The Clinton New Era, 1879-07-17, Page 88
JULY 17, 1870
goata and gr,,onottip VtatteM
The Slimmer Teets.. •
alcopeotany ae(Ukated. to Town. Opinnakro, br
nuns "'musky.)
Now (loth the restless, lamish'd cow
I'eivade our quiet streets,
Regardless of the brickbat, or
The oblogey the meets.
Ye citizens guard well your patch
01 choisest garden food ;
For common gates upon the latch,
Ana not a bit of good.
Se quietly she lifts the bars ;
• So softly lets them fall.
While you are sweetly dreaming, with
Na• thought -of cows at alL
Then'rising up, and. looking out
Tobreathe the morning.Mr,
If piously inclined, you'll frown,
If not, perhaps yen% aw.ear.
To see a herd of seven dews,
A -feeding in tbe yard,. ' On cribbage, parsnips, beets and such;
Indeed, it's very hard.
Leo 13n.oxeere--.On Wednesday after-
noon a ghl, daughter of De. Wil-
liams, while playing :howl home, fell
and broke her leg,
Acernaties.-Mr. A. Matheson got
itis large toe split open the . °thee day,
vy a horse driving the cork of its shoe
into it,. Mr. W. Cross, engineer at
Stapleton, .,got his legs scalded last eveek,
an unexpected, escape of steam.
A Goon Seotte-New thrashing ma-
chines are daily leaving the celebrated
manufactory of Messrs, Glasgow, Mac-
pherson & Co., of this town. Protec-
tionist papers will, doubtless, claim this
as a sign favorable to the N.. P., but it
; is nothing of the kind.
New A.88ISTAn Mesmen.----The High
Scheel board here secured the services
of:Mr, Ilainilton, mathematical medal-
ist of Toronto University, and an exe
pupirof the Brantford, Collegiate Insti-
tutei to fill the vacancy caused by the,
resignation of Mr. 13eyatit. He comes
reconimended, and will clontess
aid ia .sustaining the excellent reputa-
tion of the Clinton High 8011001.
GOOD PENMANSIIIP.-A gentleman in
town .bee, emeceedeclein writing- iaore
in the same space than we remelulam
seeing or hearing of before. In the- up-
per half -of a fiver cent space he has writ
etenetkeielas....leftereendeene.the ietW
er half, his nctrae, day. -ahddate, place,
countye provincee and a feweejkidetory
ieinarks, such as 4‘ OliGtOR heats Sea
forth," "Clinton beateSeaforth in every
ihing," "Clinton New Era." The whole
is remarkably well written and can al
be read with the naked eye.
You put en some one's getment, and
You hurry down the tairs,
•And though it's Sunday morning, 7704 fit for prayers.
With anger rising loud and strong,
You chase,those cows away, .
Thewseheineto keep the critters out;
'Ncreliarch for yen to -day. • • •
7-Y0 binliefed-dity fathers; now•
slaw, I pray, -
Tbat• shall de its, best endeavor .
Te -keep -these cows away. ,
A VAII.un.-The excursion to the
ou Thursday, was only a. partial
'success, very few, comparatively, going.-•
was -t bad time of the year, farmers
being busyhaying.
• Musio.The melodious straina of an
energatically worked hand -organ floated
.on the air -on Thursday.' .weinan
. with a tamourine raked in the coppins
-• wherever they performed.
OFF TIIE Tneox..-.-A•passenger coach
on the morning mePress,'north, O. W.
• B., was run off the track here On Thrift:
day list, through a misplaced switch;
fortnnately no injury was done. ' .
PurseeTTATiox..-.-eWe notice.that pre-
vious to his leaving the .Bervie ,circuit,
• -the friends pf Rev: -A. E.• Smith (for-
- merle, of Holnieseille) presented him
with a beautiful, furnished writingdesk
444 0(11*. ••.
, ' ireTler, Sieri§Tivs.e':-Fai• the halt' year
JaineeNtb, .theio eiqrded
• with iithir.iregietritr" here 5ViAdhs,- 25'
• Inariiages, and 17 deaths: The• births
for the same time last _yeiree ,Were .33,• .
which shows a lareeinerease. • '.
BeeeeTzteenoxx..-Mesere. Glaego*,
Macpherson &..0o., have just connected
• -their e.etirblishmentewith the express. of-.
