The Clinton News-Record, 1911-02-16, Page 2ill
Took The Advice
Of Her Friend,
Iq y..11AMINO
Miss. Ella Ryan bits, returned to Wing -
ham to resume her sttidleR,
lns ector Tom,, of (xoderirh, visited
theungannon public school last
Have You
AND DODD S KID14EY PILLS From the News Record ofMrs.
W. McClure and family visited
Old Engla-nd's Court Is Eusy
�T®�f�ll Out o
O. 1'897; that all p(•rson4 having
MADE MRS. PAINCI:I'ti,.L'D WELL. Feb. 13th 1895,.
friends at MwfekfnR last week.
bas been.
These pays.
harmer's ,lnstltutr. me,t ing, a ere
. the wedding music. Mr. and Lira. Mos.- three private detectives, who w:;re
tate of the said .l1enry Hunking, do-
Miss Cerra Roberts a few
es have ,returned from their honey- with siert, were roughly handl .d. ' Tli(t
Is your faro covered with
day and Tuesday o£ this week,
She inherited i.111 -health from her par-
days with. her .brother Jack, at Fort
The Functions Surrounding the, Coro.
Core -
-pimples, blotches or rash i' Poor
uired -send by post, prepaid or
q P
deliver. to the undersigned J:xwut-
Wits; and for seven years was. a
sufferer from Kidney and Hoard Clinton. Feb. 13th,
Miss Ada Sproul,. of God'etich, visit-
nation of King George and Queen
condition of your blood will
cause these facial disfigurements
- i private detectives received a cut from
Rrotestants O'bject � to �atchesm. ` a flying bottle, another had a. rrvo:v.+r
Trouble. '
ed lit her home here recently.
W. C, McCulloch,. teller in the Star-
Victoria Mary.Are Expected to Sur,
at this season of the year. A
.Arehfbald, on the Leadbury Lipe,
Misn M. Twitchell of Southampton
Whitworth, Temimcitita Co., Que,, is home on a visit.
lin Bank het e, left last week for Port
Stanley, to take: a (+fiuilwr position in
pass. Anything Ever Done Before In
rood medicine for your blood
claims, and statement of their ae-months.
counts Clic nature of the s�ccuri-
Feb. 13th. (Special)—That she took ,Banker Rance of Blyth was in town
the branch there. The latter position
England—Two Million Visitors to
will clear your complexion like
, the Protestant ratepayers of No. 8 snd warrants issued for their arrest.
thee. advice of her friends and used over Sunday.
has been vacated by Cecil Treleaven,
the Metropolis Are Expected.
Of the many blood purifiers
Mgrs. I:ackland gave a solo very
Dodd's Kidn:ry Frills is tthe reason Miss Johnston of East Wawanosh is
formerly of Dungannon, who hits been
promoted to the position of manager
London, Feb. 13.—Since the begcin-
we sell Rexall Blood TO,
assets of the. said deceased among this
partied entitled thereto having re'
Mrs. - Julien Painchaud of this place. the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John John-
at another branch,
Ding of the winter the chief furiction-
lets aro undoubtedly tho most
of the parish priest, who visited the st to the warm breezes of the gulf
gives for t+he perfect health that Ston, Rattenb�ury street,
Mrs. H. AURustine passed away on
Aries of the British .court have been
effective. We are familiar with
shows in hell elvery movement.. Reeve Burns and Mrs. Burns of Bay-
the 3rd just. after a brief illness, death
being due to paralysis, Mrs. Augustine
.busily absorbed with preparations for
this remedy and
the formula oft s tri
"I inherited ill -health from my, Far- Nld were in town last Saturday.
to y
was: well known and highly respected.
the coronation of -George V„ which
know what it will do. It pun-
ents, �� Mrs. Pajnchaud says 'n an lit- D. Cantelon shipped another car of
in this atmnnity. She .leaves besides
will surpass in pagermentry and io h:ls
ties and enriches the blood,
t'arview. "For seven ears m' lle;irt
y Y choice live hogs to London tleis wt+uk.
