The Clinton News-Record, 1911-11-23, Page 6I
r r
.. T l� p 4 'i
,ettorp relating to, the charges o>i.
w'hieh 31(agistvato' Houston of Chat -
k= wag dismissed were made pub-
lic:. .
s.Vustice Latchford' ds•Tsse
the Grand Jury at Cobourg,, refusing
to. receive their prdswitmeni. in the
Hicks projury case.
Tile lti!ght Hon. A. J. Balfour has
resignbd the leadership of the un-
ionist- party in the Briti,#% House of
Commons. ` •
It is reported that the Govern-
men11 has decided cit appointing a
new lot of then to the Il tdrnabional
Waterways Commission. A,: '
52 WEEKLY issum OF
for 1912 for only $2,00 ; also all the
issues for the remaining weeks of 4911
Pree. It is your last chance to get
the paper at this price, . On January
1, 1912, it will be advanced to ,$2.25.
r, s °*+
- i
l x= I ,�.
t 'I R. �aye
:R F •.' •':C•:::
%,.. �ri:414 1
Serials and Other Stoliries.
Tlie 52 issues of 1912 will. contain
the equivalent of 30 volumes of the- •
best reading. ')Besides nearly 300
Stories, there will. be Articles. by
famous writers, among them .Lieut.-:
Gen. Baden.- Powell,, the Duke of'
Argyll, Sir. Harry Johnston; Jerome'
S. Jerome and Frank T. Bullen.. >
Send.forAnnourtament.for 1912 and Sa,n&
The C04 or Aedes
T.hs BrWak navel oaatimxtea for this
yesr aro exoaredingly lame: It to the
lattontkolat to appioprists $75,000,004
,for 1'tew construction. This sural of
naoa oy will provlds five 4 rea dnoug*ts,
throe p>rvotectivo crilisom said a numg
bar of torpedo boat destroyerp
submarines. News. also come which
se s Austria-Hungary In to spend
within into next few. years $710,000,000
lit naval coustructiou; and this is
regarded as peculiarly significant in-
asmuch as Austrftu Hungary iii Ger-
many's ally. At the present time
British. tonnage is 436;000 tons; that
of German its 297,000 tons ;next comes
France with 170,000 tons; and the
United States is In the next position
with 136,000 tons.
For Backache and Kidney Trouble,
The simplest and aao:lt effective re
mod for
:tick .kidneys.
Kidney Pills. If there is wwaknasa,
songestign,, inflammation or soreness.
$oobb's Kidney Pills quickly reliove
It. They gently
a stimulate, tone
® / f and strengthen
sick. kidneys,
�' If dr;�and re away back-
ache, rheumalele
pain and diz-
, clear up
INzi ness
egulatlj the
X urine and re-
store a perfec
filtering of the t
blood, Best of all,
thin relief is permanent.
All druggists- salt and guapanto►
Booth's Kidney Pills, 50c, box, Mon-
ey back if ,they .fail to relieve. I
Write to The R. T. Booth Co, Ltd.,
Fort Erie, Ont.;, for a free trial.
lti'' .1.1'"t ls'a =4 -.FA'Z0 V
People Are. 'Getting Tired , vtf . heavy
in Japan, the newest of the mitt= '
Lary powers, the spirit of spurious
patriotism, as exemplified by drill
.tarism,, is also losing force, but for a
somewhat 'different :reason, The
ivasseb in Japan have witnessed, since
the. close -of the war with. Russts, tht,
creation. of. a system .under whicli the .
rich have grown richer and the poor
poorer. Taxes. increased from $43,-
900,000 in 1903 to $944,500,000 in 1910.
The cost, of rice, the. chief artis'.e of:'
3iet among the ,poorer classes.ot 7a-
can, has risen in the same time by
'roto 20 per cent. to 100• per cent., de-
oending on the crop, while salaries
and wages .have remained well nigh
stationary. Hunger and ,.Want have.
driven many of the poorer classes
into acts of violence, and as -,a .re-
sult the number of ' convictions for
crime increased from 53,000 in 1965.
to 73;300 in 1910: With all this there
has been a growing popular protest
against that vast increase in' expendi-
ture on armaments wherein "is found
the main cause of the -poverty of the
masses. .
