The Clinton News-Record, 1911-09-07, Page 4-. - - • .-
IOU j#feld a n s. .
>!.,,WW 01 ' j$X*iu rird*A #deur H. Tri* itis rosMod, her filer. Mr. Turubull ' oceupW. tits ..
dut%s biers air tuber after n4 two ldpit of St..Audrow'x cWroh an , '1 RVS.
l Mfrs. Ll p Her. Mr. Coitdall w'r<s in Load,m phis. Txel►ilcox of LOAdca is . the X81'1115.
- Uia Leila Ford: xetuxned td her months howay'• Suador Pant. Thera will bol I" .
last' Meek.
l Litst�lon on Maitdayl. Tier Mr. H. Higbyin spent La►bar T1ay at services^ntzzt Sunday in the presby« guest of Mrs. Geor!pQ Exwin.
recisttuc of hes horme here. teriau church at' ii a.m. wben Rert. Miss Rube '➢Pbiddou surd 4%*Ow► � Mr. George C01idayt and wits of:: ����
showed their app Master Jack Jowitt, who repent the
1itAnr s4eKvices by intvxenSsing her salst. 7 Hissers M. Beacom and A. Miller Mr. Roar of Dsrliugtc.n, b nglaod, pant maath trii rn her sister, Mrs. � Chicago spent a few days last vree]c `� -
_ QH��
) tar fila enRuinl )var. are Wendaug the holidays at Mr. C. will! occupy° Ito p+alpit. (Dr.) Drown sit Clinic", Iowa, ' ra-r� guesk of the former's sister,
WV. Dra,por and son -leave retura�sd Deacpot a. ,,.,,,.- ,,,.�,.., -----. tur�led hov e, this week• l rs. Cowie,
ilio' their h+onns� in Gcfdetich aft*ur" yis~ Mr, aired Mrs. Wtn. M,>llt►r and son A(lrs. R. Rauatt+. was called tri De. -11111 I
porters )F ell Mr. John Toms, who has been ev. trait lash week on acoouat of the
ft lardy a reties'. of the 2nd icon. spent Sunday at Mr. gaged in fishing at, Porti+alal relit serious is;nesa of her daughter, Miss
4 II[xs R. • W. McXenzip and ]ars: R. Gavleta's.
o Goderich visitcGi: "aeix ria- Miss G: Draper spent a. few da3u Miss Ito y' Potter and her brother P> � few urontlts; returned borne last A watt, rvho is now recgvering, '
0 .
111 1 w i�
ds .
Muss. A. Holmes. at Mt. J. Watkins. Haxvep returrA�d home cu Tuesday at- eek. Mr. John Pollock st-turzted homes,
Masa Lula 1Vlulholland has brise Misses ,Ethel and Katie �Govier have ter spending a ananth at Worldstock.. Del . vnd Mrs. Ernest Geddes of xji. Friday last his
Selkirk, Man., '
d` a sew days in Seatorth returned to Clinton alter spending ,Mr. Fred. Mongan of Port, Stanley , K a are the guests of, the" 'eat- ,where, as s hl ttsrAal suinmw cos '
r Dale of GonstarA vxe#ted the holyd'sys at:' thou hoaxie kers.: spent a sew• days• ilalluig on blends to ter';s sister, Mrs. Jams Ferguson. ;, he spent seer:al mtotiths engrag�
s The Metihodist ,Sunday School will ed xn the fishing business, The spas-
dwuglr,t�t,. silts, ' W. Cannel, re-' 'Mr:, area Mxs. T. Churchill at Min- •0ais vicinity..
odhily ton spout Labor Day in the villAS.O. Miss Alda McDonald is ,spending, a hold thou :annual picnic in the, grove on fs nowiprobably over, but whethor
Mrs, Alcrsck .and family aro in Tor- 'The Misses Ptar.:on of Chesiey are. week's holidays visiting her mother, On Sa+turday afternoon. ,it is or not there is go election COATS
oto :doting rise. ExhibiiCnti visiting guests of Mr, T. Archer and. others. g g .
- + Mr. Chas. Clifton spent Sunday at MAmon•gi those taking in the Canadian ifs Maitland of Detroit Joined are must .'-Campaign. on
by here &s eapfp int it.
