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The Clinton News-Record, 1911-11-30, Page 4
Ell , 4 caston Nos l 1n4Godeiritcb( Township sump mo* �u p � ��t �U ��� �.��,.�„ lldr. George Acbesa�. and bride trlx- Mr. David Wright of the Base LiaoLiaoMESS R - rived house f>r:)m thti west oda k ritlay lags diowd of his WivadsoutQ14 grey evening last. They came bonic, by way teem to Mr. bantuel mocool: of nea,*spne . d of Michigan and upent some lcwe at I.ondesboro. EAM HIT'd Niagara. and ottier points on the rimy. 'Mr. ;and Mfrs. James Johnstone sof Future of the Geared: Turbine yslelrl About eight o'clock on the evening Clinton spent! Sunday under the par- ° of 1:'rnOMIXlorr l'rowtows ?41813• of their arrival aver forty of the ental root. R-glter Pourer Than flan 'yet young, people and young m:ar*vd pea» Mr. David Garvie of We 16th .ran• Bcea .lttalnt!tf. plc+ Lot the neighboxhood, friends of has been under the weather for the FOR XXAS -PRESENTS 110,"4 bode and groom gathered at past week.' `4 heir $hipbirilders - - or, to be ` their home and being . armed with strictly accurate, slifpbuilders who are '��j�� musical insivumit its di various kinds, . ' also marine engttt.•ers •�-- turn from W 1 l� 4 R �l � � gave Trap young people a livi'iy ser- �..., 1 the human element In their works to chole. They #len tit+nt Its and niecxy ' 111"orter s Pali :a the scientific they find themselves face to. face with problems or .even We have proOded for all requirements and the greetings were ex evingtd .and heac?, Mr. anft Mrs. S. Lammirerson and tw; more absorbing Interest. it is nut variety we Slli]1v in illl]11nIeI'able of varying congratulations wtr:e offered to Yir. cWtIren spent litinday at tho lady';; necessary to tock. back wort- than articlNs and Mns. Acheson. when the greet- parental one year into history in -order to price makes dile selection of appropriate gifts easy an(I digs were lover order was called and p tgl holrie, that of Mrs. tt',ml. Cur justify this statement. The marine your an count oil g4 U4ug exactly the fight thilli. Wo A. vco on behalf of the company tie. ste=am turbine Is one of the common - read an address expressing good Miss Maggle Cox has t+>turned from places of engineering. but all its pirs- , 4 London accompanied by her sister, slbilities are not yet known. It vvis. OUR FINE HpIr.IDA,Y DISPLAY wishes for 4be future prosperity and Mrs. S. Dawson and two children, born on the Tltze, but it was cradled happineiss% of the, young eouple,• and and nursed ori• the Clyde, and act the who inland making a visit here. ' asking them to accept as. a slight to,cen present luamerrt wort- is bean„ Bono of thus good wishesa very hand- Mier Olive Cox visited Miss Ruby on the Clyde then anywhere else to p FINE LE.ATIiER GOODS some marbee mantle clod;. Mr. Geo_ P, Potter recently. show thht its sphere of uspfulness .�c4otad made the prc�.;crlta$i4t1. 'Mr. Airs. John R Torrance has xaGuxnad may be widened far beyond the pre - (46014 limits. Clvdebank has proved that Acheson, in a few weill chosen ivor4s, 1101110 after a pleasaut v1444 of several the Curtis type, imported from Amer - You Odn get a Choice Suede- thanked his friends fn behalf cif hien- weeks at Pittsburg. Ica anti vire . the• hall -marls of Clyde ( f and wiffe for the gift and also Mrs, W. vande'+`iourg silmit a day design and cosi. nauahip, Is capable Leather Ba for $1.00 with Cord pleadid a�ervicQ". and at f / ' a tips it ) far the kind Sv1sh:+.4 expressed, after recently with Mrs. Robt. McCartney. of dolls; hat t t almost, any design ishich,tho evening was given up to sa- r�lr, Teter 1faCct4ltga:, Jr. 1148 gorse Fairfield rind' Dumbarton the Parsons tyke is being di vi>lopetl In two d ffex•- you wish at slily price u to $uuo. tial' enjoymenti. clashes of ver}o1*s to Port Stanley to assist in the, Mor- ent directions. !) t / � en '';Tie large slues$ hl`tds wet.! indulged in anal nitre utas gan Tiros. lisheries for a for, weeks. which thoy ,ire bttil,lirng for the Pacifiti r�an abundance of welsic. An o"ter Mr, 'Theron Battites rebirned las; the 0i service of n;uiian T'acific Hall - Brush Bets, Pocket Books, NIras supper followo;l, Miss Ac11e.,ou prov week after spending several weeks in way Company the FaWield Company / lc .Molls, Wallets and other leather iding the oysters as a surprise, itie Torontoi, ars to drive foo shafts -•-- for the e ladies having brought along plenty of Mrs. iTillis hell and son L �Yr t� fu- t time, oil yes, e,s of great size — 1( ., gOc�cls suitable for 1'le,ellts. goad rt'ling$ t4 go with t+11cTn. `the ora s e�Ildin a eu whir rriple.Pxl),:rtsein turbines, and p 1; a iew clays with the for oil rl:e two rnllir,ly r teanlem which' supper was first-class and the wholu i mer's daughWr,' Trs, Henry Powejl of the sainp f;rm r.r+—building for the affair was thoroughly enjoyable, T}=e Scaforth, )iav:rc crass-Charthi-I P,6rvice, as well party broke up by sinking Auld hang. The News -Record leads for Town as on two l;rit}sir cla;ctroyers at Dum- Syne• + and Township news. One dollar will barton, the gfr fared trirbino Is to be t + In,ed ror t.owm- i arty higher than, Mr. Acheson is popular with hi•v pay' �• sub-oript:on til ,:re end of 1912, arythins, of trip ktrtct yPt attempted, T T[4.N,9 ON SEGIUND neighhory and Airs. Acheson also 1 as Fish• at least hen other forma of re- y vvt,l- doting gosir pita the experimental roan fripncls herr who vvarmly —C"QICE STQvK••- —PLENTY QP 17 -. corn:, -her back to the old )ionic' to'v11- j cKIL ,OP TOWNSHIP. statgP, rt 50110 rut=s oil.