The Wingham Times, 1904-03-31, Page 22
Notice of changes must be left at this
otliee not later than Saturday noon.
The copy for changes must be left
not later than Monday evening.
Carnal advertisements accepted up.
to noon Wednesday of each week,
f { t liAA 7� TIMES.
14 T t��
To All Who are Weak, Easily Tired
and Out of Sorts,
Spring should be the most joyous sea -
bon of the year. It is the harbiuger of
ennshiue, and birds and flowers; It
breathes of freedom and out-of-door lite
But unfortunately there are thousand&,
who 'aunt enter into the spirit of the
season. Close confinement during the
long winter months has left them weak,
dispirited and oppressed; the appetite is
.. . tickle; the blood•is sluggishwith impur-
THURSDAY. MAR. 31, 1904, ities; the eyes lack the lustre of health;
weariness and lassitude have taken the
place of vigorous energy. is need -
NOTES AND COMMENTS. ed at this season by such people is a
healtlarenewing, blood -making tonic-
something that will send. now, rich red
blood coursiug through the veins, bring
The Municipal Committee of the Leg- brightness to the eye, a healthy appetite,
islature Thursday, on a vote of 11 to 14, and a clear skin free from pimples and
threw out Mr. Adam Beck's bill pravid• In all the world there is nothing can
ing for two-year terms for Mayor nod
Aldermen in cities over 30.000, oa the
passiug of a by law by the City Council.
It is said that in this eouemuuity that
there is a family winter hobby is to bor-
row everything arta anything. The other
day one of the ebetireu went to a neigh -
bees house ruse inked for the loan of a
wash tub mei the answer she received
was rat h, : pt rplt•xing which is as follows:
"No Ie ett't. The hoops are n11 off, the
bottom is out and its full of water."
do this so effectively and so thoroughly
as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Every dose
creates new blood, strengthens the
nerves, and up•bnilds the whole body.
Here is a bit of strong proof, given by
Mr. John Burke, of Elmsdnle, P. E. L,
who says: -"I was left an almost hope-
less wreck by an attack of pneumouia,
my nerves were almost paralyzed and
though under the care of an excellent
doctor I found I was not regaining inv
health. My wife urged me to try Dr.
Williams' Piuks Pills, and I have
reason to be thankful I took her advice,
for under this treatment my system has
been built up and I am again well and
If yon are at all unwell give Dr, Wil-
liams' Piuk Pills a trial, and see - ]tow
speedily they will restore you to health
and strength; but you must get tine gen-
nine, with the full name "Dr. Williatns'
Pink Pills for Pale People" on the wrap-
per around each box. Sold by medicine
dealers or sent by mail at 50 cents a box
or six boxes for $2 50 by writine the Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont,
The growth of the total number of let-
ters posted will be generally admitted to
be a fair indication of the progress of the
general development of the country.
The report of the Postmaster -General
just issued shows that 253,791,060 letters
were posted in Canada last year. It is
interesting to compare this with the!
total for lees, 116 028,000 aid the total for
1878, whir:h was 44.000,000. The increase HURON'S HOTELS AND LICENSE
in the eighteeu years of Conservative
rule from 1878 to 189(1 was t hos 72,028,000,
whereas the increase in the seven years of
Liberal rule float 1896 to 1903 has beeu
The "Advance" is Behind. The Times.
(Clinton New Era.)
The editor of the Wingbatn Advanoe
iti in an excited state of iniad, because,
at a public meeting recently held ip
Wiughatn, Mr. Holmes drew attention.
to the fact that little or noreliauce could
be placed upon atiltementa made in that
jourual, wbeu the actions of political
opponents were etitieised.
'1'ha Advance has published a state.
Anent to eu from the Year Book of Cato
Ada, that in 1890 the total expenditure
was $7 26 per head of population against
$9.30 iu 1902; and from the statement
proceeded to argue that the country was
less eoouuluieally governed by the Lib-
erals to•clay, than it was by the Coto
servativeh prior to 1$96, It bas been
said, curl well said, that telling ahalt
truth is worse Chau telliug a whole lie,
and such bring the case, we fear the
Advance Was guilty of rhe full offence
wbeu it uurlertuol: to suppress a part of
the truth, nieiely for the purpose of
Making a wrong deduction in the ease
under discuseiou.
What are the facts? On page 522 of
of the Yenr Beek, from which the Ad-
vance (poles, not truly the expenditure
per head, but the reveuue per head, is
published; but as the reveuue per head,
makes a. favorable showing for the Libor -
al co) eminent, the Advauce quietly
ignores that feature, and devotes its
urithturtiu to ouly one side of the ques-
tion This is the view of the case Mr.
