The Clinton News-Record, 1911-09-21, Page 7e
e. D. )kTAiGA$'ir'11
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W. D. MITA 4AiM - Izleu r
' 0 THE , LND
and Ontario - i. _�___ -,- ,
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e K.. • .�...� TORONTO __ :1
. The Elements of Troublo
IjZSfJ01[j1�iTED... 11R4TS XSSUEB _ Willa was it, I wonder, that said
Tourist steamrers "Toronto til
INTEREST ALTAWF- I ON DE- i`" the road to hell was paved with good
•VoSlTS. SALE NOTES Pun- IKingston" intentl�t Re mlxht have added A
Leave Toronto 3.00 p.m. daily ea (opt clause to the .effect that there's always
O,HASED, a plentiful supply of material for that
Sundslyt up iia Sept. 23rd and it•om
Sept. 25th to 30th, Monday, WVa'diaes- much -traveled highway. We all con-
day and Saturday.
tribute, more or less. I know I have
.- ► — H. T. RANCE. -- — done no. And most of my people
betare me.. My father's fart i. Pions
i4 ARY PUBLIC" CONVEY- STEAMER BELLE were good, but he didn't hive long
ANGER, FINANCIAL, REAL enough to carry them out. *f he
ESTATE AND'FIRE INSUR Leaves Haarilton at 12,00 noon and hadn't fallen a victim to an ingrained
"C,k? AGENT, REPRE- Toronto 7:30 p, crit, .every Tuesdayt for, streak of recklessness. a habit of tali-
SENTING 14 FIRE INSUR- Bay of Qutinte, 'Montreat and inter- ing chancus--wel•1, I can't say just
,INCE CO]UIPANIES. meddate ports. ' bow ,things. would have panned out.
DIVISION CO RT OFFICE, Law round trip -rates. ioeluding I'm wont fatalist enough to believe
meals and berth. That we crawl or run or' $oar through
CLINTON. our allotted span of years Recording.
to some prearranged scheme that
. 1. I For tickets, rates, folders 'and fur- wer'e powerless to modify, Oh, not
W. BRYDONF" , ' bier' information write to H. Foster It's highly probable, however, th4t if 1
Chaffee, A. G. P. A., Toronto" Out. my father and mother had lived I.
BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ,should have gone into some com-
Ii. FOSTER Cl3AFFEE, merclai pursuit, or takes up one of
PUBLIC, ETC, A.G,P'.A.. TORONTO the professions, In either case, I
• -g should likely have
OFFICE-- Sloane Block—CLINTON. pegged along fa
an uneventful sort: of way to the end
�• -a' D. N. WATSON of tete chapter .— dots of meat' da. Not
that I would have taken with an-
f•„. MARLES B HAL thusleern to chasing the nimble dollar
LICENSED AUCTIONEER • for lye pure, love of catching it; but
Conveyancer, Notary Public for the County- I sl
I4° Commissioner, Etc.
of Huron. Correa was slated for something o� the
pondence plsomptly answered, Charg- sort, and as the twig .is bent so Is
�, REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE. en moderato and, satisfaction guatan- the tree Inclined; a marc can't sit
geed. Imimediate arrangements for down, and twiddle hie thumbs ..Md re -
Issuer of Marriage Licenses. soli dates g
may be made by calling fuse to perform any useful act . be-
HORON STREET, — CLINTON. at The News -Record., Office or .on cause there f . no glory in it The
Frank Watson at Beacom &-Smyth's heroic age' has: gone argummering
h down the corridors of time. -
DRS, GUNN ,4a,GANDIER. As .!t happened,. my feet were set
Dr. W. Gunn R. C .
in other paths .by force of circum -
L• R
' TIiOMAS B � -
BROWN, LICENSED A - UC- srtances: Only'for that, •the sa'getirusli
• tioneer for the counties of Huron
r - L. R. C. S. h3din. • country, -the,very place where I was
i Dr: J. C. Gaudier, B. A., 'M B, and Perbh. Correspondence prompt- born, might have remained a terra !n'
L, IOffice—Ontario St., Clinton. Night, m answered. Immediate arrange- ' cognita. I should always. have felt.
