The Clinton New Era, 1911-02-16, Page 2ft" % � WAIMr 1 '7*09 1101W 414 pkw- PRO& W* byH Zob�y aw ad bow 8010 900040 up In a b1g Teft of Sark" Demsemogdo to No amp W_ t4b me vr- Of SO UM 4W Kid*sk, braplen, lie" 4o T" a Was to DR. 0HASRiks �.e , and $190 *6 arm, Z" big OV Utivel endlof D �sk roke off g d the r, ", 0 'NEY.LITEfl, , then '1P ed. U;. 16b 'PILLS the iVOry like ltree- The -spear waa foui C&A be&4vlw with pow. t k P41 not ge erall$ us - was, -ao "b"a"bralm"t &I -Wil its you .3 South Amoric&n Horses. 'gestive ByiI. 14 many South An:Lpricap cuunfx1ekg ellisAts of the Wi. kidneyaor 156- els. Wh thi i the horses go unshod or with !ghoes *J�ken the lj,�4r. L . w k to, healthful action on the 10refeek, only, 6Y the use of Dr. Oha I -so PARS and you uot7puly fro yourself at headache, but remove the cause Oich will soon lead to more danger. A SPECIAL COURSE atka results than beadach,6. IN DAIRYING - Invigorate th4 action of the kidneys my PM. L L of -9 treatment and );ou take,,A . way 0. FARINUMN, WU01101111 by thi the dangers Qf Bright's, disease as'well A course TOU will be iuterest04 in, 1�641 as fir us tell you aboutit. '.158 Yourself of headache. CORRESPONOCCE COLLNE 0H A(MC%TUPA Pains are the , result of poison in the L J. FL waylle, lid, pystera and whether you have head. ache. backache or aching limbs, you, 91 . can be'almost sure of relief and curp. C.P.SI-7. 1 1 M C%WTON XXW "A. "WAXY is* Ms. bi -the ar ers., ea, ing*for "PONV16" am. *6W 00"Wp.-i 11 the el"en* "a The 074aft, yo:d4wl AM 4041 04 4"rage, 10 ye4ro uZyna tZer V ..=rowtag = by I Ing 7ftr wrx M i i;i ii pr BUST ok** HJ�PL =wam= vkho a; rwrl 1 IN, UHL, BRED LIVE STOCL T110, oxpft,*We of It N&UNS Armer Wslim Is cmvinduir Case for pure bred " UAWNt mosbred liop in irarm Wd Fires14% There to more money [a Pure breds, says the whter, fqr the 9MOMI f4mer who does aot cam a at faAcy oe show stock, but who w4tnts to tu%u their feed Into moat most 90(ekly And ecowtitteally. He Teo YOU& Ago I tho"ght;k like most Of my neighbors, that pure bred hogs were more A1111cult and expenAve to raise than qewbroft Or scrub stock, I ho the Chester White and'Foland Chios M�% The pigs were* All sizes, with. Plenty.of rVato. F ITENINU STEER CALVES INWINTER, 7 The POblein 'of feeding cattle protu. Ises U94 winter to be luterestilag. Au ab=d0nc8 Ot corn, however, 0010ewhat lower in price than for og past few years, with cheaper oats and a pretty- 61r- bay crop point to progt In feedhirvattle during the season of 1910-11, says the AmerJcA# AgrWultur- tat Consequently. those, wboL have young beef steers on hand 6r can get them at a reasonable 1prlco can do no better than give t4lo matter of cAttle feeding during the winter very full and complete consideration, The Indiana experiment station dur. . Ing the season of 1907-9 conducted R' when you cleanse and regillate the WN , -Known lawyer to whom I 1—tiou is due tile at�gr nd. Tueia,l purchased two,registered one was his most Intimate friend, vital organs by the use of Dr. Chase's FAii ALE. *N*dWt l5UrQ&J4r4eY` sows that had beei� bred -it lodge meetin- has never lKidney-Liver Pills. They NO-RTEIWEST FARX LA;.NLDS— .. AoW to a registered male aA4 were due to and quickly cuted.�. Such a policy on, -tb67part of the Packets avoided having are wonderfully prompt, as half a million acres selected in the do Willie fArrOw An RfOW weeks., I got nine pigs either the langs�, kidneys. or bow- well as definite aad thorough in:,sc- tion. You depend ___ most fertile districts; special inspection excurs 9*tft* from, one and eight from. the other, 7CO membe�s had -asse m- :,Ihig 130 past masters, the can upon them,-nd matter bow liting-standing or compli, pring; write now, Stew- - k0f art, 8Pcn=:.Co.,, Ltd., Gait, Ont, at " 0" am and there was but one small pIg In P ackage and'compete.