The Clinton New Era, 1911-11-02, Page 7r
p4g# I
1Q1?1 W_ I I
I �ir
It 0 _______ - . I .. I—. ....__� � -1, -_
, Uv,1!r.% 4x1rug It 9 m each to ui5t�p�r nugoanit. ,uws� .
. . jpje
I � � . .
- band,and wife ahoul,j work together I 111. I."..... Tft JAITT'LE BLOW, P10 M119 of Luck'noivj IS'Auth Bru!jo, win. S . I- , .
.1 ---o— . -
a unvndur- munity in. which they liv,a,ia , * Every Woman
perfectly tor be valuable tD-,'tbo 04DZU. will have a ,good -candidat,# w1r) --O--
-nortible, (tDrtq1'A- , ' . sholildl. Win iiibe local olection, a, Liberal NOWinatlaff Convonti,im
, _ PV
Ablc-44y - 0 . ,. , church they sorve", said nil to th"a Tile Callue ol Wearly'All tile L.v�� 'R. Truax was the last ulomber, who J fo.r. Sy-tah Hurqu will be, Wow4vid and shouli klww "A I
_a - 4*u ithe whole . ibo.Ay the bishop 11 . I Wd 'in aboul vii wowtjr,t)
. I 9 had been duly admiu. I 11,'Mall On Woduesday, Nov, lot, % 31111ty
vepos to b -P burning up -long -J.) i at', t � after the 0641, 1 VP= on cryday Ailluenta OfLife, r�,S!Xliad td,cante'st Ithe 3).
. ,iuinion
. I
of slepplesa agoily-, 1,11PA, istered. - --a- . ac -4t but was unau"ssiul. We. ex- 110helkitis *Xpected 0, andarO, I new , ; I bfKa. It
ci, 1jew
ON - Qo I;; . v4ciit I " �sit*
TnstoM r*110- The iskin �ople4 . . Pectoc), a0lin Joyat, lex-Reove, toz� bearer' will bephoBen. T 0 Van . I
- - _ RM " - aoll,
. Missionaries. fiodo, TQq little blood -that is ,what Li�.Q�-now, an It
nd_ �efeo�ked-all,burnjxlr, oonditch� I I Malj�,,�r, m,wri � .4 . t. . I ,�% OX its must successful i ScrivatlV,W, Will Meet 4t Zurich on - g, - I
11 . � _ __ —
, 46?64um W.A.814 of "
i1401 A-Ald QtUer in
. � 0 D.D.D. ftq�cl
, I J. Saralael, T4KW .
. %
. Mire4j,bottle% of )
#: 171.04'a -Xiolw WWI
. 09 lr� lod tm,
. , Al
I and soft as a ,6hil(
Ot all remodies
Wo know wie oam A
. mendf the D. D. D.
I Eczema. Just ,a
, Toxonto, Oct. 28 -"In, any ease " ,
- said Rev, T. B ,. k5hare of the metba.
I I'll , .., I——
We" Lower - Live stock
, �_
Latest Quotations,
I.", ��%0444ell XQQAV� pale
Auck oallo, W and too taAguid, 1111hat
UsAnOss 00a, IrOuld ,have beenthe
luoawnlvativiill .4taudard boxters
at. 26th ,to ell 0)(.)Se te,
their edlidida
.. the aforesaid dates- the
I t .. I t a
I ,
I ,
I -
I -
I -
I -
I - C� 't I : .. I
I I?
I dist Uissions rooms yester
i day, 'Iwo
I 1_'
isklu, ofmce a ingiss,
is makcs toci m. drag .4,long,
alway( t1red, ,aever re
� at hungry,
but at last Thursday's ConvIen tiOu
Dr. IClap.D, Of 3fildmay, 'cat the
Ui - C �
- 't Of 'IQ 10 ection NVIII be busy
I clays, for
1, I I I I
- 11 to. I
- �
� r - . 0 14 I I M r. .
; . our Missionaries arc quite
� safe.11 He expl -
, , I alued. that the revolu
J.— Xtendi- I
acoe - - .1 N
- to digest Ttheir food, breuh,�
Una))Aj� .
1;�Saaud VWWA449 atittlb heart.
nomination, Mr, Ander' should
I $10
, whor.,var the party=411t14
1113Y� - 411 On xaslieetiyel Y_
, .
"44wo 014. Gow Ageno hr C4� �
r tioulsts realized that their ultimate
ii success deper,,4e4 in a large measure
upon Vie, kood will of the reip rvft-
, .
�.Jverpool and Chicap,Q WheatTutures.
after alight (exertion, za ,tilat it is,
wea4soAs, ,even ito :g�o upstairs,
, , -
� �
I -1 I Ir
_ I '' -
Ime 'to conclude a treaty
t - wItfCfhi4
- 'Writ",
, I -411used
). D. 1). Wooa4ipt
"The reports as to the number of
We" Lower - Live stock
, �_
Latest Quotations,
Doewraq ittell tanipi inu Itney ar e
1%nVU*UIq I-VIXe plo4a Buglis)i bg-
. .
Ing` 0
few years they had regained much of
their former Prosperity, Pather Scol-
lea Is authority for the stAfAment the.
lit 1876 the Sioux' Indians who *ore
. I
. .
7 ,.
ribe. At Blackfoot Crorosing In Sep I
tember, 1877i Gaveruar Laird cqn-
isklu, ofmce a ingiss,
I .
Canadians located in the
. war zone,"
I �
CHICAGO, Oct., 27. -Almost panto
, olittle, blood, our, facel
'it i
Is PaAe orisallolw, ityviur iguMourle,
lit war with e 11illtowl Staf- wantod
J.— Xtendi- I
acoe - - .1 N
eluded a solemn treaty. Crowfoot,, .
their grea t obier, in hie speech said
tom *a,00)i
17 , 8.0
for the akin that
said Rev., Xr. Shore, are exaggerated.
"There. are on
.ly about twenty Cana.
41an missionaries th ere instead ni
.1onditlons took A Clutch to -clay on the
barket'fer w"at. I)emorallred ato
leflilligs had the most to d 0 Nylih thd%
Vale "
-JAKWOCI of kelilf, aearlet*, it'
yo,q are 0
I �4,sily :tlreA aiud IreclueA
I .1 — . . ,
, - I )
... tj_� I
, , I
"If thO Police, bad not come Where 4
would wo. be i
now? Bad mon'arid biLd I
L. wash -bug Weleausps Aad cools,th�i
! akin as 'nothing else, ,can. Abd . il
� III, ., I itakesi away the itch instantlyl
. WrA,Nvould like to tell you war(
,� , ,
abouLl D. D. D. Prescription IV I yot
Will 0all, or write thet D , . D. 1). Lalp,
. . ortatories, D(apt. N.B. 4$((CoIbo*,g
I � . Sto Toronto and get ai,lrieka trial
, battle.� 11
, I- So:d ajid guaranteeci in Clinton by
"'�- , NN'. S. R. Ilo.mes.
� .. . . ............... — .
t � I .
Captain Ley Exonerated,
Halifax, Oct. 28. -Word conies from
� London that Captain James C. Ley
, I of H.M.S. Cornwall has been, exon.
erated .by the Admiralty from all
blame in connection with the touch.