her husband, a fwmt y of rite sons and
torical interest all former ceremonials
builc's up the entire system and
and Kidneys: botherol ;mu. I was al- Rev. J, F, Parke will take charge
three daughters.
of the character„ While the ceremony
imparts a healthy colortochceks
ways tired and nervous. I coutd trete of St, Paul's chut+ah next Sunday,
of crowning the Ding and Queen in
and lips. Sold with the Rexall
sleop. My eyerl had dark circles round w•h l(+ Rev. Mz. Fairlie will take
Westminster Abbey on June 22 will
guarantee. Per package, 50c.
them, and were puAcd and swollen• ,charge a$ Listowel,
Grey Township
be almost identical in form with that
"I could hardly do my housework Mr. Wm, Chewings has returned
when I was ad.ri:sed to"try Dodd's Kid- from a visit to the art of
John and David Kirkeonnell were
of which has been followed in the in -
vestiture British sovereigns since
northern P
ney Pi:'ls.. One box retlieved me (rf the county. He will visit Scaforth
visiting at Londeeboro', during the
William I�'., and Queen Adelaide, the
auxiliary . functions are expected to
sin, andsix boxes made me perfect- rw days. return to his Name
P p and in a f(
past week.
Mary Fear, 8th line;. Morris,
.exceed in pagentry and magnificence
ly well, in Cypress, Man,
Every woman who is 'feeling fagged, Mrs. Geo. Parks of Goderich was
tireti and worn out, should use Dodd's on a visit to friends her! last Friday
Kidnc� Pills. The euro the Kidneys, t, y
y y �'' and Saturday. The ady had be((n on
was a visitor .with Miss hazel Rozeil
for a few days.
Miss Maggie Robertson, Oth con.,
has been ill during the past week with
anything that the nation has •witness -
ed in - the past.
These will include the progress, of
. the court through London on the day
after the coronation, and a visit to
and every woman's bealtL dope nds on a vioit to Brucafield r0la-tives for a
Mie. (Rev.) Robt. Pearson, who was
the Guildhall with a reception of the,
her Kidneys. Healthy Kidneys mean couple of weeks and was .rtaurning
visiting relatives here has gone to
Ding and Queen by the city authori-
pure blood; and our; blood eatries home,
London to visit relatives .there he-
ties, a great naval review, a gala per -
per -
forntance the
u 1' n
new life to run down organs which Town Clark Coats is in the county
fore leaving for her home in
at opera with minor
celebrations and pageants, Amon„
y y gy• town' this wtiek auditing the count
supply the bed with energy. I g Y
Miss Mar Thompson is ill with scar-
which will be a "festival of Empire'!
If you're a suffering woman ask.1 accounts,..
let fever at Berlin but her many friends.
• at the Crystal Palace,
your frienda. ThUy'll tell you out of Mr. Chas, Peacock of Hullett ha''s
here hope she will soon recover. ,
Businss men and transportation
their own expcTience to use . Dodd's 's -cured • the contract of supplying
-Mrs. Robert .Logan, of Minneapolis,
companies count on an influx of
X Write us at onee for our free X
Kidney Pills. thirty cords of hardwood, b(a,%:h and
is here for an extended visit with her
something approaching 2,000;000 vis: -
X catalogue and learn what is X
ma Ie at $3 per cord.
P +
brother, L. McNeil, 14th con,
was a former resident of Grey town-
tors. to London during the coronation
season. A considerable proportion of
X being done in the leading tiusi- X
Last week Mr. Thos. Britton. of
these will be foreigners, Americans
X ness college in Western Out. X
Col, Sam, l•Iughes returned to, his Stapht(m r•,:eived frown his grand-
Will. J. Rozell, of Detroit, and Will.
and colonials probably predominating.