-, fo� cated your case, so long as the cause Agents 9"Calml Z thbk two litters. Sixty head of cross. are any ulcers In the intestines, is the sluggish, borpid condition of the , FOR SJ ="Ir breda were born about tke agma tilina. of A all liver and kidneys. dairy farms in qpntral Ohlo. 427 1.2 1-m— wer or [Wakady paid W were quite willing to -sen Ugbt*etght rose and sanEr the Na- Then an address was F If you don't feel like -risking 0.5 acres, three houses, birnsi two silos and a, V sod or creaiklery; ro PI: cents forAa -box, write for a free sam. a bargain. John E. Foster, lscllefonta�t ne, Ohio. ]KANUFACTUIL= BW JOHN S. PAINE Co. LTD. DSON THE CALGARY OF THE, E Gr�i�d Trunk Pacific- the lasf-,THE to overfeed. Give your ewes plenty ple. A trial will convince you of their merits. One dose; out 0. W Air WA14TED. Amorkum, , Typo rckund*ro There are two fortris-61! hog ch6ldr4,­ Y. t% them 4n. the pill a 23 cents a box; dealers HELP Thelotand Topo: 1F*undM." "o aorl"s the form a -cute and the (!hrznlc. The a6ute kili6 very.rapi . dly; the bogs "die -flies."' yards it the wedtber Is favorable. To be a good shepherd you in ust exercise" all or Edmanson, I�ates Co., Toronto. AGENTS �W.&XTED IN !HM FM Ck Falcon Ovessoji like -.In *the ehf6i�ifc form . the good jfidgment, Ge thoughtful, be. �.r - es elli g autiomobile of -nds. Wwwon, Specialty; every ownei should have one; 74 POIAL 'Mr.. Photo b3r American Press Assoclation. 1 1 6 .1 e To"Wici, 49thorlt,v that ever) $-a, kit �W k#t4u. 07 caus" an annual prolwrty it" f over $I; The total cost of thi* PWt to th country will never t* 0 . k4own, Weir 4urabor cannot be even. ro.ughlT sedruted, The, -department ot agrl� tulture Sam "The, boot way to keep rats rrotW 0411dingff, whether In the city or -�14 the country . , , to Ov the use of cement- -1c0UXtrUctI0u. 10 constructing dweli- Ing houses the additional cost'ot tuak, bw the foundations rat proof is slight .45 Ooinp&red With the advant*gM. The. cellar wWls should have conerate toot. i4gs,-#Ud the walls themselves should 40 laid In cemellt 111,ort= The cellar, Poor should lid of medium rather thap lea') cOUCCote, 1Wd an wrater and drain pipes should be surrounded. witb:co4- crete, "Rat holes may be pemapentjy C10"d With A, mixture of cement, sand 'and brokelk glue or sharp bits of crockery or stone, The, space betweew the sheathing and lath to the height .ot about a foot should be, Mied withk concrete. ranarlesiZ comeribs ati(i poultry houses may be made rat proof 6� W .liberal use Of concrete In the founda- dons and floors. For a rat proof crib a well drained site should be (!hose% The outer was, iato in cement, should boy sunk about twenty Inches,into the. jwround. The space within the walls should be thoroughly grouted with ce. inent and broken. stbue and -finished with rich concrete for a floor. UpoD this the structure way be built , Even. Joined TorQnto Lodge en or particulars. Marvin Supply CO, the' Walls of the erlb In ­ 11"e, 'I'�:P44!Ltkn4.1�z4xpireSUilding. Toronto, may be of con- <tlon with the 'appointm� crete. C6M Will not mold In cont" nt t '4195�— - �W-O Th' Shamrocl� II., grknd champlonslif POLAND CHINA HOGS. AG,4�wN'" F ON IL 0 OnlY DOU Allowed to -be -at LkMo p of , Ile flu'e Of" Corinau�ht to be our lines-, greatest promiu steer of the International lAve Stocic 'with them Provided t#ere is good veb- m proPQ- Wtth*Akt a Muzzle. next C V,r'lf�r-Gc-neral it is interest. sitlon in Canada. Apply for Particulars ..... ... sition, waii born Jan, 8, 1910, 'Popular Brood That Originated in the tflatlou and the.root Is water tight." expo N Ciat H to Sellery, WIS.Albert street, 0 and weighed at time of his entry in. is Royal Highness ttawa. n is )or of a Toronto lodge of FARMERS -AND FRUIT'GROWERS flu the show �1,100 pounds. He . was Corn Belt. Fr- �Is. having been initiated in- -Why not sell nursery stock dur, LL DOG BRANG bred by J. P. Donohue of Iowa, or all breeds of hogs -Poland Chinas FOE OF THE POTATO. your Wre '1% His are the most numerous, at least In the' to Lodge, A.F. & A.M in the time? You can make go sire was 331ack WoodlA��n, a old (-r,?