The Clinton New Era, 1911-12-07, Page 6%"a MWTOV WSW S". mumm 1""LL
1W -7 rMy
1310'Oth r14 14JOV roetalsP !pr do volt
over the h1eiart 6 00 0119
0Ad the many,
�Z=714 =Vtomv W110 =.
r Poor circulation and bad blood? A
heart tonic,
blood and body-builder
'r that
leas stood tfi* test of
over 40 years of Caro$ is
medicA Discovery
The heart becomes regular as clock -work. The red'
blood rorposcloo ore, increased in number—and the
nerves in tura 00 well fecl. The arteries arp Ailed
with goodw
nab Mood, That is why nervous debility,
irritability, atiag spells, disappear and are ever»
come by this alterative extract of M04icinal roots.
put up by Dr. 'Pierce without the use of alcohol.
Atilk your neighbor. Mau/ have been cured of
Muni Municipal improvement and the scrofulous coaditions, a Pert, "lover -sorter", white swolliags, etc., by taking
To The Bohm of best' Iota interests of tW� s fair DONT SAY YOU OLD ononers Can. De eusizy auu wexpe-umvip, Dr. Pierces Discov#ry. Just tbG refreshing and vitalizing topic needed for
Proince, If elected it will. be
my The 11hePal Fieffopm ly anode so by taking large envelopes and excessive tissue waste, in from fevers or for run-down, sage io,
pleasure and. purpose to
10..AL flum P _ to serve '01, lettering them appropriately or paint- thia-blooded Pe Pit. Stick to this safe and sano remedy sad refuse all lo just
,Iong these lines to the beat vimy. lug sketchily some flower upon. them, as good'? kindsofferedby the dealer who is looking for %. larger profit." Noth.
JU ability. YOU "Only Veel 014 ing will do you balfas much' good as Dr. Pibrov's Golden Medical Discovery,.
rib I nvolopej$ legal size should be used,
-k appeal X0 all ho favor suchDIgastIve
legislation to get early. to the poll$ Social Justice demands the remova
on December 11th and mark your .1
ballots fair me. Anything that can of existing inequalities 14 Cation, and.
Organs are weak --dont
assimilate food so, they , used to,
Other organs act more slowly and
and they should be in some color—
deep cream, rich brown or some 'other
equally artistic tint 04 this the mes-
At al"ge Conventloa held at
Wingbarn I *a$ nominated as Lib-
be honorably done to further my
we propose the Vaea4ment. of the As-
segamout Act to permit manfolpAlitA90
•less effectually.
Blood to thin, and sluggish.
sap can be lettered In contrasting
color or some dowers painted.
C441pa Qr row.
For the fifth row Crochet twelve
er,al Standard ,Bearer for the
compaign will be Tegarded. as, a
to exempt Improvements from
Renewal of strength does not equal
Slip Uwf4e a thin pad of cotton
trebles in the center of the group of
North Riding ogRuron and hoped
special favot issmy Inability .to be'
tion either In whole or In part.
the wear and tear of your oystem.
sprI with sachet powder.
four treblesf, make A chain Of two and
to have entered upon 4 vigorous
more active in it myself.. Wishing
To provide that the property of rag.
That's what makes you feel old.
Another dainty sachet I,$ made of
mompaign at once, ia,vlsltirdg, the
I greeting
various tits S,
� North Ruron electors prospqrity4.
way and other public utility corpora-
Nothing' In the world will tone, up
odds and ends of ribbon or ollk In the
the elect an volding puklic
Ors holding
I am, yo truly,
U040 OUO3-1 0011trOutO to the TOVeAMAS
RA4 invigorate those weak, b4ck,0114.
