The Huron Expositor, 1984-05-23, Page 20A20 - THE HURON EXPOSITOR, MAY 23, 1984 HENSALL AND AREA TRAFFIC FROM HENSALL to Blyth was held up as a house was moved last week. The house was purchased by Mr, and Mrs. Rammeloo of RR 4, Brussels, from Gerry Heylnk of RR2, Hensall, On Friday, the house wasn't the only large object, using the highway. The sailboat was also lifted from It's moorings and followed the house. (Wassink photo) Hensall Legion. donates money Correspondent BERTHA MacG$EGOR • 262-2025 Charles Mickle, Hamilton spent the holiday weekend visiting with his mother, Mrs. Laird Mickle. Jim Pollock of Toronto visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pollock recently. Bertha MacGregor returned home after visiting in Toronto and Oakville with her son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs, Don R. MacLaren, Jodi and Brooke. Mrs. Frank Falconer, Athabasca, Alberta visited recently with her brother Dr. J.C. Goddard, Mrs. Goddard and family, Dr. Jqhn Goddard of University of Guelph visited on the weekend with his parents and aunt. The residents at Northcrest Home wel- come newcomers Mr. and Mrs. John Pepper from Exeter. They enjoyed a pot luck dinner on Thursday evening when 16 attended, The flag was erected on Thursday and will be dedicated at the opening Sunday, May 27, Seniors are enjoying daily exercises each week, conducted by Mrs. Shirray from 9:30 to 10 a.m. Nelson McClinchey of Brantford visited recently with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Glenn McKnight. Mrs. Ken Pollock and Mrs. Gary Maxwell enjoyed a bus trip on the weekend to see the tulips at Ottawa. Mrs. Janeth Sangster spent a few days in Toronto last week. REBEKAHS MEET Noble Grand Marg Upshall assisted by Vice Grand Eunice Aikenhead opened the Amber Rebekah Lodge meeting on Wednes- day evening. Treasurer Bonnie Upshall gave the financial report. Nomination of officers was discussed for the coming year. The D.D.P.'s donation of a bed to Huronview was made. Members were reminded 'the dessert euchre at Pride of Huron Lodge. Exeter. Wednesday, May 2.3 at 1:30. The float for June 5, Hensall Fair and the church service on Sunday. May 20 were discussed. The financial secretary, Aldeen Volland gave a report of the dessert euchre held last week. Happy birthday was sung to Dorothy Corbett and Edith Bell The next meeting will be held on :ire 6th. CHUJ 'H SERVICE Rev. Kenneth Knight conducted worship in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday, speaking on the "Door of Life", Dorothy Taylor presided at the org an. Choir practice will be held on Thursday evening at 7:30 p.m. Next Sunday Robert Elliott of Holmes- ville will he guest speaker at the 136th anniversary service at 11:00 a.m. Sylvia Struvf will he guest soloist. Lunch will he served and everyone is- selcomc. LEGION NEWS The Hensall branch of the Royal Canadian Legion held their monthly meeting May 9. A request from the Hensall Legionnaires baseball team was received and a 5100 donations was made: $100 was also given to the slow pitch league. The month of May is studying for tilt.. n,..,lstry, will be the guest the Flowers of Hope Campaign and $100 was minister while Mr. McDonald will be -onference. donated to this cause as was 550 to family and childrens service for camping needs. Elections were held and the new slate of officers for the coming year is: past president, Peter Allan; president, Larry Uyl; first vice-president, Dave