' /.
• . '1k.
Adyiee to "t"ONAW ,'genal
Vo, not linger in au hitmingolt under -
nderoath tuo moonlight's glow. It maY
gad You to the altar. .and .a flat bo -
are you know 1t. .
F�ilR114 AIJ
H tEAt;fHl!'i.. :.
e '' low!
a� # ,
r7 j R
G `,
i'li •II I ONLY
I .Cut
1 T'(0
. ti� i I 'll
ill, ; lIl ib
T) ,
Low-cut dress nedks. are a . good
thing, according to the doctors sine
anything that exposers the Fkin is goo^
for the general health."
Your' Money Back it You're] not
We pay for all, the nivedfcine used
during the trial, if our remedy fails
to completely relievo you of constip-
a'a:on. We take all irhe risk. You
are.not obliged to us in any way
whatever, if you accept our offer.
:.Chat's a mighty .broad statement,
b0 we mean every word of it.
Could anything be more fair for you?
A most scientific, eoAtnon-sense
treatment is ,Rexall •Orderlies, which.
ane eaten like candy. Their active
principle is a recent. scientific dis-
covery that is odorless, colorless,
and tasteless; very pronounced, yet
gentle and plearixtit in, action, and
particularly agreeable in every way.'
Thgy do not cause dkggrhoca, naus-
ea; , flatulence, gAping, or any incon-
venitt'ace whatever; • Rexall "Ordeslies
are particularly good for . children,
aged and delicate persons.
If you suffor from -chronic :or hah- col wmzpabiwn., . or tthe) assyciate
or dependent cUrenic ailment%, ' we
urge you to try 13exall Orderlim at
our risk. Rememtier, . you can get
is�wff. in Olihiaon only at -owe store.
12 tablets 10 cents ; 36 .tablets 25
cents eighty ,tiablets•. ' 8f•tycon's
at t1h0 Rexall store -~W. S. R,- Hot-
WeS: •
. wake Him.a Farm-Lorcr
Your hired man is now witli you frr
o n o e. oro me and •su scribed
" em myi presentee, .this 6tH days .of Dec-
the harvest, 11e can: It, , his' sleep-:
State or Ohio, .Cfty� of 'Toledo, . .
Ing quarters' in the hay loft or the
A. W. CTleaison,
caboose, es he ought to. waiit,notbiny.
licrtter. Should he •s.low tiaru5urcl
: .
readiness for work; this 'is a qr.:t;ity
rod., man in 1dve W. Yarm ::g ane
..,i ;you 'co.
. Frank J.-Chentrf.'mai-Os.oath tkaii
which. should be enceurrgc':, ,c ice IS
• ,:THE,.
itr is, senior partner of the firm of
hours should tic got out or i;,r't , day-. -
`' . . .
V. J,- ChUny & Co;, doing . business
Sot hila to wont right after 0,114<li ane,04'
%rhea a man who wanted easy cl,ith-
in the City of Toledo, County; and
as a hired ,man has no business to
Statfa, aforesaid,: and that said firm
fear. indigestion, mid ht can got b's. .
•rest at night.. If he's it•e; per.ct,c c•d at
11 I .: -
. .
will pay' the 'sum cif One handrud
frrming, an ocacsional -nei•r � inn lie.
. . p
, '.
Dollars fpr each and every case cif
makes a.m.istake will, trade ;inn 'up,
' '
Catarrh than canmot be cu-od,btlsthe
and provent'.him from 'repr• the
;.. "v 1
use 'of Hall's.: Catarrh' Cure.' Frm*
.blunder, (,'rive hili a>,4 mauy. c"itares -
' ed. to 'the .undersigned, and endorsed:
J. Cheney. -
to do as pos�aile.: esrecially on Sun-
'(Tender . , for. _ Wharf: at Goderich,•
Ont,,!' be received' at this of-
Swt' t bf 1.
