Huckenescit. Bogert proposed that she In ­- Q� , - - walk to Penotauguishoste. A polls was -stimalked out by limba '0- tx6es 1;64, buittleso "" I . I � � Lw,a& Q., a7zlock of a crisp Oatobarmorn, -I . . who apron, and gazed after . - -him-tillke wWw*0O(-oIghV. ­­ --- ­ ' I ,back. ,X'll ., ­ ... ... ;-. . .11c;:�7'1­ -it lit'." - � - - ' - -..-'- -­ " -- , I Uot, the mayor, a Oangervaciv�;-wourrotiad, . I iindhirodalliholioreep. The Liberals went. I obaa!d.�6dill aft Nino Wliicroodhlu"Timddolsi� mtraotivit Young lady' who "Y" and .. P laced at ititerviala along the Ida. Cornea Is I I 1- mad, the bolugOtil isix, spilJolin Boyd, forming, rousingfrombia I Pound might's sleep, oprome out of bad with I , His.r4e0tions were not agreeable an be, re. traced him footsteps over the du Sty highway 0 pai'thiago r1glili omemi oaiy on4ugh to ( a strong, hearty man, with justice and Orgill, . ,qd game hundreds to Manallooter aud-ougag of cabs there the Mayo as a Consgryosive r with bet para4ta in cottage pll�oe. Augustus. was willi iog to go, becalmed. be hod ailiorWighted, pith markli. .y plocod As considerable distallices sport, hil hQ4 . the Block readineeii of a, Man who knows She value, of the first hours of the day. IS Was a , . travelled but yogtpilliSaywith so light a laofixt . 11 � � . I 0 The loss of his money meaut a groat deal to Munk on hie side, but that in because he does 33c it cal�tiljts properly on those queer hitches . , I . , ; followed them, hired the cabs for Tbureday, April is&, haino. in his ­ . pal6d, there Quati wyear before With, rid I I .1 I ligpiber. They found Millie G98talbitio M act been long out of at 1. . Ohl of birid when hS. , v found that he woo off the Paws and Fas look I . , tavern bed from which be 'jumped; home an . I I . I I ' d Its Date$ were m,any miles away; but a, long John Boyd. The pressure of anxiety seemed I . to settle . again upon his shoulders, ail � his I I human nature, especially and crotchets a I woman nature, which hive no relation, to wont and officilsi . I ospaelty postponed the election for a day I .. home with b4r glatur Annio. aria aim, -iullin. I I ottvis if, word Rdwe6rd Clavoltsud, Lbraim Vo I A4,r I I an%befee. anwandered around all sit d at ayt , " I . . endeavoring to find Witter the path or the - 11 tide lay befave him, and As wombed and dressed lokly, ad one 14 basis, hummin bg 4 9 . - thought over the probabilities of its uOU � .. . I I � recovery..' I But I won's give in without a justice and fair dealing, and are unaffected � , byargumelit. Mrs. Raish proved tin ervious . p A abloqUil;i; affair was -reported at Hall on , . � Monday flight week, . The omack Ra�nti. of I . I John Van Olivi�io', .oil of tblerm :Foaug OPI - . men, droppodta. The evoulagz was open$ land, but his efforts were frultiosia. Whoul � � . 1.1 might fell he still kept,moviss On to keep his �- � � I .1 . flat orti 'hissawbilek " became a7mmu "hae" . I ­ ;Ilia fait himself in good spirits, aria had . thought, grimly. So ho.iLrged fightlor it,' he, , Ill% horse. Miles doubly long .so. Johnog, cholsook plipealoo- RarLatind W44 ­ I 11 made up; she I didn't want to hear no more . . Rttll,whilosi%t,seAsbput2OGmil�o.it6'mia-od, 11611 in with a keg of brandy, which the crew . . . liderAlly, � V.in sann twstidtil %hot be divided . . 1 tqatbily among the three bloq4 in Circulation, but doolitite all bW iiare . ' * ' both him tons ware frozen. Whon, Morning , 4 . I - I . am h " . , ple reason fox oink so. For,4'be it knowns this your had proved the beat for far more oil seem % L when measured by a heavy bear 0 and What with � Mort to clear d ati,,heatl, and the Continued t! On the liubj6dt'i finally. box Sompar rising',. what bushigeo, was it of Illot abodamanded, 'kept Lgotolaboard. ,Tbe� brolsolied the liquor,and . . the'master, Edward Watson, partook so freely I � . . . .4)o a%t.6utiolu sallies. 'At half pass ' 10 - o'6kQpk he � %?411%04­�tti go home, buk the dit-lisucal was broke the wratehold man was utkpily,ez. ' I . I . hausted, but his drooping ,spirits revived At .1 . since Joba had been . his own famiter. Harveste had been lirge, prIces bight and . hu � I I is Man A confusion as to when and where he, . last had a )u his wallet,the yourigfariner all What help she kept, or it slid alay'lielp - at ail? Huld-got his rooltot-bobic Waist � that he. became mad drunk. . fl,a. juwo�4 rboard *hila In this state, Ana wag, mtm­ d ova I tbre6 sail,so; anii ha did, mot wont to go idone. 1, Many times Bogert prelosided to. star$ with - eight .of a clump at green visible on the. - horizon. go aummoned all lite remairstag.- ,- John, a his way back fibut ibaL annual It freedom, W0613 tagood and dippitited.enough botGra . . ' 4119 , ta; there 408011 ;ISO were, fic 'rid between $Yes . Avas, further oo farso-ahe could goo,- by his m ampad overbullird, �Vla. Again bei . lie was moved; but whiLimlie-loalio.rd aria again . I -,b'4%-i6tkf-r--901n!K't%*-Iar-ad.tbwkmvll,-etooFr Mat " . _Zrongth,sall-im"a � short -time-bo-regebea- thef- - - - tar do He found that it was a Conn. . Market, carried it notice of and 6 last extin . 