Holmes, held, when in acl'dressiug the
people of Wingham, he said:
"If that statement is true, the government
must have ince eased the taxation somewhere.
Will anyone telt me how much tili'tonis taxa -
non lues been increased under Liberal rule?
Tire statement is either true or untrue, and it
the editor put it 'atm e It owing it to be untrue,
he is not a fit nor -on to run a newaparier."
The Britirl,
ample time to
War Office has now had
figure up the loss of life
sustained by the British in the Boer
war. Here are the figures: Killed in
battle and died of wounds, officers, 719;
non-cominissioued officers and men,
6,863. Of enteric fever, officers, 183;
non-commissioned officers and men,
7,807. Other causes, cfficers, 223; non-
commissioned officers and men, 4,926.
For the license year of 1902.8, East,
South and West Huron had 16, 33 and 29
yearly licenses issued respectively. The
first also had one beer and wine, the
second cue ordinary six months' license.
West Huron had one tavern license, a
decrease of one from previous years. It
has two shop licenses, one is Clinton and
the other in Goderich. East Huron had
four licenses transferred, South Huron•
teu, West Huron eight. The total
licenses issued for the year were 21, 48
and 40 respectively. Amount received
by the province from all sources was
$790.33 from. East Huron. $2,333.03 from
South Huron, and $2410 from West Hur-
Grand total, 1,125 officers and 19,596 non- on. In 1875 the couuty bad 164 tavern
commissioned ofiieers and men. In all licenses, 37 shops and two breweries; the
over 20,000 lives lost. This is a pretty next year saw a drop to 113 of the first,
heavy death roll, not speaking of the 10 of the second, and an increase of one
millions that have been lost. Yet some wholesale. The decrease that followed
people seem to think that war is glorious! as the years went by can be seen in the
following figures: 1877 -124 tavern
licenses, 16 shops o 1878-127, 20; 1879-
134, 21; 3580-131, 16; 1881-128. 15;
There is still a lot of speculation re-
garding the temperance legislation of
this session, and guesses that there will
and that there will not be any such
legislation are heardwith about equal fre-
quency. The Toronto Star learued in
Ministerial circles that it is not improb-
able that after Easter recess every strict
bill to amend the License Act will be sub-
mitted to the Legislature. In general its
provisions will be along the following
1. Increased license fees.
2. Rsduotion in the number of licenses.
3. Much more severe penalties.
Several important clauses along other
lines will be incorporated, and all of the
license laws will be consolidated.
Winter's Sway.
The following poem, which appeared
in the Toronto Globe, hits off the condi-
tion of affairs here during the past win-
ter, that we think it worthy of reproduc-
tion :-
Breathes there a man who ever saw
.A. winter pass without a thaw;
Who saw it blow and snow and storm,
And thought it never would get waren?
If suck there breathe, go ask hien how
He thinks that time compares with now.
Lo the thermometer, high the snow,
Piled tip as high as drifts cau blow,
Despite the fact that we have seen
It stated that there's never been
Such cold as this, perhaps this man Wingham
Can tell us things no other c•au. Clinton
Living through two such awful dates, Ashfield
Doubly unkind have been the fates, Colborne
To force a roan wbilP here below Blyth
To pass two winters in such snow.
largely increased revenue? What
would be thought of the manager of a
manufacturing businees or a departmeu•
tal store, who would refuse to increase
his expenditure so .that his firm should
get the greatest benefit and largest re -
tern? The Advanoe isbehind the times;
a Moro progressive and broader minded
man is wanted to guide it in a truly pa-
triotic and Canadian sense.
In conclusion we may say that the efe
fort of the Advance to auswer the ques-
tion put by Mr, Holmes, regardiug the
question of increased taxation would
discredit a sohool boy. Mr. Holmes ask,
ed this question:
' Will any one tell me ]low much Oustoms
taxation has increased under Liberal ruler
The reply of the sapient editor of the
Advanoe is that the receipts of the ons.
toms houses of Canada have inereased
from $20,000,000 to. $37,110,354, as be-
tween 1896 aid 1902. Bat the increase
has not beau brought about because the
Liberals have increased the customs tax-
ation, which they have not done. The
contrary has been the result. The cus-
toms taxes have been reduced from a
percentage of 20 06 in 1896, upon the to-
tal value of goods entered for consume -
tion iu Canada, as against 15.99 in 1902
-a decrease of 4.07 per cent.' And yet
the wise man of Wingham claims that
the rate has been increased and points
with pride to the increased volume of
trade in evidence of hie contention. Ot
course there has been an increase in the
imports of Canada, and the people have
not been slow to take advantage of the
better fiscal conditions that now exist.