• fice, by means of a Bell .telephonee this
instrument being found to. give the
Greatest •satisfaetion and ..., save much'
Lreerinte..-Mrs. Skelten's lecture, en-
titled Ottr Boy's" was delivered laet
Teeschiy eight in the Temperance Hall
to a good audience, who highly appre-
ciated it. The speaker is one of un-
usual ability and power.
Patons.-Last week new potatoes
were selling in town at the rate of $2 a
bushel. Raspberries and black currants
also reede their appearance, and broil,*
10 and 12),-, cents respectively, but they
have iiincelumbled considerably.
• TnEonv 0a,PITAL.-We have re-
ceived a copy of a pamphlet just issued
by Mr. R.,Sulley, Of Londbn, upon the
True Theory of Capital, Conaraerce and
Money, with brief eomments upon the
causes of tbe present depression of trade
and the decline of profits. It is unee-
cessary for as to say much in commen-
dation .of the, work, as everything from
the -pen of that gebtlemen upon Politi-
cal economy is of, superior character,
ond.highly instructive.. Copies of the
work can be procured at ten, cents.
Meutsrefere's OASES. --Before Mr: J:
cGarva, JJ'., Robert Celolough was
fined $1 and costs, for using profane
• language. • Geo. Marshall, of the "firin
•. of Marshall Bret, tendon, we ulso
tner42 and Costs, fOr peddline tert with-
out' a license.
STRUVE RT Liewrisrpro.--:-An unusual-
ly..heaVy thunder and lightning storm
. was experienced bete on Fridey morn-
_ ing last; etiring the progress. of Whiph
the lightning" article ea house, occupied
by 'Mr. Redmond, on the corner of
• Queen and Prices s' streets, Slightly
• damaging the corner and tearing off
some plaster_on the inside. _
Satutda,y evening
• a young lady ushed hurriedly into the
• bar of the Rettenbury House, and, ap-
preaching the L'ounter, asked if there
were tiny letters for so-and-so. .Isaac
• could scarcely repress a male, but he
managed to tell her the Post Office was
• next door, and as she left the bar her
fee' e would have been it study for un er-
tist. .
• NEve SToets.-Elsewhere will be
-found an advertisement asking for ten-
ders• for the erection of three brick
stores; .Mr. Wm. Coatshaving decided
.on .erecting these 'en his property on
Albert•Street. We believe they are to
• - be two-story high,_withiminsard roof.
As the location is one bf th hest hi
town he will, doubtless, have no diflie
malty in 'finding occupants fee them, and
they will add very much to the appear-
ance of thatpart of the town.
' Tun WEsTenet Perit.a-un Mouday
.we had a call from My. Wm. 1VIcBrido,
• the efficient secretary Of the Western
Fair Aisooiationeevho making his an -
tin& rounds, preparatory to the usual
fall exhibition. • As the Society. offer
•$12,600 in prizes, and the Provincial is
held 80 far east, they have every reason
• -to expecte :egocid show We hope the
peopleof nuron will cd -Operate with
• them, even more heartily' than hereto
• foreon making tbe Western a success.
IVON/0.--The scholars of the Metho-
dist Sabbath School marched in proces-
sion, headed by: the band, to the G. T.
station, ' Thursday, and . proceeded to
• Goderich, where their Annual piceie wAs
held; 'the day gave peoiniso of being
fine, but it turned out Otherwise, unfor-
tunately for them, a ciectunstance that
Lan singularly happened for the last six
years, nevertheless,it pleas:nit .day was
• epee, The Peesbyterian S. S., of town,
hold their pienie at the same place, next
Thursday; it is hoped thri day may be
'Anti, A. special train will 'leave here at
•'"').() a, In, to eoUveyhtiem to Ooderich.
A.WeereNes .Cannerieze TsereEueel0.0
UmoN was 'formed in • this town on
•Tuesday synth:0111/re. Skelton; who
is making a tom• through Ontario fin
the peepse. of oeganizing these unions
The following are the officere, elected,;
Pres:, Mrs. Grey; ist vice, Miss White
• 2nd vice, Mrs. Taylor; Coe, and Rea
Sec., 1VIrs, Croll'; Trees:, Mrs. Beasley
Executive Committee, Mrs. 'Corbett, A
Callender and Rye and Missee eGee
°ham, May, Robinson, .Rowell and •K
Rowell. Dai' of Meeting,- every Lon -
. .
day, at Tcneperance
• All are cordially invited to attend. •
BnzF Leeees.The -teaCliers. 'ere oft
:foe_their holidays. The- of.. .