4 liberation althis livark It in the f noon, wao-lairly-'ciame­ - -- - ­ - --- Ilia as. He af9pped $O,d r at A little tavern no Call,- . �why be, should maddlo with her'coulterns. � . Into the Beg, for the thlyti'time -biti. mitipmateo fostrucill, Vioniten %OIN-Wintunwil wad coanpied.by Bugert in, iliallso h4loo starts. . "xy 'Wooded, with , -fall., treem'. =!ymilorbruali-is guillhatent. of is thortgage, on his farmi-a, I I 1. . Smelted to a tol6gaies. and with some vague The upiliot. of the interview was Shot John . unable to save him.. Ho was only 26, were. I. As last Bogirs, 130,14 t"Ut if. Ya,u , 84an . . I . and place which sGemadf . L by never before to have beef% *!ailed fatortgage which had'preseadas heavilv on his Conscience as did . the �burilom of Christian on hope itip,s-the money might have been picked I up on the road by name oua;nlen�lonod his flow out of She kitchen with his !ads as red an fire, tackled his botmes, threw vallaw,and In the recent election some ladlao'took part I In the cauvassi At Htxafordo L%dy Blizacesh would Ilion all .sho.' girld he Would go with I him,' Van $surt bad uoyer kibBiA sk girl I, � . human beings. F�ir a0vtiat dgyll hp W&U- him shoulders. The burden was lifted no ' She L w; and, far r 4hsn that, John berried inhis I � ,� loco. The tolk-keeper shook his head. � Bolliirs�o­your- orlly-�bahoeil hi osidi-A If foed-baga into the waggon, flang the amount I I ­bja kookoulag-ortAbilablifi s#d;sddreq#fug �, -01 ­ . � . . ddriagolug , Biddulpil addressed, au immenme audience, go' . .. I- It ' '' ar -*',-' elaosiou$lMoo 1611dwo � 4 Gant Emeni th Be aro- ,. � -1 . his liferw . � ...; . .. I ­,' 11 . (I walatedto go home, you kDow" be WOW- dered 11410bor and thithirt. crying aloud for ­ - - ,� I , aid, � and being answered Qnly by the mookin . L , I _g fat�rod-wallet,two huuArodAOIIAg9;­bv0V fit& aLbqva, toward tha expenses of thW next year. .'! L I I . 'twos on the road'you dropped. It, there's no I 'likelihood it - � Lucyi who, pale. find terrifed, �qtood, handle in hand, prepared for flight, called out - . 'on' and uncommon pmor, and"we are at preeent. allowtil to doL things, we don't it a 'at other -fle . went. around and . d yesterday, "Larld So I . klesed them alm First he kisaod Mine, Van _ echoes ottlap trackless fordo$. Food he hid none, but water he procured in abundance lia. . . - hL Ho had never been -so " f6re ended I before, - and the sensation woe 0; joyful one. My that Jou'll ever age again. The sup, I should pay, and dust's eight inches d . . , Now, then, my good girli Y ve loot one place by my fault and I!m darned It I don't � times, so I will wake that my excuse for . I . again yotf n 'will .make you wlittle, Addr 9 a d 1 Zaut.gria -then Mies Acute Goetchins. While' he waii kissing them Mies Delta Goelobins the'ohape of too �Arol snow. He rAveluougly , .- - . . showed bark and twlika 'and dtatying leaves . I ,I Mack id'out of the dollar now., he Mustered to himself'as he brushed hie thick brown there's been three big droves of sheep and one of bullocks along since yesterday, so it . offer y. on another, Will, you- jump into 1-Y� . wag0on and go hostile with - me? My old � I splioalt. Mr. Bidditipb cannot- be, here to� day. � but I -am h6re its his wife and representative, said to Edw,ld Cleveland. I I'll play A joke on him.' No sQonex Lad he completed big tigir $6 quell the Range of hunger which guawedat - . him, Vitals. At Is L ngtb, entirely warm out, he k, hair. I I should be, a foolindeed if I put it. . L .1. . your Wallet was A -lying there,.they must have t d it under pretty thoroughly. It is wommid'a been talking Shia long piece b'lok a' , I Ana 1 eak You to -put hism i4t the head L 61 i 'he - . an she Making hat eyes by Mooing her th . laid Va. to die. After this 1113. himself do knows how the-dqys went one ' 'S L &g%ln' - No More Mortgages for Me I' Then, his toilette completed, he ran do W, . =9d op enough, you may ba,oure, unless, a .getting a sm2rt girl to help along wii.ii ohe'i Joid up with the rhoumstics, 00 You're' last poll find Mike birm, a happy man and me si I - happy woman. .� He has, youf Jittgreglo at flusb asaumed-. Anger . , au&. flashing wiLthj . , . : , Don's know, that there Last .until L . . . afternoon he board thb report of a firearm I � r . otairs, two steps at a times . I Ifitimer-lika, lite first Visit L Was; to ble which is just as likely to happen, oome-one has pi9ked is -up and mad6 off witb It. ' ' Your ' the one' we want. fte'll treat you fairly. L enough, I'll be bound* and you shall have heartand nobody loves the country facts. , . ' than Mr. Diddalplit I dealers to YOU., * Her amid you ,air, ,!a a . line of 010 for kissing is rustric . a . . close at hand. -He feebly called for help.th a cry being luckily board by swo. Indiana who ' , � . , boreal. . They wore munching their corn iiatiBlactorily ,' and after &.look ,or two,and one . - . . Chance Is. a slim , 1 reckon.'