The Wingham Times, 1904-09-01, Page 6t�C
Ono of the largest oranges ever grown
is exhibite(1 in the 0tillforllil section of
erne from theanet umMOH
the rhes around
ndandtwei. I. pleasuds.
11 iucha;a around and w•eilllti 56 pounds.
It is of the seedless variety.
will solid down the beam at 300 pounds.
"Warnock" is a name that will be
heard considerably at fall shows in
Ontario and the States this flans he 1s
atttatri to the front with mammoth
squashes. Although not full grown, he
has a few that are immense, and it looks
as if he will have two, each of which
--Goderich Star.
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
:tills effect is being mode to have the Stewart Bros ' traction engine and l
IlikrOlatii of Fordwieh lighted by acetylene separator recently broke through a
MS. bridge on the 2nd line of Grey. No
It is the intention of the Kingston body was hurt, but Dave Partridge had a
!I•alach of the Lord's Day Alliance Lo narrow escape from drowning being
'prosecute motormen and conductors for
working on Sunday cars, and thus get at
Vas company through them.
Vee Lever's Dry Soap (a powder) to
+rash. woolens and flaurlels,—you'll like
ii.. 3�
"Wanted, a strong horse to do the
-work of a country minister," is an ad-
'ertisetuent which appeared in news- I animal.
papers the other day.-----�..--
New York doctors have now discover- Tali LADIES' FAIDR1TE.
re'd that dancing is the real cause of ap-
caught its the timbers and carried under
the water.
About this time of year flies begin to
get troublesome and especially so among
cattle. To banish this the following
test receipt is given:—Fish oil and
crude carbolic acid to a quart of oil.
This is applied with an ordinary horse
or cattle brush and rubbed all over the
pendititia. If there is anything else that
swon't cause it we would like to hear of
Boars tho / The Kind You Have AIMS Bought
The canning factory at Aylmer has
put up over 800,000 cans of peas this
-year. The sample has been particular-
ly good, and the farmers who raised
peas for the factory made big money
some having received as high as 550 au
acre for them.
Mr. Geo. Johnston who last spring
-moved from Oat; Lake, Man., to Tees
water has bought Mr. Wm. Brown's
:'arta on the 7th con., a short distance
east of Teeswater. The farm consists of
rat) acres of excellent land in a good state
of cnitivation. The price paid was
Doan's Kidney Pills act on the kid
mays, bladder and urinary organs only
They cure backaches, weak back. rheum
atistn. diabetes, congestion, inflamation
gravel, Bright's disease and all other
diseases arising from wrong action of the
kidneys and bladder.
Entirely through advertising in the
ing newspapers, a real estate coni
peaty of Chicago sold in one year 25,000
lots at`n' sMchigau summer resort. The
manager saye,t,t-"We found that every
class of buyers, -including the men of
largest means, can Ue reached through Christian patience, and her life was
the newspapers better than by any other marked by kindness and sympathy for
means " I those in trouble. The deeply bereaved
The essential lung -healing principal of l.yympathy of all in being separated from
the pine tree has finally been successfully a lovfn wife and affectionate mother.
,separated and refined iuto a perfect
cough medicine—Dr. Wood's Norway G +5 .g. R = A .
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a gears the Y'
gnavantee of satisfaction. Price 25 Kind You Have Always Bought
Lasa -Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite
medicine. Tliey euro Constipation, Sick
Headache, Billiousness, and Dyspepsia
without griping, purging or sickening.
Government reports state -that about
1,100 tons of peat fuel were manufac-
tured by two seperate plants during the
year 1003, and it is stated that their pro-
duct gave satisfaction. Other companies
are being formed for its manufacture,
and t he probability is that peat will yet
be very generally used for fuel in maty
As a spring medicines Burdock Blood
Bitters has no equal. It tones up the
system and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired,
weary feeling so prevalent in the spring.
Robt. McColl had bis arm taken off at
the elbow while feeding a threshing
machine at Wellington Porter's farm on
the 2nd con. Huron. Drs. McCrimmou
and McDonald of Kincardine were sum-
moned and put forth every possible ef-
fort to relieve the unfortunate man.
McColl is 22 years of age and is a very
industrious young man.
Mrs. Murdoch Gillies of Ripley, pass-
ed away on Tuesday, Aug. 23rd, after
a lingering illness and much suffering.