RerIatives. h wife and familyi lash week who
Ibis home' i� �i'rasperitp. NaUionai at `1'c►rnwla this week are : `t ltnanerinb in the White City'. ( That wp aAa all ,glad to have him
Mr: A. McLaughlin Of Seaf�artb Mr. Jas. ]flair, Mrs, John Blair, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Edwards spent . has, goes without spying. 4Jnr isle stock is Tlo7P •'to hard and ready fo>"
ent the holiday* at0 his home here• Jas. R, Stirlisyu, and Mx. .John Tor- :Labor Day at London. The latt►�. The evaporator opened this we k . your 1npGctit?n, We think our ixlanufacturer has,
sp y P Pe e. .
Misses J. avi N, Watkins •have rance, Jr. went CIO to Berlin whore she will � and shock has sirtuo been pouriq& in touched the outer rim of per feetIOU In garment ' Read � ,for. Bch.. I y g
1 Mrs. Thos. McDonald of the 7th spend a few da s with fr
returned to tboir hcri>IB in Clinton
y iemds. so t+lest a bus + season is locked for. enttiug and the materials used are better than
after a week's visit with their con, spent a few diay,s recently et' Messrs. George Erwin acid Ross No doubt all the available apples for
�ORM'(���i►�a Sept you could reasonably expect for the price quot-
F,+l uncle, Mr, R.. Watkita3. - Port Stanley. Beali„te left on Monday+ I& the west t a considerable dfstantce about Bayfield
ed, See our s ecial at G.
"• 1710>K1BL SCHOOL BOOKS. BegirAnmi on Sept. 1st Summer- Miss Marion Stirling accompanied Mr- Xelland (Ind wife of ; will be brought irA: here fon Mr, Whid- p QO►,, 10.0(1
'a School Management......1.00 R has, h�a,d a daily mail, a can^ by+ her niece, Miss Freda Willing, ]l, Veter spent a few oralyla the past don sews s risers his strops ri h 10;50 2, 12.50. 15. 0 and.
y p g t. I Q0, . , 0 - up to $25,00
Gordy'g Ys chologv. .. , ... , .. •1.25 ht a week in the village renewing old ac. ' We understand that+ he is patyinng at!
Tule 's Mehodsin Teaching 50 venlonce which is veryi much app's- spent a tow days at Sunshine visit
e eMe. I lheliecitatiAn,.•....7fi elated by! tke comRRnunity, lug their uncle, Mr, Jas. Russel and quaintances. Jthe rate of a 40?ar •a' barrel, The second repect of Ladies and Childrens' ,
1P ng's Ti'' other friends, ,
xr. Book of Art Fduca- Sweaters Coats dust received. See them in all
We are saxry to report that
tion. 7 Books..................3,.00 _ Misa. ares in Red Nav k y •.1.
• ma Plekar4 is not improving as - � ,' , y+ White, Blac... Grey and.
l� .sLf SCHOOL BOOKS. Goderich Township, IQ Reciprocitig Will ,R.uin the Salt o _ a io Colors.
r, ;� Arithmetic.,.,, ..,, .10 . � her friends wceal�d like. C mbin t. 1 C 1
Gramu�er, ..... . -....10 : On Saturday last' ,that death occur- Ma: Mair of Spring Bank spent Sun- •
Ontario "
+4 P. o English, History..,,. 25 'red of Mxs. Thomas Ellwood tatter on bay the guest of Mr. Howard Cox. Indu.str in Huron,
., , I yg ,2o illness of onlyi a few weeks. I!!£xs• Miss Lizzie Blair is visiting Mrs.
