The Clinton News-Record, 1911-03-02, Page 2M
G0 .
Z A Clinton News -Record
Huron County N ews Gathered- .
for News -Record Readers
11 ,- . ,14.
, ,
.... ��� . . . . . . . . . I-
What Every 'Woman �an A Women's institute ha., been form— y
Belgrave Zurich
Ain thirt members of the Ladies'%+ Ideal Spring Medicine
Should Know,.: A}d of the Lutheran church, ass ein Wed
' T
ltd hero with 25 members and the fol- •kt the borne. of lvlrs. David Schnell Alf 4'l"at1YE: and Tonic., . . I . . 1 6 y if Al lowing otriccrs •-President Mrs. Jas...
11 I . ,. , one evening, recently and presented
Anderson ; Vice, Airs. Jno. Clegg ; chnell with a handsome clock.
8`►E' YOU , , , , , , , From The News -Record of Directors, Mrs. Joseph Brandoii, Wickens, who has been Pleasant take, agreeable in action, pOSlhve'n effect,
SL R. C L RJ, FUR :ILL .iCIII.S � Wm. Geddes and Mrs. J. L. Geddes • visiting with. her parents, Mr and hire.
February 27th, I;395, Purifies the blood, strengthens the nerves builds u the
B�OlfeDl Q1lC 9 .II:s.D PAINS. Sec. -Treasurer, Mr;� W. ll. Ft'tguson; John lies Sr., of the Babylon Line,
r P
Feb.27t9r, :'885, Sec.-Treasurer,
bliss rki- ic. Colo assist- left forher home near Ingersoll, last whole system. Get it today. Sold by all druggists,
1, I; your face covered with Alrs, Vail.ancourt adds her axpcaiencc Clinton,' organist,-+ weak.
pim,les,blotcheoorrash� PoorWilkinson. Meetings Reeve Lamont has disposed of his. _._.._--�....-,.,_..
>^o t11e great ina:+s of proof that Mr. Geo. U, :1lcTaggarU is in Buffalo ant, Airs, C. B. Wilk
will be held the third Tuoiday of each fine 70acre farm: it, mile east of row n am -
condition of your blood will Dodd's Kidney fills arc woman's this wick. to ilii• John Decher, for $5,30U, This is
cxuscthceefacialalitafigurements month. Wingham Grey Township,
at thio eepaon of the year. A host friend. I Al r. �'lndrew Part.^r, son•of least- one of the best located far[us in this
e , , t ala +#er Por#c+r, is home on a visit One result of file F'armer's Inst'i- section, and the tiuilatnfis are all in The A. Y, 1'; A. sliJt+ 1' Jai's church Janet week Mrs. R. J. Hoover wa::
good medicine for your blood Lafond, Alberta, FLO. ,,7. (Spec- , splendid shape. gave a very interesting entertainment visiting with,Bluevalefrlendo,. f
will clear your Complexion like froin British Columbia. tutu meeting last week was the form-
ial.)--That the. women of the West are , MiRs.Annie (xascho la daughter• of bIr, on Thursday evening, •
Qn Monday Air. I. Ratkenbury r(a at#on o[ a Partner '% Club which will and?ilrs. ,john. Gascho, of the Bronson M1liss Rutledge has returned from Mies Lizzie Hoover, 9th coo., visited i
magic. ) finding in Dodd's Kidney Pills a, sure g e
Of the many blood purifiers i h eeived from Mr, Ilarding several brace meet, on the lot Tuesday evening of Line, died raather suddenly on Wednes- Montreal where she has beQn on a Bliss Ada Stackhouse, Blyth, for a
relief from those aehus and pains t at g partridge, pheasant, hare, each month. Office bearers for this' day night of last week, at the age of visit toher brother. . week• .