: day laet Of . the heaviest earneti
eencedthiseeateinortitnerone rivere:heing...
.-Xorneed"...ven the.' ,titeefetseeeMosaliitomi are
rin erests '-Mid viciouC 'Ib
strawberry season ,will.. soon be over.
".Off" .for •the
the rnarket sciiittre. arehroken. At last, it
'is 'brrebeeheped. they . willbe removed -et'
the: earliest_ convenience.. There is not
sign' 7'4404
Iterollit the' .sidewalk...: ;Business in game
rel. ig. quiet, owing tefarmersheing busy
the 4u exchange,. qeee.
'eke, 1-4,47:41.0# otnerse
it .„ is,. we don't need to- • be told that.
NoWthe. wise endprudent niengetteth
his AdvertieeMent.. ready 'to ,catch the
fell trade...-. e- • . . • . •
. . .
The Igth at Godexleh.
The anniversary of the battle of the
Boyne was celebrated at Goclerieh by it
very large gathering of Orangemen alul
spectators, principally from the county
of Perlh and a large circle around Gode-
rich tree trains on the Grand Trunk,
coesistiog of forty cars, well filled with
visitbrs. The proeession waslormed at
two. o'clock, anel consisted a foety-two
lodges and four bands. Afters naarthiag
around tbe Square it proceeded to the
point just above the harbor, where it
platferm had been erected for the speak-
ers, who consisted of Mr, W. Centel -
Past Grand Master; Rev. W. W. Welt,
Grand Chaplain; Mr. White, Grand
• Master, county of Perth ; J. C. Rykert,
• J. R Wilson; and Mr. Forbes,' of Mon-
• treal; Tlae speeches were brief and wholly
related to tbe Orange'order. . •
AasevaLs.-On Thursday eight car
loads of 8. 8. children and friends from
Clinton and Seafortle'arrived in Gode-,
'rich.- There were about 800 in all. -
Signa/.' ;Rile above paregreph will be
correct by leaving.out the word Sea:
forth," as they were all from this town,
but,we can readily " excuse our brother
larilee-raisterke, as he eviteriudgingeby
pomparison with his own lately deplete
• ed teveriVede-Srceirand he well- knew
that they •could not eend out such a
crowd. Just wait till next week and
they Will, then see it repetition of the
'Tett • Cael.e,ele-Thei 'ffifthers this
neighberhood aie with -their
hay,, which is a tolerable good crop, but
they':have eirperienced some
in getting it in oneacconnt. of -repeated.
Some 'few:harp 'crirntrienced the
cuttingeftheie fail 'wheat, which will
give a geed yield; as the grain' isplump
and the beads a good size.. , The trouble
with this crop is that it is much heat
down by the late storms. • 'Suing. wheari
-will be light, 'leith:Orraccoue t of being
rather backward in its:growth in the
spring and by the emidge, which is do-
ing great damage insome, localities.
Peas, although' the ground is. well aov-
ered, will be a poor crop in eonaequence
of the bug; and will make them quite
unfit for human food. Barley and eats
are looking well and prolnise an alum=
dant yield. POttitoOs Also promise a
good crop; the bugs not being near as
had as Sterne past. years. • Corn was
more liberally }dented this Year and
looks tolerably • ,
Peesoeeet.S.L.--Mrs. O'Neil:. and
daaighter, have gone to Montreal, where
they purpoSe•steying' until the end. Of
gnet. Mr.. W. Ge Maine, formerly
a' pripir or the. High Bolireir; bat nosy ate
tending Toronto Vnivereity, leen a
• itertoef e .P.ReseeTeity.7--Thei , regular
meeting of'this body 'was heitrin Relax
Church*on:Tuesdaye 8th 'There
• was a large. attendance of miniieters and
elders. The Rev., Leicheadi of
Londe:shore; Hullett, • was . appointed
lVfederatoe for ilicanext'Sii Months. By:.
the action of last General A.ssonibly the
charges in the ziOrtherri. part Of •the
CoMaty'of and.the;cherges in the
south part of • Melee' were forint&
intet a'. new Presbitery .to be called
yieitland," leering the. Huron. :Pres-
bytory about onehalf its foemer size. The
Rev. Dre;Ure and Rey. Jas. Sieveright
tendered the resignation 'ef,.their •johit
chargee on the geoutel that the domes-.
ped: eteee- of lansinessein the ',town necese.
skated a re=arrangethent of the,
gatisos in their sphere of labor: . Dr.