I3 eine, Ar'd in high McGee near Clinton.Before the e':actors vote on Sen►tam- &oyt both VI Salt, a the free
' " t+. Speller". _ ..... ,ls .Ellwood wan a w4ma,i .
ti, •E Composition,,.,,..• ,ls esteem by til whet Ka;;9 :t.t:' hhe Miss Annie Alliott spent. Sunday ter 21st, it is much to be~desired list For an), n GENUINE St'.OTCH BLANKETS
reaps with her moths+r ' Mrs. Louise E,1 a y on undoy heaven e
. *' -'E Geography .. • • • .6a was a native aY Engla"d, and , that they should consider tb,:i out- rept .through their own blunder- `r
Qptarlo RReaders,.:.,. ,,..4, 0, 9,,14..10 tln:s cpuntry with ler husband 11ottr conte of the Reciprocity Pact (iro !le in selfish c c , fou want • these. Blankets because the, re
COLLE¢IATE i1N.$T,ITUTt: BOOKS. about twent,9 fou;,i aexrs ap). Baur Miss .Rota Marshall returned home g, hypo rItI al ignorance, . a
by than condemned qr approved) be- aro questions that Messrs. M. G. as large as some other blankets at twice the
q'ntariaiigh. School $seder,,.,•- .40 husband .iii foreman .c,n irtte faint of to Winglram Saturday after spending fore they. cast their vottz :from a Came M. Y 1Q'
- • " $i h School Eng, Grammer .4e, ran, 1 ci,ean and John '
Cain osition AO 'Mr, John �iddle'!.tn; t: who'd he 11Fs a week with hpr .cousin, 11Ft:ss Gertie purely' ecanamitc standpoint. apart Tolnnle and rise G b e- i price; bEcause they are. warranted unshx in
Llemegtay English P , ;fi5 been p.ivploy >d e'er since co�+•ir1� .t'o Blair. F a b n particular; ,
Ontario School Geotzraphy*.... .. '� o
entirely from,, political bias. It is a ,can only answer, with the attractive able -and for wearing qualities unexcelled. See
,Ontario H. S,Tbytiical'Ileography•,t10 this country, Mr, ,tin�1 Rn.3, L"l:lwc�od Mr, Lorna Tabor itonb a dew •days thousand pities Mat tbia most. mo- chairm of their v 'v• .
'Ontario. H;: S. Ancient History... • .7a had a family of rwelv6 children, • the- at Swoberg rgcen':y r�+,kewing cold a� •menta s question bud a est ambiguity, tk, em and get our pr: Ces,
'Ontario. Fl. S. English History. , .. .� oma, est of whom , is three vo4rs old,. quaintances. with art on should 1 be mixed up Thep might etc tt:re same time say; .
•Out•,ario Nagel Sebool Arithmetic. , , ,40 youngest olitics. The election
I�nr hts �unrcr Algebra ..•50 Three cd the softs, Joselih, V: urge Mrisa Ge'tSie. Blain ave a party. far. k p WHITE QUILTS
g P y should haver been held without. this 4 weepstirnai,l Steell, ute,�t co.vtonbu aged
'Hall hila g abdat Ixteen -of her girl Wien& on question entering into it at .all, and l everything, that a salt+ maker. MOS ;
�O"tatario High', School lleometry,.., ,40 and Frank, are irti the t, lice
• Ontario high School Latin B000k...00 funeral took place on Moudo.V tMfr- Fr}days afternoon last. .A very pleas- th -, .pas:, elected no maatter which y , s r '
a i n Latin . 75 ' c ur�h tests ee ' ' daily on the dutiable, and put salt .Ou s?ale of White. Spreads .has been most rat-.
Matricul -t s► ..+ ..•., ,,5 Rnoan from St. ,fames h ut silt afternoon was spent by Lire g, a!toL1d ,hare been -, conA}tt+eed to im- on the free list ? . .
W 41teh First Greek Book. • ...... •,1 hi deceatsod was a murntier Ir.. in a>ines, 9tc. and. all report; pad e i i ifying. Another large shipment Just. to hand
Righ School I+'renrh l�rammer:,... ,60 wh g, m d ataly place this. question of Rem. The public generally is not na-
`' Hi li 4chool i#erman Grarsimer...„ .70 DWrtbar comductedl Tie .services. Inter- time, iproCity beiiore the peoples in .ie shape p full sizes from one to five dollars Clinton First
O gtario •Higli School Phystes..,• .. .90 meat was spade in Dayfield`cemabcry, of a Referendum, and the decision c�fpared to hear either of these high . We are afteryour trade and are' makin a la' e •
Itaboratory Manual in Physics,..., • •35 The pallbearers were : Chas. and Jobu. � the people wnAld - be final, .Had this authorities allude in the vaguest, re- ' .