J we sell Rexall Blood TabR only women know is hecrnnf[r more of English +
lets okra undoubted) the most Y fi' cte, It will ho remembered that Mr, term ane, :—Pr(!s#dt+nt C}co. T. Reba: t- about J7 years. The young lady was Mc. Oliver Mills of Deli le.. Sabk,. is
evident, tier da and Tins. Agnea
,. a, general• favorite in the neighhorhPod Miss .Olive Lake, 4th con., is horde
effective. We are familiar with y . y'. Harding was on a visit here a [I;lort son , ice, Richard Procter ; ,Sec.- in which she lived and het earl . death renewing; old ft iendships in this viiia- y
the formula of this remedyand Vaillancourt of thiaii place gladly gives time since from Bulford, England. Treasurer Miller Procter •- Finance a a i.. from a enjoyable stay of several weeks
her es er[ence as an addition to the + o b a, cast a gloom over her many tri• y' with relatives and friends at Clifford,
know what it will do. It pun P Mr, Thos, Jackson, Sr,, District Committee, Jno. Clegg, Robt. Coultes ends, Mr. Jas, Nord has gone to Winnipeg and locRlity.
flea and enriches the blood, mass of proof that is being piled up. . Deputy, .Sons of England, land is in Toron- I to take a position he formerly held
builds u the entire eyetem and "For three ears I suffered iliten,vel g and Joseph Stonehouse. Program
P y y to � t+his week attendingthe+ :.+pcKt:al Committee, Richard thc+re. Satur day next at !0 a. in., a species
imparts a healthy color to cheeks with Kidney Disease," Mrs. Vaillan- seph meeting of the ratepayers Of S. S. No.
P „ conlanittee, preparing work to be sub- �IUt•r • n<t fiollerN Harrison.on. 13,ev, D. Petrie has corapletecl. his I will be held in the school house tc�
P g a .,,.. ..
and lips. Sold with the Rexall court states. I had pain everywhere. seventeenth year pastor of St. And•:
y nitit•ttd to thA Grand Lodge S.O.K. to T r MYLL
ch discuss the question of years to he al -
guarantee. Per package, Sec, I only used six boxes of Dodd s: Kid- meet iii Vi'oodsibok, March est, On Saturday _ w.eck The Belgrave, RD��N 1 IU row's char Jawed for payment of erection of near
ney kills and I ant completely cured of _ hockey team played the Bluevale school house. A new trustee will also
Rer, J. F. Iyat+: •, the new locum Mrs, John Ritchie wag see. with
W. S. R. HOLMES all aryl aches and pains. I am in per- ,• "Wanderers" on the Bluevale rink, is stroke of paralysis one day have to be elected as D. Glaseie'r, who •
„ - bent+ of St. Pau. s church preached --* lack week and for as time was.fn a very has nerved on the Board for goose^ '
feet health to -day• The score was 7-1 in favor of the Bel- critical state, years, is resigning. He purposes spend•
to large congregations last Sunday By H. M. Mosdell
THE I STORE Woman's health depends upon her [norning and evening and made a good grave boys. • ing the next Summer in the West.. .
I aidncys. If tbL'y are not in' perfect How entrancing is the old ocean in Mrs. Beckwith was in Toronto recent-
impreesion, his peaceful summer moods, when,. 1 visitiu her daughter, Mies Cors Harry and Mrs. Bosman, of Wing -
order the impurities are not -strained Roo, W. Ii'. Bacr of: Vancouver, B. .his
as is the. rose in June wed who was ll. g � ' halm, were visitors at Jno. Lake's for
. - out •of her blood and sha cannot be: (' , formerly a member of Rattenbury SeRforth fresh as the trickling rainbow elf. ' .. a day or so. They have removed .to
healthy,- She. feels. it in every .part of July," his expansive bosom is ruffled Mol: E. Lewis has resigned his pox. Toronto where they will make their
XX2►.l'�Il_l'!ilXX1SKlX7+?CZXK':'C she church and choir, will give his pictur- p [tion its night watchman to take a + '
IiC'r body and tdlc+ result is that t+.i( is u4iue ekhibition of Brftish Columbia Mrs, I'%dward Cash, an old rt�sidetit only by the merest dimples of wave fi pee- home. ,w Bosman r Mrs. Laken coo-•
X K evenly and worn and full of aches and cl lets, stirred by the warm ofiIihore `ilio[► with the G. !, R. at a mors rem- cin and was as farmer resident of Morr•
pains, V41rat every woman should sccn(ry in that church on Tuesday ov- of Seaforth, has gone to Nilson, B. unerative solar is township. C., where she will reside with her wind. Arid once,. in far-off lsevurotuid y " P•
� Going. land, tired of rambling through the Mr,Lloyd Awdehas
know is that there is sure rtiiif and daughter, r, M>. D. TTutchinsan, - dwarfed bushes and over the green purchased: the The Robert d for a n farm, 17th con
house of hlr, L. H. Boarnan who .has hos been leaned for a term of years to .•
Cl�l/ perfect health for her ii she. uses stretches of sward that clothed the but recently removed toTotonto. Alex.: Soutar. Mr. McGaviri and fain- `
Dodds• Kidney Pills. _ .The Lncedadancc Club gave a dance brow of a Jow bluff by she shore, I lay
re ONT. Bayfield, Feb, 27th, 1805. in thui'r club rooms on ily velli remove to Winnipeg.