Ing of a roek by the Cornwall last
summer, when the warship went to
the rescue of the H.M.C.S. Niobe,
ashore in the southwest ledges off
Cape Sable.
Investigation by the Dominion Gov.
ernment service showed that the rock
which the Curnwall struck was ull.
The Cornwall is -now at the dryaocir
in Halifax undergoing repairs.
. Poisons Incorporated.
Ottawa, Oct. 28. -The
� ette to -day contains a -notice of the
incorporation of the "Poison Dry
Dock and Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., ot
Toronto. with a million dollar capifal
ih thousand -dollar shares. The com.
pany is given authority to build
wharves, docks, ships, etc., and to
furnish and sell electricity of light,
heat and power, subject to regula-
tions. . . .
The St. Lawrence Dry Dock and
Shipbuildin Co. of Quebec is also
ipcorporates with a capital of a mil.
lion dollars.
Bishop Holds Kissirig Bee.
B"KGuthrie, Okla., 06t. 28. -After
hop Quayle of the Methodist Epis.,
copal Church, had ordained a number
of deacons and elders at the annual
Oklahoma conference, he called the
ivives of all of the new -made church of-
ficials to the front of the pulnit and
A ,;
J . JVW4!-1FAI' 1, I& you. UO no 1. reash I � I - I -IsKey Wore kill g us so at that
h -1, I 11" . very few of uo, would )lave been lett I
I one hundred as reported I Icipre, but there 74s 4lao talls That the yo,ur oe4a, alld ism,411 mat,Oera irrl� .- , -.1.1,11 _ i . . I
� 4 tWis.,J VVOrnmellt would Investigate the at, IT.3,t%1 I I � . i
espa , you, it is aisign( ithat 70,44 fftm-,�a �;4,,t�_ I today," That Crowfoot spoke within; .
I , ie,ged manipulation -of grain. Closing bloo Uer � .,
Ail eftorts to reach the missionaries rices were weak at a a" . the facts is evident, On the 7th Olt
� by cable has fail , )JnB of 1 s.4e 4 is thin and W r and that
. . ed, due to the wires o � 3-8, to g 1-2c, corn I Parled with 24 p -on Bf W, D. XP04de. . I .
� bein t you. Ar. ,ft verlp,, , . I . Zune# 1873, In the C�rpreas 11111% near
g cut around Han]cow, Chinght ol(aakdjolwu I - I .
and Chiligking., . glu'lt'rno,tbefore. Other maples -foil, toot kx)0000000000000cK)OOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOO000000m .� '4 Port kept by one Abb Farnell thirty, I
OOCYXX X01FX four men, womeu. and cUll4rou wero :
I . nearly so inucli as wbeat-corn, 40re ww�k, ana,emic 'people, have, - � 'M INDIAN - have said". This statesman had no.. ruthlessly slaughtered by a party trov� ,
. 11 1-2c to 5_.8c to 5-8c, oats $-$a to 1_20, beterA Made atronig, energetic and , .
I � Wil be gprpduaM 5c to 15c to 17 1-2c, - oud oheggf 41 �bXtWAg D,r; . . 1. ' Illur-1011s. Re gave up his birthright Port Benton, Missouri, who were In,
w-unatic. Folight seven Men. , The Liverpool market closedL to -day %d. Pink: pilts than byalayathe'o. PNOS . (Copyright by Publiallera Press Ltd.) recognizing that the illite man woul � d search of stolen horses. Fa -ell liad!
Ottawa, Oct. 2S. -It required seven ower than yesterdayon Wheat and %d to 'V,he)r -actually zaalcio new .blood, Lord Puffertri In the course of a Come Ih and Possess it In any case, . told them he was sure the Indtauo didt
men to overpower an i ,ho hid lower on corn. Antwerp closed un- tour of the north west in 1877 in 4 but the � cht
Thu (1, , * insane man 11 -403 4ery part,)' of �jtha - public
�Jy changed on wheat, NvIlich rl.�Acl .ef placed reliance upon not have their horses, but advised the,
itre r:s night was Parading Budai)ost %o tower, speech said "Happily Ja nalthe white ulaillo faith and bonour to- Indians to give up some -of their a- I
o age, nuar I wn
of letcalle Vill, the Nod Berfin 1jo lower. wan'braces 1,14L-nerve!i and brings part of Her UaJestVs Domialon are keep his promises. For 41- time. - to placate these men which they w-roi * I
I hero, . . ,
clad In flueg trousers and an andvr- Wini)ipeg Options. . ne,wl 11103411� ano new strell,gh U,e the relations existing between ' the while wate ru ' Canadians. were, apparentl , y prepared to do. This is,
sbIrt. He gaw)Tis net as T Close. Open, High. Low, Close, 1 (Mfie Of Miss Nte�lie Welch, ,�ssex, - I pledged to rho
.ne howas Wbe*t, . OXIL" is pro.,of of the -_ .a eiayse'
Smith, and ',�I)I)Xkt lvavauely of Toronto � I � grpao c4radve I is�.:., �, ��::-`,:,:�, ; i;i;!:i�i;::::�:j;�ii:i;i:::i�i:�:�:::�:�:�:i:i;::::i:�i:j:j: . the spirit of this; the only Instance on. record wherol
and. Hamilton. . Oct. 101% 101% ib,i 101% 102% PiWEIrry -i Dr W$Ifigms- pin1j; 1-111% :,:,::.!,;; . ": , - � . � � : :,:::-::i treaty and others like it. It is worth� Indians were massacred In the Cana
� Dec. :: I .�;'�:,:":.,..�:..::..,ii:.,�':�:�': ��i"::::iiii::i::iil:"�.,*"",",�,�i�i�",i���.�i,i�.�.*�ii�il-�ii�i�i�:... remembering when 14 "the interests _'
1, : ... .:,-�::::::::::!:.:!::::::.;,;::::.::;::;:.:;:�::;:;: ....... I ii� �1
--------- - - years u,N,) ;.*:;i�..,.";;:::.:i,::�:�,j:�.:�:., - :;*i*i*!:' of pr gress" efforts are in outrage was one of the 'things wj!ch
, 1. :::::::;:::::::::::::::*.j:,
, �Oys, 2WVX 90.14 - 90i k,t .. %::,;; ...�'..... .... ..'0 I ...... **!*�;:*j:!:�:�:j:j:::: ; 0 , ado to dis-
� .. 004 - "'" ul"t 95% IN114s W016i say9,--1A few � .. than West, and this cruel, wanto
BUY ::: 196 19`4
-11. irm�i Oats- - ,�as going into irbaz ra� 1friencls ..;,:;�_ ��iii�i;:�i�i!i���i�: ... i:!�ir:
. . -.1 �, _ .111 .... 1.