1Tee and Mr. Sievereglet 'wore jester -weed
Tte'exehange on seineercoevenient Sab
bath with Messes. 1VIecdenald and lira-.
• 'chard, _ that theleCongregations - May be,
cited to.ettencl tor their interestethe next
regular Meeting of the Pasbytery td be
held in-•Brucefield me.Octoberee-
Seaforth aud.liarperhe.,Y,weie united in
one congregation ;MreBereretiring With
an allowance; of $160 pee". eerinn. &err
the new congregation in addition to the
sum paid from the Aged and infirm .
Ministers' : • •'
PeesMITATeox.--e0n 'the ocoat3ion of
the marriege of Miss. Bessie Martin,' ef
• this place,- the teachers and' echelais of
$t; Paul's church: SAbbatle School met"
and presented her with a.: beautiful sit-.
-vet; cruet; dozen, silver spoene and a
member Of valuable artio'les, nee
coinpanied by • the :following address :-
•• ' . 'orarree„-;nay 14th, 1879.
To NfiseMeeTne ee-W.e,tee teachers aria
'children of. the Sendai school of St. Paid's'.
chureh, cannot let this happy occasion nese.
.Witheirt some expreesionof the toeing of-
fecitiori'w shave learned to'entert ttin for, you,
and of our warm desireti,for your "futiine;
happinesa and presperity.t-- Your Ioiig add
faithful services the work of.onr Sunday
school, net Only as teacher but as organist
and leader of the singing, not to speak Of
yonrConstent and regular help -in -our church
choir., have. given *us a Very high appeeei-
:Won of your sterling. worth, while your
• constant kindnesa .and courtesy Italie very
• much 'endeared you to ua all, and We greatly
rejoice to know that your new-found hap-
piness will not sever the pleasant relations
whichheve subsisted .between us in the
Sunday school. Our earnest hope and
prayer is thee your future maybe, bright„
with all possible blestang,-earthly and di-
vine, in the. netv home,*icl, the •O,OW and.
happy relationship into which .you are about
to- We.beg youto accept the mod-
est gifts Which accompany our warm geed
iviehea, hoping that they may be found Use.
in keeping tiefere your eyes some token
of the esteetriein which •you are held by
your siniiere friends.. ' .•
rc, tEw •
The brangenien of GOderich had
erected two arches of evergreens deco-
rated with mottoes. The whole pro-
eeedings passed off very harmoniously,
nothing happening to cause regret,
Bninete CoNmeteor.reThe, rebuilding
of the Gully Bridge, on the,Lake Read,
will be let by anctioneat II a. tn., on
the. 8th inst. '
70ErTnervie-Death l'ernoved an old
ieeident: of th•is „teekeriship, on the 14th
inst., in the person of Mrs. Mary Gard-
ner, reliat'of the late Alex. Gardner,. of
the 7th 'coil. Her 'husband settled on
the.' lot on which , she died ebont -45'
years. ago e enjoyed a -very lutes
circle of ilegiiaintanees and the number
who..tollOwed her rernains te, their rest-
ing place ,was an evidence. of the bigih
esteem in whioh slie•Was Irelde
- Pennell inet 'St Hohnesville, on the 7th
inst., pursuant to adjournment.: Mete-
bers all .present, 1V1inutea of teat meeting
read and passed. • Mr. M. Raeey was
present and hoard, respecting.. the north
.end of, the llth and 12th cobs., running
frdni• Holmesville • to the Maitland river,
'to have the.sittneitnade passable for teams,
also a document, signed by said Mr. Racey
and 36 other,. threatening ;legal. proceed-
•ings if the road is not proceeded with at '
once, • The Reeve Stated, ongtehalf Of the
opened, that the 'co.uncil of • Colborne took
so little JUterest. in the matter, although
.0olberne will 'derive the principle benefit
frail he' co init in di , that- ' Con ld sen ti
reason why. Godbrichs towuship should as-
sume .the ;airiest entire cost ;. all the re-
sponsibility, and the .entire ceit, of keep--
• id':
come, the -reed asked to be opened, and
which would tiot,.eventually, benefit- half
it _cloOttii. farmers in. •the latter'.township.;
that unless .Colborriii• council .actiecl .