The country has beeu more than ordin-
arily prusperous since 1896, under Lib-
eral rule, and we are able to buy and
pay for more foreign goods under the re-
faced Liberal tariff of 1897. So long as
a Liberal government controls Canada's
fiscal policy, just so long will the trade
and cnmmeree of the Dominion be iu the
prosperous condition it is to -day, and
we wilt be able to spend trillions to de•
velop the resources of the country, so
that tens of millions will return to the
public treasury.
When the snit'," nf the Ad wince was
studying the Yenr B 'ok, with the no
doubt laudable intention Of giving en
honest statement of the facts as he saw
them, he knew, that if he made a com•
parison of the revenue per head, rnd
of the expenditure per head. for the
years 1896 and 1002, the showing wnuld
GP very materially in favor of the Lib•
eral government: and he therefore em-
asculated the data contained in the re-
port, by omitting the figures which
told in favor of the present govern-
ment. The editor of the Advance may
regard this as anhonest proceeding,
but. fortunately. very few win nar•ee
with him. We submit both sets of fig-
ures, and challenge env one to deny
their nr•cnracv-for six years preceding
the defeat of the Conservative govern-
ment. and six years following the ad-
vent of the Liberal administration -so
that our readers may the more readily
see the Reception of which the Advance
was guilty. Following are the figures
under the Conservative rule:
Revenue Expenditure
per head per head
1891...... $7 95 87 54
3892 7 55 7 52
1893.., 7 73 7 46
1594.... 7 22 7 54
1895 6 75 7 58
1896 7 20 7 20
It will be observed that in the year 1891
the revenue per head exceeded the ex-
penditure by 46 rents: in 1892 by three
cents; and in 1893'by 27 cents; whereas
in 1894, expenditure exceeded revenue
by 28 cents per 'head: in 1895 by 83
cents; and itt the year 1896 by 6 cents.
The foregoing figures represent
a deficit of $1,948,474 daring the last
1882-3-124,15; 1884, 111,14; IRS5.7 six years of Conservative rule, and we
' do not wonder the Advance was unwill-
Scott Act in forde; 1888-108, 11; 1859- ins to give a fair statement of the case.
109, 8; 1890-100, 6; 1891-104, 5; 1892- But that is not nil. The fignres for the
102, 5, 1; 1893-94, 5, 1; 1894-92, 5, 1; six years of Liberal administration, to
1895-90 5,1,1896-88, 6; 1897-85 6; 1902. prove conclusively that the Ad-
vance had goon cause for desiring to
1898--83, 6; 1899-84, 6; 1900-82, 6; suppress the full data which is to be
1901-80, 6; 1902-79, 6. What better found in the year book:
growth of temperance among our people Revenue Experditniep' r head per head
could be asked for than is demonstrated 1807 $7 36 $7 45
in these figures? By townships, Grey 1189087 7 80 7 47
had three ordinary and 1 beer and wine1899 8 89 7 97
licenses and received from licenses and 1900.......9 59 8 07
fines $365, $69.33. The its share beiug1901 0 64 8 70
10 64 9 30
other tow1902nships stood as follows: In 1897, it will be seen, the benefit of
licenses amt rc'd share the Liberal tariff had not begun to make
McKillop 1 $100 $18.07 itself apparent, and the expenditure per
Hallett (east) 0head, exceeded the revenue by- 10 cents.
Morris 2• 180 32.00 After that year the benefits accrued as
Howick 4 360 64.00 follows: 189S, excess per head, of re-
Turnberry 1 90 16.00 venae over expenditure, 33 cents; 1899,
Brussels 3 640 298.67 92 cents: 1900, $1 52; 1901, $1.05; 1902,
Wroxeter 2 300 92.0G $1.34 The result is that instead of a
Exeter 4 1020 462.67 deficit of $, as was the case dur-
Seaforth 5 1495 690.34 ing the six years of Conservative rule,
Goderich tp(sonth) 0 , . . there was a snrplus of $27,034,924. Is
Bayfield 2 610 74.67 it any wonder that the Advance was
Stephen 10 950 303.34 anxious to pnblish nothing that would
LTsborne 1 115 39.67 give its readers a fair idea of the real
Hay4 385 123.66 facts as they existed.