.days, or lie might got into td;c ways.
o n o e. oro me and •su scribed
" em myi presentee, .this 6tH days .of Dec-
Try -and, prevent hint from running.
off .to town on 'Saturday nig tfi,..too,
Nov $aibstrip6oas Received at 11,ii Of6ta"
ember; A. D. 1$9$,
where itai>.its of dissipatlon might. get
But Not After• the Hair
A. W. CTleaison,
sold. of him. A couple of .Hours' .re-
Notary, Publio
Hadl'':a Catarrh Cure is taken inter-
l<'cation with. the. bucksaw will stol•
' s A. policy 'litre th s w 1 a ut any
... y4.Y
nail sued acts direct] 4
y, y on the bio d
rod., man in 1dve W. Yarm ::g ane
..,i ;you 'co.
and., mucous . • surfaces . of the system.
for t+esfiimronials free.
• ,:THE,.
tic .life. . Many would .11ke a food •
1! . J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0.
`' . . .
Sold by, all Druggist. 7.5c.
Take Holl's - Family Pills for cca-
%rhea a man who wanted easy cl,ith-
m e f f
I s
FOR 1911-12'
I y on r
11 I .: -
. .
. I
• .
. . p
, '.
, .. . .
nuch good- reading
' '
Fare sold
in New York
for little .money,.I.
;.. "v 1
' ed. to 'the .undersigned, and endorsed:
_ . The best stove pollsb on. the
' market -and the biggest can for
Ifews-Record and Mall and
'(Tender . , for. _ Wharf: at Goderich,•
Ont,,!' be received' at this of-
the money:. "Black Knight" is,a . .
paste=no mi:ung-uo trouale'
Empire...... .... $1.50'.
ATews-Record and Globe ... 1:80
fire until! 4:00 p'. 'm,.;' on Monday,
. no dirt. Convenieatacconomicat .
. -shines quick is a wince -'and
N'ewti-Record and Family
December 11, : 1911, for the con-
the shine stays on. ,justas.&U)d
Herald and Star with
struction of a Wharf at
= ��Otle grates and ironwork
Pretriium.... .... 1.75
News -Record and Witness 175
News Sun-'. 1.75
Huron County, Out.
plans, ' sptnification and form of
if your dealer does s. plot est" .
/ "Black Knight" Stove Polishi ,
-Record and -
News -Record and Free
contract call. be seen and forms of
: . send tis his name and 10e. and we
'. wttl'send a full sir tin by "torn
Press ........ . .... 1.75
tender obtained at. *k'his .Department,
News -Record and Adver-
and at the offices of J. G. Sing,
IX • TU F. & BALMY CO., Lindle ,
tiser.. .. �,......... 1.75
Nowa-Record and Toronto
Esq., District Engineer; Cor.fuclPra=
lien Life Building, Toronto OnP. '
Makers of the famous
Saturday Night ....... 2.30
News -Record and Farinef's
H. J. Lamb, Esq., ' District Engin-
is 1". Shoe Polish. 33
Advocate.... ...... , . 2.25
e8rI 'Windsor, Ont., and on applies -
We want you to, try ilexall 'low,
News -Record and Farm
and Dairy..... 1.75
tion to the. Postmaster at Goderich,
eves- ecord and Osna-
dian Farm :.:.....,,... 1.75
I arsons tendering are . notdfitt3 that
sPJrCrALDl3112ANSrR�llIOlf 16
will not be considered un-
les:h made on tho printed forms sup-
News-Reeord and Mall and
plied,'and signed' with their' actual
' .