liberally, the road Would fall through, so
,far-as-Ocdortch--toilaship• was Concerned,
Mr.' Itacey..:was' accompanied by a. legal
,geiUiinOlid.:7Courteotasly hut firmly proceedings.. . The' Reeve
told them to, go . ahead, The depirtatien
then left. • The late heavy rain. storm. car -
Tied away so many. bridges. arid culverts.
that the whole day was employed iti mak-
ing arrangements forgetting the roads in
a passableestate, at the earliest date.- The:
'clear was ordered to write to' Mr. Bay, to
examine 33' ;creek . -bridge *(or the Golly
bridge; as it is'called,) and' get op a.plan'
and epeeificatiens: for . new _bridge one
Same, and.' to -.the council for its
'spade' meeting' on' the 15th inst.. The
following . acceents were Ordered to be.
paid,: . Mrs. Whitely,l'gra,velr Base -Line,•
$11:0.; James 'Beacon; reirauhfg culvert,
Bayfield con., ; Thus: Cole, digging
drain arid pipmg on 9th arid 10th cen.;:$0;
Jacob. Miller, .tilling gravel, $3.25; Thom
•Potts. repairing hill, Biry con ., $6
John 'Kirkpatrick, grading au.c1 gravelling
n---lat • con ; •-johir -Re ere tr-cul vert
and :pipe, 86; Greorge
an ist-con., 812 ; .Sam;.doltoston,
ing on • Ist con., $22 ; Ballard Wilson,,
er4velling,on $30-; Sam. and kobt.
filcIlWitin, repairing hill, sat., 1st con.;'
$8; Alfred Goodwin, repairing culvert,
111.0;, $1.2. ;' John McCartney, repairing.
approach to bridge, $2.0; .Wm.
Churchill and ethers, cutting , hill and
p,ravelling, .28; Jahn Lindsay', turripik-.
ing and .fillipg. gravel, • $14.,50.; S.
Phipps, . culvert, turopiking and filling
gravel, $12.5O; ()aria: Tebutt,. covering
two ,culverta and repairing' approach to
bridge, 14th owe. $6.47 iejames. Lindsay
and others; gravellieg, $23:1$3, Burns,
bridge ea 16th cone. (sudden breach) $5;
J. It'. Holmes, P.M., tilling.grevel,
.$11.50 ; John Deeves, cedar fei two -cub
verts, 8.R., 14th and 16th -come (sudden
breach) $7 ; Ed:'Setinley and CI: Johnston,
Oiling eudden breaches. and tornpiking,
-$18 ; TWO. -
$6.50 ; Jas. .Scihnston, tiirfipilring 95 rods
on S.L. near Haag Line, 812.25; Burk,
week on lst con., $4; Jas. Wallace repair.
ing "Culvert, on., $3; Wm. Morgan,
use of scraper for Oth con., $4 • D. Cook,
rulvertion con. 9 and 10, (sudden breach)
$4.; Wm. Jordan, culvert, con. 11' and
Wititechurebhalf-pase five, during which interval the
Rev, R. C. Hender's post Mice is • citizens made strenuous efforts to sub -
Ulster not.Teeewater as reported due the flames, and by • well directed ef-,
The C. W. M. church people here - forts succeeded.iu keeping it ivell under
have erected aestibetantial, and Peet subjection, not allowing it to spread,
and, thus saved for the company •this
vast pile,- which-, if len te the arrival of
the fire engine, it would have been im-
poseible. to save a,single stick, ,
fence around theie burial ground, and a
sidewalk to the church door.
Raising'e are the erder of the day
hen:eat Mr. A. Itamilton"grbarn we no-
ticed a crowd of at least 150, We hope
the lads will'keep000l this ha weather,
so that the big sticks don't come in eon -
toot with limbs.
Ten passenger care, laden with the
little folks, from the city of Guelph,
spent Monday last picnicing on the
shore' of lake Huron. . Kincardine is
growing the northern zonefor mummer
pleasure seekers. " All work and no, play
made Jack a dull day."