.. �
. i�1.,.:1,:.1'::*,1,r 1. ,::::�:X:Z::--,�.:j:j:jZ place the In I
. 1P Oct. - ... 43% .... be�101rett -to b . .... �:i:::�:i:!!:::�:::�:�:',*�:�i:: Z 41anS from their reserves. stirred up Canada to send the mourt.od! �
e a Uopeloss decline. .;�:;,:.j.j;� " .. '.-.'.-.,�.::i;:;i;:,i:i:i:::!:;,i*�:i;.:i:i. These Indians mad
ii;.,' ar I's, � '%,,,a& subject to severe he .:, I e notable requests, pollee -to bring law and order to, the
. ad" .a, :��i�:�::�ii��. � . - :j::::��:j:j:::j;j:;:j "i*3i that no 1Ifl
._ he *1,11:1: , . :. I., *, :
- :::,-, E2 � 1 14,111, , 19936 3036 haq ZO al)I)etltie� Nvas, pie :::;::;�:::'' ... I ...... I ......... ��iiiiii��i . West. In -the United States "a bloody
Hair- Beautifier - %i'i i 41 � ; -...:�:,:' , � �re water" be sold- in the
REV= 1) WOMUN TH:0 WORLD Toronto Grain Market, GiStreasingly 2ZA grew .:�ii:�I:i�i.-A �::.,:;:;::-::::.;.,.:::;::.;::�;::�,::fiifi:�i.'., reserves, that they own any minerals ground" has always mar' ed �he
. INvioak. I tried several ;:�:::::::1:.:,.,?:- ::%::::::j:j:j%:::::�::�j': k
.OVF4FJ 'USB IT. Wheat, fall, bushel ......... $0 00 to ;0 91 cioet,ors, .9pine, of W,h !!:��;:i�f �1 �;: X':%`%`,: ... !�,i!�. found On t heir lands and t hat a frontler, This outrage and the 1L orl;1
am Wle. coull,ted , ;.:..... .1.f::i�":' K*
.,.,.'�.::�` .::'..j�.i�?i
hel ...... 087 0 8$ ' Vhv*1best in this . �"i;0:�i!�:�i, ...... .i5i�*i*i teacher be the whiskey traders In Southern
. Part of the. caumLtry .....;-:.�.,."; I X. i:�: - sent to teach them the of -
. - ;Rye,, bushel .......... 0 70 .. I �11 .:I;_',�i�li�"il§i'i�' knowledge of the W41te men, rilre Alberta* shovis clearly bow It came'
Oats, bushel ..' , but they faj.',*-zl - ;:; I
........ _.... 0 62 1 rolielpine.. Atlast :!:��::j:!!:.j;%;�'. ...-,,::�:i;:; ..;:X.X.:+K.X1 � i .
. Barley, tiusu -:6 .... x0k:, , , 1XK*i;.,i*j wAter has been, kept from the,Indlau,. about in part at least, At the ilinei
. ,�
. � el ... 11 ....... 1. V, so 0 j� : m,5�Jheart gre, ::�i*i;::::'� C-2;..::_.:-, .*-.':',X'.*i1.*-
Bvery VOMUA knows 'that there . W sowealc and lWag :i*i�:§i::, .'.........
Buckwheat, bushel ........ o4a 066 i 50 del .1.:*%.*�1.::,:, 11 �...;...'.�,".1 ,:*,,,:,i§�i��ji, and he has been taught many things, of the treaty wIth the Black" -t Iul
is nolthing.. pogood .for hair aniT (V&uai avild ;thin that Ihad to. .. :' �ii:�i::Ii�: ;r-:-!f,K,.�....-x
-.:x:�;�!: :.Y:::::i:�,j:-.�:.....�,......, , not all for his good. , � , 1877 - the United States had overt .
, -"04, bushel ........ ,.....073 000 . take, to3ny bad.4.nd tb,e:dpct r -,j;::::::Z* :*�*,,*�?":K.:.
scalp troiible as Pairsian, Sgge, It I 0 Aield - �i.."i:i:i:iii,.,:iiii�ii:i�:�i.-:i
� Toronto DairV. Ma I :;� "..". wiii�-�.iii It 'was 1876 before a treaty was 5,000 troops fighting I ..
' �
..... -
rket. � I out but little hopte, for'm"y 3�eeove ::�!:i:f - ... .1..�;P#-.W-.--- - ,
_ .::,. .....",...,...,.....",....."...i: made with the Crees'about Edmonton, - there were only abou 200 men and,
Parisian -Sage is used two- Or Butter, store lots ........... 022 0 z3 , Lilco otawro I il,ad� .Qften rea f Dr. . � ... . �,,:. """ .1.1-.; nillans, while ,
timea a Week it will keep the scalp utter, sepa I `�, It �
%� ......
w iiiiams, .Vink Fills) and though, t ,'...., .. . .
lean and remove-. ,dan- Itter, creamery. Ili. 0 .07 .40 ._..... X* .. - though such a treaty was qrged offi-, officers of the pollee force statlon�dl
nice and 0 rator, "a . i'i � d, a - . ciallY upon the Government in 1871,: In Southern Alberta The AmericaW
. 111:Irry-Ills.. cLOOE10T opposed mytaking tialem I
druff. It iraakes the'hafr luotrou 1-tur. creamery solids I a . '...... . I
� .s 026 0 ZI I To the good Office$ of the. Hudsouls:
' .
and -fluffy, and keeps it from fall- trOneYcombs, do�eri ,...'.*.'.*. 2 So 3 00 , de!',eitmiiie-4 togive them, a trial, A& :0 '.11% .'.". Indians also Invad;d Canada, In.
. toner, extracted, lb , %xi... : Bay Company is due the credit that, 1876 a band of nearly 3,000 with 36001
'. :
ing, Out.' - - . , ... 4.1. 0 U . ..�q � I- f,ilt I imaight as, Nv(ell be dead aa to . - , `i* ; �
:.,:::i:��i .;:� this. neglect. � was not serious, for the horses came to W.
0 ?A .... ::;.:�::i:::i:;�i ood Moun
0 943, new,laid ........ , : �:�:�, I .... : .
We urge every w4pan who love ,,sb,, case lots ....... ::::::: 0 3D .... liviAgOnitihe M'sPry X;WU4 in. Tna ,.i,.:i���i,-.. , taln. and
..... .. i:: ,%;:: : Indldfiq calledupon. Mr. W. J. Christie,' told the police they bad been tol,cl,
radiant and faseinating hair to go Cheese, ne . manth' a4fter blegimning totaiceithe, ...... M--`.,-:*:,--. :ii�.� I
. � ,Tkl,, lb _ ........ O.. 4115 09% .. ""..'...'�,.,'..*..'.-,�!;,i�t::�:i:if�4.:,N:�::;:::::; the chief factor at. Edmonton, In that by their grandfathers they would find: .
. . `� ��i:���i:�,�i:i,i:��::��i�i.'�.4'..
I j,,N i,in
VAR-11013nes"to-dayand get a Pills I Was up and. arouild Again, and �j'�:j,j:�:�:j ..
;;1.`:: .
large. 50o bortt I 1,1VOTool Qrai� PrIoes, .. year to deinand to know Ifft was true' peace in the land of the British, After,
!ff,teadlly .9110,)Vinig stran r until I �.,�iiili.§Ii;:���:� �i�i:�'��i��:;i�..':'-,��!�li'�'! *-..,.-.-.::; ;:.,*.:
" `!:iiiii,., : ..
Le of Fairsian Sage, LIVERPOOL, Oct, 27. -Closing -Wheat- )v_ - ag enj - ngA lea . ,:; -11�iii§i:§��iiii�;:iii;:i�!; .-ii ,..:!::,. that their lands had been sold, as: Geners;1 Custer's force was anallil-
he guarantees, ft to cure dandruff, Spot nominal. Futures weak,, Dec. is oc, as, ain oyi llplr sing Of ,��:: .;;;;;::.".."",",","";"', .,-.-. !! * ,::.. t I
,� � ....."...""; - - ..:i;..: " ...