Empire.. ... ........ 4.25
signatures, stating their occupations
trews-Reeord and Olobe... 4.25
and places of residence. In the case
. • • , ; ,
`Ifews-Rocord and News ... 2.30.
of fl rnl�, 4 actual signature,, the
` sP'1f t 5
News -Record and f3tar. 0... 2.30
News -Record and.World 3.25
nature of the •occupation ,andr ' lace
. -
News -Record and Morning
of re4ldonce of each member of ►'he
Buten r � , .
%� wNySt<ctc�
...,�... 3.25
fi:hrt must be given,
F ( 4 -
News -Record and Evening
,Each bander must lie acoompanied
%gree Press ............ 2,75
b an accepted oho ue ori a charcert.d
, l
Metas -Record and Adver-
. bank payable to oh
p y elle .der of the
' �.�,-,
User. . ............. I... 3.00
I onourable the Mihisb.:r of PnUl lc
' • .r _ '
Works, equal to ten per cent. (10
P. o.) of the amount of the tender,
- -.!.m „.'•
Yews -Record and Lippn-
which, ,will but forfeited 1f the per-
cost's Magizino ....... 3.25
son, tendering decline to enter irtt, a
when called upon to do to
or fail to oomplebe the work (oil -
if what you want is not in
iof, as -
Win list let is know about it.
Y9 a can Supp y y+� 1 t an
ceptetd the ChtfXuebwilll bo r ttletied.
The 1)e art+lrlent dorlS not Hind It
"`� -'" ''
. A would cost ydd to nentd .axrHct.
.self to accept ttie' lowest or pny
In remitting please d9 so by
under. 1
Post -office Order Poattil Note •
L real Order 6%. R.eglatorec
. ,
By order, r °
rAfte'r and address„ .
W, is Ulteh@ll
Department of Public Work%
Tho 'Odorlt)ss Clgaret.
Otbawa, November 13, 1911.
Prof. Burton Grates of Arnllerst rel-
, Newa5404otyill w CLIN iO1V
Newtipapora gill not to .plaid for t'tl;s
leg is try'filg; to devlop the stingless
bee, should try
is.+ lei.
advertis elti it they iftsut it %ith•
1114!rad tth� ddgltY �P
. --1 . . .... -__ ..... -1 . _ .
out authority fro't>L the ' lyepartnlet
CHWox Nows "
#til V% Anorw Is" ilia.
Oi$eaars s Wok%n X"t IMUso
Mr, Geot'ge ,Awls"s at Hs11f*r, N. is„
"For many years I have been troubled
with chronic Constipation. This ail
anent never comes Bangle -handed, and I
havC bees] a victim to the massy illnesses
that constipation brings in its •trala.
Mediciuo after medicine I have taken is
order to fiud relief, but one and all left
the in the same hopeless condition.. It.
seemed that nothing would expel from
me the one ailment that caused so. touch
trouble, yet at last I read about these
Iudian'Root Pills•
x Ai
"., .
Nmohn 004 IM
--"THOMAS A. EDlS01419 high"t
dliveloj>fl'Al3Rit.of h4 own itits#lri# n"t.
i 0
EA . on jr-
That was indeed a lucky day for its, I J' Y 1'13( Us.`
_ _ ... _~'
for I was so impressed with the state- ,
mems made that I determined to Meaicall --the Amberola has the truest
give �eythem �'a fair trial. � f�uR,ur'lEo ycrez�. � �-- �, , surest, smoothest .
have re tone, the most lifelike i eproduction. Exactly the rightvolutxlc
gWated my stomach and
bowels. I am cured of constipation. and A writer, in Outlook, says he favors: of .sound .for.the home; It has the sapphire reproducing
clansn the have no equal as a constipation.,
woman suffrage, but that a woman
I '
cIt►e." y should have at least four chlldieit to point, whlcl� is perrnanent---->zo changingneedles. It tended
For over half a century all sitions com' jetely, washout cutting or hurrying, out
Dr. M c a v
Morse's. relit s voter. Eight would be
oto 'u
i y s Po
iatt RootPill.
c have bee!! n curia t'
con- better, et
Edison dI _. Amberol (four -and -one-half minute) Records -and '
stipation acid clogged, iftactive kidneys, - ----- nlbe -•• all short seiecsions on Edison (two -m putt' Records as well.
with all the ailments which result from Ido "lieu it- )
them. They cleanse the whole, aysteat. Autograph albums? Artistically --a masterpiece of the cabinet maker's art, as
a t u s, % the blood. Said everywhere Lightning Rod Agents? beautiful to look at as it is "wonderful to .hear. You have
a !, Mary Macl,ane?