misfits can be made fare sale dales at though. that I'd missed something;
calla ar residence, Rattenbury St. The. News -Record, Clinton, or by
yrs at Hospital. Lor I was, ushered . into this vale of
calling phone 97,' Seaforth, Charges
moderate and sati11, sfaction guaran• tear's at the Sumner. Ranch, on the
teed: Red '. River, of the South Sunnier
. pare :hadn't developed intoa cow
DR. J. W. SHAW. j p -------- monar+c'h those days. My earliest lm-
6FFICE= T11Pj Cil IID j�( j��e� jTTn preasloae. were all of, log and 'dobe
M . P Mint al Fle buildings, of long horned cattle, of
RATTENBURY' ST. EAST,- �1p rI wild, 'shaggy -maned horses.. and 'of
II1Slll8IlG� COII1palllj I Iwilder men, who rode the one and
—CLINTON.— drove the .other in masterly .fashion.
. —Farm and Isolated Town Property— For ' landscape there was rolling
-0nlry Insured' prairie, and more rolling prattle ;1
DR. 0. W. THOMPSON. S beyand; with ,here and there the
1.. J. B. McLean, P'rosidant, Seaforth
1 4YSICIAN', SURGEOW, STC. . � F'. O. ; Jas, Connolly, Vice -Pres.- eternal brown :broken by gray, sate-
Srown flats and stretches ,of grease-
,, Special, attlention given to dis- dent, Gcvlerieh P-� U. ; T. E, Hlays
�'' Secre�tary,Treasurer, Seaforth P. ( wood as.:if Nature had mado s
atases'of the Eye+, Ear, Nose and', DTrOctors— feeble effort. to vary the Monotony.
I a I knew only this until I was big
Eyes carefully examined . and suitable William Chesney, Seafortth ; John T •
glasses prsiacrfbed. Grieve, Winthrop, William 'Rinn, Con- enough to tease for a •pony. a snot
stance ; John Watt, I�arlook ; remember seeing. a town when I was
. .Office and residence : 2 doors west of Benurawies, Brodhagen : James E, small. The world to me was a place
the Commercial Hoilel. Huron St, ans, Beechwood •,; M. McEwen, Clu of great plains.,very still and hot and
,; , ton P. 0. dry, a huddle of cabins tend corrals,
,,t Agents— and, a little way to the south Red
Robert Sarah, Harlock ;. . E. Hneh• LL River slinking over its Quicksands —
#' ' ley, Seafoith ; Janes Cuiminiings, Er except in time of .storm; hien it
inondvilld ..J,' W. Yoo. � Holmesville.: . . '
—DENTIST.— An mane to be id. in may t a .raged:
Any. y pa Y So, when my father bundled mother
Specialist in Crown and Bridge paid to Tozer & Brown, Clinton, or end myself' off to a place called St
Work. Graduate of C. C. D. S., at Cutt's grocery, Goderich.. T.onia, wafers great squadrons of
I i '% Chicago, and R. C. D. S., Tor- Parties desirous to effect insurance' ,
! �• lioness stood- In geometrical arraake-
rI pato. or transact other business will be (sent over a vast area, I had already
promJlt4y attended to nn applicabion
Bayfield on Mondays from May to begun,. to Took upon things with the
t+a any. of the above .officers addressed
Decembm. to thair. rdspective postoffices: Tosses eyed of cantle, land. I recollect that
inspected by the director who lives w� are were settled in a roomy,
a--. old-fashioned house I cried because
?:,11 I - nearest '•i+ha scfae. . my molder. wd Ida't lot me o out to
r ”' s a s ..the . corral land play. g '
1,{I �-+ "There are no • corrals In a cit?.
—TINE TABLE— 1vlintoti` News -Recoil dear.. sire explained - and I tried the
Trains will arrive at and depart border, I could conceive of 'no ;oy,,la
from Clinton station as follows: CLINTON . — ONT. � a place where 'L'could not go out to
2. .Terms of saibscri tion- 1 per ear, in the corrals. and have some brown -
j4 . BUFFALO AND GODERIOH DIV . advance bscr$1.6pmay he chargad, . n faced cowpuncher holat' me up. on a
i Going East 7.35 a. . , not so paid, .No gentle horse, and let me hall the
paper discontin-
3.07 p. m, ued until all arream are paid, un- reins while the pol=y moved se:iately
"' 5.15 p. m. less at the , option of the publish- about
f �, Going West 11.07 a. m. Left to himself, I think:my father
ex. The lanae to which every sub-
". 1.25. p. m.