-rvoms, on the top fla.' m0neYwIthus. Ourstock isguaranteed pure bred Aberdeen Angus, and his Inroads of the Earlk' Blight or Leaf t of the strictlyfirst gz�ade and true to name. out- darn was 0, - grade of the same United States and particularly so in AMMONIA "I POrmanerit Loar� Building at tit free; liberal terms, - Thee W 13owinall POWDER breed. He was fed and shown by the corn belt, writes a correspondent Spot Diseam IL8 1. r ntO str"t, at the *time of his & Son Co,, Limited, Ri�ie,' Harmless to Use. Clans. the,16wa State college. RichardG. Vill 1890. Ont. The iarly blight or leaf spot dWime $10 pg­R­WyEk Carden, the great Irish. authority, of the Rural New Yorke flUAIE. r. Ravin- is a more recently olmerved fnngous has probably never been as -wv3v4nt reliable paktaes to knit for up everylbing and makes. declared him to be "the best steer originated -In southvVestern'O)flo, they, disease of the potato aad allied planti. in- a sPeCtacle in a Toronto us at home whole or spal;6, time; We fur- " ra�,, hardest water soft- of any qge, or any breed ever shown Are 'well suited,,to the needs of 'the In its a l p OC', I and, accor Photo br American Press Association. at any show on either side of the ttacks upon pQtatoei in the.' ding to J. R. nish machine, yarns, etc.; send your. name ALI' corn belt farmers, And, It is not'Sur,, andaddressat 1)nc- fo- -11 - I AR'S I - water." Shamrock IL w sold for' _ _A,-,_ th WN , -Known lawyer to whom I 1—tiou is due tile at�gr nd. par alars. The Canadian Wholesale Distirlbusing Co., Orillia, Out.. Dept, C. one was his most Intimate friend, it., And You have everything just as -It should be to insure a successful. lamb Pot PaliRdXV all groceri - an -it lodge meetin- has never cut thoroughly the dead one- open aiiil examine If there are a y red spots 1 11 Ing, period In Fel ruary . b . � _�or �Majg",t earlier. When the. weaning and quickly cuted.�. Such a policy on, -tb67part of the Packets avoided having bt- al ed. POULTRY. either the langs�, kidneys. or bow- ­-Fow I Ionia Savebuins eRdoW in 7CO membe�s had -asse m- :,Ihig 130 past masters, the OCK-S, LE !)Wi 111 1 1 ' I .1`5 —all varietiesi mated; judge, breeder, or if the spleen4s ftlarged4 or if - P ackage and'compete.-, fo� dv' red the hall in the manner by, the constitution the eighteen -years, peaiirce, two lipladred egg stock, egv4, day old Ray-, =Blodgett, are any ulcers In the intestines, a )ftilea oats, A-emember to be punc- $5 9A.Piece. Tfiree.fiWl- tvarYthleff fouthe of A all �chicks.. Dristol. Vt.. the skin of de abdomen is cOlbred [Wakady paid W were quite willing to -sen Ugbt*etght rose and sanEr the Na- Then an address was F red tejucky . prize Whom ro PI: "n which the royal brother r e- n --tting terms, and, at his own w- ]KANUFACTUIL= BW JOHN S. PAINE Co. LTD. DSON THE CALGARY OF THE, E Gr�i�d Trunk Pacific- the lasf-,THE 1-thp ' ma e a member at A,. 'r the meoting a 'reception was ho , . ! rC the adjoining chalter-room; wl,: conc!uded by' the brethren for a fraternal chaiii, which His Pn\-,,! Hizhness joined, ard all sang th- "widli r and. brotherly "Aula Syne." Bravery. "Y ' nu spoke very admiringly of Clat - c urage." "Put lo� was never a soldier or a firPman or a policeman." "No. but he eats mushrooms� that he has gathered himself. - A 01�eap-Guy. Mr. Mann --Great Ceasar, Laura, wby did you buv'me those tiesp Mrs. Mann- y. they wefe mark- ed down to ala nothing. Mr. Mann -And that's exactly what I'll be if I wear them I slaughtet at'60 pound live prising that. Poland China hogs are to nada the. welgdt. spots. begin to appear In. July upon be found on almosi every firm., Tbbse eariy potatoes and become Increasing-, hogs are flne'of bone�, neat ofi frame, series o . f experiments bearing directly mat . ure early -And, fatten easily,. yet ly common and destructive from that time Until the plants die. upon, this'question: It was found thltj they are not toy. pigs Adapted for show This I fungus does n4t ordinarily it - steer calves given . a I f . ull'teed oj_,gr'1n principally, put Are &Justy� lot,,being a tack liealtby� vigorous potato leit*es, froni November to Way made more' 'good