The Wingham Times, 1904-09-08, Page 6Nr it I Cdr FOR GOOD HE ALTH To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription for men, women and children than. Ripans Tabules. They are easy' to take, They are made of a combination of medicines approved and used by every physician. Ripans tabules are widely used by all sorts of people ---but to the plain. every -day folks they are a veritable friend in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan- dard fam. :' remedy. They are a dependable, hon- est ' im :dy 'vith a long and successfill record, to c•'r*. 'a• ugest")n, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn ,o' .,tlpation, , _zensive breath,. heartburn, dizziness, •*ii' .!tion of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular latism, sour stomach, bowel and liver com- e: .•..ts. They sregthen weak stomachs, build up t ' i-*wn systems, 'restore pure blood, good appe- td sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives . on tznt benefit from a -regular use of Ripans 'f',,btales. Your druggist sells then!. The five- e;nt packet is ell for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, 6o cents, contains a supply for a year, G i Kernels from the Sanelum Mill • fnterosti> g Fkarageaphs from our Exchanges. The Oetariu Provincial 'Nutter Fair will be held at l:oelph from December nth Qah. Lever's Yet: (Wi,e Heed) Disinfectant Soap Powder is better than other powders, as it ia boils soap sal 1 disinfectant. Five thousand dollars is being epentin decorating the interior of the Formosa chprot. Artists from Hotbed are now doing the work.. It is repent] that tate 134gians appre- hend s ()aratan'evasiotn of the Congo Yenta State, and are ecu.titrntcliog a num- ber forts. there. Mr. and Mrs. Isaue Salkeld of Goder- ich have passed the 53rd anniversary of their married life. The past month will rauk iu history as one of the wettest Augusts that have been for tela years at least, Messrs. Kilpatrick and Campbell of Ashfield Ire been awarded the coutrect of building the granolithio sidewalks in Dungannon at i cents a iuot. TIIe Metropolitan hotel property in Exeter has beeu sold uuder mortgage. The purchaser was Mr. James Campbell, -1 Of Hibbert, the price paid being $2550. ' V ra. Gibson of Fordwich has shipped 1 the cars of wheat, atuotuitint; to 3700 bushels, to Chatham for milling par - poses. It is said the price wits over 1 03 Ion Meet Of it, l5oan&s Kidney Pills act on tate s)eys, bladder and urinary organs only. They cure backaches weak back. rheum- atism. diabetes, congestion, inflatnutiou, gravel, Beight's ells. ase lend all other diseases arising from wrong aetiou of the kidneys and bladder. Oil has been struck in Melrose, in Tyendinaga Township, 12 miles east of Belleville. Drilling bus been in progress there for some time. The quantity is small, bat the indications are favorable for a greater find. A new salt compauy is being organized at Goderich, being au amaloamatton of the interests of the Goderich Lumber Co. and the Peter McEwan estate. The new plant will he located near the saw- mill and the harbor, Bears the _A,The Kiat You Have Always Bough! Signature ii `j -1�� • J7As of ��yyG'V Margaret Rosa Shaw, eldest daughter of Mrs. Black, of Tuekersmith, died at London on Tuesday last, aged 42 years. The funeral took place from the resi- dence of her brother, Mr. George Black, 3rd con. of Tuckersrnith, on Friday, Sept. 2nd. The essential lung healing principal of the pine tree has finally been success tally separated and refined into a perfect cough medicine -Dr Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25 cents. A mixture that will remove grease from the finest fabrics without injuring them may be made from one quart of rain water, two ounces of ammonia, one teaspoonful of saltpetre at:d one ounce of shaving soap cut up fine. Pat a pad of absorbent cotton or blotting paper under the spot iu the garment when rubbing it. On Sept. 10 a vote of the electors of the village of Henaali will be taken on a proposal to loan $5,000 (to be repaid $500 a year for ten years) to 'William Kellehon, of Kingston, to enable him to start a repair shop, and engine works in that village, to employ six mechanics at the start, and at least twenty during the f rst year. The village will be eecared by a first mortgage on the building and contents. Many people say they are "all uetves," easily startled or upset, easily worried and irritated. .Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are just the remedy such people require. They restore perfect harmony of the nerve centres and give new nerve force to shattered nervous systems. While drilling ou the farm of John Wilson, Proton, near Kingscote, George Beamiah struck a flowing well of pure, sparkling water at the depth of forty feet, after penetrating several feet of solid rock. There is a volume of water to the extent of about forty barrels a day coming up, and a ditch had to be dug to a creek near by to keep it from irrigating the whole farm. t‘tik,,,at kat kat _r► •rite Speaks for itLelf Ceres Sick Headache Cures Nervous Headache Cures Neuralgia headache Cures Summer Ileadache Cures Ili:loos Headache Carts any headache Is Pleasant to Take Is Absolutely Safe Gives Speedy Relief Sells for 25c a box Sample box sent free THE, HERALD 1 EMEDV CO, Chemo Montreal THE i.Ai)1EA, PAvOEti`Y::. Lara -Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite medicine, They cure Constipation, Slott Headache, Billionsness, and Dyspepsia without griping, purging or sickening. Efforts are being made to form a com- pany and raise the needful for the eree- tiou of a new skating rink in Seaforth The site proposed is at the rear of Mr. James Dick's hotel. With the exception of a snfalI section in Colborue, and another iu the vicinity of Bayfield, it is said that the plum crop is an absolute failure iu Huron county. Ordinarily the crop is a very heavy one. SPRING leU )KINE. As a spring medicince Burdock Blood Dittoes has no equal. It tones up the system and renluves all impt)1•ities from the blood, stud takes away that tired, weary feeling so prevalent in the spring. Of winter apples there is an average crop throughout the county, but the quality is much better than Last year. 'There are not so many Northern Spy'', but more Greenings, Russets and Ben Davis than iu 1903. Barrels now cost 45 ceuts each. Last season they started at 35 cents and ad- vanced to GO ceuts so keen was the de- mand. Two years ago the price was from 28 to 30 cents and ten years ago from 23 to 25 cents. They Make You Feel Good. The pleasant purgative effect exper- ienced by all who use Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and the 1 healthy condition of the body and unnd which they create *makes one feel joyful. For sale by A. I. McCalI & Co. Normauby's rates for the current year will be as follows: County rate, 2 mills, townsbip rate, 2 mills, general school rate 1 6.10 mills. This will leave about $1200 to go into the township treasury after paying all expenses incurred. In Huron county, there are 107 county bridges, the Maitland and its' branches being responsible for most of them. Many of these bridges are built of wood and are rapidly playing out. In the next few years the country will be at a large expense in replacing these bridges with iron structures. SDDDE1t1T ATTACKED. Children are often attacked suddenly by painful and dangerous Colic, Cramps, Diarrhoea Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infant -um,. etc. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild. Strawberry is a prompt and sure cure which should always be kept iu the house. The Canada General Electric Co., of Peterboro have the contract of potting • in the new dynawo and lights for the electric light plant, at Kincardine. Their tender was 53700 and they take the old dynamo at $600. Mr. D. Keyes has the contract of puttiug in the new cement reservoir and filtering basin at $603. Dysentery causes the death of more people than small pox and yellow fever combiued. In au army it is dreaded more than a battle. It requires prompt and effective treatment. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has been used in nine epidemics of dysentery in the United States with per- fect success, and has cured the most malignant cases, both of children and adults, and under the most trying con- ditions. Every household should have a bottle at hand. Get it to -day. It may save a life. Sold by A. I. McCall & Co. Great anxiety is felt in some districts, owing to the reports from many garden- ers who are now busily engaged in tail., ing their crop of potatoes, owing to the very apparent rot which has in many cases destroyed about 50 per cent. of the entire crop. It is hoped that by taking the tumors up now, those not effected may be saved. ved. Sem© have suggested that by sprinkling unslacked lime over them and keeping them in a cool place, this may prevent further decay. MANAGER WANTED. Trustworthylady or gentleman to manage tmgint'ss in ths count and adjoining territory for well and favorably known house of weld financial standing. MOO straight esteh aalrr�1rr and Expeneeea. pail each Monday by ehecit direct irtrn htndgnsrtere. Expenses money adwaheed& PoMtion permanent. Address. Manager, 810 Como Block, Chicago Illinois Teel. `Y1NGIIAM TIMES S PTE.1BER 8, 19114 14 Ir. G. fL i'Iaseufing. general met- (thaw. er( haw. of Ttoawater, and Mr* Ada A. Farrell, of Shelburne. were Married at the residence of the bride's hrother•itt- law, Mr. W. L. Smith, of the k:uouotuiet, ou Wednesday of lust week. South Grey expended $132.21 last year t0.wlird the establishment of public) achool libraries iu tate rural districts. Tho Gov- ernment overntuent hives 50 per cent. of the amount. expended up to a maximum of $10, The movement is worthy of all eucoursgo- e1t. ret.. When yendo not reli•lt your fool and feel dull and stoma attar eating, all yon need is a ,icor, 01 Cllamherhitn•8 St, attach and Liver 'Tablets. ''hey will 'nuke you feel lime a now matt and give von nn appetite hate se bear. Fur sale by A I ylc0aIt -• A petition to stop the exportation of wilts ducks from Ontario is being Orf'n- lnted and is being signed by leading sportsmanall over the Province. On ac- count of the abuse of the expo tati"t' privileges given to those who take out licenses it has been decided to pat a stop to the practll>.te in the iuter.sts of gatue Vanier \Wien, At the D itninioo, -i dlit,ition heli re. cently at Winuipe;r. Mrs. Wm. McK' u zie, ofh sixthr ofthe concession of Culross, was awarded a number of prizes for needlework She obtatued first prize for the best exhibit of baud sewiug. the neatest anti best patuhiug, deruiug on socks anis stocking., besides a. mutilate of second p,mos. Be (iuielc Not a minute should bt+ beet after a child shows symptoms of cholera intent - turn. Tho first unnsnat looseness of the bowels should he sutfi ient warning. If immediate and proper treatment is given serious cons quenees will be averted Chamheriniu's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is the sole r•elinne„ of thousands of mothers and by its aid they have nitre saved their chitdreu's live . Every Iseneehold should have a bottle at baud. GAt it to.da.y. It rutty Nave life. For sale by A. I McCall & Co. It is nearing the time for franduleut fruit bny err to be abroad in queet of nn - suspecting farmers. If you have apples to sell, or anything else in the orchard line, do not deliver by promises, and do not let your fruit out of reach with strangers until it is paid for. A number of farmers in other sections have beeu toutthed and this wuruing might preveet a 1'epetition hero. For 0...r sixty Tears. An Old and Well -Tried Remedy -Mrs 1Vinslow's SoothiugSyrup