. Y . 'tv •-'t]- on the soft verdure of a tiny knoll A. A. Mop firuve, M. L. A;, came- np
X X . - r i ing, and watched hien there asleep, mus from Tornato to attend the funeral of The fine 100 acre farm of Duncan .
1.I I.I. Res, caught a large .trout, Ing on his greatness, the variety of the late D. D1. Gordon last week. Johnston,ct15, con, 15, has been' sok, -
X Write us at once for our free X The? first reading of the veto bill liar! .93j: lbs, the other day. . Ice 11,0ing is The ,Fidelity, Lodge, Oddfellows; ans his moods and the irresistible power to John 'A.. McNair; & well known
X catalogue and learn what is X passed. in tho' British douse of Com all right.. Just back up' to the holes giving an At. llo iv in Heir l tt-. with which at times' his mighty bil• Mr. a4d Mrs. Andrei 'CurriearP re• . Greyite, who will get .possession thitf '.
-X being done in the leading busi- X P g g n t o ,, ,, A in athv of man friends
X nos college in Western. Ont, X mons. and they juriip in. room on Freda ]oz}'s thunrlerecl where now .he fait y P Y 6prfng. Price was $6.500. Mr. JohnstonJohntn
s fi We ars., to have a lodgca of -tile L.O. y v Owing tui the death last week of .their, has invested in the ct+nvenientl
died v itis the shore arid. laid.hls white y.locat-
X Our graduates secure good pos- X . The 13rit'ish House of Lords will in- face on the sands." bright little eight -year -Old daughter, ed farm of Wm. Ohristopher, at Wal-
L. optmed here+ at once. There -is Air, John Reinke has disposed of his Agnes• ton. being $, lot 3(1, con: 1), Morris. X it:tons, and meet with success, ;i troducx a bill to reform the Second farm on the Ki . ea Road south. of On. the one hand were the waters R �
plenty of material and We have a. PP a $0,000 is said .to. he the figure_ paid. 'Mr.
X business then say. they are the: X Chamber. grand »[' sidin ofiac,t: here, therefore, Egmondville, to Mr. Jas. ticKay . i,pr of a fisher haven w•hereou small black The choir of St. Andrews church Cbristropher will go to the West, iv••'
to - g fishing.cratt lay motionless at anchor, were- 11-asantly entertained at the
X best. \fie have three depart- X it, do well. $8000, Mr. McKay will ;get pgsse� looking like. eLony models in home of 11r. asci Mrs. Thos. Wilson Ing place,to Mr: Johnston.
X meats : , l v Th'e dif!ercnttt, betiv:ten Russia and _
C 11'ina are practically settiCcl. blr, Wmi. O..boxne and ' fa4nily have !sten iii i►Iamb. AIr. Reinke will pro- a setting -of glass. Tiny wooden c:ot• one' evening recently, when they took
X CQ1iMERCLII�; X p just rt.turned from F'1o:^;da and report bably move into town'. tages, a'handful of them, fringed rdvantage of the opportunity to show+ - .
X STIORTI3AND Z President+ Taft has issued a warning the orange crop a failure. They do the rocky shore, the rough- exteriors their appreciation of the splendid ser -
X and IY Dr. Cooper was'in Toronto la -t smoothed b5 Che distant pitospect and vicesOf Mr. and Mrs: Rohr. ldaxwell
to tlio American Senate in connection not iut4 nd to ru:urn.
