The Huron Expositor, 1984-05-23, Page 15WALTON AND AREA THE HURON EXPOSITOR, MAY 23, 1984 —_A15 Waltonsquiet onlongs weeen Correspondent. She recently.accompaniedlong MRS, ALLAN MeCALLhad Mr. and lake for the first weekend. The 887-6677 Mrs. Jack Bennett (her brother) from New weatherman co-operated with nd rain, the Sunday worshippers in Walton were Market. sun did shine late Sunday afternoon making welcomed by Mr. and Mrs. Howard It being the Victoria weekend it was rather the Monday holiday ideal for the return trip Ha kwell at the morning service at Duff's quiet in our district. Many headed for home. United. Organist was Mrs. Margery Huether campsites or their summer cottages at the Sunday. Mav 13 Mr, and Mrs. Ray and ushers were Ross Bennett, Roy Gingerich and Neil McGavin. Rev. Charles A, Swan gave as his sermon and prayer, "The Church of What's Happening Now". Rev. Swan will attend the London Conference this week in St. Thomas. Rev. Dr. Gordon Hazlewood will conduct worship next Sunday. In the announcements th,e final date for the spring bale is May 27 and the Garage and. Bake Sale is planned for June 9. PEOPLE WE KNOW Mary Humphries has returned home from a holiday at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, McKillop visitors Correspondent MRS. ED REGELE 5274106 Mrs. Dave lssac of Huron Park spent a few days last week with her grandmother Mrs. Idella Regele. Mrs. Ed Regele and Mrs. Dave Issas visited with Mr. George Thornton at Brussels on Saturday. Mrs. Ed Regele spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Regele at Princeton, Ont. Huether, Steven and John entertained her parents Mr. and Mrs. Watson Webster of Clinton to tt Mother's Day dinner at the Triple K in Blyth. In the afternoon 1Ray and Margery attended a shower for Vic)&-McCatl� at the Burke cottage. "Mother" is theme at Cranbrook Correspondent MRS. MAC ENGEL 887-6645 Ten ladies attended the May meeting of the WMS at the home of Mrs. Gordon Engel. "Mother" was the theme used by Mrs. John Vanass who gav*a reading "Nobody Knows but Mother". "Whenmothers of Salem" was sung with Mrs. Leslie Knight as pianist. Mrs. Leslie Knight used several family readings in her "Thoughts for Mother's Day", .'A Recipe for a Happy Home," "Living Together" and "Who is my Family?". Others taking part were Mrs. Stuart Stevenson, Mrs. Mac Engel and Mrs. Wilfred Strickler. Mrs. Stevenson highlights told of the Spring Conference of Stratford - Huron Presbyterial held in Seaforth. A brief meeting of the Ladies Aid followed when the committee reported that the date for the garage sane was set for June 14, with donations to be brought to the hall on June 13. The hostess was assisted in serving lunch by Mrs. Harvey Smith and Mrs. Joe Smith. CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY On Friday evening May 18, John and Nancy Vanass entertained in the hall on the occasion of their anniversary. Friends and relatives attended from Atwood, Ingersoll, Waterford, Burgessville, Innerkip, Wart- burg, Komoka, London, Dorchester, Hol- land, Embro tnd Kinburn. A thank you was read and an invitation to Atwood on June 7. A report on.the Synodical , held in Wingham was given by Mrs. Clare Veitch who was the delegate from Cran- brook. Good Supply of Vigour Plus Certified Maple Arrow CPR WAS TAUGHT to the grade 12 phys-ed class at the Seaforth District High School on Thursday. Students at the school have been taught CPR for the past five years and about 40 students participate each year, says Terry Johnston, teacher. Practicing on a Resusei- Ann doll Is Mag Devereaux. Besides CPR, students also participate in the St. Johns Ambulance first ald course. (Wasslnk photo) SHORT SHOTS (Continued trom page A14) consecutive winners — the New York Islanders. The, team that has been called brash and cocky deflated the ego of the confident Islanders. The Edmonton fans went wild throughout the game dapping, singing, cheering. waving lighted sparklers, and standing ovations of encouragement. The emotional excitement came crackling over the air waves, The celebration in the Oilers dressing room was misty with victory champagne. it was not only that some players wiped from their eyes that glistened with held back tears of happiness and released tension after their well-earned championship win. \ 444 4/.t 4 4 After considerable research to find a method of birth control with no possibility of Exchange