�" 6:40 P. M. serfption s paid is denoted' on .the would have made a cowman of me;
. as a. label. but mother , had known ' the . range
"' 11.29 p; in: AdvsartWng rates—Transient. adver- when it was a place to try the nerves
II'', LONDON, HURON & BRUCE DIV : tisemlents, 10 cents per nonpariel of, strong men:, and • she hated It. I
1' lint-, for iirst insertion and 3 cents didn't know, till I was nearly grown,
Going South . 7.50 a. m. per line for each subsequent inserts- that she hsird made laid promieo, (,hen.
i '... , w ., 4,23 p m
ion. Small advehiseommlts not to I was born. -that if the cattle spade
Going North 11,00 a. m. exceed one inch, such ars "Lost," mmoney for us. I should never know
6,35 p. In. "Strayed; 'os "Stolen." eta., in; the plains She came of an old
__ serted once for th
35 cents and each Southern family, and her life had been
.. subsequent insertgon 10 cent's.
OVER tad YICARv Communications intended for publica- a sheltered one netiloho• met and mar-
EXPERIENCE .. tion musts ' alt a guarantee of good red Jack. Sumner. And she :would
I :. have had me walk 1n pleasant placed,
,. : faith, . be accompanied .by the name
' " '.. I .of the writer. as the men of her family. had done
doctors lawyers, planters. The
F � � W. J. MITG'HF.LL, .,
).,.','' Ediiror and Proprietor, life of the plains was too hard, too
much of an . elemental struggle, she.
TRACC Mellita 4 said and I was to be saved sonde
. DcstaNs
CapV111aHTS &a.
Aayotre'undtnk a eketab and'deeorigtlon may
wuoki>i aseertnln oar opinion lyse w ether an
�event on is probably at4a�t Ale. Commnnlea•
lonaetrietitrconadont�al, IipNi10001( on Patents
fent'l es, .Nest amay for securing�vateuts,
Patents taktu tUUrroeuah Munn & Lo. receive
Y0aiai "t" without charge, In the. I
8150 I C merican
A Iadattlebmely nluahated weakly, tarost eie.
1114 on e, any setenti90 iouhAl, Terms for
CabstIN you. postage prepaid, bold her
COs eteerlrrer.@�hl .CII
>�txaon Gales. �Jti r fff- Vaebta as.) tt,
r .
t " IBOttC'1`H4Y NIAthA21NL
'1N� twat hi �irw Moto
#9.0* Isitlt V*AM I, 26 &r*, A 00" U
$NO t ONTINU96 STOIe196",
of the knocks that my dad had taken
In the struggling years. Poor mother
Mine �- her son was the son of his
father, I'm afraid. But'aumner pare
made brood his promise, when the
Summer. herds fattened his bank so -
count sufficiently; and I gyrated
through wheat, with college and a
yet-to-N-deterrnlned career •looming
on tis+ horiton.
So, my cllildieb memories of the
great `pen, ghat year on yoat Iles
naked to the sun glare and the
chllling breath of thy, northers, grew
f+uNiter and more. like something of
which I had dreamed. Dad would
come home occasionally, stay a day
or two, perhaps a week, sometimes
even a month; but ray mother Hever
W west of the Mississippi -- nor
did L I often plagued' -them to let
me go to the ranch during vacation,
but they evldo6tly considered it best
to keep ins a*i from the round-upd
tVKRT MtilbdtM 6btNiK.itt k IM tt#ilEt#' and home -breaking and such, tilt Y
wi.A old,-1ln0,ugh to see tbat thiste
%;w .
ws'i' sii000f slide to the Pio besidei
the aunshlay, osre-free one that stakes
ori irrestrtable appoal' to a ycungater.
And theft, just a weak after my
twentieth bir+thda7, nay dad, slow -
voiced. easy -,going old Jack Sumner,
rode his horse into the smillux Red,
and drowned under the eyes of twenty
men. .
