The Clinton News-Record, 1911-02-02, Page 60
I ClWos Now&-Recom
. �_:�_�, �,% \ \ " % � ! , THE �OEAD SEA
__ , 71
F-777-1 � , In
F_�:_ DODYS �, - Eng Facts About the Remark. THE WAVIRKS ""' .
.� I , I : a0le I'Shoot of Water .,
�; ;10
I /' , ��- � - In Many ways tl,e Dcad Sea, in Pal.
� ". - estine, can Calm thr� cl!stinctlon of be.
01 � ,
, I Ing the most remarImble sheet of wa. .
i, il P1 LLS --:::;`s� WCX Effigies of Some of the most
, - ��,-S�, * (
__-W V 1 � ter oil t1le faf'er of th - Notable Figures in History
� �,� ` J 1� --�. fK .e glob% Althoug, � . Find
41 L 1. . \\,,,Z��,,��, a
I I �'A __ .. � S * known by I aire, t ) ei,oryone, only
11 a Place Thvwro
I ! twIVe lit 1110(1011 tkiles lips anyone At. — .
h, L -Y 0 f ! . .
'. k KiDNC 0,1� I
I I- . - ten"pted t.*,) wak�, BUY systematic stud Peop-'e have a curlo*
. . I . X tbia h'jtorI rcglon. . y Idea that ,, Ugly mistaken : A
11 . . " 0 1. , I 1IIdc((T,' its banks , are selolom visited, , the only place' In London I
. .,� where one can see really good wax
-:."I.- , , d
. . � 11 . . . .., I _� 11 %T1d many of the ravinE.s, and ui,oua. figures is at Madame Tussaud'a, but s
.. 0 I& 11 ;;., ail's tl at slart Its shoms are said to ,
� I al , . � )e v1rtl,a!IY- 1111�'xl)llortd terrJtDry.- Tills tills Is a great error ail their part, b
. I , A 0
tocouill, therefore, of a week spent The waxworlis At Westminster b-
ip�)n the waters Of tills little-knowil bey are also very Interesting, and, 'v
Wm is of moro than vussing interest. from an historical point of view t
. '. .- . - . '111A, subject acquires ail added Val. . , they a
KEEPS TAB ON THE AUTOS' 'v from, the fact tbat the Turkish Gov- May also be regarded as most vener. I
. I sru a -lit rect utly grazut d a concession able .antiquities. C
cr the explottlttion, of the minerals- Year$ Ago, III Me early,dayS of Eng. I
Firanco Knows Just WhAre ta Cat i) the I%ad $.a basin, a sum of r-70,- lish history, peoPle liked to be sure t
Cars for War Purposes if Needed i9o, it is said, being paid for the riglits. of tlitir lacts. There were no news. B
i 1.4 Well kno.wa that the fillent and papers to herald the
for war," royalties, and every ple I ce of news
% mrist bltuw.�u is obtained here, as goings .oil of
I 'In time of a ovell as sulphur, copper, marble, ete. that was handed oil froxii, one to An. a
0 a saying which France intends. 171-f il experts have declared that there OtlIcr Came, originally from an eye- t
Vlacing In active and Immediate e'e- 'try vvidences of coal and oil in the
. .
cution. I . witiltss Of the Feene described p
mglou. Therefore, when a king died, as- I
Beginning with fhe first.of the year "I'lie Dcad Sea is some forty-seven there were no, newspapers In which it
mt general census of Automobiles In vfles-long. and about ten miles wide one could read a disorp
. ,
F!irance- is t ' 0 Pe ..made. The descrJp- . at its greatest breadth. Curiously of his dying et description
ciou, of every hfachine is to. be record- puoj�.11 it ,its 13A(v f..+ 11 1 4-1, Moments, it 'became ne.
� .
,ed,'with*the riAme,'etd.', of the chauf- 0,,,I� ' � I . — e cess4ry to announce the fact In sonle
Scum This I of the 'Medltprram,an. Many ridl. more direct fashion, It Was. no use
will be done with the culmls stories are told about this sheet saying a k1bg
double view of enabling the Govern- , was dead, the state-
. � ,)f wat, r, even In Palestine itself, For, Meat had to be proved, and so It be.
%ftent to use the machAnes lit time of lnsta1i('!e, people Will tell you in Jeru.. c:ame
4 cUstomary to embalm the dead
.War omd also to call on the ch%ufm Salell' that it is impossible to a vini n b 0 t
� I I ddy f he king and to bear It open.
, '
vice. Strange to its waters, aAd that no animal or vege� I tj 4POri the bier .to its last renting.,
may, dozens of wealthy women, patrio- table call exist near Its shores. While - p.lac,e- so tliat-.the Populace might see
t1cally inclined. who own Autos, have it is true that fish cannot live 6 the for tilemselvcs that there Wan no de. *-
inot waited until the Government calla take, birds may- frequently be seen, in I ception, . .
. .
,on them for the Information, but have certain Places, flying over Its surface, After a bit fashions changed, as they ,
oupplied it to the proper officials. As for swhilming, the excessive will, and instead of tile king being eni.
Vheir %vilbngness to aid the Govern- buoyancy of thQ watEr merely renders balined and placfd upon his bier, he
sneut tn the manner Indicated before It difficult to make much headway, was embalmed ind p;aced Within it,
1having been approached on, the sub- but swinimfing is both feasible and re- and a Waxen effigy of the deceased
ject is a mattcr'of much satisfaction. freshing. Among the party on the soverelsli Wits modelled from his dcad�
tto officials high in. alit yt,q!-J,!% .exploring vessel, which numbered, figure arld dress,d Ili his ll�,st Sunday-
. eleven, there were w,,Yeral who could
.- — tiots,vdin, yet In tile evening they of- 90111940�mectlug suit, and borne with
. POMP and heraldry on his coffin in the
I I . ten vcntured into tile ivater, and float- pilled of the poor, diad body,'
A few minutes delay in tMating 4ed 'about on their backs. What one NVIlen the bady had received rever.