Ing organs, make rich blood and cre.
shape of a Bower. 4, pansy, for in
stance, can be f4ishioned of lavender
meetings. This program, I a ve
been unable to carry out owil)U9 to
1W. H. Kerr,
Liberal Candidate for North
of muntelpalitien and of the Provinoo
ate strength, so quiCkly as Vi o1
and whit 'ribbon. the two upper petals
ill health and although some bet-
. Huron.
on a * basis of asnessment.And, tuation
VIA01 is not a secret no4trum, elm,
of the lavender, the other three Of
tel -cannot now, cover -the riding,
33rileselo, Nov. 29.1911,
In every respect equal to the assess-
ply the medicinal elem6ntrs of thei
white tipped on the edge and striped to
especially at such Inclement sea-
The Riding-, �xecutive urges, that
ment and taxation of the property or
code" livers, with the useless nomsest,
the center with lavender point. This.
son' olf.the year, hence I speak
through the press
no'stone be unturned 11
ned. to securies
private Citizens.
in oil eliminated, and-tonlo fron add-
ed, Try a bottle of Vluol with the
painting can be (lone by the Terlest
tyro, for 'It Is merely little and
I cordially sup Ort' Pr(Dig-LIMA
'IyU. Kerr's election,
Social and. Indust rial. Betterment
understanding that your money will
lines. The petals are simply-,suipped
out1lined by Mr, N. W, Rowell, be,
The betterment of the social and
be returned If It does not make you
Into shape with the scissors, Under
lieving it would tend -to the bet,
Secretary North llurlors- Lib.
Industrial condition of the masses of
stronger, feel younger and give yod
one of the petals Is it tiny bag hold-
terment of Agriculture, Education,.
the people shall be one of our supreme
An added Interest In life.
lug the, sachet. A flowing poinsettia
Sold and guaranteed In Clinton bti
made of scarlet ribbon would be most
. . . .
The evils of Intemperance Constitute
W. S, it, udimes,
. . . .
a grove social peril. During the ensu,
Hints For Homemade Gifts.
Ing Parliamentary term we will con-
Sofa pillow cases of rudely stenciled
older the best form of legislation to
denim—splendid winter colors—ready
1� .4 1 KA _41 -
the additloo of a little judicious, em-'
broldery. Silk bags ornamented with
oriental embroideries are also fast%-
tonable. Heart shaped,, shield shaped,
.square and ovall;,4ap and variations,
of these shapes are stylish. Bags of.
striped silk or satin with the flap'
fastened down by�a fancy button and
a Cord in two colors (made by twist-
ing together two cords of the desired
colors) are also modish souvenirs.
I Hand Embroidered 13olt.
Hand embroidered belts Cost so
much In the store and are so eisy to.
make that they are well worth taking
up when one approaches the question
of what to give ones friends for
deal effectively with, these I v I and TRIO VLAMSDOZT,
the electors will an oppo White felt padding for tea table A
alt n1li i rtu WIN [A ULAO &avr a stitch up under the elsains of t'.14P! 111 �111 III -I Ility, -loths, cut 14, the required site and
11 , , -4 jlt 11)111� of passing upon our proposals at the four. In the two procading rows, chain
AM, "man �vvmiEPti qeatly bordered with white tape. re a group of twelve
following general election. Bureau and pincushion covers of two. more and mair
will Immediately abolish the SUGGESTIONS I-rigbt cretonne, edge4with a coarse trebles, and so on to the end of the
three-fiftho vote in local option con- 'white curtain Jac row. This will complete of the
tests and substitute a simple majority.
During the continuance of the Il -
cense systei-4 we will seeuro the re -
Look at the Whead, moval of lWadullulstrPon from poll- 'Befrilled Powdef Box Make's a
tical. Influence. WHAT TO MAKE.