The deceased bore her afliiction with
husband and three children have the
By the new regulations of the de-
partment of education the whole public To find the quantity of lumber in. a
school system of the province will be re- log, multiply the diameter in inches at
'Oaccording to the very latest prin• the small end by one half the diameter;
teiples of pedagogy. More responsibility then multiply the number thus found
will be cast on the teachers and the in- by the length of the log and divide by
spectora, and there will be fewer exem- 12. For instance—a log is 30 inches at
inations. Latin will not be obligatory
for the junior non-professional examina-
tion, but will be an "optional bonus
subject." The regulations have been
approved by the Ontario cabinet.
One of WI prettiest and most interest-
ing weddings of the Fortson was that
winch was celebrated Wednesday Aug.
24th at noon at the home of William
Campbell, Quebec, street, Goderich,
when Bliss Mildred Ethel,:alr. Camphell's
youngest daughter, became the wife of
Frederick G. Eagle, of Toronto. About
fifty guests, chiefly relatives of the bride
and groom witnessed the event.
A pretty home wedding took place on
Wednesday Aug. 24th, at high noon at
the residence of N. 13. Smith, Goderich,
when his sister, Miss Sadie Lillian, was
married to Francis Elleker, of Walker -
tot. The house was prettily decorated
for the occasion with abundance of
flowers, palms and mountain ash berries.
The ceremony was performed by the
Rev. Jas. A. Anderson, gaster of Knox
Presbyterian church, Gode' iclh.
On the occasion of the jubilee of the
Canada Sugar Refinery, Montreal, on
Friday Sir George A. Drummond, the
president of the company, especially re-
ferred to the long and faithful services
of Mr. James McMenamin which dates
back to the foundation of the enterprize
in 1854. Mr. McMenamin is 1tnowu to
many in Clinton, having visited there
more than once when his son, Rev.
Father McMenamin, was priest of the
parish of St. Joseph.
They Make You Feel (food.
The pleasant purgative effect exper-
ienced by all who use Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets, and the
healthy condition of the body and mind
which they create makes one feel joyful.
For sale by A. I. McCall & Co.
J. T. Wilkie, well known as an old
and respected resident of Clinton, died
at the h ome of his son, Dr. Lorne Wilkie,
at Germantown, Ohio, on Ang. 16, aged
80 years, 5 months and 27 days. De-
ceased came to Clinton somewhere about
the year 1802, and carried on a dental
business until a comparatively short time
ago, his business extending over the
western part of the county. His second
wife and daughter are interred here.
About a year ago Mr. Wilkie took up his
residence with his son.
For OQ«r Sixty Years.
An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs
Winslow's SoothingSyrup has been used
for over sixty years bymillionsof mothers
for their children while teething, with
perfect success. It soothes the chilli -
softens the gums, allays all pain, cures
wind colic, and is the best remedy for
diarrhcea. Itis pleasant to the taste.
Sold by druggists in every part of the
world. Twenty-five cents abottle. Its
value is incalculable. Besure you ask
for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
the small end and 14 feet long -30 multi.. take no other kind.
plied by 15 equals 420; this multiplied
by 14 equals 9300; when divided by '12, i
this gives 525, the approximate number Some of our readers complain of being
of feet of lumber in the log. } troubled with ants. The following
receipt may be useful : —Procure a large
Many people say they are "all nerves," �—
sponge, suet it well and press it dry,
easily startled or upset, easily worried
and irritated. Milburn's Heart and I suDDENIY ATTARRED. i which will leave the cells quite open;
Nerve Pills are just the remedy such I Children are often attacked suddenly j then sprinkle over it some white sugar
-people require. They restore perfect i by painful and dangerous Colic, Cramps,
harony of the nerve centres and give Diarrhoea Dysentery, Cholera Morbus,
slew nerve force to shattered nervous I Cholera Infauturn, etc. Dr. Fowler's sponge and take up their abode in the
systems. Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt I and sure cure which should always be cells. It is only necessary to dip the
Mr. James Fenton, of Southampton, kept in the house. sponge in boiling water, which will wash
went to sleep on the deck of a fishing them out clean. Put on more sugar and
tug near Port Elgin, and owing to his set the trap for a new' haul. The pro -
unusual surroundings fell head foremost A pretty wedding took place, Thursday cess will soon clear the house of every
overboard. His wife was at Sonthamp- iii, evening, Aug. 18th, at the home of W. ant.
ton harbor to meet the tug onher return j.w. Greene, 18 Noble street, Detroit,
and place it where the ants are trouble-
some. They will soon collect upon the
trip, and fell to the ground when the
terrible truth dawned on her. Four
small children are left unprovided for.