Swiss Bell Ringers? your choice of four finishes, Circassian Walnut, Mahoganlr,
. Golden Oak and. Mission Oak.
. _ .."
PRESS .1113FORN FOR MEN ,� �,a, Mechanically erfect. The silent motor will play, five
: �''. mberol Reco pp y
;� A rds, each four-an&one-half minutes long.
.1 `icer (,ernr;tn grate, ,� without rewinding.
T.'i la-st Cerman scare takes"the +; ;
fora:i or, as attempt to reform -men's -' a There are various other styles of Edison Phonographs at almost•
(;. A society-organ;zed in a,,,• ' any price you wish to pay -and each offers definite Edison
I:c rlla atr�s at abolishing trousers, ,,;,,;,' advantages.. But the Amberola is the greatest of all. it to
Gut,ctilw knlcker-bockers, while .. '" f 5„ r, g s dear slay.
teat a., l u a iacoat are to give way to ti*k� , , Then are'Ediaon dealers everywhere. 00 to the nearest and
a CGi'; of loose blot:�e lois T':n^ rVell. hear the Edison Phonot raph play l�otl, (�dison Standard and QQom�•
a n Edison AmberolRecords, Get complete catalogs from your' a`^'Nwt'
do1.'jt is the knees. Lingnn o f : 11 csorts dealer or Brom ua Edison Phonographs, ;16:60 to $
2ao.00, ixcoar(EaTxf,
• mison tandardltccwds,a
Is to ba .tliscarded. There Hevins to (s`n S e. Ed is onAmberoiRecordst vlay 100 Lakeside Avenue
t;o a •la,k of German thorouglttless ss.! twlceastong),66e.Edisoncrandoperalte- ds,sracto;3,50. Ora a go, N. J., V. S. A.
In t''Fn 17ropo alit. Why should .the AeompletotineofEdison Phonosrephsand Records win befoundat
c .
I^,a blouse -Mite to the knees: if Sister's Best Fellow=g
g 4l am going to.
the kiiiekerbockers are to be, worn? marry your sister, Charlie, but I know �y{jr® ��d k]
Or wIl the knickerbockers, i f : hF I am not' good' enough for her. lam$ jj E
e ,1: r garment is to come to :�c Charlie ---'!'hat's what Sis says, but
l 'ice;? NVbat is really needed is a nia's been telling her she can't do any .
binit'ml, wh:clt can, be worn:.gars tetter: Two high-grddoas vera arrested at LATEST, PICTURE O Ba D •
i r to?:.,, and moulded Into any Yorn� r' R+ »!•
that may snit the taste of the wear:;r. b Cobalt• with a quality of ore in their .
But reform in . men's clothing is �� p This is the soasoa�gfro aubsoriblriler
possession. a newspaper, or to `fenew, tr air"4
not likely to. be revolutionary. Tis !Serious complications are arising in ' r'
} i oar.•r3 .s one of evolution, I11ce that I
g a subscriber. Dur paper 143 s.4 ate�oal
*1 tltn Persia owingto Mr: Shuster'., at- constttutton. Freedom' WORK HARD as any, and better than nlaany, f6ky,
i�rowtletrs slowly down from precedent - td-t►ude Wwards Bit.tain and Rusma, not have Ili ? •
to prcmaclent. , The silk hat gives way • ' It tspresents .het weIfam' art o-
to the fedora, the hard, unyielriing
cess of the commnun' an
slaw o h ens Panama- The tight • , FOR g i:My d di;aaictct
r t e y mg.MY LIVING
Jy t~ uttoned coat with tales is worn. IT GROWS HAIR. with which it is id'entsitied, sad . itv,1.
only iipoli State occasions, gs if to
: , E%
and spent the slimmer there: ' She got
some of ur i n n he '
9 o Gut Pills and ae t t m
: R
i.� U tt
apart from its local value, at tit-
koegp 'us . in mind -of the bondage af,.