I was sitting on our front steps,
cr4wJing about the heat, wh •p 'the
messenger brushed by me s•ith the
telegram In his band. Mother signed
for. it, and he ran down the steps,
whistling, and went about" his buai-
neae. There was no sound within. l
had no hint of trouble, till a maid
screamed, 'linen, of course; I •rushed
in, Mother was: drooping over an
arm of a Morris] chair, and the bit, of
yellow paper lay on the rug, where it
had fluttered from her hand, I car-
ried her to a• couch, and called A
doctor. But he could do nothing. Her
heart was weak, he said, and might
have stopped any 'time; the shook had
merely 'hastened her end. .
I'm going to pass lightly over the
week that followed, -I wag Just a. kid,
remember, and. I took it'pretty hard.
It was my first speaking acquaintance
with. Death. A few of my mother's
people dame, and when it was over
with I went to :Virginia with an uncle,
a kindly,, absent-minded, iniddle-aged
bachelor. But I couldn't settle down.
For a week or ten days I fidgeted.
about the sleepy Southern village, anal
then Ibade my uncle an abrupt good
by and started for St, Louts. Little
as I know of business and legal mat-
. term, I was aware that now the Sum-
ner •herds and ranches were mine, and
I had a hankering to know where I
stood, Except that there. was a ranch
and cattle in Texas,. I knew nothing of
MY. father's business. It didn't even
occur to me, at first, that I was a
minor and devoid of power to trans-
act any business of Importance. I
kn,6 tt iaittcertaiti property was right-
fully mime, and. that was all. • -
(Ince in StLouts; however, I began
to get the proper focus'on my material.
interests. It occurred to me that Sm-'
ner ptre had done; more .or less busil
ness with a certain ,bank, a private.
concern engineered by two ultra-oon-
tserrative citizens named -Bolton and
Kerr. I hunted, them up, _thinking
that -they 'would likely beable to tell
me lust what I needed to know. And
it happened that, by luck,' I , came .,in
-the nick if time. A clerk took in my.
card, and returned -for me Immediate
ly- Bolton,, the senior member.. was
wrapping the, bit df pasteboard around
his.forefinger when.I was ushere'
We shook hands, and he motioned to.
a chair. I asked for information, and
`I got tt, straight from the aboutder.
'Bolton was very economical in • words.
"Yes, I knew your father well.
There is a sum of money to his ac-
count in the bank. He died intestate,"
he told me bluntly. "In vlew..of a
communication I have just reee:ved,
You will have little • to do with any
Property until. you -are of age. The
estate is now in the hands, of an ad-
min. istrator — appointed by a. Texas
court. The court will probably order
that you be allowed a certain monthly
sum until your majority,"
"Al see," •I said thoughtfully; I hadn't
considered that' phase of it, although
in a hazy way I, knew something of
the regular procedure. "WTI: our place
there be managed .by this administra-
tor!" - .
"Very likely," Bolton. returned. "go
has served us with a court order for
,the,e#tate funds now to our bands.
Butypq are legally entitled to the use
and oeetipancy of the family residence
UAW such time as _ the estate is ap-
. praised and the inventory returned
After tliat, the administrator hats die-
cretionary power; he can make any
"disposition of the property, meanwhile
Making .provision for your . support."
"It Ga4ftrns to me," I hazarded, "that
some relative should have been ap-
Pointed "
•'Exactfy, Bolton nodded. "They
made no move, though. And thle
Texas person.' acted at .once. 1, dare
say It's all right, However, you're a
minor. Better have some responsible
person appointed your guardian. Then,
It there's any mismanagement, you
can take court action to have it re-
medied. Frankly, I don't like the look
of this haste to tOm)nister. May .be
al right; may be all wrong,"
"'Seo. here," i burst out impulsively,
for I bad taken a, sudden liking to this
short-spoken individual who talked to
Me wtih one toot on It, desk and a
half -smoked Glair tucked In the
corner of his mouth, "what's' the
matter with you becoming my guar-
dian? None of my people' 'seem' to
have thought of it. I'm stirs 'toed get
%long all right,'
He smiled. My naive way of sad-
dling" myself upon blm. along with a
lot of possible responsibilities, Was
doubtless amusing to a hard-s"eaded
financier like Bolton. 3 saw nothing
out of the way an such an arrange-
ment, at the time. It struck nae ar a
splendid Idea, in fact. 'But he made
alowance for my juvenile' point of
view. Shifting ills cigar to the other
corher of his rnolith, be surveyed we
critically for a few sedondsr orinkling
his black brows thoughtfully..