has to be careful about is not to get
isome leases of croup, even the length the Water into the eyes. . eift. burial at the Abbey tile wa%en
, effigy was plaved upon the toibb, so
Of tftne it talies to go for a doctor of� Indeed, did Palestine belong to any that all inight see what the soveret.,n
ften proves dangerous. Tile satcst other Power but Turkey, probably ill-., had looked like Upon carth, After a
1way is to keep Chamberlain's Coijgb nortligni shore of th�x lake would be 'a bit these effigies were. found to -
'Remedy in the house, alid at the first, POAUJ�r bathing statiOn, No doubt the up .,
indic-d-n - � i lb)orldo of magnesia whicli, (-liters I tile ll,la.ze and lt,�as decided to � -
so a
, oup Pvc I'lle ellim a largely 'Into the composition of tlie gather theirt og(,thpr and tu ppf tile,))
. 4110se. Pleasant to take and - always Water, would li�% found to,bave niedl- .in the Islill Chawb7 I-, Whr, re they co, Id. *
cures. Sold by all dealers, � . oinal and curative properties. The be Been by tile, c,%;,riOr.0 ty,,lbile for.tll�e X
. Water is certainly very dense, sirall suill of tlIrf.,epen(!e, which ill
. talulng twelity-three per cent. of con- 'those ( ar;y C.ays of W,111�11 I ,-Y, rite went
. solid Into the po(!Icols of t,�lo Canons - `
. matter, and,, is, bulk for bulk, heavier n . -
. 'The U.'i. GovPrllment propose to al- than the human body. I .
JVW` jimnligration of Jap4nose labor. How dense It -is may be realized : Sovereigns 'of, Many Epochs I
I . from the following table: In a ton of A! - .
- ; . . . ally CfJ't,'!C8 Wer(� gathered in .thi .
Water from the Caspian Sea there are abapel iv) t'he Winding gtatr, but one
11 lbs, of salt; Ili the Baltic; 18 Ibs,, iiy.ouc tll0Y have crumblool to dust
& In the. Black Sea, 26 lbs. � in the Atlan. till'only a Yew ' I
tic 31 lbs in the English Channel, 72 remain, .
Qileen Ellftboth is there In a)] ]let
Ill;,; . In �lie Mediterranean, 85 Ills - glory.' Arraycol ill the-aluge el,ff with
2 If , B. In, the � Red Sea, ga lbs..; and'in the' . I
Gills . OUS.- - Dead Sea, , 187 lbs. which. lice nuffierous pff�tur6s have .
.It has'generally his . on I believed that lliade us so fallifflar, a velvet, gown
. � stitched NNqtli gol(l, a Jmvelled st6m' I
this famovs-Wand sea is decreasiDg acher al it v�ry high-heeie( . I shoes..
In'siz% �ii;t'th�i. rTverse In. the case, . 19b� '
VVINTED . I � . . . - .. I .. . was so given over .to, the vaiii. . �
� .. I. . I .. . , . 1. , I.. . ties of this world, That even when dy-
. -__ . I . . . I .. - I . � .1 Ing she insisted upon being arrayed
. . 1. .. .. 1. FOR CONSTIPATION' - � In all lier-flnery, and filially she died,
ISTEADY WORK . . - ' . I ' ' . . . . . . . oil t lie - floor �dressed a's if for some .
I . A MUdidficTliaJ. 'Does Not, Cost Any- 'great Court carnival, as you gee her
4000D WAGES. .. thing Unless It CuXes, .. in tile Islip Cliambeir, -Tile), .say that.
. . . I I the -contents Of. -her wardrobe on her
. L I � everyone,. so cro,vvded,
. . � . . death amazed I
. The .active' medicinal .ingredients * of was it With garments of all sprts, .
Rexall Orderltes, 'which aru,.odorl"s, many. of which, the Quec-n had never
Clinton -Knitting Co. tasteless and, colorle ' ss, is'aa'entircly even seen,'uluch- less Worn. . .1 .
. I
____ � � I . now dincovery, _. Combined with otherw � 'By tier. side,stands that..merry Mon.
eoxtreniply vdivable:.ingridients it. arch Charles II., In -red vel.Y'et . and
. �
. . � . fonn,s a . I I . I .. Prldelesg - lace ruffles. ' There is . a -
perfect. boW,cl regulat0r, . in-. vVeird fascination In the pallid, Ugly .
11 213, I 11 I I Hill I Myi`t I testinal. invigorator and s1tr..-ngthon0% 'face or this- well-known ladv-Id)ler, .
� k I . Ml�� Re*, -,*a!*.' Ord I noted by a falling mass of lilk. �
I erlica aria eaten like candy surroull
.1 . .
** . and are'liotable 'for the I black curls. His face -wcars a, half
. I - . ciT agm�eable- 1.
IIIISS 7 t6 the pala IQ. and gentlefiess 0i eynJoal stlifle, as If lie found even
%V I NTER TOURS TO . action. I ney do not cause', griping -oil deatl� amusing. Ile Was the most at.
-CALIFORNIA . .any disagTeeable V tractive sc-lon of the very attractive
MEXIC`O � . cff.Ct Oil ilieOn',V0117 house, of. 8tuart, If historians are to be -
. AND FLORIDA - , . icnp�'. - � I . ,� . . ,� � 1, . �* b . elieved, and also the most unreliable.. -
. Unlike other ilreparations, -,for- . Next him. stands one. of thn fair *
A t Low''Rates . ' �a iadles. he loved so gaily, . the b.,autiful.
, like -purpose ,they do not . create. * ., a Duchess. of Rlebinond, clad in the.
I .
7ull particulars and tickets from7- habit-, - but -instead they I . 6,verc0'Iu,e- * the - robes she- wore at the coronation of,
, .
JOHIN RANSFORD, Tow � n A`g t cause of.ha6it acquired 11irbough, the Queen, Ann6. This fair lady was go '
I A, 0. PATTISONiDepot Agt Use ,of ordinark lax4t.ivo, catl.iartiLs beautiful that she Bat.for the dilsign
I - . andharsh Pby'sie', and..*perrmanently'r . e�� of 13ritannia: on the .copper, coinage, 'a . .
movo I .. . compliment to her clansical featilres
. .