2 210 "70.01 There are many other points of inter -
Stanley........ 3 310 102.67 est to his readers, which the editor of
• Hensall 2 340 145.34 the Advance failed to note when delving
Goderich 8 1795 759.67 into the financial conditions of Liberal
East Wawanosh1 00
i Hallett , 9
West Wawanosh0
Most Dreadful
THE WING110 Tins
PTMannClunsore-Sabbath services at
11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday School at
2;30 p in. General prayer meeting
on. Wednesday evenings. Rev. J. N. MO -
Lean, B.A., pastor. Abner (amens, S.S.
METHODIST CHURCH -Sabbath services
at 11 a nI and 7 p m. Sunday School at
2:30 p lir, Epworth League every Mon-
day meeting
day evening. Gee prayer er y g
on Wednesday evenings. Rev. J, R.
Gundy, D.D., pastor. Dr. Towler, S. S.
vices at 11 a in and 7 p m. Sunday
Se,houl at 2:30 p m, General prayer
meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev.
D. Perm, pastor and S S, Superinten-
dent, P. S. Lii,klater and L. Harold,
assistant S. S. Superintendents.
bath services at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sun-
day School at 2:80 p m. General prayer
meeting on Wednesday evening. Rev.
Wm. Lowe, Rentor and S. 5, Superin-
tendent, John Taylor and Ed. Nash,
assistant S. S. Superintendents.
SALVATION ARMY-Serviee at 7 and 11
a m and 3 and 8 p m on Sunday, and
every evening during the week at 8
o'clock at the barracks.
POST OFFICE -In Macdonald. Block.
Off'ic'e hours from 8 a m to 6:30 p m.
Peter Fisher, postmaster.
PUBLIC LIBa.\RY-Library and free
reading room in the Town Hail, will
be open every afternoon from 2 to
5:30 o'clock. and every evening from 7 Millie 9:30 o'clock. Miss Robertson,
All Going Out -Nothing Coming in
This is the situation when farmers and
others order goods of the catalogue mail
order supply hooses. Every order sent
to the mail order concerns in the large
cities is that much less money in the rural
community., The locality is made poorer
every time it happens.
The catalogue house. is richer and the
country poorer every time a cash order
for merchandise is forwarded by the
farmer or the small town resident, to the
city establishmeni. ft's a fact that
which sticks out, and which the dumbest
can see a mile off.
The rural retail merchant wants this
money to stay in his home community.
It's needed there, His community can't
stand to be constantly bled of its cash
for the benefit of the great cities. It
car.'t stand to be impoverished for the
further enrichment of the already
Does anyone. ,in the country or the
country towu ever see again the money
he sends to the 'batalogne house? Not
a cent of it. It's gone like the day
that is dead. It can't be recalied, and
the catalogue house proprietor will never
send it back as a gift. He's not built on
that plan.
Scrawny People
People grow thin, scrawny, Palo and
weak when the blood is thin and watery.
Whet is needed to round off the angles
and fill out the form, is not fat hot
healthy muscular tissue. By enriching
the blood and iucreasing its nourlshiug
gnalities Dr, Chase's Nerve Food adds
new flesh and tisane to the body as well
as new vigor and energy. Yon can
prove this by noting your increase in
weight while using this great food cure.
In the matter of
Russia is at the foot
LOne of the sources of motor power
used iu the African Sahara is sand
carried by the wind to elevated reser-
The oldest ship iu the word, the mail
schooner Vigilant, running into St.
Croix, French West Indies, although
now under the French flag, was built of
Essex oak at Essex, Mass.. in 1502.
The Times OMee, Beaver Block
Timms or SunsouremON-i1 Jo per aanium in
advance 11.50 if not so paid. No paper dtseon-
tinned till all arrears are paid, except at ti,,e
option of the publisher,
Auv HLT15INO Wass. - Legal and other
casual advertisements 8c per Nonpariet line for
first insertion, 80 per line for each subsequent
Advertisements in local columna are charged
10 ets. per line for first insertion, and 5 cents
per line for each subsequent insertion.
Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed,
Farms for Sale or to hent, and similar, 11.00 for
first month and 50 cents for each subsequent
CoNTRAce RATES -The following table shows
our rates for the insertion of advertisements
for specified periods:-
apecla. 1 va. 0 Mo. 6 Mo. line
Ono Column 180.00 485.00 ;15,00 ra ea
Half Column 35.00 18.00 10.00 6.,x1
Quarter Column 18.00 10.00 8.00 2.00
Advertisements without specific directions
will be inserted till forbid and charged accord-
ingly. Transient advertisements must be paid
for in advance.