"I'll do it," be fitWly astaebted.
"Thee poefitIM ought to be a sinecure,
UUA in too -molly -ow .moiruing &t. ton -
t #. W4 .styli s"P soeanw til tb;1
eaatrt- iniad have the tieing legal•
IF ex"Utod. You're staying at the
old piece. I suppuseT"
"TIn going til;" I r"1104. "I twvm' 1%
bees at thus# holies; I came stralgbt
here from silty train.'"
"'Well ruq along, son," he said good. .
naturadly. "I'd. taker you Thome to ply.
family, .only I don't liap"R to possttw
one. I live at the clue ---the Arlon---
"Ob; by the way," be called to Ire,
om r neared the door, '"flow are ,you
off for funds?"
"To tell the truth,"' 14e't►4d,, rather
shamefseedly, "I"re. getting to pretty
low water. I think I've some change -
at home,, but I'm not sure. Dad never
gave tae a regular allowance; he'd
Just send me a cbec i now and titan,
and let 12 go at that. I'm s4raid I'm
a pretty good spender,"
,"you'll have to reform, young mast;'
he warned,• mock seriausiy, '"Sere". -
he dug a flftyar bill .out of his.
pocketbook "tbs it% keep you going
for a while, I'll keep. you in pocket
money till this administrator allows
you a monthly sum for maintenance.
Don't forget the time, now, Ten -
thirty, sharp. To-ta!" And he hustled.
me out of the office in the. mtdst of
my thanks,
I was thankful, too, for I'd put It
mildly when I told him that I was get -
Out near the rocks, T was on them.
I'd paid my last cant for a, meal on
the train that morning. And while
1 did feel tolerably sure .of finding
some loose silver in the pockets of
my clothing at home, I knew it would
not amount to. more thaui four or
five :dollars, Oh, 'I was an Improvi-
dent youth, ail right.. The necesssarity
four being, careful with money never
stk .rucme ' as being; a matter of im-
portance; I'd' never had -to do stunts
In econcimy—that was the trouble..
ftQm the bank I :went. straight
home. We hadn't. kept a very, pre-
teurtfous establishment, even though
Sumner pAre had gone 'on increasing
his pile all through the years since
wefd moved to the -,city, A cook and
a housemaid,, a colored coachman and
.a gardener — the four of them had
been with us for years,.and old Adam
Was waiting by the steps for me
when I came up the walk, his shiny'
black face beaming welcome. I hid
to go to the stable and look, over, the
hones, and tell Adam that every-
thing was fine, before the old duffer
would' rest.
In the house everything was as I'd
left tL All that evening I moped
around the big, low -celled living
room. There was little comfort fu
the place; it :was too lonely.. The
hours dragged by on leaden; feet 4
couldn't get over expecting to see
mother cline trailing quietly down the
wide stAirway, or dad walk in the
front door, packing a battered old
rip and . greeting me with his slow
smile: 1 kifow 'it was silly, but the
feeling -,drove me out of the house
and downtown,• where there was a
crush of humane, f
and the glitter o
street lights, and the. the. of . traffic.
There I met a chum or two, and sub-
eeQuertt proceedings tore a jagged
hole '.fn B'olton's fifty -Kollar bill, be:.
lore I landed home in the little hour3.
.Even then I couldn't sleep in that,l
still, old house. I`
The longni-g ht came to an end as
nights have a habit of. doing, . and
Breakfast time brought with !t the
postman. The mail was mostly papers
and other uninteresting junk; but one
missive, postmarked Amarillo, Texas.
