The Huron Expositor, 1988-12-21, Page 38- 1 413 — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, DECEMBER 21., 1%8
A class discussion on Christmas
"Class!" called Mrs Jones "Keep itdown to
a dull roar!"
The class Laughed mid went back to work.
After the class was finished the teacher
tet to the front of the mass; ream and said
"Put year hooks away. We're going to, have
a discussion about Christmas. Think herd
ani telt the tis what Christmas mean to
you •,
Stpadents' hands shot up amyl Mrs. J.
answered them. "Jamie"
Jamie answered, saying, 'To nae
Christmas is marrapin' Chirstmas gifts.
And, how Santa tomes. and doles down the
to give us presents!,,
"Thank -you" said Mrs. J.' ' "JoAniae"
"I like Christmas hecause of Jesus" birth, make their Christmas, cheery ten ! •'
I think we should remember all about the "What a great idea ! " exclaimed Mas. J.
'`Very Gadd! Carl" . "Ant's go taunting • said Billy
.Aloin have a party" said Megan
"I think Christmas is for giving not get- "Geed! Excellent!"beamed Mrs.J. "The
ting. I also think, it fun to give becanee I bke party will he next Wed, And the caroling on
to see ethers nr.,ypy and always giving." this Thus. Invite everyone!"
"Another goad idea. Katie" Mrs. Jones DING!' The recess bell rang '`So far we've
tenth the class. batt a geed discussion but it's recess. Xeu're
"7o me Christmas is. a family gathering, _ -
Relatives come from far away mull love to
see Ow. m again,'
"Thank -yea Katie. Beaky"
Becky easviettxl in a cheerful way. "We
also should remember those who have no
one to spend Christmas with. We should help
As children fried out of the cssreom talk-
ing and banning Mrs. l "They have •
some good ideas and I'm t glad they
remembered the older folks."
by Susan i1e
Sea ferth P.S.
JEREMY BEM/EWES, Grade 3, WattonPubkc School
2g. :..�'. 2g ettg 2$r 21t w . , -e
Mrs. Claus gives birth
Mr's_ Claus Saves
chapter i
Mrs. Clans Saves Christmas
One Chrtsbnas Eve Santa teas not feeling
well_ He told Mrs_ Claus she would have to
give tin presents to the children for him_ So
Mrs_ Chas got the elves to make her a San-
ta snit and get the sleigh as ireindeer ready
to go. So the elves did that. Then she picked
up the sack of toysand got m the sleigh_
Shesaid, "Up up and away"
The reindeer lifted tip into the sky.
`My goody said," Mos Claus
Ffrst they Landed ern Tommy's reef. The lit-
tle elf tWM Mrs Clams what to do and haat to
give him_ So she pert herself in the chimney
and slid down and gave Tammy a bear.
When the was all donne the whole world she
went hack to the North Pole She told Santa
a about iL Santa was so prnnd of his wife
that he said he weld take her out for dinner.
cpter 2
Out For Di -Film
This was tl>e first time Santa ever took Mrs.
Claris oat for dingier So Mrs. Claus put her
dress and bonnet en. Then they get m the
sleigh and left for the North Pale Baur. Mr
and Mr& Chez sat down at a tabes for two.
Tines they remembered their hs>u'rey noon_ It
see :led like a secend honey per. Thai a
waitress came to take their order. After
�ate day wort fur a walk. then they
meter 3
bias. Clans goes
to the doctors
One day Mrs. Clam was getting Grp pams
in her stomach. So Santa took he- to the due -
tors. The doctor exam brad tier stantach
Then he told her she 4.vee going to have a
baby She screamed "Oh Santa we are gong
to have a baby...
chapter 4
The Baby Comes
Mrs. Class was crooking supper on the
barbecue and her water broke. Skil. called
Santa to take her to the hospital_ Santa came
running and put Mrs. Claus into the sleigh
and took off. When they got to the hospital
Mrs. Claus' contraction weie 3 minutes
apart. Then she went into the . operating
room. Then she had her baby. The baby was
a little girl. She was very beautiful.