. I . . the cause of constipation or ir- that she 'no doubt much appre�Aated.
11111 . iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii wgular bo,wel, action. . . . .. . I . ..
. . -We wili refund �cur.moncy without , � Sicielights on Royalty �
a116-timent if they do not d6as we ... say The Duclicss.of Buckingham is also ,
. I ' . ..
. I . . here, a lady who is historically..notor-.
THE NEWS -RECORD'S . thev will.', Two sizes, 250. and .100. ious, for� taking', tb e deepen . t Interest in ..
,Sold - onl at tore -The 11"all funerals and their trappings -even her
' *
I Store. W. S.. R. II.olmes. . . . own, When she Jay a-dyin- she'on
� I � . . I . .
. . . . .
SLURRING LST o I I . .. . I dered the canopy that Was i'o be held .
I . . . . I . ovet her hearse to be brought for'ller .'-".
James Gorh - Am's . insDection, t9 isee If It. met 11,1til hot, �
- .
. sentence:Jo , Ile dlipyoval.. A Duchess'of Bucldngbam '
FOR 1810-11 . . ha6gM , for the niurde, , r of I , I I,, , mother could not quit -thig-6iortal sphere wltll- Mr.
has . been* conmiutv ,d. to life imprison- out every aW-liticn. being pa:d to what
v iment, The executibnwas to have tak- S
.4uch good reading wa due to tier ran.R and position in ,
. for little m-,)ney. . en place at Petlerboro'. - . litb. She probabIg knew the old say- .
. � I Getman unemployed worknion ln'4de 1n,1y,, that If You want a thing.done well L
' .
I a hostile dulnonstraition Outgide ,. . j,11e you should do it Yourself-.�-abd acted, 1. in.
WEEKLIE'S . . upoll.� it. . . . . . .
. . palaoe yestevolay oil the'l.,niperorls. Willia.m. and MRIT I Pre also bere'l Is
. . ,. I I
-Record and Mail and ' birthday. - . 'Staliding 4idoi. �
News . . .1 I by side, Mary compl&,e�ly soll
Empire ....... � ....... 1$1.150 . . , . � . . . O-vor-toPlAug her .small,. and
. I I disagreeableo
, '. �
News-Rocord and Orlobe 1.60 . I __. looking husband,, Av'honj � silo . adored. 1ba7
, . .
. . .
News�Rec,ord and Famli� , . I � . � . . ThPY-say tliat A17111.'lair, like many an- - cailt
Herald and Star with ' 'other-h-usband, never fully appreclatod .not
Premium ............... I.,, Pains. That Make Misery@ his wife till she lay dying", and that toA
News -Record and Witness 1.75 I I . . then Ills grief knew ll,.i'boi.�Irlg, . his
News -Record and Sun ..... 1.75 A Talk With Our Lady Poeaderm . Williaill was. a irartyr to asth*ua 1)
News -Record and Free . . . and this trying allmcut�'May 'tl� 11iot
- I I , pat,
Press ............ ; ..... 1. 75 Ita" you ever notice I .have accounted for his. incet Uncertain ster
News -Record and Advei, � d hoW miser- mper, but In .the cleath-6hamber of gee
tiger ................... 1. �t5) able and unhappy the little Pains and fils )Viry lie strove. to �tjr!e I ' is most Aiab
aches Make vile? A AtInding cut, badly persisfent,cougl, 11, j,�Se,ho% 1
News -Record and Toronto chap , , U1JP1it dis. shel
Satur4ay Niaht ... � ... 2,30 Ped hands, a nasty burn. a sore turb bell. -14tit thlB h,I,d attelilion cli ,
News -Record all toot, I)Oor Qbe�'Il vers
Farmer's . a Poisoned finger-nolie of them Ills. part disturbed Mary stim
Advocate ... .......... 2.25 wOunds or allnicilts ever likely to more than tho cough', Ile lj;td-lleve'r (Hp
.News -Record and Farin cause se?"jolis trouble, which come to bestowed ally petits soing oil fic,r in ,,I
and Dairy.. ........... . 1.75 every woman -and man too -and are lifes gild so, floor lady, silo did- not colff
,News-R-ecord and Oana- . Just sufficient to talio the edge off one's look for thcm. In d-ath, and
Aian Farin ............. 1. 75� *� temper and give che a " groueli.0, she ecl)-st- c-bal
,. . edly asked where her husb'tild was,' Iflue
! , Zaln-Buk is just the such and could riot b6linve ]I(, wa�g by bor tion
DA11,1148 . tilnes. As soon as YOU Put It on to a side. bevausa Bile (lid not Ji(-,,ai- .his Tile
sore, A. cut, a burn, or any skin Injury, cough. What curious side-Ifghts th, se of �
NawF�-Rerord and Mail arid It Stoii� the Daln, and the ornarting, little domestic detai,ls throw upon Our ,)(!,.I
Bmpire ............. ; ... 4. 15 and -starts up healing. Don't make �knowledge of historyt
Ne -mg -Record and Globe ... 4. �_5 NVII,lt a Pity -A... -tion,
News -Record and Newn ... 2.30 .the mistake that because ,Iv,am_Vul� is, few more have riot come (iown tO us! teria
GO Widely Used by medical men, by Lord Chatham and Lord Nolson are E. -nor
News -Record &lid Star .... 2,30 nurses, And for RertOus skin diseases also here, but they are not genuille
News -111 -cord and World .. 3.25 and accidents, that' it is effigies, only fakeg. . tion
News-Becord and Morning only for � I I We.
r ...... . 3.25 � Eerlous eases' Reep It handy and use ' Ord Chatham wau added to tile col-. tll,l
Ne,w.s-Recor(l and Evening �-it immediately you got some trivial fection by Way of making a.lar-oor lyro
L injury or have Some little sore.