-englued vt�ssel sft:p; making; reach- at 11'hiteinch for trials Mrs. Hare of 1'aneoitver and her t«wo '1'lle auction sale of„7aules 13e.11 was cru T)ccnmt�cr, and'<t dumper of similar Wellattended and hips building at ctrft'eient Continental SOME OF THE CHRISTMAS -BOOKS children arcvcd on Friday on a. vis- livices ruled ugh, raids, all tlrreatan:ug to abolish the it t�3 ,her uncle, Air. John Alel:ander, tYg regret to say that Mr. Ua.picl steam engine altogot.hcr as a marine The Furu•t�li wareb' •(Cody) $1.24 The Singer of the Rool e118 Aix$. Rose will- be romembered a' Uanley is in. rather poor health. at motor not to speak of the gais,pro Didther t al y3 C;hi �keps a-_ (l� nnwtrr) $1. �,i illiiss llTaurl- Alcaander and was well presenb. duces sh}p 1oeiltin out of the shadows (%N ig.,in4) 1. The New 1MA(,hravvll}(W ells) I 'gni . known,irl •11:1e commiunit , 110: many Mr. George Richardson ofMieahell as It were thpre is enough to keep. 134rbara Wortb (Wright) 123 Nennedy Square (Smith) 125.. old friends an/ lad' f y'1 - visited friends in .-M v' in't r' the marint; engawer who world re - Life Fverlitstiuy;• .(ilartlli) 1.125 f)piclFire (Pitied) 125 g 4 6,c opportuli a is .i y .du_ing main abreast of lire times thinking. The Jesuit (hocking) 1:la Carpet from 13xzdad. ity of 'meeting her again. the past week, very hard indeed, ovo n it he Traci no Nacgtatti) 1,25 Mr. Fred, TWabutt of � the Kith con, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Stewart cf labotir problems to consider at the is at present gtuba iii, Carlingford visited friends harp rc satire time. Cite us a fety days time and we will send for ' ou an cently, — -- - y A meeting of • U.ic •It4ya1 Aran L, .p. The man wiith a gun, on the 814111 _ iJOoli j`ou• rnay:, tVant, if not in stock, L No. .189. will be hold ! the lodge huhu fur game whe>e nn. game s Lo TSE TOnA[ � rootill :on. '4fednesday c ening next h There vI ht Ilatoion found, is eonvaton sight; in will also bet insta • of officers and -a full attendance' . is ' re - of neighborhood.a Still, a pod deal f I'M g L f healthy exercise can be had in Leave us our'order i'or your Greetn l:rlyds and the tlupsLed Visilrng brctherlt are al- r y � g ways .welcome,. J tramping thtl woods, ' Cl]ri trrias Geoge. I A number from about here attend- 4bntintuince of Ile l'rsicttce . Has Mira. Jonathan Burttan passed Away, cut the box social' at Walton .recent- Nuter:at Effect tri Pultfrig the a1:, the, home of her sistssr,: Mrs. Peter ` !y, face of :{f�iit (its the Yoltatriil ikiaerdougall of Porter's I•itll, on Tucs-+ There will be a ;pad road to Mc- ' u Off file. dap: The lata Mr: Burton was a, Naught'c station this winter, the datYghte,t . 1Of tilt Iatc William Start- road having tindcrgontl repairs. �Urtting on "Chins gild Character," ing; and wrau a native of this ts)wa- Q lir, Louis Robinson says:--Tobacco- 'C.'OOPER, sl.lip, 8, he had been failing in health 1. 4'Ir' revery, station _ Agen, at Cart chewing, a loathsome habit which: C.Q*, 4 'so' a i wright, Nan. is on a, visit to friends happily appears to be going 'out of l r m time,.- but leer last itincs,. Y. people, has in the t lFrymit fashion among civilised CLiNTON., husband nd - died ovoz , ife,1v weeks. The i been productive of a .east of coun- tenance which willremain ttistorI Mrs; Buxton -was a Presbyterian. Is for all time.. "Uncle fain" will pro family, of . Tour br4ttler:+ and four sir bably be for ever portrayed as . an , tors' survive. They ara,: `Alexander EAS; W ' anOSh individual "lean of flank and lank of - � ^ lmes -ver- Sterling, of. Gardner, North Dakota; ' ' On Friday last Mr. and Mrs. Jon wily depictsP as e hinge In his iohumoro i • Robert aha A1Frps1 of AlcCrrc`'or, Maii.; athan Bentley alebrated -the � iwen- apotheosis: Those familiar with the i g BiG VALUE BT VALUE Janet•,-) ort the homestead, this town= ty-rifiti anniversary of; ti)edr w6 difig,. Portraits of the great soldier's of the . ship ;Mrs. Peter Macdougall and Mrs. Tha' day passed quickly,.' as all the , American Civil War can hardly'fail a Arch.:. Macdougall of Porters IIill ; otheir clays .ol the part twenty-five to have been .struck by the curious 1 klrs. 1i': Cross of .Moa rigor; lIan:, I years have. passed, but the Hours of family likeness which. runs through and iiliss • .14141}on Sterling at h e; the eveningscerrttld' to melt awe their Baur detertull>gages. It is' Y• scarcely too' mach to `^saw that this The funeral takes place this afternoon, It was then that, their. . numerous military . type ig: practically 'tratiupt t from the residence of Mr. James S•trrl- friends *trial tar and. near calle to !ii America noir, almost to a. non is & CO t. , .. ing_ on. the 6th con, to Bayfield. ecln- eller congratulations, of. course, and thntie soil --f ac -d %allovw heroes were ° ear ry. wish t11e