The Huron Expositor, 1988-12-21, Page 34I o8 mac. f HEt H1LH?IQfI\DE' CP f91.YIDTOIDEINIVIBF'iBET! 7988 RAlit v,itiriulirvst N7.1i(llitoit01111+q 1littlliairri Mgivsw /WI Iva It. / vmstvg LL� Frono roupLStattt to !!V®tc Ch strnas A ter ete Roy.. , the reptant lot grvtrn3:. . hohdta'.lkaugritar..1estHIrelurr.. warmth" andretleerG-.andralarre•frar'us to expmsszouotharigslforthe rrervilege Knawns and servmg.you=thepest. (610RII-e4 nth tiAtZZLELENIEGIENttil?aV mtnRfvSTAIFFF S Man Md19W.r �5 s uacreU • 5 22-agn sc t"Z :.t j (t1. 7.13. 1:14 EziLi_70 ti rN trtriz O Russo: It mas'fdecertnbentthailith, thlrefantilyaandd were avaik'hngadownvthaerispwaidea¢alksoot the rownwManyixnt thalteusesawer pritnpe¢rt and:. (decorated t avttial' tbeautdfith lcolouved't lightgnts sue+seundedteaelucomtembothsidest • of the.streetrwerehnedtadthathe:blurned•ecac, ouvsio€ Christtnas:.;At fhe.taschnt OaktStiteete thane,tree!raverwaldtandrireateauprtaousei:A fartaly ot5ifivedthene:tir'1 thetuisted adndewn to the hvingthoom irvasaamal1rplestiBmree. It dhone/aebeautifttliyeltnwrgiowo rhey,muere notha eeny!wealthy 'family. The :children - womb :petits! anci: isweatersh !that were childrenworelrpetits!and:isweat'ersh!that,were rtoa smaiLTheirefathertworkediforrMrifKother at the.reotnier; tore: CChitivemother:twas ea houselswife:andrhousekeeper}efor'a couple • friendsrclL'hetngiwaysiseenredito make'it:by' mow- wise! Chriatmasi..time; was the toughestettmelof 'theoyeatt'tfor.tthermr•:. The chibitreatsecialiserances.Ohristimisibureau: helpedtinr thewvay of presentstttttheyrdidn.'st haw \the. mosey -for :bigt.,dinnens. People arounektownwvould:pitchiaandante foohto thera.riihe JRussel:fart>llythadafotiof Myelin theyt/re bomzeland.tft allieemedito showr.Tn that ilittle diihristrmasittsee•that trims ,glonang in °the rwindrrwnthat alight :That reatringrand Iovens what lstrengthens:and!brightens :the love m many other 'homes- during' the Chtistmasaeason. MieheIie'Dooper 8R SeatorthrP:S. AtersWprrrtthriannamarr ee • 1 awoken Christrmasltuorn. The daythat.:iesus;Chrisrrw.as•born. 1 pealeedoutsideray tedrmonn;door, The!eunderrthe tree were:preseniisgatore. Sortie tor:nte and anontandliad. The rxtostpreserurs I've ever•bad- Some :were:bi'g: d. someiweresmall_ Some were•short andsome!were'tall. Wtier I opened:tbe last rreseneforme. 1 sawarBidea.stglrt!to see. A prettytangeLso proud and tree, To putiatop.our' Christmasttree rtv MeaganAJkemade Grader8 SeaisortlrP:S. •'1 sawildonmmr • hissingitjants tine mornu g rl wokekup to hear mommy taking. a shower. 1 couldn't-hear:a sound_ There was a note on the telephone. It sauL J-1.onew 1 have gone out. Hrnmm I' wonder: what she meant thy that. 1 went to the t:t room:to sit down and think About It. ata 1 heard /mom :taping •to so- -rneone /kilo iaa i. deep Aioiee. standmg.oui side the :door. 1 looked -outthe:wrndow and there'was Mammy IKISSRIISanta ;Claus' 1 didn't -know what no do! 1 decided to talk !to Moniaboutst. oh tnavbeiewouldite betterto pretend:l didn't•kno.w anything .J3mmmm. What shouiet 1 tio: J'11 rust ipreteud:to tall asleep nn the sots and .when she vomer: to with tum. 1• with find out more about this 'Santa:Claus.' Momwalts.ini. •'Oh'Santa 'taus you are so silly!" Mmnsaid- •Motherhnw roust arou?" I veiled - ''attune what .are•vou ruing up so eattly"" Mom questioned. -:vlontinas 11:00 atm! And who is tie :>" , asked getting rvenv fustrated. Why tins is vour.new'tather.' What?" ' ,end. • 'Santa .as ray •tether? " , askeeL Ho. ho. nu. of course my dear.' And after that day l i:ot 100100 presents.a '• ear. The bind to t.hrolmeLlvck t :rade4 Seaborth-P.9 Mist i za - 't'�.iFuit^ T .'T1;iklltv'_R%�`%ta3"�.•.:d' T wzn-n,.F -T. P 'T.. - ERN:SIBKON. Grande. Walton:P1)bllc:6-clrool vee ac..