X Our graduates secure good pos- X
attack on The 'Globe and Rev,, Mr, father in England the present, of a
H. Salter of Toronto, were welcorue.
tit the horne of Mrs. Chas. Roz-
Hotels are receiving. many orders for
X it -ions, and meet with success X
Milne in the House of Commons and quantity of Bru,r,cls. carpeh.
accommodations but expect to be able
X business Dien say they are. the X
ryas rebuked, by Mr. Claude MacdonIAI
An old and most; highly esteemed
cope .with the invasion; The best'
Places reserved for the raga-
X best. We have three depart- X
and other morribers:
resident of the 0th con„ answered the
,are .being
la- patrons., and managers say that
X tticnts : X
Ba field Feb. 13th
imperative call on Thursday of last
fn the of Mrs. Thos, Rot).
prices for the _coronation week will.
Mr. Richard .' Hazleton,, M.F,, has '
week Person
ertson who. pabsed peacefully away at
, not be more. than double the regular
been.unseat,r in North Louth on yeti- The twin scr:rws . supposed to bo
the advanced years..
rates for the best hotels. Boarding
:i and IY
tion- of Mn. T. M. Healy, K,C. lost off the:, Big .up the
.ase i it
After a holiday visit of w month Mrs.
housekeepers, are.likely to be less reu-
1� 9
..Gun, ,turned
other day...
W. L. Hamilton and daughters left
sOnable in charges to visitors who
have not. mads, arrangements for ac=
X We give individual instruction X
President Taft. opened his reeiprbci- The ice fishing is now on, Not
for their home -in Passbury, Alberta,
Mr. Hamilton is engaged. in
`cornmodationg in advance.
X and you may enter at any time. X
tv campaign yesterday at Columbus, . the time lcmtel seas-
large heals.By.
large coal raining ' properties.. Alts.
There Js revery indication that the
X' D. A. McI,ACIiLAN, Principal ' X
Ohio. son comes. on we -may axpecb .more as
---- providenco knows the ,proper food . to
Hwrnilton is the yynungest:daughter of
I,, and Mrs. McNeil,,l4th :con.
erection of the -_stands for witnessing
lite procession. to the abbey, Arid the
The Trustees: of S. 3. No, 1 have let
progress through London 'will be on, a,
FOR BALD HEADS. The'social at Mr. Geo. Er 'in's , on
the contract of their. new brick_ school-
house to George. Ht�neyy,� of Bluevale.
scale more extensive than for the
coronation of Xing Edward in 1902.
Thursday, evening was a gr(sat' . - sue-
A Treatment that. Costa Nothing. if . cess. 'Everyone seeni,ed to enjoy thorn-
for thesune of $2,173.13e to supplyall
have complete by
Owners. and tenants are' asking the,
highest ever quoted for building
rtiaterial and work
W• H. Watts SOn
selves. Thiire was a` large crowd.
September 15th. Old school house was
to Robert Miller for He
. sites and windows, BeAes to the; or -
dinary for ' which us-
we want you to ti+� Throe later bot-
sold $190,00.
to leave part at present in use t;'
applicants seats,
ually are held at.the highest possible
tiee of Retial "93" Hair: Ttrnc •
w is completed.
new building p
days before. e
rk '1 a few' d s o t
nig unto h
Londesb ro F 13 h 95'a
t trial, o eb. t 18
our personal guarantee the the t to , ..,
McIntoshM n oehas sold his f arm
Mr,.Peter cI t
event, are. apt to go .down witharush
will not cost you a penny if ib -does
Mn. 14%--rry Cufriming'of Mranitoba is
to Mr. Peter *.Lamont and'incends go-
'ioR west in the .spring. Jt hie
on the eve of the coronation when:
s ulators find the have frightened
y t;.
not jve' t
. g you absolute satisfaction.
yis4ting at the • hoir'►e of his fattier,
intention to sett W in Saskatchewan, .°
.away. the public.'
That's proof of our faith tri this rem-
.13th con, Hulldtt.
A. lively irisuranee business has be.'
BringRepairing. '
your Shoo Re airinEleven.
edy,. and it.' should.indisputably dem-
of,the meanbers of the I.O,
g un at Lloyds against the death of.
here and we will prove what
onstTati! that we know • what: we . ars,
G.T.. lodge attended the District
talking about when we 'say that Rc(r- ,
Morris Township
the King or any event necessitating.
postpattement of the coronation, and
we say.