.Xessrie E. Henderson, principal of
Blyth school, and T. C, Graham, for-
merly teachers othieneighborhood, are
spending their vacation among us, they.
find the climate balmy, and old stequain-
tattoos invigorating. The former wislie
Blyth correspondent Seaforth Exposi-
tor to note and correct,.
visit to his friends here. lYfrs. Tay. E: S: PRESTON. MAGPIE J. STIETTARD.
lor, of St Catharines, (sister of Me. Geo. 11. 140mr. Do 8T4N817":*
Pay) is on evisit to Inn- friends in town.
Mr. john Hodgins, who has been in bad
health for poem dine is leaves on
•Sattirdey morning, per. stearner Ontario;
for. Jake Superior, cin a two eweeks trip
to recruit ; he is • aecoixipanied by the
best of companyhaving Mrs. Hedging
with him Ainong the recent .arrivals
at Winnipeg are Wieser's. Jordan of Col.
borne and 11. Smith, of Go' derich,
Dr. Stewart, of -Brucefield, is expected
to 'arti've hotne about the end of this'
month. At the regular monthly meet-
ing of the Execulive Celmmittee of the
Church of England Young Men's Chris-
tian Assodation, London, resolutions of
tegret, Were passed upon the departure
to Bayfield of the President, Rev. It.
MeCosh, and of cougratulation upoe his
ordination. •. Mr. Cie IL Wright and
Wife, and Miss Knox started du tt• trip
up the lalce to Chicago, on Tuesday. Mrs.
Thomas Fair started for the neighbor-
hood of Albany yesterday. • Rev'. Thos.
Bee& is on a brief visit hero. It is ex -
voted that Rov A, Stewart will be
home this week, and resume his work
On Sunday.
• The- Couple left. 'yesterdey. On. their
wedding tour,- intending-. to be absent 'a
few days,- On thete, return they will
occupy the house presented :Mrs, Bent-
.ly by her huebend. • • gravelliog, $8 ...jos: izeard, beidgeen eon.'
13 and 14, $4i ; G. Oex cutting hills S
P •
L , near.00n. 7, 15.65 e Win. E. VVhite
and othera, work $ On S.L., noar H.R., $4J.;ly
. A ro.turn MatertlibiT.
ween the Clinton
and *Seatorth -clubs takes place at the
the latter .town, on Friday, the 1.8th
:inst.' Aeriateh will probably take -Place
*here, 'ionic) time next week; with the
BruceOekt elub, and in'about tsvo weeks
the clubpurpose'taking an cistern totne
i .
playing n Guelph, Toronto and meveeel
other placesalong thePeels,
(help') andRincartline clubs aro expect-
ed to •Play here tiporr the .olose'of the
seetson. •
A. bat, for the best averagescore
among' the ilionabere of the JJlinton
Criek et Club, for the season of 1879, has
been offered bytne secretary, Mr; W.
jaciltson, and the folloWing .ifiernbers
rank fleet inthe two • eiatelies whioh
have been played 3, Harland, 101 ;
Johnson„ 100 and 3. Itowson, 7.
T. Touohbourne, cutting hill on con. 6,
814.40; ks. Elillock, repairing S.It , near
; Nixon Sturdy, hauling lumber
for sudden breaoh,•$2.75 • N. Morrislf, for
lumber, '86 ; Wm, Edivarils, filling gravel,
$0.25 ; Simon McCulloch, filliv gravel,
$14 Ed. Leavie, inspecting gavel Out
iene, three days' work, $3,75'Young,-
culvert; SAL, 'between con. 10 and 11,
also burying n horse, $4.75; td, Lake,,
filling approach to bridge con. 10; $1.50
u,. Morrow, repairing culvert, 0.L., (sod-
den breaoli) $3, 50 ; John Thompson,. wood
for Jacob Millor indigent, $0, The Reeve
was paid $30, and councillors, $25 each,
indemnity as road commissioners. Relit,
Dray was granted $10, indigence : Andrew
McKee, indigence, $10; Wm. leollins two
9.Uartera pay of the yearagreed, en;$30,-
indigence. Tho couneil adjourned . to
meet again on the 15th inet., at 5 o'clock
p.m" dalpa, roads and bridgee under re-
• Jeeree Peeerox, Clerk,
ACCIDENT, --On Sunday evening las
Mr. Sam. Reid, of lot 14, 4th eon. Stan
ley, was -driving through Varna, with
his wife and child in a sulky, when the
horse -got frightened at a woman with a
pail, and gtarted to iun away. it was
pulled up to fence, but this it jumped,
with the rig, the occupants being thrown
out, Mr. and Mrs. Reid sustaining a
number ef Cuts and bruises, and the
cbil having its thigh bone • broken.