has teen used for over sixty years bymillionsof mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the chile softens the grans, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the test remedy for diarrhea -it. It is please--ut to tbu taste. Sold by druggists ia every pert of the world. Twenty. five cents a•bottle. Its value is incalculable. Bt•sure you ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other {inti. Mrs. Hugh Mt -Keene, whose maiden name was El:ztbeth Parr, died on ?Ion day, August 25th at the age of GO years Within a little over two years Mrs. Me - Ka gue had suffered twoparalyticstrokes from both of whieh'sbe had partially re- covered. She had been in poor health throughout the summer and for the past two weeks had rapidly crown worse. The funeral was on Wednesday, to the Teeswater cemetery. Dearsthe The Kiad Ycu Hake A!'aarl Bet:gtt l3tonatxire A threshing machine is being used'. at the Agricultural Cs Lege farm which reduces the demand for labor to the rnininlum. The sheaves are thrown directly into the machine as they come 'from the field, and the machine cuts the bands, threshes the gtaiu, end eats the straw and blows tie cut strain into the mow. The only help r.gtiir.d is an engineer, the man who moves the grain and the pitcher. Taking Life s Journey Easy A walk that's 23 good as a tide. DUNLOP COMFORT RUBBER HEELS Make +walking more of a comfort I than those who are used to walking on hard heels have any idea of. Take all that jar off the spine and remove the cause of many a weary headache. Made by the Dunlop Tire Co., Limiterl Toronto, 'Ontario Por Bale by shoo dealers ev e, rywhere in Canada. aneeliellieteedilHatfl ....1--4"6"1"6"111111411111111111111114116e-a......... w OoYoiiTire Easily? IF YOU LACK STRENGTH, ENERGY AND FORCE, IT'S BECAUSE YOUR BLOOD IS THIN AND WAT$RY• The nest Tonin In Fereeso e. -need of the Mui veil to I'errormed L''or Turtle Slsnn-s. tit Lieuretieetowneelt (hoe Res the Same for You. Speaking for herself and sistnre. Miss D.'1'"tlu•a Bortiman writes: "I Hun aux- 1008. to uuske known the' great benefit: th'tt I and wv sisters derived front .Fr•r ravens, A short tittle ago I Was tir.•d nut and depressed, and felt as if S0e11t' severe tltuess were 'hanging over Inc I was so nervous that I found it hard to keep up with my work. Notioing that ;natty Oseseditn women were beiug hnilr rip by Fer'ozone, I sent for a supra.-, and took it regularly for a month S n great was the improvement that my sis- ters also took Frrrnzone. Not one of tis. had a spark of color in our cheeks, but Fer)rzone soon made our cotnplexious faddy, We t$o.tt had good appetites, slept bet:es and were telped a lot by e'er - rezone. We stilt ase F(Lrozotle, het nese we find it keeps our systems ill to strong, healthy condition. It is. certainly a wonderful tonin, and a flue remedy for •�^.ak woui•:u. Ferrczene has been worth its Weight ill gold to our family." To take Ferrozouo gleans yon get metro `'areugth: means a reserve of energy, and protection agaiust weakness and sickness b'tirrozine is a food medicine that sup- plies the body with everything needed to build up the brain, blood and nerve tissues If its health you Seek-, Ferro - zone will bring it wrinkly. Ir is a food - tonic dust, every woman should use. Re- fuse s substitute and see that you got the gennine Ferrnz •nc. Prtue 50u. per box or six boxes for $2 50 at all druagist't or N. 0 reels ni & Co Kiugstou Out. and Hartford, Coen., U.S.A. The United Irish League convention at New York decided to raise fifty thous- and dollars to bo used in England rola, Ireland at the genera) elections. CASTOR IA For Infanta and ildrezl, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the/%�%G� Signature of tyj� (' The old friends had had three days to- gether. "You have a pretty place here, John," .said the guest on the morn- ing of his departnre. "But it looks n bit bare yet." ' Oh, that's