Ontario High School Cheutistr41)
P I and liberal bid for it. Our goods •are gsold for.
y "20 Middletord, : Robt, Hanleyi, Reuben • motes, manner tto thE� bare possible g
Laboratory Mandal in Chemistry,. ,20 C er and . tleurP,t ,1St W?►WBAOSII been done without any contrcivorsy, Iity 'that Mi. Fielw'ng has very good cash at. money saving' rices and as 'a' further �°.
Ontario School Bonk Keeping ,30 Grigg, Geo. A. clop .. Jy it would have been averwhelmingl�y' i and sufficient reasons to keep his Can- indU m p
Book-keeping Blanks ............ ...20 Panther. The futAarat was 1%r,rely Alr. and Mr.s. Rankte visited a ,few. 'delleatd. Sa absolutely damtpletely C ens to Cash Trading we, dive beautiful
' English Literatute Selections, 1912 20. attended, several' of the men who y g ' . sbituents in tune by+ protetcting, tits • t
g under Mr. Ell- da s a o.. at the homier. of Mr: and would.. the anal^�rlty�, Liberal and .Con- industry in Nova Sootiai any useful' and valuable premiums to ous customers,11 I
Higher Algebra.... • • • • • • • • . 1 lied .been employed 'Mrs. Iienmran Daer, servative . stills, have voted fit dawn,
'1. Matriculation Al.gshra....... ........••'oo wood frurn time 't'o�tiine showed pro's than they are pi►�pared to hear
Trigonometry—(Will Mrs. Ed, Hindbuolr and i4Iiss Annie that we wou�i. not have heard df.R�:i-,that dear oder Mr. ,l jatersom,' that
Clolton'aPracticalZoology..........-1,50 their respect for thein fellow -work- Do3rr of Str4ford and Albert Dc;.rr rocit in another ' .
1.Robinson's 13. Western Europe:. ,.1.06 telae by driving eon diry`anebs to be p y' generation. much earicaftured celebrity air the
S of Part llo:ger have been visiting the However,. todayi .we have to, dcat head of •bite Custioms Department, Wene-
Bergan and Davis. Botany... ......1.50 resent.. • ' past few days at 'the home of Mr. M
the with Iiia fact that For good or evil ; flitted his awn pocket • by+ keepinyr, up
1. ii'leteher &Nicholson Greek Prose1.25 III,- iar. Ellwood desires thrmigh John Daer.
irgil Aeneid Book Il ........ ....., .`L5 i The News -Record to thank Reciprocity; is mixed up irrobrievaiit- a tax an biscuits.. I venture . td sa
;gasySelecttonahotnZenophon..:, ,50 tnediuii o Mr. 'ETartung of 1.Zurich visited last , B,
aumbach WHldnoveUen....,..... •.2v those: neYghbc►rs and friends who weir' week in thin vicinity_, 1p with Party Politics. But partly, that if Lloyd Georgr� dare : to hand
.. 8 ' Mics should surel ' not'make a u a
sympathetic during b'he P y p 'in the Haustt of C as' la Wies6;
Labiche, Lpa Fetiy Oiaeaux.........20 so. kindly' y Mr. Harvey Bc�itleyt of Clinton and IRWIN9S
. . I
Mineral, and Acta They Occur....1.00 . StBnlr;+ J. cttm►ston: of Morris spent man vote for what will be, deti•imcntr •, Minster and propow. • a duty, on. 'any � '
tin>,o of their sorrow. al to the interests ,,o£_the ecenmunity : article he ma,m;factured, bosh .sides
Maui. Archie Agnew; after._a visit, of, last Sundays at theirs respective hom- when�iir hit resides. •
•.." . I U . ten weeks' ,at the old homestead, re- . ,.
would hoot' him out of the House He . ,a
4r'' As.'a Salt-Manufactlurer, knowin gain. show his face. . in
Whr;le aftenis'ng i to .his duties g 'would never. a
Cooper O turned to ,Detroit y o>i Tuesda}�, accom- s , the Fal lis ani d b heC slat's', Miss Bessie about his thxeshfng cnitfit , last Sat- wb". eoJ I :t: oak, let iris tell the vot- g h Political World ! . e y , - w re 't THE` PEOPLE'S STORE
'` Weston, her urday,. Mr. George Beadle Wats taken'. ors: in nerighbonhgod the result. cif such a serious g�es-
estop who wits remain wstli
Were i not .