The unfortunate man was a member of
the Orange order, but carried no insur-
lb Speaks for itself
Cures Sick Headache
toa`ik. Cures Nervous Headache
ifiklatfa Cures Neuralgic Headache
litt‘tot........Nlast Cares Snlnnier Headache
eat.ti . Cures Bilious headache
pkae Cures any Headache
V":ACq Is Pleasant to Take
Is Absolutely Safe
11114.6." Gives Speedy Relief
Illikit&thi Sells for 25e a hoz
t Sample box sent free
TliE =tuft) 1kEMIIy1)Y 00.
cousin of the groom, in the presence of
a few relatives and friends, the house be-
ing prettily decorated for the occasion.
The contracting parties were Win. M.
Hyslop, formerly of Goderich, and Lil-
lian Jackson, daughter of Mr• and Mrs.
Isaac Jackson, Clinton, Ontario. The
ceremony was performed by Rev. Dr.
Bryce, of the Simpson Methodist church.
Mr. J. D. Kinzie, of Carrick, is build-
ing a new house, and on Tuesday he
came down to Walkerton for a load of
lime. There is no lime manufactured
here, but the lime man from Bentinck,
brought it this far on the way. Linte,
like all other building material is going
up in price. This lime costs Mr. Kinzie
27 cents a bushel. Five years ago he was
doing some building and got his lime at
10 cents a bushel at the kiln. It is now
20 cents at the kiln, an increase in five
years of just one hundred per cent. There
has been nearly the same increase in the
price of lumber, and brick are from one
to two dollars a thousand dearer than
they were five years ago. Not much
wonder people hesitate about erecting
new houses.
Trustworthy stwo 7 Indy or gentleman to manage
business in this eounty and adjoining territory
for well and favorabiy known house of solid
financial standing.nR ��00 straightht cash aala
andx aseas paid. each Monday check
direct from hedquarters. Expenses
advanced. Position permanent. Address.
Manager, 810 Como Block, Chieago Illizioie
Well Balanced Nerves..
Ir Lacking In Nerve Force, Build Up
Your System With Ferrozone—lt
Has Helped Others—Let it Help
You Too.
Happy is the man who can work un-
eeuhit gIy willlont fear of an "attack of
the ut'rves." He gets along, prospers.
rises to position of power and impot G-
aneta. The strong man is pushed over
the heads of his weaker brothers by
virtue of being capable to do and act
when necessity calls.
The weak, nervous ratan is distanced
before the race starts. But he shonldn't
give up without trying what Ferrozone
wo :ld do for hint. This strengthening
tonic has greet power for building up
people who are ruu down, tired and ex-
Ferrozone starts right at the root of
the, trouble and drivt s all impurities out
of the blood. Then it gives the blood an
additional supply of iron and other
strenghtening elements which enables it.
to nourish the nerves back to normal
condition. Once the nerves are toned
up, indigestion and stomach trouble dis-
appear. Then your system is in good
order, and capable of being rebuilt in the
proper way. Nerve tissue is formed,
flebby muscles begin to harden, weak
organs regain strength, and before long
the half -wreckers man glories in the new-
found vigor that Ferrozone has brought
You may have tried a hundred reme-
dies; they may all have failed. But this
mustn't influence you against Ferrozone,
which is so different from otherprepara-
tions. Ferrozone actually makes blood
and makes the kind of blood that is valu-
able in maintaining health. Then Fer-
rozone has a wonderful action on food,
converting it into nutriment, so that
everything you eat is going to he useful
to your hotly.
Ferrozone is unexcelled as a rebuild-
ing tonic for children. women and men,
the young and old. in fact everybody
can derive benefit from Ferrozone,
which is specially recommended for
chlorosis, anaemia, lassitude. weakness
and all the disorders arising from impair-
ed nerves or blood. Try Ferrozone your-
self. Price 50e per box or nix boxes for
$2 50 Sold by druggists and by mail
from N. C. Polson & Co., Kingston,
Ont., and Hartford, Conn., U.S.A.
with the
of our boots
and our slir,es are
still made of hard
leather becau,,e.,.
leather once mod
to be the only
material to be...
*had for the pur-
The rubber heel
has come along
art of preparing crude
Dunlop Comfort
Rubber Heels
Walking on Dunlop heel's
is like walking over a we11 kept
lawn. No hammering of heels
upon the hard ground. No
fret to the nerves by jarring
a pi
the s ne. One of the small
great comforts of life.
For Sale by Shoe Dealers
The Dunlop Tire Co,
An amendment was made in the
Municipal Act at the lost session of the
Legislature, one clause of which will
present considerable trouble. Candi-
dates for the officers of mayor, reeve,
controller, counoilman, water commis-
sioner in cities, towns and incorporated
villages are required to file with the
clerk a declaration of qualification by
noon on the day of nomination. This
change in the law will do away with the
indiscriminate nominations so often
made at nomination meetings.