Smale, second vice president, Monty Plumb; secretary, Bea Uyl; treasurer, Murray Traquair; Sgt. -at. arms Ivan Ferris; executive, Ted Roberts, Mona Campbell, Terry Sweiger, Charlie Cooper, Paul Neilands, Lloyd Allan, Pete Zwaan and Fred Campbell. The Legion. Auxiliary held their meeting recently. A donation of 550 was given to the Flowers of Hope, and 550 to Crippled Childrens Centre. Comrade Marlene Zwaan is in Westmin- ster Campus having treatment. We wish her a speedy recovery. The new slate of officers for the coming • year is past president, Alice Neilands; president, Colleen Ferris; 1st vice president, Donna Allan; 2nd vice president, Jessie Cameron; secretary, Mona Campbell, Sgt -at arms Marg Vanstone; executive, Jean Munn, Joyce Willert, Hilda Smale, Vera Smale, Louise Allan and Lillian Beer. Sports officer elected is Louise Allan. At the going ,down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them. •Bea Uyl, P.R.O. ' UNIT 1 MEETS Anita Cook opened the May meeting of Unit 1 of Hensall United Church with prayer and scripture readings. May is family month with special emphasis on Mother's Day. In the home the man is usually head of the household and the woman, the mother, the heart. In the past there would be as many as three generations living in the home and authority was issued by the grandparents. Knowing God's Love, was Helen Scane's study. Keith Jamieson one of four missionar- ies 18 India, believes that fellowship should be established first, then follow with evangelism or theology in missions, Audrey Christie had a poem "For One Who Gives So Much To Others". A lunch prepared by Vera Drysdale and assisted by Audrey Christie and Gert Middleton was served. Rev. McDonald joined the group. CHURCH PARADE There was an excellent attendance from the Hensall 100F, Rebekahs and Canton Branch on Sunday morning as they held their annual Church Parade to the United 'Church. Bob Taylor and Wayne Love were the flagbearers and Charlie Hay was,. parade master. The service was conducted by Rev McDonald when he spoke on the Samaritons religion relating it to Fraternalism. The choir sang "Amazing Grace." Greeting the congregation was Rave Jacobi and the ushers were Troyann Cole. Pauline Bell and Joanne Daytnan. The children's story was on "Looking for the Good in Others", and Mr, McDonald used a newspaper with one article missing. Next Sunday John Noakes, Hensall native. Exeter commends Bd of Ed H.xeter , rtticlzes. but its town council is also glt(k In gluc praise Both the Huron County Board of Educa• tion and the Huron•Perth Separate School Burd reccnth received letters of commend- ation from F xeter's clerk -treasurer. The letter pratses the school boards "for restraining their budgets for 1984 which has resulted in a small increase in the mill rate". Last year the hoards were criticized by Exeter council for Increasing their budgets Tuckersm ith The Tuckersmith Stanley unit held a successful plant auction at their meeting on Tuesday evening with Ruby Triebner and Grace Chapman as auctioneers. Hazel McNaughton and Jean C. Hender- son conducted the worship. Edna Paterson presided for the business and closed the meeting with prayer. Mr. and Mrs Gordon Elliott of London spent the weekend with Mrs. Hugh Berry. Mrs Don Moffat and family spent the holiday weekend w ith her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Caldwill at Wallacehurg. Wendy Mustard Of Toronto spent the holiday with her father Aldie Mustard. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Scott and son spent the holiday .weekend with Mr and Mrs. Ken Scott. Youth anniversary services will be next Sunday when the Sunday School pupils and junior choir will be in charge at 11 a.m. . George and Doris Cantelon attended the 39th convention of the Canadian Chiroprac- 6c College held recently at the university of Toronto where their son William R. Cantelon received his honors degree and was awarded the J.S. Clumbint memorial award lur research and attended the dinner and ball held at the Royal York Hotel. by more than five per cent. Both school hoards had 1984 increases of about five per cent, The Huron County Board of Education has a current budget of S37 million, while the separate school hoard has a budget of S8.3 million. "That's a wonderful compliment." said separate school trustee Arthur Haid of RR4. Listowel. "Does that make up for last year's letter?" asked trustee Dave Durand of RR2. Zurich. "I heard one of the trustees say we should frame the letter. That's not a bad idea," said Louis Maloney. separate school trustee from Dublin. AN INVITATION The Board of Directors of HENSALL SENIOR CITIZENS HOMES INC. Cordially invite the public to the OFFICIAL OPENING CEREMONIES of "NORTHCREST" 80 Queen Street Hensall SUNDAY, MAY 27, at 2:00 a p.m. attpnrlt"- zehrs fine markets...of fine foods UNTIL CLOSING SAT. MAY 26 ' DELI SPECIALS AVAILABLE ONLY UI STORES EOUIPPEO WITH DELI COUNTERS 2 A W STORE SLICED HOOKEDHAM 5.492.49b SLUE RIBBON REG. OR BEEF SCHNEIDERS BOLOGNA 4.39,/kg 199,b PRIDE Of CANADA SMOKED VINTAGE HAM 9,40 94.29,b SKOPSYS MIXED BEAN OR POTTO EGGSALAD3.73„9 f.69,e ` Kippen WI Iearn,,fo.s.�ve hydro Correspondent MARGARET HOGGARTH 262-6902 Kippen East WI met in Hensall United Church on Wednesday May 16. Mrs. Cecil Pepper was presented with her membership pin by the president Grace Drummond, who chaired the meeting. Mrs. Stu Wilson, Mrs. Alex Townsend, Mrs. Al Hoggarth and Mrs. Mark Savage, who led the last 4-H club on quilting, were presented with a gift by Mrs. Rena Caldwell, the public relations officer, The leaders had set up a display of the work of the girls which had been shown at the Achievement Day. Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Hoggarth described the work and benefits of the course. Readings were given by Mrs. McDowell and Mrs. Drummond. Mrs. Jim Chalmers introduced John Baunback from Ontario Hydro who spoke on "Hints to Save Hydro". He gave many useful ways of saving on the hydro bill. Chief among his savings was the heat pump which saves 40% on the fuel bill, .and the microwave ovens which also ase a great saving on the energy used in cooking. to causes Mr. and Mrs. Dan O'Neill and Christie of London visited over the weekend with Mrs. (1'Npill'c mnthon M.c An Two representatives from the Hensall Fire Department, Bill Bengough and Ken Pollock, showed pictures to emphasize "Safety Around the Home". These pictures included the 'Causes of Fires', 'Fixe Extinguisher's' and how to use them' ,and 'Smoke Detectors'. Their best advice is in case of fire was to' "gel out of the place." They said it is the smoke that kills, not the fire. Members were reminded June 20, in Zurich at noon, and the Microwave Cooking demonstration June 4 at Legion Hall in Seaforth, Mrs. Harold Parsons distributed the corn seed for the WI fall project, this is to see who can grow the tallest stalk of