There's a deal. to know about wheat. It I didn't select We promise the passage .of amea-
pure to provide for Compensation, of useful Christmas prosehf,
the wheat I couldn't guarantee .the. flour. - Cream ,of the P
workmen Injured In our Industries, resents That Will Delight the Tray -
West Flour comes from Cream of the West Wheat. And d to their dependents where ouch olbr and Housewife.
it certainly does make good breadl fn'jurlos result In death, modelled after Dainty accessories for tbe,.tr4veles
the recent legislation In Great Britain, Have you seen talcum powder boxes
are the toothbrush case and spongi
and to Insure In all *cases, they. covered with ribbonl if you have ob-, case photographed hero. 'Both of these
ment of such compensation, served these attractive additions to are made of coarse gray crash:.the
the Special Investigation, and oupbrvithe toilet table you very likely' made i
Cream ol -We'st Flour• . cion by the Province of matters affeetF
lug the health and• well-being of in a note of them for use .us. Christmas . . . . . . . . . . ....... . . . . .
or bread d1ii5trial- kers d' communities;
the bard wheat flour guaranteed f presents.
War an
encouragement of town planning and The, box -seen In the -cut Is of the
You just try it. If it doesn't give you right down satisfaction your the, prevention of the growth of con- reputation size for, holding talcum
grocer pays your money back. TbaVs the guarantee with every bag. gested aroas; the, suppression Of tuber- powder.
Dresden ribbo sufficiently
culoals onft the, avoidance of ooeupa-
wid to t -over the sides of t b e box .. . .......
Toronto tional diseases. i -R
The Campbell Aping 1jn:I Toronto and allow .a small frill to pro 0:
Oct Is
ARCMDA0 CAMPBELL. President 10i selqcto& - The's6it. with it plain satin -
edge Is prettiest for the' purpose. 1
The ribbon Is turned over at either
For Sale. Byx.
-unauom & SmythIe, Clinton.
Sieafo#4 to form. a: cas.
John Denbohn, Blyth 11. L vens end for about an inch
X the neck of the box. The rest
are gathered.
. . . . . . . . . .
N. w. RqwEtL.Ke. edges of.,kihieli are bound wlth," plain
'Ontario Railway and Municipal
blue silt. The cases are ..tined with
white rubberized silk. The Initial of
Board. flue :recipient ot the gift should he
There should be as enlargement of. 6a embroidered on the outside -of the
the powers and.reorganizition of the g - fashion around the box.. Baby of the cases. A case for the
ribbon matching the predominating 't ' wash
Ontario Railway and XUrsicipal Board shade, of. the Dresden comb and birushv he lag and
S6 as to tender It an iafluentialrand' - design Is used. other toilet accessories may, be added
tribunal In the' p0bll6lnterost. to tie. the ribbon covering. in position
around the neck of the borl with loops
Administration of Justice and ends .at the sides. number of
It will be our duty to combat at all those little offerings may be made at
times, by legislative enaotment and &4- small cost It the same coloring In rib -
so on OU04 trusts, v bons is used. b, the baby i?pggg.-��g
mialstrative tl ler- se
gore and other. conspinitlb�o of capital WilbD oiggh to trim about
h will.
as stifle competition, InCre4qe the cost, 8191bam
of living and impair po)ItIcp,"I fton- P tonno'Bad,
Here is a fa cy workbag with.decid-
`Ve Will abolish the right of
dl y now and useful features. As ev.
x:X�,;", I'M
60vernment to. deny access to tho
courts tolhos6 who claim to,have suf- ,needy man knows, when wo k,
feted wrong or damage through the 9- .. ills, etc., are put into the,
action of the GoVernment,or any Com, sam6 bag they have an. unpleasant
mission appointed thereunder, habit- of being .bard to eitrIdato with 0
out tumbling about on the floor. The
Civil Service Reform
Illustrated obviates this* difficulty. ..............
