The Clinton News-Record, 1911-01-19, Page 1I dt d k c aak ,:f er arked prices until 51ebmarq Ist. ,i his,' sale ASMI,iludes all goods in our store, but Ingereall $ watches, Waterroan's fountain peas an& Gillette Tapre. If you need a Watch, clock, Rp1ece e er or some silverware cut lass 'or China, Of dew l y � g het it now. Terms �- Cash. •T11 JEWIp%EIi. ANO OPTICIAN TIMLOCAL, MARKET, WOMPi,11'S IN$T1TXI' F1- .. LITTLE, LocAlis. . terry To Part, 'Wheat 8$o standard The, regular meeting of the Woman's Ars you a subscriber to The NewsW1.[L HURON LOSE - I'ess 004 to 7,Oc. Mra. Dodd next Thursda afternoon at ` Good Morning 1 Have you looked Oats' 28c to Sot. Instituto will be bell at trhe home of goCord . Barley 0c to 47c, 8 o'clock when there will bo a eo'mpe- At the label lately ?. It . terlls, Meaie � Butters ok to 210, Ution in the waking of buttroA boles The Ladies' Guild of St. Paula Eggs$00 to 00•. for which prim will ft awarded, church will entertain the members of Live .Bogs 37.25, The competitioi, is opcM to rnembera the Bible Class next Monday eveping..: A MEMBER? RECk3ft ADVANCES.. only, The I>oanfnfon Census will be taken , WHO WILL BE. INSPECTOR. 7 in June and will be followed at next The„seoo>ad meeting undFiX the us- HOLINESS XOVEMENT. MISSION. g For the positions of School inspec. session of Parliament by a Redistri- pious of the Literary Club; will be' Services . will be field in Elliott's for for Feast Huron, vacated by the bution dill, ' Reid the hall It Court Maple Leaf .hall. on. Sunday at 10,30 and 7 o'clock resignation of Mr. 13obb, there aro at It is considered quite probable that on Thursday evening next when Dr. a'nd week night service's OR Tuesday 10OAt four eligible applicants!. Mesary. there WIA be a. reductionin the ro- Sl►aw will give an Addrevo on 4`Receut, and Thursday evening's At, a o'e&iok. Smith, Field, R,obertr on and • Wein- presentation from the rural .constitu ' Advances in Medical Science,'* Re- The Mission f% open ew.eoietily to enham�r. If the members of the meet/ of O utario, that• Several counties ports v41 also be .,reotlived Jron$ the assist all wlio . know they are lost, country council have not already met will drop from three to two meRii,, ,,rs, ; cornln4ittees On Political and Caner Such are v y .�velcowe, Coupe and mch and alk of those gentelerri it will Ian this class good old Huron is in- cial Reforms and 'Social Progress. "Behold the Lauth orf God tthat<.taketlt tie beeause of an inexcusable. over~ eluded and the matterof -the division , APPLY EARL X, away tdce sin of the world.” sight oo the part of the latter. But of Uhe county is even at this early BAPTIST CFIURI;lI. ti►is is not likely to liave happened. elate giving the politicians concern. In order that workon the new reads The News -Record Learns• frown a maY nof be delayed, rmer- The Pulpitwas veraably suppliedbINE, WINTER WEATHER. reliable source that those "near the 43 chant, on the front street should ap- last Sunday by Mr. G. Bowman of The line weather of the pasty feiv throne" have partially arrived at an 7 ply at once for water. connection, also Woodstock, who left a deep imrpreerion days has. been welcome to many, but understanding to cut the county in h Albert, Iitirori and upon 1115 hearers l'ry his earnest ap- to none more, than . to our worthy two along the line of the London, ' : Mr, D, Robb the residents on Ontario streets. It is requesttid that peals. Mr. Bowman has been' engag- citizens, Messrs. Al J, Mollowa,y and Huron & Bruce Railway. the waterworks committee have your ed 'in Evangelistic work in the west Polly. Pree►nan• These two •getiitleaneu Hunt, up your old returns and make The announcement that Mr. Day dt —rem application early so -that supplies mayfor two years. and is never. happ". �� a 'uess as to how such a divi pian Robb, Irlspectnr of'public Schools fon peter Irate ..