„ „•.. meeting in Blyth on Friday evening,
all 93 Hair Tonic will grow hair .
a st bad weather,
The .LO.G:T. here is, steadily in-
oil bald headsi; except wbero baldness
creasing There
George. Taylor, . who recently Rold
Dr. Davidson, the present, Arch=
bishop Canterbury; '
.in membership.' were
has been of 'such Ions duration ' that
three in 'ons at the. regular tneot-
bib fine Carat content laces a holida
P y
.trip tie the West with his wife.
of will officiate'in
the abbey, in. succession ter the aged
the roots of .. the hair are eritjiel Y jug. la d' we�J(. ..
Alex. Spetran; of. Monerierf, was
Archbishop Temple; who ordw.ned
Call on us when in need of
dead, the follicles closed and .'grown
visiting relatives and friends .in this
Kinn Edward,
anything in our, line.:
oyer, and the"scalpis glazed.
township for three weeks:
W H Watt
W. H. On
Remember we. are basin our stator
g Varna Feb. 13th" 1895..
menta upon what has already. been ao- +
Will, 13enderaian, 3rd line, home
from the Weston a holjday visit:..He.
Two Burned Jo • Death;
14lontreal,. Feb.. 13.—Ari . nveiheated
„ „.
co�inpiish�d, by the use of Rtreall 93 • dn; -
On We esday a party young pee
sci journin.g in the Afoobe Jaw
locality and hits en oved his stay;
J' y
stovepipe caused.; 'a fire yesterday
ng_ t
in the boage house.
hair Topic, and .we have the right to plc Pram. the lets con. of Goderich
A valuable draft colt, rising 2
,morning P
b Jose h Phillips-, in
3'. Paged, �0, on Prince
assunie . that.t hat it has done for
You.: township drove . over to our village
of others it will do for } ou.:
belonging' to D. McLean,•7th line, died
receptl ' from lock jaw. No . cause is
;street, and Phillips, with -one. of his -
Boarders, McMahon, 47,
and while here ,were rntertainod . at
In Any event, you cannot, lose anytrbin
y y �� tfio ham;. of -Mr. L. i3eattie.. Thep,
by, giving it a trial' our liberal 'ven '
known Jos the ailment.
:h1ra: Joseph Shaw and.son, Norman;
3rd'line, home last from
.Michael aged
lost their lives.. •John • Qirinlati, .who
had retired to rest fully dressed; was
.on attendl,,d• c ncert in: aid- f the
o given o
arrived week,
res 50 and
Two sizes, o a .
g uarantec. T o . Acca ••s n ssi `n r
1I be a d. a sted giving the
an extended tri to V,e nconver, B G.
P ,
suffocated when he. awoke- to
$1..00. Remember; you can obtain famous "Pumpkin Ridge" dialogue,
where they had a.yers enjoyable. visit
with W. A,.and Mrs. bbat v.
wase sohe house in intense. and thesmokeso thick
Rexall Rtmedics, is this.. community. '
'Those taking part were : Messrs. J.
On the 2nd inst. Hugh Forsyth. 'r.,
'that Quinlan made a hurried.* escape
only at our stort•.—The Rplxall Store.. Ii. and Chas. Lowery; R. Murphy-, R.
of Frobisher, Sash.,, forma -rely of the
.through ont+. of the. windows on' the
Our sale of Flour,
tV' S. 1%. llolmes: i,Ind I3. Tom_ Tompson, John 'Kilty of
0th line, of Morris, and MIaR Lizzie*,
stairway; and raised' an.alarrt . Quin-
Feeds, Seed Grain,
C 'Clinton, and Misses Murphy and
yotin esr. daughter of AV m. and Mrs.