couple fuyarp' joys: Some, tobacco -ell m i I s: its ,vote also 'many On Thursday evenin last a number,who were -so -minded, passed 'a ver of the prominent statosmen ,of 'the ANNUAL DEI EMBER . SA Y & , ' y same ptlrlod. It was, however, by no ' �/ of the n•4pmbers Of St" James' chure�i;� 3oyalr.e night in itcipping.the light means : ex0lialvely an Anierlcah Middlcton, , melt at the :Moine . or. • Mr. fantastic while yo ieR sat' chati'ng of. custmrr: Aio it . people of middle .age. �i a + willia�mlDunbar and presented 'hintTold times 'long pasliod. away, and- re- can 'remember, ;among .sailors and. W"' " ^� - callin • the rand old days of ' working men of -Great Britain e n . with: .a load of oats. The anaft;e;+ had S .g y .Ault; m u been kept perfectly .quiet. so ,than` rang Syne. with long angular -jaws and wrinkled da we.• announce our Mr. Dunbar watr total; , u awareof 4Ir•• 1'1'111. Murphy of Alorris iia sallow elleei:s . resembling those- of:y Annual DecembeC Y n that ox 111Ct rnininant,• the "typicalOf Ladies and c,,hiidren's Coats. the intention' of hl:t friands: 1INc Bless, 'beu,i threshing.clover in this vicinityYankee" of car:eature. tvot]1CflC'tl� fiierefore its say that the _occasion )vas tht� past. 'creek. • )T. ng Saturday Dere>mber 2nd.:. one, of >oa0 and pleasant sur sitar ills. Stange Jdhnst4n re-tarned g p p Y An Upr'ght Thlef i .lir. Dunbar in,aekn6wiedgiag .V,,1c gift home from . Morris on Wednesday A , Prince• said to Rabbi reierred to -the enerous. s i.+:t or his where he s jent the surrnmer.monthh, � Gatnatiri; 'lour Uoci is a thief; he They are tVortll , po iple which has been . evidenced, riot Messrs. Guy Bentley, and Albert surprised Adam ill his steep, and stole j attention Cf ezcry lady with' coat. raniy on that occasion, but at all Vinegnt of 1WtLrt+a are cxpoetecl home a rib from _dim," buying to do. The coats we have for -this special :Dec, • ncs :lie. bad experienced nothing but soon. i. The Rabbi's daughter overheard this sale are all .new . arments n0 d.1e utmost kindhess at their slants$ 1lrs. J, G. Stoltz bah been on .the sjleech, and )vhlsppred a vvtord or two 4 >.g . 1 in.iter fllthcr's ear, asking permission . left overs to greet you here. The .1c heartily ,thanked the company and sips .list the 'past week: to answer"this singular opinion herr Quality of material in each 'is all the friends who were unable bn b© Mirs Katie licCiinchcy spent Sun self. Ile gave• his consent. prosenU fdr tiheir w4hifia ent ,Bili day with Miss Grace Plunkett" of The girl steppes? forw.'+rd, and teign- good.: The prices are fi`oln '$5.00 I•lefroshments hfaving ba,%.parteakenl of Iltillett,,, ' ing: terror and dismay, threw her to $6:00 less than the•the regul-. which were, supplied by the ladies, a" arms alort in siippl,ication, and cried Gilt, "My liege, my liege, justice -- re- ar r]ue, Now 1S ' your CI1anCe. to very happy'flme was spent, by the ,� r� lr 1t�e:' p young peoples; all of whom ene.42d 0000000o0-0QO00000i;,OCC0_0C tY ilrit" has happened?' 'asked the get a,goo.d winter coat at a low* most hear.lily Into tliv enjoyment. of ) 0 it L If G'It '!' is 11 Prince, price. the evening.. "A' n•ielod theft has .taken place," iTOdiY'i`ti she replied. ?: robber ilas crept se- . The News=rtecord' leads'. Town ;,,; c«tetiy into ottr tioir4>~, carried array a and Township news. one dollar will SC r,COG,C��.,.t �,.. 000G000i:..COG i silver goblet a:1d; lett it golden ours in pay a sutia�rsph on U.7 P;re end .of 1913. Its' steatt. , b ��ri tni+ci men -h•tve said 1G: us;il',iuiist .turel� gL.'" '"t hat ria ilpilght thief!" exclaimed j T, try lr1 veal to 5vt;lt' th« cu«s, the Prinee, \\ billd that such i•ob- e r v(rp Passing of rt. * i, m 1 iMow illi', •-G. lir e 1 of more tr ecjtteut occur Joh';: Alex- ' ,, j . * + lint this it just the t 411L1t. tilt 11'n13(>}rikl, filets, siie tlic hind of a ander of'Gdd¢rich Townshi I find forwhen with t•:1re CI -I I LDREN S P I 'bring the swatter dower );or• m -At. th:ef that the Creator lusts; be stole a Aluch regret was felt' when ii1 be- The darned thing Isn't "here, rib Prem tklitiri, anti ;:ire him a:beautf- A came known on Moaday afternoon tuT vv ife in Irezrt." 1 COJt`l*TS that Mrs. John Alexander hart pas- T t , 4ald' avowed the Prince. sod away. It vvas 'known than - i WANT ; � --•, . IN ou'U. TI4AT • l:...;;1 rrI !`►illi aaSc'j she had been in rather, poor ET IT o5r ;;,:�?� �^ 7'1 p,. chilm ri{ion Which Sir Edward 1 ., heali4h for. some tdmv and that she A Watk-11 no\61. ceased to. insist that AL was.., constantly 'under- tihe doebor's Nu•rr Ll� i an 1`nglish railway train, was the care, bub it was not thought. that ":ratesi 10 ,00 in. the world," .is largely "I thi+ end was so near. On Friday she C�.! llornp.oui by.tliG•anuu-0 returns or tilt 1\ V(� l3ciard of'9'rade in r2r pect of the num- rxfferr d a slight stroke, wblch' iii her ` { ;` •r: r of ,;ceidenrs i t c L n. t occur ur to passtn- . enfeebled condition, she runs unable to a�; „ ( L withstand -and she duals .vt g®rrs, and rallway servants, Por its- . ! y Saris \ . ,tante, in. the tell 1.0411:4 eiidilig 1909 until Monday. when the end carie quieiv only anti •paUenger was grilled -on the average In every 7:1,000,0011 journeys ......' ,, ly and wLLout suffea'ug,. ' Tleccased, whose maiden nam.