¢cow storms, and, especially is g be ordered and the 'work rushed' to than ,when- trying to win others to this the case since t it little to +'v would affect the 'standing of the poi East Huron has resigned twin to -- he tl. i i e g A K off' �C,A►1 ArV ROYAL, . NA 1NCOmPORATED 1869. t; -Js Capital PAW -Up 46,200.1000. Reserve. and Undivided Profits $6,900000o. Total Assets - $95,0000000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTkEAL. 175 Branches and Currespondents througUout the World. . Tnterest•allovred on Saving Accounts, courteoustreat- _ r ment:aceorded to all customers. R, E. MANNING,. Manager - Glintof>t Bll's,►aush,• . : completion, n • ranged . and light refreshments will li'k Christ. He will preach on Sunday into the country a recent' ��unday itneal parties. 41, health will.be received with Bert. TH'E ANNUITIES. next, both morningand evening and when they . were stormbound gird rib- frienda, who might be .interested Cop- les can be' h from. the Town Clerk nine regret, not only irk his own, In- The address f It. D. has consdutedto sing one of his fav- orite salol. at the: evenisug service, An liged to remain over night "llfl c+mre into town' on a `tree pass" in i'ht* , WILLIS G'HUIZC I3. spectorate and the County, but throughout � the Province for be has Cameron of 'Lucknow in a nci CW in he the con. 1 invitation is artsi,aed to all. „ morning, Verily, there is nothing so Thd Guild held their regular' meeting a large circle of friends that is widely, I'i charirber •on Friday• eveiriug last,on W`. L. T. U• MEETINGS., rare as a day in June," : on Monday evening. Mrs. L, Paisley scat'te'red. Old Age Avrnu€lice wets listened t+o ' On Sunday a.ui. the Rev. 'Mr, Cos- ' „ RESULTS WILL FOLLOW', gave a paper on the subject, "l.ossiins . For nine years Mr. Robb was, Masi- witch' interest by a sympatbcetle aud- . The'regular 'meeting' of the W. C. - , •Fin. -Secretary FT. Pennelbaker.' From the. Lifeof Abraham,,, 'Next er• of Mathematics and Science• in the lance. ASO. Cameron'' ' is a pleasing T. U. will be bc24 at Wesley parson- It the plant known as The Clinton ' week 'a five cent social will be held. Clinton Collegiate institute; resign= speaker a'nd- gave a clear and concise age on.Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Thresher Cols. Works "is not in opera- The pnag'ram Is, now •' the hands of ing in 1$90 to accept the position of account of the scheme whereby men' The topic will be, 'iThe work among tion fsi sea months by ..good, live the social and literary committee 'and .Inspectror which het has now for a and womnlen ire thein youth and prune tyre, Luinbvmen.i4 As this is 'asn �im- man or compa'n Y it• will hat be fon a pleasant time is in anticipation. j score of years Billed in a very satisfae- ' map make Provision far ,old ;age.. In p'ort�ant and also very interesting . ,lack -of work .on the part of the Spec- 'NEXT AR4NTII. tory manner. . short, by.the` Annuities is meant that part of, the work of the society, the ial Committee of the .Town CopnCil ,; • , ons singing org:.nitations have _in the Few officials, • indeed, are more con - th :i3 e Domtiitiio�n Government wilt;,reoevc atf'endamoe o€ the members is request- which:' has rho matter in hand. In n u n'ow� p teases giving a . .sacfentious in the