r0ders, good feederg and of good rapid and cheaper -)mliis, attained a constitution - ,higher, finish,. sold at a higb6r, price A seven-moriths-old Pig weighing 200 and returned a greater piofit when pounds Is easily produced -under usual- eonftnedj _4jy_Lo a farm conditions and at a good profit, - , n N in the spring iha divisiqnal point a k, � 7 .1 fed find cared for both lots just th, If turned on pasture for f3n!Shlng. It. too, as pigs of such weights bring1lic nd-thellest. the,,timet6 T q 00TO! invest in a new town is right'at the stat. -sa-me­,,Thb--pure -bred_pj - found that full fed 6alves when htghest.mark-et priceo. . were- gs was b ging ots at Edson now for Win�d 6 of any we ght Ii terms, you are getting in ab- gentle and' took Ou fat aA"quick'again' eal the ground floor and will as the crosqbreds. - it. w�as no trouble.. Ing the first tea days and.'required sold at good pric6,- but tat pigs- weig;& do money t1iree and four times to bonfliie them in yards, while I.Was from two to three weeks to regain Ing from 175 to 200 pounds sold for. a .V Full particulars from Billiards in the, - On a dog trot'consta their original.Weli;lAt. Furthermore, It good premillps. over beavier.ones, the ntly to keep kny J. Barnwell gla�rtqil�. 608 Mclntyr� block mixed.lot at home. At selling, time.. was found that steer�- In a d Winni ry lot reason being that banis and sides from the pui� brbds beat the cousunled a greater amount of c TEACHEOS--WANTED,- crQssbreds oncen� from iwent 't6,forty pounds a head. trhtes.than similar cattle on pasture. Aometi I . 'y rc e. FOUR 1 �� D4ED -PROFE s8IONA.L I still bung::on to the c' bredg for �. It 'is not always the best - plan to' ross teachers'Tequired for Saskatchewan four years, kee' xdg-thw-red, hogs -pure-_ dispos& bf, beef." cattle- wi yearlings, and Alberta. schools opening during'the We hiv; Just placed on the br6d At the same time,, and It was. the' but in many ',instances in the. corn spring; for terms of from four m,,, . arket a OIL - on ear� hjghe�t salaries procured; futo LIA F1 0 A N,D POO L TA 13 LE deal'a noel -thing every Year Itcostsaitttle belt area it has come to be a conuiaou, de&y ,,so OIAS supVied. Apply Statinq home use, which can, be placed on a dining more k practice and Is followed by a,.Con�la­ sdii o start with Pure breds, but you, erable number of cattle raisers. Con - qualifications, -to an4dian Veacheri table and leveled up in a few molAents or can make more out of them at no greater Agency, adgina, -Seek. be set up perini ently. The slie (3.x 6-feco cost for feed. You can sell some of ovk of the Indiana' . 11 se(Inently this -w EAVEEI�S FOR S. 1, —LkIRD makes� It very easy to handle. ..... ... ..... T a cx�kerlment station will prove of gVeat' --duties them for breeding purposes -for $8 to .......... commencing. January 3rd, It is equipped with the full o Wt for eiislords value to those folio -wing the plan.bf 1911; must hold first or second class ceir�i_ .$10 more Per -heild than the,otberso andiDool The bed is the �eust Vermont slate� selling early. "g; ficates - salary, $500. Apply secretary, 'bOst Parat"Rubber even If. you do not specialize In breed- -eI14, Laird -.0., Out� Cushions. Shamrock IL, the gritnd. NW', g�", - Z The price ($40) brings It within the reaeh'0I Ingistock. Thereare f6wer'runts, and W .. champlon, was fed on a ration -of four parts corn, - ARTICLES F& ­SALE. 311. Write for descriptive circular." sows and pigs are, easier t o handle., VTO�U�]R�AN�Kiff_TIWSTEIMD D_61q_T_K� They -make prof . Itabl's'welghts at a . u three parts oats. one part oilmeal, With beautiful floral post6%rds,, Me: eigLt -THE'CANAUMN.-BILLIARD TABLE AND W. early age� I sell mine at seven. and pasturd and �mil k pAet of the time from fancy fold�ng cards, 15c � 'all for 25c post. one-half months 'weighing. 200 to 250 1 one nurse cb,w And later from two., �1. Arthur Dodge, - Sunnysida- P.O�, Photo by. Unit6d. States Department of id RY COMPANY, W— clean ff.0 -go Co., N.S. pounds. e o�iijoy . having the Agr:14zulture. 