DR. A. W. CHASE'S Olt,
Is sent direct to the diseased
parts by the Improved Blower.
Heals the ulcers, clears the air
passages, stops droppings In the
throat and pertnanantly cures
Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower
free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase
Medicine Co., Toronto and Buffalo,
Wireless telegraphy is already being
put to practical use. Recently a young
woman passenger on the steamer Cam-
pania, finding after she had sailed that
she had left five valuable diamond rings,
a diamond tiara and a purse containing
$220 in Bank of England notes and
$120 in bills in a fireplace in the Savoy
Hotel, London, sent a wireless message
to have thein held for her. Meanwhile
a chambermaid had found the property.
A wireless message was sent to the Cam-
pania, in mid -ocean, informing the own-
er that her gems were safe.
lie quick.
Not a minute should be lost after a
child shows symptoms of cholera infan-
tum. The first unusual looseness of the
bowels should be sufficient warning. If
immediate and proper treatment is given
serious consequences will be averted.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy is the sole reliance of
thousands of mothers and by its aid they
have often saved their children's lives.
Every household should havo a bottle at
hand. Get it today. It may save a life°
For sale by A. I. McCall & Co.
Most of the disappointments that come
to engaged people are due to the fact
that they think they will go on being
that kind of idiots all their lives,
The ll.'roper Treatment For a Sprained
A Hoch,.
As a rule a man w-il feel well satisfied
if be can hobble around on ern tohes two
or three weeks after i praiuing his aolkir,
and it is usually two or three months
before he has fully recovers d. This is
an num oesear'y Tors of time, for iu many
cases in which Chamhei lain's Pain Be)in
bus beeu promptly tu,d frr ely applied, a
complete cure has been effected in l. -ss
than a week's time, and iu some cases
within three days° For sale by A. I.
McCall & Go.
We understand that the townships of
Minto and Normanby are going to be
asked to pay $2000 damages on account
of injuries sustained by Mrs. Plant, of
Cedarville, recently. Her injuries have
proven to be of a serious nature. Both
the knee and hip joint were dislocated.
The bone of the socket of the latter is
broken and the ball is broken from the
thigh bone, while the top of the pelvis is
broken. Other circumstances increase
the seriousness of the accident. There
was a high unprotected embankment
where it took place and the road was
very narrow. Being on the town line
both townships are concerned.
As Charles Mugford, of Egmondville,
was walking along the bank of the river
about eight o'clock Sunday morning,
Aug, 21st, he carne upon a gruesome
sight. Lying in water back of Culbert's
brewery he saw the body of a woman.
Help was immediately procured when
it was found to be that of Mrs.
Thomas Holland, who bad resided
opposite the cemetery. The unfortun-
ate woman had been missing since the
Wednesday previous, and it is supposed
the body had been in the water since
that time. For some time she bad been
acting queerly and it is supposed that
her mind had become derauged.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Dysentery causes the death of more
people than small pox and yellow fever
In an it is dreaded
more than a battle. It requires prompt
and effective treatment. Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
has been used in nine epidemics of
dysentery in the United States with per-
fect success, and has cured the most
malignant cases, both of children and
adults, and under the moat trying con-
ditions. Every household should haver
bottle at hand. Get it to -day. It may
are a life. Sold by A, I, McCall & Co,
Bears the
Signature of
Michael Stoskopf, a pioneer of Perth
Coanty, is dead at his home in Fuller-
ton. He was born in Alsace-Lorraine in
1821. In 1832 his father carne to Can-
ada, and settled in Ellice Township.
Deceased had lived in the neighboring
township of Fullerton for the past sixty
years. The family were among Perth's
very first settlers. In 1832 there was no
settlement from Sehringville west to
Egmondville,adjoining the present town
of Seaforth. The present site of the
the town of Mitchell had not a tree fell-
ed on it. Since that early day, the
Stosopf family has become one of the
most 'widely connected in the county.
The death of Mr. Michael Stoskopf
marks the passing of the last of the
older generation.
New Ilope--New Courage.
Persons whose nerves are affected get
blue and discouraged, aro easily irritated
and annoyed and learn to look on the
dark side. The restorative influence of
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food soon shows its
effect on the feelings. It gives new hope
and courage, new energy and confidence.
By creating nerve force it affords new
vigor and vitality for both mind and
r. Good brain food,
2. Excites the functions of the liver.
3, Promotes a sound and quiet sleep.
q. Disinfects the mouth.