Sunda Correspondent DORASHOBBROOK 523-4250 A large number of united church members attended the exchange service with Trinity Anglican Church, Blyth on Sunday. Corin Swan assisted with the service giving the children's story, "Your Own Room ' hes Robin Lyons gave the sermon on "Promises." Following the service, coffee was served at the rectory. Next Sunday May 2'tth will he Youth Sunday. Bill Jewitt is in charge of planning cervices. Dave Ross, Stratford, will be cuect NEVER AGAIN WILL YOU HAVE TO' PAY FOR YOUR WITH SLPLESS NIGH You don't need us t„ tell N•(tu that lump sum insurance payments ran keep you awake with woreyr - That's why The Dominion lets you pay your premium in te.,,lve monthly instalments. With our ideal Monthly Payment Plan, you'll know how much your home or car insurance will cost each month and be able to budget accordingly FOR EXAM P1 f YOrR WIN -TIN Y 1F Ynt'R A\\1'AI. PAYMENT PREMTI''�M(' 4 wn``l 1.r BF $2140. $204 5480. $40. $ 720. $60. We'd like to th'nk that when you buy a policy from The Dominion, ytal'il never have to count sheep. your blessings. failure that was asked for by a newly -mar- ried couple, the doctor's prescription was "Eat a bowl of buttered popcorn", Sur- prised, but delighted by such a simple fool -proof method, the newlyweds asked "Before or after," "Instead or' replied the doctor. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 For years if they had a slight fever people took it as a sign that something was wrong and rushed to take an aspirin or some other pill to reduce the fever. Now an eminent doctor, a university professor of physiology, has said that may be the wrong thing to do. Patients felt better because the drug eased their aches and pains, Studies on animals have led to the belief that a slight fever is the body's- • response to infection and is ah integral part of our defence system and is usually beneficial to healthy Canadians. High fever is a different matter and should get immediate attention from a doctor. y at Londesboro speaker. The CHSS choir will be in attendance. PERSONALS Clara Riley and Ethel Ball spent the holiday weekend in Nashville at the Grand Ole Opry. Mr, and Mrs Bill Sntttaux spent the weekend in Montreal and attended the wedding of Bruce Aubin and Nancy Govan. They also visited her mother Mrs. Leo Sweeney at C'hatenguay Mr. and Mrs. Orville Newby visited on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bowman in Granton. SOYBEANS i Store Cut MEDIUM CHEDDAR Reg. $3.59 Ib. NAONS 414 19 , ■ Ib. FARMERS CHEESE Plain,, Onion & Parsley, Jack, Hot Red Pepper, Caraway & Garlic Reg. $3.35 Ib. available at HOEGY'S.FARM SUPPLY LIMITED Brodhagen 34.5-2941 if busy phone 345-2311 "DAY OR NITE THE SERVICE IS RITE" YOUR OPINIONS ARE NEEDED TO HELP PLAN THE FUTURE OF YOUR HURON COUNTY • PIONEER MUSEUM Where do you live? NO2S 99 ■ Ib. Dutch Style ACK FOREST ..!!!..rt? NOS 2.99 Ib. Dutch Style MEAT LOAF Reg. $2.89 Ib. 2.59 Ib. Your Have you visited The Museum? If so how many times? When was your last visit?_ What do you tike about the museum? Now would you make it better?... DUTCH RUSKS 110 g pkg. Reg. .79 • We welcome your ideas. Please attach any further comments Return your Response to: MUSEUM PLANNING STUDY P.O. Box 428 BLYTH, ONTARIO NOM 1HO ,0,14 .59 Ib. USE COUPONS FOR EXTRA SAVINGS ON SELECTED PRODUCTS we can cover your investment needs 1 ` 30419 DAYS 8HORTTERM CERTiOicGATEs Minimum MON. TUES. THURS — Open 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. FRI. — 9-9, SAT. 9-5 p.m. CLOSED WEDNESDAY Insuxance ForWornenWho Live Alone. 311.89 DAYS /�p SHi 7TFRM CERTIFICATES Minimum illi 55000 w / 5 YEAR 04 GIIARAUtEEd iNvEsrmErit curriEIt ATE RATES SUBJECT TO CONFIRMATION STANDAR[) 110 TRUST 138 The Sgt./ore P O Bos 295 Goder+ch Onter•o N7A 312 Telephone 524 7385 'the I )o pinion of Canada Group Open Mon toeS Tl.urs F.. 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An agent Cali the LBAO. broker in works directly for one your neighbourhood SEAFORTH INSURANCE BROKER LIMITED 5274610 Seaforth, Ont. Donald G. Eaton Kenneth J. Cardno 237 Joaeph;ne Street P O Bo. 850 Winghdo, Ontario NOG 2W0 Telephone- 3572022 Open Mon to Thur. Fr. 9.5 9 6 Member al Corrado Depot,. �..cva�rr C�.po•n+•oma SEAFORTH SEAFORTH INSURANCE BROKERS 39 Main St. S. 527-1610 BRUSSELS CARDIFF & MULVEY REAL ESTATE Box 69 887-6100 BRUSSELS MAITLAND VALLEY INSURANCE BROKERS Turnberry St. 887-6663 4.1