110 XORK STREM ToRoNvr6 I—A 1k..A , 4­1� "I*- Wlhter w U rin in size And ThO We% 0xide"OfMic color, much more thaa,,we.dId the cros8- Dorset Breeders, Bulletin is of J- 4. 0WALMIEF4 P'"Id4ni 'J. C.,'PA . LUNK, V10*410006deft PrecU of all degrees of size and q1tJ.. e oililipu that "many flockmasters at- terRlit to sbed too maily slieep in a Today there are tonL full blood given spuce-crowd. their sheep too sefin FOU d much. Plenty of eOOM -in the she , d Is on farms. where there was; one 'Vears son a"'A +h as -Importafit fts abundance of good Tor"anto TVD n m Quickbr-14eals- Eruptions SoreS and Wounds Maseline Remedies fit TuM 'C613sicum.Borated. Mentholated. White Carbolated.Camphoc JCQ. Cam-phorated. �t Oft. Each for CM)AA11 IS LIFE WIT (DARTH ZIVIIQ-GP' Any man, woman or child,wlAo is iadiffer� o the beauties of an?tt . nature I he joys of living needs ad ' mething. There's soni�-thing wrong that MOWS MrTASTELESS COD LIVER OIL Turns mormness fixto clwr- fulnegs. Ma;f" the thin fat. Gives the**edk btrength. Re- stores the appetite.W Brings back health and hope. Uasy to take because the nause- of the Cod Liver Oil removed and bedausAt ingredients are pleas - taste atid helpful to Pest Aruggists seU It u how pleanfit It Is to take you fred'atwb-oulkeo bottio atioa. Address' ICK TASTELES1 WICIRECO. TORONTO. feed. A room'20 by 20 feet makes a 8�-d'd.s I he -u1o(k"'Pldbe f6r fifteen Dorset$, with hany, About Hog doors. that open -to the south, pure wat�,f,- -clover bay.' shelled corn, salt Ch If a hog dies and t1ter, Is another In the -same herd 4ctIiL- as though 4he In boxes, with.sulphur enough to color from an'underfed�"It_ No matter $f his dam weigked'1,800 pounds and his sire a ton, the colt that'4oesn't have ,,enough- to eat the first winterr :Is not likely 'to make it big horse, Oats,' br�n and ollmeal, a little corn, too,'.. In Addition to plenty of hAY and.ex.. ercise or'a winter pasture,' will g1 -6w out a cbIt.and make him ao'big a:ja two-year-old that had been neglect�d And ulidettod. bowt forget that At takes feed to make re�l draft horset% out of draft bred colts. Nothing else will do It. MAKINS WAK ON THE RAT. ilovorninent'Adviess Farmers to Use Cohorstok"In Building Construbtloh. Wbe United States depahment Of kgricultdre, diftusainj the eltertifta.- 1103a Of rAtS, strongly advocAtet' the.. Ming of concrete for the - constraotIbA, Df 1�very class of building. The Im. ,1, 1 4 XOTATO Lff" BLIGNT. boWOver; henCe:t4e destructive spread of- the disease does not -begin until th� Plants �havo passed theirr stage of great�- est vigor. This occurs soon after the blossoming are forming tubers rapidly, the inroads made by the, early - 1511ght.at this time being very ftust.rous. This fulag-so doft- not attack the tubers directly. however, and nevOcausesi them to,rqL The appearance, of the, leaves affee I V 44 by this early blight, in. shown in the Tidiness, and the Schoolgirl. Winess is one�of the most attractive Of4omiulne qualities. -it is a1w, ono of the rarest. E*ly and pmIstent Allikat be the training which carries the .girl Into womwi400d with her 11bump of imeatuese., well developed. -UnI&O Inherently fastidious . during schc�al days'she Is liable to drift Into- �ftre- less habits . which she never outgrows. 'One girl may have a trick of, leaving shoes about bei rooms, As at'�hlld she. was Permitted to do,thls, and a8' she grew older the untlAy custom never was abandoned, for thi simple reason tbAt-sbO (lid not notice anything un. 'usual about It, and Probably nobody else took 'the troubib to correct her. Another aloveWy habit Is.legThig bunch 9f combings in the comb or the dressing table. Cowtant vjgl�ance -OIL A, - WomiWs part is necessao -in these i3mall.matters It, she Wou , Id b4i thought really tidy. If You Caro,Pir Your Son. Po not given him PIC&ty of WA&Uf, DO not Permit Win tO, choose his 0" companions vilthokitt restralat or dkee- tion. rto not give him a latchkey. and at.. tow him. to return home at any hour Without qu7n, Do U:t ft to moke, Inquirlds. to to W 6e W th whora.he, spends hiv leisure time. Do not fall to have him understand that Wann0r.9 are not a substitute for morality. . 