and addressed to myself, I opened
eagerly. It was from the adminls-
tru'•tor, as. I, had surmised. ,
Most of the. communication was
taken up with an explanation of how
he came to jump ionto the breach so
quickly. He had been, it seemed, a
close friend of my father's. He kne•,w
that Jack Sumner had a son who was
not yet of age.. and who, even 12 he
were, knew little or nothing about
stock. Things needed .looking after,
he said; my father'ssudden death bad
left the business without s. reopen-
sible head, and the ranch foreman and
the range bons were bucking -each
other, Things were going to the devil
',generally; so he felt called upon. to
step into the breach, seeing thi�t none
of the. Sumner. family showed tip to
protect, their Interests. I wouldn't be
under any obligation to him,• he -'frank-
ly explained, for as administrator he
would be paid for What he' was doing._
He also ''stated that, If I felt that my
affairs., would be more capably man-
aged in the hands of some one whom
I knew be;ttero he would cheerfully
turn over control of the estate,, with-
out any tiresome litigation. And he
concluded his letter with an urgent
Invitation to come to the Long R and
see the wheels go ,round, for myself.
He signed ' himself, In a big;, heavy
hand, Jake Howey, and the signature
gave me an impression of a bluff,
hard -riding cowman picturesque
and tboroughly Western: If i had.
been born a girl; I expect MY did-
position would have been terrued ro-
mantle. Anyway. Mr. .Jake dower's
letter made me feel that my affairs
were in good hands..
when I went to keep my appoint
ment with Bolton, 'later in the fore-
noon, I took the letter with me. He
glanced over it, and Mucked it brclr In
thb ehtvelope. ,
"I don't believetouch in long -
ata -tante judgment of men," he declItTed,.
"but I'd be willing -to inks a chance
ort this Texas! person. I ehbuid say 'you
can expect a square deal from 'him -
If this missive represents his true
"That's the way it struck me, too,"
T-ao>'ifessed. "I -think I'd 1116 to go
down there fair a white.'.'
es'! tlVhat abbot echgolf" hb out
"'Yell, 1. AlIpposc it's nedow., t:T for
- % T ,
est+ to so •ta~rselgb owism" i nidioatoiL
to IH "&W*N#tiii w lt>> OW �`
"Dad 1004444 no 'lid. I vas to iiiows
, t4ewtt elf astrltrer ii 4101
this noising s,ahow year --i' 00tosalser,
w'to *0 =f eC1i10.
Isn't itT' But "wit'* Isearly Roti
mut 04 orma saki t� I
ltaotetbs away. I would 1** to rtes
I at"d tAWf VIsR a 'Wrote"
Rod River raueib. I was bort
way I isam pus 9j .f we ttt
there, you know-*tltr+a
9%; oust gist ~; let d�otr„ t 'li 4
""you"11 have to cit your eyeteeth
OW0e4 t'Asf moor gait veltis gate,
In the .business sotri� timer" be reused.
I realaesnges tl4tkt t;ise� .swell agnosia tete
'"X(P'11 be Is" likely to yet into nils•
big ,W, loot( was grass tie s)ep
cbist there than you will in town.
against Ahe w'b%rf will), w alae of -
Yes, I dare day you might as well
them edged over #.0 asked ire 00
take the trip. .But no funk'lns school
-this fall, mind. I've known young.
Likir a simpleton. I hauled out my
Mer* to to to the,cattie .coutttry, and
watch to tell hint. It did not occur, to
stick there. Your ,father did.'"
me !W there might be any purpose.`
"I Won't," I promised; "even if I
behiMl the question. The river frpnj
want to stay, I'll- be ready to dig to •
• ,,,
in St Louls is not it ,Place where one . '
when September comes."
can safely exhlbit sign a, of Atflnenoe •
"You'd better," He laughed at my
in the way of cash or jewelry, --• and '
earnestness. "Or I'll be down, there
I knew it. I hadn't grown up to a
after you. When do you propose to
clty without knowing some of its , 1
ws. No doubt It looked like an easy
"As soon as I can." Haring paved
game, out there on the end of a de -
the WAY to go. I wanted, boy-tusbion,
.alerted wharf.
tobe en the move at once.
My watch was ai, plain bunting -case
"eidea how to get there?" lie
affair, with a fob chain, Without ,an " ,
queried, as if be had his dqubts about
Inkling of what was to come, I turned
the development of in 'bump of lees,-
toward the dim light as 1 sprung We „'
. case open. In that Instant the fellow
But I had him there.
stuck the watch out of my grasp with .