I Free Press ............. 2,75 . show, and Lord NP19011, Orrayod In tho
. I sure
. . Mrs. Chas, 11 Barrett� Harmony '010th" 110 Wore at tht, Mttle of Tra. "I.,
News-Reenrd and Adver- . Road, Truro, N.S., saya: "I had An falgar, even down to the "Patch over muc
t4ser ................... 3.00 , ingrowing too nail, whielf -caused Me otle eye, was shamelessly "lit here to dark
. � acute agony. Sometinies tile pain Was Attract back the fickle Public, Who de. imm
3A ONTHLV : so sovere I could tot s me sorted Westminster Abbey for St. to a
. Jeep. It liech PaU119 when the national hero was
I News -Record and Lippin- so bad that I feared blood-polsoulng burfed thero.�-M. do L. Bartlett. with
: . � had set in. I was 'advised to try Zatli.
I eott's Magizine ........ 3.25 Very
I � Buk and bound up, the sore too with, . groU
111111111111111111111111111111111111 It. In. a few days It was Witch easier -----------, ------ � In-
February 264,1911
WINNIN5 'S,"'Ift
�".APRI -
IM S' N'*'m LIV[S
0 tu
__ __._.__.."
the im,ving,
I m"e'nalmselt fll' " 1.'v .11;u'�c$
1,14yPIAno., but when yon want him V)
( II
It ng will induce him,
Will be Grtat-Vin�wa
. , I I Trophy I
. .,
A Twolvc-Yoar�Old 13oy's Essay on .
e Is not ill a Mood. Alto -
gother he is not a bad sDrt."
Worth $1,00,3
13Y Acla Patterson,
"My Father"
- - _
The telephone rang. The call was'
The tWeJVQ-YQ4r,oJd son of a. well-
I . I . I �. -
Ct:r!ers wJ`1 bavQ li,Atcr prlz-.s tl.,�,-,
An unwelcome one, for It had come at
the busiest hour of a busy (lay. it
known Liverpool doctor was asked the
An Incident In the Career of Conergt
ver to coml!cte for at the annt.0
garitoba bongp�el,
Amemed that life wan a busy jest, the
other day to writil an o.essay on ",Xy
wlq,,�ll wi!l open a
world a tumbling, busy planet, and
Father." This Is what he produced,
- W� W1WW1
. �
ffil'lllrng en F.bruary S. Tbe priz,
humanity a busy streainj All hurrying,
and the doctor himself confesses that
General Sir James 11111s.johnes had
let was Issucol !ast Wock ard COLIC�
all worrying, wItU e.3 task
,. ch new
the portrait is not a bad One:-
Only beOrl In the Bengal Artillery four
rp. now b,dn 9 svattered braadvast
crowding upon the beelo of .the last
And not time to c Into the thing
father Is,a very Moody person.
Sometimes when he comes home on
ye Are when lie won the coveted. V.C.
a th,., unatt,.'r of trap.hics aud 1.idl,i
ual there Is
undertaken before ouh'ep thing contem-
Saturday lie wJJ,J give rile sixpence In-
in the Indian Mutiny, in 185T, At the
prl;.es everything that
hould to the knights of tht
Plated screamed for attention,
That was the way I felt when 1
stead of three pence, When lie Is In
bad mood, I ask him for my three-
4 .
age Of twouty-fOur. Ile was in charge,
of a -cavalry Picket outside Delhi when
esom and stano. Ilartle ularly hand.
Ome is the new 'Dingwall trophy
lifted the telephone receiver to an un-
pence, and lie says 'Ilumph,' and after
a large body of SowArg suddenly
hich is valu-.d at $1,000, in addition
willing ear. Why should, people call
at busy hours? Why did telephones
A good deal of grumbling lie gives it
to me, The Way to Make Jilin In a
from the side. To save his
guns, Lieutenant Hills actually
0 the IN110,014 the following events
re on the programme: Alel.aren Cup,
ring at tangled s
, time ? Why were
telephones anyway? This was ray
bad mood is to ask him tile time when
he J,s ,reading his paper. Oil Sunday
charged the enemy alone, thinking
that the diversion he would cause
etley Tca Tankard. Purity Flour
hallenge Cup, Walker
mood wn,#�I_
morning he generally devollops; lie is
would give his gunners time to load.
rophy, Tucket Trophy, Ito,yal Cal.-
that you?" -a sad old voice came
thrcad-IlRe Over Its path of wtre-l'I
rather good at cillargements and has For the next few minutes he had a
been working wildly at then,. When- very lively time Indeed, for he was
.Onian Tankard, ,Blue Itibboa Compo-
ItIOXI, AlCM111411 CUP, Whyte
am sorry to break In upon yb y
er lie drops a p!Ate an(i smashos It, Plunged into a. series of hand-to-hand
lack-Girvin Competition,
life, but my poor wife warited to send
he Is a little fart1wr off 11caven arid tights olloll as we read of in stories
Gra nd
'Ointa Competition, Governor Gener.
a message."
A hush fell upon the unquiet room.
nearer to ilie Who,* place -I do not of the old crusading days. Two men
think I nced mention it, On Satur- did the young officer put out of ac-
t's Cup and special uniform competi,
Ion. Several Ontario rinks are ex.
Tile stream of the city's harsh noises
day lie generally goes to a football , tign one after the other, but no sooner
match by hhilself.� was he rid of these opponents than he
e9ted this season, and though a record
coased pouring in at the windows. It
was as though a voice had spoken
all At one time I
he took up German, but that al. was charged by two more, and he and
utry Is.auticipated, it is believed that
the words, "Peace, be still," And ail
,has .
together died out. In the morning ! his horse were sent flying. However,
he big carnival will be run off in 4,
tie over a
the world, listened. For the words
from about eight or nine* be Is very he went on fighting till his sword was
that had trembled upon the tedephone
bobbish. and sings and dances all over , twisted out of his hand and then I he
had conjured a vision. .
the place. Ills favorite song Is 'The fought with his fists, being eventually
, I
and some,egildles.?l The mother found
�y a New England collector J. Pterront rgan trle� to int6resting f rom a hi�ti)ric stand- . .