1)o not fall to teach Uftn that he 'must not'expect pay for every act at helpfulness to others. rwo- --d I ip- 0 wvw. M %7 -ram 1 ---- - ---------- 0 . I vQJ:LauC0 011, U118 prefttlubn Cannot be, 11 bAlt the land And balf the 'labor* oveikotimated, When the Immense —Professor w. .7, praserbiavor. 0r. de-VAM; Female P1111% k", caused 4"awly by the" vermlo wh, $fly Of Ilunoft. A relialble Prench raguistot.. never lalls, The" 16colWileied the need 6f stopping their P!It.' W sft aft Wmdlngly wedul In r6gulsting the to b-1 4e#ier1Lt1v6 ottion of t "a feraill clearlt reallxA, *0,44, if I *+ 6 6 4 Olt", 0, tem., ltif"6 Prefttitkl* IS fill thdaiv Itoitations, Dr# do U014 aft 4 at teofttedw asbox,�46rr Jot$10. Nal 7 Ord" *d 6 a Ey Woman Wind Aed shmild know 1"V 66 won&tfilt Whirling Spy,, 1�t�nww Viffiniki syrisk�. F, Gott, ""e"On U 70 YORK StRZET dead one was his most Intimate friend, it., And You have everything just as -It should be to insure a successful. lamb such Pigs, ll�lpg smadg, itio mi6rek easily - Put them In the shed or baM TORO NTO cut thoroughly the dead one- open aiiil examine If there are a y red spots 1 11 Ing, period In Fel ruary . b . � _�or �Majg",t earlier. When the. weaning and quickly cuted.�. Such a policy on, -tb67part of the Packets avoided having upon either the langs�, kidneys. or bow- seasonj ''proacbes feed ap your owes, wheat to hold high priced meat4oi* with x , els, or if the spleen4s ftlarged4 or if Urau 11 they twill eat up clean. with risk of a slulzip in Prift With pr9s, nadlstn A&*nts there are any ulcers In the intestines, a )ftilea oats, A-emember to be punc- Peet of more Pigs Coming on farmers tvarYthleff fouthe -peqntiftir urIf the skin of de abdomen is cOlbred tual in feeding, at the sanie�hour each were quite willing to -sen Ugbt*etght Mf*hte -Froeskso red or purple,. it probably died ok' da Y. 4e reguitir, but femduber never hogs at the good prim.they command. Strewn A C&rV*P C#Att*M ch6lera. to overfeed. Give your ewes plenty ed, and the Polatid Cbhm and otbft 'Small worth of milk from twenty cowso or $100 per cow; while a 'neigh- Amorkum, , Typo rckund*ro There are two fortris-61! hog ch6ldr4,­ Y. t% them 4n. the ty Pes of' hogs peculiar to the Thelotand Topo: 1F*undM." "o aorl"s the form a -cute and the (!hrznlc. The a6ute kili6 very.rapi . dly; the bogs "die -flies."' yards it the wedtber Is favorable. To be a good shepherd you in ust exercise" corn belt.made inch a policy p9ssililq and Profitable, A"fanit of the Poland 'is Falcon Ovessoji like -.In *the ehf6i�ifc form . the good jfidgment, Ge thoughtful, be. Chinas their small litter& '131ow- WiLlike Die vioseeks, Animals llqgbr along for several days wige.11 �evee. statistics sliow that Poland Souftworth pUkooh4q. or weeks before they Pither die or get cow, barely paying expon.,ies*- China litters average but two less than HanWian We. 0e. , well. In the % Acute'forin In the _dAiir Hin t DUroc-Jersey litters, . thd numbers be - Sr*h"MV WUM &tttCk(A* Reeftekok Murtems look for red spots. on, the in. If ybu are makhig butter and not Ing Abotit sieveu and nine respectivel lj*hft ROVIO & skonsk toKnal organs or red skin., In the chron� getting quite the highest price lor.it The small races 6f'hogs qo as firm Miller Saw TrIonniker ic form look for -ulcers In the Intes­ Just n0t1cQ 'What 0 cents per Pound from disease as are the larger 'ones, waktqik�� dues. V.4. means. If the'price is 80 cents an ' d and so called immunity from cholera Wontgoo Foldeim you can get but 25. cents. you lose Ig it Myth unless.that Immunity has "I" outtere Keep Cattle CoWifortable. one-sl.xth, or.16% per.cent. Wouldn't 'it been secured by the proper adlnfnfs� Better wekskhere There tire many farmers who alwe" PAY big to get a thermotheter. study� . tra lion of cholera ser�nm. , The breed "00#0 04"hine And shelter their oattlo'from storm, -but hard and learn to produce t hat rosy. butter or tYpe'Is of no Importancb so far as *dIse aso Is there are raw, gold, windy days whieb quality of which everybody concerned. Our-QWn Dramm jllgdo, barm lei theim As tauch as stormsi Dont them 'crizie in comers. wants nt the top price? Make the best put it into prfits.