performance of duty .deposi'ts from any person of .any , age ed. Visitors are. also invited. .which' response to an advertisement in the concert u co about th.. middle • of next than Air, Robb and to fewer still est between five and eighty=five years and • A parlor meeting will be held at Globe several• letters have already month assisted by his choir and some accorded a more generous measure of convert them into annuities '• payable the Home of Mrs. W.. S; Flatland' next . been received asking for •further part- of Clinton's favorites. Judging by the sincere regard. at -fifty-five or later in life; as the Tuesday evening, to which all inter- iculars. On page'flve of this issue is pleasing . rendering 'of the beautiful That Vbea freed'from the responsi_. appli6ant4.4 desires. The tlovernmetit ested ;in the cause'of temperance are an advertisement showing a out of anthem i11 Wlll• Lift' Up Mine Eyes" hillties of office his. Tim thmay imo defrays all costs and pays four per invited. A, good program, is being 'ar- the building, and the committee would last Sunday.. evening,, there is reason prove is the wish of iiumenou$ friends. i cent, comPo,rnd interest on ll a.ino - . • reat treat a expect to 5 i chid" Th N REMEMBER M REMEMBER Y `. OUR. SALE Q 'L .. C1WR SALE 4PP0, KTVNI•TY. You know our policy. You know that whelp Janex- . dry comes_ we always' let go. Right away we. start in cutting priees on all our lines of Clothin : ` Mens'. Boys' and Children's wits, Overcoats and gTrousers must go. NEWS OVERCOAT'S Men's $10 Ovetsaoats sale Price 6,90 44 12 is 41 � :t4 7.90 4. 18 tt 4t tr •1$:90 - 18 a Muto: 12:90: 22orld.24,00 Overcoats Stile Prloe16.00 �O S'• O'Vk'.rCOafS .y Yo Boys' l 6650 Overcoats Sale Price $4.90 • it 44 'tt '4t - 8.00 and 0.00 ©vereoats Sale Price 8.90' Boys' 7.50 Overcoats, Scotch fiweeds (4 ONLY) 861e rice 3.9900 Boys' 5.00 and 6,50 Overcoats, broken linea, Sale, Pride 2.96. Boge' 2.60 Overcoats, Blue Nap, Sale Price 1.09 Ohildren's 8,00 Blanket Gloats, Sale Price 3.90 nV.N9S.READY-!`1A0R- SUITS.. Xen's 10,06`8uittt, 'Bale Price 7.00 12.00 and 15.50 Suits, Sale P:Lee 8.00 '15.00 Suiits, Sa1e Price 10.00 4t 18.06 t4 it 4t 13,90 t. 22:00 4t' tc .: 16.90 BOYISI SUlTs. Bays' 2.5d Stilts, wale Price 1,90 •• 8116 . 44 4t it 2.00-• . 44 6.16. -:: '. 4t tt G.% 44 7.50. As as it 5.50 .. . 44 id.W • 4t tr ,: 7.80 MEN'S ODD TROUSERS mews 1.0 Trousers to'elear at 1.19 At t1f,76 At 49 4: 941,`20 4: add 4t It ,t 111.40 is 160 t4 44 44 a 1,8 it SM) tt 44 i• ,4 2,9ir .i4 6,00 to cleat at 3190 - MEN'S OV RALLS., i(on's 95a Meralls, With of Without bibA, to blear At fir ii li60• 74 44 i44' YC 41 it 0 i1 J . t 1.2fi• tt t4 41 41 - 74 At 't, 44 ,t ca Twree�d''V`este, regular 1.00 aind L W elear at; �9 F -THE MOORISH CLOT:HING COO ]Iuwrrn's t+ftr@Og+t Clotril�ert '�A Square Deal for every Min" Splendid- program last Friday evening. Mrs'. Cosens treated the boyo and eys ,paid -in. In ease of death' before be served,. e All citizens would no a copy of the Advertisement to 'any of their :ng a ctws-Reeord. . The MOLSONS',BANK" � the annuity becomes due' a-returru'. of int ck 'arid iai at three roes . is. nay p pc t made to•t$te. •heirs. rite lowest ': an= OFFICERS OF COURT CLINTON,' frienda, who might be .interested Cop- les can be' h from. the Town Clerk . • bout Peopte-You miaow. afternoon the annual slei�ghride talitg place from :4.30 to six after tufty is fifty dollars and the higbest. The officers of Court Clinton I.O'.F. for the asking. Mail them with your . INOORPORATEb 1856. > ;'s c4pud Pa" up • $41000;000,• Rest Fund .. K`100,00iM six Hundred, were installed, a fere evening. ago by Past Chief Ranger W'alkep and are as letters. A COMING MUSICAL TREAT. Miss Edna -Manning has taken a posi- Dr. J. S, Evans and family have been tion in. the L1.T.R. station. Suffering, Brom la g grippe riniririg the .; ,t '> : Hag g Branches i>ts Cabed�i _.,I ONT. ST; C4f •Ul'iCH: Eollorvr, . Chief 'Ranger, O. Crich, 4, Music lovers of this. city who were Mesa Lulu Mulholland ' leaves on Sat- past week or go but- :we are g to urday fotr, few ;: On Sunday a.ui. the Rev. 