The spoils and patronage systems It 4s mad . . . . . . . . . . . .
e of a dainty design in cre
Are Inimical to thehighest effleleA137
Of 1:1110 civil service and to the h.=+ 4"_
teresta of the Country. We propose the.
creation of a Civil Service Comrals-
wheels. Twelve of these wheels a
required tot the dolly. For the cen-
ter of the dolly connect each of the . . . . . . . . . .
s 4h
scallops that edge the wheels -with a
chain of twelve. -For the next row
crochet eighteen trebles on. each, - of
these 'chains: For the next row turn
and make 'one. treble and two chain
between each. of .*the two trebles of
the. preceding. row, The three other. U"I) SM-RoWnRED BELT.
..rows are done exactly like the third, Christmas. The belt' Illustrated heror
fourth and fifth rowo of the whe6l. was of white grosgrain' washable rib -
The wheels may be.titted for the out,. bon, adorned with sprays, of f64age.
side row Into position and joined into Belts of stamped linen, are also liked
place with a needle and thread. and, may be. 'embroidered In similar
An inexperienced crochet worker will style. The belts may 'be finished with
Bud this -doily -a . very y easy affair to buckles ;to expensive as onei chooses.
make. The pattern merely repeats IV Wrapped In tissue paper and picked
self, whiels simplinea the design, in it pretty box, -tied with Christmas
rlbbous,,they are useful and attraia.
tine aouvidalm,
Guest Room Towels.
The housewife will. ,always welcome
Vom,e Lead is.,
with dellgilt handsomely embroidered
towels as a Christmas gift: The 'lltus--
PARISIAN SAGE. PUTS LTJ§TAP,. tration shows something particularly.
..'INTO DULL, FADED'.HAIR.: new 'and smart in , towel. designs.
These designs are Carried out on a.
'Quo quality of buck - toweling. . The.
Every woman reader of 'the New little .guest towel .16 finished with a
Fra who. desires radiant hair, that
everyone admlies should go to W.S. hemstitched. hem, above which is a
R. Holm6o to -day and) get a large 50 ua'BTy design of pond lilies darned in
dent 1�ottla of 'Parisian Sage. blu6 mercerized cotton,, with . the leaf
Xt is not only adelightful and re-; and f1dwer petals outlined with. white
'fe',Nin hair dressing and !leant!- thread.
fler it is arold undex,*a rigid guar -. The, larger towel. 11s a butterfly
antee to bahish dandruff, stop fall- motif -mingled with a design Worked
ing,hair -and. Itching scalP,or money
baek� - I (� . .. I *
Parisian Sage, is the best hair tonic
tb* n1c.
.known. Itisthaobly. one that will'
gr d
g dared elvausb,the scalp and
hair grqrw long and beau-
tiful., N
UP•.r����� � ,V
nOLIDAY HINTS . . . . . . . . i { � ,}
. . . . .
08101 y in HOJICUIO Will Please whitecotton. mercerized
cotton Is used to work dile butterflies.
MoSf Afly Qlrl. A pretty buttonhole with a d6t In ew
• scallop adorns the ends ut,thls ex-
quisite towel.
A- linen hand bag'to carry With the.
summer gown may be made tip at,llt�
tle cost and will be a gratifying gift,
to the girl who Is fond of stylish dress -
Ing. -:for the Washable hand bag Will
be carried as` much nest season -as. It
was. last, summer. The bag Illustrated
was stamped with an,orienial -pattern
and worked with delft blue silk.
A4y style hand bag will be accept-
ble4 . Some of the most expensive I Was So.,,Choked'UP'
oriental effects, In silk may be dupU-
She Could Hardly
wwwww WWWWWfeeMov$609900 04,011, MAI that appointments, and pro-, v
es apoxam 40AS)L e.;�40;s In the service shall be by.