corn. Mrs. Uwe Wisch, Mrs. John Sinclair, Mrs. Carl Payne and helpers served lunch. KIPPEN UNITED CHURCH NEWS Pastor Don Moffat opened the Sunday May 20 service with the call to worship "If I have no Love I have Nothing". Barbara Cooper presided at the organ. The Ministry of Music was presented by Chrystal Jones who favored with a piano solo recital. Pastor Moffat based his sermon on "Guidelines for a Christian Marriage." Brucefield USW has guests BRUCEFIELD ' Correspondent MRS. ISABEL SCOTT 482.7135 Guests from Londesboro, Varna, Goshen, Bayfield and Egmondville met with members of the U.C.W. on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. C. Henderson, Mrs. A. Hill"and Mrs. J. Henderson led in the worship. The ladies choir sang two numbers with Mrs. Donna McBeath at the organ and Don Moffat at the piano. Beatrice Stoll read a poem, "the ladies aid will do the rest". A humorous skit was presented by Eileen McGregor`, and Evelyn Falconer. Barbara Moffat read a poem about the U.C.W.today. . Eileen McGregor introduced the speaker Rev. Stan McDonald, Hensel! who spoke about the changing role of women in the church. EUCHRE WINNERS Winners at the euchre , held by the Oddfellows on' Friday evening were Mary Broadfodt, lone hands; Marjorie Caldwell, low; Mary Trick. Men's high, Mrs. Cliff Henderson; lone hands, Verna Glazer; low, Jack Henderson. Lucky draw prizes were won by" Verna Glazer and Barbara,Moffat. The draw for the bed spread was won by Jean Wyatt, Holmesville. FRESH COMBINATION -BUDGET PACK. LOIN PORK CHOPS 3 Centre Cut Chops 3 Rib Portion Chops 3 Tenderloin Portion Chops 3.26/kg FRESHLY MADE REGULAR GROUND BEEF 2401kg lig SPECIALS IN EFFECT FROM MAY 23lb / FRESH ONTARIO CENTRE COT ' PORK LOIN CHOP$ oil ROASTS 3.955 b.tXi 3.9 It 79, /kg A \ . ' PRIDE OF CANADA SLICED SIDE - BACON g" t�1 49 PRIDE OF CANADA BONELESS A SMOKED PICNIC PORK SHOULDER 3.95 /kg7Ib. 1. • MAPLE LEAF SWEET PICKLED BONELESS PORK BUTT COTTAGE ROLL 3.95 I /kg 1 FRESH CENTRE CUT BO PORKKLESS LOIN CHOPS OR ROASTS 5,952�� Ib. NEW ZEALAND FROZEN SHOULDER SHOULDER ROAST 3.95 1 79 • Ib. SCHNEIDERS FRESH PORK'S BEEF ENGLISH SAUSAGE 4,37 981b. PRIDE OF CANADA SMOKIE DOGS 45091 1.98 SCHNEIDERS BEEF BURGERS FAMILY t�1 49 PACK 5 4010.1r. SCHNEIDERS SLICED PASTRAMI OR CORNED BEEF THREE 9 1189 CAI m ■ CENTRE°CUT LOIN FAST FRY PORK CHOPS 41.39 1.99 YA9 ,b FRESH PORK LOIN RN ILTURD COUNTRY RIBS STYLE LAMB CHOPS S 3.481.5 4'.17'.89 i•9 m /w9 fb SCHXEIDORS MAPLE LEAF FROM REG. pi COGNAC COUNTRY GOLD COUNTRY GRILL VEAL ZIGGYS SLICED SAUSAGE STEAKETTES LIVER'PATE EO HAM 2.69500.3.4960 9 2.49.91. 9, 75 9 OR PEPPERONI CHICKEN 110 NAME gOLODMA MEAT CHUBS 2.4960, 119,375. CLOVER LEAF PINK SALMON 2NTI 9 1129 TI FROM FLORIDA REG. OR 71111 FREE ORANGE OR GRAPEFRUIT REGULAR OLD SOUTH JUICES 355 mL TIN 19 FROZEN ENRICHED WHITE CRACKED WHEAT OR 60% WHOLE WHEAT ZEHRS BREAD 675 9 LOAF S8° 5 DELICIOUS FLAVORS CARNIVAL ICE CREAM 2TE 990 CARTON READY CUT MACARONI SPAOHETT , ROTIHI, SPAGHETTI/II, VERMICELLI LANCIA PASTAS 900 9 PKG 99° FINE QUALITY CHOICE AYLMER TOMATOES 794 19 01 TIN OUR REG. 53' TIN 8 VARIETIES PAMPER CAT FOOD 31� R TINS FOR TUNA 170 g 0 ZEHRS FRESH BUTTER lib. 1.98 REVIVE, TAKE 5. APPLE, ORANGE, GRAPE, LEMONADE, McCAIN DRINKS PK OF 3 99Li. KRAFT SIMOLE SLICES VELVEETA CHEESE X9198 PURE 100% VEGETABLE SHORTENING CRISCO 994 b 3.8 LITRE JUS LIQUID BLEACH FRESH SCENT JAVEX 1.79 500US PACK 50% MORE 1.5 K6 KRAFT PAIL PEANUT BUTTER 3.49 FOR YOUR BATHROOM WHITE, YELLOW, CHAMPAGNE Tci1ET TISSUE COTTONELLE 0 ROLL 2.89 OUR REG. 1.99 GRANNYS BUTTER TARTS 10 1.19 07. FROZEN LAYER STYLE CHOCOLATE OR VANILLA SARA LEE CAKES 369 9 1 29 m 3 YARIFTIES ROSE PICKLES 1.89 ASSORTED FLAVOURS CRUSH DRINKS 750 C DS � PLUS DEP TOMATO JUICE ,NT;. 