. I . C014 comfort this; -but John wait fordea, to L I I got &Ing whatever you were here. And it you behave yourself you'll be wall need. not tureed - L � � ladyship. Bat down.avoldvociforone sheeting. A young girl arrived In London from Seat- Woman ?1. I I . , Yon are not marrlvd�l be paid, assbukhed at bar Verde and manner, I If you'lle married were hunting in the vicinity. These people , . ' " Carrie him to a, camp near at hand, -where a pat, John returned to the tan, whqre a , jangl1bg - bell announced billealtf4st. -'Ii -was r � a0garoo. W14h the . opbllOrt.' Deopoudinigl� he . A t4roagh the afternoon, scanning the out of dooto for nothing; l';l.e3)gage to that. is laws the way up to our parts,, With a vits. � . I I . land. 840 Was about.17 years old, and 60. 011ie .1he'da . ughter of a Presbyterian . What are you doiog hero 2' - Hadn't a Married ,woman a riihi W be .they W to making mapletugar. Cornell farina. - , . L . . thas . It W413 on obriatiam island" the largest - . vinaking on the table -a substantial ineal of tile king universal lit taverns Slitrty yesirs way As he waut ; for,.daspikeL the toll4eeper, A fAtut hope still liagsrsd in Ilia boars, . . dioldve look at the landlady., who stood rigidly L planted in She door ' WO don't BOSuP. way, .said, laini,ter. She bad -come to -marry a .Zlilas and, accompanied by one of the.oldest aald� - here 2' woo her question in reply. Burns . persons. in Court 3 Oaterds.y got the notion of a -group of ,which Matqllash island .is . a member. The Indiana made the emaciated, � ago; and John Boy4, whose Appetite was of SILO kind said to accompany a , thoulib, the $lack, deep 14 dual, Ana churned and trampled". by the -crowding . droves, . to be extra Christians, but thoio'of a littlo honesty and decency left among lie, whiek is, moul ill favored -of thege dusky eAvigeit she herself -she the 'the AllatAtiguatus Van- Salim vras unsophisticated Miss Gootchius bollovi r -eyed, pale-isce as obratortable As. - possible, anatteated him with such okillana - ' proverbially good Congo* fiee,. was * doing is ample justice, Is . . . presented s, marry field. for eith6i hope" or .. ' ' mor, than can be said. for all places.' . Walli � . I I prildented to =it ager of aquaria arid made. known"ILID In tr wish. In but hip ne:kt questlon to . wul', . . 1. prateed by tile Ism ryera oil ea6h side. I . I . attention that -he was soon sblq tb be taken , When a sudden instinct led him to, thrust bid I � hand late the inner pocket, wbldh held the ,disctivery� - . . . - . He had galued the top of a long hill, from 'Vikille--when-vi what do you� say ? - You or go. Thers?a my I L-,_ ... ... 11444� on % if'. 'L . a remonstrated with her on ber-1011Y. V,,,.,,- -8ho.'jeblied' Shat'her "hoilt'-Mall -givelm.!' ' HO' � . I It you are married,' lie asked$ ' whore is 'your ­­­ ".. -.--.1 back Wlifmquash, lalan4, and from there he , t6okbaiga��40r.-Ponatituguishane,L -From thel--. .,.-. .1 two . dzed do1Isrs,­Tho-*sIIet wao'gono-' -butil I �-wblob�­Bolkou v0si dimly, ­ ­ ­ - � ' " - _J%,$'_yaq -to."..'. ­� � ­_ . . He iiijda`4-1 his broad paint. . Luey hash auggooted that, she would' only be'one,of M&riIAgSL'Serfifibako­?,- � , I Theri-it, is,o phs. said, pointing to aim Im, , . , � Is to � I day on which* he . loft Mue quas . , . . . L . In the ouddonneas Of the obook, John folk himself L Palo, and fleenflush painfilly.'as be . Moving Obj bet fAr ahead caiaght his eye, and . ' L L i . . .he rode in hislatirrnpa in order to see more L . .. I -tated but for ona� moment only. ' 17 yen, 1 Will I I bills Baia. -1 Ilya nowhere also L many w!Veo whom hat contom .platedbusband returned to Zalmiatid, but she persisted. , . grod i6d vote of thanks'preeented Sober by 4 . Hackouoo6k�godisiy of which ohs, was a MOM. , the day he was. found . was moventom � - , dayo, during which time, no food passed his ' " o0nia'sedfly tried to remember if be had taken oligit the wallet; and when. Under his: pillow clearly. Ad -he did so his horie Walla a false. , steps stumbled, and tbrew blut forward in . to go and you seupf kind-� . . . . . �. . .. , - .Ano1her.m6ment suit thay-%yqrq.4KIVIng.0ff -- --- - --- - *Finding that 'it'WaO.Ugelang to reason With- . , Ellie avrywl dht,, . heri obe-was-told corillubtill ­ ­ffi­ bOr., lt.wash4ugink on,.thiewall-in,vilramew, !Is took it down and "looked at it.'. He seys lips.. a .: I VorneA bas� prettyiwell radovef W strength, but him, feet are still in a bad statei, ' -�4thjt won iti JIe race d­dloftctly,'Or� . -- 01ecto .. . ". i�6,7ii-Coo"m-o-d--."Pu-il-i-n,g it thiri'lltor Noonrity's � the. vaddid,­sa. �tbat. -hie .-head-. grazed- tbLQ'L _ ­ . - � , , h ' Is neck. It w4q to this -position that a area . . ' , ­h�...._a­.''L -------­--- . , , d a t6gat or own the nisple ohs a road, whose CrIMBOU'L .. boughe ilanded overhead Yellow ftm� I the cosiiant.qJ hat parents, and Van Beat bala)l to'Sootland.ko obtain it. - , ... - ,. - Iii discovered that It was list a marriage car- I tifloate,.'but that W Was,& goo'll deal stirred . and it Vale thought Advisable to Bond hint tal , the Toronto Hospital f6r tzbelinent.' He in & ' ­ ' ' � olike. when he wont 'So bed tile qight before., 'VV.ikh-w uttoied-.ixeiivo,-bi�lefs.,,sho�tabli 0, � -The all of red not OVeg L an inch .tIny'objeo%,'s pat . �.Aqqata, hiAh0,dmgt,bdUg%0X caught big quick , , _ , , ­ 'then againot 6 lobar's *brJghi, ,bla' weather.' a a , . ,U!hora wore Roads, mud .cauning-InAho fresh . � .1 I.. ...." I.. . r I I . ary renowned ooiaie� has recently ,died -�, . -0- -ja"olonal' , ��" � `Mril Giiiikii�bkm'dVz� Alm. L . . upyst. 