L p��
D 61N
But Not After• the Hair
round up-to-date newspaper. .
111 ata and of the maxim that
L f71LS
Root is Dead.. 4
They 'recent chs e: of - 0oversneaft
et•:rnvl v: dance is the rice of
Q p
11b'eciy. 'There. was s time when
194 GolinoN Sr., SxAPrlyrON;N.Y.
f ..
•W,' S, R; Hofinies will tell you that
has made the Hon. Mr. Bordest tis.
central fi ure of our Canadian l/- `
g !Mt
ttu,uscrs clung to the skin one season
lid the next flapped idly like sa'14
'• Will you
he sells a great many bottfies of . Par-
tic .life. . Many would .11ke a food •
on, a ilskias sea. There. was a time
isian, Saga . because it �fves satin-.
picvlare of him, We can supplF one
%rhea a man who wanted easy cl,ith-
m e f f
Free. We will send. anyone our. pap-
ins• 101 the tune was skeritly inforihed
I y on r
W. S, R. Hoilnles guarantees it fio
er for - a year, .-ai* The Weekly /Emil
th, t ey w:ere not worn that way this .
eradicates dandruff, stop falling; and
and Erripinar (ihP gegular rape eI
sn�n rn, and .ineekfy, sitblxitted .to the
rv'Q�1. _An, of :fashion. But' now tliil .re-
Fare sold
in New York
splitting haat and itiching scalp, or
which is =1.00 prat. .year). .fou #bio•
D81e have the upper hand. They boli]= -
- Citq.? I learned
mond -back,
salm'a period, the •two iogetheaar, to
ly telephone • to the tailor to make.
V about thein.: inns
ti Parisian. Saga► will: make hair. grow
include, free. - picture of the. Noir' Cyi1�
ancither suit of clo es "like.the-last,"
? summer. My
dau hter-66--
if the roots is not dead, I;; puu�a
adian Premier, for $1.50. .
We have thus achieved.,self-govern- g welife and luster into dull .and, faded 'The Borden picture is qa fine iii!
merit .in unto sober Briish fashion. Kingston, 'Ont., Bair; and is the • most delightful hair t r ,suitable' for- framdng, in• pbatio.
And in clothes, as in .politics, order dressing in Oho world. Only 50 cents tints; ` .18x24 .''inches., and isafn itself
and freedota go. hand -fn -hand. -The .
resdlt of _llberty Is. sobriety,. The a large. bottle. , as a. work of art; easily worth Mutt
exuberance of youth.will occasionally • Parisialt ..S•age f$ the best -hair price.. 'of a .year's subscription to. .
find. expression., In sociis of orange _ grower' and; beautifier,. dandruff .cure, either .paper. �'
'And -green; while middle, age ,will in- and scalp oleaner known. Try it SEND ALL ORDERS^TO $FFtCE• -
dtilg in a red waistcoat. 'But these . - - - = • eta: o>•� monis back, plan. OF THE NI WS-RECOaRD.
aro exelyionooent esti-rnalta, giving , . .. -1 .mss y -' that strain of'wildness which. ' 0 _ .
lingers ,in jilt of s. ,
. -f1.
: , E%
and spent the slimmer there: ' She got
some of ur i n n he '
9 o Gut Pills and ae t t m
: R
i.� U tt
• . .
:�r er� . .