'Mr, Cos- ' Vied, T.: Shipley. fortunate enough to. attend the con- a weeks' visit in De- report•that the are a and alk re - Y tm and Ag+enfs Aod' oorre"ridents in all thp, ptfaCipal' oitiea ,, in .,�a,r` . ;end eonti�ttued and concludeii the nail- - , •Fin. -Secretary FT. Pennelbaker.' cert :n the Fu fell Theatre lash night, . trot. ^': covering. :the world .w• A GENERAL BANKING BU �5�` TRANSACTED. saonary'.cpaign and in rile evening', a. platfanm meeting was befd„at whiori, Ree. -Secretary; C. Helyat, Tea r W. Wai k by the Royal Welsh 'Ladies' Choir, it r l bang it Mr. G. A, Bradshaw will .s rad t t It pe 'h Lr. and Mrs, -John (lardknex of, God-' next• three weeks at Chatham, and erich toamship are taking u their p. . .. - , the past,or,and dila iiFrs. Cosens de,: s' r sue , .er..; . Orator, W. J. Cook: ` w remem►be as one of Alfie' finest eibibitions of choral singing, ev- Wailaceburg. _.: �'i'osfdenoe in town i . , n otic of: Mi,• SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT ' • livered _addresses; the latter speaking eloquently on the "Reflex Influence of Sr. Woodward W. Cochrane:. er hexard in Ottawa. APartyr, `ecu M , Will> Atkins of Toronto• was•, the 5; Andrews' cottages on Queer, g�� over Sunday of Ltfr• and Mrs. AT ALL BRANCHES. Missionary: 'Work.” .MISS Carrie Ship- . Jr. Woodward` C. Oliver.from ,5r. Beadle;'C � Humble, Oovernnrt9nt House lethe vice-regaloernu died 'pause most heart-' t Arthur Cook. 1St: A. F, .Jahns, principal o£ the Interest siCgwed at Highest'Current Ri+te. ley gave. an excellent reading and there Cook. Jr. Beadle, J. C`o . ilq. in the frequent applause. :�iumPf+-' iidiss Gdadys Cantelon..is now assist-_ . Rockwood Public school, Dame hom(t which several' artfeles wore read by different riiraaadiers• was an abundant of music, b y tthe Cut p ty,. ;T. 'J..Macdonald. Court Deputy, ,; • , ons singing org:.nitations have _in the eng .with the office woii4 in. Cantclon yesterday, .the schCol..havin g to be Ciilr�toxx Blralneb - C. E. Dowding, Manager Choi The otferin'gs were liberal. Rev.. Mx,. Cosens will occupy the(puI- . Auditors•. C. E:'Dowdfn W. J. g. est visited Ottawa but undoubted , . Bxas, grocery. ci'ased owing to illness in the viler Miss Nettie .Stes'rns has been in Lon- lags, missions supported b the distrfot ry pp • y who is sUtdoned in China. Mr. Paw- pit. next Sunday, both a:m, and p.m, Afitehell; none have'ever'equalled the L�ovaN lest :C Welsh'Lad Noir in perfecUou of dote the past' week, as, . the guest of Mr. Wm. Foster,, .who has been laid lett 'rendered a Salo during the evening. . 1. -�—� '.Che .Junior Leaguers are having An enjoyable time. Atter the close of a : PRESBYTERY. ME,ETI V(3. The re 'near J a t' n f tl ,• _� chorus singing arid. solo work. A - taws Journal bit. 28 1909 l,rs• her sister,.. Mrs,, 1: ,Taylor, .'' ,Up fon some weeks file result' of : a ;X+essrs. T.. Jackson . Jr;'and J, ilii+ , fah on the is walk is improving Y , pro tng - REMEMBER M REMEMBER Y `. OUR. SALE Q 'L .. C1WR SALE 4PP0, KTVNI•TY. You know our policy. You know that whelp Janex- . dry comes_ we always' let go. Right away we. start in cutting priees on all our lines of Clothin : ` Mens'. Boys' and Children's wits, Overcoats and gTrousers must go. NEWS OVERCOAT'S Men's $10 Ovetsaoats sale Price 6,90 44 12 is 41 � :t4 7.90 4. 