. CLINTON . ton a month ' '' Reed rocit n one might' inane .
sutldrmly ill: arta had to be driven to P yt ik:ahe .Salt Business. - . do , g gti in sarcastic
is hams in Auburn. • I.(1) It takes ale ton of coal• to Iva, o ;flagrant and so.. un- ��
r...a.�,.....tis, blushing is .the ignorance displayed . ..
. Mr. Nath.. Jcdinstch had a' few far- Prc�dume two tons of salt, ;
niers hal imp :,him last Monday; :to (•2} " Coal ,at the Salt Factor on : in this •item, of Salt as 'affectadi by+ � �� • •
P the. United, States' side cf the • the ReciprocityI • Pact:. I visited. the
. . haul ,the cerini!nt` 'for his new barn .
St. Clair river casts two do11L' United -States. a shore+ time •75i"3.e. • I
f77111E BIG .VALUE irdin. Aubun. . , found one factorp. with an crit+ u
Mi,,, Marjorie Doyle of �iubnirn ;vis- ars peirtori, . .. Ir p t
• (3) Coal ate CItnton or - GMa-e-, h of 3500 barrels a day another aeon
. ited Miss Maggie Ring last week.
Miss' Kate Glouslier has been spend-
Eery the Toron:b Ex-
,. , a ,q as .
day an . e coat: a one .
Rev. Mr.. and Mrs. McNibhon : and, I ha a been making salt here f or ever iecipaicity passes.,"-:. ''Exploit
forty-t'hrm raa'r's, Many huntdreds of our markets'' i a Yankeo expresoian
. , I.F
costs three dollars and ten cents
per ton. !
side n. it with a capacity of 3000
barrels a day. Bins full of Salty and
daughter of London . after s endin
that 41i plain English iileans to cap-wgil�IllV[of . . .
" g thou•samds of dollars. have L gither9f
• .
, , centered the expenditure right in closed, our working men out of sin-
for horns last week: While here: Mr, piayanernt, the poo 1e, of Hurn will .
l' d she Roz. R. H•obb's, the Countal of Hurad. Farm>ers� _P q,
days at
Ing a
McKibbOA supplied
around .have benefitted. immensely So have the pleasure, of sensing their I hage,gone all over the stole and'. have laid out
Therefore; making thirty .tones
the propi!etoxs not hesit�atfng for n
s' :street, etliodist:
work in :Jona . M
tan s the have wood or logs., to :dollars to a . foreign country to gay g
g a y'Un1A BIG BARGAINS In pearl ever Cee ailment, .You.
church, . Exeter. I11 ing hom" e ' 'they for thein y • p -
what .view,
aerie the Tqund; and find Coda sell' send.; their none out
were accamarvied `by" Mr. and Mrs.: ' p Y, a y know t}ie story about. the: Early Bird. Below is a
needy cash market, for all they. have. of the:.counfiry+ to keep foreign far
home with their daughter in _futlare.. _Labour , .
. roattl miss +3 'in - thio dol.&I . berwf,'t: Storekeepers; Pirolesr pwoyed and `foreign storekeepoin . will .
They will,: be g y -Canadian
day, ih Clintmi, .thventy tons. a
moment t'o announce in the most
I am n- above ail sat. , „ • ,. 2
er half •a epntury, and have alwayis Fagan& out this year -its, • Cli 1,solidoak parlor table 5.00: .50
ton when i+annin, $700 q; miCrrth. la isfactibn ' of sending• - even his mite1.
day in Goderi�ch—fatty tonaftl all:
pleasingly frank, ingenuously honest,
Styles in our mantle de' artment this
occupied a large .place irr the buoiness. Goderieh $400 a month: -Say $15000 out of the country. to help keep for- 1 fu,neyfl'ower stand " 7.50 " . 4.00 . .'•
intrai•ests, of the place as well as in y
Bea . *.