99$ 84788 LEAF FLA AM 07 139 l e< 0 1„1 mt LOEODOR1118YSOL0 CLEANER 2.39 LYSOL u^t1D BOVIL CLEANER 1.69 ,TASFDUNDAE TOPPINGS 1.19 BRAN VOSTS FLAKES no 9 89° CHHRISTIES CPNES 20. 99, ORA8GE PEKYOE TETLE TEA BAGS 4.19 3 VARIETIES ANTIPERSPIRANT SOFT & DRI D 239 8.8 180 ml TUBE ULTRABRITE TOOTHPASTE 1.59 LUNcr"IEON MEAT ^, 1.69 LANaeGG RTEO NOODLES 315 a 8940 PRG SPAGHETTI SAUCE 119 REVLONR FLED( SHAMPOO 2.99 3 VARIETIES MCCORMICKS COOKIES 9 1.79 WINDEX CLEANER 1.99 R-N:UEUES 1 031/1101 WAGON WHEELS 5n a '1.39 IR 0410388 SAUCE CHEF ROY -AMIE 55,4Y...5 -'5014a .a I vT 9, 89° 14 900 CHOW 8 99 9.99 IUIEWATER SOLE OR HADDOCK IN LIGHT BATTER FROZEN 350 9 NNG 2.39 OIMPFLJI8TER SHORTCAKE LAYERS ,P9 9 89° 1 AS PAC* PARKAY MARGARINE 3.29 1(385655 2•r CHOCOLATE MILK 84° BRA REG. OR SUGAR FREE HIRES ROOT BEER u S4= PL6 9 DEP, *850 SCENT 11 L OL ANTI EPTIC so, 2.69 GARBAGE BAGS to. 179 C wC. 955 459 SONS' O5 509 nut NO 9554B95 69° 12 INCH FOIL oo rr 3.69 FIRM STYLE "YORK YOGURT APPLE JUICE ' 0 S9° r 98° NEnSONS 500 mL QUALITY SOUR CREAM 144 ransom , „rag NitrdLlTA ICED TEA 4440 7305*GE OF CRAWS CRUMPETS 9940 FRESH FROM THE TROPICS GOLF, DELMONTE OR CHIQUITA BANANAS 86` /kg 4 Ib. ASSORTED ANNUAL BEDDING PLANTS OX 99 STURDY RED GERANI M 3'/,POS POT " T THESE SPECIALS AVAILABLE ONLY IN: 50 PROD. OF U.S.A. CANADA N0. 1 CALIFORNIA GREEN SEEDLESS PEARLETTE GRAPES 4.17,149 PROD. OF S AFR. CAN_ FCY. GRANNY SMITH APPLES PRO% Of U.S.A. FLA. CAN. N0. I GREEN CABBAGE 1.96 89° 860 3940 452 PAN .OF4/129 N. REI.SW G . I SWEET CORN . • PROD. OF U.S.A. CALIF. LETTUCE HEAD694 HIGHWAY NO. 8 GODERICH PROD. OF U.S.A. CANADA N0. 1 CALIFORNIA STRAW- BERRIES HEAPING QUART • PROD. DF U.SJ. MILD MELLOW AVOCADOS PROD. Of S OFR. BLUE BARLINRA GRAPES C514 510 4.39 .b MAKES A GREAT SALAD PROD. OF U.S.A. FRESH SPINACH 10 oz89C . PKG. PROD. OF op CAN. N0. 1 494 ONIONS 3.06 PROD. OF U.S.A. CALIF BUNCHES MU ONIONS 31994 PROD Of O.S.A. CAN. *O. 1 /194 1L CARROTS r Ib MON., TOES. 9 TO 8 P.M. WED., TH*., FRI. . 9 TO 9 P.M. SAT. 8:30 TO 8 P.M. 2 lb PROD. OF U.S.A. CALIF CAN. M0. I CANTALOPES PROD. OF MEMO BRUSSEL SPROUTS 141GNUNER 750 a F15H & CHIPS 2.69 DIET12GIi PACK Of 12 RO.I.SOLE WNEATAait AR PLASTIC 30, AP 000 HAKDIIYRAP r.r RUHI 0*01EII mos IA FIS FRIES 3.54 PRAMAYALE 300 9 ILUEIERRIES on SIRANIERRIEi 154 COUNTRY OVEN SPECIALS COUNTRY OPEN 000D RAISIN BREAD a o 9129 FRESH BAKED DEUCJOUS CARROT CAKE ass 9 199 FRESH COUNTRY OVEN EACH 09' 994 CRUSTY ROLLS oo', Y PRODUCT Of U.S.A. CALIFORNIA FRESH BROCCOLI BUNCH 790 89 READY TO SERVE , 5 4 LEMONADE LITRE J.B.7 LITRE 99'1.19 FRUITS PUNCH 2r 18"9 J.B. 1.5 LITRE READY TO SERVE 99°,b GRAPE COCKTAIL 2 CU. FT. SIN COIOURFUI FLOWERING 80 NAME 7885114* PEAT MOSS 143.4 VIOLETS B '°T 5. JOSEPHINE ST. (HWY. NO. 4) WINGHAM 975 WALLACE AVE. N. LISTOWEL PROD. Of U.S.A. CANADA NO. 1 VINE RIPENED FLORIDA TOMATOES 1.96 /k9 894 b FREE! WITH EVERY '40 ORDER A Buy One Get One Free Sneak Preview Passport Coupon to Canada's Wonderland Uetails at the store We reserve the right to limit purchases to reasonable weekly tartly requirements INTERSECTION HWY. NO. 4 AND 83 EXETER MON .TUES,WED. 9TO6P.M, THURS., FRI. 9 TO 9 P,M. SAT 8'30 TO 6 P.M.