. ..`. .;:: "I'll hey had been told, having heard of; lated, Sitting Bull .,
, g hair and iticlift, perfeQt, health. S ;I.. I .,--..,-x.�. , ..... , ,,, with 185 lodges!
fallin � . � ...., 3, , ...,
... . ., -
-S sea I Ip, or , z4arch, 7s 414d, May 7s 4d. everal yeUrS have =:2._.,.., ,,!! . . . . . ::: ::: o X. the other Indian treaties. Mr. Chrlatle� crossed the border, an joined the . , .
Mon y bgejr., , koorn-8pot stea(ly, -,4 0:�Lpsed -n , -y 1. -_ (I
, - F � , American mixed, 6s sine ,a C1 ,Tn ---.,,... . . . I m '
. . ' at the! This was a time -of anxiety. � Sitting.'
__ , 8Y4d. 1.11efollel A BLACKFOOT INI)IAX CHIEi F Government and advised them to re- Bill] maintained that he was a British .
I I . d. Futures ,easy; jail. as Sy�d, Feb. 5s bcien the very best. It isthL -plained the Intentions '
- .
I I � I . . . . . . Flour -Winter patents, �,,s pd. . . lvllht �gkeat grati�u;d(e thait; I writ�� . I I .1.11 main quiet till they could be dealt subject- and always had been,' and;
� . . � Hop -In London (paelfic Coast% ill to you inthe h6pe thathly,ex rience white settlers and the original nativea with. but was forced to give them protection as such. Those.
. S EX . W. 1 . � biay be of b 0 . , olaftned
ATOR VAVI' � :1' . . . I � � I I . . (eTiefit t -o soxne o the.r isut- ao well understood or so generougy Presents, to keep 'them quiet. Re, warriors who had made stioll a sfsiiid� . .
. . . . Montreal Grain and Produce. 1�n 14%W 1 1 � or so bur' ,,
. . . aanelY Interpreted as In Ca- urged upon the Government the dan- against the United States Army were
Senator ThOmIls 0�-11,ul"Io Day..�: VONTRZAL, Oct. 97. -The foreign de�., Sold by all XneOicinie dealers 6r by nada". The causes of this fortunate ger that threatened It gold were dis- watched by a few hundred MDUUte _
aa a ,
though. he has for�,Mj f,cc,n mand for Manitoba spring -wheat w, TXiairl at 60 eents6 a box oral,x boxes result were In the view of this eminent coverdd, yet It,was five Years lab,rf Pollee only, and the peace was'nevir
. Prominent figure in the-lif(I c? t,,, .Very limited; but, notwithstanding. this for,' $2.50 from T110 Dr. Willi!iMs) statesman "that honourable and gen- before-a.treaty was made with thcoo, disturbed Nevertheless Canada heav-�� .*
iVest, is -a native oil Quebe%,�);I,,)�-I fact, there was a good demand,for ocean � Medicino, CO.,. Brockvillb, Out, eroua policy which, has been pursued fine tribes.. Sweet Grasge.the chief, .
.� . 0. grain room, and engagepeuts for some. I . . . ed a sl9b of relief when In, Xuly .1881'
�aving been b,orn - at Sherr':,�otou. - izc Tair-sized lots '%,ere inade to.' Leith], Gins- - I _'. by 6upcessive governments . towards made Mr. Christie write down,a mes- Sitting Bull surrendered to the United ' '
1856. He iras edli�catc-d priyZ', ��ly. a --Z- .90W.and Manchester. Owing to the break . . . . I . � 1. the Indians .of Canada, _. dilder sage to the, representative of . tile tat
,,when yet J�ttle more th;an a boy w(- -i in prices of over two cents per bushel In Thei lWait I ajacyaho%vu on I the park which the extinction of the' Indlim Great Mother, In Which. be, .-aid, 'IT 8 es at Fort Burford. During the -
- the -Winnipeg October option, a -wealcer . _ .bellion It was necessary to impreLis ,
� . title upon liberal terms has Invariably shake hands with you, and bld.-you� the Wesiorn. Indians by a display of .
westward, taking up.b.s fe��Idc�llcl(l " t ,� re
� OA11he strolig 10onisprvative -cou- ,
Prince ", feeling developed 1p the local market, and 14'
Albert, S.3,skat,0h(,,W1R7l- , 14.1re Prices declined le. per bushel. . A good fifitUenck0l. of lbhe city of Torputa .a necessary prell- welcome We heard our lands� were' force and while this had an effect no
he won Vic front 4,1 a, public . business. continues to lie done lu. flour for t0i opien oA,e of thom to p I Vid, a minary to the occupation of a. single sold, an' ,
11D e , d did not'like it; we dont ivant doubt the , words of 'such men as - - '
rt,.an -and ,was elzct,&d.: a taiv,! cle%1- local account, and prices are firm at the . saleil goat far Hon. W. T, White,ithe square.yard of native territory". Just- . to sell our lands; tt. F ather !
11 recent advance. i The export demand . Is,our property, Lacombe -counted with tho�
m-lor,and ,.�fterw,-Ewds� osucteos�sl'w.,.y,
:,%XY01" plieW4 shows no improv61nent. C1100se And but- new Flualiee Minister, proves 'the .1y also he gave credit to .the good and no'one has a right. to- sell them", Red Men. ' Crowfoot Alid his band� � ,
,lemit ,of L�(�, Rcxt,rd -ot ter Selfif-91111!088 of the members and work' as an 1AWrinedlary of the"balf and again "we want you to stop the who made a treaty:onl in ISST were,
Trade, and *Cholmnan, 62 f,':t,t,. - Solicr)l : Pr quiet. I 11lia lack of, brioth1Ai.r1In,e5,5 to tLn_ breed and . . Y
.= demand and eggs fairly ,%,t4v,,. ' � the "humane kindly . and Americans from, coming - to trade Ir: starving' owing to th z:�p ea; an
Rcard. kt V,o '1,6, , Dressed hogs--4battolr, $8.50 to $8.75 pari at -her, etti Dn vhtolsmr� Borden's . Q, di , D r ce,.
, ge ral e'vit')n , C-1 oonsiderate attention wK1 I
ISH *Avhen Sir Wilfrid 100 lbs. . . . . 4 h has ever our' lands and giving "TiM ivnter";' Of the buffalo as early as 1879.. -Yet,.,
. .. 1,01UTiCr, N�`-,% I choice- '!It(;wIII savG the Pr � ier distinguished' the Hudson's Bay Cora- airimunition and our enetries heAtept his treaty. The-'distippear- ...