• In""tafter competitive examination. to.the outfit. instead of pale blue the
J favorite color Of th4 one Who Is to re-
Itlectoral Reform ceivo the gift may be used fbr binding Bronchitis is an acute inflammation of
te : ,we will prohibit under adequi6te the set ithd for working the monogram. the mucus membrane lining
wles the air tubes
Loqs Wan pet *all corporations over which Crochet ;able Set.
of the lungs, and should never be ne-
the Province has jistiodlotloll from UX Vk. r Crochet table sots are now popular,
waltin Campaign contributions; to
AT -
9 anw
d any woman ho.cau Crochet Will glected, for it it. is very often the dis6as6
• 4ulre the publication of all campaign A Bud that the housewives of tier, aam
becomes chronic, and then it is only a.
sad politi- short step to consumption.
aw, (100ributions to candidates -.� :1. . quaintance will be gratified to receive
sualzmtIons, aril provide, for the even the simplest handmade outtit,
tment of a publics prosecutor as The dolly Illustr4ted here Is worked On the first sign of bronchitis Dr,
sand, uvhase fit t shallb6to. in coarse linen thread or a moderately Wood's Norway -Pine $yritp should be
Zia rpt contested 910 oils to see fine' crochet cotton. The pattern coli. taken, and thug prevent It becoming
tat who are 8141ty of461600W slats simply of a Combination of chronic.
frond or corruption two (Inly prose- wheels or rosettes, it a larger dolly
I dtftsd*&It take an early Opportunity of Is Wanted the rovo, of single trebles Mr. John D, MacDonald, College
ALL KINDS OP LOeS WILL, OPIT 014cssissing before the, electors. the poll. Around the inside Wheel Way be in: Grant, X.S., writes -11 Idy little girl,
seven years old, paugfii it bad told which
— Igo Dotw= VANOt V001VA& crossed until the border Is Wide
440 herein outlined, hnd I a Deal to all
HIGHEST PRAIR' 2 d into bronchitis, She Was so
*bo �011eve In those poll as to give tonne, The big proper is about & toot, enough to make the dolly of the do-
t Liberal candidate$ throushout deep and lined Wide with china milk, sited Width Whorl the outer to*. Of choked 'up she cot;ld hardly breathe.
VAA,k6 vitleor their cordial support.
Coming halfway up 6n the sides of I wheels is added. To make each wheel Reading about your wonderful wedititst,
"e"09 $3-75 per c rd Chan ot twelve stitches and Dr. Wood's Norway Pipe Syrup, I decided
No. 1- HaSSWOad Yours roilpotful*, this bag are pockets. Of the cretonne, ' troaheta
join it to form a ring. Then on the ........ ... t.�
also Hued with nItIr- which are In- to try a bottle sand Wi such stood rt,,
M Wonv
woo' ab
winumn nurlwT CO
WkOW* 00, 4=A0kW1.
tended for holding the working Ift-
t6tWo. *'Phe large bag is drawn UP
with vibbon at the top, but the bit -
dies proper are Of half itch stitched
Cretonne and are attached like those 0f 1
s. Boston shopping bit.
Tho balntv Sikoh6t
Uttle whets im alwayis it djunty
WAY to so" tho obtistwes SMUM&
#xd sohot A3* xtwstys wwoomo. v
oils wk U";* bt0h it ittl Atft%W"
ring work thlety-six treble& Pot the
suits that I got another *hvchtonspletelY
second tow make one treble b4tWeell
cured her, IiAtitiot say too much in its
each two trebles of the preceding row n
With a chain of two between #Ach'tr& praise, and would jiot be without it ithe
blo. Vor the third row turn, Crochet house,
four trebly Into OVOY third. 11616 Of the Dr. Wood's XbrWay Pine Syrup Is
preceding to* with four chain beput up in is yellowwrapper; three One,
twooa ottob, of the foar trebles, Pot xfttu the trade mark; price, 25 cents.
the ftttlt tow crochet fout trebles th Umaurtetured only by The'T. MilbutU
the tonter of tho stono of Poor trabl"* voltoibuft Wo Al"OtMIL co� 1410kittd, Toronto, Out.
of tb* P106100110 row 4114 Cotalot by,
"tad at hotht by, 00 U" of 014