X TELEGRAPHY. X ;, week attending the 'Grand Lodge of mellowed b5 the warm rays of the err connection with. the choir; lis pre- _�� �•
with the trade arratkgemext with the Air: and ' -N-1,1-3- Smith of Oodeil:eli Royal Arab Masons, as represent July. sun.' Behind incl beyond haven senting Mrs. Maxwell -with a half doz.
X R'o give individual instruction -1 Dominion of Canada. spent Sunday here the guests cf Mr. from 3iallccah Clraptcr. and settlement rose the tree -clothed. eii silver knives and forks in it hand= Ci00d
X and you may enter at any time' X .and Airs. B. R. Swartz. hills, forming .a sombre setting for srnue oak case, and Mr. Maxwell with . �ic
X X ., a that fair .picture of peace and sug- it suit • case umbrella. Mr, and. Mrs, .
Air. Ilarry King, who has be n ver Mrs. J. W: NIclVillfanis o. Di. raft ,the thought that: • the Phil! Maxwell are leaving. Wingham and
X D. A. \IcLAC+ITLANK, Principal 'C, lichen citildi+,n aTo pale ecvisli, iting in.Wingham, has roturucd' homy, has been visiting her mu•la:r; ;ilui. will be greatly missed. .
P shadow of sorrow seems ever to hover fi y
X - h- - - - • •Y resticss.a. night, they, reauire,a dose Uri: Friday evening two, loads .af Kehoe. nearest when•life's day is most cheer.
X_XZtt �lS1Xh1_lX1i!u . T Air. W. Henry. baa removed.hia,fani-
or.. thea of 4liller t; li Orth . Powders: young, ' People. drok*e into . Clinton, The SeafoY.t curl r5 h v a yr;k [,d ful and sunshiny. • 1 AV to Galt as hr. has now 'a erwanent
r highly cntartaint l at h c . .a c .it . rte p tea , is elle result of
. For sale by J,: E..,Hov'cy, Druggist. , Where they were 1 g y Mute as a .thought, but eloquent in run as G., T. R. conductor between ' •
. the home of Mr. Jas. F:a leson. At- frons the west where they were iaki[,g . .1.
. g its very silence, a low, black, tarred that town nod I:Imira.
tri spending amort enjoyable evening part in the bonspell at pVinnipt%- I cross stood as the emblem,of�death by care -11101 eRperlt'.IIC@
W ' H. Watts & Son - dancing, music etc., the ruturnt,i They did not suce-4 d 'ill winning Jai- two mounds not far Troia where I sat, ;Mr. Jas. Morrison and family, after Iri blending --must be I.
-. Rev. Faiher Caron'dird at 1{euora. in t lc eats hours of rho morning. zes, but resorb a good time. Here, amused 1, is striking testimony, a sojourn of some time in 1'Viugham. . _
OUR STOCK IS COAIPLF,TI: AND ,� n y _ Finvu retuned to their feint actio
Tbic,� sticks of :dynamite were found to the cruelty of yon alluring'oeean. the combination of fine
UF.TIII: VERY HEST MATERIAL in the theatre -Francais at Montreal. Two ,strangers surely sleep yonder, cfde. ' . . .
THAT • MONEY CAN BGY'141HICIiJ,.-J.having been swept in by the bolster- A , ,, smooth strength
Mr. hill will build a million- sift doses for quarter'. llie. best ous billows after some sttrin and lald �'
ENABLES US TO DO GOOD WORK ri - ' station for rite (l read..`ort�hern i S.umauorhill, ,Feb. 27th, 1885, Y q .
of all -tonics. cl,'liller's Compound Iron to rest in this lonely spot, far re and ri�hrieSS.: Because AND ICE DO IT PROMPTLY. at liinir e,+. Morris Townshi
P b. AIr. 4i .Thos. Faruhai of Bills- Tills. Fbx sale by J. 1:, llov ey: moved from the reach of hands: that P .