- I
. secure tlie� collecflon�l'_x-�residi-at CarfieWldloancl. General point, but. frarned. innke .t splell, � I
I I saw a womarx's fAce, deep etched
Songs of Araby.' Whetlier be .111,, rescue,, from certaiii.death by the late -
11 . - . .
�. 1. . I 11
extinguished the flames with *a, blan..
ket,, but the injuries proved fatal,
the help of tlic Rr,vt--%v op Itummvs..the entire collection At the @ainotiniawb will tell Y�u . . . .
m, how the Roview of. Reviews rau - -
. his beea nathered into 10 c�reat volurnes and i's Dlated Within 01164 thia $16D.04V c0ection of I I . . . .
with lines of palli and white as the
Sir Henry Tonibs, who also gained his
all this because of the ni-lit liefore I ., I ,
yo r reacli at less than tl;e.v:t1ue of one df the photograplis, 3 hl. 00 photogra0w at the pricu I I
t e United StAted Go-ru. I
�r, the on6 accuratz.3inpartial -history of the Civil War- "tent Pam 16r alre-i of . . : ..
fQr the camerq cai�uot lie. It fell$ the story of the War yoll tho pientres. . I Review- . .
. __
. . . . .
. . .
pillow on which it lay. I saw gre4 . t
do, n t know, but I do. Zt think v C F11 that Memorable day. .
* ,
� . 10 $0. , . �
, � .
. I - .
. � I I . . .
officer wilt) was on board thb- Victoey
. ut once.
' r; ibiy'penetratc to strange J)Iaccz and . . . 13 Aster Place� � . .
Itnown pllase$ bf fl)e iva I .
eyes, blue -grey and full of wistful in-
Ile is very fo-.d of smokina-and on( I
. I �
Activity of the Day ..
I � .
� * .
I . . �
Trafalgar, ha s just perl!ormed an a c t
quIrY, looking at me out of that face,
I .
", ,
I I your nowlydiacovert,) 11rady . ! .
6 uaRtlty. You must baprov;pt to accurd either. Detter vady . .
% I I Civil War photograplo i
loyd George, in opening a -bazame I
and I heard a voice rich and low, full
- � I
-_ I
I :;...�.�:�:�;�: ,,�*�.,�.`!-_*-�,,::,.,.
8chool training'ship Mercury at Ham-
. .
_ - ___ , —_ , _. -_ . A call . I
. I I I . - the atory o(theadpleturet %ment .
- 1. ma fipiv, tor what via ova,t
of quavering music, shot through. with
- . —
� I
.1--, � ._:1:1.;`
- :'-�
. .. _,:�:
. . .
., _:_.- ,
, : , �.:�.:,
�,:;:....;., 1:.1 -..;:::, �:,!:': ,
,:,.:,:,� ... i... ;.:,.; �;:
.. .::i!:.�.i:; . �-'.�,....::�-�
lo oxP6r1('nc`6 Of extrELcting money,
pain and broken by weakness, say:
- , I
I �11 %%�X .
� � I
220MM � � EMENKC112
'a " " I" 4<
. `�., ., . ";.,...,. ., - . .
� ... I . .... ... . '.I .. .... 11 ,.. 11, .
Y4Ac'' . .. . .
. � '.. ,.�', , Nl�.,3 ............... � ...... I ........ � ....... __ I 1,
1 _____ -_ _____ '. . I .
% I .. . I . . Addrega I... ....... -1 -_ � I
� . I .
"My one Prayer is thn,
, t, I M.Ay have
. - -
.� - X.Ii� t*,��;,, ��;i,:��!�i�::;
0 .. 5� ."*. -�.:,
X "',
. - ________
- I . ,. . I . I � . _____._�� ____� __t=_M:�!:,-�_ . .
I . .
enough work and be able to do it."
The woman wliv. had sent the men-
, ,.
. .
rRe Workin Men Wbo
i.. i,��.�j-.�;�..,
I.. -11.M. .
: :,:, "... . ..... .
sage Is a -genius and, like many gen-
, �
,. 9 Sau e
.."'..". _.'::� �.:
..... . � :,,: �,
..."'�(, .
',..":.,..:.:.;;..:.:.:;�',�;��...:'. � �
.., ...'....�'..;.-R,�ji. "
I Luses, poor. The weight of -ago Is
. .
. ,
. I
.�,e�:,-41 , :,.::
111. :: :::.j�,?.',%�: :
I .
" ..._,V
upon and Illness has not lifted its
h(,avy ]land froin h --r In all the years..
since some
I �
� .
are the ones wbo get * ahea d
;,- I ,. �.!.<
0, . � �
of us Were born. She
ties Ili the slek bed, with pillows at,
� I
. - � .
I .
-,., -,',.�--�,�",�:,��
.1 er back and a tiny dog at her feet.
. ..
I �11 ,;
�: t .. - I
Hor wralc hand guldep her pencil over
� . . . . I
. I...
.. I I
.. I .1 �
0 T),�d OT Y(Alow paper, . That frail
. .
�Most of the wealthy men in the Dominion started
0 till started
: � �. -
� , .. ..
and and- ti:%, blunted -pencil and the
. _d
to build their fortunes on a small scale. They saved
1) d 11 sa
. .. . . . .. . . , , , ,�
....... .... �.
' w rad arc. all tbat'keep her Un-
industriously, And with their savings. they were -
Idu r
t g
. .
I ",
!or another shelter than that whiAl-
1. I
I, , me I
.enabled to &,%e advantage of opportuntties to make more�
�-. X�l 1_
� 1�* . . ..
. Rw,��:,g, �11.,.: ;4
. . N,,:., .
.. . I
.. .
4?gg. ..
harity rivos the poor. .
-- - ,
Nly wif<," the .�.ad old voice Went
� I
� I
'10 t ", . t t I I
money, and thus become wealthy. You don't want to lie
� � �
a work ng man ALL your life. Take the �
- ,n . t1r.t at P
11 e
first step .