18 tt 4t tr •1$:90 - 18 a Muto: 12:90: 22orld.24,00 Overcoats Stile Prloe16.00 �O S'• O'Vk'.rCOafS .y Yo Boys' l 6650 Overcoats Sale Price $4.90 • it 44 'tt '4t - 8.00 and 0.00 ©vereoats Sale Price 8.90' Boys' 7.50 Overcoats, Scotch fiweeds (4 ONLY) 861e rice 3.9900 Boys' 5.00 and 6,50 Overcoats, broken linea, Sale, Pride 2.96. Boge' 2.60 Overcoats, Blue Nap, Sale Price 1.09 Ohildren's 8,00 Blanket Gloats, Sale Price 3.90 nV.N9S.READY-!`1A0R- SUITS.. Xen's 10,06`8uittt, 'Bale Price 7.00 12.00 and 15.50 Suits, Sale P:Lee 8.00 '15.00 Suiits, Sa1e Price 10.00 4t 18.06 t4 it 4t 13,90 t. 22:00 4t' tc .: 16.90 BOYISI SUlTs. Bays' 2.5d Stilts, wale Price 1,90 •• 8116 . 44 4t it 2.00-• . 44 6.16. -:: '. 4t tt G.% 44 7.50. As as it 5.50 .. . 44 id.W • 4t tr ,: 7.80 MEN'S ODD TROUSERS mews 1.0 Trousers to'elear at 1.19 At t1f,76 At 49 4: 941,`20 4: add 4t It ,t 111.40 is 160 t4 44 44 a 1,8 it SM) tt 44 i• ,4 2,9ir .i4 6,00 to cleat at 3190 - MEN'S OV RALLS., i(on's 95a Meralls, With of Without bibA, to blear At fir ii li60• 74 44 i44' YC 41 it 0 i1 J . t 1.2fi• tt t4 41 41 - 74 At 't, 44 ,t ca Twree�d''V`este, regular 1.00 aind L W elear at; �9 F -THE MOORISH CLOT:HING COO ]Iuwrrn's t+ftr@Og+t Clotril�ert '�A Square Deal for every Min" Splendid- program last Friday evening. Mrs'. Cosens treated the boyo and g anu rY tree is n .c Presb ter of uron as.held in -Wil' p >r .Ie . _ w gb•Oir: will .sing. in the town hail . lin Leod . are down in New York this .week in the, rnberesf� of the Jack- and is now able"to • be about the house again. girls . 'to home-made candy: Tumor- .. • tis church. on Tuesday.. Fite c• rn• ru a g - tions in the Presbytery'. Were well ra=' y i'Y the, evening of . Feb.'-8tii under the, auspices 'of the 'choir of the Ont. St. , . son Mfg. Company, : Mr. Frank Keegan of .Bayfield was ire. . afternoon the annual slei�ghride talitg place from :4.30 to six after .Presb r ` n• a during ole recd and Our n the morning ser - 0 g 'g 'church. 1St. Albert art i�lains f Arial Sark., o a, Sa wase in town Monday. 'Fie at Dna fawn on iVionday. He is geniality" personified, most .popular: with those ' which supper, will be served th � 'in s@on a large amount of routine bust- nese. was disposed' of.. It was CLINTON' DEFEATS STRATFORD. time lived at Bills re4n while bis g - who know. Irian bt�b and a great fav - g . the the lecture room of the. church. :text Monday evening' the League .decided after considerable dir!(=sion. that ''at � The local O.'M.A. "'team defeated " good wife's parental horiie -was at Belgrave so betwixt t'he'm they have orite wibli .that, throng, _the visitors • to'1he•breezy -village. will hold their monthly miissionary, the herb meeting of presbytery,: which will be March: arc evening, session g Stratford on the home rink Monday evening b a score of ii' to 7.. It g y relatives, and Void -time, friends. all ' Mr.' Bert. Johnson who is .t chin teaching � meeting. Tine program wbieh�, is, ii2 : preparation will' be something. unique, .in . will. be held on the Monday' evening to was a clean, fast game, with a score through the county,' Mr. Mains, .who ' b y, is a. line tgpe . of + y the wa at Mt. Forest, is playing with the team ` of that town in O;H.tI. being an illustrated story, ''The Man With the White Platt." •The• tllustra-. whfvh the