'"Oh, yes. .Dad uged to take the
one hand, and smashed rte full on the,
train through Little Rock to fort
jaw with the other ---a viclou% pugilis-
Worth, and og:up into the Panhandle'
tic punch. 1 went down. Curicusly, I -
from there. Sometimes he took a
didn't lose consciousness; and the
steamer from here to. Memphis, I
blow gave little pain, But it para)lzed
think I'd like the river trip best."
my motor nerves for a few seaindo.,
"All right," he decided, "Yon shall
gave me a queer, helpless feellns iri
go, my boy, Just as soon as you can
'my legs and arms, such As one has in '
get ready. Now we'll see about this
a nightmare. It paused, though, and
guardianship matter."
the pair of ,them wore Just going ,
We saw about 1t din such .wise that,
through my pockets, with celerity
two days •later. I was the: happv nos-
that bespoke much practice, when I
lessor of a Ueket to Amarillo and a
. reco#ered sutfieieutly to jab my fist
well -.lined pocketbook. I had runner
into, a face that was bent (,lose to
with Botton, and bade, him good -by
,mine — at the same time driving bots
quite cheerfully; for I felt a gook deal
heels against the shins of the other
as Columbus must have done when
Yellow with what force I could lsuster,
he turned „ the prow of his caravel
This instinctive outbreak "rather
away from Spanish shores. After
surprised them, I think, Anyway,
leaving Bolton, I went home for a
they gave ground. Only for a me -
grip I'd forgotten. The river host on
ment, however, I made,oneefforY to
which I'd taken passage was :ue to
gain my feet. ,and the, two wore cn 11
leave at midnight, ..
me like twin wolves.' Ktcki�lir
And that midnight departurewas,
striking, struggling like primal beaa;:s, ..
what, started one Bob Sumner up the
we three lurched this wAy and Viac, ,, •_
Trouble Trail. It Isn't ,by that-
on the brink of the whore. A hundred
name; it. ddesWt show on any map
yards away people were huirr} ng'b}-,
'that I ever saw; but the man who
and if I'd had sense enough to realivi
doesn't have to travel it some time,
that a shout' was my best weapon I ,:
In his career —well, he's In luck,
could .eastly have routed the thugs. 1
But 1 was. too frightened to V,tak,
. •;
And, in a very short time, street •
The New Moon. • .•
Weight. of 'humbers decided the Issue.
One. of them got' a strangle hold about
Lights by the thousand speckled. the
my neek. Th. a .other rrnsped me far-
night -enshrouded water front, when I
vently hround the walst: Thus ahoy '
reached the slip where my boat lay,
dragged me down. For one brief .in- .
On the huge, roofed -in wharf, freight
I stant I 'rested on the hard plonking, "
handlers swarmed like bees. The ram-
my head in a whirl, their weight Pke
ble of hand trucks and the tramp of
'a mountain on my . heaving chaf.
feet the great beams overhead,
Then with a, Q:uielc shove. the;, thrust
Lamps fluttered on vibrating walls.
'me. over the end of the wharf. .,
and ;echoed back, in a steady drone.
Undertaken voluntarily, a t.vcn?y- -
Men moved tn. baste, throwing• long
foot dive Is no great. mattgr: blit It is
shadows ahead and behind thein.
a horse of quite another color' to be '
Boxes, balles, barrels, sacked stuff
chucked into: space. and fall't.hst! "lle-
vanished swiftly down three sepr,.rate
. tante, like a bag of meal. I strurk'
Inclines to the lower deck of the
the water `.rest first, as it hsippeued. ^ . .
"Memphis Girl," and from -the depths
and cam( to the top'spltiftecing. hair -
of this freight -swallowing monster
strangled, but otherwise none tbo
came the raucous .gabble, freely gar-
worse. Right quickly 1. found that. I'd .
niched with profanity, .of .the `oil!ng
(TO HE CON'l`IhlUEI1 9
Out from under that vast.sounding-
. •
board of a roof, the noise at.once dim-
1 A man killed :bv an auto was named
tnished . in. ,volume, and I passed
Frank Buti n. Tint's what ,;In auto:
through the heart of this.. dust and
driver . says of• any man that gets in
babel and gained the cabin deck of tie
1110, way. .