.. ..1. .:
I am " handicapped: $27.50 ,per
mariner' their distinct . detetinination
"to exploit our markets s uick
/ r
/ on. The are. all New Garments
his aged partner were devoted Meth --rie above, era -1, worth whizz. biting , off . 1 Lar};e easy chair upholstered. in good velour. $7.50 o-.00 •
city will close my wanks. .They' will yrour nose fro spite your.face ? Is if
. . • .,. .. e.
The: tore of Fashion
,. , a ,q as .
day an . e coat: a one .
Rev. Mr.. and Mrs. McNibhon : and, I ha a been making salt here f or ever iecipaicity passes.,"-:. ''Exploit
forty-t'hrm raa'r's, Many huntdreds of our markets'' i a Yankeo expresoian
daughter of London . after s endin
that 41i plain English iileans to cap-wgil�IllV[of . . .
" g thou•samds of dollars. have L gither9f
• .
,;: - . .
four weeks • with that lady's pamats, . .
R be'rt:Mellis here lett od inn from the rest ,of Canada and ,tore thole Than drone,. our factonies
i Ir. and mra o
always are uick to show. you•
1 A
, , centered the expenditure right in closed, our working men out of sin-
for horns last week: While here: Mr, piayanernt, the poo 1e, of Hurn will .
l' d she Roz. R. H•obb's, the Countal of Hurad. Farm>ers� _P q,
As of old, we y . ,
McKibbOA supplied
around .have benefitted. immensely So have the pleasure, of sensing their I hage,gone all over the stole and'. have laid out
s' :street, etliodist:
work in :Jona . M
tan s the have wood or logs., to :dollars to a . foreign country to gay g
g a y'Un1A BIG BARGAINS In pearl ever Cee ailment, .You.
church, . Exeter. I11 ing hom" e ' 'they for thein y • p -
what .view,
aerie the Tqund; and find Coda sell' send.; their none out
were accamarvied `by" Mr. and Mrs.: ' p Y, a y know t}ie story about. the: Early Bird. Below is a
needy cash market, for all they. have. of the:.counfiry+ to keep foreign far
— .'
Mellis, who' :aspect .to .ronake their stories 'unpin foreign partial list°of some of the rare .bar sins.:: .
to '653r. has `benefitit�d, . and g, g workmen, . P g
home with their daughter in _futlare.. _Labour , .
. roattl miss +3 'in - thio dol.&I . berwf,'t: Storekeepers; Pirolesr pwoyed and `foreign storekeepoin . will .
They will,: be g y -Canadian
village .where they .have lived for', ov _ u:onvl` men benefit: in turn from sham. , benefit'. The workizig 'main I slightly used'side board worth, $15,00 sale price $10.00
will hava the heartfelt' ' 0. •
We are Showing Sixty different `'
I am n- above ail sat. , „ • ,. 2
er half •a epntury, and have alwayis Fagan& out this year -its, • Cli 1,solidoak parlor table 5.00: .50
ton when i+annin, $700 q; miCrrth. la isfactibn ' of sending• - even his mite1.
Styles in our mantle de' artment this
occupied a large .place irr the buoiness. Goderieh $400 a month: -Say $15000 out of the country. to help keep for- 1 fu,neyfl'ower stand " 7.50 " . 4.00 . .'•
intrai•ests, of the place as well as in y
Bea . *.
.. ..1. .:
a year.. I will not • insult . the Intel- eigneas.. at work while he 1 Verandah chair, red ` 2.50 .1.75 � •
y , possibly. ,► e, ,
the. esteem of the p� aple. For sever- li ence of tthe� roaders. of this paper wants ' work . . .. � . . .