5, Neutralizes the surplus acids of the
6. Paralstoyzes hemorrhoidal disturbances.
7. Helps the secretion of the kidneys.
8. Prevents calculus concretions.
Obviates indigestion.
A preventative against diseases of the
rr. Restores all nervous energy and re-
vives the natural forces.
22 Harbord St. - Toronto, Ont.
Ont., and surrounding territory,
to represent
"Canada's Greatest Nurseries."
Newest varieties and specialties
in Hardy Fruits, Small Fruits,
Shrubs, Ornamentals and Roses.
To preserve or restore it, there is no better
prescription for men, women and children than
Ripans Tabules, They are easy to take. They
are made of a combination of medicines approved
and used by every physician, Ripans 'Tabules .are
widelyused by all sorts of people—but .o the
plain, very -day folks they arc a veritable friend
in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan-
dard far: r remedy. They arc a dependable, hon-
est r• imp dy with a long and successful record, to
c•-ru 'n•ugestirhn, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn
„o' .,Llpation, t '3ensive breath, heartburn, dizziness,
• ni' -ttion of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular
iatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver corn-
,- .'.'ts. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up
:l-twn systems, restore pure blood, good appe-
' -• .ld sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives
ion tont benefit from a regular use of Ripans
5'.:b'ales. Your drt' 'gist sells them. The five-
c„nt packet is en ,g'h for an ordinary occasion.
The Family Bottl( 6o cents, contains a supply
for a year.
t, ate.'F'.? t': tt? ti. '••bet" 2 .ir Y•^/•,,1.•
A permanent situation. and territory
reserved for the right man. Pay weekly.
Handsome outfit free. Write for partic-
ulars,and send for our Pocket
25 cents
Micrscope, just the thing to use in ex-
amining trees and plants for insects.
e'tDn account of its terrible affects, blood disease Io called the king of all diseases.
It may be either hereditary or contracted; so while it may not be a crime to have
the disease, it ie a crime to permit it to remain in the system. It may, manifest
itself in the forte of Scrofula, Eczema, rheumatic pains, stiff or swollen joints,
itchiness of the skin, eruptions or blotches, ulcers in the mouth or on the tongue,
sore throat, falling out of hair,.tlsordered etomach, and a general depression of
the system. If you have any of these symptoms don't neglect yourself. You have
no time to lose. , foware of "old fogy" treatment—beware of mineral poisons—
beware of Quacks and rehire. OUR NEW METHOD 'M'.R A'XMENT
is guaranteed to cure this disease, never to return. Bank Bonds will protect you.
Our treatment is not injurious in any way, but reaches the -very root of the disease
and eliminates all poison from the system, The symptoms of disease gradually
disappear. The blood becomes pure and enriched, the whole system is cleansed
and pulled, and the patient feels prepared anew for the duties and the pleasures
of life. CURES GUARANTEED OR ..NO PAY. 26 Years is
Detroit. 260,000 Cured.
Cousitltaiion Free. Question Blank for Home Treatment and Books Free.
Cor. Michigan Avo. and Shelby St.. Detroit, Mich.
K ui K.. K o .•K: ;K�vr,K K•vr'K Kti:,&. :` K r c''N
.4)GESieeeiireee*.s.•(e:iy'siseerievzie:ol Str:;:sei e=Efre ei.
Founder of
Dr. Spinney & Co.
Varicocele impairs vitality and destroys the eietc._ats of
manhood. Surgical means should not be employed t:) treat
this complaint, as operations always weaken the parts. We
daily prove by successful results that Varicocele can be cured
without operation. Instead of maiming and mutilating the
organs, our V11AI,IZED TREATMIENT strengthens the parts,
removes all pain or aching, restores the circulation, reduces
the swelling, vitalizes the nerves and establishes the vigor of
manhood. Our treatment is the result of 30 years' experience.
you feel its magic influence during the first week.
We cure Blood and Skin Diseases, Strictures, Varicocele,
Nervous Debility, Prostatio Troubles, Chronic, Kidney, Urinary
and Bladder Diseases. Consultation Free. Books Free.
Question List Sent Soaled For Home Treatment.
The Old Reliable Specialists.
esss•sosesase••s•ee•sece s
The Times
Job Department
Our Job Department is up-to-date in
every particular ; and our work is
guaranteed to give satisfaction.
Estimates cheerfully given.
Onr Specialities.
7,'ONT111LL raircSE1tI138
ever 800 Agree
TORONTO, w ONTARIO 1111101.01114,0•0000M114111011.4.00
is the best local paper in the County
of Huron. Subscription: $I.00 per
year in advance—sent to any address
in Canada or the United States.
advertisement in the Times brings good results
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