The Huron Expositor, 1984-05-23, Page 197- 10. ARTICLES FOR SALE 14 electric baseboard heaters; 2 white aluminum doors; matching tub, -sink, toilet (brown); aluminum windows; 50 slate blackboards; electric serdice panel; steel roofing 8' sheets; electric water heater; electric stove; church pews; used lumber. Apply Total Demolition Inc. RR03 Brussels. 887-6904. 10-21-1 TWO WOODEN lawn chairs in good condition, Phone 527.1512. 10,21x1 NCR 499 Computerized Posting Machine with magnetic ledger cards complete with software for general ledger, accounts payable and payroll system. The system is seven years old and must be sold. Make an offer, For further information contact: Jerome F. Morel, Treasurer, Town of Parry Sound, 52 Sequin Street, Parry Sound, Ontario P2A 1B4 (705) 746-2101. Lowest offer not necessarily accepted. Offers should be received by June 30, 1984. 10-21-01 STEEL BUILDINGS, 1600 square feet of usable space, 40 feet wide by 40 feet long, all steel building complete with solid steel end walls with one big 18 wide by 12.8 high double sliding door opening ready to erect. $3995. While quantity lasts. First come, first served. Miracle Span first in steel buildings. 1-800-268-4942. 10-21-01 MANUFACTURER of all steel quonset .buildings now clearing out surplus irltien- tory, featuring buildings with roof systems only, no end walls. For example 46 x 100 for $8,600. Other specials: 26x28, 35x36, and 40x52. Call (416) 663-5323. 10-21-01 STEEL BALE RACKS, 20 foot, $1100; cattle heated water bowls; pipe fencing $4.75/ft.; bale forks; rotary grass cutters. Owen Martin ManufacturingR.R. 3, Wallenstein, Ontario. NOB 2S0. (519) 699-4144. 10-21-01 DRIP IRRIGATION Garden and Flower Bed Kit. 50, 100, 200 and 500 foot sizes available. Write or phone for free catalogue. Systems designed for any size job. Submatic Irrigation Systems, 7620 Woodbine Ave., Markham, Ontario. L3R 2N2, (416) 475- 3270. Dealer inquiries invited. ' 10-21-01 STEEL BUILDINGS: Buy factory direct prices at lowest ever due to inventory clearance. Act now and save many dollars. Call our toll free line 1-800-461-7689. . 10-21-01 BUY YOUR MEATS in bulk and save at Clinton Boxed Meats, now at our new location just off Hwy. 04 north of Clinton, 11/2 mile south of Londesboro -watch for our sign! By the case or by the pound. Call • collect 523-9508. 10-21-1 1976 Belleville hardtop tent trailer with large awning. Fridge and stove, Sleeps six. Call 527.0896. 10-21-1 26" girls bike for sale, in excellent condition. $70 or best offer. Phone 527-0177. 10-21.1 20. AUCTION SALES 111. WANTED TO BUY 1 ONE set of left handed golf clubs. Phone Bill Tremeer at 527-0829 after 4. 11-21x1 PIANO WANTED: Not !necessarily in good condition. Phone collect 519-669-2198 or 519-669-2280. 11-Olxtf 14. PROPERTY for SALE HOUSE FOR SALE, 116 North Main St, Close to high school, shoe factory and arena. 527-1325. 14-18-tf IN Harpurhey, bordering Seaforth, approxi- mately 90 acres, large house and barn, implement building, silo. Industrial develop- ment potential, 85 workable. Frank Reynolds Phone 527-1209, 14-20x2 [15. PROPERTY for RENT HEATED 2 bedroom apartment, carpet throughout. Close to shopping. 527-0828. 15-19-tf FOR RENT in Seaforth, 1 one bedroom apt.; newlyrenovated and 1 bachelor apt. Availble immediately. Call 527-0607 after 5:00 p.m. 527-0712. 15-19-tf PUBLIC MEETING SCHOOL ACCOMMODATION REVIEW COMMITTEE for VANASTRA PUBLIC SCHOOL on WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 1984 8:00 p. m. at VANASTRA PUBLIC SCHOOL (in gymnasium) PURPOSE: To review the recommendations of the Committee prior to presentation to the Executive Committee of the Huron •County Board of Education. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC (Interested ratepayers and parents are welcome to attend.) HURON COUNTY - BOARD OF EDUCATION Director of Education Board Chairman Mr. R.B. Allan - Mr. E. Frayne TWO bedroom apt. in Brucefield. Phone 482-3120. Available immediately. 