public, that, is all ,those in- ,to' teskeld iln,the work of the . cbu�rcb,` at 5 .to 4 in favor of the visitors at half t.irno but the localg then pull- the young men the west needs, went* first to Dakofia s neral ears o y . .the series. In Wholesome sports suchas ke lacrosse i, „ ' hoc y: a rosse or ba,s6ba,Il4 Toxo . tiaras. will be largely. musical and a Will be €rrvfted and that all the ter ' ed away. from their ` opporwrits and ago but Teased to et back again g p , g, g Johnson's boyA are right in the €ora- most fnterestin and profitable cell g p m port, . canoarning,_ the afi'airs of the congregations will be presented at outplagiiig them at sit points won Our' boys all prayed so well, "rider the. €olds of the bid Flag he front.'. ' itig; fix being looked forward to. On Monday.tbe ilea ue third meeting.. The af•tsrnoon session .easily. that, perhaps, to say this or than moved across to'the new, Canadian. Proyinces. He struck there at the Mr, t�orclon Waldron bkr i r'` r sic , Tor. onto, visited the old bornestwA 'on. spent am •ev-. ening with'the Epwoith .Era,' frown on Tuesday was almost all taken up by a discussion an the question of player excelled the others would no•, .be fair to' the rest. The lino up was .. right, time. lie•bou ht low and last g g the London Road this,week and also. , which several' artfeles wore read by different riiraaadiers• . inutile unfa>a. .The • matter was de- 'bated 'as. ioilovi+s ,: ' ;' ' fall sold high and thus b. virtue of Y what i � th n e Old Land might be called on Clinton friend s, Mr. WaA . . � , Bron takes an active.. interest in tl10. A fetter Wa3,aI- so read from Rev. Mr. Harris, the pretty fully and on the vote be- Ing taken the favor . Stratfatrdr- loaf, Bradshaw Point, 1 ,a led the unearned increment he " political 'lite of our: country deli iso missions supported b the distrfot ry pp • y who is sUtdoned in China. Mr. Paw- motion in was carried by 16 to 6. Of the _six oppos= fiiAdell ; cover -point, Whyte ; renter, BoMs , cs ntre', Thompson ; loft wing, has -a nice' balance tie . the good. He g has .again taken up land but this stron advoc ate of reciprocity. with the United- States.. :W h .he is he y lett 'rendered a Salo during the evening. . 1. ed it should be orris€ped,, heti all by any' means .were ' opposed' to church un- Smith ; right wing, iVlcPhnlmey. Clinton--aoal, McKenzie point,. p tithe in Eastern. Alberta where.' he • Will locate in the 'sprfng. Mr. Mains tells in a. terse and entertaining . . way and the Clinton Club has ' ,HOLINESS MOVEMENT REVIVAL. ion, Their .ob ection was Aincf all 1 p p y Rumball • eover- ofint O'Donnell p , + is a half brother -of the widely as good secured his eonsent, tro' give A former resident of -Cliato7n,, Mrs. to Ilia mode of procedure, The nextmeeeting' mill be held in, St. raytar, O'Neil , centre, Kerr , left •wing,, Draper right wing, O•.rtxg. known 'and affable Londesboro 'con- tractor, Mr. Mate•. Mains.. •as an address on the s*eot sometime ' rdu •. Beforespg W.- A. Xillough, now living at Gros- Andrew's' 'church, Blyth, the second. Refenee�orrie, 'Toronto. then btAr Glen Ewen, Sask., .reports week in March. an old table revival at Gloschtn In the FOREWORD, first taw 'weeks of which atbne, ••.same ninety souls luaus saved.. Rev, J. S. WESLEY CI`Ug3Cli. The League Monday .ORE HIPPEIINGSIN socillp ' Clearwater of Ittolnness Mo�veliva it on evening was . "The 'Twentieth .the church at Carfevale, Sash:, was In addressed by hir. Fred. J. Milli who . Century Belongs to In tbit series we may have occasion vited to hold evangelistic