+; vv^as ( , ; "• and on., injured In every '?,000,000 ir=ittney' , slut even theca figures ••--• Anhatta Pill wa:1 married to her r rilu cp)}• arses off:; laity available --- Mill• •. now bereft husbaad nearly thirtoy-sic "' ,r�-1 lei 11,st slrovi• the .fall extent cif\ the ine' ry Clear-* ���_ � .' ears act, The ntnmodratet start- > q�. e seelinty reacllttd upon the railways of ed housekeepling on the Falun on which ' tilt} 1'nited Kln.gdom, inasmueh as in ` trhey have ever since resided, lot 34 on N the returns no account is taken of the .. BASEMin . ;� ing AT i `v \ Phe soh concession, One daughter and jerisirne.ys made by season -ticket Bold. `U one son survive, Mabel and Ilarvey /, r W. both aii•hairic. a, ! � l� vi:: , er RORI11>•<A X AIGOW911TTS POTATO* The flrii8l'ii of the illln� �- i Mrs. Alexander wan never of a very TIM. — - ' robuttt constitution but she bravely : 1JxperImants I'n Colorado show that ery. season is, drawiflg near �� did her share in buiidfng up itaehotue � ,� In nine days near the (Intl of the rL�kr wbieh makes lis anxious � `'� � � and, as far as her strength would �-- aeAson a, potato crop gained over so ' -- bus. 1161' r':are. A• large part of th to tulear out the bi�tance of �" ,. peirltiit, 'in church and c►nz•R`nuny`,y. e our .hats before our millin- ' 't"' She was an Anglican, being d lnemb- •- - _ trowth: of thh tubers is made inside Of g r` . �,. ._ two weeks, mite erbps cannot row if 1 the vibes ate killed by blight, neither J ,c?r 1 er of wit. James' church, -Middleton. �= �` 13 era leave vl�e put on $axe Sat. «. e, • • ; . „ ••.�:� , `� 3 � �; She: was u devottld wifct • and mother. M 1:) is there the Quality in the potl,toes so ur'da 2 d )zea trimmed � 1 � :c � :. �:�� itnlesS they are fully nraturell, rt;!, y „ , 1, and Will be sadly 7niased in the hone, hats all now at i�;� ro . �0. "� "' where, sho wieldc(t1 so chide yet ser llore'sy :another` move. to protect us llerc>in Is rontnined ono. sof the Ci ' 3 from those pesky Colloetors., litost. rtlking lessons air 'tn 'illy. lm« #CI i7, , YC)ti11`.' 11t�I $" .'z I, [ ritiwerful ori fnfitlellce, ',artnisr>M of sprttyinf� 1)otaiat!s with Tb lath bereaved husband and cliild- w , . , x„�...,, r ordcx,uv zrs a rrlt;1ha of prfvrttting ren lx extEetad6d the sincore gynipnthy 0-0okts star Iwoeirit1;g glttvot teine(+ p. 01 It buss ulrert tiles temp In Ont Vie crlttwil'liftlty I'l their fotrow,apd Cliff was +rorivletetl by 11,1, thitnib .'i slly ' ' +• i.e Jath tllktit3, ..:.. r otos, ti,tit►rk. :,- ttt� Nowtalwir Just a Reminder That Christlraaa is only a few weeks away and that numerous lines for that seascil are being passed into stock almost ever)kday, Keep ._ . your ,eye on this store for suitable things, Just Now You, need sultabler things to beep out the cold, or keep in the heat, which ever wa wish to put it, y you Flannels Either by the yard or in ready-to-wear gar, inems are here in variety, Never Better;` equipped --never biggt-r scales Keep In i ouch, With our•Underwear Department. Everything you.need is here in childrens. girls, misses and ladies' in two-piece and combinations, It's Wonderful How the men°and boys are finding out that it is in theirinterests to get their Furnishings from Lis. Ties and Collars, Underwear and Braces Shirts! and Sox, Handkerchiefs' and Cloves, Overalls. and Smocks, Shirting, Cottonade and Denim. . We are Thankful To notice the increasing confidence the people have in our methods, One. price for all and that the lowest possible means protection for every- body. We will Endeavor To beep our Premium Department complete during the busy season so that ouratrons may, get any ' article the p y•rlaay require.• • For the next Five Weems fl -e -4e come for premi;ums,in the forenoon, ;if possible, so that we may.give you proper atten_ tion iv making. your selections: A Logs Wanted �. -- AT — T To W A'PLE I A MILL-. All kinds of Logs will get Highest Paces, . No: 1 Basswood Heading, +40 inches, $3.75. per cord delivered. Y03U�1 Custom '�Vor , •W iLL BE WELL . DONE.. . 7F.t WALKER ' Yoii�will"find some interesting prices. on FURNITUREAND MUSE FURNISHINGS A. few of the quotationelbelow will -,suggest some of the values sings in Rood quality of Tapestry size 3x3 for $7.75. tr",`„, dp best Sx4 relr. 1$10.00 for Slop, 4different patterns to choose from. If yeti vrant a rug this is your chance, No better vaiue ever shown in (Minton. r`,,,, Linoleums 4 yds ;vide, 50e per sq yd. 0 patterns to choose frotn; 114W In the Furniture Department y+au will $ad the best selection ever . shown in Clinton. If you ,'Want it parlor suite here are some prices that will interest you o only 3 piece suite, reg $80.00 for $48.Go 72,00 80.00 a 27.50 25.00 ,• 23.50 21AX) .i 42.00 i Fp.00 4.64 2900 11 1.0 0 i � 'Cron 13eds prices ranging fro;Wp.00 to sao.w ' C71 some,special prices err mattresses, A fall lime of small musical musicol instrutyleots carried in stock, This is a new line I have added along with the Edison Phonograph, Tire Starts t;a# Of Quality. AA ��ei Phone P>btoinb 28 w nurniture Maier anq Undertaker tf0 w1wo Reoor to end of ' 119`11 for 10o. ,1 + �. 