15-21-3 CLEAN apartment, close to uptown. Apply Box 3761 c/o The Huron Expositor, Seaforth, Ont. NOK 1 WO. 15-20x3 UPPER Duplex, 2 bedrooms, own gas furnace, separate entrance, parking. Avail- able July. 527-1833, 15.18-tf TWO bedroom apartment, available) imme- diately. m l- diately_Phone 527.1680. 1h7,WANTEDT0 RENT l HOUSE IN WINTHROP: SEAFORTH area. Phone 527-1293 evenings after 7 p.m. 17.2_1 2 116. FOR RENT FLOOR sanders for rent. 13. & M. Rentals and Sales. Wingham. 357-1666. 18.45-tf 119. NOTICE FREE 128 page career guide shows how to train at home for 205 top paying full and part time jobs. Granton Institute 265A Adelaide Street West, Toronto. Call (416) 977-3929 today. 19-21-01 VACATION on Beautiful Lake Kapikog. Housekeeping cottages and rooms. Sandy Beach, restaurant, dining lounge, licensed Boats, motets, H & H Marina and Resort, Box 179, MacTier, POC 1H0. (705) 375-5323 19-21-01 RICHARD LOBB AUCTIONEER Clinton 482-7898 AUCTION CALENDAR WED. EVENING MAY 23 , 6 p.m. Household auction at Richard Lobb's Barn, Clinton for Lloyd Rowat of Seaforth, plus other consignors. SAT. MAY 26 at 10 a.m. Lobb Bros. Machinery Consignment Auction on Bayfield Rd. Clinton. SAT. JUNE 9 al 10 a.m. Ponies, harness, show wagons, old tractors, horse drawn machinery, 1979 Jimmy truck, small steam engine, antiques, antique butcher wagon from Denmark, etc. for Bill Leeming, 3% miles north of Seaforth. HULLETT TOWNSHIP TENDERS WANTED TENDER TOWN OF SEAFORTH Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 4:30 p.m. May 30, 1984 for the supply and installation of LIGHTING AT THE TENNIS COURTS located at the Seaforth District High School. • Plans and specifications may be obtained from the undersigned. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. CROCKER, Clerk 72 Main Street P.Q. Box 810 Seaforth, Ontario NOK 1WO ARE YOU LIVING with a drinking problem? 12Anon can help. 527.1650. 19-21.1 0. AUCTION SALES ONTARIO'S LARGEST Farm Machinery Constgnhlent Sale, Norwich, Ontario. Fn - day, June 8, 1984, 10 a.m. (Sale conducted 2nd Friday each month). Approx, 150-175 tractors plus all types of farm equipment. Consignments welcome, For more informa- tion call: (519) 424-9998 or (519) 424-9093. Proprietors: K.S. Hamulecki and Spns. 20-21-01 LARGE CLEARANCE and Consignment Auction. Friday, May 25, 10 a.m. sharp., Sales held 4th Friday of each month. Approicimately 75-100 tractors, 25 combines, over 300 'pieces of all types of new and used farm equipment. One of Ontario's fastest growing monthly farm equipment consign- ment auctions. Way Ward Farm Equipment, Highway No. 6, Wiarton, Ontario. Phone (519) 534-1638 or 534.2980. 20-21-01 122. LEGAL NOTICES I24.CARD OF THANKS. VIViAN The family of the late Cameron Viviati, wish to express sincere appreciation to their relatives, friends, and neighbors for their many acts of kindness to us m the loss of our father. We gratefully acknowledge the lovely floral tributes, memorial donations, sym- pathy cards, funeral visitations and food sent to our homes. Our spectal thanks to Dr. J. Underwood, Rev. Anderson, Rev.'Daynard, V.O.N. nurses, home care ladies, Whitne - Ribey Funeral Home, U.C.W. Ladies of Hibbert United Church, pallbearers and flowerbearers. It is a comfort to know there are so many people who care. Ellen Vivian and Family /4../1.11 Evangeline Oliver will not be responsible for anydebts made by James McPhail Oliver as of March 25, 1984. Evangeline Oliver 22-21x3 24.CARD OF THANKS McCALL I would like to thank all my friends, neighbors and relatives for the lovely gifts I received at my shower May 14. A very special thanks to all the ladies who organized the shower and thank you also for the entertainment which made it a very special evening for me. Vickie McCall 24-21-1 MALANiUK Our sincere thanks to our friends and neighbors for their kind expressions of sympathy during our recent bereavement, Betty Herbrick. For