treader medical treetment it is' doing as •
well as could be. expected:
• •STAmisTrcs.-,Thro• ugh the kindness
of the clerk, Mr. Wm. Plunkett, we
are f enabled to give the following inter-,
estiog figure's from the Assessment Roll:
-There is A total of 636 nammi on th
Duran BuslelEsse°„, We fear farniers roll, 343, qualified to be jurors, no.
generally threughopt Ontario are not persons in township 2,500; no: of ac
fully alive to, their. best interests, with, 43,248; acres cleared, 26,875; ?eel
respect to the manufacture- and sale of real propertye$1,685,110; value
butter-e-Theyeloseethenutrinde of aolla -arpfdpertr18-4;151) ;
'2,2174 sheep; 3,201; hogs,,1,151;
1,122 ; dogs, 285 ;hitches, g.
every ye,ar by the way ehe lausine,ss_ns
managed: • What is the qause of the low
price of butter.? "why ere :Wei) so diffi-
cult to inakel The probability is -the
very inferior artiele which Canade sends
to the English market: What is the
remedy •Farmers unite in joint etock
companies,' and establish better facto-
ries, and creameries • throughont the
country within a reasonable area. Look
alive to yonr best 'interests, do not al-
low so important, and .what ought to be
a very profitable industry, to become
paralized, and comparatively valueless.
.Who will take the lead in Whitechurclo
ARM BROKEN. -Bir. Geo. Taylor
with' an accident whilst at work in
ThOs. Govenlock's savi-mill; on the 1
inst., which resulted in the hrealein
his arm. • e
• HOTEL 'CHANGE. - We understa
that Mr. Thos. Stephens, of the Quee
Hotel, Seaforth, is about to retire -fro
"actiee business, having rented his hot
to •Mr. Stafford, brother of the Bei
Father Stafford, of Lindsay.
- '. 1 BUTTER SHIMIENTS. - Mr. joseph
- - "LIENSALL‘. . Kidd, of Dublin,' and Messrs., A. 0,
EWE eTee G. W. 11. ---The
.eitemes McDougall and ThoseKiddeof Seatbrth,
s ,...
leave just shipped large consignmeots of
of our usinilly ...quiet village were a'rous-
. • butter direct- teethe 'English ''inarket.
ed from their slumbers ou WednesdaY
We hope that they May be Successful in -
'mewling, .9th inst., about 1.30 o'clock,
their'undertaking. . • ..
by the alarming cry. of "fire."'" On 4-
Cgundu UIVION.---The •final arrange-
aminatiorl the cause was found te. pro-
Ments for the union ..between the Sea- '
8"0e6d:-efori°,antil,: aeselitifirg-iiiiPgileee-.ofeeewt).(-1-w.'' 8°...nR7. forth andelferpirrlieyeeongteigatitms are-- eei
The cause je' elippoi3ea to be free, e" now complete, it ap a eonsureation of
the same• they intend • having 4 union
,spark.frorn the clegine"of a sawing mir.:
thine Of the Companee, vvliich. has ben Ic'it'ongii;14i`r.on,,;:1-Lsot
ulY"24talli'" Theires
he;EgeinntidY1116: '
working here for the last, ten dito
By ths. time the. Scene *as .reached by , , -„.......— • .
the yillegchs, the flame's had_ th-aae,-con.: • . s...iet
ie egfiter. .---
- AU tire- Market Square,-Clintow, on the
sidereble .headway, heineg located near' • °'-' 06th inat..„ .1 Iiirby. reaper and mowet,. .
the centre of- the pilo.,'The cempanv's . 3' lumber °Waggons, ftwc,...w4h patent :_:
.fire engine was at onceteleeraphecETOF a-rm) and. '1 Democrat. waggon • David
to London, but did not arrive till about Dickinson, au,ct. " . . ... .
c soil s ait
•• ESTAR14.61.I.ER.',185,1f.
o'ori .
rand Clearing Sale.:
01R, 30 ID
. .
• •- +
or We have'just closed the most successful season's trade
in tuts.we have ever done.
llerroAle0, AND NEW