McCall', 7 th line, wore. united is mare-
Man's face and, hands were badly burn-
e(1. When the brigade arrived the fire
Etc., has doubled
Thoiripson. It brought down the
rage.- The caren;ony was. performed by
wa.;- quickly extinguished. , Groping
this season over last
DR. O� ENs AI.I), z,f .c:i�. .: , r
,. , .hou..t The song by Mr: Lowery was
Specialist in Diseases of the Eye, w.10
Rev..A. C, Wishart, B. A. After a visit-
ing tour arotindHuron On. hie. and
'their way through the house, the fire-
men -the: dead bodies
rec(+sved. We will, welcome
Ear, dose and Throat, will be :at th(rt) back again on similar occas
hire. Forsyth will leave for the. Nest
,discovered of
Phillips and McMahon, and also the
What better evidence
Holmes' 'Drug Store, Clinton, .on '.s (,ns,
where the groom hits w fine farin.
body of Mrs. Phillips; . agod. 70, who
can there be that our
>;eb.: 28t1h, Mar 28th,' April 25th, ,
Mrs. JaH. Blake wenb to Hamilton
to meet her husband who was an.'roate
was lying unconscious: on, the diningl
room boor... She tivasataken-a to the
stock and pr`iees are
May 23rd J.une'20th. If you re-
y y
don't Dr,
Teti England and in the Deal future,
East. Mrs. Blake
Generali Hospital, .where last nigh(
shire Glasses, fail -to see, li:hilr it is often. impossible to. pre-
probably the fair re-
her. condition was considered sericarts,
Ovens. , .
vent. an accident, it is Lever rmpossi-
turned to arentiil horne lith line where
:she and their little daughter will re-
---=� bler to be',prepared-it• is not beyond
main during her husband's a baencer,
Roughly Handled..
an one's purse. Invest 25 cents in a
On .Ehe 2nd jnrt, at the dome of the
Montral, l eb. 13. --;John H. glob -y,
TO CREDITORS.—INT TH:L , le Chamberlain's n Liniment and
tett of C Bamber aj s I, en
r' iii; n s the 3 • line bliss
h rde a ( e .t , on . rd
Agnes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jam=
erts . th wretar of. the Dominion
, e y
Alliance, had an exciting experience
g P
matter of the estate of Henry Hunk- you are prepared for sprains., bruises.
in of the Township of Hullrtt .in
g P r and like injuries, Sold by all dealers.
th G`o t f Il n V. D
; '
es; Ireland,. was united in marriage to
Mr, Jaruees Moses of the 0th con. The
in the early hours of Sunday morning, .
While conducting a raid on a danro.
e tin y a u , (otnan, e-
c-eased,—Notice is'hereby, given pur
ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr, hall at the corner of Montca.m and
Wishart of Brussels and teas witness- St.. Catherine streets; where liquor is
scant to See. 38• of Chap. 129, R.S',
McKillop Township
ed by a number of invited guests. The alleged to have been sold, and city
stride wore a handsome gown of silk, . policemtrn in uniforms are said to hiiv(i.
O. 1'897; that all p(•rson4 having
organdie.. Mise Elsie Ireland played .been seen. drinkin Mr. Roberts and
claims or demands . against, the vs-
harmer's ,lnstltutr. me,t ing, a ere
. the wedding music. Mr. and Lira. Mos.- three private detectives, who w:;re
tate of the said .l1enry Hunking, do-
heli at �Vralton and Winthrop oil.14Jr,;i�
es have ,returned from their honey- with siert, were roughly handl .d. ' Tli(t
cease who died n r about th ..
d o o hot r
day and Tuesday o£ this week,
r o and have tak n u house-
u nn tri a e
P c '
P. z was taken f•
ii oar rile had -seized a om
Keeping • on the room's recer►tly pur q y.
7th <la of January,. 191]., stir ret -
:41i1 1 b'luker of Monkton, was -visit- site
1 l K them, and in a row that ensued they
chased Gera on the 9th. con.' were considerably outnumb^red and
uired -send by post, prepaid or
q P
deliver. to the undersigned J:xwut-
ing her brothers, the Messrs. Munn;
handed some hard knocks. One of the
ors on or before the 18th day of
for a couple of dans l;tst wnolr
Mrs. Ireland of Tuckersmith died 0
- i private detectives received a cut from
Rrotestants O'bject � to �atchesm. ` a flying bottle, another had a. rrvo:v.+r
FLbruary, A411, their rhristian and
t•he home of her soar -in-law, Mr.'Thos.
