The Huron Expositor, 1988-09-21, Page 1616A — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEPTEMBER 21, 1988 COUNTRY) CHARM invites you to an Open House &I Grand Opening of their new Country Store THURS. SEPT. 22, 1 - 9 pm FRI; SEPT. 23, 1 - 9 pm SAT. SEPT. 24, 1 - 9 pm at the residence of Ervin & Helen Keys, R.R. 1, VARNA, 263,5367. Watch for the signs between Varna & Bayfield. Grapevine and Plnecone Wreathe and entreplecee, Folk art, Barley Weaving. Comhueh Flower Ar- rangements, Barley and Indian Corn Swage, Silk and Cried Floral Crafts, Wicker and Twig Gaskets, etc. EVERYONE WELCOME Helen Keys - Esther Cantelon QUEEN,;!S SEAFORTH THURS., FRI. & SAT. LAYDEN RIFF Happy 30th Birthday MURRAY CONNOLLY September 26 BUCK & DOE for JUDI NIGH and GARY HOWARD SATURDAY, SEPT, 24 For Informatf"on call: 263-6448 or 263-5257 AGE OF MAJORITY .Happy 40th Anniversary George and Hazel Hildebrand HAPPY BIRTHDAY Michael Boven Happy 40th Mom & Dad (TOM & NAN YOUNG) 60th. Wedding Anniversary Happy Birthday BRAD CAMPBELL ON SEPTEMBER 23 Love from Mom & Dad, Laurie, Casey & Kelly The family would like to Invite everyone to celebrate on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 SEAFORTH LEGION DANCING 9-1 BEST WISHES ONLY Buck & Doe FOR SCOTT & JOAN ELLIOTT RYAN SATURDAY, SEPT. 24 8:30 TO 1:00 Dublin Athletic Association Pavilion $5.00 PERSON LUNCH PROVIDED SEAFORTH LIONS CLUB SIXTH ANNUAL HAPPY 50th ANNIVERSARY Mother & Dad Allen & Margaret Armstrong DAVE & LAVINA WATSON The family of Dave and Lavine Watson wish to invite their friends and relatives to an open house to be held at Queensway Rest Home, Hensall, Sunday, September 25, 1988 from 2 - 4. Best Wishes Only LONG FRI. - THURS. SEPT. 23 - 29‘ FRI. & SAT. 7 & 9 PM SUN. - THURS. 8 PM DAN AYKROYD JOHN CANDY GREAT' OUTDO0RS L iThis is no holiday... >> this is war! a GU DANCE SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1988 AT SEAFORTH AND DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE FESTIVITIES START AT 8:00 PM until 1 AM MUSIC BY THE MOONLIGHTERS ADMISSION $6. per person Proceeds to community projects OKTOBERFEST FOODS sauerkraut & sausage Age of majority required The family of Allen and Margaret Armstrong wish to invite friends, neighbours and relatives to an OPEN HOUSE on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1988 1-4 P.M. AT McKAY HALL North St., Goderich. BEST WISHES ONLY 3rd DISTANCE? CALL 1-800-265-3438 FOR TOLL FREE INFO. The Seaforth Agricultural Society Presents 143rd ANNUAL FREE BICYCLE DRAW SEAFORTH FALL FAIR SEPT. 22 & 23 •FREE ADMISSION • THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 FREE ADMISSION DRAWS 6:00 P.M. - Exhibits Open 8:00 PM. - Official Opening by 1988 Queen Of The Fair 800 P.M. - Variety Show featuring local entertainment - Giant Pumpkin Contest & Pumpkin Art Competition - First Annual Pork Auction with Jack Riddell guest auctioneer THURSDAY NIGHT AND FRIDAY •DUNK TANK sponsored by S.A.I.D. •UEEF & PORK CARCASS RAFFLES FOOD AVAILABLE ON GROUNDS CONKLIN SHOWS 1 You Are Invited To The COUNTRY RAFT FESTIVAL at the Goderich Twp Community Centre and Holmesville Public School. Holmesville Ont. (off Hwy 8 between Goderich & Clinton) Display and Sale of Crafts Baking - Knitting - Doll Clothes - Ceramics - Wreaths - Wooden Toys Wood Crafts - Home Canned Goods - Produce - and much, much more Admtsssion: Soc Light Lunchs & Refreshments Available IContact Milena Lobb, R.R. Friday, September 30, 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. Saturday, October 1, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Door Prizes Sunday, October 2, 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. 2 Clinton, NOM ILO Bus. (519) 482-5700, Home (519) 482-3062 COMMERCIUnder NEW Management 527 0980 SEAFORTH FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 11:00 A.M. - Parade leaves Optimist Park 12:00 Noon • Judging of Swine 12:45 P.M. - Judging Light and Heavy Horses 12-12:45 - Pedal Pull Registration 12:45 P.M. - Draw for Pedal Pull Contestants 1:00 P.M. - Pedal Pull - Judging Beef, Dalry and Sheep • Stan Jackson Memorial Registered Hereford Show - Huron Perth Jersey Pariah Show - Junior Fair for 4-H Jr. Farmers and Institutes 1:30 P.M. - Kids Olympics 2:00 P.M. - Big Bale Rolling Competition 2-4:30 - Fall reit Bingo 4:00 RM. - Bicycle Draw & Door Prizes Draw 4:30 P.M. - Penny Sale Draw •CRAFT DEMONSTRATIONS Friday Afternoon Share The Wealth FALL FAIR BINGO Betty Harris (Kitchen) Brian Coombs (Manager) We Are OPENING Our DINING ROOM Ginette Nash (Kitchen) OPENING SPECIALS THURSDAY FRIDAY LASAGNA, HOT BEEF HOT PORK, LIVER & ONIONS OR MEATLOAF OR HAM & PINEAPPLE Sponsored By The Seaforth Pre -School Learning Centre FRIDAY - 2:00 TO 4:30 P.M. FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: Neil Dolmage President 527-1196 Sharon Flanagan Betty Glanville Sec./Treas. Pres. Homecraft 345-2406 527-0236 FREE ADMISSION Includes choice of potatoes, vegetables, coffee or tea and dessert .95 Includes choice of potatoes, vegetables coffee or tea and dessert Thursday & Friday