)nd represented S,-,,�!��-,,,�,�(,,,val 1"o � Beiat-Plate, II&If-barrels, 100 lbs., $750-- elm tiany.ff . . � 4 1
- I it.1 .". S., -a
.i arrels, 200 'llis.,*411.50; ti.erods, 300 1� ,: frx> , niL*JJ,uft1ng ice Oh� Ills. headi as .. . hile, it was �
. .
ljous�n of Coiumv,-,� ..ros'puied Ciat sf,,-.t ;21.60. . .. � _1 . ; . th-6 atraosp-,h�ore Ivill lower lll�s t . * The result of this Policy we -know. the Blackfeet. Our yohng men are' ance of the buffalo w . . .
tn .r.c.1teit Quoin. I.- foolish, It may not last -long.,, That 'Catastrophe to. the Indialls made for I
� �c .-ast, . �If:,r. ., Va.,,-.,�, Lard -Compound tierees, 375 lbs., 91/&e: peratupe, All i,$jht ', ., �. em- We are not so familiar with the stQps such at, overture was neqlPeted for peace in that It .6nabled the Polloa,to r,4-, bpxe6,,50 lbs. net (parchment lined),-Q%oif , . _111 .
eted in 114S _$teAII. Ta4 I.,.. -'* t tubs, 60 - lbs. net, grained two hau(ilee,: _. . bringing about this happy -,State 'of Years without untoward re'
1-1-1 �., io,0 rNmit-,mir , __�-.4�___ 1 . 1. I sults is our� Ponfine'tbo Indialis ta'thsir r6scrvesp '
. . I I I . . I .. affairs and the many occasions upon . I It id. them to change their
@I W, ,*�, hich our safety depended upan't1ofl ,,fTli delay In coming to ' mode. of life. 'Ono, mnnndt regard It
I . . . * 1
- h:;3 Vc0'�e(,t!cn,'and tho f-ail,�1,,g,g palls,.20 lbs. gross, 91/$c. , . . , also force
(.!�! t'h--t't 0- --t9'", 1�ltn -:� - 9%c; Palls, Wood; 20 lbs.'Uot 9FAC; tin . I good fortune
war I f��' Pork -Heavy rfl, terms (a
. Iscretion, good sense- and braver: 'lit
' I-,--Nv li'm appoInted 1',%1p' Canada short cut mesa' 11 Wur ,wl y task) , with ' th6. Blackfeet, now as othar -than a-riatio-, , f lq6,,,. !iig
' ' �.'."". barrels, 85 to 4s pieces, �24; a, . . . - . M 4
, .I:- V's-l"t. In SepLember IV,04 he i - rol ` . - - 'No trfhp. on , IV
�;�,L;r'LtLI - $12-25; - Canada short cut and. bacl�, pork. ' 8 His Majesty's servants both civil and, 'Was a serious mistaki,, I th'it the WoRt was cleqod to white �
W () elo police. . The -Company left . nore, "(11-miturers, from 1,821 to IS- �
, .. to the Sentita,' of Caikz,','-1. 55 pieces, bar"61s, $23; Canada clear, Canada an the plains, h(ts* excited i ddint- I i0 Con-
�. . i . . pork, barrels, 20 16 35 niecaq 122 60; hea'n Thfr(oat. 1' Cl . invaluable legaevi;in +I- ' . +4 , I I
I 0 . . � I
. . Port, SnIM11 -Pie0eS, but tat, baxreis, $17.50 . . � Z among observers coriinpient to. '-W(U 'Willit would have booll almost
. — . ra, No.. 2, 4s%c � � . .and 900cl-Will of the Indfant.* Ho`Z! judge. P.hysically they wpr(� ryiagnifl- -iu(,v;fn',)lv nrcd.ueod 1,y 41 rf,w 1�imdrod� :� .
i�. - I . I .. � -1 ., I : . I . c, cat, lots, ex-stord; extra No, 1 teed, , �- 'tribes on thq open cent men, ,and at one time are !�aid tradPrs of t�)o'_ Sta P, of tl,.i,, Fort .. .
AN"M ___1 - I I Oats-Canad�an weste t; It may ljo-only a .
FBW . _� ' I t1ilight col'I 'n(�w:ZL-iust I . ever, :there were , M
.. . a ticklin�� 1, plains such as the. Blackfe6t 6ver -to have numbered from tvi?enty. to. F'*.�iifort,inararclor, senttvrod m r the .
0 to 4S'/gc; - NO. 2- C -W,, 47*c to 4&;. No In tho . . I o
' '647.8 Bign . 2. local white, 47c to 47%c:: No. 3 locai!� 1hroaL . I �. . I � .1 . . Nilhich.they :bad +no control. Almost- thirt n w - . .
, . _... , .y thousand people. - T11e.y ovir-ed c0lintrY. la ('�;,,,ada I and ordor
CuRrm . . .� . hite, 461,60 to 470; No..4 JocoLl Woito, . I'lit littli, e 61 dn,z .the * , Comimply's. -the land from the Missouri to the� havo bf�cn estni)11�,1,0!1.
The Sifliple,st and mos't i :4� -0, . I I2, '.. . -Ifty.-ariftw .
Sh;IcIreadacheane miloveall the trombleglac - e I 1. I . . ,roalt grov., largo an. . sthokpoa the factors all . . +cal .a 11.1sh, -of -
. I Pipe*: of peace with . the Red Deer Rive'
dent to a billons etate of the sys c remedy for sick kidneys is Booth's Flour-Iftnitoba, spring wheat PA.tcnLS dangerous. () f t (,,'n .. ' I r, and between the :11h011it0:.(1(I11,01fY. liefore J'ap law of - ' .
Dizziness, Nausea, Proirshion ,flrets,. $5.60; seconds, $5.10;, winter wh;al "� . rridlans, 'When Lord Selkirk's set- CYD ass Hills and+ the Roelcies. .It re.) Imen an.' ,.11'aitv. Paita,.It�,Iy 0so
-eating, 114!n,iri vto si(ic. &.r I -' - ' ere is weakness, * . . . . 1.
lBt ' 88 Caf Kidney' Pills; � , r �
_ Whi e thei mo patenta, ,344$ to V; strong bakers,_$4,80. tht-V [A-voint, ebri,niv. . I � - tlers came to the Red River the trioes was death to a- Cree' to cross their :,bt,ro ilas n('�v(,r be, i onv rftarl".4F4 .
remarkable succ(:ss has bcon s3hoi� in ca g congeattibu,+ ' infl ation or sore- straight rollers, *.4.25 'to p.,io,_ In bag;,' dvvolop catarrh and - , ( , I
ness, 116oth?a Xi ney ills quichly $1.95 to. $2.05, � I , . t�fid in consumption. .4r, . , ivere restive at their invasion, and on border. - Pbrtuvtoly these Arars with P�03::djro of ecjlwir �ar',ilnt.'t. llic� ln� If
`I%ey g�iitl� ot � . . I. + ( I July 18th 1817, In.the 57th- ybar of the Creps , -
�eliqve it. Rolled 6ats-Per barrel, $5.25; bag of 90 latarrhozoni� JI,', th�! . w&d often -more frays for diPP.- in dt.,.!-.)�rtmont,lw,fi� a "-ntle- . ,
.. ifiniula-te. lbs,, $-1 50 ' - - � . I . fly. ,It druvrs,111- I I I the reign. of our SoverWgn Lord Xlfig the glory of young .bucks so�?klng (IZA, %14I WI -0 hp lina sa,)'�1, hlmrznlf
. .. I . . I tone and str6h - .. . , . . . . I... rc,inc� . I �, . a ' .
I . I � .