THE JOB DEPARTMENT 18 stocked with an
extensive assortment of all requisites for print-
ing, affording facilities not equalled in- the
county for turning out first class work. Large
type and appropriate outs for all etyles of Post-
ers, Hand Bills, etc., and the latest styles of
choice fanny type for the finer classes of print -
Proprietor and Publisher
Towei Couxon,-R. Vanatone. Mayor;
Thos. Bell, Wm. Holmes, W. J Greer,
Trios. Arutstroug. G 1-1, C. Millikin,
Davin B •11, C )ancillors; J. B. Fer-
guson, Clerk and Treasurer; William
Clegg, Assessor, Wm. Robertson, Col-
lector. Board meets first Monday even -
mg i11 each month at 8 o'clock.
SCHOOL BOARD.-J.T. Hornuth, (chair.
matt), Thos. Abraham,R. A.Donglas, H.
Kerr, Wm. Moore, A. E. Lloyd. Dr 4,
3. Irwin, C. N. Griffin. Secretary, John
F. Groves; Treasurer, J.. B. Ferguson.
Meetings second Tuesday evening in each
Musgrove, Principal, Miss Brock,
Miss Reynolds. Mise Farquharson. Miss
Cornyn, Miss McLean, Miss Matheson
Miss Reid, and Miss Cummings.
BOARD or HEALTH -Mayor Vanstone,
(chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg-
ory, Dr. Agnew, 3'.. B. Ferguson, Sec-
retary ; Dr. 3. R. Macdonald, Medical
Health Officer
book publications
of the list of na-
28.00 rule. He did not tell his readers (as Mr. The American Lumberman shows the
60.66 Holmes did when speaking) that in 1902 total cut of the states of Washington,
the Government spent on the Militia Ore en California,Idaho and Montana
1225 008.33$846,000 more than in 1896; that $2,750,
5 1320 564.00 000 more was spent on Public Works (for' for 1603 to halls been`4,296,000,000 feet
3 490 168.67 which good valve was received) than in against an aggregate for 1902 of 3,932,-
1 112.50 35.00 1896; that $500,000 more was spent on 1 000,000, 000 making a gain of about 261,000,-
2 310 120.67 light -houses and ocean service in L1r 02 000 feet.
than in 1895; that $332.000 more was
R. S. 11, A number of the municipalities have spent on Cnstoms service in 1902 than in In Copenhagen an apartment house
---e imposed duties in excess of what the 1896, but that there was an increase of has been opened containing twenty-five
r statutes call for, thereby deriving more $17,170,000 in collections, owing to the snits of -four rooms each. There is only
revenue from the license law. The growing terve ,thrv, ce,000 more pass y
spent for excise service, but that the One kitchen, and meals are sent up by
amounts spent by the three districts to better enforcement of the regulations re-
of Skin Diseases . put the License law in force last year suited in an increase of revenue by $4, -
were $43.34 for East Huron, $60.68 for 087.000; that there was an expenditure
AdriastecaseofVarnaof30years'stand- of $440,000 in improving the postal ser-
tlas eared by Dr. Cwre a Ointment.
South Huron, and $105:35 for `Vest Har- vice in 1902, more than was paid in 1896,
That Dr. Chase's Ointment is a thorough n.
cure for the most aggravated forms of itching
Shin disease is proven in hundreds of cases
but that the revenue was increased by
$1,448,900; and that scores of other in•
stances could be cited where judicious
Not to the swift the race.
Not to the strong the fight,
Not to the righteous perfect grace,
Not to the wise the light,
el • Member of the British Medical Aetocia-
tion. Gold Meaalliar in Medicine. Special
ettentiou paid to diemises of Wo,uen and Child
ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p. in.: 7 to 9 p. m
Centre Street
Wingham, Ontario.
Physician, Surgeon, etc.
Office -Macdonald Block, over W.MeKthhon's
Drug Store. Night calls answered at the utlloe.
M.B., M.D., C.M., M.O.P.5.O. MB, MD,CM.i N C PS 0.
OFFICE -Chisholm Block, Josephine street.
Rasrneivoa-In rear of block, on Patrick St.,
where night calls will be answered.
DR. BROWN, L. R. t,. P., London, England.
Graduate of London, New York and Chi-
Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.
Will be at the Queen's Hotel, Wingham, 4th
Tuesday in each month. Hoare from 2 to 9
Privnteand Company funds to loan at lowest
rate of interest. No commission charged Mort-
gages, town and farm property bought and
sold. Office, Beaver Block. W nghant.
