The Wingham Times, 1904-03-24, Page 7i W THE WINGHAM T I S1. MARCT�T 24 1904 i _ �A �,:a,.__,- a_-:..,.^ -,-..,.._ n._ . �. :,.._.__ n:a.. �. .. _.., - . _ _ - • _ . ...l ,-.,.._ ..... ..-., _ .�... ;. - -, _ ._ . 0 Jul occasioii whoa hp had left r:le, .ONTARIO. PROCIRE$S • like Andraneda, clinging to th+' cliff IN AGRIOU1,TURE. Results from common soaps. alone. .Kit such fatal hieldent Ira[)- poled oil this occasion: all trent well: '"""' " . - edema, coarse hands, raggell anti Mark, stbutdated by hast. recol- T-io Toronto News, which ars a rule . . .. clothes, shrunken flannels. le'ctions, 1)rcatuI, toi;v srntlnit+ntal atnd i1 C7ntar a very: robust 1 disithe four .•ornewhat. Indecorously affectionate _.. _ oil: way hack. Put although he lowing upprec.,lative, articlo of 'kits y • 5, i openly, aeruSpd, !sella of being d(1 xork of the Agrieultitral Depart- . I troll. 1 cannot, say that eldwr her W.'11 l' ikon of rile agricultural rt, • NLI H I so . #trpseuee or that of the boatman who Y p ,()well us lack al,peared to Cause hint grass '1of Ontario -In the ►alit decade i outs undue ttniet+lit of shyness, or le- Is one, of great interest; -and attaatc- REDUCES tleence. tiver�ess. It was told' by.Iipll. Sohn And so the happy weeks an(1 Lfi'yden in h( zeg;tsiaturo Zit tests months ti )pd l,w. and. in the peasant ser ttlod.st and convincing as, to make , E7tLPEP(i(SLn' I 1 , it ,most tm)tirasstv4, His speech 7�It Kind mon IIa1'o Always Dug;--- attfi T✓1ticIt 1tttS beelnt (!oily' soy to of my' friend, brighten- g years has -borne, the tai A■1t for Ltio oetacog► Rae •]T (•(i by Ins lover's fre(parntt visits, the k) v innttlxe QlE" """--' "� " ' N•catr of x airing. tt llic Jt tvts haat set dress 5 of Ole, ess ou. tt7 H�.�t r.wient d �n iso for over 30: Unci 7ia5 �tcez� u:�:t(�q unc?c�r Itis eco _ _- ~-.._w_ ._ _.�. ... _. lsiec facts more tri the.form Of a And will you sometimes conte and Ijefore us as the pi oplu thing to popular lecture than', a I)arlianieut- Sonal SuperviSiott Since its; mlaney, "!)'o: I hate hoard nothing, " Ian- •'art would lie good to mo, though Fpe ntc, I,'recla?" she asked, (I iii ting; bubnut to passe(! quickly away. try d bate. He declared Lite pros- ' Allow no g' heaven knows T don't desorve, good- +, Sumner failed into wafter , and11 :swere(I, bewildored. "1. home been g ly. } know, pc`rhapy> T. ought not' ler length brightened i r••=rlty of tile, farmer, an'ci• brougbi. .E ll Counterfeits, Imitations and csJust-as-goodare but; living fur months Ill a most Iemate, ness at your stands, for I del all I to ask it; but winter at ug lrig,l tend Duct I Ekperi)inents that trifle with an a Glatt you luiwe hee•In.su good more into stunner: and ttlleit the; forward to novo his contention u d n g'ertile healtil'o>G '' out-of-the-xurJ (t place in 1ro)kshite, could to Injure* ;you; anti now it is to in(- 1. do not think you will drop • -tIn t set mitis Of -1luminating; Statistln which W Children - Experience , 1111 inv Itietuls and lit asci associa- strange, is it not, that you should me altogether, will you?" anniversary u ] or i'.liinar's death ora unanswerable. His figures show- . and Children I:xperienee ag;altt5t 7CtpErimCnt, ' y ho the only person .#n tho world who "No, indeml 1. will not, (Tara?" I halt ['(line• and gone, :Bark and I set- Cd that progressive farmers lgavo ltl tions, have been dead unci buried to tled our wedding day, and were [ ■ lire -la have heard )nothing." can help lilt,? You will not refuses to answered, kissing her; and r then I married c molly. iuid without any double their incomes since 1890. In " ■ �y e� �a i `. hells nlc,� will. you, Freda?' told her that I was soon going to l cattle. swine, harbcs. ahs;ep, pou#iry Y at ion A TO R IA a '' "7.'11en soil do not ]cnuw what )top- 6 festlwities, att tile little church at + "Of cotnsc+ ] will hell) you if 1 males 1inik 'rhlstlehy. and ell est hitt vulu� o' tris annual 1 drono(1 to me hist i,ert,ttber? 