becanse the trees are so Young," said the host com- fortably. •-I hope they'll have grown to a good size before you come again. Then you'll see how much improved the place will be." And they shake hands with mutual affection and goodwill. The Proper Treatment F,r a Sprained Ankle, As a rule a man wilt feel well satisfied if he can hobble around ou crutches two or three weeks after spraining his ankle, and it is usually two or three months before ho has fully recovered. This is an uunecessary lobs of time, for in many cases in which Chamberlain's Pain Balm has been proml.tly and freely applied, a complete cure has been effected in less than a week's time, stud in some cases within three day s. For sale by A. L McCall & Co.. - John dl••(rg'gor heti alba right leg naught In the es lin.d'•r or a threshing nnarhdne 00 the turn nt' Simon iatoKen- zit, eon 2. `Cnekersn'ith, trod sustained injuries which nen,ru)astaterl the nmputa• Mon or the ir'g tlaIOW 1141 knee. The uu• torten ate ttuin'is t•i.fl'ering 'smelt from the sh't k, t1'Irl 15 ie,, 'silly by the prompt satins) of the'•ngineer in stop.'ing the engine that .1 Gr. 149.'o all's >' as saved. Thu bririge on the scon•,d of Grty throng's whish tete rrnuri'rn Pne;ntp anti threshing outfit of Messes Stewart Eros. reveal fell is bei tt re p>iir''(1 It waw found that gnus. of rhe timbers of the brid.te were tlenay d. There seems to be some don'tt is to whether the town- ship canna be held f•,r' ihslnttges es the owners *lid not oomph, with the law re- gniring nwt„ rs of 1 hrn shin* ontflts to carry planks to cross eel vert s and bridges and to take their net••Itinps one tit a tiluu over snfh plates. Tne ulnnhtnry jn this case was fnrtamttely hut little damaged and we nterlet'sra'id that an mudcable settlement has bee1S roar:heft bi;tweeti the A uetlip a:;tl the owners. 1 91 152.1.52) s r.lTbl VT. This I4ttilouueenlenr is made without ally lane liti ,iti.'ns Ifent. gold is 1I'e one ;)rep.tratiuu in the w.Jl(: that gunauteee lit. Dr. Lennhrrdr's P '1:• d.l a ill erre ally ease of Piles. I. is in the furor of a taller. It is the only Pile remedy used iu ern - ally. I't is intpessible to e 1'c an established sass of Pi•p 's ith Onoun tits. sit) poritor. ifs. i)'j.•rilops or out 0*42 8pphstuets. e1 irusrantee. is lose 11 aith'very paelt- 8Re r.f Dr Lem .hnrr,t's 1{• iteRoid, eotttalee a mien /es tr. atnieeit. Peo Asea alk to vm r lrpsrui:,t 111,0115 it. Th'• `Ails,* , Jf) le 011 , Limited, Ni:.- gars Falls, Ont. A ;Hove is to be made to enable the' Ottawa police magistrate to sentence 1 confirmed drunks to gold or liquor cure establishments in place of to jail. A , similar system exists at present in Montreal and is said to be working sat- isfactorily. When a prisoner comes before the conrt repeatedly on the charge of drunkenness and demonstrates his inability to keep awtiy from drink, the magistrate, if Ise thinks fit, can sentence the man to 30 days in the liquor cure institution iu lien of a simi- lar term in jail. Again, it is frequently left to the option of the accused to take the cure or go to jail. Deafness Cannot bo Cured. By local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. 'here is only one way to mire deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is erased by an inflamed con �citton of the mucous lining of the !Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed y ou have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is mit ire-, ly closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out aura this tube restored to its normal con- dition, hearing will be destroyed for- ever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflam- ed condition of the mucous surfaces. 