�Pp . . . I 'I n of h . .1
. . � 9 . Mfllteed-�-Bran, Ontarlo,'.$23 to 24, Mant. -11ammation anq Porv. .1. . . 00prge 111, 4 s6lemn treaty.was- made reputation not a 'war to. the b1tter � !, on-oin, on - i', v w,.,r.1f,. ,rho - ,
arter's Little Liver P1119 am then sick , kid- toba, $23,'. ml6dlings. OnUrj( . . -t 11 � 1. ..
rts, �N Iroat. '. *,. I . - ,1�:(, ery "I`,o ('111y'D'v6d 1,111i'm 1%
11-lacho, A i Itt I - neys, drive a-' vho ' A to $281, � n.,ss out (If t1j, ti . . with the -natives for, the cession of six W f, 4 � .er4.ti,
.",.il, JYT ' ENK end, ,They (Ila not allow bit �nv�
vauableTincoustipa on,curingandpre I lanitoba, �!!5;' moull1le ii6 to ;32 men , - , �
asior � I - �,, " Lrs nfovor+ toiula an ..
, ,
Venting this annoyl complain% hiletheyi4so 0 , E - lwli,�v(.8 thl. vouj;l�,- , . . lWle& around Part Douilas and two in their ,territary... CaPtain Pall 1 . . I., !-'* 11,
I Way - backsche, 999�-Scl(ietedi 16%c -to 230,' fresh, 82o 1 1 . . .., I
i ,
correct FL11 diSOrd(U-811" c 7 ulatethe to 24c' NO.' I - stock, 22%a to no. - . cuts out th�, pl1IV1,,11n;-,Mftk( broathing E,ngllsh miles ba7ck.frorn.the Red 'and .was admitted'. tn U57 because he r6-. 0 ch a . in *0f1.:,.ndn.-, "On fl,n, robb-ary" -
liver and regulate t hey only pain, Chp6,seo-westerns. 14c. to 14%c, easy W11% a,n'y gorni,,j lok1g(,d in- the Tsoinabolne rivers for the consider- tr68ented Her Majesty ind mrri'ed F-'! Id -!f" .c"'inrl-sp-11-ro - r f)f the P, yal
erred . I . eaasterns,. rnuc�u's lining. of Vic throat or lungs. atl6n of onp hundred pounds of to- . n w an '
FM Mft dild dizzinesi. . %c to 137/80. . � - � I . . 1, .. (Iffb V 'st 1vfoil, ted I � Pollvp . I ,
go 95 IM I nlOax -up Iand* 41itter-Cholcestj 1 27e -to '27�1c; secandg,' I . . . .the British flag. Captain 13fitler also \ . (I I
. tOL26Y � � I I wed Into their, domain� for -'i11(1"1,-1 bi I'art, lbe Prina 'Cnla ,in :- , ; .
'4C. tioth ne IN theAnmild Of Medloirte nations. � 11 t.
"M AW regulato the ur' . 261/to I + 1. I . . li . bacco - each to tl . lo. Cree'an . d Salteau . x' wAS - allo . ' :
ine 6ii . . : .....— . � , . . e same reason. These Indiana were - 'I u 1) 'I've ave bo, lat t1w "In-
ey "O bL almost pricelepp,to thosewho )p d restore . . . .0- -or Brollchitis . . . .1 .ill 1. , . C - li, asted' tj , ,
tl�l i
NVIAom I's 414trv-1s1D9c0a1PlaInt- butforw. I so Eff otivb'� f I .. . I . . slivile ir�wrnent
..k,l a perfeet filter- - � CATTLE . MARKETEI. I . . . . __._ -_ � — � - .. � . � Iii'm �.-PI-�', i��Telrn t1lo, �
y their goodrje�s does notelld hVr;,8n4 th,89 ,. . . � . . � +. I I . �.. I - .__ ___ � . - .
vho once try itieln -.vl!l fin(I t her � imid Throat TIPOW.6s'as t,
,e)ittle Pills Ing of the blood - � . ' �' 11, is ouvzolves,' I ,aDn�hl to tic old. . .
eble valu. . . . . - . . . - .. I . :L" I., U'r �. ".. �
- , � � 0, .
ling Itl) F- I:n-')Y -ars that they u-ni .. 1� V . -t Of all'this . . I ,: I , . tilr�pr. � .4. the'�, will h( !r me aut, .
-��)XLLIUUT.Jr.CM. Butaftera I . . East;, Buffalo, Cattle Market. ill I", , ... +,. ��� I . .
relief is Perman . I I I.. "�'.. ,. , ,� I � tiUlt .11n inaian never al)p(,,,0�.,l to itis
11 �'. - , . . I
"'s'ek b"(4 ALO,' Oct. 21.-Cattle--�Re- I ,,.)�,,,��, �, 1�, .1 I �,; , Ill vtt in,$, � . . I . . . 1�
cut. � , . - -� I . EAST BUFF* CATAR RROZONE, ,;� " . � � r. . . .
All druggista, . sell and'guaja� I relpts, '200 head.,- market slovV, steady; . � . . .. . . ,% ,, �,;,,,: ,��',�4 . + .
I . I .. ti, �.", U �,���,..,:., _". - -Thb,i is, a record more. er-I'l-Ile to
. Booth's t66 -prime steers, $7.25 to $7,W, - 6xitchor C iT . '. p� .1
, grELdes, $3 to $7. .1 I tat�� 11020m, Inhaler can be carrlc�d --;..'�-,,,� ,�� . our civiligunt,on tlian all our advarce. * *,
h � .1 , � , I ,,
. §co any .1
, Vcst:,poelcet ready for,u, ' ' � I
A HE ,Kidney Pills, 50c.' b6x. -, I 41 �
la the bane of 06 py Ives that here Is wbere M032ey back it they fail to reliev- Calves -Receipts, .",00 head; market ac- ,� ii , - '. . in cclrmorele�- It. is tfl,"zo .a livrlt�,�_ -,
Nm inalce onr great boast� OurpWacureltwhlig tive 25o bigher; - cull to -choice, $6 to $10 - time. , Two.nionths' treatment, only �t, -_11 . : for, our future -In dealllvq . -1th tbt.
others do nr t. Write .'ta The R. T. Booth Co. Ltd., hi�eep all Larnbs-I�ecelpts, 18,000 lle�d. $1.00,� moillum. size, 50c; trial size,, 25o. 1 - - . .
+ ., � ,:`�.,� *11-M 111�nn who 1,4 trying, to nnioct neW I
Carter�g Little Liver pills are ve small and Fort Brie, Ont,i for afred tiI411. - market sIbw, 150 to 35-c lower,' choice Dr�ugglsts, or'N. 0. Polson & Co., Xing. �,� . , Z". - "l I P . � .
. .1 oc'I'ditions 6t 16., .
TCryea:'Yt0taL-- Oneortiropme ry Sold and guaranteed in Ciinton� by lambs, $5.50 ,to MCZ; cull to fair,. $4,25 to stone, Ont.,+'and Hartford. Conn., U. I �, I .
They are strictI7 make it don. I
arO 0! W. S, R. HolMes. - . . W, Yearlings, $3.76 to $4,25; 1 1 � I . ----., , . . ___ . , . �
, vrgMril,le anti do not, F I � ?� . . . .
ar � I . .
PUP, but by tacir gentle 't,ou VIeNue wao . 1 $3,65. . sheOP. $1.50 to; &A, � . � + . � . . - .