-ra-rreti-rz�rne«e esio -maitz,--------- am V-- rr iC i7�"*1'�' • tivis rFee_i2Li stS Chrisnmas{Is,_ -givanggrresents -ail/mg:lave -reeewnnghave prettvtlowers•such as .pontseitras.andrthe 2hristmasirose • -seeing acpicture:ot desus;whose=birthdav we are, celebaatng. -singatrg-carols: -hearmig!bells•rrmg_ -watching :pretty ornaments on the tree winch. couidtbe oedar..pme. spruce. fir. -gettmg_tAgethermatufamitv.and caends- -receiving !presents. -a ettmghugs.at Christmas. -s harnngfood., dotites.:and rmmpy wtthrhose who don't 'have as much.as wean. by MarkoBeuemnan Gradel Walton.PubhcBchool • 'hristmas.rs... -spendmgtune with:mytarmly. -eatungaohd.Chriatmras,duster. • -t; Ming anitgivtrgpresentsand seeing the oeauttfill!Christnas:tree. last Christmas 1 gave my cat a tnv. 'hristmas.rs a realty truce tune :for me and inv term*. 1 like Christmas. Christmas soundsrsucttas slegh:bell,ringing.carolrsm8- i ng and peoplelartg imp and shouting -1 like •hriarmas,ametls:sireh:as eokieslandtui rev stuffurg.1 like Christmas,arglns sueh.as the tiativtty'Scene with Mary, Joseph, Jesus and the srahle 1 really like Chriatmas. Stephame-Mattj)onald GradeB Walton.PublrcSchool WhatahristmasrMeans ToMe! Santa as an .rmptiirtat¢tart :of Christmas but 'their is someone /else more ,unportanx Jesus! .Jesuswas'bornron ChrdstmasiElarenn a stable.in Bethlehem. The mnsermenwvent!to seetiesus..andgave humgold.. frankincense -turd 'myrrh !Before there wasnft a Christmas. What does CHRISTMAS mean'! Christmas means Chinetr-Mas.,Christmaseve-wergo to church to eelebrateilesus'ibirthday,:wesmg:ttynuns andipraFtoruli-oftherthingsrhe gave us.ttl7e ttungsthe dal:forus andlfonus Iushtobe here. Christmas as for giving :not /for reeewing. This:rs what tChristmasrmeansito MD! by Shella:Litt. Grade6 SeaforthrP:S. Whmrt)brfatmas Meanso `tyle hristmas ,means the !biggest star an the skv -that meant that -a new 'baby, named Jesus was ;born. Be -was mot an :ordinary oabv, ire was+GotPsson. It also means: Santa CClaus..presents.and,nfl my tinnily .getting :together and :havmg:lots of fun. Anotherttturig is sharing yourrnewtpresents. and .giving .presents. (.:hristmasasatmnembe thanaftiL'fm,peaoe. Ioy, and.happmess. That's what tChristsias means:m me- 886 FIM WAGSP 52O251 t✓ i the holy light of the 'hristmeasseeeen shine on is ane t,rtno woes to our ')P8Et8 liCIMIJEVEliEk®N G 1V1 aria si :sear rm : C[[i ,117,'A I 1 i 52?. -242 ILL_GARN001/3rV. Gram -5 Huron Canfetmtat aarutaats� m.s�rr�ss oy Tara:MeLellan Gradw6 SeaforthrP S. Thetost/JElf ' trice -upon :atnnelong 3ong-ago. in a place called the Borth' Pole. there was an elf rail- ed Anthomv. Hetwaaa speenal.elfhecausethe is a wortnng elf. And, everyone dikes tun. One day Santa.•couldnit f ind._±him:and:he was gomgto boushrthe.rerrrdeer•.1 gness:another• elf has to 17D It. 'Two.days went 'twi ' An- thony where were 'you?" "T was at the mat up town 1 am!readvto brushrthe reindeer" • •r Stay; " In. buzamtetitennett Grade 4Th Seaforth'P.S The t eistmsshanta gots tkild On, on every cold'CJhristmastpve Santa got the flu. Mrs. Clara said "What about Christmas"" Santa said "1 guessvou'IL•have to deliver the ,presertts to the.goodrhovs and guts''. Santa 'gave 'harem tat and she was Off. At the 'first 'house. she was about to an downtthe vtiunnmev she sawthatttheae-was a bre goyim. She sato "drat Phase :people leavmgtheir fires gomg". After-tbatrthere were•no r u i fu es. When she.gottotne she wentair•a>glrtrtn bed. The End o Jason -huh Searth-P.S d-T'�'ti••�f©C dst IIAWD1liIdniftOlse to 3t�aC3ts2t4 jZr wit.43 -1 waysnallfelG 6 qUaldird2V3W014-Wiftilign tri i HIM/ ttae• at cast yySfil '. do r�Jd'•rAa,t 2555,2432EB Har.'grennese Grf ge. Hartgresees • Batty rivi • Iy; t'- MCC LL. L RJR. 4cific irm sal -1 30T2