'Are will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free. F. J. CHENEY w CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa •tion. ,,,etre On Saturday, 27th nit., the life of an- other long resident of Clinton was brought to a close, in the death of Mrs. John Cotton. Old age had made an in- valid of this lady for some time, she be- ing over 80 years of age, but she was in her usual health up to within a short time of her death. Mrs. Cotton had been married twice, her first husband being a Mr. Cook, and she was mother of Chas. Cook, of that town; Mr. Cook died over 35 years ago. She was wedded to her now bereft husband, Mr, Cotton, in London, before coming 'to Clinton'~ back in the seventies. There were no children by her last marriage. The fun- eral was held on MoAday afternoon, in. terment taking pla6 in Clinton oerne- terY. Jay ITomhrirlge, the nitist, Spent last sunimer in a sleepy New England vil- lage, w here the oldb r inhabiter' 8 r rn c'p- pn*ed to ntivtlii ne modern. There wes a meeting of the hose company one ateht, and. nate of the younger members arsnoursnod that there wes a sem of money Left in the treasury. He suggest- ed chat a eh•oni1 -tier be bought wiF.11 it. Eat at the- yet eture one of the old in- habitants, anwlr 'hese and cleared bis throat I'll r, t• tread against ally sorb a feel Orin to Fq lender menus'," he ain- non.ueel1, filen , •••for what's the use of huyin' one of Ili to dere thin',:* when it's like ly there isn't any nen in the hull oornpany that ',ears how to ploy it?"a A most uttfortnntite necideet befell Robert Ma -Coll. jr., t•f Ashfield town. shit,, near Laurier, while threshing on Thursday, 25 11 ult. , as the Roan of has bet t•1er-in-law•, Wellington Potter, of P1uron. He was feeding rage separator; when a laws. et 'nits w keel was on his left hallo caught in the . y.it,der and he Was jerked t•urw ard, hie hems striltit'g ageeinet the frainewusk over the cylinder making a ,hist) gash, His left baud was in wrically (:Lew el uf.. 3.0l12e Fergnrou and B,.'here bhitlds w Ito r, ere iteur seized hits alai prey( 1111',1 his bring draw bod- ily in ,.,,d kill( d 1lerural aid was s11111 - molted di d 51:i- ,1)"111 ample! turd over tl.e elbow. The young 4)15412 is dung as well tis could he t'xµeared• 1 Minister of the Gospel Recommends OXYGENATOR "For several years I have been in very poor health. Leet Fa11I was advised by Bev. J. 3. Allen, of Murray Harbor, P.S.I., to try 'Oxygenator' Before trying it I had no faith in it, but last Octo- ber I began its use and can truly say that before using ono jug I bad wonderfully improved in my oral health. Since then I have used several s, as a result have never epent such a healthy inter or Spring as I did this year. 'Oxygenator' for Throat 't rouble, Catarrh, Purifying the Blood, and for Building up the System, I believe is not equalled to -day by any other remedy. Several of my congregation have also used if with blessed results. I take great interest in Oxygenator,' Laving given jugs of it away, and must say itis A. WONDERFUL REMEDY. In regard to my eyes, 'Oxygenator' has done them more good than the Oculists or the treatment I received in the Hospital. For Earache, I think it peerless. For pains In the chest, lungs or side, indded anywhere, it works wonders •' REV. A. D. McLSOD, Mount Stewart, P.E.I. For Sala by - THE OXYGENATOR CO. t2 Harbord St. - .. Toronto WANTED • A L')rAr, 1 LESMAN for Wingham, Out., and rnrtouuding territory, to represent "Canada's Gleatest Nurseries." Newest varieties and specialties in Hardy Fruits, Small Fruits, Shrnl,s, Ornanientals and Roses. A petmnnent eitnntion, and territory re sets r d int the eight men. Pay weekly. Hltnttet'nie t n' fit tree. ,Write for poetic. niers, *11,41 t t)'(I 25 cents for our Pocket Miert -ee p0. jnst the that g to rise in ex - end, ing tree's tend plants for insects. STO.Nl; & p".ELLINGTO11 }'4)NT1IY1.1, NIDASElt11i:5 aver 5NH1 doted TORONTO, y - Ol A IO 0 K & K. .. K'& : 117,K..i,4C i n1 k& NCS ..,.K. o.v . a M 1.5 specialists. refereuces. DON'T BE AN ASS 1 Upon aro buying a pair of sheet or a suit of ..