Toronto, Feb. 10.—T. P. Collins and taken from him, and Mr. Roberts was
surnames and addresses with full
.Arehfbald, on the Leadbury Lipe,
William Banks, sr., repre,,L-nting the struelt on the •head two or three tine -s'.
particulars in writing of their
whore slit; had b(sm staying for a few
grand lodges of Ontarra Last and r The names and addresses rf those
L.O.L„ -and J. 41, i implicated in' the affair have been
claims, and statement of their ae-months.
counts Clic nature of the s�ccuri-
West, tiliam
and James Thompson, representing taken, and complaints will be la:d
tics (if any) held by them duly -veri-
mr: Jampo Snell,' who was in the
, the Protestant ratepayers of No. 8 snd warrants issued for their arrest.
Tied by statutory declaration. And
hospital ut llamilion, has returned
Otonabee; laid a charge before lion, -
Dr." Pyne, and afterwards before. Sir A Terrible Trip;
-said N' -said 18th
otice'that after the
Mgrs. I:ackland gave a solo very
James Whitney, that the Roman Cath- Halifax,, N.S„ Feb. 13,•-•-F,'ighte^n '
day of February, 1911, said. I.xeeut-
ors will proceed to distribute the
rfeevly st Bethel. during the service on
otic catechism and Roman Catholic days out from Harbor Breton,. Nfid.,-
doctrines were taught in the public during which time she .drifts(, �hun-
assets of the. said deceased among this
partied entitled thereto having re'
Sunday last.
7 ho revival, services at Bethel have
school by a Roman Catholic teacher, I dreds of miles off her course, from bit -
and that the teacher had the support ing winds of the bleak Newfoundland
to the
breva dis(btitinued owing to the pastor
of the parish priest, who visited the st to the warm breezes of the gulf
gaiYi only claims of which
not being well, lie to suffering ft+om
I school. the schooner Cardinio air eil
America's Greatest Medicine--
Take It This Spring
Thoroughly cleanses the blood, cures all eruptions,
improves the appetite, relieves that tired feeling. • Getit
today. Sold by all druggists: everywhere, ioo doses $i
The :Manitoba . Legislature has op-
enell for business.
Coapt. Brereton, for many yearia sti-
pendiary Magistrate died at Kenora.
Two more arrests have been made
in connection `wit•h the car4C'rry rob-
bery cases at Wind.iait.
Starvation threats+is two million
Chin(rr3 unless immediately relieved..
British Unionists cannot agrwi as'
to line of action in regard to veto.
dry has received instructlons fromi
the undersigned to veil by Public :
Auction at I,ot 37, Con. 13, Hul-
lett, on Thursday,, Feb. 23rd, the
following Horses—,Heavy draught* i
mare 9 years old in foal to Black `
Band, matched team of -geldings ris-
ing 3 and 4 by Derry Down&,• sad
driving mare 6 years old ; Cattle—'
" Thorobred cow newly salvo and '
supposed to be in calf, newly, calved,
cow, 5 cows supposed to be in calf,
farrow cow nearly fat, 4 9wars ris-
ing 3 years old, 3 Isteers rising 2 '
years. old,. 2 heifers rising 3 years
old, 2 heifers rising 2 years old, 5
calves, 2 young _palves, 10 young
pigs 21 months old, brood gow duct :
to farrow, in May ; Implements-.
• Massey 4larris binder 6 foot out, .
Massey -Barris mower, ' Massey -Har-
ris seed drill it hoe nearty new,
Massey-Ilavris • hay loader nearly
new, corn cultivator, Mann disk .