. . .
::. , :.1
n, "wgnts .You t3.kiio%v that the story
, , _
towardis independence by starting u 15avingi Account
" k
. 1, 1:
,,V:-, ,��'... "", .;;.'�'� . 1.�'.
� , , .11 11
� ,
, ,
, -, _
- _
oil had 1ai1. -d about Will be, written
1 6
with us THIS week, � 26
.. �
--'f she 110s. 13ut she says I should
. . . .
vll�yo i a that th6 doctor thinks the op4
. .
I . I .
ulla,,or of Ow Toronto Howing Clul).
,ric vcrvo Is a-Tected and---�" The
, '
' �
whijull. n-onti,%, t,vlcA)rutvfl,the i.)ITeulog
of bowUri., �11,,F_- . . 1. .
'31C,Lsago eaded Ill 4 Bob,' I
I . I
itt mD ^u r
� � I
. - ----- . I
: ,,,
. . . - ,in be pre�
. . .. Do ,vou know that croup c.
dwr Yk-lited ? , Give ('bapillerlainl% Cough
v - Rich. . Reinv(ly an soon as the child becoirm,
, . I �
. . hoarse or even After the croupy cough
appears and it wAl prevoit thv attack.
. as cream ; It is � also a. evriain cure for croup anj
. . . . �. I has ne%er bet -11 knowti*to, fail. Sold
� Make a' regular meal-. '�y all.dealers., , . . . I I -, .
.1 .
. . I .
. -
vil I : .
. uln
I I .
. . .
. Paid --up Capital, $.1,0D0,000-, Roseryl�, $L800,000;'Assets ovei! $1 .
442 Itichmand S.t.,.Lofidon. Inqo)rporated.1864. 366 Talbot St., St.
. � I . - .
. . time habit of this
. . .
. _.. . .
I . . I
- - p� . . 11� . .1 11 . . I .
I .
. I
. 'tempting
I . . pala.te- .
. . . I
. . .
. . in St. Andrew's Chui-ch, Halstrad, a
. . . . � . I .— 11 �_ --- .
� .
. . I � I I � .
. -
. . 'beverage I �
wedding party was-. waiting tor tilt,
. . .
I "
... � I
. I
ceremon y to begin when'tbe vlcar.dla�
, . . . 1. ., I I
-covered that . - the. bridegroom had
.. . .
I . I . I �. -
omitted to have the banns proclaimed
- : I . I ., I .
P . .. 0 �
. I
in the' parish where. he *lives. The
. � . . . . � . . � .
I I I I � .
. .
I .-
vi(;ar ibtimated , that 06 marriage
. . . I . ... .
. .
I � .. . . . � I . .. . I 0 1
-MEo -- a - -#OW .
could not take place, and Ahe disap-
. . 11 . � .
f I � I . . : "I �
- W� W1WW1
. �
. Pointed bride 'and bridegroom left-
.. .
. ., .. . .
J. . I . .
. .. I
. . .. .
. .
with their wait for another
.. . 1. . .,
( .. .� . . . .
; N
. . .
A L'E �. I Sundays, .
... .�. . .. 1.
. .- . f I . C. . .. I - , I . � I
. . . .
I I . '. � : ..
* I
. . . 1. .. ... .
1. . .. .
. The "London Gaiefte" states that
(� I . �, 11 . .. * .
I . .. . 11. . I - .1
. . . I
, .
the King has been. -pleased to award
the Edward *MLidal of the'Second Class
to bdr. Evans, an in
. . . � .
-14., . . � _. .. . I . . . I . I . .1
".. . I . . . .. .
I . . - ..
Who Wa's Theie That You' "
and del.icipu& It
-John engine -driver
. 0 - -
I ff%-,,-%
. '
employ of the North-Eastern Rail-
. . ..K�ew? .
nourishes, an& is ' .
ivay I a child in
.Company, who, seeing,a child in
. .
' N�theshadowyranks of thosewho' marched to defeat ,or death or victoiy, fifty : .. -
.. .
the four -foot way in front of the train
I years ago in the. tniglity conflict that convulsed this gieat nation, is there ..
6specia" Ily good for
he was driving, shut. off steam, and
I father or drarldfather or uncle of yours? Would youlike to see a photograph � . .
. .�
who don't
jumped. off the moving engine, manag.
� of hirn in that i6ng ago day of his youtb�4 pbotograph that he never kneiv was .
I .. taken?
Ing to reach the child and fall back
Pelhaps Nve can. show you one; and in any case, we can tell you a . .
sleep ,viell. Order � 1.
with her in Ills arms -clear of the rails
story, stranger than any detective fiction,. of 3,500 priceless . photogr�phs that . . *1
. � I 11 . .
� .
b6fofs the engine reached the spot. -
. � ivere lost and are'found again. . � I I . � . . .
I I � I . .1 - . . .., I . .
soTe 16-wda . 22
. Y,
� . . . . I
.. I I.. ,
- I . . i * *. ;.. .
. I I . �
� I �, . . . 11 . . . . I
. . . � . I
' ' '
,3,50Q Long Buried. Photographs 12 -f Thase, F R EE .,
�. . I
At Hull a pathetic story Was related
.. .. . . . picturea. I . ...
. . .
at an inquest on the body of - John
. . lo. of ' the Civil War . , -, For the Cost of Mailing - L . � I . I
I �. . . . . .
Wilol-'a *sf%-year-old 'boy '. The. little
fellow Sui-eUmbed to bur *
ns, but'before
_� . I I. I . . . . . . I In cive you ime � . . :
. HEY.wam t2l.en by the areatest photographer in tile of. the greatne,is of Oil* work iv�a . .
. . I .
. . .
. . . .
he died. lie told his mother- how It
States'of that day.ahey were boucht by the will send you 12 superb reprodmc- . .� I I
. I . unitea states Government f or W,000; they were �,uriecf tions of"the photwraphs free of
� .