But often faltering feet eJ .
Come sorest to the goal, BARRISTER, &c.
And they who walk in darkness meet
The surprise of the soul.
A thousand tithes by night
The Syrian hosts have died:
A thousand times the vanquished right
Hare risen, glorified.
The troth the wise men songht
Was spoken by a child;
The alabaster box was brought
By trembling hands defiled.
Wingham, Ont.
Goes Down After
British. Barque Go s w
Collision Off Dublin Bay.
E. L. DlcstaaON Dnnt.EY Hoar Es
OFrimm: Meyer Block, Wingham.
German Barque Mens Collided With the
English Barque. Off Dahlia Hay, ani
Latter Went Down in a sow minutes
-New York and British 'troop-
ship Assayo Also la
ARTHUR J. II1WIN, D. D. S., L. D. S.
1 Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania
Denial College and Licentiate of the Royal
Not from my torch the gleam, College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office
But from r he stars above; over Post Office, Wingham.
Not from our hearts life's crystal �T
stream. \'V T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., L.D.S.
But from tare depths of love DENTIST.
-Henry Van Ar1re Beaver Block, Wingham.
— -- ---� --- D. D. S. -Toronto University.
L. D.13 -Royal College of Dental Surgeons.
Dublin, March 21. -Tho German
barque Mona collided with the Eng-
lish barque Lady Cairns, off Dublin
Bay, yesterday morning. Her crew
of 22 men' were drowned. The Mona.
which was much damaged, was as-
sisted into Dublin Harbor.
The. Lady Cairns was a three -
masted iron ship of 1,186 tons. She
was commanded by Captain T. Ev-
ans, and was bound from Liverpool
for Tinian, Now Zealand. Tho Lad,p
Cairns was built in Belfast in 1869,
and was owned by L. Tulloroch of
Swansea. The Mona was commanded
by Captain Schwarting.
Those whom neglected coughs
have killecl were once as healthy
and robust as you.
Don't follow in their paths of
neglect. Tskc
CureThe Lung
right now.
It is guaranteed to cure.
It has cured many thousands.
Prices 25c., 50c. and $1.00
Toronto, Car.. Lekty, N.Y. 12
The Great Eegilsh Remota,
is an old. well estab-
lished and reliable
preparation. Ras been
prescribed and used
over 40 years, All drug-
gists in the Dominion
of Canada sell nod
recommend as being
the dumb waiters. The cost of a snit, .Nrlore and After, the only Medicine of
in-kind that cures and
with meals and care of t11P, rooms, ie gives universal satisfaction. It promptly end
tout $225 per person a year. permanently cures all forms of Nervous Weak.
near. Emissions, Normatorrhoa, Impotency,
A writer in. Nature compares the ex- andalleffectsoabnseoroaceasea; theexcess eel
nae of 7o6urro; Oltiura or eytimrR�,nta; 1lfrrttat
halation from cedar wood and Si,.. mag- and Brain it nine, all of which log W IGnilrmity.
Iaeanity, Consumption and an tier.
y rano.
netic supply from tt ;sgnet with the Price ri poi p e1Z or six for t'S. Onc wflZ
Has a new method for painless
extraction. No cocaine.
Special attention to the caro of children's
Macerate prices, and all work guaranteed
OFrIOE.- In McKenzie building, opposite
National hotel.
Win glum, Ont.
The New York a,od the British Troop- -
shlp Assay(' Crash in a Fog -No
Oue Was It jured.. > .
Southampton, March 21. - Tha
American Line steamship New York,
Capt. Young, from New York, March
12, for Plymouth, Cherbourg and
Southampton, met with two mis-
haps yesterday, grounding oil Cape
La Iiague, France, in the early
morning, and later coming into col-
lision in the English Channel with
the Peninsular and Oriental steam-
ship Assayo, under contract to the
British Government, and used as a
troopship. The Assayo was bound
for Bombay with 500 troops.
The New York grounded while ap-
proaching Cherbourg at 2.30 o'clock
yesterday morning during a fog. The
sea was smooth and the tido rising,
and an hour and a half after she
grounded the vessel was floated with-
out assistance. Her bottom was
damaged and there was water in the
hold, but she was able to proceed.
During the voyage up the channel a
dense fog descended. When off Hurst
Castle, England, the Assaye sudden-
denly appeared, and it was found
impossible to avoid a collision. The
New York's bow crashed into the
Assayc's starboard bow, tearing a
great gap in that vessel. The New
York's bowsprit and figurehead were
carried away and the latter was
smashed (into fragments. 'There was
.great excitement, but no panic on
either vessel. The boats of the As-
saye were lowered and the troops
were mustered, but the bulkhead of
the troopship saved her.