4 caston Nos l 1n4Godeiritcb( Township sump mo* �u p � ��t �U ��� �.��,.�„ lldr. George Acbesa�. and bride trlx- Mr. David Wright of the Base LiaoLiaoMESS R - rived house f>r:)m thti west oda k ritlay lags diowd of his WivadsoutQ14 grey evening last. They came bonic, by way teem to Mr. bantuel mocool: of nea,*spne . d of Michigan and upent some lcwe at I.ondesboro. EAM HIT'd Niagara. and ottier points on the rimy. 'Mr. ;and Mfrs. James Johnstone sof Future of the Geared: Turbine yslelrl About eight o'clock on the evening Clinton spent! Sunday under the par- ° of 1:'rnOMIXlorr l'rowtows ?41813• of their arrival aver forty of the ental root. R-glter Pourer Than flan 'yet young, people and young m:ar*vd pea» Mr. David Garvie of We 16th .ran• Bcea .lttalnt!tf. plc+ Lot the neighboxhood, friends of has been under the weather for the FOR XXAS -PRESENTS 110,"4 bode and groom gathered at past week.' `4 heir $hipbirilders - - or, to be ` their home and being . armed with strictly accurate, slifpbuilders who are '��j�� musical insivumit its di various kinds, . ' also marine engttt.•ers •�-- turn from W 1 l� 4 R �l � � gave Trap young people a livi'iy ser- �..., 1 the human element In their works to chole. They #len tit+nt Its and niecxy ' 111"orter s Pali :a the scientific they find themselves face to. face with problems or .even We have proOded for all requirements and the greetings were ex evingtd .and heac?, Mr. anft Mrs. S. Lammirerson and tw; more absorbing Interest. it is nut variety we Slli]1v in illl]11nIeI'able of varying congratulations wtr:e offered to Yir. cWtIren spent litinday at tho lady';; necessary to tock. back wort- than articlNs and Mns. Acheson. when the greet- parental one year into history in -order to price makes dile selection of appropriate gifts easy an(I digs were lover order was called and p tgl holrie, that of Mrs. tt',ml. Cur justify this statement. The marine your an count oil g4 U4ug exactly the fight thilli. Wo A. vco on behalf of the company tie. ste=am turbine Is one of the common - read an address expressing good Miss Maggle Cox has t+>turned from places of engineering. but all its pirs- , 4 London accompanied by her sister, slbilities are not yet known. It vvis. OUR FINE HpIr.IDA,Y DISPLAY wishes for 4be future prosperity and Mrs. S. Dawson and two children, born on the Tltze, but it was cradled happineiss% of the, young eouple,• and and nursed ori• the Clyde, and act the who inland making a visit here. ' asking them to accept as. a slight to,cen present luamerrt wort- is bean„ Bono of thus good wishesa very hand- Mier Olive Cox visited Miss Ruby on the Clyde then anywhere else to p FINE LE.ATIiER GOODS some marbee mantle clod;. Mr. Geo_ P, Potter recently. show thht its sphere of uspfulness .�c4otad made the prc�.;crlta$i4t1. 'Mr. Airs. John R Torrance has xaGuxnad may be widened far beyond the pre - (46014 limits. Clvdebank has proved that Acheson, in a few weill chosen ivor4s, 1101110 after a pleasaut v1444 of several the Curtis type, imported from Amer - You Odn get a Choice Suede- thanked his friends fn behalf cif hien- weeks at Pittsburg. Ica anti vire . the• hall -marls of Clyde ( f and wiffe for the gift and also Mrs, W. vande'+`iourg silmit a day design and cosi. nauahip, Is capable Leather Ba for $1.00 with Cord pleadid a�ervicQ". and at f / ' a tips it ) far the kind Sv1sh:+.4 expressed, after recently with Mrs. Robt. McCartney. of dolls; hat t t almost, any design ishich,tho evening was given up to sa- r�lr, Teter 1faCct4ltga:, Jr. 1148 gorse Fairfield rind' Dumbarton the Parsons tyke is being di vi>lopetl In two d ffex•- you wish at slily price u to $uuo. tial' enjoymenti. clashes of ver}o1*s to Port Stanley to assist in the, Mor- ent directions. !) t / � en '';Tie large slues$ hl`tds wet.! indulged in anal nitre utas gan Tiros. lisheries for a for, weeks. which thoy ,ire bttil,lirng for the Pacifiti r�an abundance of welsic. An o"ter Mr, 'Theron Battites rebirned las; the 0i service of n;uiian T'acific Hall - Brush Bets, Pocket Books, NIras supper followo;l, Miss Ac11e.,ou prov week after spending several weeks in way Company the FaWield Company / lc .Molls, Wallets and other leather iding the oysters as a surprise, itie Torontoi, ars to drive foo shafts -•-- for the e ladies having brought along plenty of Mrs. iTillis hell and son L �Yr t� fu- t time, oil yes, e,s of great size — 1( ., gOc�cls suitable for 1'le,ellts. goad rt'ling$ t4 go with t+11cTn. `the ora s e�Ildin a eu whir rriple.Pxl),:rtsein turbines, and p 1; a iew clays with the for oil rl:e two rnllir,ly r teanlem which' supper was first-class and the wholu i mer's daughWr,' Trs, Henry Powejl of the sainp f;rm r.r+—building for the affair was thoroughly enjoyable, T}=e Scaforth, )iav:rc crass-Charthi-I P,6rvice, as well party broke up by sinking Auld hang. The News -Record leads for Town as on two l;rit}sir cla;ctroyers at Dum- Syne• + and Township news. One dollar will barton, the gfr fared trirbino Is to be t + In,ed ror t.owm- i arty higher than, Mr. Acheson is popular with hi•v pay' �• sub-oript:on til ,:re end of 1912, arythins, of trip ktrtct yPt attempted, T T[4.N,9 ON SEGIUND neighhory and Airs. Acheson also 1 as Fish• at least hen other forma of re- y vvt,l- doting gosir pita the experimental roan fripncls herr who vvarmly —C"QICE STQvK••- —PLENTY QP 17 -. corn:, -her back to the old )ionic' to'v11- j cKIL ,OP TOWNSHIP. statgP, rt 50110 rut=s oil.