1 t Sciulitl. " thought ewei;vbodv knew it," (an," I answered; "but box', 11'hat Really -afire you really going to it his own c sec' desire, (; Product: bus increased 100 per cent. CsLstoria is a harmless Substitute for Castor oil, Pare. r � l ial eon e b good can I do! 111hy not gel to your marry Poit? I never thought it was 1 • «)a Altbottbh there has 'been so appre- -gorse, ]Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It. 11 Just their the calf cieety up at a brother'?" aeon+ than a. flirtation. hell, I am Curtis came down oil purpose to give ciablc growth s,+'. population the pro - •door !n 44 miserable, dingy little r ale away; and Aliss Barlstt•a Fairfax, dao.tg of tlfe farms (lave. expanded Contains neither Onium, fllorphine. nor other Narcotise • "rl'hnt is lust it, 1 read, 7fy Uro- tv,rr g,la(t of it. And 1 um sure you 1+ nded in hack stere! -tee bad arrived at her then eon lip!) me, certain! but he Glc serve to hp very happy, and I hope lit slight mourning. would not con- y. The value of substance. ItS age is its ;airala;tree. It (lestroys gVoi>!ns t st marvel)ous two 'lodgings. She let herself In IIs a will not because, of you." Y you Ian,• be, I+'reiha, deal-." sptat to be absent on the occasion, our cattle has'increased from twelve and allays Feverishness. It Cures Diatrrltma and �Wilid IuLclt-ke;w, and we went. upstairs in- t hail no bridesmaids, and not white t,r, tw,enty-three mill:oas; of our Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Consti arts it "Of ine•?" So i{. wrc; that illy old enettiy be + to wbtit is caller! "the drawing- satin. lir I3russt'Is lute, There was borszs from. two and a fialf to( five e i r Yes. I w"ort, to him Unci told carte lily frlond• and Flatulency. It assitirilates the Fool, regulates rho roorus." Two wretched rooms, low' A day or two later a4 telogr'ftr)t nettlier wedding -breakfast nor wed- millions; swine from ten to twenty g -duck, cid dirty, opening out of each hini I was nearly starving, and so T ding -cake:: not, sere there any other mill:ons; and sheep, p(Iultry and some Stornaclit. and Bowels, giv1211 healthy and natural sleep. other !•y the usual fol(ling-(loos, ani, I have: had to sell everything I frolti N-1111 a nliollix.-d her arrival at. guests sate thuyc two elderly people ptreals in like proportion. I twos Taro Children's " ' There xa.s the round table in the ucsscFs-ane thing after another, lit- h('a('liff, and suuimon('d too to iglu and )Bella: neither was Aunt Sel}na 1 Pairaeca-lho Dlotirer a Friend. orally to keo) myself in food. So I her there twithout delay. hardly turetlry for the Minister e- .nisch;! • ut' the room; rho tarnished 1 nncl iter peuc•lrrulorod silk g(ncn in- Agriculture to say that tbrsc� re- � � �� comole, xi h l;s Marble top, oppo_ \wrote to George, and asked him out It clay tie imagined \lith what ,soy I cited to asslyt at the c•er(•utony suits did not Caine by hap -hazard. ALWAYS 11 of Itis :,1i1177CfiLlleO to make Ice a sista!! I wits once more folded to ray deal T RIA site the lire -place; the horse -hair so- But there :way at our wedding The sane number of farmers -the i fa betw(on the windows. On tilt, allowanev-only 200 a -year; with little friend's xiu'ni ]!curt, !law de- which is luckili• to mn» where all senlc men 1 li 11tful it was, after all the sorrow, t,ractically--haves doubled Bears the Signature of titaniI - btee a ease of dusty stuffed that I could take a scall cottage ill g the above adjuncts are present in their production n six years. it is � s i and misery. Unci an.xiety of the past } : !rinds, I anhrd lis (:heap chino iig•urey the country, and do some annhroidery I profusion; for there x'er(, two people, a result thlt4 not only the A1 -;ulster _ "�' , year, to be with her once more• -to I of sbcq)herd,+sses, under glass shades, for at !adios' ueec[Irworlc society that triol laved each other with all their himself and the Government should . I 'and a dingy gay Chandelier hung I used to subsc•riho to, anti which to happy over ti clrll the past, an f�(, tot make hearts. and who, whatever the sot• feel proud of, but In which the entire j front the smoky ceiling, I glanced would note, I think, give Ica employ- rows of this troublesome+ world May Pravinc3 should rejoice. Aeco-canting into the back room, through the stent. l could live, tit all events. I future! 