The Baby's Name
Mrs. Claus got a big bank with nares and
!coked through it She asked Santa about the
name MPtanre Trica Claus and Santa agreed
on it. Melanie grew older. Seen she could sit
and to aw 1. Mrs. Claus loved her little
Melanie. It was ahacst Melanie's fist birth-
day. Melanie was vett excited.
chapter 6
Melanie's First Birthday
Mrs. Claus was giving invitatien>is to
Melanie's birthday. She was putting cte .0 a-
twolas tip. Then everyone came tittle
Melanie was featly one year ofd_ Mrs. Chas
made a nice cake. Then they all sing happy
birthday to you and Metente blew all the
c em ties out.
Melanie's Present
It was tore for Melanie to open her
presents. Sere -tire are frim her
parents. It was a litta puppy. She named it
Mindy. Then it was time for Metottie to Learn
how to walk. They put on her feet and she
calked. Tho ste had to say one word_ The
word she said was "Mammy" "Hurray'
said es'erycrre Tlat was tete best day of Mrs.
Claus's life
The End
Lisa Marie Wii;sen
G� rule 4
Seaforth P.S.
svra l'STHiSE!1p
Give cuttings of your favourite plant to someone who will
tan& them into growling up green and beautiful.
.eastead of giving your nephew adirice, ask for sante.
Never miss a chance to let a child licit a stirring spoon or
baking bowl.
Gift wrap a packet of fabric scraps for your quilling
Appear at a nursing home with a checkerboard and
challenge someone to a game.
When they beg for "one more story", say yes. Then tell
them the greatest story ever told.
Give a friend the secret recipe she's been. angling for all
year. Take the time to tell a friend how march you care.
Give your kids the benefit of the doubt when they say it's
time to get up Christmas morning and your alarm chick
says it's only three.
Give as many hags as you can: they're warmer than
Make the first gift you open the one with the bedraggled
bow. snarled Scotch tape and puckered -up paper And
watch your child's eyes.
Promise a year's worth of lessons m something ye,u-'re
good at, bread basking, baseball pitching, guitar p8ayosg
Give someone who cooks all day the day oTffrom
breakfast es bed to a candlelight dinner created by rat,
Set paces at the table for those who might otherwise be
atone at theirs
Use your wheels to transport those without to Christmas
Eve Seri -sees.
Visit the Humane Society and adopt an orphan anginal.
Use y...... nestle toe.
CRAIG SOMERVILLE. Grade 3. Walton Public School
12 Days of Christmas
On the first day of my true love sent et aa.
A Little yellow toy car.
On the seveeed day of Christmas my true
love sent to rye: two little dogs and a little
yellow yea car.
On the third shay of Cis my true Love
seat to ane: three bag Exch two little dog..
On the Geo tin day of Chaistn, my true Love
sent to Me: fate jw of water.-.
On the fifth day ofChristmas mytrue love
sent to nae: five eaten rs, four ccg5 of
On the sixth day of Christmw my tare love
sent to me: six shiney tables. five
On the day of Christmas try true
love sent to me: seoett sttuffetl animals, six
st y tables_.
On the eighth day of Christmas my true lave
seat to nee- eight tram a tasetiag. sewcrt staff-
Orn thee ninth day of Christmas my tree taut
sett to ace: nine red and green pieseatp.
den owls a
On the tenth daChristmas my true Love
sent to me: ten hetet* borons., nose red and
green paeSbuts_..
On the el'.tthli day of Christnsas my tare
love sent to me: Eleven eleven a 'wtaaksictg-
ten he Vii...
On the tweiveth day of Cl-uisiiaw.6 my true
love sent to me : twelve catered candies,
eleven elves a wcrtrit ...
by Amy Ekstcn
St_ Pataicles Dublin
[A Christmrs &my
by Ashley Ratems
Grade One Seaforth P.S.
One Christmas night a little girl walked
out of her room. Sile saw a utile marc in a
ned snit. The man put down pa est eds Ender
the Cteristorrm trete and in to her steekt.
She wondered why the mar was teteeteg cart
the diner and tamping into a sleigh that .1 s
palled by reindeer Tise sleigh was fly iarb in
tree sky . The Bind
Ed Byrs i
Heather Me.Ilwraith
Pat Armes
Dianne McGrath
Nell Corbett
`Perri -Lynn Dale
Bob McMillan
Tracy Bosnian
11 exposit
A 4)