The Huron Expositor, 1984-05-23, Page 144 A14 — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, MAY 23, 1984 13 HUSSEALS Belgrave WI officers elected 'for ,u .o onde6to MRS. LEWIS STONEHORISE 887-9847 The May meeting of the Belg.rave Women's Institute was held in the WI Hall on Tuesday, May 15 with the new president, Mrs. Leonard James presiding. Guest speaker for the evening ��was Keith Roulston who spoke on journalisiit, good and bad, and the" proper way to approach the subject. A short business meeting followed the program and the following officers were elected for 1984. President, Mrs, Leonard James; vice-president, Mrs. Peter Camp- bell; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Clare Van Camp; public relations, Mrs. William Fenton. The meeting"closed with a plant exchange ano a social hour followed. EUCHRE WINNERS VOLUNTEERS OF the Callender Nursing Home In Brussels were recently honored for the work they do at the home and time they donate to be with the residents. Reading to residents Is Just one of the many Jobs taken on by volunteers. Shown In the above photo reading and having tea Is Jeanette Boynton, Stella Winn, Elise Shaw and Mary Lyn Mayer. (Wasslnk photo) Ten tables were in play at the weekly euchre held in the WI Hall on Wednesday, May 16. Winners were high lady, Mrs. Clarence Hanna; novelty lady, Mrs. Alive Bolt; low lady, Mrs. Les Vincent; high man, Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse.. (playing #s a mah); novelty man, Clarence Hanna; low man, Mel Jacklin. There will be euchre again this week starting at 8:00. Everyone is. welcome. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wightman, Tracey, Pamela and Kevin of Fergus, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hamilton, Steven,gltobert and Cathy of Lucknow were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wightman. On May 27, anniversary services will be •held at Calvin -Brick "United Church at 11. a.m.• The speaker will be Professor W.A. Andrews of Toronto. Bride-to-be honored in Brussels Correspondent EDNA McLELLAN 887-9084 Approximately 120 people attended a community shower held in Brussels United Church on May 14 honoring Vickie McCall in SHORT SHOTS by Evelyn Kennedy If we view things with the same perspective and our mental outlook, opinions and wisdom remain the same at 413 as they were at 20 our senses have been inactive. We have been dull pupils of life as it was in that span of 20 years: The ladies of the .Majestic Women's Institute will hold a Dessert Euchre in the Brussels Library on Monday, May 28. The money raised will be contributed, along with 'contributions from other organizations, to a fund for the erection of new signs at the entrances to Brussels. Why not be there to enjoy a delicious dessert and the euchre games. The new signs are needed. Gordon Sinclair, veteran broadcaster, newsman, writer, one of Canada's best known personalities is dead. After suffering a massive heart attack he remained in a coma until his death Thursday, May 17. at the age of 83. He was a pioneer performer on Front Page Challenge from 1957 until his death. His wealth, attacks on religion,' personal embarrassing questions on F.P.C. made mghy heartily djslike him. Yet they watched and listened to what he had to say. He added an extra dollop of spice to that popular progr$m. In spite of his attacks on religion, Mr. Sinclair insisted he was not an atheist. He said "I think there is a God and I'm convinced the stars in their course are not there by accident." He gained respect for his honesty. He said what he wanted to in his own blunt way. Betty Kennedy, a panelist with Gordon said "He was one of the most fundamentally most honest men 1 have ever met. He had a brusqueness that was pure Scot, but it was tempered by a warmth and kindness that he was embar- rassed to expose." What. will happen to Front Page Challenge now he is gone? There will not be another like Gordon Sinclair. He was one of a kind. They did it! The Edmonton Oilers brought the NHL Champion Trophy — the Stanley Cuff back to Canada. Their speed and skill was just too much for the four -time (Please turn to page A15) H.B.SC. [H. EC] Darlene Raynard, daughter of Joe and Beatrice Raynard of Bluevale, graduated with honours standing from the University of Western Ontario in London. She will receive her Honours Bachelor of Science in Home Economics at convocation on ,June 11. Darlene is residing in London where she and Lorraine Heaton, a classmate at Western, have opened "Periwinkle" Blue" a business specializing in dressmaking, fashion design and consulting. Graduate with a School Ring from Anstett's PRICED FROM 5 9 9 5 for Ladies' Sterling Silver School Ring. Also In 10 kl. gold ANSTETT JEWELLERS Clinton Seaforth - Exeter Walkerton - St. Marys her forthcoming marriage to Doug Gamble. Liz Sholdice was MC and introduced the guest of honour Vickie, her mother Lois, her sister Julie, friend Judy Bennewies and the groom's mother Pat Gamble. Entertainment was provided by Heather McDonald, at the piano, three young sword dancers from the Walton . area, Natasha McDonald' at the piano, a song by Erica McDonald, a mother -daughter duet by Betty and Julie .Campbell. A humorous dialogue was presented by Nelva Scott. The Past Noble Grands Club of Morning Star Rebekah Lodge held their May meeting at the home of Marguerite Crawford. President Sarah Stephenson conducted the business. Mary Lowe gave secretary -treasurers reports and reported sending cards to Mrs. Jean Bridge and Mrs. Edna Pearson. It was decided to have a pot -luck, supper in the Lodge Hall on Monday, June 4 at 6 p. m. The meeting was adjourned after some exciting games of euchre. - Prizes for the evening were high, Vera Hastings and Barb McCutcheon; low, Mary Lowe and Alice McArter; lucky number was Lillian King. Correction Belggfave friends were sorry to hear that Mrs. Winnie Vincent had the misfortune of falling end is now a patient in Clinton Public Hospital, Miss M eribeth Scott, daughter of Murray and Wilma Scott graduated on' Friday, May .., 11 from, Food Service Management Course, at Centralia College at Huron Park. ` Graduation exercises were followed by a dinner in the Lucap arena. Mrs. Carrie McGuire of the ' Copeland Lodge, Wingham spent Friday, May 11 with, Mr. and Mrg. Lewis Stonehouse. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Vincent, Patrick,,, Angela and Aaron of Riverview, New Brunswick attended the Vincent -Osborne' wedding in St. Andrews United Church in. Ripley on Saturday and spent the holiday weekend with their parents Mr. and Mrs. George Webster of Whitechurch and Mr, and Mrs, Harold Vincent. Harold Keating' attended his nephew's wedding MacDonald and Gibson on Saturday at the.Shelburne United Church; De,, Mrs.+Ray Nicholson of"Mot'rlsburg visited over the weekend with .thein parents Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Thornton of Bluevale and Mr. and Mrs. Garner Nicholson. Mr. and Mrs. John Galbraith, Michael and Kelly of Whitby spent the weekend with her mother Mrs. Olive Campbell. • Sunday visitors with Mrs, Olive ;Campbell were Donald Campbell and daughter Lisa' of London. I• ' -Mr. and Mrs. Dale Johnston of Thunder\ Bay, Dr. and Mrs. Mac Muselius ofcalgary,, MMe. and Mrs. Lance Nethery of Florida, Mr', and Mrs. Alex,Nethery •of Burlington called on their aunts Mrs. George Cook and Mrs. Telford Cook on Saturday afternoon.'.; In last week's paper it was reported that Marlene Yuill wrote the address that was read to Karen McLean. It should have read Donna White, Dianne Huether and Sandra Huether wrote it. Sony ladies. ANNUAL MEETING WINGHAM AND DISTRICT HOSPITAL CORP.,,•QRATION --. Notice is hereby given that the Annual eeting.of the Wingham and District Hospital Corporation will be held at the.Ndrsing Assistant Training Centre, Catherine St., Wingham, Ontario on Thursday, June 21, 1984 at the hour of eight o'clock p.m. for the reception and consideration of Annual Reports, for the consideration and confirmation of new bylaw 36 (b) respecting the duties of the Community Services Liaison Committee, for the election of Governors, for the appointment of Auditors, and .for the transaction of Such other things as may properly come before the meeting. Copies of the proposed new bylaw may be examined in the office of the Executive Director of the Wingham and District Hospital prior to three o'clock rp.m., Thursday, June 21, 1984. Memberships granting voting privileges may be purchased at the front desk of the hospital for one dollar (S1.010) prior to five o'clock p.m. Wednesday, June 6, 1984. No membership sold after that time, on that date, will entitle the purchaser to a vote. Dated at Wingham, Ontario, this sixteenth day of May, 1984. By order of the Board of Governors. N.M. HAVES' AIRCRAFT SPRAYING by Jim's Flying Service ON WHEAT—GRAIN—BEANS—CORN Secretary H&N DAIRY SYSTEMS LTD. Sales, Service & Installation of Pipelines & Milking Parlours 887-6063 R.R. f#4 WALTON HUSKING OFF A COSTUME—Clad. Thlbeault, 7, played an ear of corn during a Skit on Old MacDonald's Garden at the Vanestra Public School Spring Concert. The concert'S theme was nutrition, a topic the whole school has been studying In recent months. (Hundertmark photo) TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE SPRING SALE DISCOUNT COUPONS IN THIS WEEK'S EXPOSITOR • Filter Queen "IN TNT MART of DOWNTOWN VARNA" 4824103 SEIGEL'S 124 Dundas -130 Ctarante In downtown London LADIES' VINYL WATERPROOF BOOTS cowBay STYLE FACTORY SECONDS $5•Pr. *Canadian Tan, Burgundy •Stzes3,5,9,I,9,10 r.12. SAVE 10% EVERY ITEM IN OUR STORE WITH YOUR DISCOUNT COUPON The Toss of 2 bushels of grain per acre by ground equipment even under dry conditions pays for our service. "PLUS" Special MENS SUITS TOP COATS 2096 SDPROERTSAATSS OFF NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS DESTROY WEEDS NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN to all persons In possession of lands In the Municipalities In the County of Huron as follows: Ashfield, Colborne, Goderleh, Grey, May, Howick, Mullett, McKillop, Morris, Stanley, Stephen, Tuckersmith, Turnberry, Usborne, East Wawanosh, West Wawanosh Clinton, Exeter, Goderlch, Soaforth, Wingham TOWNSHIPS: Thousands of hours of crop spraying experience to insure the job is done right. COVERAGE IS GUARANTEED TO YOUR SATISFACTION Call now to have your fields looked at as we anticipate another busy season. CONTACT Save ON EVERY PAIR LEVIS JEANS G•W.G.'s RUGBY JEANS BOTH MENS & BOYS 5.00 MILTON J. DIETZ LIMITED SALE STARTS MAY 24TH *ENDS JUNE 2 ONT. PHONE COLLECT 519-527-0608 AIRFIELD NUMBER R.R.91 527-1606 RON SCHEFTER WINGHAM ONT. 357-1257 TOWNS: VILLAGES: Bayfield, Blyth, Brussels, Ronson, Zurich In accordance with the Weed Control Act, R.S.O. 1910 Chapter 530, Section 4, 14, and 21, that unless noxious weeds growing on their lands are destroyed by June 11, 1984 and throughout the season, the Municipality may enter upon the said lands and have the weeds destroyed, charging the costs against the land In taxes, as set out in the Ad. The co-operation of all citizens Is solicited. 0,25' JOE GIBSON Weed Inspector County of Huron