1 was never tired of dancing bring to then!, will still know how for this remarkable showing, Mr. lialf-opt ft door; it looked if possible. thought Goorg;e could not. refuse In,: ill' and down the hous(•-of running to by happy so long as it pleases Drydan attributed it to the fid- � ® • '® i out into the little squiur garden, i -even more desolate and comfortless. :luck it small request; but loo!: at (sod to spare thein. to each other, tcationai forces put 'in motion by a "It, ,!s rather a, change front Ed- this, ' and down the steps where I !tact sat' tires Departmotnt, and the ready re- 11' i You Bought r , t; sketching the dgy that :!sari: and I THE FIND. sponsa of the. farmers to that form a e Alwa s ding ton, isn't iC;" sai;l toy compnu- .She drew a note out of her pocket, had spent. together, and where ht,) of inspiration. The Agricultural ion, v;ith a piteous settle, as she and I%ut it in try handy. 1 opened it had found me, and made his couipuct r. " $lung off her bounet and sat down and read: Gallcee nL' Guelph as the centre, and In Use � of peace and -friendship with m©. _ tiles formers' institutes ac radiating ue FOr Over 30 )(eats. wolarily in front of tine table, I "Dear Clara,- It seemed wonderful to think that � iniluenccs, !lace carried cnC�UUra$C- THE CENTAUR COMPANY. 77 MURRAY 6T,iECT. NEW YORK CITY. All yin heart trent soddenly out in I do not know how you can ex- it was only a year ago since thin np�[ p�h[pS]��+ merit 'and tnligh.tenni.uib to the re - pity towar(is illy old eroi+ly• !lent. Inotc;v your:yelf when you know never -to -bo -forgotten day, tart! that Y Qu LE�'Ui41'� DPS®iGt7 InoLcsl: township, acid develofnci un- ' I ' "I)(ar 11rs, l�eatherslcute!" I ox- not how to show mercy to others. note he was my very own, and nodi- A thuslusm amon;�, tIm farnters that • clainlel. "shat dreadful thing has )foil have sinned gaievously, but that Ing could ever divide its again, flow -- ha. lead even further reaching; bone- ' hai`p(•u,•d to , un.;' I unl sorry, in- I could have forgiven you. )That I Bella fund I chatted find talked over Babies are not naturally troublesome f.lts t11:•in doubling their incomes. In = ---- ----- _ _:_._._.- .___.._ _ __ ___. •, _ _' alee•d. to s•oo you !n such a place. Tell caul newer for ire you is your con- it all, anybody ace ualntvd with the i g 1-tneyshoul41 be bright, Urtica and hap• additsat to rile increase of knctvledg;e • •• ••o �•�^•[^^^i•�•i�,�•�•^• •••••a••o•••••� •• �•••••••• :ine what cral,unity has broug;;ht you duct to Illy poor lost. child -the dau- manners amts c•ustonis eof two women that, has floied from the farmers' in- �.- � � • ;to this?" py and a jay to your houiH. When baby s g:htor of illy dearest. friend. You who are "bosom frie n is ' may iiia is troublesome you way depend upou it stitute.s, them are so lal advantages i�t1 c on't tcnc.tr twhy you should lie i Iackcned litr character to Iii,, and gine for thenTselvect. that cannot • be estimated'In dollars Pr7unning A Collect Spring li'e enCe s "I fol• In.(•, 1'reda. ('on. .,d," she i revenied m(+ frons marrying her, I "Aad to think," oxclaturr'(1 Bella, thereissoaveof the maty minor ail- Isold, If o iL v ut Inc x•ith a ," rt, mentsbotheringhiul. Thesecan all be and cents. These g;,atnering;s have • R 1� hawe since found out that your stor- for the twentieth time, as we sat overcome by the use of Baby's UwuTab- stimulated the. -thought; of the wholeWith lamer stiff stay wires, makes a perfect fence • • )"Ve ' 1011. r • • , mixt .0 ( ni drtisuu (• atilt ch ] l (cat les against her were but u. tissue of tog,( t her, lune y -work in bund, when lt,ts. proof of this is Oven by Airs. C. L. country side. An Impetus to ]lid]- toNot one and of soft wire enters into the construction of • •'! cl.are spy you will be glad when Tics• with it faint coloring of truth_ aur oxc•itement had somewhat sub- Marshall. Falkland Ridge, N. S who t•ldual effort 'and experiment has oPo • I you Ltau-i Iuunt i should have been But meanwhile, Ins poor )''retia has sided -"and to think that that says; -"T am pleased to state that I have given. that Lias changed the dull •THE FROST. The uprights are immovably locked to the i beet! 1w glad ane! tl•iuulptl(d if it had been been driven out into the world wrote}) Burk was married all the used Baby's Own Tablets for my child- routine of farm: life into an ocaupa- wires with THE FROST WEDGE -LOCK, malting an s y ole- it you bud Isom iho ono that alone, sulci !s friendless and Penni- dine, and 1 cover