I . . . "I . . I
use them. I . � - I —1 . I I , HORs-ItOcelPts,' 11,050; market active' � . .� I . . . . I � I .-I i�3.ftli, .7v,�, li . S . � � . ..... ,
I �, CARTS& NSDIOME 0Q., =Jr TOIL _ . . - . I and firm, yorkerg, $6." .il to $6.60; stags, $5 — . I ,11.11� _,-� -�,, �N I . . I
.�M�;-� �A' -�,%
' 5 ,g�, . I
I , 4 �
. ��-,,� 'V_� P,q'��, R V..",T.��,���,�g�-'�,
, . to VD -at); - Pigs, N5,83; IniXed, 40.50 to ,M.OD; 4j0446Q0609gS6006*f#d roes"00 , , ", ! , � .
Imin Im. IM111 Poll, SMA Na . . .. ,� . '� heavy,- $6.60, roughs, $5.50 to $5,85. . �. . � . . ; �'k�,�, �, - .
. I I . .. � ,,� �',"�'�U�, �111'
, �
. . . . L Now York Live Stock. 11 - IRI 15. ore Chest + ,
- . I + : ,� � ftN;': N
. " .
_ . . I . I S . I '%,� "', I . . I
__ -_ __-______.-._ . Editorial , Noie, . 11. � A \ N'� V�,'N I . .
I .. Western Strike Settled. . NEW YORX,'Oct�,27.--:-Beevbs-iteo6ipts, � I 1. -1 I . I 4',\��! i.... -1,", �, I . . ,
I . I Modi � cine H I at, Alta., Oct. 28.�The . .1. I . W� .. ..... I. . � V, .1 . ,
I . - - . . 1�1 Jk� I , ., .
2445 head; market sloW, geherall'k steady I 11�1' � . .
I�Ift - . -1. .__ Zteers, $4 to $7.75; bulls, �3 to $5; cow ' $000000060961j$668000600660 I . - . . �
- � . I it. , ., , , . ... . �
_3 , HAS USED' strike of the coal miners 'of eastern 41.75 to,44.35, - � r . . . . . . _. 1.1, + + .
. . I
L , . ---- ., _ " British 06lumbia and Alberta, Which �Cllves-Receipts, 345,.. r4arket igteAdy; Di. *Sproule, the vaterau . -M.P. fox I ,,, . . . . . Cro . . . . . .�
�has+ been in progpess fo . r nearly eighb Veals, 9�50 to. $10,25; culls, *1.60 to $5,50; HAAIJ Grey, +, i�! 11 - " "I'll, "I'll" .... I . . .. . I I
grosser#, $4 to. 44.50; westerns, $4.60 to Who has hield the seat. I 1111 lilii - I .. .
DR. FOWLER' S -months, is at ,ah end, and in "the' ;6.5o. � . I . . Siiig( 1878, Will bO the,new apeaker . . -_ --- . . . I . . I . .. �, . . I � I .,
I � courge of a fdw days every, Ono of the ' Sheep'ana Lambs--Recelpts, 5�45 hetd; of the Dwnfntora lHousle, �'and is , . I . I . . . . I. . I . . . I . -you oftelt. have. paing in flie .
VVP4."Arlh twenty-five mines in the Strict Will market slow and'25e lower; --sheepi $2 to prob-abl� WOI.ibutitledtoilhe"hon A'V TV.Th*f,A I . �1_
. Xt .Ek11%JA1TJLKJ1ZA11VX . . .1. . 1:11�11�ixfj, in the'side, the, back the -
A; L U1 be in operation again, with I ;3 50' lambs, - $4,50 tri $6.75; culls,. $4. . A �-ecullar feature is that w,hil . I . . . I ) v
. � 7,500 men fi;'gs-Rebelpts, '2950 . o Dr. I When Canaft took Over the West wealthy for the buffalo supplied all. nep , Or,chest, If the inflamnia. I
at Nvork. . ' , . . I steady, at $6,50 to $M0, bead; . market. Sproulel is (a prontomn.qed 01failge- we flild'inany evidences that,,the In_ their wants. Thew owned greAt bands ..
e.r The end of - the" strike was' brought � Chicag' Li�te St Ian., the Dleiputy S' tion Is seveie ivill'be in� : 11 .
. 0 peaker, � . Ahe P�in, i
awb r about through the eflorts of lion. Rob. CarCAGO, 0 0 ock. - BIM,In) of Chainplain, is P, E, , dians 'desired that a treaty be made of hor"s also. Rev. Father Scollen, tenge, � .. I . �
y ot. 27--Hogs--Recelpts, 17, theiliottest jqgtitanj6lists lo'ne Of with them. They made formal itppll� who was the:11tat white man to settle
ert Rogers, Minister of the Interior, 000;.market strong; mixed and butchers, In the cation to the Governor In 187 Nothing sQ nickly e�reS 10081
Fifteen Years who camL- to Lethbridge Thursday to 15,75 to $0.60; good,heavy, $6 to $6.45; rough, 110-11st'. ItON111 n6t.bpnieelf theateo It Is worthy of ' 0. and tn Calgary, having a -.mission church* . (I
- I . PI. -S, gentlemen-aliquild get Pulling hair, - I note 'that Article there, says while the Crees regarded InflaM1114tiOn, so thoroughly drives
. meet both parties to the long-standing heavy. $5.70 to $6; light. $5.70,to $6.40; . I
.. . 1 $4 to 65.0. I th rteen In the Bill of Rights drawn white men as.brothers the I
dispute- . . I . Th0and of Mr. Daurassa applonfo , . Blackfoot OUt pain, � as "Xerviline, 1. - whieh
e, 62, 6th St. North, � Cattle-Itecelpts, 2000i market to; be at thle h.61m. � lip by the Provisional Government of rega:rd m ml-gods,'suporlor '
I beeves, $4.55 to $8,i5;, obws and I � . I is without an eqilal for penetrat- .
tea: -"It is much . Ahothdr Dynamite 'Plant. 0.90 to .85; a heifers' - I ,a , Louis Riel demandi3d that - treaties fix intelligence -and capable of doing ,1U4"9Oot1Iin . � .,
. to $.75� $45 tookers and feeders, $2. ' . I be made. Between the 95th of July the Indian good or Ill. T g, paifi-relieving e
y that I have used San Francisco, Oct, .$ Texans,'p,. to $5,90, IiX,Mr, Georgl`c, Andersono.the ap.- hey were P 0 w r.
of Wild St ' 2S. -Southern a � , �. � I � - . calves, t . � � . I � . I aught .
'6� 1871 and the 22nd day of September proud, h, Y and numorou% there , Nerviline silliply e,,In,t fail to
rawberry Pacific Railroad. officials here were heo and Lambs--Recelpts,ig,006., mar- -- I — ]VT solemn lea - and .nts - MIng Perhaps 1.0,000 of theni in
- . k t at p Ca,
ummer, for the laat�� I n0n,4ed yesterday of the finding of. e eadY; native, $2-% to $3,10, western gues Covena v4re, becoxise it'S. a perfect .anti.