the cards of sympathy and floral tributes. All will be truly remembered. Malaniuk and Axtmann Families .24-21-1 BOLGER My sincere thanks to my family, relatives and neighbors for their many cards and visits while i was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London and since returning home. Thanks to doctors and nurses of same hospital for their constant care 'and neighbors for doing the work around home it was all very much appreciated. Harold Bolger 24-21x1 HUGILL I would like to express my sincere tahnks to my family, relatives, friends for flowers, treats, cards, gifts and inquiries during my stay in Seaforth and Stratford Hospital. Thanks to Seaforth Ambulance service and men for taking me to Stratford. Many thanks to Dr. Malkus and Dr. Hussey and nurses and staff in both hospitals. A very special thanks to Wayne and Joyce for helping with the boys and meals, it will be always retneYnbered. Thanks to Seaforth Legibn 156 and members for the beautiful box of fruit received. Gail Hugill 24-21x1 25. IN MEMORIAM Fuel Oil F•urnace 24 )IOUR StrilIC Paratchek's Maintenance Dublin 345-2235 TEMPLEMAN TEMPLEMANI In loving memory of a daughter, sister and auntie, Elizabeth Jean Ternpleman, who left us 6 years ago, May 2b; 1.978.. They saythat memories are golden And maybe that is true But we never wanted memories, We only wanted you. • If; broke our hearts to lose you But you did not go alone. For part of us went with you The day God called you home. If tears could build a stairway. ' And memories 'a lane, We'd walk right up to heaven And bring you home again. Please God, -take a message To our loved one up above, Tell Lib how much we miss her, And give her all our love. Missed, loved andremembered by Dad, Mom and all your family. • 25-23x1 26. PERSONAL Get Great Grass THE ecn,. 524-2424 Geo. A. Sills & Sons PLUMBING -HEATING & ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Phone 527-162 Home Hardware DATES GALORE. We are a professional introduction service designed to introduce compatible ,pee le- to each other. For all ages. Prestige Acquaintances. Call toll free 1-800-263-9103. Noon - 8 p.m. 26-21-01 129. ENGAGEMENTS 1 McCALL — GAMBLE Mrs. Lois McCall of Brussels and Mr. A. Ross McCall of RR5 Brussels are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Victoria Ann to Douglas Clarence Gamble, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Gamble of Teeswater. The wedding will take place Saturday, June 2 at 7 p.m. in Brussels United Church. 29-21-1 Seaforth HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALES Every Thursday at 12:30 p.m. All classes of livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Greg Hargreaves 482-7511 Clinton 262-2619 Hensall Barry Miller 236-2717 Exeter & 229-6205 Kirkton DOUGLAS JACOB ° Auctioneer Farm, Household & Real Estate JOHN KASSIES GENERAL CONTRACTING *Farm and Residential Buildings `Addition and Renovations "Roofing. Siding, Soffit 1. Fascia PHONE 482-3063 .Arg distributor for Mukha Power Tools - "Built for the"Pros"• For supplying, loading and hauling of approx. 20,000 cu. yds. of B gravel also about 10,00t ca. yds. of ehonlder clay for road construction in Hullett Town- ship at the rate of 1,000 cu. yds. or more per day. Work to be done in the month of August, 198-4. Contact the Rd. Supt. for tender forms and they must be received by the Rd. Supt. containing a certified cheque of 10% of enclosed bid by 5 p.m. June 5, 1984. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted and must be approved by MTC. JiM JOHNSTON Rd. Supt. Londesboro, Ont. NOM 2110 7 HOUSEHOLD ESTATE, BEAUTY SALON AND OFFICE EQUIPMENT AUCTION SALE We oro pleased to offer tor sate by Public Auction for an Estate from Dederick, along with Beauty Salon and Office equipment In the HENSALL ARENA: WEDNESDAY MAY 30 AT 6 PM FURNITURE: Butternut Bonnet Chest with Porcelain pulls (signed G. Diehl, Clinton): Matching Oak Dresser A Washstand; Antique Oak flat to the wall with Flour bin; Oak dining table with 6 matching chairs; '/. bed with Buroul Inlays; Dresser with mirror; Cedar chest; V. box spring & mattress; Blanket box: Antique chesterfield; upholstered chesterfield & chair; Black leather recliner; upholstered recliner; Oak set Bade chair; Oak kltthon table; 4 chrome choirs; book cases; Fern stands; end tables; Oak library table; Brass Pole tamp; pictures; lamps; smoker stand; Movie prolector screen; Jewellery boxes; Garden toots; Trestle style dining table & 6 chairs (pine). Wicker broad basket: 1143 Scientific American and 1446 Statutes of Canada books; Miniature mllkgleu lamp baso: two mounted English Pheasants; Egmondvllle water pitcher: Coloured sealers: Melrose Diner set; Quantity of glass & china; everyday kitchen utensils; books; Toyota rear window visor (now). AUCTION SALE Of farm implements, tools and misc. items to be held 4 mi. n.w. of St. Columban at Lot 11 Conc. 8 of McKillop Township on Tuesday, May 29 AT 6:30 P.M.. IMPLEMENTS: Kverneland 3x16" mounted plow; Int. 3x12" mounted plow; 10 ft. cultipacker; Triple K 10 ft. cultivator; Owatana 10 ft. swather; 3 pth. scraper blade; M.H. 06 hay mower, Int. 10 ft. trail cultivator; Graham 9 tooth chisel plow; five sections of diamond harrow and pole; int. 16 run seed drill with grass seeder; Papee hammermill; Speed King 34 ft. grain auger with undercarriage; two 150 bu. gravity bins on J.D. wagons; New Holland 256 rake (a-1). MISC.: Stihl 21" chain saw; John Deere Al8 power washer; lawn fertilizer spreader; land measuring wheel; wood- en extension ladder; Renfrew scales; grain auger; quantity of lumber; grain aerator; fencing equipment and sup- plies, post hole auger; fanning mill; garden tools; shovels; forks; wheel barrow; picnic table: grass seed; hand tools; wagon tongues and wipple tree; and a host of misc. items. 8 hp Snapper riding lawn mower. TERMS: Cash or cheque with I.D. PROPRIETOR: CLARENCE REGELE 345-2068 AUCTIONEER: DOUGLAS JACOB 393-6214 TENDERS WANTED Local office requires someone to clean premises once a week. Apply to Box 3764 c/o The Huron Expositor, Seaforth, Ont. SALES REPRESENTATIVES CAN YOU REALLY SELL? Dynamic company now expanding In this area. seeks mature Sales RspresentatIves. Must possess strong sales beckaround and own can automobile - limited travel only. We will train you In our National Sales Training School at our expense, end provide you with a most generous scale of commissions and bonuses In the industry - 11$% annualised wrnmtsslon. You will be able to set your own Intorno level *24,40*, 130,480, *44,808, SS4,H* per year. Our International Company Is recognised as the loader In the Insarance field. Our television and media advertising have made our Company a household name. For a confidential Interview please gall R. WILLIAM. MONDAY and TUESDAY, 10 AM TO 3 PM 473-4776 Or send resume to: Ron Williams, 749 Hyde Park Road, London, Win 313 KITCHEN CUPBOARD 6. APPLIANCES: 13' x 0' "L" shaped kitchen eupboards (recently new); matching Admiral gold Fridge A Stove; Frigidaire 24" Fridge; Inglis !slparb 10* stove; Westinghouse apartment freezer; Simplicity spin washer; Mayf3g Dryer, Electrohome Air Conditioner; Airtemp air conditioner; Zenith Colour T.V.; Oak case dehumidifier, Dehumidifier; 2 upright vacuums; Singer Pelger& Sowing Machine. OFFICE EQUIPMENT: Two executive office desks with matching credenzas; two secretarial desks; three double pedestal office desks; two typewriter desks; executive chairs; stento chairs; Chrome stacking chairs; 4 drawer lateral filing cabinet; 4 drawer vertical filing cabinet; miniature metal file cabinet; 4 - uprlght display cabinets; illlade a, White French Provincial office leatherette chesterfield !L chair; black leather chesterfield a two matching chairs; Brill R Howell micro -fiche terminal. BEAUTY SALON EQUIPMENT: 17 Noir dryer chairs; S swivel pump chairs; 5 sink recliner