-englued vt�ssel sft:p; making; reach- at 11'hiteinch for trials Mrs. Hare of 1'aneoitver and her t«wo '1'lle auction sale of„7aules 13e.11 was cru T)ccnmt�cr, and'<t dumper of similar Wellattended and hips building at ctrft'eient Continental SOME OF THE CHRISTMAS -BOOKS children arcvcd on Friday on a. vis- livices ruled ugh, raids, all tlrreatan:ug to abolish the it t�3 ,her uncle, Air. John Alel:ander, tYg regret to say that Mr. Ua.picl steam engine altogot.hcr as a marine The Furu•t�li wareb' •(Cody) $1.24 The Singer of the Rool e118 Aix$. Rose will- be romembered a' Uanley is in. rather poor health. at motor not to speak of the gais,pro Didther t al y3 C;hi �keps a-_ (l� nnwtrr) $1. �,i illiiss llTaurl- Alcaander and was well presenb. duces sh}p 1oeiltin out of the shadows (%N ig.,in4) 1. The New 1MA(,hravvll}(W ells) I 'gni . known,irl •11:1e commiunit , 110: many Mr. George Richardson ofMieahell as It were thpre is enough to keep. 134rbara Wortb (Wright) 123 Nennedy Square (Smith) 125.. old friends an/ lad' f y'1 - visited friends in .-M v' in't r' the marint; engawer who world re - Life Fverlitstiuy;• .(ilartlli) 1.125 f)piclFire (Pitied) 125 g 4 6,c opportuli a is .i y .du_ing main abreast of lire times thinking. The Jesuit (hocking) 1:la Carpet from 13xzdad. ity of 'meeting her again. the past week, very hard indeed, ovo n it he Traci no Nacgtatti) 1,25 Mr. Fred, TWabutt of � the Kith con, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Stewart cf labotir problems to consider at the is at present gtuba iii, Carlingford visited friends harp rc satire time. Cite us a fety days time and we will send for ' ou an cently, — -- - y A meeting of • U.ic •It4ya1 Aran L, .p. The man wiith a gun, on the 814111 _ iJOoli j`ou• rnay:, tVant, if not in stock, L No. .189. will be hold ! the lodge huhu fur game whe>e nn. game s Lo TSE TOnA[ � rootill :on. '4fednesday c ening next h There vI ht Ilatoion found, is eonvaton sight; in will also bet insta • of officers and -a full attendance' . is ' re - of neighborhood.a Still, a pod deal f I'M g L f healthy exercise can be had in Leave us our'order i'or your Greetn l:rlyds and the tlupsLed Visilrng brctherlt are al- r y � g ways .welcome,. J tramping thtl woods, ' Cl]ri trrias Geoge. I A number from about here attend- 4bntintuince of Ile l'rsicttce . Has Mira. Jonathan Burttan passed Away, cut the box social' at Walton .recent- Nuter:at Effect tri Pultfrig the a1:, the, home of her sistssr,: Mrs. Peter ` !y, face of :{f�iit (its the Yoltatriil ikiaerdougall of Porter's I•itll, on Tucs-+ There will be a ;pad road to Mc- ' u Off file. dap: The lata Mr: Burton was a, Naught'c station this winter, the datYghte,t . 1Of tilt Iatc William Start- road having tindcrgontl repairs. �Urtting on "Chins gild Character," ing; and wrau a native of this ts)wa- Q lir, Louis Robinson says:--Tobacco- 'C.'OOPER, sl.lip, 8, he had been failing in health 1. 4'Ir' revery, station _ Agen, at Cart chewing, a loathsome habit which: C.Q*, 4 'so' a i wright, Nan. is on a, visit to friends happily appears to be going 'out of l r m time,.- but leer last itincs,. Y. people, has in the t lFrymit fashion among civilised CLiNTON., husband nd - died ovoz , ife,1v weeks. The i been productive of a .east of coun- tenance which willremain ttistorI Mrs; Buxton -was a Presbyterian. Is for all time.. "Uncle fain" will pro family, of . Tour br4ttler:+ and four sir bably be for ever portrayed as . an , tors' survive. They ara,: `Alexander EAS; W ' anOSh individual "lean of flank and lank of - � ^ lmes -ver- Sterling, of. Gardner, North Dakota; ' ' On Friday last Mr. and Mrs. Jon wily depictsP as e hinge In his iohumoro i • Robert aha A1Frps1 of AlcCrrc`'or, Maii.; athan Bentley alebrated -the � iwen- apotheosis: Those familiar with the i g BiG VALUE BT VALUE Janet•,-) ort the homestead, this town= ty-rifiti anniversary of; ti)edr w6 difig,. Portraits of the great soldier's of the . ship ;Mrs. Peter Macdougall and Mrs. Tha' day passed quickly,.' as all the , American Civil War can hardly'fail a Arch.:. Macdougall of Porters IIill ; otheir clays .ol the part twenty-five to have been .struck by the curious 1 klrs. 1i': Cross of .Moa rigor; lIan:, I years have. passed, but the Hours of family likeness which. runs through and iiliss • .14141}on Sterling at h e; the eveningscerrttld' to melt awe their Baur detertull>gages. It is' Y• scarcely too' mach to `^saw that this The funeral takes place this afternoon, It was then that, their. . numerous military . type ig: practically 'tratiupt t from the residence of Mr. James S•trrl- friends *trial tar and. near calle to !ii America noir, almost to a. non is & CO t. , .. ing_ on. the 6th con, to Bayfield. ecln- eller congratulations, of. course, and thntie soil --f ac -d %allovw heroes were ° ear ry. wish t11e couple fuyarp' joys: Some, tobacco -ell m i I