kn('tro it, and was rt+u with great success. I think CheTab- tion ns interesting as science. ln- •tely StocL-proof Pence. The )~ocLsbind without kinking had 1 eon humbled; and. God knows, i less. If :`he had comp to til• i would laying plans for marrying you to lets the very best merlinine Yor all the spired by the, ideas imparted at the or crimping either the stays or lateral Wires. Will not slip, and our i ' . hawe reason til• hate file! So you ,tot haw(, i narriod her against her hiu4! \1'hy it's horrible to think of allmeuts of small children and would re• institute meeting, m lily a farmer • P g peter heard that 1 Lft lily husband will, but I would have been us a fa- the diutg(,c i twos int! 1 might hate commend them to inothers who have ha:; critered upon the field of original - • new methal of eaamellingantibaJcingpreventssust,tvhichaddsgreatly . last l+e et nils r')" ( : tier to her. It is to You, iiry sister, been t aken up for bigamy, as an tic- � troublesome babies." reseai cli and found therein some- • to the appearance of the fence. Make no mistake, Buy THE FROST. "L( ft 1 !m?" I cessory lwforu the fact!' Btiby'g Own Tablets cure constipation, thing that brightened every task. Hb It is the heaviest and the best, For sale by I "Ve;: with a.uolher man. I)o you that I ow(r the utter loss and perhaps "well, I hope it• will be at lesson to Indigestion, diarrhoea, prevent Croup, al- lilts been brought to co-operate with roti ew uIvIvIsiand? 1 1.1111 atway front Ilius. the ruin of lily old friend'9 child. I you, and teach you never to do tiny lily irritation at teething time, break up tit+ Department by the expecta- J• Y!l • MOWBRAY, illi tri ���i�4u� +tj . k 1)on t lu(1I< shucked, child: it's nu will never forgive i a you for it, nor will unattcll-malting aquas. 1 said, laugh- colds cud destroy worms. In Each there tion of increased, profit from his I heli you !n any way. r.!., ••IO,wgw•uw�w•wvv.•,•.,uS+v,-uuS•wvvvuuS�v-*uuuv!,-i,.vu,--,6&we•& Iun(•eicu11+n4 cure, atter sill," stud she I ing, are none of the minor ailments of child- fexm, ,ltd has (>o�ntintvsd to do sa• for laughed ,t llatl•sh, hitter' laugh. - I r "(I. Curtis." "On t}le contra!•.•, IIIy deal-, my' hood which the Tablets will -, not care. that find higher reasons. ,*()It! \irs, I'eutherstono, how sol Through blinding; trans T finished match -making, as slit roll it, has Sol() by Lrnggists or maybe had at 26 Durin€ the' past decade the• On- CURIOUS FACTS. The town of PIuHu, in. 4'oKtlaucT, holds - ry 1. ant! And -unci-the man?" reading; this letter, and then I put it turned out so remarkably success- cents a box by writing direct to the Dr. tario agriculturist has ix:en taught the record in the matter of divorces. Int "The uttul has note loft nu`. Voi, in Icy pocket. fill, that it will be an encouragement Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. now methods of ehcese making that - s(w."es rue ri*ht, I sus I "Let nu! k(,rp this !otter, (tiara, to Ice to perset•ere !u the ac•c•onnplish- _ have c!nriched Lhe farmers of East- one day no fewer than saventy eases, - will say it 6 I - and ] will answer it. for you; and went for the rest of illy kite!" - ern Ontario. "Plies' have been *per- The paper bills of United States print- were dealt with by the civil court of the 1'o`P' . suvdsd to raise• the right , Y "Ili- will not usarr;v you?" I when 1 hear from Air. Curtis, ! will Think of the Ini,rltiof you might g;ht breed of jug office amount to X750 000 a ear, town, whish has a population of 55,000_ ` Oh! (luau•, no, he would not dream ('()in.(' and SCII you again." have done!" I said, reprovingly. Home Missions Sound. hogs, have increased, rite valpe of the Berlin now gets some of its meat in Every month the court is occupied with of it; hr• !:, yvars young;•cw titin 111111. I ruse, and kissing her again, I "Think of the good .1 hate done!" Toronto, Aiarcdr J. -The finitncial swine raised by ten million dollars, � . lost her. cried 11(dla, gettiu u i and kissing an'd naive established 'a reputation .in cold storage cars from Copenhagen. a large number of divorce cases, but in. I was a fool, f suppose, to expect it, g ! g standing- off the Homs Mission Com- Britain for Canadian' bacon, The And now I ,till waiting ray diworce, �• ascrapturwisl •e turned anything, 1 mittee of the Presbyterian, church d•liry s;hools ilre turning; out melt Thearerag;efige for men to marry is manyinstaneisthepetiticttsaredismiss- i,iar"rathor 111'. 