harrow, hay rake, land roller, twin
plow, two furrow. Imperial plow, 8
walking plows, turnip drill, root
pulper, 2 sit Diamond harrows,:
cream - separator De -lava]•, 2•
top buggies (one nearly new), Can-
apy top buggy, cutter, 2 wagons
(one trucks -with box), 2 hay racks,
set of bot sleighs; fanning mill„
cutting box, stone boat, wheel
barrow, 140 feet of now rops car and
pulleys, 2 set . of single harness, set
double harness; set plow' harness„
,-kt of scales . capacity 1040 lbs,
range.. and cook' stove,,. glass cup
board; wash ng machine, Daisy
churn, ` sap pans and . a number of
Ipail's, forks, shovels, chains- and 'a
number of other, articles, too nuts
erous to mention, a quan*y of
hay. fray ` and hogs, • ca5h. A1C
must•be sold withdub re.K+rveas,tbe
proprleitar has sold his farm. Terms:
-All sums, of $10. and under, cash
Sin Robert Bond advocate;). a over that amount 10 months' credit,
ggres- onIapproved joint notes, or 3 per
siva, policy towards U,S.• sent.. straight for cash: J. C�
A deputation. of 800 fruit -growers Henry, Proprietor ; Thos. Gundry,.
entered ' a protest before tho Govern- I auctioneer.
mt.+nt, at Ottawa against the free im-
portation ortation of i,:uited States Nutt, Sir.
-Wilfrid Laurier pointed out,t;haaatdarer AUCTION SALE OF' FARM STOCK
action was taken at too. late a dart;,
and' assured them that Canadianfruit arld• I!nolemenbs.—Mr: Wm. D. H'ir-
would find a good market+ in t.ho tinit- risan has instructed the undersigned
ed States. to sell by Public Auction at' Lot
34, Cop. 4 Godcrioh Township, . on
Tuesday, . Feb. 21st, commencing at,
1.30 p.m., the.,following : General
FOR AGED HO LE;. purpose mare rising 9 years: suppos-•
Oid Folks Should. be C'arcful in Their ed to be in foal'to, Celtri � ride,.
Selection of Regulative Aleddcincr. heavy draft gelding rising 4 years,.
general- purpose :filly rising 3' years,:.
We have a 'safe', dep(ndahle and al- general. purpose, filly rising..1 year,,
-together ideal P.miedy that i. _-partie- general purpose gelding rising ..&
ularly. adapted' .to thee requiremnits ( i. years, driver rising 6 ymrs,••driver•
aged peopleranit persons of weali cols rising 3 years, span' matched year-
stittiticns who rut,er from (u(t.y)a- I. ling roadsters,. 2 milking cows,
tion:or other bowel disorders, NV(, I heifer rising .3'yeais, heifer 'rising 2
are -so certain that it will. relieve years, _steer rising, 2 years, 5 calves;,
these complaint ) and 'give. absolate C brood sow, 1.2; young pigs, Chatham:
sat! sfact ion in every particular that wagon,• with box nearly new, set :
w(t ofiiir it v:jthoour• er"sonar uaran- f. sleighs, 1•Lount Forest buggy
P !; o ggy.
t((r thnt it shall -cont the, user not sing Ding last season, piano box cutter*,.'
if it fails to ,ubstautiato our claims, oilWbrow disc harrow used 1' yeat,'"
This rituedy is called Rexall Order- plough,.; set of. harrows, pulper, %
lied, vhrc-Ibarrows, 'road. carr, . buggy-
Itexall OiJhrlies have a soothing, .pole, whitllctirrs' and neck q 1(e,'
healing, :strengthening, lunic.•.and rog- set aou.ble harness, 2 set '..single
u1`ativ(i acti�n iipon'ttit bowels. They saint:4s , a. quantity. hay(cash ,
remove all i tation, dryrirss, sore- bay rack, wood mock, 2 light'.' barn-
nes. and weakridso. ' Thcy •restore the 1 ess collars and other articles too ,
bowels and associate organs 'to mora, numerous to mention. All will be:
vigorous' and , health•y activity. Tht•yold Nrithout r`ewrve as the proprie-
act* tiat+(m lik(c cantly, may be taktoa at I t'or is leaving the farm. Terms : '
env time �++ithout' inconvenience,. , . do I All sunis of 8, r0 and Dreier;• cash
not eausc .any. griping, naust�a, d6ax- ( 'oter that amciunt 8 months'. credit
rhoea, v.,cessNe looseness, , flat+aictuIc ` im approved jointnotes, or •5
or other disagreeable effect•. Price 25c cont. discount per annum., for cash.
and ]Oc Sold Doty at our store- 7'he Win. D. Harrison, proprietor; Thos.