s: its ,vote also 'many On Thursday evenin last a number,who were -so -minded, passed 'a ver of the prominent statosmen ,of 'the ANNUAL DEI EMBER . SA Y & , ' y same ptlrlod. It was, however, by no ' �/ of the n•4pmbers Of St" James' chure�i;� 3oyalr.e night in itcipping.the light means : ex0lialvely an Anierlcah Middlcton, , melt at the :Moine . or. • Mr. fantastic while yo ieR sat' chati'ng of. custmrr: Aio it . people of middle .age. �i a + willia�mlDunbar and presented 'hintTold times 'long pasliod. away, and- re- can 'remember, ;among .sailors and. W"' " ^� - callin • the rand old days of ' working men of -Great Britain e n . with: .a load of oats. The anaft;e;+ had S .g y .Ault; m u been kept perfectly .quiet. so ,than` rang Syne. with long angular -jaws and wrinkled da we.• announce our Mr. Dunbar watr total; , u awareof 4Ir•• 1'1'111. Murphy of Alorris iia sallow elleei:s . resembling those- of:y Annual DecembeC Y n that ox 111Ct rnininant,• the "typicalOf Ladies and c,,hiidren's Coats. the intention' of hl:t friands: 1INc Bless, 'beu,i threshing.clover in this vicinityYankee" of car:eature. tvot]1CflC'tl� fiierefore its say that the _occasion )vas tht� past. 'creek. • )T. ng Saturday Dere>mber 2nd.:. one, of >oa0 and pleasant sur sitar ills. Stange Jdhnst4n re-tarned g p p Y An Upr'ght Thlef i .lir. Dunbar in,aekn6wiedgiag .V,,1c gift home from . Morris on Wednesday A , Prince• said to Rabbi reierred to -the enerous. s i.+:t or his where he s jent the surrnmer.monthh, � Gatnatiri; 'lour Uoci is a thief; he They are tVortll , po iple which has been . evidenced, riot Messrs. Guy Bentley, and Albert surprised Adam ill his steep, and stole j attention Cf ezcry lady with' coat. raniy on that occasion, but at all Vinegnt of 1WtLrt+a are cxpoetecl home a rib from _dim," buying to do. The coats we have for -this special :Dec, • ncs :lie. bad experienced nothing but soon. i. The Rabbi's daughter overheard this sale are all .new . arments n0 d.1e utmost kindhess at their slants$ 1lrs. J, G. Stoltz bah been on .the sjleech, and )vhlsppred a vvtord or two 4 >.g . 1 in.iter fllthcr's ear, asking permission . left overs to greet you here. The .1c heartily ,thanked the company and sips .list the 'past week: to answer"this singular opinion herr Quality of material in each 'is all the friends who were unable bn b© Mirs Katie licCiinchcy spent Sun self. Ile gave• his consent. prosenU fdr tiheir w4hifia ent ,Bili day with Miss Grace Plunkett" of The girl steppes? forw.'+rd, and teign- good.: The prices are fi`oln '$5.00 I•lefroshments hfaving ba,%.parteakenl of Iltillett,,, ' ing: terror and dismay, threw her to $6:00 less than the•the regul-. which were, supplied by the ladies, a" arms alort in siippl,ication, and cried Gilt, "My liege, my liege, justice -- re- ar r]ue, Now 1S ' your CI1anCe. to very happy'flme was spent, by the ,� r� lr 1t�e:' p young peoples; all of whom ene.42d 0000000o0-0QO00000i;,OCC0_0C tY ilrit" has happened?' 'asked the get a,goo.d winter coat at a low* most hear.lily Into tliv enjoyment. of ) 0 it L If G'It '!' is 11 Prince, price. the evening.. "A' n•ielod theft has .taken place," iTOdiY'i`ti she replied. ?: robber ilas crept se- . The News=rtecord' leads'. Town ;,,; c«tetiy into ottr tioir4>~, carried array a and Township news. one dollar will SC r,COG,C��.,.t �,.. 000G000i:..COG i silver goblet a:1d; lett it golden ours in pay a sutia�rsph on U.7 P;re end .of 1913. Its' steatt. , b ��ri tni+ci men -h•tve said 1G: us;il',iuiist .turel� gL.'" '"t hat ria ilpilght thief!" exclaimed j T, try lr1 veal to 5vt;lt' th« cu«s, the Prinee, \\ billd that such i•ob- e r v(rp Passing of rt. * i, m 1 iMow illi', •-G. lir e 1 of more tr ecjtteut occur Joh';: Alex- ' ,, j . * + lint this it just the t 411L1t. tilt 11'n13(>}rikl, filets, siie tlic hind of a ander of'Gdd¢rich Townshi I find forwhen with t•:1re CI -I I LDREN S P I 'bring the swatter dower );or• m -At. th:ef that the Creator lusts; be stole a Aluch regret was felt' when ii1 be- The darned thing Isn't "here, rib Prem tklitiri, anti ;:ire him a:beautf- A came known on Moaday afternoon tuT vv ife in Irezrt." 1 COJt`l*TS that Mrs. John Alexander hart pas- T t , 4ald' avowed the Prince. sod away. It vvas 'known than - i WANT ; � --•, . IN ou'U. TI4AT • l:...;;1 rrI !`►illi aaSc'j she had been in rather, poor ET IT o5r ;;,:�?� �^ 7'1 p,. chilm ri{ion Which Sir Edward 1 ., heali4h for. some tdmv and that she A Watk-11 no\61. ceased to. insist that AL was.., constantly 'under- tihe doebor's Nu•rr Ll� i an 1`nglish railway train, was the care, bub it was not thought. that ":ratesi 10 ,00 in. the world," .is largely "I thi+ end was so near. On Friday she C�.! llornp.oui by.tliG•anuu-0 returns or tilt 1\ V(� l3ciard of'9'rade in r2r pect of the num- rxfferr d a slight stroke, wblch' iii her ` { ;` •r: r of ,;ceidenrs i t c L n. t occur ur to passtn- . enfeebled condition, she runs unable to a�; „ ( L withstand -and she duals .vt g®rrs, and rallway servants, Por its- . ! y Saris \ . ,tante, in. the tell 1.0411:4 eiidilig 1909 until Monday. when the end carie quieiv only anti •paUenger was grilled -on the average In every 7:1,000,0011 journeys ......' ,, ly and wLLout suffea'ug,. ' Tleccased, whose maiden nam.