1''(9ilhel'yY011p Is. It ClIAZ 1P.R \\\IT. 73c`re air(, you and )fork, devotedly !n I has ceased to be the source of anxiety who are taking charge• of Zile far- highest in Sweden -thirty-one years- ed. won't make Inuc•h ditTerence to lire: ( Hee testi! ,•ileal other, and engaged ! to the church that it has been. At torics, •and raising; the quality hind and the lowest inUnited States -twenty- -t , hawe nothing but su,rtatian to look I wrote to George Curtis. T da , -_••_ --,--_the annual meeting which was held in reputation of our butter. Guelph' six and one-half years. WANTED. Iforward to now." Iter ],r• ' hitt, not r e ll' tri! i r know t batlte t lI told ttno to he married. '?+lie other tt - mart, 'Knox church yesterday Dr. Warden, is the agricultural ;Mecca to which T "]lilt yam• husband -rill h tha chairman, said that at one time lira;: is an annual >1 No less than 111 officers of the British SPECIAL REPRESEICTATICE in this. ,meielfal'? It ,volt u1•r sorry, twill he that he tens the hest and dearest; of Ik(1Or thing. tehom he furkut)nte:y Inst of rho year it seemed as if a; deficit pilgrimage of thirty thousand ,farmers and their army have qualified as interpreters in the coancyfiud aujuinlug territories, to r, ' not 1100 you back'?" mon, and that gratitude and affec- early in lite, has cued oft convenient- I stere certain, but during Life month of wives. A 'day or two spent on the Russian language, eighty-three of whom present find advertise au old established • \1r. heatherstaur. ? Orac•latis. I tion would allways ftil Icy heart to- ly in tit• eery nick of time. and you iThe February $15,100 more had beenp giv- grounds there business honse of solid financial stand - no! lie is only t(10 rlal(l It,, lit, !wards Iliiir, That letter so harsh to two have nothing t0 do )blit' to liar- ell than lin the same month last year. gives file farmer ,t belong to the Indian service. lug. Salary $2l weekly, with expenses; rid of fit(-!" And again she laughed his sister and so tenderly loving; in ry each other and be happy!" expendituro for kite last half year nnp! , exalted sin, himi th lits fall- Thees ortations of etroleasu from aid each Monday b • check direct from, i,and renews in. lfinu the enthusi- P P P y I its tone to u1o. Kaci stI un c It touch- "llow flippant you are Ite]la! If I amounted Co •555,000. The estimates asm ti(ut isolation had done some- Roumania during the first six months of headquarters. Expenses advanced;posi- hardly atilt unm}rtbfuliy. g'.' iI was silent' fol• a few t.omcuts, ed if)y h,•ar(. it was not. us a log•- You had known lily poor Ivllinor for the coming year .were placed at {.bin„ to destroy. In making; it r , tion permanent. We furnish overy- not knowing what to say to her. 1 I", bill as a friend, that, lie had "Arid how hilsely sentimental you ;]?6,000, in comparison with 5110,000 Possibly for so many to visit the 1905 was Mous for gallons against ll,n thing I su., x,sr• if 1 ha<i had a had heart, lir I1101n'ned for Isle, ns my father's aro, I'i,pda. interrupted illy friend. last year. li. is diviiied as follows: Gts;elph 0liege, and In or,°anizing the 1ScJ+394gallous for the same period i Address, The Columbia, 630 Nonoil I [ -It, is ( cite absurd your pretending :.ever a ,instly sleet one, I should child. Utes the g_''irl to tchonl hr would ] g 12riLlsh Columbia, 421,6::0; British Col- fariue.iw' institutes, the Department 1902• -Bldg ,Chicago, Ill. hate felt that thus Woman. wilt) hu<1 sooner be "its a father" than lose al- to t Ili' ,'`1`rhr�s for make rrvouror itha happiness! mbia (work rk among; the foreigners), has done a service. for the great basic The peasants and the poor of Germany = 1once so foully slun(lrroci ine•. twat' un.