'Therestofibecom uy,lbe�iesti- ., I looked - down -beirlia It B.� s' fee IT -Who is 'a, ya not ,king by any mama ,. L tells I it akr&IgW . I ­ urig I strong ' his glory in each I I and harr'l, ad upagairo. door of his room Bt6od -Open, mud a siguild-odivant wag Russia 1. Sait"iAva.s little li, , a - OjFe. "His. 4 Jeap; L � L . soiled binigolMl fool ; basalt the 06=8 As ' ­ . 6 ausity a littio, atillneme 69 the early.day.: rai . . - and o6lor. ot6le into Lady's PSIO.L abooko, I. .Wil of the 92ad Gordon Highlanders. . He laid Your b%%baU4'?'VAA the next 4noOtion he put L Mine, Ggetchins. -'Up thou spoke Edward f.,,.id in not as 96 make is Worthy ofall . . . . I . . . I . . .. .. ­ . - 11, ­ .. bolleL .. - , .. trash ibeets on the bed, the -soiled line a L I .. .. bingin kplon Win floor. , hilell dismounted i0examine. Already a random. hootatrokohad burled .the red ,pAtch from , �. J6hnlo hot mood savoi-,place, towouted good . fiamor and' cheer. JO. �. .- -r -1 served in the Sutlej campaign of 1846, incina.. .ingthe-Mittleof Sobri6n, -for Wbialahebaa to, Clbveland: ' !Zer husband Is Charley vanj . I' t 10 Houton he's On tile h&lf-P%B . I I . ';SANTiCN'ViCD * ;O ISE T& M-01011 ;' - - ; - . . . - * !­ . I Toiviirad p Set, John . hurried, and began . . . 1. . olght,but;6lin r000llootid thespott and � ­ . otooping,dagands000ped till again it be- I 1. . I You!va had no breakfast, I'll bet,' he saldi. s 14 I was And have -racelvadthimedil. -Hodommaudedthe Biel regiment In Sue Orlinsilk from ill& 22n4 of I mind coming o'clock irin.! Van - Bonn then wont 105YO . , . I .. . . . . . I . - .!;- - . . . " The Fate of sL -Y4irtx 40ounty Fristricide. . ­� I turning it over. : . . . . , HAYS pra: lost morneild g,air 11 asked the . came visible. .., His fingers '*ecognized a. Witg-S smile. no m6re . � O"Insa with that Varian ibut I 0oul"Is Mayo 1855;. and Wad Present at the oibge, of . Bobastopoll and the Attacks on -the Rodin on followed by. Bogert. .Before they loliathe. 10 room, hbwevert . so obeto'hias (soiled ., � . �'T�UOHTO, April 28. -Tile trial 'of Bobori � . . maid. � . . .. , I . John straightened .1ldmiffif 'up taaugwer,� ,.oplld substance. Trembling With excitement he�Qoutinited to, dig , � tuather 'sec6ud. the :wanow a'mo,uihful,. but 'now. Lbegin to.feel ohorp,.quough., We'll stop at the nekt tavern. . ths-1.81.1tof June and 8th of'September. For , - of - room d -Bogert. to 0118� OMO the -an 'said at ber.4i, in a Idw­*dldO . Debourilar, for the murder at iiin bro her as I L%mliton Millo in September liet,. w - � . He ba4mot.lubtlood, the =aid' before, though , object woo nuddiered; lifted out, aill a, - .. Southwick, isn't it?. Five milis slid . a WL I his *services during She -war - be, wag - made it, knight of QXe. Legion of Honor and riceived to,him, and'to , This joke hap gone.ftir enough. We Munk i On re' med'hors "stardaymorning-bot6rii r.. . - she had walked apes; labile at, pripper., go w he aboorvekthat"ohe VA.- young and' -rather - wild, incredulous � whoop of joy, John Boyd beldim his hand"his wiliqt,,buglod. deep by . . ,. .1. I . . Can yon hold -out 'till thou ?I � �- ' ... look blut ..., ! Oh yes, Indeed.' with, a grattfal I . .. rdinlartAnd Tarki ribe 'tile So sh-medslo, the ton class of the Medjidie shashe modal And olftep . Aelt him.' ­ : - .� -- - ' She saw hbw much to heart.vars: Sauumae Justice Qalt and the.' jury. -Daring the day . . . . . visitiord.; She Couil.room: � I VAN thronged with prbtty;-fair, With a trim, slander -Jigure, )eeausiful glossi hair, nestly- dressed and the but zyIm g hards, had unoov ered -for ome* . .1 passing moment tbai 109 eye might detoot it. . I I . of the blue eye$. - . . . I or ' I ' I John's tons'gre* in a and more friendly. 'zoinething- for Sebastopol.- For come Years h6.w%B. in I receipt of a toward f6i distinguished at mail. . . . . I . . . 1. � � taking It. � -,,No,, said Bogert,to h6r; . I list UJ keep it up The defence woe a plea of insanity. The jury. , . deliberated about two.lidurs. slid raiarxiiel to - ' braidedi arid a pair of ,sweet, apprehensive blue eyes. Her *Oleo was got$, too, and'ohe andhOOthOr- rExcept for iiihailucky stumble, blitool would have ridden over- tile -look trOA;� ,,W,,,, have hot and hearty 7Jfi­,9`r,-,r -9-d--ji,W. -,� 1 -You look pale. Tgueem lotions seryloo,4111 his appointment as colonel A Ifuls ifilila longer. I'll tell hint all Va. so h6mbl' . .. ,� I . � court with a verdict of guiltyl with 6 remain. - .- . mendati6h. to moray. Being asked if he had . . .bad a aby, modoot mansidi which suggested onto, and never dreamed what lay beneath I librueld: feet. . � you didn't sleep s*y too mue , It &a t night.' . , 'Mrs. . of,th's,92nd regiment in 1871. He was noral. noted a companion of the Order of the:Bath . 