Bring your Shoe Repairing Iso?at_d cases of 'bubonic plague rec,w was! visiting his fkendc in would keep the grass trim above
here d we .will rave wiiat ie been ciiscovcriil i n 13ritaiu. fi g Y . Miss McGnrdy, 5th liar, has peen all these elelinentS al's .
an P - have this Fici�ity last week". them and deck their graves with mem•
we say. British'ChaimbCrs of- Commerce. pro- ' ory's Hot -al. tributes. And far away, visiting in Detroit.
Y• lir. h• Butt has gone to Detroit. Dr. Frlinkand Mrs. Lambie and so $elleYbllS. included-.
maybe, some .sad hearts wait hope-
testa last tad an travellers in the Eiteter• gliter, of Midland, Aichigan,; have been - -
WE ALSO _II:IKI: BOOTS TO UR- with some horses. '1Fe wish him a •lessly for the return of the -two who vi siting did friends.inMorris and loc- Irl ,.Red,.Rose Rose Teel it
DER AND IN FROM ONI''. TO Province- of British Columbia. . successful, trip. .,liere, where the wind singe .
. I .hiss Olivil Walker of I;(ltnonton, tility.
Thu I.O.('l.T:':r niter this evening, �, r a lullaby and the wild waves. thunder l ugh Forsvtli and bride leftfrir. tfxeir well 'merits the • term -
1`IiRET: D:ITS. r11.ta., ha b. n-v.g.rLull, .lit, aigci .lb's.
... .
. t .
I`h.c: re'u14r urea+ting of the L:,O.f.. - their home atcokpisher;: $ash., on \londaiy, ,., ,.
l; I • 1,, Ilan4ford:
Call onus whin in need ' of. l "Good day- to 'eel xui,",said a gruff carrying with them the good Wishes gOOCl .tea. .
:iVOID 11AASIi" DRUGS. No; 928 will be held on` ;tlouday nett. _
anything in our line. Air. and iRrs.. _Willa Ilawkeshaw; 'voice; .roitsin "me train my musings, Of thecon[rikunity. .
Important busina S in regard. to : the' 'vv who ha,* been. -visiting friends i Y,r;s and , .faced about •to accent an aged We are sorry to.hear that Wrrr. bIc•-
Jlany Cathart+icS � Tend •to CausN In > g _ n t
file and drum band will be taken r+lp• v.. -. i.t for the est coli to of months,. flslie:men, . . Call, an aid and well known resident j
W. H. Watts & Son .jury to thus Bovveli. Y P P , ,
lies.,is G,_6. and J..;:]ua hili each He waa.a bent and gray old pian,: of the 7Lh.line, has.been,quite poorly a
rs 1 b mei<�. h rued to I] c rough Clad, buC wwtit a strong.. ltindly lai�Nly.
OPPOSITE. POSTOFFICE If • you are subject to const4pation sold a floc ha �+ as ave rete it}rir, ' hO t in Mlle
vest. ' '
Mrs. (1cso..lTill and solo are visiting - I face •framed !n a profusion Of. whls• '!'he $ p m, train . running inward ' '
' Pott should a�'oid strong drug"..and kers that, almost' covered the chest of Blyth Fridatiy week kiln d three colts .
friends in tlr:+ northern alt of rite On Thursday. next the tnai;lage
cathttrtics. 1'ht+y only give temper- P' a beavy blue jersey~. IIis face re• belonging to Kt,heit. 1\7cDonaltl, t)th ,.• ..