services in gave an interesting &, id profitable Miss Maud Torrance Is having. a Canada," is a phrase often used now, to crft3oice rather severely the lie- 1..taIk., the. local school house, The peopte Next'Mond there *111 be a debate Y girls' tea this evenrng, r rhe Sewing Circle suet at the hoisie and We take groat aitd pardonabliee tions of_ sonde of our tovJnspeoplae,- but we wish It to be uncWrstood that it , being hungry to hear the word of God attended regularly though zany'cano' rn connection with the missionary - 4,, of Miss-Rielen Doherty on Monday ev- en" . pride in. our country's progress. In agriculture, in mining, in railroad is meant in the kindliest spirit. Many! for iniS�.' Aften two weeks Itev, R (J, Laing, who went west frOM Dreg- prbgrani. The subleet will be, Re- solved that an, effott should, be made Mrs. 'W. R. Counter entertained b st7uc - on tion and in comnteree, eller- people do .things trom :sheer though - lessness whirls are really unprofitable, dem, Ont,, assisted in the preaching. to keep the yellow recce out of. Can• some of her. lad friends on Monday y mous strides have been and are bein g to thdmselves and hamatul to the com. The 'truth preached in all its fullness ada." Misses Ruby Irwin and Flor- once .Cufaiu hame Will be leaders. 8 evening, Mr. and Mr% John nice are enter- made. There is an Orli of progress and pro 'ty in .tore for the present t4unity, and tva believe it will only be •gtoessary, tsa ball their attention to was attended by the convict ing power_ Holy of the Hot Ghost and processed sin- Next Thuttsgay evening a mlYrsionaxy . turning a qumber of their friondo this evening, .goneratiorl of Canadintia that has not boort ` . the facts for thebi to Acicnowledge thti ' hers with many who lead thought themselves es Christians their true ban ue q t, to whtcll all this men of the wilgregcition are cordially invited,, • ... Mr, and Ulm Ed. Saville are enter+- equalled .by any counits in Y the world. 'To profit by it acid snake the o€ our critfeisms: It will be , a pleasure to pay just iributeY to n"y s saw position in the sight of a•holy Good, will be given in the lecture titin. tailing a number of thein friends this evening, best possible use of it, it is essential that Canadian ••te4lire others who have given such matters Old t+ imocro�oV60tnonW as bolloitred by time '• B. Viers of Seaforth, chairman Of the District, Mr. W.F. Ding- Miss' Florence -Cuainghaxiie, is tarter- every should and perform his p4ecaml � duty. But seino'us thou ht and who cfiow a pub - yit5 frifi and genuineness in all their � g aid cadvers€end and the couverts Were hovia conductinig meetings and, ,and. tilran of tree ,'herald, Stratford, will �fnin a number of her g girl friends to a thimble tea this afternoon. individual opportunity ontaiN Indivld- uaI respobs�ib�ility, atia is to doiogs that Is wort;h'y G: the PHNOM ' The leading others to "the LaMb of God that takoth away the sin. bo present and give 'addres o on the subject of the workibg o4 the Lay- a „PoohMaryea" it this t� we will* ter draw slreeial atitEai- of this district. lr also show` it marked amount of hard ootinanon sense, of the world." Mrs. 2£illough . pound galvaw tion with ;tile• Teat. Converto vote it1ar14 " Issnonary Movemeftt. On " day Mr. D, 0. Taylor at onRTuesda enrtaii y y rig R^Iircn a jolly party of gtirls tial a Wei pxvrpose to print a i�eries of ser i in that they realize the saving diff one and time which results frog* Y urged to re rat of inbred gib and now t3 pe :most Luari6 v Coupled the pulpit, morning p r g en o able time, j