+; vv^as ( , ; "• and on., injured In every '?,000,000 ir=ittney' , slut even theca figures ••--• Anhatta Pill wa:1 married to her r rilu cp)}• arses off:; laity available --- Mill• •. now bereft husbaad nearly thirtoy-sic "' ,r�-1 lei 11,st slrovi• the .fall extent cif\ the ine' ry Clear-* ���_ � .' ears act, The ntnmodratet start- > q�. e seelinty reacllttd upon the railways of ed housekeepling on the Falun on which ' tilt} 1'nited Kln.gdom, inasmueh as in ` trhey have ever since resided, lot 34 on N the returns no account is taken of the .. BASEMin . ;� ing AT i `v \ Phe soh concession, One daughter and jerisirne.ys made by season -ticket Bold. `U one son survive, Mabel and Ilarvey /, r W. both aii•hairic. a, ! � l� vi:: , er RORI11>•<A X AIGOW911TTS POTATO* The flrii8l'ii of the illln� �- i Mrs. Alexander wan never of a very TIM. — - ' robuttt constitution but she bravely : 1JxperImants I'n Colorado show that ery. season is, drawiflg near �� did her share in buiidfng up itaehotue � ,� In nine days near the (Intl of the rL�kr wbieh makes lis anxious � `'� � � and, as far as her strength would �-- aeAson a, potato crop gained over so ' -- bus. 1161' r':are. A• large part of th to tulear out the bi�tance of �" ,. peirltiit, 'in church and c►nz•R`nuny`,y. e our .hats before our millin- ' 't"' She was an Anglican, being d lnemb- •- - _ trowth: of thh tubers is made inside Of g r` . �,. ._ two weeks, mite erbps cannot row if 1 the vibes ate killed by blight, neither J ,c?r 1 er of wit. James' church, -Middleton. �= �` 13 era leave vl�e put on $axe Sat. «. e, • • ; . „ ••.�:� , `� 3 � �; She: was u devottld wifct • and mother. M 1:) is there the Quality in the potl,toes so ur'da 2 d )zea trimmed � 1 � :c � :. �:�� itnlesS they are fully nraturell, rt;!, y „ , 1, and Will be sadly 7niased in the hone, hats all now at i�;� ro . �0. "� "' where, sho wieldc(t1 so chide yet ser llore'sy :another` move. to protect us llerc>in Is rontnined ono. sof the Ci ' 3 from those pesky Colloetors., litost. rtlking lessons air 'tn 'illy. lm« #CI i7, , YC)ti11`.' 11t�I $" .'z I, [ ritiwerful ori fnfitlellce, ',artnisr>M of sprttyinf� 1)otaiat!s with Tb lath bereaved husband and cliild- w , . , x„�...,, r ordcx,uv zrs a rrlt;1ha of prfvrttting ren lx extEetad6d the sincore gynipnthy 0-0okts star Iwoeirit1;g glttvot teine(+ p. 01 It buss ulrert tiles temp In Ont Vie crlttwil'liftlty I'l their fotrow,apd Cliff was +rorivletetl by 11,1, thitnib .'i slly ' ' +• i.e Jath tllktit3, ..:.. r otos, ti,tit►rk. :,- ttt� Nowtalwir Just a Reminder That Christlraaa is only a few weeks away and that numerous lines for that seascil are being passed into stock almost ever)kday, Keep ._ . your ,eye on this store for suitable things, Just Now You, need sultabler things to beep out the cold, or keep in the heat, which ever wa wish to put it, y you Flannels Either by the yard or in ready-to-wear gar, inems are here in variety, Never Better;` equipped --never biggt-r scales Keep In i ouch, With our•Underwear Department. Everything you.need is here in childrens. girls, misses and ladies' in two-piece and combinations, It's Wonderful How the men°and boys are finding out that it is in theirinterests to get their Furnishings from Lis. Ties and Collars, Underwear and Braces Shirts! and Sox, Handkerchiefs' and Cloves, Overalls. and Smocks, Shirting, Cottonade and Denim. . We are Thankful To notice the increasing confidence the people have in our methods, One. price for all and that the lowest possible means protection for every- body. We will Endeavor To beep our Premium Department complete during the busy season so that ouratrons may, get any ' article the p y•rlaay require.• • For the next Five Weems fl -e -4e come for premi;ums,in the forenoon, ;if possible, so that we may.give you proper atten_ tion iv making. your selections: A Logs Wanted �. -- AT — T To W A'PLE I A MILL-. All kinds of Logs will get Highest Paces, . No: 1 Basswood Heading, +40 inches, $3.75. per cord delivered. Y03U�1 Custom '�Vor , •W iLL BE WELL . DONE.. . 7F.t WALKER ' Yoii�will"find some interesting prices. on FURNITUREAND MUSE FURNISHINGS A. few of the quotationelbelow will -,suggest some of the values sings in Rood quality of Tapestry size 3x3 for $7.75. tr",`„, dp best Sx4 relr. 1$10.00 for Slop, 4different patterns to choose from. If yeti vrant a rug this is your chance, No better vaiue ever shown in (Minton. r`,,,, Linoleums 4 yds ;vide, 50e per sq yd. 0 patterns to choose frotn; 114W In the Furniture Department y+au will $ad the best selection ever . shown in Clinton. If you ,'Want it parlor suite here are some prices that will interest you o only 3 piece suite, reg $80.00 for $48.Go 72,00 80.00 a 27.50 25.00 ,• 23.50 21AX) .i 42.00 i Fp.00 4.64 2900 11 1.0 0 i � 'Cron 13eds prices ranging fro;Wp.00 to sao.w ' C71 some,special prices err mattresses, A fall lime of small musical musicol instrutyleots carried in stock, This is a new line I have added along with the Edison Phonograph, Tire Starts t;a# Of Quality. AA ��ei Phone P>btoinb 28 w nurniture Maier anq Undertaker tf0 w1wo Reoor to end of ' 119`11 for 10o.