chairs; 4 swivel chairs; 4 Hair wash basins: utensil treys; electric hair spray pumps: hair blowers; hot curler units; curling Irons; assorted mirrors. For Further Information contact Dick Robinson, Sales Manager AUCTIONEERS Dkk Robinson, Bruce Rothwell. Wendy Milton, Danny Tyndall & Kent Rothwell AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS, APPRAISERS, TENDER BROKERS & BUSINESS CONSULTANTS IMWY. Mo.4,18RUCEFIELD, ONTARIO MOM* 9.10 - 019) 4$2-71$9 or4$2-39 CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SALE Truck, tractors, farm machinery, tools, etc. to be held at Lobb Bros. Machinery Auction Yard, Bayfield Road, Clinton, Ont. for Jerry Olechowski, Peter Vanderheyden, Maple Leaf Small Engines. plus local farmers. Saturday, May 26 at 10a.m. ADDITIONS TO LAST WEEKS FULL AD: 1-1977 Jeep Wagoneer, 4 wheel drive, V8, air, cruise, selling as is; iHC 10'/6 ft. wheel disc; Kewanee 12 ft. wheel disc., 4 row bean puller, 20 ft. single chain elevator w/undercarriage, Dion self propelled forage box. NH 717 harvester w/hay pick up and one row corn head, iHC 201 10 ft. self propelled swather w/ pick up reel, New idea hay conditioner, green chop feeder rack on wagon, trail bale stooker, bale fork for loader, Kongskilde 9 ft. 6 cultivator w/extensions and finger harrows, JD 24 T baler, New Idea steel wheel side rake, JD#S semi mount 7 ft. mower, hay rack on running gear, 2-175 bu. bins on JD 6 ton running gear, 27 fL Benn Wing Packer w/12 ft. centre, IHC 304 V8 engine w/4 speed transmission, low miles, iHC 455 four row plate planter, Kewanee 9'/s ft.. trail disc., two horse tandem trailer, set of acetylene hoses and gauges, MF 165 high arch diesel tractor, Case 970, Case 1070, JD 1630, White 1355, Contenental post hole digger, Calsa 240 sprayer w/28 ft. boom, Geo. White 240 sprayer w/30 ft. boom, old style Haugh four wheel drive loader w/314 yd. bucket, Heston 9 ft. hay bine, Geo. White post hole digger, 3 Surge milker buckets, David Brown 1210 diesel tractor, 200 used steel posts, 14 squares of asphalt shingles, 10 ft. fertilizer auger, acetylene torches, 1978 Honda Hawk motorcycle 400 cc., safety check, 23,000 kl., in real good condition, see last week's paper for full listing. Sale list subject to additions and deletions. To consign, [S191 482-3409 TERMS: Cash- AUCTiONEER: RICHARD LOBB SALE MANAGER, FRED LOBB (519)482;7898 [519] 482-3419 Phone 393-6214 Sebringville, Ont CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS Hu l Iy Gully ATV season opener a success The Victoria Holiday weekend began Hully Gully's ATV racing season. Riders from as far away as Minden, Ontario participated at Hufly Gully on Sunday for some wild racing action. The track was prepared to be hard and fast for the three wheelers that raced there, and toward the end of the day, the, clay surface was leaned off and squealing tires and burning rubber were the order of the day as the open class flashed through the shortened motocross course at Hully Gully. Particularly good showings came from Mooretown racers Bart Baker and Chad Sutherland in the Novice 200 class, with Steve Stewart from Minden winning both Senior Open and Senior 250 classes, local favorite, Chuck Collins of Varna finished second in both Senior 250 and Senior Open classes. One of the highlights of the day was a celebrity race during intermission. CKGL Kitchener's Mark Burley, CKNX' Wing - ham's Dave Brown and BX -93's Matt Bradley from London squared off on three wheelers to see who the best rider was from the country radio static) s of the area. Holly G Uy offers three wheel riders a place to r e every Saturday during their regular H se League program as well as special such as Sunday's season opener. The highlight of the season will be an ATV Supercross race at the Delaware Speedway on Aug. 11. ATV season opener.Fesults include: Novice 200, third, Frank Gosnell, Brucefield; Senior 250, second, Chuck Collins. Varna: Novice 