1. . This satisfied her. All the . way home Bo- I an' thing ' to 74-j, ih,e 'prisoner shd* . iy Stu Idea of refinemoiki, . .AU Skates, "Ote7firmor Raid absorbed in a flash, and luatistailVe!y' big . . ' ' . 'Alideoulefolks may tholu.sinlitioGod1l . . . I Oh, IficouldnN - sleep ail all. Nash told me t at I must go the'ttat thing in $11i I . ig 1873 and became general in 1877 . . ' . . gert.cousinued10 exalts Yin 0amule fears. Finally at 'the gatel be, toldNart, Saim, that' cars. .1 hie . a I 161361Y. � ,.Xothing.$ Judge Gall Opoke " � siosing', weighiag, sitimakitig, by that won&er'., wait -him mental commentg up oken.balf aloud. I . Morning, and I felt so bad1j.! ", .'. : , . Mr. Ganfora oal&*, the dilamplaii 0iiiie . )Is would call on Migis Gambino in the morn- very feelingly SO ilia*' 0106"04 and - - 1�- I Rally rapid pidates of which,tho human mind I . r is while his thoughts we 6 full of1io Then -for J61in 1 Boyd'$ foligiont. thbligh � a homely, Was A -true ova -lie' bank hishead � I I shouldAlt, think- you Would want to stay I withA woman like that. clallanift"has writteil %o4ha Morning k6al I of London' ' out,ol.roopeot to the memory of. . Ing to rise it the mattUrCould not be setslea. gogertva ma'to him added . I shall certainly, si Amatter of Course, � - forward � the recommendation, At the j'a' im - � capable. - I .. - - . pnoney and lite lose. � . �: '. I -and as' words of thankekiy1bg; after id a few I - , . . I But it's -so dioallful. to have nowhere for big old filead Lora Rivers, to protest against' I The at it mottling w*ith a letter addressed, to histi � and written sppir� .y the Government, but I can -hold. out k1b"116P3. ' , . A yas� �, I am 1pwdag�-"Wr �Wyv V5114, V�ildhl Vhlch� jumping' on his' 'horse, he took the' . . t , go a.- Mid basidoo-.4 . She stopp9d abitiptlyt and.to deny'amphathally thb report !made b Yr . antly Ili- a lidylo'band., It purported to b ,r_, on whatever. - � toy' , The sentence of the Court ' 1 , If-fi under, my pillow. Did you find li-PY . I .�he girl'a face blaribille' d to a deadly .whild., . d.forinne, backward4oute, eager to till his goo :aid oxonetato'sbe-poor,girl, who, its he now with 0ook like terrok In her eyed. � - . 6 Hav,6 you no ltionan, then Z1 .asked John. roml why Lord a correspondent I Alias ,the rare Rivers believed in the olaimantloldentity was . . . � asniandilykisaGoetchiusfoi.415. Bogert � ' told him that the money Would have so be * - 16 that. - ,;Pon yon to I 4hat you bb. taken handle . ' , . PIRbe from WhOmdO YOU Going, and from thenia " .. -. , measi and her. elan diluted -as wish, �44dsa . .remembered witfi-gelf-reproo,obt ' ]must have . , L,Jja."�Ths tons Wag vir7reasived; but , becialuse come old ieiiautof his-failedto , -P �td-tbat-uight-,Ovelso-oho..wotdik-h$ky!D,bim-- Q - ho---IrjLAh.-day--ot-JanO-tO-thO-pl&6a-Ot--7-- I A" ' . . . ., , terror. . * . . . I .. � - -�! . I I hit tromiiirig and passed A Palatal day undor tho fit igms of an. , 7 doosivea snipiew reserve Could homd-ly-.Jall-ta-moh-under so. . ' jjn-�Ifiny —aproikenoo. is.4ohn, Boyd's .8 , recognizo him-old-makOr -,-Mr�- Onilow- Islas- that the real reason why . Lord Riveip took _ Van. Soma utreated. The result was that . . -contents � execution, there to be hanged by the nook kin � are dead, mud may the Lord It moray- . you eye I No, Big,! sho Said. Voice - sinking away s- i a 13 --- - - Bilis- --ke.7-rat, nit-meestly. p -m,­��-------- , . - - --'------ � ' " was yiel .Thebest' diUgtOgVOUIhg fr80bUS0s, . ' .land before the'loilig day1w tide, woe done, Q had i . the park hcAld -on behalfollbe claimarill was - . We "lit into the house, and got 014; the I . I a little Irba esto which, he had kept , I . . I . . I . I . upon your mold., , -.� I . . . . .1 , I �. . wallet - � - - - , John ,looked a$ ber distrustfully; but there . . I mud lip, urged his horse, -impatiens to not InAW term straight ; bat, wish hiolseat endeavor, it won from befthe main facts other at cry. . . ,,, Lucy pill won her rismai :Uei mother bid because he found'he visa a geittleman ;. that during an argument which- Lord �Riveio .haa .of � . . - unbroken. mines- he W,40 8 Yesm'old. Thta� - M* , � I a slid small silver -6 ()may "o in Fund' . of the Beat , Paring the delivery, his' I ones -lordship viai visibly affilated. , Thei prisouir' . - * . was somethili 'izi.She pale face which die- I g was after 11 before he-sht last draw,zolm Urri d time when: Lucy was. Ila ad. for the Began I with a noble eirl it woo agreed tha.clalmont . , , -m"' Rig4o. When he, Sook�ik,out to Be girt the was qui to Unmoved, oicept that, his voice - .� . � - armed suspicion. I � . I I'd like to search the he wont on. iriftontofNashla-Hotel. He -was expected'i a that 'w g"evideni, for lights Were burning, .12 years.old, and three Idare ago, when the . g WAS a y 15, had died, leaving1bi to ' irl bar I should be invited to a.private dinner party, . withlidles present, to -test the 1441 of his � . . a loan latter voltuiteered to help him -out with . falls . re'd'When answering t4i questio, . a #oin � . � . : I I I I . She 14 gp� " , � a , I . . .'bed,' ItIA47 have'slipp5d,under ihb mittiesi., , and both Nash Ana him - wife. hurried out to . the protedtionof haii stooWh6r.