Meniphisr A steward looked 'over my
ticket, and guided me to Lhe berth •i
I is grass greedy because it, always .
bad reserved. It • was then ha)f-pas
wants mower?
nine; still two hours and a half ,to
the time of departure.'. I took a 'oo;t
by Akers.
around the.upper deck. Quite a num-'
whisper the news so sad, L I .
her of passengers Were. . lready
Tell it with tears and `sobs;
Everything's to the bad: .
aboard. Syme __ w cre ~ gone to bed;
Men are a bunch of slobs,
others were grouped in the salaia
Gloomy and dark• the day., I.
a!t Ona or two poker games had
Everyone's full. of dope; V.
startled, and little groups were lookin;;
Ne'er can our .hearts be gay-,.
en.: But of them all I knew not
There is no White Man's1. Hope: .
1 Artist: My object was to try and
Youth hungers for companionratp,
express all the horrors of war. How •
and I was tiff excepts-olt to my Irtad.,
do. you like it? ..
it may be a truism to say that n•s-
Friend: I have never seen anytbing
where can one be so completely alone
more horrible.
As in a crowd; the singularity of it
never carie home to' me until twat
I But we are always le caning
. .
the old things .and esteeming them
new. . I roamed about. the Memphis
Girl, wishing I had. stayed uptown till
the last minute. It bad been my plan
. _ .
to go town and; the ceremony
A, pleasant -faced little woman was
of casting off was not one that In-
buying -something for the baby in a
drug store,. and happened to notice a
terested me greatly. But nriw the
bottle on the show cease.
him was gone; a spirit of unrest, an
"Did you sell my Jim a bottle of that
Impatience to be off, drove. sleep Proln
i stuff'
my mind. If you hlivo ever known
"I certainly did, and hope. it •helped .
the dreary` monotony tai waiting for
`."Help hien? Why he just Helps him-
train or $tHR)►lea' to start, when your
self these days. Used to complain about
whole. being craves the restfulness of
my cooking—said It wasn't as good as
motion, you will not wonder that I
when we were first married. He
made one more -round of the deck and
only taken about hal£that bottle when
I had to hide it or there wouldn't have
saloons arid' then lett the bort, to
been a thing in the`house for the children
roam aimlessly post the serried
to eat. He simply cleaned up every -
wharves that face the east.
thing in sight at the table. Oh l the
stuff rs all right—I can recommend it
I don't recollect just how i
and he even thinks my coolling has im»
wandered- It the place hoil beenproved."
' strange to me, I should likely ••have
Jim had complained that he was over
been more circumspect An my prowl-
worked=dies t got enough � exereise- .
Jug. As It vvs►s, my only 'concern
had no appetite --was getting �a bit '
and didn't relish and his
was to be at thesteamship coo's
P p
menta. The druggist told him to take
wharf by midnight, and midnight was
Nyal's Digestive Tonio and forget his
Jim dropped in to
Yet star. So I poked along, stopling
troubles. just say:
that he has a great capacity'o nor I
now and then to ha over railing
ng a is >t
these days -4 -can ars
and .peer across the dark ewepp of the
pouch as before.
Mississippi, toward the illinots phor6.
Ile was no dyspeptic—Itist a little off
Betwe4§4, die lightb of divers draft
color. a Lotti o£ us. just like Jim. ,Better '
try a dollar bottle. Its worth while.
twinkled like tirefiles, and tootiugs In
'major and keys,
l ( yyou try this remedy' we know your
be Nyal Remedies'
mtnbr with varying
Will pleased, rue sin` .
volume of ,round, went walling
eerely believe to bre the best thedidini
through the night.
Values offered. 16
A 'big ipttssengiir pxeket hallitig
'Sold and Guaran" by W. S. Ii,
fr6M, tipr)vet, oWept into view. Ablaze
Holmes, J. P11. Hovey, Wi A. I .
from, her how- to the churning $tent
McCOnneil, Clinton
.. ,y .
wisely she bore dbwtt like a floating
9 19 1
T1114 .strung with Yellow, gems. A1.
ballad Mitred "Dixie" Brom somewhere
amidships. I viae young enoutlh to
hove some degree of enthusiasm for
ankh ep8ctAdsw, kn4 I turned onto a;
1499,, hsllf )i6ted rF'Ud abd W1,Iked