counit takes place of , I[ss ('arriu Scott; line, on his oven premises. They ;weie a 1S OOd tea
ary relii.+f and. their .ruactidn. is 'harm- ? daughter a[ Mr. .Jas. Scott tip lIr, ftected much .of the placidity of ,the 1
f'ul and sometim,o,` mora annoytnr; On F4cdneJday,iil Clitatun the ►oar-. !a great ocean on -whose-bosom lie had 3. Ziind'I yea r's-iespectively. The colts
OUR TRADE a Andrew. McLaughlin of C ramai+� had of out of the barb. ard. +end thro-
th'an constipation. 'They, it] do way nags took, place! of AiisS Flossie Jor- g Y• been cradled and reared and Tn:ld and
fs to dan of the 15th con., (loderich ' town- Mr. Jas: Handford of the. London companionship he had grown old and sigh the fence on the(.. P. R. a ick,
effect a.curo and their tendencytoil-worn. For. their great foster- 'Mr, McDunald w•aafbllowing.them up Your Grocer Will
W the already weak with ship, and aIr. b`, l'co of.13ossv' dill, Road. has purcdrased the house be- 1witern in hand, when -the train hove. . •
DOUBLEDlonging to Miss C'utimore near. the Dill mother teaches many things to Recornmenid It
Which trey come. in,con�tacti.. , Man. ra 'those o d in sight but `before he could. get - s•t �
go down to the sea in
We honestly be that We hava the - skating rink. ships:' � thein Off the express was upon them ..
Our sale of Flour, .. with the above result
• best •const'ipatiaa tieatmont, . ever de-. • . • 1Ir. J..Andorson of 1101ford has. He talked to me .fop the affable and .
Feeds, Seed Grain; i our 'faith in it is so g' Fd3,• 27th, 1885.. bought and taken possession Mr. . L. half -apologetic fashion so peculiar to -
v sed ,tion Ilolmisville, _ his people, and after ,a few minutes' i
Etc., has doubled that we sell, it ow the positive gualyan- Hanley's house in Exeter North, for- desultory conversation I asked him S¢af.
1Ir: IF. Staitl(y stilppcci a car load inert occtt t
til1S seasonOver la tee that'At .shall not) cost the user. a Y Ptd by illi. (lipts. I.ukcr, about these two graves and why they FRO O\T:1I21:0 TO W'lNN'IIIEG
St of ho s On Monday last ilfr.' Jigs. Willis is recover,n after
cent if W.'does not. give entire satisfa� y Mrs. M.. Munroe, who,bas been in were set there so far from human habi- WITHOl'T CRANGE OF' C:a.lL.- •;asp aa.ttack of a � .
Miss Ida Murch leas hien laid up r Cation. Than in his own homely ppendicitie,
tion and: completely remedy. constipa= England Cor rite past fc it months; has lklrs,. (Ura Patterson. . Of l.,ncknovg
What bettere'vide.ace with an attack of pleurisy, Speech and in quiet, serious tone, he If +oto travel to Western Canada b
tion. , Thi,, pregaratiou is called Rex- <�t ,, ,` returrivil, She is'sptepditi.g some lit- P , ) y hits been visiting friends in town. .
can there be that 0Ur r1' +s are coni t Thh postponed �Fose, (i , supper told me how one of life '§ promising the Canadian -I Pacific direct line. The •
all OrdC is ,These. p p •, tic , bimu m Toronto before coming romances Kaci culminated. in a tri• Air: G. L. Greenslade of Ba field
Was ht+1d. hire on Friday evening anel, trains rnakc^ th0 fastest tfmr with no y
stock and prices are soofhfng and most effective in action. home, . . gedy attested by two neglected graves has or roved the grocery .p o6sessi of
considering idle almost. impassable in.this lonely land and broken heart:a char o .of cars 'ru routs,• ipti transfers �{. + N
right, They are made of a ir:ct nt .chemical , . , , ;1 ri3ictfn O{ i be (x, c utrvp n► ihC y t .111 r. (.cane and has taken. obsesstori.
slate of the roads, was a de+^idea sac- g acrctds .the, sea. or customs examination.The rou• a Mr. and Mrs. Crone have gone . ti
discovery.. Their principal ini(el>ent ,- rod v .Fsetcr Distpr:ct' kpw.orCh Lea vva.+ wen n
C(�ss. Thi oyster tiuppe.,,,ir(pa h Thirty-tive,'year ago, it.,were.'• A is intercvting and attractive and Owen. . .