. I . . I .
happened. "T stood on the fonder,"' he
.said, "arid called up tile' chimney to
. � .
I Irk thb War Department for So ye:tra-tbey are b4led there tharge. in i littudsomp portfol:9. , . .
, i 'Butatluilllaiteset s kept by the photagraphcr-:-!vho Illese ph6tographs .-Cre vep- ti. . .
still. v. A �)enslve aad valuitble, b�t
ask Pather Christmas to send me a
Idled poor and broicen'down'. that, duplicate set wa-,; kn.ock6d send only 10 �enti to cover?iohl-,� I . I -
I .
pair. of roller skates, a magic- I a*ntern
from pillar to post for nearly 30 year's, unt:1 it was. discoverod cost of mailing, They are not only .
, I
and some,egildles.?l The mother found
�y a New England collector J. Pterront rgan trle� to int6resting f rom a hi�ti)ric stand- . .
- I
. secure tlie� collecflon�l'_x-�residi-at CarfieWldloancl. General point, but. frarned. innke .t splell, � I
the child with his clothes' on fire, and
� Benjamin F. Butler sa!d it was w6rth $150,000 -yet With did addition toyour library walls. . . � . . �
11 . - . .
�. 1. . I 11
extinguished the flames with *a, blan..
ket,, but the injuries proved fatal,
the help of tlic Rr,vt--%v op Itummvs..the entire collection At the @ainotiniawb will tell Y�u . . . .
m, how the Roview of. Reviews rau - -
. his beea nathered into 10 c�reat volurnes and i's Dlated Within 01164 thia $16D.04V c0ection of I I . . . .
. I . .
.� . . . . I � . . . .
. I .
. . .;�
yo r reacli at less than tl;e.v:t1ue of one df the photograplis, 3 hl. 00 photogra0w at the pricu I I
t e United StAted Go-ru. I
�r, the on6 accuratz.3inpartial -history of the Civil War- "tent Pam 16r alre-i of . . : ..
fQr the camerq cai�uot lie. It fell$ the story of the War yoll tho pientres. . I Review- . .
. __
. . . . .
. . .
. !
*Artbur-`D'rlVor, a, grandson of. -an
never -h ard before., TtLken under protection of the, S ,ecrzt Send the coupba of Riviews - . . .
Serviceot6si3'plioto rap6 bring to light thousands of little- . c4mpany. '. :
, � .
. I - .
. � I I . . .
officer wilt) was on board thb- Victoey
. ut once.
' r; ibiy'penetratc to strange J)Iaccz and . . . 13 Aster Place� � . .
Itnown pllase$ bf fl)e iva I .
I Lloyd George' on the Religious
As mldghlp�ran wben Nelson fell at
retordstrancelhings. . .. I . . A&- . . riew York� N. Y. . .
- � .
Activity of the Day ..
I � .
� * .
I . . �
Trafalgar, ha s just perl!ormed an a c t
' '
-REM,EMB13P thc4c books is Send mei fren of rliarp. . .
,--06r orlivilege of selling � tile 12 reprodurtionA of . '
limited so ic� time, oUrrSUpplyofFree.Portioliosisliinitt!d ' .
: — _ .
. . - .
. .
of extreme bravery. .. . .
. . .
I I your nowlydiacovert,) 11rady . ! .
6 uaRtlty. You must baprov;pt to accurd either. Detter vady . .
% I I Civil War photograplo i
loyd George, in opening a -bazame I
D_47er i -s (I VaOt- on board tile Naval
Was th14 coupon today.
I . .. . . I for training and conthinetHo a
- 4 ... hAndodnwport(6116. A180-D'Illm ..
Wales., ill whicil krs', Lloyd i3oorge
� �
8chool training'ship Mercury at Ham-
. .
_ - ___ , —_ , _. -_ . A call . I
. I I I . - the atory o(theadpleturet %ment .
- 1. ma fipiv, tor what via ova,t
)r-Oldent, said of, Jai 1.
. . p e -had had
ble. A few ilight ts ago a -boy fell over.;
board,and Driv��:r, though it was blow-
of Reviews Co'rn' prwtt, I efin . .
' � I I ': I ""'� pany P,,f,l ,or hall a ,loter,
. . I make tilo whate rollectiall mY0%vll-
lo oxP6r1('nc`6 Of extrELcting money,
I �
Ing half,a gate and,pitell dayk at the
� . I . I ,,%r1c)9C�1o)ca11ts t4 co,ertheroatut . . I
.43 Astor Place,'New - '. .. p1dill'g. , :�& 1. .
lie hol.,6d. the. p'romof e rs Of: that
aar would not nro.t. wi 11 h.'s diffi.
time, Proulptly divcd to the rescue# ' '
He reaclied ill-, drowning ]ad, but his
Y4Ac'' . .. . .
. � '.. ,.�', , Nl�.,3 ............... � ...... I ........ � ....... __ I 1,
1 _____ -_ _____ '. . I .
% I .. . I . . Addrega I... ....... -1 -_ � I
� . I .
its, ard that tli�lr efforts would
I ..
strength failed a"d the lad w'-ts sweljt
. I .......
I - I � .
� . .
. � , I ... ...... I.. . - . . . , I
aro,qse r,:scntn,c,1J, .1Z he seeined ,
away and drowned Driv- -
. - ________
- I . ,. . I . I � . _____._�� ____� __t=_M:�!:,-�_ . .
I . .
lave il,,)pe, an'Ong the �v�")-�, I ors at
little bazaar. (4auglit.--) I
tl * ,!.,,l rp. t�ent ycars, lie s,�!J, he lild
oreif rL,vr% than evoll thilough the
Ito and N� I'd liartE(- ot N's-alco, across
it 111OUZ114-da moors'; wit i 11 harilty a
itatlaii Ili sight, r,oirlial)s ()Il*y �
)lived's cot, but lie ha% nel or -10111 -
,far withoutseeing a litfle ellalioi
ewhere Or other in tile W!'(10-II(S.4.
al,, licar.) . I .