TIITFYY-sl�'sticks of dynamite in a 1 $2 : ri, 21 12 C -v vES ,. on behalf of -her Majesty wero,ma4e mada In the sixties. , They had a rt� .
to $ :40 to $3.80; laMbs, $&60 to: $6; western dote for all the pains and achies
9 � 75 to $6,10, . " . . with siven. nations for the tess on of gular politico-rellgious, organization.
a and have used it ion the track at Ellwood, Cal., a few I A 'all their territory- from ]Lake Superior In ton YeVs their numbers decreased 611t inVa(10 the family.- If
. moin,ants alt,cr train No. 18, a.. South- Cheese- Markets. w . . ,liveetward to -the Rocky mountains and by half :and their organization foil I I I . I . .
and so bound' passenger, had . ipasse& the b PICTONA Oct. 27--Xineteen faetorlas Were Caused By A ,north, almost to the Mackenzie river Into doetiy, The reason? The Ain,)rl-. .46 & ,
does my switch. Part of the dynamite was pul- oarded 1156 boxes cheese, all colored. I I , .
aer. iny baby, seven All sold at 13%40. . . n! waters. The Work Was eompleted In cans about -1866 crossed the line,, and .
vdrized, evidently having been gr Sour U1 Nery line
con, very Sick With b e car wheels. I ound � IROQUOIS, OOL 27. -At the regular .so-rd-ered Stomach 1899 by Mr. Laird on Leosi)r $lave established ten or�more trading posts, . .
and we thought he 'Thhe dynamite was found, w . rdeeting of lioctilols cheese board held . . lake. Most fascinating Ja the rdeord or forts, and this Priest declared:- 4' For tell. 'Years we have 11ged - ' "
I :of the making of these treaties, and "the fiery water flowed as freely as Poi .
UMn a here to -day, 400 colored chee." offered, Mr. McLaughlin, BrAcebridge, I their 'OonseqUonces were fgl- reaching. son's
I ,a bottle of Dr. few miles of'the bridge where. a-simt- Al loofd at 13%c. James the stream running from the Rocky Nerviline in oar home st ,
7ild Strawberty skid lar eacho was planted when President . X,.APANEE. Oct. -Thoi Ont,, writesi-11 in order to lot yali kriow 'Treaty number three was made with mountains, and hundreds of the poor
.27, i,e were 340 . I *Ates AffS. AL X Graves. of Free,.
111ra in small doses TaWs train passed on Oct, 17. White and *496 Colored cheese boarded what Milburn's lj,a.x.,%_T,iVer pills have ,the OJIbbewfty Indians on the Lake Tudlans fell victims, to tile White man's Port. "For hard, croupy Col& ,..
I got quite well, fie hero to -day; all sold at 13%,(,-, done for me, I am writing you, . I at the Woods In September 1878. The craving for money.* Some Poisoned,
medicine for abotit To $06 Military Flights, BRANT1410111),'Oet 2T._0ffojre4 280, "About a year ago I wp 04 bY Ca- Some frozen to death whilst- In a st to
,,$ troubled a 113010ma- obligations assum there is nothing better. In ease of
he bet ottAml, Oct, 28. -The Afiliffilk Do. .sold 125 at 14%0. 160 at 10/ac. Market great deal with a, ,yery noul. 'nada for all time under these trisatl6s Of Intoxialtdon and many shot down a ehill, sudden cold, or neuralgi
awe as won partmont is taking much interest it, adjourned for season. hundred stomach and had t disordered � could not be better summ6d -up than by American'bullets". In 1910 came NerVifille eures befero the trotilln'
I . the flying experiments to be made at OTTAWA, Oct. 27.-Throa erxible headaches, that . f, lo
No Years old, W" I Atlantic City. N.J., by -the nava and f6rtYsbvdn boxta of ebeen� were were so bad I coold Scam. . ely do my work, were by the Ojibbeway' Chle small-pox� IiII874ho'describesthem
the safilo, boarded to-fty, cal si6iling at 13#/ac, tho"t O-Pe-nals, In the simple words as "clothed In rilga without furs and
I and Mew d gets serioug. 1have usedServiline
trouble, Militia anthoritlel -of fthe United " One day in toting a friend who had of it born arAtor and with the vision without gunall. It was this state of for ehronie rhoumatim and lainhe ,
f the stime Inedichio States, Col. Hughes has instructed 4P0cIftl-)- used Your pills before how 1. felt she told of a Statesman. Ile said "llow YOU affairs that led to the Mounted Pollee, baek and :and it a Wonderful re-
,�ly bured, Col, Fiset and Lieut. -Col, Maungell board this afternoon wom W7 -white 'Zd see me stand before you 'all; what boing sent to Port McLeod to crush Medy,11' . ,
The offerings on the Coenwad cheese me to try them, which I did a to my 0 1
Usbafid think there to witness the OxPeriments, . and 791 colored. All,war& sold with tho groat surprise after using one viij I was hail boon done heft today has boon out this wanton debauching and rob- All deders soU Nerviline in P11
0, 130 good for an, % t1tc0tiOn. Of LakeVloiv 4ftd Bowman greatly relieved, ftirld W6n the seoond done openly bbfore the Groat Spirit bIng under the name of trade. In a
to kAow *hat at
, rowler's nxttaot
1#04 WA *011ne to
done tot
WHAT ltbtf A9K
hY T116 T. XUbtift
htilt� ____�,,
�A� A911hL
--- ��
vooft ft ,*"%,V1 A I'm "
" I . .. . � � -
� 0 45redt J?�Vl
conloinatloh, which were held ThO
Vvhlt6 sold at la'Aa and the coloit'd $it
Is 11-Ific and IgUo.
one was iluished I wag totally outed, and
have not been tro ubledainto with either
W A o so or the headaches, and I e
greatly indebted, fird, to
and before the Nation,: and I hope I
M&Y never beat, Any one say that this
treaty bag boon done moretly, Now
10 closing this tbuntil I take off my
few years they had regained much of
their former Prosperity, Pather Scol-
lea Is authority for the stAfAment the.
lit 1876 the Sioux' Indians who *ore
J"ge ZOO bOttlt'g- 'Get it 044Y's
-_--------------- �__
MOney�LNVINOIY (expend - __
sevtoil ed In I%. , � -
PrIOVinM the roads. bj�jagg TPW, fis
Pound bead In Ised.. .1
the friend and
Plovel and In giving You my hand I
lit war with e 11illtowl Staf- wantod
J.— Xtendi- I
acoe - - .1 N
Niagara Palls, Ont,, et, 98 -An It6l.
to,tl women, known as Mys. ,Too T,Oru,
who eonducted, a boardiiig-hou" at
Mgfttrbxo for foteigners employed by
the Mlehigan Central W46 fiva de -ad
In bed yesterday morning, Heart fall.
ut4a ftudod berAlla,th.
13MULAU To ilburn a Lrotao,Vver Pille, d6livor olve'r MY birthright and lands; the Blackfeet to, make an Allaaco with
'Or tho 9 At Fiblief I derived from their And in X boold fast thom to 01t6ilmlitate All -white men
00 . 411 the P.3tom ft YOU hate MMO, and In tho land. They trusted the pollee,
PHI06 260. Per vial or 6- vh%js f�r $1.00, . I , hbt�s ibW Will IsAt W lotit sa the,l but they, tmf6d they wete to be disf-
at all deslers or tnitiled diree a receipt i0ft itAft Old thO Water 60WO as You 104069sed of their lands, It *m high
of Pr106 by ThO VIldlift t O . �
, Coo Vzaitedl I .P1 I
TOM*, 04t, . . . � I
aj*.%�11 ...
Old I 01101199MMISMANIMOWM6.Aftaft.00.
of a
'this �