This is a range of Choice We Offer `
al decades -Mr.- Meliis'was •postmiaster. .g 1 verandah rocker, red ' . 3,75 " 3:00
and ran .the village afore. . He and, by any+ arguni€mt to ,show• by deduo- I ask any sensible, level he�adad Leib- ' •
n tion from that Recipro- �
is. it for '
/ r
/ on. The are. all New Garments
his aged partner were devoted Meth --rie above, era -1, worth whizz. biting , off . 1 Lar};e easy chair upholstered. in good velour. $7.50 o-.00 •
city will close my wanks. .They' will yrour nose fro spite your.face ? Is if
/ 3' y
too No leftover to greet. you here.
g y
red and' it-, ..,
. odists, always a y a ,c 1 3•pieye verandah aet,settee, armchair, rocker 16.00 12;00 -
ke sahcrifices in the inirarests of this close as sure . as Reciprocity is pass- worth while vatmg for M. G. Carver- t.'
tri 1►t f E8h ari>aentii
Nothing but g r g
ed, and the labouring classes, the oro simpl i because ?. '
church of their: choicd. They are fol- 3 you like hint. Hrr s 1 fancy roman chair w..orth 11:50:" i1;00 .
keepers; today !
direct from the best .manufacturers
stops'everyrbady who all right but hi part is rotten.'
lowedi by' the loving wishis of all foe. , y. 1` rocker early English Snisli, trpholatered seat,
benefits by 4ae manufacture. o salt Nelsen -send: Talmiie;' decent enough
1n the traded ...
nos exit in their new
p��1ce and -prosperity, P y" solid oak frame worth i.00 '� .3.00
here in • Climtou and .11 oderich will . men . -as- as• men but thdir olilics wih
, p
home. - .
112'. - J: B,`Dinsda,Ie has. , rdUaxned lige that .benefit . , bo 'it+ little , br ruin the salt iridusttrp;. 2 )1iop, bed -room chairs Cain sesta " ' 4,50 " 3.00
/. We handle the famous Northway
much . ! Everybody is don thou lovdl . best . - �� .
from, Hamilton where ke has been - � - � � � ' - 3" y g � � ,
nweeivi�n treatment for rhetumatism. Why Mr, Fielding kept a duty of to got. industries developed locaclV_ I . 1 fancy rattan chair 11:00 7.00
and Continental Garments,
d5c and 10 on the two 'grades of. I -lore is .an indusiiry m1vblished ,shy
He is possibly ai little better,,. 1 W oraman refrigerator used. less than$ mos. 21.00 " 16.00
. ' .
Messrs. Wesley flarvey and,. Rugh Bituininbus coal and put salt on the destroy it ?
McDiarrsiid have disposed of their two . free •list. yVhy Mr. Pat3rson kept a Think over this t liefoxe you vote or 1 large kitchen cabinet worth 21.50 " 17,76 .
s la idid fa'i;ns to two. brothers name- duty of 83' per cent, on ,lye biscuits ev0n, prdmiue to .vote. - ,1 hall mirror, surface oak,.4 hooks '� 5;'is '• 3.75
F '
. . .
he makes and sella to the farmer J(,lv RANSii'ORD
ed Fowler. The price paid -was. $6100 age, rubber tires, fancq�parasol+' 12,00 " 6.75 .
and Fut salt on the free list, Whys Sept. 1st, 1911. 1 baby carni
We Show- •herewith one of our
iso each case. Thr first named. intends: .
going west whtere :fie will have snipes �.,. 1 hall rack, dark'wood,:large mirror, :2nd hand .8,00 " 4.06 .
3' g would be
i 'deed
scope for his energy. , J crib bed - worth 3.75 " 2.76
Ontario s Drafx horse Trade at1.
plc sed to have you Come -ill-1.
l square piano all refinished, solid rosewood cas , as soot
spect all. Comparison helps to sell'
�� •
stake. qe as a new fully 'antes worth a ' .
Another old Settler Gone. •. 175, sale price $90 onle y terms of payment with as .
guarantee take bac
- our goods.
to at same price on a new piano,
We recdrdl' 'this week' the death of • imide of three years.
another of the earlyi settlors Of the Sbedn4 only+� to Scotland, Ontario. these breeds.
County of Huron in the pursan o£ is the world b head pa'te's for On the (ether sides of the line the , 1 Dpriglit ppiano by the 1ldendelssohn rano Co. used less
than Ninth Months reg price $376' will accept on
r (ray.
Cl sol" 10 horses.