- ; to,CtJ. . let t r 11 _,,)QU; Synod of British Columbia indus°ry of the, Province that: is re- 14.0. ar)inr the due reward ut stow little I had appreciated that lay -the' -stay• T see you had a letter (Yukon), $•1,000; 11'anitolla, and North- "ealed more st'riking;lyt in the statis- 11, general express a great dislike of fish. pointed Paragraphs. ly now I( ] g a r from old 'Miss Fairfax this ulornin r. >, ,11for evil deeds and ill-natured words. I nob.e heart'. • whilst i hall thought 6 ties reigns ; , .51 tabu (work among; kits than twould be possible. by^ meta- This is due to the fact that fresh fish is From the Chicago Nett,.. I supposis no out- could hawe blamed ' myself scorned, and spurned. and Khat dues she say about your morel- ;the foreigners), g10,0(1(I; Ontario and pliers. so expensive there that only the well -to- " imah haat I said lv her: "hot (ho])]sr•d our (1f ibis lite Pnrrver, he age. to Marl%?" iQu;.bec, 520,000; travelling; expenses The expenditures of Lite Govern- + Beware of the woman who is convira- ve made your bed, .it'll tow you had been grie%ingr w yr Iny disap- "She !s vor;y Food about it,' Ian- of Missionaries, $7,000; salaries and n.t•nt under this heading have in_ do can afford to buy it, ce3 easily, she's dalig;erous. ha swered, takings lliyy I3arhura.'s letter expenses of superintendents and sec- orevc,ed a hundred thousand dollar< The botanical expedition sent to Ven - front 1!t,' 111 it. (an you expect pity 11•t,urancr. iuu! longing in. help one ' • , e o chain vett show• � and to bri'ri, nci un.•. T•'rn• a .short front nsy pocket and referring to it. � rotary, $1D,0(HI ; expenses of commit- .int ten years in the face, of the; re- P y Any man can cosi! snake a tool of , or help u[ n) 'lie, t ..I ant glad 1 t old her; it. was much Let- (sundries), $1,500 ; Irroportion of suits attained, •lire, would be it rash ezuela in .Tone by ore than ,500 spsit himself; all he has to do is t l act kitten* •red nelther in my day of need?" 13,11 I ; sparer \Irs. Fvitt herstone had poisoned better to he open with her. Site con- general cx ns^s $1,5U0. has returned with more than x,500 specs- ; must be lisoft-licarted person. and ' his mind ac*ainst me. brit he had I Pe s' i(roprik(ur who would cTiYl mit of lip- mens of mosses, lichens, flowers and ish. t fealit +• of proper tested her ar<•usations Unci had fund ggyrrntulatrs In<• very kind]-,-. and says ' Among rhos^. ta•hu are ))resent from piopriatian. That tit., limit of pru- ne destitute of f g 1 Natt, of course. raider the c•ircunl outside TrcsbyLeraes are: Iters. Dr. duction has been reached there is fun i securedon the island of Margarita, Call a man a df lomat instiadof a liwv pride, for Iia such speech r.+r,ie to lily. Dist their falsrtrFs, :+lid had ,lastly stances, she hopes lir w111 not tut. ]-rem:+icille, of Owen Sound; lir. Lyle, g' P lips -1 (nude her Ito speech lit all, in irate(! .bee for her perfidy to me. If I 1 I Y acs 1,rekc•itce. On the contrary, the forty miles oft the mainland. ! off our wedding too long, file) oil of Tiamilkon; Dr. Batesby, of Chat- .11}hisier of Agriculture, frankly ad- andltewillbe pleased, yet it aurouttt(3 I fact: I only (lid what was (•, t{!aI- had g;oue to him hraN , at .av,voluit. of her fec'lin rs. it is kind of ham; Dr. Armstrong, of Ottawa; Air. tomu:chthesamething. I fominiue nnd foolish, I sank dotw;t the final, 1 frit now c(,rtnin that he mita kltac. ww(v have. just begun the Apictureby Guido sold in Torquay, C y in would t(1i h(t.e tw co an frons her to say s(1: but I think and Childerhouse, of Parry Sound; Mr. «•ori: of c•due•ation that. lie confident- England, a few days ago for the sum of As the wise man knows lie is a fool ,,on my ktim- heforo her. aur[ tilt Y lore boll, agreed that we hall hotter Cruikshank, of Montreal; Mr. Daly, ly anticipates trill i)rodur.r still lard � i both :t'nry "(11111141 her t,ecl,, slip. Tint i had wrong ed bila, and T wait another year. Shp tells me, of Peterboro ; A. S. Scott, of Garle- X1.05 fetched short! afterward 60.000. eT yields and i ill quality t,8 ,p�ra- Y �� he is miser,tble: tali fool imagints he is "Oh! poor• -poor Clarn!" T cried, ,had lacked the courage to fair him. too, that she has let Tiauleton Scar.." tan Placa; Jamas Hodges, of Oshawa, I,ducts. The fiat that stand.