W a S
to me and I tried. diem and found them
. to be the tient medicine that I ever used
terry .ruined.
ment, penitence, gratitude, passion;
: .
for Kidney and Bladder Trouble. Oh 1
other . proud, calm, ' inflexible,
sagacious. He prostrated himself In
Shora of Her. Crown of Beauty; Los-
they did pie so'much good and I am sw
fr a PAT ocY.zz oa
ignorance of certain .facts. They
es -in Lode and Marriage.
much better I .hope. you can fix it so '
Vor Good Butter. there is always a brisk demand at the -top . .
. . .
I. can. get'Gin Pills in New York". :•
price the Inarket.pays.
Flair is certahil.y '.most necessary
Even Good Butter looks
best wben'done ir' in'ti neat wrap•
Sold ever •Here in Canada at p
Ito :w.finian. 'Who -could loge and Yv Sec, a per with the maker's name, .rSOFtofilce' and natne:of dairy. . •
marry • a• liald-tiead'ed woman? What be;, 6 for $2.5o. Sample free if you This also advertises the, maker and brinks more customers. : • -
Y write National Drug and Chemical `Co,
ch9=0 could' one array 'to, offset of Canada, Limited, Dept. A Toronto,` -If you are riot noviv using the printed wrappers, try one lot.
such. a disfigurement ? - If you start usinlz Gliem, you will, continue .so well pleased .
..1. If you need a gentle legative 6r some.. will you, be. . There's.a. ream in a package and the cost iA
A , woman's goal is usually love. thing to stir up the liver, take Nat%rial small:: '
and marriage. Her crowning glory is J.azy fiver Pills, 25c. a box. 106 . . . . .
her hair. The Ions of'her hair. 'loam . .. .. Order a..Su l at.the Office of
her Waut ha . • . • _ . I.
y, pp}nese and 'success, T
Yot, right hem in Clinton, .there THE••P17RITAN8 ' .' The lv'eW�" ��iCOrd•
are hundreds of ,Aro=u who are
neglecting or injuring Weir hair to An ,lppiedlatlon'by Lord Maeanlny � i
such an eluent ghat it is only a
. ' -
ma0ar of time .when it will be ut-
The was made up of two
different men, the. one alt self -abase-
Y � •
T 1
terry .ruined.
ment, penitence, gratitude, passion;
: .
JMany ,women destroy tihe beauty of 'the
other . proud, calm, ' inflexible,
sagacious. He prostrated himself In
. L +
their•' through thoughtlessness or
the .(lust before nils Maker,, but he set
fr a PAT ocY.zz oa
ignorance of certain .facts. They
.his foot on the neck of his kin �
uc¢paea FOR uss
- - - - WITH OsaN[Y-O%E�
use curling irons over -heated, or to
In his devotional retirement, he
C r a. 'k
excess, which the nptural
prayed convulsions, and groans,
oil, of tihe hear, causing it to splib,
r,nd.teurs. He was half-:naddened by
break an co
tl nye o4tl• • T1YeY dq tacit
Hair ten of
glorious or, terrible illusions. • . Ile
heard . the. lyres of angels, :or the
Inil ,our' `�che in 11
shampoo their of enough;
tempting whispers. fiends He:
too' oftoil.. Thpy . use, soaps, or, pre-
caught 4 gleam of the Beatific Vision,
. . • .. ' . . -.
para,housr which contain ingredieims.
positively. hartmful ,ttio. the scalp and
or woke screaming from the dreams
of everlasting fire. Like Vane; he
thought himself with the...
' • ... '
yp '
Saves 20.. �'
g e entrusted
• oC01.1l . .