225, third, John Parke, Varna; Senior 225, third, Brent Van Moorsel, Mitchell; Senior Open, second. Chuck Collins, Varna. HULLY GULLY HOUSE LEAGUE RESULTS Bully Gully's second house league race of the season recently attracted riders from as far away as Parry Sound. The track was fast, and ready for the ATV season opener the following day. All week prior to the race, the track was being prepared for the ATV races, and for the next CMA motocross on June 3, as well as for the 125 and 250 ExpertNationals on June 17. Tracie irrigation was being buried to provide underground watering for the track for the upcoming events, but this didn't slow down the action on Saturday. The next House League race is scheduled for Saturday, May 26. Winners include: Junior A. first, Brian Blackburn, Exeter: Novice A, second. Greg Parsons, Exeter; Enduro A, first, Fran Mousseau, Hensall; Pee Wee 8, second. David Andrews, Clinton; Junior B, second, Dave Errington, Auburn; Enduro B, first, Gary Lovie, Exeter: Pee Wet A. first, Jimmy Dickins, Henson. • Students planted trees for bicentennial year Ontario's Bicentennial and Education Week was celebrated by the students and teachers of Stephen Central School with the planting of three Eastern White Pine Trees. 1 had 'the pleasure of participating in the tree planting ceremony even though 1 have some serious reservations about Ontario's Bi- centennial being celebrated in this particular year. As a matter of fact there is a great deal of controversy over the Government's choice of 1984 as the year in which to celebrate Ontario's Bicentennial. The Government's recently published Bicentennial material includes an article entitled "Looking Back". The purpose of the paper was toanswer the question: Why was 1874 chosen as our start point?" The Province of Ontario became a distinct political and geographical entity in 1791 when the British Parliament divided the Old Prbvince of ()uebec into Upper and Lower Canada. There were well organized settle- ments of native people long before 1784 with the earliest French settlement dating back to 1639. The Province of Ontario as we know it was not created until 1867. However, The Government chose 1784 as Ontario's begin- ning. The only significance about this year is that 1984 was the year in which thousands of families who were loyal to the Crown came from the United States and bought land. The Provincial Government has allocated SI.5 million for this celebration which will come from the taxpayer's pocket. However, if it takes a celebration of this kind to replenish Ontario's stock of Eastern White Pine, then most people 1 am sure would be only too pleased to participate. As you no doubt know the Eastern White Pine was declared the Province's official tree with legislation that was passed early in this session of the Legislature. The Eastern White Pine has played a major role in Ontario's economic, social and cultural development. Early settlers used it extensively for shelter, furniture, tools and toys. Export of White Pine Timber from Ontario was a major source of income during the Province's first 50 years. Since then it has continued to be a preferred forest product but unfortunately. the trees were togged heavily by the lumber companies and very little attempt was made to replant them. The Eastern White Pine grows naturally in those parts of Ontario where over 95°7o of the Province's population lives. In 1980 the Ontario Tree Council was established to recommend an official tree for Ontario. Members of the Council represented more than 30 organizations, companies and educa- tional institutions directly concerned with trees and forestry. This body unanimously recommended that the Eastern White Pine be adopted as Ontario's Official Tree. With passage of the legislation. Ontario will be the first Province in Canada to adopt an official tree and certainly the Eastern White Pine will serve as a symbol of beauty and utility. ,