Both vessels were able to enter
Southampton, and the New York
was docked at 4.30 o'clock for tem-
porary repairs. Nobody was injured.
It will be impossible to estimate the
damage to the New York until she
has been put into dry dock. It is
believed that both vessels have been
rather seriously injured. Another
troopship will replace the Assaye.
When the Ncw York grounded at
Cape Le Hague, the passengers who
were asleep hardly feltthe shock.
James Sellers, a passenger, says
that 1.30 o'clock yesterday after-
noon, while he was at luncheon,
there was a grating noise followed
by a tremendous shock. Everyone,
he says, ran to, the deck, and it was
found that the New York's bow was
firmly fixed in the side of the As-
says., Mr. Sellers was close enough
to observe the marvelous discipline
aboard the troopship. Not a second
was lost, and there was no sign of
hurry, and while the boats were
being prepared for launching the
soldiers were mustered with the pre-
cision of an ordinary drill.
"As the vessels parted," concluded
Mr. Sellers, "we saw a gaping hole
in the Assays 100 feet wide and
sticking on our stein was a port-
manreau and other portable pro-
perty. There was no panic on our
boat. Had we struck the Assaye
amidships she would have sunk."
All Hope Abandoned.
Portsmouth, March 21.—Any hope
that the crew of the ill-fated sub-
marine boat, Al, struck and sunk
by the steamship Berwick Castle,
might possibly be alive has been
ALEx. ]TELLY, Wingham, Ont.
For the County of Huron. Sales nf all kinds
coudnctedat reasonable rates. Orders left at
the TIMse office will receive prompt attention.
JAS. HENDERSON, Wingham, Ont.
Fnr the Counties of Huron and Brnee. Rales
of Farm Stock and. Implements a specialty, abandoned. Saturday morning the
All orders left at the Taws cities promptly Al was discovered off the Nab light -
a Terms
to. ship, after a prolonged search, in
Terms reasonable.
e which quite a small fleet of ships
I't S. SCOTT, Brussels, Ont. pt=t'tieipated. Divers at once went
. down and rapped loudly on the sid-
LICENSED lesinthis
AUCTIONEER es, but received no response. They
L. prepared to conduct sales in this section. report that she is lying on her port
Specie] attention given to sales of faro, stock side, and is full of water. Had her
and implements.
Datc:sttndorders emu always be nirnctt;edat hull remained intact life could have
the Vasa office. Wingham. been sustained for three days With.
the air supply carried in her tanks.
FARMERS The strength of the current diel
not permit the Al to be raised, and
and anyone having lice stock or other an attempt w i1 be made to -day to
nctic•tes they wish to dispose at, shvitici aclver bring her to the surface.
tif.e the same for sale in the TIMES. Our large
circulation toils and it will bestrange indeed, if
von do notget n customer. Weenie} guarantee rear foss of the ()neon.
pirrrnr, a;x anill cure. Mailed tees
thatyou w 1 sell because you may ask more
People of this P]see. increase fn expenditure of public money emanation from radium, each being c " rice, Sand for free pamphlet. Address for the article or stock than it is worth, ;send
similar to the one described M the following There are In ever town and brought 1 cut benefits to the people of without loss of substance, Co this p d C your adverthement to the Timm and try this
people Out Chad plan of disposing of your stock and other
To The Wap ou�pany,
letter.y (Ikea Windsor, n n a,
village of this county who have been this country, and helper] to materially might be added the grain of musk which artaeltt"•
Xs. G. II. MCCoi7NELt, engineer in 'nerd of itching, bleedink and protrnd- swe11 the surplus in the nubile treasury. Wand Yhoanhodtue is sole] iii Wing-
1tn "s Foundry Aurora, Ont., states i•-• in licit b the one of Dr, Chase'g Oi These facto were stated by Mr. Holmes fills a room with its odor for fears with- ham by A i, Ilamilton, R A,Dunglars,
*y g p v nt out loss of weight. W. McKibben and Cohn A. Campbell,
The colonial treasurer Of the Trans' Dru- .Q;;iattt.
veal has sent to England for 850,000
worth of pennies with the view of aid-
ing in the reduction of the cost of lit -
believe that Dr. Chase's Ointment is worth its meat. Ask your friends about this great at the public meeting. He did not "in -
weight in gold. For about thirty years 1 +was preparation, they can tell you of its great sinuate`" that the contention of the Ad
troubled with eczema, and could not obtain e�othtng, healing and antiseptic powers. vance was untrue; he proved it wait.