�-rlartn sournai. The Colt In Winterw clustered pasture together for warmth on stick A heavy �lraft hotse cannot be panda from an'underfed�"It_ No matter $f his dam weigked'1,800 pounds and his sire a ton, the colt that'4oesn't have ,,enough- to eat the first winterr :Is not likely 'to make it big horse, Oats,' br�n and ollmeal, a little corn, too,'.. In Addition to plenty of hAY and.ex.. ercise or'a winter pasture,' will g1 -6w out a cbIt.and make him ao'big a:ja two-year-old that had been neglect�d And ulidettod. bowt forget that At takes feed to make re�l draft horset% out of draft bred colts. Nothing else will do It. MAKINS WAK ON THE RAT. ilovorninent'Adviess Farmers to Use Cohorstok"In Building Construbtloh. Wbe United States depahment Of kgricultdre, diftusainj the eltertifta.- 1103a Of rAtS, strongly advocAtet' the.. Ming of concrete for the - constraotIbA, Df 1�very class of building. The Im. ,1, 1 4 XOTATO Lff" BLIGNT. boWOver; henCe:t4e destructive spread of- the disease does not -begin until th� Plants �havo passed theirr stage of great�- est vigor. This occurs soon after the blossoming are forming tubers rapidly, the inroads made by the, early - 1511ght.at this time being very ftust.rous. This fulag-so doft- not attack the tubers directly. however, and nevOcausesi them to,rqL The appearance, of the, leaves affee I V 44 by this early blight, in. shown in the Tidiness, and the Schoolgirl. Winess is one�of the most attractive Of4omiulne qualities. -it is a1w, ono of the rarest. E*ly and pmIstent Allikat be the training which carries the .girl Into womwi400d with her 11bump of imeatuese., well developed. -UnI&O Inherently fastidious . during schc�al days'she Is liable to drift Into- �ftre- less habits . which she never outgrows. 'One girl may have a trick of, leaving shoes about bei rooms, As at'�hlld she. was Permitted to do,thls, and a8' she grew older the untlAy custom never was abandoned, for thi simple reason tbAt-sbO (lid not notice anything un. 'usual about It, and Probably nobody else took 'the troubib to correct her. Another aloveWy habit Is.legThig bunch 9f combings in the comb or the dressing table. Cowtant vjgl�ance -OIL A, - WomiWs part is necessao -in these i3mall.matters It, she Wou , Id b4i thought really tidy. If You Caro,Pir Your Son. Po not given him PIC&ty of WA&Uf, DO not Permit Win tO, choose his 0" companions vilthokitt restralat or dkee- tion. rto not give him a latchkey. and at.. tow him. to return home at any hour Without qu7n, Do U:t ft to moke, Inquirlds. to to W 6e W th whora.he, spends hiv leisure time. Do not fall to have him understand that Wann0r.9 are not a substitute for morality. . 1)o not fall to teach Uftn that he 'must not'expect pay for every act at helpfulness to others. rwo- --d I ip- 0 wvw. M %7 -ram 1 ---- - ---------- 0 . I vQJ:LauC0 011, U118 prefttlubn Cannot be, 11 bAlt the land And balf the 'labor* oveikotimated, When the Immense —Professor w. .7, praserbiavor. 0r. de-VAM; Female P1111% k", caused 4"awly by the" vermlo wh, $fly Of Ilunoft. A relialble Prench raguistot.. never lalls, The" 16colWileied the need 6f stopping their P!It.' W sft aft Wmdlngly wedul In r6gulsting the to b-1 4e#ier1Lt1v6 ottion of t "a feraill clearlt reallxA, *0,44, if I *+ 6 6 4 Olt", 0, tem., ltif"6 Prefttitkl* IS fill thdaiv Itoitations, Dr# do U014 aft 4 at teofttedw asbox,�46rr Jot$10. Nal 7 Ord" *d 6 a Ey Woman Wind Aed shmild know 1"V 66 won&tfilt Whirling Spy,, 1�t�nww Viffiniki syrisk�. F, Gott, ""e"On U days. Put them In the shed or baM fte" am. Ow iWavet and -beat towdopoo tvarYthleff fouthe VALWF- OF COW TESTING. 