-; out Millet's picture, "The Angelus, sold. by wise and happy. [and tofu:~ of volill,asslurl rushed ill, So note 1 wrote to illy old later a very advantageously oil a long lease, and D, G, AlcQueen, of Edmonton. , . g a, prominently before the•, pool le of the the artist for. $360 later on rola in value Into illy eyr:c, !long letter, tollini hili of all u1,y and she is going to biro with her y _ 1 province is that the farthers of to- The creation of woman is said to have ] Class Peat !let. g?ate a sort (,f i JUIst• nnd of sill Illy ,futnro pr(+spurts, widuwor t.u'uthei', to tithe rare o[ to X100,00 been au afterthought. Perha s that's and u'a; in.r hint to r(•ttur(i n1y iujus- day are and contented ' P ,rob. find. Y)tt•ning artily Il•(.111 n(<, tit 1 r i R went off faith ' I hills. 1 his Imbies for him. It will be an Adnin and Eve probably visited the I art('- have before then the prospect It is not g 11rally known that the why she considers the postscript of s e and Illy a t a n�Y 1 a(•tise• and useful 1lre for her, and I of a Ixx hid her liu•o in her Lands. ±h(, r(1(1rl art of his fri.mdshi fur ' 't ee of knowledge for the ur oee of ; uianenk ineoux. so long as German empress is a sculpt or and painter ° letter the most importaut part. -Oh! hrr+daa, ' .,III, said, "i kil• w t, g•. f' I still tory glial to hear it, She twrites I P & r 1hCs• are. industrious and progressive. the rest of .!)y life, .And that I !n- 1 so r,lh•ctiouutely ti) lee. l ant sure l stutlyiug the higher branches. Vor Phis condition, it would b un- of more than usual ability. In. her hus• Divorces are so common now that they •ere(sird for (.'lora. 1 told hilt haw , Nile is welY loud of Iur." I genicirouy and unfair to deny the Gov- band a study at Potsdam there is a most are no loa„er coilvidered good theaCii°er°'iil " " + l hull folmd her -poor. niis.•rable.l "So slat• ()light to he, a,1swe!-ed More men would leave indigestion if crnll,erit and the,11in;st.er of Agri.. lifelike -oust of the etnpgror in bronze, re,r u;y l8rusmchitis I i,:lushlr d. cit;tepetttnet•s11t(1 Rella, rloddin r her Leuel wish dress_ adverti58tnentS.chitt,rt a great ileal of creriit.>ak.• iotc2 the sante It rbc• pats•r, i beg- , g r (forced to eat their words. , while several of the young princes have ' . - 1 Ili )on. �attr hohawed tory twoll g:ed hi r,. 1 o sa t r hr r from dost itu- , 1(1 isr,7,: ;+„d sit wi.i a ylttr old wt,- `also been reproduced in marble. A. duiot )wedding is often the prelude ?(1n li iving., her the oculliaay het � � I � NO IjIPFE.RESCH. I to a noisy divorce. i©�) r 1 I tutu: to !side Lor Filter array froth ■ d i F-! a ha(i asked leinl for, I %lank ft," years•, its if Le sus :t C"In.- This is Lean Year. No distinction is made as to the kind The German press in commenting on .i fu d1:e t ilne cliff,(. Itis austwor• It )„[ill blatckgtwrd, She (lid ,( great ,Now theft, yt- marriageable Maidens! of Piles that Hein-Roid cures. the sewing machine trade in Japan Dogs and porous plasters are frequent- Whoo pi n I was mt.•r; thh,gi• that I could wish for, 1 deal of niNcHef to otryhody: "fill it i The names internal, External, Bleed- points out that the importation of Amer- ly attached to mankind. I And I took it !it my haul, sold went your chanc(i has conte to bring a number' ui Blind, Itching. Suppurating, etc. • - sewing 1naGhitl08 into Japan has ill- , 't g• p , 1 , '+; tI, ter l,. un. r , ti as matter for a stir man � •( •tr xith I IGSR e .Mutt had i in .( ut p scan se Y gy t; severe Chest hroat sc) I re T(' I bachelors lore to time u 50 ,. , . • marriageable cab a bice re !.Croup, t ' • •( , c of our i rn names of the different stages r pr , t li b it ; uy i illy 1u . r baso • . hu:.haud. warriol unutrrried, she g i are simply nfi t;o1ds and painful t',ouglis sec ,)r i t;1imied i b,• door of lien : o0M ttoul(I hate on]t- Ilad he"selr to andmakethetasayyesorno. 3 ouonly through which every case will pnss if it creased eleven -fold over that of Germany to get rich --•-but what's the use? pxomptly relieved and cured by I?r. I else ran ill meet rite with outtitretch- tht11lk for !t !" have such a chance every four soars, so continues long enough. since 1593, although the American A ))loll IB aB anxious t0 ixet away from Chases' Syrup of Linseed anti .fur- i (•(I a.l')fig. ••t)on't he imtuor:,i, M -Int!" I said, Piles are caused by tougestton or 4tag?- i»aehln08('ommand much higher prices y . 