' .
scepter of the millennial year. Like
. :
• Asia resulb of such bizatment
Fleetwood, he . cried in the .bitterness
of his soul that God had hid' His face
It is a wondertgl pate nt device, the Oxfmd Economizer, and is licensed
dandruff is created, the hair lessen
Prom. him..
for use oil
only •+
loses color, falls out,, and baldness
-But when he took his seat in .the
made them Stoics, had cleared their
unless proper and prompt
precautions are taken in time. Then
council or girt on his sword for war,
these tempestuous workings of the'
again, microbes and certain. diseases
soul kad left no perceptible trace be-
. '
biing about unhealfty scalp and hair
hind thepl, People who saw. nothing
of the godly but their uncouth visages,
. enc RA NGr S. - . :
A'kaostt any ";man, pay rid herself
and heard nothing from them but
their groams and their whining
of dandy uff and diseased zwalp' and hair
hymns, might laugh at them. But
This marvellous regulator keeps the oven at a ' •
g ps given temperature. No
if she will but use the right ramody.
those had little reason to laugh who
. .
We • havb that remedy,,,and ` we will
that it
encountered them in the hall of de-
bate, or on the field of battle.
heat is wasted-noming•goes up the Sue but bad odors, steam avid smoko. •
The fire fs held for hours without attention -ready for immediate 'flSe--r
positively guarantee will ei.-
ther cure dandruff and baldness or it
These fanatlos brought to olol and
and all this labor, time and fuel savedby Simply turning the crank. '
will not coot the ,user anything.
military affairs a coolness of judg-
ment and an immutability of. purpose
With: the Divided Overt Flue $trip yoti have. even baking, because of .
That's a probby broad statement,
which some writers have thought in-
the perfect distribution of heat, secured by this expert arrangement.
but we will back it and prove it
consistent with their religious zeal,
with our own money. We will return
blit which were In fact the neees-sary
The ReveraibleGrate
monay ft. you do not find that Rtsx-
effects of it. The intensity of their
feelings on one subject made them
is provided with strong, '
all 11931, Hair Tonio is an entirely
tranquil on every other. One t ver-
interlocking teeth that re-
satistac?ory "remedy that will' pro-
powering sentiment had subjected to
duce coals to ashes by
Moto hair growth and overcome
itself pity and hatred, ambition and
a single tum in appear. ,
seal and hair .troubles : that it will
p r
tear, Death had lost its terrors and
sore, in details of finish
grow+ hair even on bald heads, un-
less. ai{l tide in -hair has
pleasure its charms. They,,had their
srn.tles and their tears, their raptures
and '
.. .
the roots
been extinguished, the follicles clos-
and their sorrows, but not fol' the
things of this world. Enthusiasm had
is an ornament as well as
i a necessity In any kitchen ��
tut, and the scalp is glazed and
made them Stoics, had cleared their
shiny. It gets ftp naame from the
minds• from every vulgar passion and
IThe Range here rep. I
fact thab it grew hair in 93 out of
prejudice, shd raised them above the
resented and other Gur- . "
100 easels, whero it received a thor-
influence of danger and ot, em to porn
It so es dight lead them to pure
nay -Oxfords of every sort
ou hi hard impartial, sand, practice
g Y r p ,
sue ratites coda, but never to choose
for every Purpose, dia.
al Best. . '
unwise means.
played on our floor.
We want you to, try ilexall 'low,
They went • through the world like
4 $air Tonic at our 'risk. Viou snit.
Sir Artegal s Iron man Talus with his
flail, crushing and trampling down
sPJrCrALDl3112ANSrR�llIOlf 16
ely cannot lose anything by the test
and You have ever tht3i to gain.
y y g
oppressors, mingling with human
bel" %,j., h vi " 1th t
•, • `IVtf11V � � ka
You had 'better think this over, and In a ng a er par nor
sot in human infirmities; ln>lensible
ten •gdmle in and sere ug about this to fatigue, to pleasure, and to pain;
offer- You will be swell repaid fornot to be pierced by any weapon, not
your visit to out store. Rolmelmrber, to be withstood by any barrier.
you can get lioitatl ittiinledies in this Such we b61106 to have been the
eonimunity only :at our etore�-The abs ter of ,the PtlrltrtnM.
ltexall. Stow. W. S. R. 901mos, I �,
.._. .1 - .
rr 0 Vr � IJLj Ix -1 ne