;any cute. I was so unfortunate as to have More reputable people have endorsed Dr. Canada to -day se not the Canada of
blood poison, and this developed into eczema, Chase's Ointment thea any preparation six or eight years ago. The country has
you can mention.
the host dreadful of skin diseases. grown by leaps and bounds. The Yukon
was practically unknown in 1896; to-
day it ie represented in the House of
Commons. and has made a name for it-
self as an important Bart et our Domfn-
ion. The North-West Provinces are
knocking at the floor of the Federal Par-
liament for Provincial autonomy. The Carts, wagons, drays, trucks, Otte are
departments of government are being not employed largely in Syria and Bale.
tested to their utmost Oaplenty by the hardly stifle. On the Wins a wag on of any
great development of trade, eominer0e, teen
atzricuitnre, and manufacturing 'mos. desori p ever seen. Grain
Wee, and , the trttnllportation facilities is brought in en the backs of camels and
tike portrait and signature of TIr. A. W, n small stones hasbeen 20 per Cent. of the , country , run the...
receiptbook author, tate rest o pe t ate to limit. Is donkeys, Dehvol y wagons are nnknatvn
Ogees � f'i'o"°t'a ' told ori Isrge stones 2G per Dent
4r I wee to bad that I world get rip at night
sad scratch myself until flesh war raw and
larrtujg. The torture I endured is almost T.he hottest Mace on earth is Bofrein
beyond description, and now I cannot say ,
. toogood for Dr. chase's ointment, on an Leland m the Persian gulf which
It cared e and I recommend it because has a mean annual tem rature of 99
It is, . . pe
T know there nothing so good for itching degrees.
Dir, Chaserss Ointment, bo cents r Lex, at The Cnited States uses more than five-
atll dealers. or ISdnanson, Bates and Co., eights of the diamond output of the
'1`orohto. To protect you against imitation% world. Iii tWo years the total advance
ing in the Rand. Owing to the dearth
Of pennies matches are at present used
iia a poritiou of the currency' of the
tors brat.
, tele a time to )tarp upon increased ex- is S't'inn cities.
peladiture, When this increase means
TnAtto nEArr. Mon.
t urnlnri 05.80
Toronto k F++ t .9 a.nt0.58
Sineardina..]1.1�1i tir�t t•Hs, t rn .., >
Kincardine. .0.t408.tn110.1!),1110s.11an1 s.., 5(15 p.m..
London - . ..- 11.10 Kan ... 'An pan.1'almrrafnn
Toronto 1ti En t. , . 1.40 too t.ltn
L. lIARf)f.D, kgtmt.'1ringhe.ft.
' , hAt5s LtuAva run
Toronto and nest....., .11.57,.. lt.4I1 pari,
Teetrxmter .......,.. ,. 1.17 ti.rn....10.45, e
Aawtva rf(M
''reepwater. ,•... mm,
xbroito and karttn h,
BiYER, Ag Wisbea
60 'Y Etaits'
COPYrtic tvs ere.
Anyone mending a sketch and thwerih1tion met
grtlekty lis':en:de nor opinion free whether ay
lore...Hon iti nrnhnhly p'uor't.abtS, Communions
t onsstrictly nentldent .lat. Handbook Oh Patents
sent free. (14e st agency fir securntF patents,
Patents taken thronth Shinn lee Co. recot,e
')nisi/ nonce, Mil bout charas, in the
Scientific J trier catu.
A irattds'nmey 1111kera4ed heckle'. f.staela rte
menthes $1. scientific
t, 1Cwatitta Seri.
M> il+`.'eii �e e� V ger w 1" t . Dec t
The 7Tague, March 21. -Queen Wil-
3iehuina's failing health continues to
cause great anxiety. She bus been
ordered by her physician to take a
villa on Lake Maggiore, and Will set
out for Italy almost immediately.
tihe is a prey to continual depres-
In Minds of It«celvrr.
Montreal, March 21. -Judge Bur -
bridge has granted the petition for
place the Quebec Sotlthere in the
hands of a receiver. It is probable
that. Registrar Audette, of 'Ottawa,
will be the receiver and the I,
will operate the road.
r'rinters May strike.
Winnipeg, March b1. --It is rumored
that a strike of the printers of Win-
nipeg is iumntinent• unless certain de-
mands made by local typographical
uaionts are aeeeded they, will Welk
�tlt 4IUesda aft itbpll6 ,