3 p "Oh! Freda, 2 hate hrd a 1,•ttrr h+l:e advantage of the opportunity. nation of blood lit lower bowel, and a hubs c l woman is s get ie it. pentinc. I sterni nnd roprocu(p1y. I than those tirade Ili Germany. f mill Go-orwe•: stuns So liar v y(1u, I •• UIIii (Ion't t oit i,(• ,a rude, • Isere Is tine bill of fare: , it takes an, internal reine(ly to remove Political slabs are used t 11ieY,y to pat It also frees the Asthma suNercr i rill s„r.• Such to kind letter! stud ho p hrodki!" laug hr•d hack lirtln, )who, its IE for mo your love is true, I the cause. + .!bout 201 per cent. of clic agricultural from the dreadful aro `sats trine li ! tt til it p Int• XMIls at tear, , he ,� c' Sand the bac}: this bow of blue. i Dr. I.eonharclt s Hem is a tablet implements and tools used in. Mexico are opposing candidates out of business, p S l g (1f old Utah}s loted Ili 1101, tIle la: -t crease bins such keen agony and : ingr to <ettle it 6.11 sur• for In;. lire; 1 xord ' i taken internally. modern; the other SO per cent are of the If the wife isn't boss during; f -w in ` cold lit, sit"'s it is till y oltr doing;, olid I,e a silo bun rived that I If for lila your love is dead', it is a permanent cure and uo case of t e- Only honeymoon she dosen't amoant to miv-li eLttres Asthma as has been proven It may sa a Send me !lacy this bow of red. crudest and moat primitive yp y 5l hulidied cases. Tis of%its aLe t,ecgills„ soli iulto aske•t I,ini I d.)r, Y•' ( kill,41111 '1'bisth•h+. el+d not keep eery i Piles has ever been found it failed to ( ht,ux Lott 1, at etr•r 1ht,nl, finer 1,1(•cts 1ot1p ltxay t•oty our little fot'tiu;,11, if with me you will elope, cure, the large farmers or linciendados employ its a ruler, thorough and far-reaching. Ivot only yon r•noiig:}a! Lous(•ltold. III, %i r,\ soon made tin , Send me back this bow of heliotrope. Money back if it (foes. modern agricultural implements, and The average man either boasts of his a'elief but positive cure is the result. .,;It(. ]u(i!.rt1 hal.,l,iel• al,a brip'},tot' , . ,) uI t,;l' " duttlt flit a A guirantoe \with eve) v package. �M. P o]1(c g t , lits t f I , g 1 if you are souse other girls fellow, - those only within comparatively recent good health or howls about Ilia aclt(,s SYRUP, alr(ud; , irlon, like the ['lark+ Feuth- )env days to For' lis, Ill,(] xe found , boldin 1\tugiambp !'Easton Rfol�ib- tient!' sue bail{ khiB htlty tlf ellow. ears. and polus. riHASE'Sof r•I low. r,f old. uith xl1(111i t had ye, that •'t•u1,tling Bowl", proc'e�ss wars I y bon. y_. _ _. _-.r•fl,•I, (j';ar•r1-heel and fought. only eunsta11tl rrpuatin(* itself. 1 t.r(•<I ! If of tileyousometimes think, - _ __ _ _ ,1.._ -. _ 1. -._....... _ _.-,..._-...._... ___�- , . .ur:rr. n.(a•e• xornatay, mid uitl. all -" L�I�S� �� t,ot asst th::i xv+twr're'tet;w ha+piny 1n.- .tieudorobaclttitshowofpsak. s],e o10 spit,fl,lt:••sc and rs,leller guiles r,.ttua'c •slid though oat• 1enlult•r twms ! r ,:,t (1f L,••r race, t >• IF lou wain me for n wile, . that farm otic o) litlTv, tthich is i I �� ft � �ilCEn 1 F,:t 1:40%11 :it'll eutr•red gladly til- Sendwebackthibbowof whit©. siipposeti to lie so i11tttra.l In love (1r• l , n till i,os i+tt (fro p!asr•s. Slee Lsut tit,- ill frit-ndF ,!I(, If 01k)ug;li of lite }on. ve seen, t 1 <vtttot city thilt twp C 25 cents abottir, family .ire (thrcat;nlr+:i? eider! 1t, r(wa,l[ tthr•r(' she waw till 1 � this g PAGE LA N FEN ,writitch 00 cents, at x1141ealer! yr l_earaasen, otrr fuu11d lellu usrn•h n: iia• away of , :�+itii niH barb: Ilsbtlty of reettr ilo. diwaree tti-ty sottii.d. tale than she U141 e•11;oylv(10. If for fire there Is noho;7C, *ttg P. Cc, Toronto. Un,p tiny xr all tLrrr, made it,! ex- Iudeittrtictiblar IfnndAoraic, Y'er[cet. Onllr 2b (!oitt(y per riP►nning foot. rt, protect vnu 111ss+inst imitnhcus the por- Inn ;tart it, t h t ag:e• ll Il�m�•. it11<i tithe I t,t+u11 cottage ib a tleilthh(n},ua,cl NYsnd Inc bgtclr sit:foot of rope, lirtY,pilaly tt Or lace] tleslor. 4C2 Amit and ;ti ndure of Or. A. W. Choate, the i l,r•dstioll to that littic bsty where , s (t •er t,ot it,, tthere S1.e• tta(y Lot MION'tn, and b"gts 1 if the writers name You guess, : 4 atous receipt book 'author, are on t Y i•. - ars. I iuid g;orit• -, fltiit,'+e'tcrA- . ' IrUX ,11*AG9 lWIRr. rl�;X CZ 00. Y., milted, - `W`alkervilla, rV((1MiPeteif, CIIitMttlp��, >ii(i,.ldhil sate afl*Al* Please reply' to my Addrees.