­ I . . � . f oi.agentlemart., Irloonse. being� a butohe of the extra dollar rcq up the .: I , aired to make , p " . ., .. . . . Ida : . I -1. . ... I I I . . . I . . � � - . I � . . � Takes . her, they turned the matiramor bit's no . � .. . T1114ble., meet him. wearinglicao of'lugubtious length � � whiqh.only in part changed to.chdorfulne.se ,#.She didn't. know whatoors of a m an he wao,t said Lucy. I And he waoul this kind queues of the remarkably gentlemanlike, . � . behavior, of the. olalmauk 'at that party Lord . . �4-022ad of She, gains �Aax Bogert . � I I— � . 1. --- EVASION'S IN VENTAONFJ. �. . . . --­ . . I I - wallet was I ... , That oil, horse at yourn hike got his shoo when they, heard-ofthe recovery of' the walloU . ' 'you.? I � a, !.Wasl��a young ol'iman when -site wa�e altv Rivers gosup, a -ad shook hands with him and. . ., I Sir noger'Tichilorne-, I wont to� VAU,� tiouss again and got 01 O.on the . Islas pretence tbok'Mr. Garret Ackerman.' a � � Who GoldMaIlluss Extractor blaeqyorr-;-� . , I I . '' loose lionfebeowi, Announced Mr. Nash, she I . landlord; at the! door.- 11 though$ - 114 better , -I There, what did I tell ailed the . I A- buoban4. !, Havalot 3;�,beu a saying Alai to notice much, and. mother always put her. oelf betwe an him mud me Whom things went amid, will support . I as long as I livp, fox YoWarg'ame at us, 6 YOU � . , - Iq all known,anit reputable lawyer of Haekeft �aa � 0k, had boiird that be,had kissed a married. * ' Who Elect * left X�Jllghf. I . . The Now York' Aeral(f of,TuesdAy g(Vag'an: .. tell"1011, mole,ybu could Atop,to .the black. i -asyllig till- day that likely %onOtthis.0caia . wrong; �- ,&flat sho.. died it was ,dreadful. . part i gentleman., I � �. .. -... womattandwanted-413, Xthedid,notgettlo' . naeourit",of a visit to Menlo Park, Where �, � . emith'A fgat him, to put in all -you pass, RUI !i 'nails. aldtainoutall for nothing? And you _W9 1 . I . 3@1kino-tbal's his"Oon-aame home SWUM Pons All the mail terrible. and deadly was . Bogert asid, Ahat he -would Bond Henry, Edioari'dL,operationa are carried off. Dr.. , couple' of - WIiy;whsioo the matter i� , . I woulai 6 listen to'.a4dra, but just kept onto st, Hensivarlited lberebefore, and-andbe-1. o(war have -been thrown oompletelyiIiihi - I .to the lorrimg, a doubtable, to take him . Held chdirfally. answered the-re'rorta,24"' 7 , I Jobn explained.. ' . ' that poor thing inside thorn, and she nothing . . I Wanted to marry you to, . shade by the -now Getting gun, which. was look up-*' Ibis 'time Voia Saun ' was I I Inquiries as to the.gold extracting tobstar. - The landlord ' looked. Very gra#o- He , to blanto-olthe time. Idedisreiii'otoobad . I Yes, arid him father said I Must.. Bat I 'was exhibited on thd 97th of'March at the Offices repeling to his � Aight. i I wasn't all He has received about fourteen ..hundred . . whistled softly to hitaself for a* mintits.. with -then and to We WAY WO �14 act ta each other Ike tal . them I the sext', AmAn-Womid straill of, him�o . I them both. And piople to house�bad of Sir Wi Armstrong, the. mini - ita4urar, in StAliorge's Westminster, before ova , � . , he ,Say asr I testified confidahtfally rria,.� ' " - I 1pbuinas of lailingo fro4 many parts bt the � , him eyes fixed on The tumbled -bedding; ' Sitting softer I began to - coma the people, . . . a number of to tot A. AD. OfitaPbell, t but Site o6nalry Bud to q busy ascertaining $'hair! lie want to the, otair ,head' and called his 'together,- . be ashamed to big so hard. Welli do 16111 not good -and I began to onopoik thligii, ' experts. This feartul weapon to empable of I'll,eased up quite q gdad. dealt.you kuowa Valdes, TIP to 1he present the d00%or gets �. . - ,�Jfa. presently they came in the , find so the morlily was A-Ving there in .the . . I What kind of thingw?f , �� ,. � r . firing, a thousand oh9tis per milauts. mud kill-. , The' neir demand caused wraispob- in Iiii verx good results# 116 says that tired son. I I. - landlady's foes very red slid troubled. - � . . dust all the time I Well', Itta Mighty glad,'%r 'I. It wag not essy'to got':'6 antiwar to this '-Ing a majri�oli-a horse At 6 mile range. Ithaill -ba brightening appearance; - When he brought' taining 61,400- to the ton ars.not the. ones bar - . a such thing UoVei r, happened in lay your Build and. auto too,- Go'ilght in, air, and , � question. In fact, �the.terrlfiad add inexpe.' ii compact spoearincoo cast taken to pieces the, $14 inomall data *down to Be it was wants to . examille'liao'suee they would be. only ,a. ltotliuo Vafoio,i the protooted. I But therp's wits Ill *give you some supper. .111 Bes to, the . .. glanced girl bid hardly dated to formulate her . I &*rid .eaBily'earried' about, con'be applied,to 'riality all he ,ad,. .sfig"" � not in ad added a in . -.0ifiall I quitntitido. What ' -will ' - pay only one person been in your room MASS you - I . horee.1 ' .- . � .