�;' -. i .•.; Y, clothes yOa are particular as to the honesty end reputation of the merchant. Your health Ia of +4rk'r moreiiuport:incethan either, yet you let quacks, v , medical fakirs and other humbugs deceive you by tucir deceptive offers of something for nothing, > , After being de (retitle t by these medical sharks you ere. 1' think all doctors are r,gncs, whereas, you alone are to blame. Why not first clen:and from them evidences of their honesty and responsibility as lacWe have been located in Detroit 25 years and can. give best of bank READER Are you a victim? have you lost hope? Are you contempla- ting marriage? Has your 1,1m a been dieeased7 Have you any weakness? Our New Method Treat'rp.-nt wilt mire you. l711atithas done for others it will do f•'r you. CONSULTATION FREE. No matter v: h0 has treated you, write for an honest opinion free of charge. Charges reasonable. GOOKS FREE. -'The Golden Monitor" (illustrated1, on Diseases of Men, Atirblo Nara:'+ need without written consents, PrSeentc, r-Qo Medicine cont C. 0. D. No !ennaces on bosom c_ er'velopcs. EsveryMI oi .confidcrntJul. Question List and cost of Trcot. mcnt 6. 0 DRS. KENNEDY Sc. KERU,AN No. 148 SUBLET STREET. DETROIT, MICH. 9 ab•Is.+++++:.i'..i•'lq'..g.a..I.,g..g.,o4+%'•1•'t;+'I•'1'44i••i.4 3.4'14++,14dr+•:'l,d.,143,d44., �. '1' 8 es. -it- There is seldom a day that we are not consulted in rcgnrd to a co,id lion that, if we 4, were to hare_ seen it in its early stages, the sufferer would have been relieved, cured and .s, saved considerable expense. .his we co,:sidcr is due to lack of kuowledgeon the part of ,s, i. the doctor who has previously treated the ;ase; therefore, wve say to you, if you are suf. .1, feriag from euv disease or condition peculiar to men, or a you have been a victim anti been dissepoiuted in not getting a permanent cure elsewhere, we would ask that you ,x, �4. come to our office for personal exaulinatiou or write us for a Question Blank for Home -':- ..s. Treatment. We will explain to you OUR SYSTEM Op TRIIATMI:NT, which we have 4. originated and developed after our whole life's experience iu the treatment of special .cc'. .1, diseases of men. We will give you, PRI'E 08 CHARGE, an honest and scientific opinion 4* el, of your case. If ire find you are incurable we will honestly telt you so. If we find your ,l. -'s- case curable we will give you a written guaraatec to cure you or refund you your mouey. el. -YOU CAN PLAY WHEN CURED- ' ..1, Wo cure NERVOUS DEBILITY, VARICOCELE, STRICTURES, , ,l 1. BLOOD and SKIN diseases, PROSTATIC troubles, ..r.4 BLADDER, KIDNEY and URINARY diseases, r. '1.l.. Question List Sent Free far home Treatment. coNSULTC TION rREE, 44 *6DR., SIN i EY & � EZ ard A troit, .1. e�'4.l.•.:.4•34.141.4.-3•aw3'-'1.oa,F.4.4.+4.trq.4.4.oi•3 d'-hok++4..g'oo•II 4.4 : •'I°-!'3"3'•P3'+3'd. *eo•••••••m:se•••••tt•o•••os es • 0 • • • • • • • Y• • • • • • • • • • • • n, • • 0 • • • • • • • • O 9 • • • • • • , • • • 0 THE TIMES • onosta • •••41190s•060110s••••••a • A • • • �- fa co• • •' 0. s' 0 ••• • •e. 0 •• •- 0 •.. • •,. 0- •' •' • 0 M ei • •r •• The Times ept:rtnrnt Joh . ,n. -r, ,.r. •,..,.41,i1,4.• •yr, Our Job Department is up-to-date in every particular ; and our work is guaranteed to give satisfaction. Estimates cheerfully given. •••••••••••i.mmemni. Our Siiecia,liities. COLORED WORK LETTER HEADS LEGAL BLANKS NOTE HEADS PAMPHLETS BILL Hi1ADS CIRCULARS 1300K WORK VISITING CARDS ENVELOPES MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO • •t 1 is the best local paper in the County of Huron. Subscription: $i.00 per year in advance ---sent to any address inanad the a or t e United States. An advertisement in the Times brinsKs geod results Address all communications to - THE WINGf':..M TIMES 1 t)fiitaPhoria, No.4,IN<it4:1yI Ori T. 'Residence Phone. No. i4, 1 1 1101111100011111011~1101111•1141/4111•0111. 111110110110111111110411141114111111011111•111411e