The Huron Expositor, 1984-05-30, Page 13SECOND SECTION Huron positor Serving the communities and areas of Brussels, Dublin, Hensel! and Walton SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 1984 — 20 PAGES 50c a copy THE OPTIMIST ball park was crowded with bands warmine u• before the .arade. ism rveilous DRESSED in Bicentennial costumes, Susan, wagon during the pare e. Mary Lou and Nancy Stewart rode on a IT WAS a dirty Job but clowns, 8111 clean-up crew behind the Carlsberg team Henderson and Sybil Miller were on the during the Optimist parade. THE STRATFORD Shriners shined up their windshields berore the parade began EVEN bicycles were decorated and driven during the weekend's Mardi Gras parade Photos by Hundertmark TRADITIONAL Dutch costumes were dis- Club in Seaforth. played on the float by the New Canadian WITHOUT his mask, Bob Grldzak was seen to be the Topnotch dog. ANDREA RUBEY and Sarah Johnston were two of the Seaforth girl guides dressed as cookies for the parade