,1111 also alruck by tho vay '��c).,I.
OrMR,, I.,; dealing, with tho r,1 i; i q
1904 Which are talilug p'1l,,.-v',. not s,)
11 in, the ellarader of the. popvin
(is lit its training and oz.tlook,
r:� are t%';0 conditiots ill ilie lif.
alvs *111011 contain vic,1161lid 01,
I to I ho. 8011itt"XI, llff% Or any na.
One Is the great a-c,ok,q of ma.
I ProgVe"ItY alial ther other is tl,e
Mons iniproverviclit Ili the educa.
al outfit and facfflti(�ff of tile Poo.
116th are full of Peril to tile sp.rl.
life of tile people Unless they are
eTJY &aIt with, and Unless Men.
a are adapted of utill,"Ing them'
r *all the education was Very
h .like carrying a lamp In the
ness. It Illumined all the
odiate vicinity, enabling one
oe everything that was near
greater clearness, but It was
apt to darken the vastness
rid, At the great centres of leavn.
. 64. ^.- I
. I - -
I , . P res .
mled exhausted And almost .�uncoa. .
13cious, I I � . .
. . I . . � .
. I
. .
I .
. .
� I . I �
. .
I .
. . I
I .
The. Bald Headed. Man.may.'
.... Look Wise I .
Out If He Had Boda lie Would Haw -1
. . Hair Now , . d
y6ft. do not want a scientific, trtatise .1
on the hall- f6incie-you ar -
lee not par
ticularly interested ill t nallio of
tile German scientist Who isolated the I
bug that Is .4aid to -cause baldness
W1194 You do want to kno1v is h." t� I
SMVO the hair
than anything els6, . make 11 �
strong ail(I lustrous. . and L
' Yon have
lqyat'a Hirsutone Will do it better
It Is )lot clainled ihat'ITIrsuto . tie, is
-% Wonderful sclelltiflL ,"cret-but it
Is the concrete 1,8111t of all that i's
proven In tile selelltifle treatIllent of
SiCk lind (11.4eased hair- anti s�,alp. I
. tt is 11, haPPY conIVInatioli and you
will notice a PrdnlPt JITIProyem6ilt Irk
thO feellng Ot the SCAlp and the look
of the hair.
Uirsut0lie loo�enti and renioveA &11
seal and triatted deposit or, the settlp
strInulAteg the hair bulbs and glveB
310w life and vIgor t<y t1le Ilaiv IfAdlf.
ha�TY41'8 11irsut0ne gives back to the
Ir awl scalp Just what It has boon
BUlt 13 tlM0 10 start right. Use Hir�
ti. 1.
� .
. . .
. - .
; .
I . .
. .
I .
0 1 . . . � 0 t. nent. SLUL101ILS saw 0-e of tho Nyal reynedfos and . . �
I if wbat you want is not in , and I continued the tt"tMent. The material things with greater Ilb hfgh4br recolillilendation Can be giv- ,.j� . . , , ... ''.. . . �. , - ... - . � , 4 -
result lit that to -day the toe I sound Ali attack of �tho grip clear- en it, They dro atl 900d, Aak Your ___ _____.___ . _ ' -
; this list let us knoVv about it. 11 Is Ott0ft fOl- noon, and thus for a moment darkened 11TYal Druggist. r M n B
We can,sul5ply YOU at less thall and I have no more trouble with It. 10weJ by a persistent, cough, Which to or thickened the darkness Of iMpone. � 116 ecOm e d it* . . .
: We Always keep Zam-Iluk In 611r house, manv Proves A, grtat annoyance, trable mysteries around them. Non. � --�� - HURON COUNTY .
It woWacg5st,yotzt6 send direct, � and'I would strongly recommend It to Conformity realized the perils. 'Its ' � � .
I p by . Chamborla,in's Cough Remedy has been I 1. . I .
I N mnitting pkaso do a every housewife." Mirlistry- had become a botter tiallittl .1 . �. � . . . . . 11 I-— I . . ff . . . I I I
Post -office Order, J?oa.tal NOW, � 24ra-Buk Is just the thing, too, for ext"llsivelY Ugodand with good suc- find educated one, and one Which was , . I . � . # Wort t#
1 4m,s Order, or lkgstored 06 little ones. Pure In Its eompogl- 008,9 for the relief 'and eure, of this quite adequate to cope with the now � . - ri
, . ebugh, Many cases have b cured ... . I '
ki � etr;ftud 4ddresss . generation: which was springing up in I , an
pat tion, and herbal In nature, It Ig sult- om PAN&V - -
. . I Able for thtj most delicate skin, litt,lao aft*r all other remedies had failed. Wales with An Intellectual Awakening . "P
' cures P1108, eczema, varleos6 tilcers, Sold by All dealers. which was on of the greatest features 70"r—mrK 0"I" ys. ,
told soreg, abse0#100, blood pots � . I � ap 'efling n Ing �
W- J, Mitahliall �` 1 oning, — Of Its rdtlOtIal life At tile present Mo. Onefor eA,oh every4ay amon .
- - ring -worm, and all -similar skill dig. luebt- The86 were things that filled t . I
t46WS.Ikedard 6 . WINTON . 0480. Sold ty6rY*here tit 60e. a box# A Washington despattiz ga,ys I t, I the heart of anyone ldving Wales with Sold and Guaranteod by jj,', .14, It. .ara always noted lit I .
1� a great sense of hope and of confi.
. --1 .."Wift or Pont free from gam-Ruk Co, To. Aoulitful it the tarilt agreeniftt wit L I a e of tile countryy,.,� ; 1101ITIC-s, J. X'. 110veY, W. A. \
. upon recefDt of price, pass. I - dende an to the lot r 111cCollftell, Clinton. ,
� (O'heors.) I I &
111_._.� -�-1.1��..--..�'.."�,.-.,�,-,-�...-,,-. _,__._____,____ Aalm, - , , I '!�L ,".."JI,
1_ � .1 - ,&sssn" -2