is' odor:t„s, tastAess and colorless. lir. Ramsay, was erten a ill, a also= betel iri .Tames s1rml, church one day Frenchman coined into th' harbor t' aids, in future
FORD&MdEOW Combined with other moll, known in- y g n I , through .C.anadr"an trrrttory the entire +
and which relfeett!d gi act crt(lit upon last week. • fish.. Aboard. of 'un was. a mayd, th Miss Myrtle Roberts- of Fullartoty
grodivats, long established for th* *.; , skipper's darter, an' aeemunly she Journey, Speoial train is -vice for haq .been visiting her friend' Misr
. all'i and the entertainment Mrs. Jas, Ford, has biro visit- settlers in effect during March and g
usefulness in tbe' .treatmi nt of con- were eourted be a man rvho was Com g . Lillie Twirs.
s i niton it forms a. tablet• which is was also all that, could, be duaired. ,ing frtrmuls in Toronto, has returned In' out f'm, their own .country in iri• ;Ipril:
t P Air, Izzard ,sang. a. Comic. song - vvey house. She was accompanied by hu_ other vessel. A little shart mayd, she
cabin 'ufit 1 kc card Thw miiv be ,
1 r Y.
taken. any t'ime., ` either. day or
acceptably. ,lir. (seorge Oakes also
soil limb OE Lawson, .Bask,, who
were, wi'_ black hair arY eyes; mos I1�N1/N1PN1/1irN1/1I N1NV1/V yyyri^
night; without 'fear 'of their Causing
sang in his well-known and highly-
appreciated style; while Hr, Robert
has been visiting, friends in the cast
for soin2(o time past.
wunnerful quick an' sharp an' .
shig#n' or hummin' some toone. or
Our 1`lotto�This Year is The Best Yet
any inconvenience whatever. They
Downs Cf area r�•pe'at(!dly+ '.',brought
other. Aster they'd bin ser f'r a
week rr so t'other vessel oomed in wi'
do not gripe, DGrge oar CanaC naUSc^a,
They act without causing. any• pain or'
down the hout��" with bis uncacilled
her flag flyin' .half•mas', Th'. mayd's . .
exec+:,:+eve looseness �f the bowels,
'aelineattions of irislt character. Mr.
Downs certr6ly stands well to the,
young man had a'died oto_ th' v'yage
over. Th' young ooma,it never made Ca'aRel
They are ideal for children,. weiiak, del-
, <
front• as a comic singer. Speechr!
;, -
lir. Thia Scariu.t Of Clinton Bui!'-
no noise when they.told her, She -
icato persons and agrd people ,Well
Werealso made ti • Rev, 1 . A. I� ear
ness visited under tlu
eg • part nt-
folloreda;he funeral out yer as quiet e
if minded at all. gut Due
as for the mast hearty person.
'they ionic in two size packages, 12
.and. Itev, lir, Stout.-
al roof on Suitday.,
she never
evenln' they missed her off th' vessel • ON A COUNTER WATCH
. .. r
tablets 10 cents,, ;l8 tablets 25 cents.
- -
Tyner of
;1Ir. Chas. and A1rs, (I co. T
r .an' after sarchin' all over th' place
found ]ler yer lyin' dead' across th'
Remember you Can obtain them only
SUmmerhill visit(A friends at Laid-
grave: So -we buried her alongside o' t�0 matter hole neceast�ry it is for you to know
at our ;holy* -'Tile Rcp[a1X Store. W.bars
you: sy5t+.m n'bals tonins; up, take
last Werk.
, , .
be, an th French crow put th black ,
S. R. Holmes:
llrs, John McKenzie left for her
+ cross be tit' head o' th' two graves.” the precise exact time to the second you .Will,
[ r
1,1'1'1ic.r's (`ompound Iron fills. For
sale b • J. X1. hove • Dru gist.
) 1' 9
home inDakota'after spending the,+
winter with her'fat ur, Mr. Rhin.
The ocean was groa+ing blacker
now, darkened by gusts of wind that find. the Co rater Watch on the •ob an tithe of
had suddenly begun to whistle through +l y •
' �, .
DR. OVENS, I.D,, I.R.C.P., rtC.,
Specialist in -Diseases the F:ye,
-. ___
.the closely set trees on the hillside.
day or slight. In all the world there is noth-
of .