� . ,own fears, but John gathered the Idea that � . military and naval use, and the mechanism cuotomer for, )its latherlo !milk Voute wh a them boat,. he I sysi are thlise requiiing kii-�,:, canto besides yourself, and.nhO'o the person. Mrs. . Nash VAitba on. the meal in grim . Claiming or Other, Unlawful practices, wits of it fin'simpliolky itself ; the' revolvingband took sometimes a quart and ibmetimO� a .,- little treatment and'paylud but 4 moderate i ., . NOm mulit reckon witho' pointing to the mald, silence.. She hoemed only bill% to! oiida as .the- . going on,'and Luoyj only half: comprehend. his fivo compartments, in to Which, � As they 'whirl I . quart mad's Flat a day, He was Allowed to a6mount. "EdIgoft,osystbat the maiihins, forr,,. I . Vb10 With i white CUBAN arid downcast oyeso , deriouentelah . .. �. . i .. - - Ing, ho.4 understood eubtigh to Anglia, And . rouid, metal oait;ldgei drop from a tall! keep the procei4i. From this obarob he separating the gold. - from the Akk vroru* , I . leaned againilt tha, wall. as if awaiting, It's- Mighty quosfr,� she remarked, as she got - . fright6ii -her into Making hot osespo.. - She , obldfig ease fixed over, the entire of the bar" . lit to,�-pdt away had.been -ab in big pilvato magniflieuilyi.and whozi In,' opetation will - , . � noutence. ., �'. ..� . . . . 0 la'aidiobon'thatable. s1don'staoXne if th' . ." . . - 'We'd had. affected this by night, six *asks before, - .r.eld - At each turn of the handle tin oboto are 5 bank notes, two, 62- bank . unable him, to work the paorast class of , � , , , ob, indeed, indeed I didn't Saks it I I got to, thb lebtliciM. of It yet i Wh Y aidn't :sad bar great dr6d Vold 6f being discovered ­nvoa, A -Ad their disporsion'is accomplished by notes, aud* Ono 01 --bink note. The. milk tailings with profti. There -are -ploughing , never 0aw atly walidt,* she said; but her Lucy denj mdre pooitivo ? I * 6 . . . . .1 anSforded to -p -back, 1ohni, resonated her 'a aliding apparatus. .The.slza of shot in ' . customer paid Ill ra to. trade dollars. and' his tranobes foe the wireO confieeting the. lamps - voice woo drowned in Ur a louder, as Nash" : 'Bat.she did,' sold John, between Iwo ' an W411 as he could.. . . I , . I . . different dalibrid -game of this along ranges from mothergave him the JAN tot the trade donate. 'him. thr6ughout the I Park,' find it 19 very probable , . I I . ­ - . , . . . . . �' : . toneo., . . -� I sh . mouthfillb 1, 9 said. she hadn't got It 1. . a - . �Youlllba jiiat no safe at the term sify I milakat bills to half poundage, By the age f' All 69 this Money Bogert got rom that averithing will be if% reaftladoo foi"th- * . 6 . . I A"Pray who oleo lack it, do YOU * gap. ' .1 Why; of a ourne she ogid so much as that. ' .On were in all iroa�sillfei, he protested. . of this implement three men soft do the Work � . . After he had got. the 410 on the pretence thdt I . I . 1, exhiblifou if! about five, weeks'. . .. .. , pose? Who oleo had the obanoo.t Anower ran Yen didn't expedt horto may that olip -had But, spite of life assurancoo. the -larking of three hundrea singlo men. A quarter Ofa is was for Mr. Aekerman, he raids another .. � . - � � .4.. I � . that. It owbo'nia just right for taking W a , gotit,did joit, rejohiedthelabAlady, with. . torrornever-lefiLuoy's eyes, though weeks million of dollars to bid to -hays been oyidiii 'demand m the faloaslibigatiouthat 06iiitablo 0 � . � I � . .. '! A otarbling surprise, after the fashion at,. .9irl,with no reco3mmand-a girl I didn't -a fine Boom. , But she didn't B�eakuli Violent , - - bped, safely by mud nothing occurred to alarm bit experbaents tiocaosary 16. perfect ills gun, Harting wazlkedubepald� Thardwarefivo- thebtoryof Giuevra,,vai expaiiencod not .. know Uothlog'about, z1of ad - Much, as her andboldi as -y ou'd expeotaft lizzlobout9irl . bar. E very sudden notes mado her start; whiolilanoWdeelated by every military ex- . . . otiparato indietmonto against Bogert. long ago by sparly of Styrian wood oustorg i I slaite, or where she dome from, or who hot . . would.' . .1 the eight of a* strange, figuro, on the'roikd - Pork SO bO A Complete SuadeaS. I . : - . - At last Van' S46alo bt6ro of money Wag in the forest of Drommling., - They bo�aa to., folks Are. 101vo weeks to -morrow, that's oil! the time olialli'lieen In slim laonae, air ; but this in .' 4 But she was innocent* all the times. you � . . . 1. . know., I blanched her 'ri goo to . palonego. Except for . .0 _ this fearfulness, she ­�roved an 6X8011006 A plill000�hok, like All plallosophord, - Van: . mood - up,.'%nA in despoliation: he was obliged . fell A vulnerable oak, Which they noon discov. i 'Bat the and 81 It. tile the in at ttvae I'll everbave 1. I , I I ain't so overoure about iliat;0fropliedUrg. ;holp, in 'all ways--�quiek,,xeAtwfiuger94, poor. At times lie was hungry, lit all times he woo ragged., He Offered to is paobs ,to to go to him nitither. to borrow, to. otdiii; to ,.satisfy a froah demand of Boj i K 0 or& to): U - Brad to be 4tilto hollow. U -half dad a 9 BY CT, is speedily came to the ground With a crash, - . a help I don't TOO W All the long And I I short of, 'needn't, fool to stop � us Nash, with a shake-ot list humid, I We a qtiobt , . . . � I buoindso., owest-ibraportid. Old Barburs woragred how � 'ovilt Ilia farm h0d'got And Smash his dolikey tb read in five years. But the pretence that the I h4band I had .got im- dloolQbing a skel Stan In oxaiillout. Preserve. � .. 