y fribnettaxs, r�laieh will appear regularly lYir: and Mrs; James Sduthcoinbe in thin for the' Ir local patrciotisntt, Out spebiaiil � jays were eitperienced as they found the e:Oeriet ce of perfect dove. Many and even" g, continuing tho _ three 'weeks' rn ssiotiary rampai'gir. Mr. Tay- space, purpose tri dit= and Miss Wadhfa' ton ' WOM A hoand 'eoti 6 t the bf ottr rt5ad-, rbfermee is to the follyof some folks; • .wino htwve tlov"d Ae 'nt'h$ vlrO slap roceived the baptism of the Holy load co thidd bf# remarks especie.11y in to thou friends rat the regidenca of the laittr o`h Frlala)r evening ` ''The en-' o ei>g to �► cevY p6irLtia'of olid s6oial arntl poio4 of business life wherih this ind4vidual rte their edging mid selling away I'rona( A y Clibton As contr"ted Witar the rvi.%, i�hbgt for ser. Vice, bedomflig their- selves mightyunder Plod 'to the poll- the ove Ring to the great fiend for 'alis- Sion work in our own land, and having tertaimneut W0 given in h0noik of Aft. and •lura. Anwa of fort Vifloin sPo Wbilit has beenoverlooked or conn od thow, do ate Bible busd- y a+to pos forgotten, It* dowel tit; the strongholds of tin, at his thgen's onds', or, rather: at hit, who lib guctitet of Alis' Washin t+oii, � g and to show that vA%I, teen- efkta lite cotmenu aunty will redound tan nest with their` mends and. neighbors., e � . We 'belt vex the former to be unolso and• �afO44 Students from the lir R. ness College in Or _ l City, 1I - ygxt C y, ant ton'gue's and, an great tuaid of statin. ties he u u n the rhurrh their rono po Ona of the loftiest and most enjoy- the benefit 61 tbo individual and vice rind unprofitrablo, while the latter is "'ver�i, e tuba, materially assiieted itn the good great respnnekbility iii lru*gard to the „given Able„,>artles of the seaS'oft *46 that by Misa Irene lacko tt can Thura- Loyalty to our t6uutrty ftr•- tied t o AN logical close Will. imr• ogi 1 on Wise and Profitable, and iii dila set. ea to show- r les wo gltall endeavor t work. The revt%l is still in pry res&. A bafntdrtable drureh has jusiti tern Influxof forelgri imnii ttg Vtirli bas beim great in the :past oople of day everrinty last winch twernty of her . rel ue t0 be also loyal to our tiawti for the trratli that is In us. >if tiiesr# tiles etrmpleted 4A4 the opentag day was years •or ito, but; 'which, he p eeded 'bis gird 1%ien4g Wore bldderi to tm at lint- ihiirty. 041419 followed, tivre being and our neighbors. ,Loyalty . to our oouutry *ill help make N6144 a sortm+onettes prat a taw of our miqguid• 'ed vitkma it the walr of saving; tho first of a wtrioa of twaligelistic deitvicerl. The: revival is beitrg eor- to show, "Would votiy much gveutcr in the years to oorne. (tve, 'tAIA00, DPO the p+orty broke tap groaner and It better natio n, and Ao moray for thrmselvea acid 'at the surra, ri+ed tiro many ether lsni+itsr by the carr Y�y �,y,- No n Nett Settiday, the paat+tlt` ttll . p 1 a pleataaaatt irony �ae,e +devoted to m�uA- lo, l(tev.et,tO 6y�f�j66y, K400ii�fft bkviyteg�,,� a bout berieiit +�+ery texoait ill Camila. Loy= ; alty to ourtown, *ill help tbOo ft �' fttmd benrflting carr � raerGltatnts antlf4' ; fat bushtoss ,m n ghe�ymour y�y. yyyy ,Py�.�Oyi{l.i y�bj,,y�yy�µ *00 400 0N0le ,0ILL10AY bAtidt N60 W" have. beet t f-00001 yt6r /, ]yam qyy y}p"y. trout) the ti6iu *94 b•i rrS� ping oo ��. tu mfl*dt my1ing A r4. th4t l,Ir4� 10YA, The. 114,:,.GiTt1 � -. y �t a � j lwo to li a %, wed b�tr iho yrra�l.1y.{,��+�.v�vm ysbgrll ly repaid fo ou Yhy.l{ lo.{ Ma ONaitig4 st0 iV/oop o 44 � yjolfy, *Joe, yvey kAiYJAWOIft ' ftwft�Wty. 0' V01