Daivid Robertson, who was born in yds a , ho sp — ! favorite heavy; draft horses are Per- meats of $6:00 per month $225 don't miss this bargain if
Perthshire, Scotland, in 1523. lie Second Only to England,• Canada is cherons and Balgians. you want something good,Sowe Ends o, Linoliums at a
emigrated with his small famiilya tc, the headquarters, of the world for Dehpite our tariff against fhhem, special price. 2soiled rugs size 9x3Jyards reg price
$12.50 for $8.00. '
Canada in 1353 and settled on a Shire horses. . they are finding their way into the ��
farm near 'Varna In the 0,)wnship of It tht ` Clydesdale is not the best West, whore, they are purchased laXge• J'apenese matting remanants at 10 per cent off Stair earpeb •
Our Millinery dept reopened Sept. 1st,. Our villin.-
heavy draft horse in ,+lie worfd, or if I b f
Stanloyi. There he Bleared kis faint y y armies �Annoricatis. worth 05e and30c per yard at 60q and 30o a yard. ,
els are busy preparing for our opening which we will
and had a familyof ten children, the Shire is not the best draft honxs It the duty is renvoved, they will , A snap on Tapestry Curtains alf new stock.. A visit through
some of whom did young. Ton,veaw ifs the wOrid, a cross between thein swami the Canadian market. our immense stock'will,'be of interest to you. Come and
announce later,
ago he retired from farm life - and is. u Canadian breeders of Clydes will be ' look through ottr furnished home, the only store out- 1.
danodim-owhed a city showing A furnished .home.
,spent Canadian -bred or unable to s,5and. tho Competition of aide of complete
moved to Wingha,m; where he p
.. .y:, : -
the ramAttider Ci his days in quiet heavy drafir horses have won chem• the powerful ,American firmis, which ' We are the one authorized re resentatives for the Edison
1VIr, 'Robart- pionshfps at. St. Louis and ati Chi- will stkrp at rola mice to secure and supplies p the district, A fall stock
r etireiitent: In reel) r;an ,Phonographs
son was a Pxesbyteriati and poli- rapt. f` control of the maa'set for. the. Eur- of Instruments always on hand.
ties a reformer. He lived the life -They have competed with the Ereneh .opoan draft animals in which their
• • � "
at a sincere. Christian, a gtt:et and drafUars and with the Bel'g 6A, draft- .capital :is isivo,,ted. .
.• . ,,
peaceful citizen and was gatnered• to. tors, and have beaVan thitz Every, Canadian breeder of a Brit- vwure prantirlg and upholstery' promptly Attended to.
oulr dress M -shill dept re -op, elltrd Se t 4th lied is in
g p P
Itis Father's at the ripe old age of Aa a result of Canadian hreeders' Irk d�raft+sr will feel t'lie Compat%tion.
CR1argC of �iSf3 �ilt8kfd11iR, '
, w years this Country will --
eight►y-eight years. Six c� ht:s faltnily sticking to the British breeds it has In fe
. . .
survive him: David, the oldcebt son; become recognized in the 'United have lost Its reputation, as the hooie>
lives at the Soa; Jbbrtr 'IYenry; at, States that it a 'Clyde ora .Shire of the great British horses ,that, sic• fiifa5toreW ilerltdsncd.
. -1.
13n'�cerdaeld, Cal, Albert resides tilt > s wanted, it Ca'a: be ntttbro easily hcr• ,parts ;lay are the bomb iM, the wca.6. 01 Qtilllkx. iPhtine' ,
• � •' r x "
the harmesteaolr, two daugbtlars 'live In, Cured lei this Vbbuatlry;• than' anyivhdre it Will be tl►e competition r,1 the 140 •
�i..rle> Y+oul•1RR Stilt N
15gtrait end Isabella kept house for etas except In the .11ritish Isles, anisole breeder against the Ilbrsr Trust >Etutrnitnre liiealor ttnil itlndrrtarreif
�r i;atlrer, The funeral (look late Cil The istilU is that Canada has built ,ref the Middle WestlUtt Stairs
p _
Wednesday aftetnotdl, his s mains be• up a grub natne for herself as a pro. Therd Can be only one iad troy the:
1-1-1--_-i_--- ..,
Ing iii Vtrfftgite+�t c�lolete>L'l, dudes at high grade 'd'art tidtsea of struggle.
. ,
. R .
011"W" I 11 I_.
• 4
, •i , .