0 . L 'Pdnter One dairyman produced $2,000 �*"Illdlft worth of milk from twenty cowso or $100 per cow; while a 'neigh- bor bestowed twice as much la, bor on forty cows and sold only, "d.ftw 06 1 0- too "*Iql" 41,8W worth of Milk, or $45 -pat cow, barely paying expon.,ies*- -Whilb'the1rist VDAU -made a profit, of over stow. Yet the second A Wart said -he had 'no 1!tmo to A�5 "5447 CftW*Li Wo" Os Ismaiw"*006 ~111 spend a. few minutes each day welghin 9 -and testing the thilk MKOINA from each cow. Instead he spent tout long, weary Yeats in raising and harvosting, the cropj� on a WO &WAVO 611IN01111, 1MV0 nUMftelf of-, r*bW*-, 100, acre farm and feeding and 041�b Oft,011WIM AfW milking forty cows to�make As '111u�h Profit as his neighbor did In one year with half the cows from an'underfed�"It_ No matter $f his dam weigked'1,800 pounds and his sire a ton, the colt that'4oesn't have ,,enough- to eat the first winterr :Is not likely 'to make it big horse, Oats,' br�n and ollmeal, a little corn, too,'.. In Addition to plenty of hAY and.ex.. ercise or'a winter pasture,' will g1 -6w out a cbIt.and make him ao'big a:ja two-year-old that had been neglect�d And ulidettod. bowt forget that At takes feed to make re�l draft horset% out of draft bred colts. Nothing else will do It. MAKINS WAK ON THE RAT. ilovorninent'Adviess Farmers to Use Cohorstok"In Building Construbtloh. Wbe United States depahment Of kgricultdre, diftusainj the eltertifta.- 1103a Of rAtS, strongly advocAtet' the.. Ming of concrete for the - constraotIbA, Df 1�very class of building. The Im. ,1, 1 4 XOTATO Lff" BLIGNT. boWOver; henCe:t4e destructive spread of- the disease does not -begin until th� Plants �havo passed theirr stage of great�- est vigor. This occurs soon after the blossoming are forming tubers rapidly, the inroads made by the, early - 1511ght.at this time being very ftust.rous. This fulag-so doft- not attack the tubers directly. however, and nevOcausesi them to,rqL The appearance, of the, leaves affee I V 44 by this early blight, in. shown in the Tidiness, and the Schoolgirl. Winess is one�of the most attractive Of4omiulne qualities. -it is a1w, ono of the rarest. E*ly and pmIstent Allikat be the training which carries the .girl Into womwi400d with her 11bump of imeatuese., well developed. -UnI&O Inherently fastidious . during schc�al days'she Is liable to drift Into- �ftre- less habits . which she never outgrows. 'One girl may have a trick of, leaving shoes about bei rooms, As at'�hlld she. was Permitted to do,thls, and a8' she grew older the untlAy custom never was abandoned, for thi simple reason tbAt-sbO (lid not notice anything un. 'usual about It, and Probably nobody else took 'the troubib to correct her. Another aloveWy habit Is.legThig bunch 9f combings in the comb or the dressing table. Cowtant vjgl�ance -OIL A, - WomiWs part is necessao -in these i3mall.matters It, she Wou , Id b4i thought really tidy. If You Caro,Pir Your Son. Po not given him PIC&ty of WA&Uf, DO not Permit Win tO, choose his 0" companions vilthokitt restralat or dkee- tion. rto not give him a latchkey. and at.. tow him. to return home at any hour Without qu7n, Do U:t ft to moke, Inquirlds. to to W 6e W th whora.he, spends hiv leisure time. Do not fall to have him understand that Wann0r.9 are not a substitute for morality. . 1)o not fall to teach Uftn that he 'must not'expect pay for every act at helpfulness to others. rwo- --d I ip- 0 wvw. M %7 -ram 1 ---- - ---------- 0 . I vQJ:LauC0 011, U118 prefttlubn Cannot be, 11 bAlt the land And balf the 'labor* oveikotimated, When the Immense —Professor w. .7, praserbiavor. 0r. de-VAM; Female P1111% k", caused 4"awly by the" vermlo wh, $fly Of Ilunoft. A relialble Prench raguistot.. never lalls, The" 16colWileied the need 6f stopping their P!It.' W sft aft Wmdlngly wedul In r6gulsting the to b-1 4e#ier1Lt1v6 ottion of t "a feraill clearlt reallxA, *0,44, if I *+ 6 6 4 Olt", 0, tem., ltif"6 Prefttitkl* IS fill thdaiv Itoitations, Dr# do U014 aft 4 at teofttedw asbox,�46rr Jot$10. Nal 7 Ord" *d 6 a Ey Woman Wind Aed shmild know 1"V 66 won&tfilt Whirling Spy,, 1�t�nww Viffiniki syrisk�. F, Gott, ""e"On U