A great black cloud was rising from
Ear, .dose and Throat, will be at
Do volt know that croup can be prey
the eastern horizon, betokening the
'coming of a storm and blotting out :.zg better, few if' any equal. It manes In 20,
Holmes' Drug Store, C1Kttton, on
, ,
vented? ('live C'hamberlain's Cottgh
Peb. 28th Mar 28th A ret 25th
p ,
Ittcnitfiiy as soon as the child brcomrs
much of the bright sunlight.
I „woks like a squall," said the flash• and h; year cases fitted twith a t,'ouniel' i4love-
May 23rd, June 20th, If you re-
hoarse or even after the croupy cough
erman, "I'd best bo rowin' in t' tit'
quire Glasses, don t; fail to.sce Dr. appears and it w1.11 prevent the attack, harbor." meta from $1C) lip, We sell It to you with the
�:•-- Ovens,
If you ront(•trtptate going to t.hct Itis alsba crrtaincum for croup and "He'hesitrited a moment,. ad if un-
Chas never been knower to fail. Sold decided about saying something. underst(fisdtlg that it will do exactly as we tell
west this year you will treed thcsc fray; "They do say as how 'em two meets
by all dealers.
F', w. Ci`T1.Y R, PAINTER AND bodies just issua.l by 1'}�e ('anactittn yer be their��grav-es every eventn' be. oil Or you et another watch.
Oh yes it 1S
J aclrw Railway etltiticd 1011 Set•- for a starm, he vouchsafed, When • �' y g
Paper hanger. All work doneguar- titers' Guide" and " West(tn Canada." thy grass gits long in th' summer they's
T B I C 9antetd satisfactory and prices These, books contain a wealth of in,- I The AVianipeg hoard cit Trade pasc,rd allers a narrer path fr'm one grave safe for tis to do this ate a Cot) Watch neves`
If YOU WANT TIM, DEST moderate. Residenee nearly opposite formation r(t*arding than Western tyro- a rmolution against the I rado age+re•• t' t'other'. Some a' th' Wye,rovvin'
(AAL AMD -PROMPT "DP,LIV- Collegiate Institute, Clinton, 83 vincts cropstatistics, land regula Trreni' with the• United States by a Along yer sez they ve a seed thhigrs disappoints,
ERY SECITRR YOUR SUP- � ` , vote or 69 to 13. , an' yeard voices. Dunne whether 'tis
tions, cli[nath Conditions, latiSt lana
true r no. Mebbe. Z hey s ;lacer ' '
PLY FROM US, maps, freight and pas.,wnger rates Three, Wren wv:e things happons In this'am ,orac�ly
ORDERS LEFT. AT nAVIs Uhile it is often %%possible, to Pre- by the C.P.R. diii tit line, avid part- tcatl(lccl to death places." /�'� �'�`�`1`�`�
+& ROWLAND'S I1AItD't�'ARE vent, anacridmt it is ikever bripos,t- I. the+ pulp mill l 1laatalbury, and . R. i�jyU.Lk� .f1L� imX%#
STORE pR',O111P1'I,Y A'P•• b o � 0 ' loulttrs oC trtxn service during. tlareb I sat there for some time longer, •
l b preparod•-•it is trot beyond ane, a fourth probably fatally injured, watching while that breeze became a _ - __
April. These books are now - .__._,...,..... .
,..'TENDED ''TO. any one'g Pursr, Invc4t 26 ex:n6s in tt wady t'Or distrr:bution aird ntttv sic ob- through some, one opening t1 a dooa of + strong gale and old ocean raked his ,
battle of Cirantibcrtaitt'y T.inhttent grid(1.11.11. Eke boiler. hoar head ltettd from rest. Grano were his - l8stiew Marria , Licenses
.. _.. -- .. taittecl tiara any Agent of the . i quiet, his gentleness, his ehartn. 130• Jeweler "`
Br yk you are prepared for spraftts, bruises or It. l,. Thompson, District Agent, ,Smallpox has brokc•rt out on the ' foro rat was the emblem of Vastness, .
Ja V'V . 18tevellson nd like injuries. Sold b cell ilealer+s. s Y ,
A $' (".1 .I2. morot[to. (.it r"dt Indian, rr..a rv,+, mbtioti. 02ianfk0, unsterina tyower. (•ty IhAMIMhr�IWenAhA