60 $.Olt. Afraid with ]mgoitt-no, mor note at your friends either *1 I - . 4 Now look horeol shouted' John, rouitbll by. on without pro . John In his oodrbi hatilt Vouaaro 4 . it ' during thi difficult took 116 W669 SO', be clothed In purple and fine line.% led on ills bess,sad I I Ation,al what had ocourrea arid re- oral quired , - t610 ,padifil5d. With money.. $She asked Me lion. U'vou the b6oso, Which came above the . I knee,. were perfect. ,13� Ito side wits and so for her, Out oho peaks Shia day., i Ila better go for the doustible, hadn't I? thio-perotatent injustioei I whaot-la tharequest about ft,l should like to know? Hotels my never should be *Ithout ,her again- At . olved. he was firmly roe . lodged in A'Phlaod. It ofailed the penalty if I hold got In 6 Musso you know, Oid, I tola .almost 1% powder' horn, a porcelain pipe bowl Am! a , . ­11you're sure itwas under the pillow you Ito' landlord, , Wallet I-alapping his pocket-, and I've told - I found it. And know as wolf . % Uoy,, ho said Ono AV, three racialho after ­ . lid Wonsan blaininatet I I'm tired of Booing was death. One daY sh old friend i�UOS him -the donka. leading f6rib v to the grove whore box no, you' know. Then the asked * me If hadn't - I. - got into A oerape 'to silver watch, on which wah' 6lograve4 the �� name I 11. von Xropkowltz, 1819.1 The South . Put suggested the I Olt, deal$, Fluting *, plMoo doU3.1 Pleaded . You Whore you ad I do that I never aid out it under the - pit- 'low, 0 you jump find quiver and scuttle UPOIO,Jto '.whenever IOAA��Ao Veto Blapposed-tti be gIv6n;hUdbe said, I 8 I atelyi, you do 'not expect that , alm to with 6 girl , and I had , , Bay I Well, homothing kind a' like that,' booAllge I Wore P6006ti It would, Boom to be tho , skeleton of A man ba,tween 30 and 40 yearm I foo girl, *OCRing violently. I . 'Give the gentleman him Wallet back, then, Ana that that girl of Yours had no letters to do With it than the babe unborn. It's bet the Reading or the roguish o6meig Along. lite bad joy you, And It worries Ike read 7� Who phil000plibr, Putting h to illumb aadea that,he had laxplaided the joke to VAII -tell of agd. it Is oobjealarod Shell, while engaged Pita perhaps heoll lot you off,' .1 Pardon I ought to beg, find you too. So I , a almost to death. ' Now thatelo just one, w Y to file nooei winked one of him lostnea-OYOO said bothilig- ', But;! continugd the* flOub. Didn't viat to her, I Wag r-OlIftme'd. But mhe mad16 me tell her ovtrYthing and I itiliunting, he climbed the tree for some - ptirpboe, Arid slipped Indanklously into the ' I dault. I haven't got its I never dp,* ilt. Ohl 'Pleage beholvel,mo, Don't Bond aid to I hope, 2AVAM, You'll drop the oubjOcti Ana just tasko it tip to the poor thing by being extra thatill, make all safe and set your luildil'At asset Ana that lei thfit you should just MAfty and , I 1(yon fail fit the end of, five years friend, be attanglod.1 , I My friend,' told bar all Abptli it, and ohs went and told I father and he glealis through it AIV It WAS � ,,allow irank,, from which there was* no � . I toloamol; find, he Fiaba`bly died Of BiArvatiou. ' jail" she urged. - � I . The landladly only ansWilreaL by a Bound kind, An it word, for the bid d Volvo biadti list spend,., I , Ay me out df bond and give me She right to Protect Vou. Ones MYL 'Wild, I shOUldnot y6vt*ill Barely responded thaphilosopher, ',you faiget that, . decided 6 try Bogert oil two Of the five in. The'Londoft World says: "We believe ' titproiaiclis' of dlegust. Aria t6owing her � 1�pfom over hot hosid the Foot girl Wept in. mis, xAoh seemed by no means mollfiled by ililmnot OVerjudiolono appeal, rind Am Oooft no onto It your stopfaille! e ana.611. Ilia gang Came fillet you :, let thorn lay 6 finger 612 . in shut, time the Bog laity 010" A pretty girl In oofirl, Solibelally it Kho be diatin6fitsonly. .He Was convicted. in cash I fog each offgadoL he May bo, Bent. doga %all prInoo L06pold,o visit it) 0angda. like ads � been abandoned, but Is p6otponed on account � t ailetice, saying he more. . . John, had hold his pumas during thin aller. , hostess would potaill, left the her datloo so lath poraoibing room, Mastering Under hot birt L you AS, their peril, while I'm allis mad haV41 I the tight to Interfere. Will you, LUCY I It's stear-ilghted And. Cannot -look around with ' any freedom, to 4 BOA of. bouquet to a dry. ended tti-motroW to five Y6409 imprIgoginglot 6ZLQ11000 fimd,,ot bollij in' tile, dilOrOtIOA 01 . of the IMPOildifig aminouncernaut of big betto- ' that to a young Ikay 61 tha British Arlitod. 6ittloni obstply eyeing tho parties ditudbrned which lohn did not totabo Ila wAit too piespy , �J tile beat'. JhIngL to be done, trust my Word lot, I I . . I law came. - I the jitago'L - . . . 11 takytt .. . . . I