Rmall .Store. W. S. 12, Ilolni s. Gundry, • lictioncer•,
• PMMltwwrVwwnrwwwVrvwwOeMtiVlhvVenlw�►Vei�Mwi►�
Our flotto.This Year is - 'The. Best Yet
�To matter hocv neceastery it is for yeti Lto know
thetrevise exact time'to the second, you will
find the Counter Watch on the jilt any time of
da or ni ht, In all the world there is noth-
y (.
ing better, few if an:V equal. It ,comes in 20
and 25 year cases fitted with a Counter Move-
thry shall? then have notice, and tete The Ministers pronnsed an investi•
-- - a sa.'rre cold. in port yesterdaey, after ono of ihr went from 115 up. We Stell it t0 you with the
said I;xrcutars will not be liable for La Grippe has its victims b ithei gation, but Bir James refused to cony longest trips on record, for a sailing, t
said ai,zsets or .any pail, thereof, tt) pm' y I seder a suggestion that the sehools be' vessel, bcttween Halifax y l
' d(nen in thersry }tarts. entirely secularized. and Now- understanding that it exaetl aE3 we tel
y p P p p. says it, was
claim n ice: shall' not have been roe. -- Albany Alsoiso Approves. the worst tri in his 25 years' expert- Loll dr ypli get atlathor rvatCh. Oh 'es 1t IA
ceivtd b diem or their Solicitor at Alban N.Y.,Feb.13.- The Cana• enae on the North Atlan" s
an ;.ruin or erson. of whose faundland, Cat Carroll
tie.. It its.
y Dot r know that croup cart be pre- y ' a series of gales from the t:m� the '
the time of such distribution. Dated than reef rocity agreement was a safe for uA to do this As a Cotiuter Watch never
IF Ybu WANT THE BEST at Clinton, Jan. 20th, l0il, W ventcKt 'i give C'iiarnberlaitt's Cough proved in resolutions, adopted by tho schooner was drivene neo rb, 00 miles
COAL AND PROMPT DELIV- Brydone, Solicitcsr for lits i';statr ; Rome *ty as soon as the child becomes directors of the Republican Lesigur of off her course to the south. For five disappoints,
SUP- hoarse or (even after the croupy cough Clulu of the State of New York at _.
ERY SECURE YOUR, SUP- N'in%. Grainger, John Grainger, I.xW days she lay to, 'riding out th;� gale
PLY Vlof%": US. eeutors. appears an(1 it will prevent the. attack. t r annual meeting hero on Saltie- 30 mile$ south m Sab]v Island, .The.
It fs also a certain cure for Croup and _ sun was twit visibZn ;luring the entire
ORDERS LEFT AT nAVlq has newer bran known to fail. Sold voyage and Capt. Carroll had to run YY R. �����
do ROWLAND'S Ii1It1)R'AR1'i Struck by Tram• on dead reckoning. YY .
byall dan•►lc•r5.._.._......�.,r.....-.._.�...�...-.
STORE F90APTLY 11T- F. W. CU T1,10R, 15AIN TIM AND Blenheim, Feb..13 �J. It, Muck'A, Forty-seven barrels of horringq were
.,.TENDED TO. Paper hanger. All work dono- uar--�-_- aged M. was struck by a Pere Mar- swept from the deck. into tho sea,
g quette train at Blenheim Junction an
y Saturday of Iii and seriously fn'ured, )YSSttlr 11flarrtt aiC�nge�
ani•t�il satisfactory and ltriers _ .10�'ONet' '"' g
moderate. Rrtitidrttee nearly opposite Tho hong Sault Rapids bill was J .
(� C y pP He was nal nK rn the track.
• `f,%• a� evenso 4'ollrgiate nstitutr, Clfntrin. 83 �d�w:ratr(1 in t�ho Vnit•ed Stattri House. 'I'lte Newfoundland l.nyislt7ltvni wa.4
opetied yesterday.